Ca Inter FM Formula Sheet
Ca Inter FM Formula Sheet
Ca Inter FM Formula Sheet
Return on Assets can also be Earnings Yield or EP Ratio If floatation cost is incurred
calculated as: Earnings per Share (EPS) D1
Net Profit after taxes + Interest = x 100 ke = +g
Market Price per Share (MPS) P0 − F
= ∗
x 100
Average Total Assets
Market Value / Book Value per Share Estimation of Growth rate
Return on Total Assets Average share price (i) Average Method
EBIT (1 − t) =
Net worth ÷ No. of equity shares n D
g= √ 0−1
= x 100
Average Total Assets Closing share price
D n
Where, n
Ct CE coefficient
Keu = Cost of equity in an unlevered Co =∑ −I Certain cash flow
t = tax rate (1 + k)t 𝛼1 =
Debt t=1 Risky or expected cash flow
L= Where, C = Cash flows
Debt + Equity Dividend Decisions
k = Discount rate
n = Life of the project Growth, g = b x r
Financial Break-even point Where,
Prefrence dividend I = Investment
= Interest + b = Retention ratio
1 − tax rate Profitability Index (PI) r = Rate of return on investment
Indifference point Sum of discounted cash in flows
= MM Approach
(EBIT − I1 )(1 − t) (EBIT − I2 )(1 − t) Intial cash outlay ∗
= Market price of Shares
E1 E2
*also, total discounted cash outflow P1 + D1
P0 =
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 1 + Ke
Financial Decisions - Leverages Where,
Degree of Operating Leverages (DOL) NPVL P1 = Price at the end of the period
= LR + x (HR − LR)
NPVL − NPVH D1 = Dividend at the end of the period
% change in EBIT
= PVL − CI Ke = Cost of equity
% change in Sales = LR + x (HR − LR)
PVL − PVH Value of the firm
Contribution (n + ∆n)P1 − I + E
= Vf or nP0 =
EBIT (1 + K e )
Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Break-even point
STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES n = No. of shares in the beginning
Fixed Cost
in units, = Expected Net Cash Flows ∆n = No. of shares issued
Contribution per unit n I = Amount required for investment
Margin of Safety ENCF = ∑ NCFI x Pi E = Earnings during the period
Sales − BEP Sales i=1
= x 100 Walter’s Model
Sales Where, Pi = Probability of cash flows
EBIT Market price of Shares
NCFi = Net cash flows r
= D + (E − D)
Contribution Ke
Expected Net Present Value P=
n Ke
Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) ENCF
ENPV = ∑ Where,
% change in EPS (1 + k)t E = Earnings per share
= D = Dividend per share
% change in EBIT Where, t = Period r = Internal rate of return
EBIT k = Discount rate
= Gordon’s Model
EBT Variance
Market price
Combined Leverage 𝜎 2 = ∑(NCFj − ENCF) x Pj E1 (1 − b) D0 (1 + g)
P0 = =
= DOL x DFL j=1 K e − br Ke − g
% change in EPS Standard Deviation Dividend Discount Model
= = √Variance = 𝜎
% change in Sales Intrinsic value of the stock
Contribution Coefficient of Variation = Sum of PV of future cash flows
= Standard Deviation = Sum of PV of Dividends
Expected Cash Flow + PV of Stock Sale Price
D1 D2
= +
(1 + K e )1 (1 + K e )2
Net Present Value +
TECHNIQUES (1 + K e )n
Payback Period NPV = ∑ −I +
(1 + k)t (1 + K e )n
Total initial capital investment t=1
= Graham & Dodd Model
Annual expected after tax NCF Where, k = Risk adjusted discount rate E
Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) Market price, P = m[D + ]
Risk Adjusted Discount Rate Where, m = multiplier
Average Annual net income RADR = Risk free rate + Risk premium
Investment Linter’s Model
Certainty Equivalent (CE) Approach D1 = D0 + [(E x Target payout) – D0] x
∝t x NCFt
TECHNIQUES NPV = ∑ −I Where, AF = Adjustment factor
(1 + k)t
Net Present Value (NPV)
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