2023 - Cchu9034 Video Essay - Brief
2023 - Cchu9034 Video Essay - Brief
2023 - Cchu9034 Video Essay - Brief
Updated 14.04.2022
The final assignment draws upon what students have learnt throughout the course in a critical analysis
and reflection of the city. Students learn how a space/place/building is defined by and help define a
city’s character through the filmic medium, which offers a powerful audio-visual dimension to urban
studies. Students will discover urban-scale geographical and spatial relationships by studying the
context of that specific space/place/building.
The final assignment shall be a 2½-minute video that documents an investigation into a specific urban
or architectural characteristic of Hong Kong1 by focusing on one architecture/ space in the city. The
video should also be accompanied by an essay.
Students are required to conduct fieldwork and relevant library research, in preparation for the final
Each student director-producer is required to submit his/her video on YouTube and to provide
comments on two videos created by others in the class.
1 Please inform your tutor if you are researching a different Asian city other than Hong Kong for your video essay.
Updated 14.04.2022
1 Each student will be assigned one of the following space/place/building sites in Hong Kong:
Alleyway MTR passage
Apartment (the entire apartment or a Overhead bridge
space/room within) Playground
Balcony Park (the entire park or a
Basement section/area/space within)
Bus stop / Tram stop Pier
Campus building / space Restaurant / Café / Teahouse
Corridor Rooftop
Dormitory Sidewalk
Elevator Stairwell
Housing estate Street
Lobby (public) Toilet
Mall Tunnel / Underground
2 Identify a title ending with “— City” using one of the following keywords/descriptors:
clean hybrid
construction information
control management
crisis mobile
demolition subdivided
disappearing private
ecological public
fast slow
(If you wish to use a keyword not on this list, you may seek approval from course instructor.)
3 Building upon your theme, develop a hypothesis and write a 1-sentence statement on the selected
5 Consult with course instructor and tutors for confirmation. Sign-up on Moodle
7 Clarify the message that the video essay wishes to convey, from your research findings.
10 VIDEO ESSAY - Create the video and upload the video, storyboard and synopsis/transcript onto
youtube and the course blog accordingly.
Updated 14.04.2022
1. Use any of the ready effects from the software
2. Apply filters unnecessarily
3. Add sound effects without first consulting your tutor
*For those of you who are working on buildings or spaces that you wish to use drawings in your video
essay, you may create simple floor plans from excel and word. A tutorial on how to create a
floor plan on excel will be uploaded on Moodle for your reference. Please consult your tutor
should you have further questions.
• To sharpen your visual and analytical comprehension of film
• To comprehend the function of different visual and textual techniques to a film in formulating a
synthesized / reflection on the urban environment and the processes at work in a city
• To communicate the relationship between the subject (theme/issue), the object
(contents/characters) and the camera (frame/eye) through a focused and systematic curation of
still and moving images
• To develop and sustain a critical commentary by focusing on the architecture of the interior
• To demonstrate creativity and organization skills in the research and design of the content materials
to present a clear and compelling narrative
Baudelaire, Charles, and Jonathan. Mayne (1964). The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays.
London: Phaidon Press.
Bruno, G. (2002). Atlas of emotion: Journeys in art, architecture, and film. New York: Verso.
Calvino, I., & Weaver, W. (1997). Invisible cities. London: Vintage. c1978.
Clark, D. B. (1997). The cinematic city. London: Routledge.
Fleishman, Avrom. (1992). Narrated Films: Storytelling Situations in Cinema History. John Hopkins
University Press. Esp. Ch1 – Storytelling Situations: Working Definitions, 20-28.
Perec, G., & Sturrock, J. (2008). Species of spaces and other pieces. London; New York: Penguin.
Prakash, G. (2010). Noir urbanisms: Dystopic images of the modern city. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press.
Updated 14.04.2022
2. Create a blog post on CCHU 9034 Blog and embed your YouTube video
a. Title: [Field-Homework 3] YourTitle
b. Video Essay
c. Tag: Video Essay
d. Include: Full name and UID at the end of the text
To complete the submission, you are expected to comment on TWO of your colleagues' video essays
after you have submitted your VIDEO ESSAY.
1. CONTENT – research / commentary / synthesis 10%
2. ORGANIZATION – content editing and curating 5%
3. TEXT – narration, script and writing 10%
4. VISUAL DESIGN – techniques and set production 10%
5. CREATIVITY – originality in treatment of content 5%