E-Visa Certificate A05320018
E-Visa Certificate A05320018
E-Visa Certificate A05320018
We have the pleasure to address your e-Visa for your stay in Cambodia.
Please read the following recommendations:
1. Check all the information on your e-Visa certificate 7. You are required to fill out departure and arrival
to make sure they are correct. Email us cards at the entry and exit point.
“evisacambodia@evisa.gov.kh” if there is any error. 8. Entry to invalid e-Visa ports is prohibited.
2. You will see the label of "Cambodia e-Visa" in your 9. e-Visa fee is non-refundable.
credit card statement for this transaction.
10. If you would like to change any traveling
3. Your e-Visa is only valid for one (1) entry. information (E.g.: entry date, entry Port and etc.),
4. No sticker will be issued to you for e-Visa. Please please visit the "Check and Change" at
print out 2 copies of this e-Visa certificate. Pass one https://www.evisa.gov.kh/check_change.
(1) copy to immigration as your Travel Visa at entry 11. Port entry: Phnom Penh International Airport, Siem
and one (1) copy upon departure. For your Reap Angkor International Airport, Sihanoukville
convenience, you may cut your printed e-Visa and International Airport (Not Cruising Ships), Poi Pet
staple to your passport. (Banteay Meanchey), Bavet (Svay Rieng), Cham
5. All your information will be checked on arrival at Yeam (Koh Kong), Tropaeng Kreal Border Post
the Immigration Online System. (Stung Treng)
6. e-Visa printout in black and white is acceptable. 12. Print A4.