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To provide inspection guidance to NRC resident inspectors, field
inspectors or auditors who are assigned the responsibility of
reviewing licensee activities on plugging or sleeving repairs of
defective steam generator tubing. The review should include a
review of measures to control the repair process and licensee's
quality assurance activities to ensure that a quality repair is

Steam Generator Plugging Repair - a repair method of defective
steam generator tubes that involves a plugging of both ends of the
defective tube with Inconel 600 or Inconel 690 metallic plugs.
Plugging repairs may involve manual, automatic or kinetic welded
techniques which bond the plug to the tube, or mechanical
techniques that permanently deform the plug metal to maintain the
plugs in position. Plugs may be either leak limiting or leak tight
by design.
Steam Generator Sleeving Repair - a repair method of defective
steam generator tubes that involves insertion of an Inconel 600 or
690 sleeve into the steam generator tube such that the sleeve
covers the defect area. Sleeving repairs may involve welded or
brazed techniques which bond the sleeve to the tube inner diameter
(ID), or mechanical techniques that result in plastic deformation
of the sleeve to maintain the sleeve in position. Sleeves may be
either leak limiting or leak tight by design.

On August 22, 1993, the Duke Power Company shut down the McGuire
Unit 1 reactor due to a 185 gpd primary to secondary leak in the
"C" steam generator (SG). A subsequent investigation revealed a
circumferential crack in a sleeved tube located in the SG hot leg.
Further examinations of the sister SGs indicated that there were a
number of other weeping sleeves in the SG hot legs of the "A", "B",
and "D" SGs.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 - 1 - 9900 SGTUBE

On January 10, 1994, the Duke Power Company discovered eight plugs
inside of the Oconee Unit 3 reactor internals. A visual
examination of the Oconee Unit 3 "B" SG indicated that 14 plugs
were missing from the SG tubes in which they were installed. An
additional 14 plugs in the "B" SG were determined to have a
significant amount of boric acid deposits on their surfaces.

9900 SGTUBE - 2 - Issue Date: 08/01/94

Plant specific Technical Specifications on steam generators
typically require, as a minimum, that licensees plug defective SG
tubes. These plant specific Technical Specifications, however,
normally DO NOT address the quality and process control aspects of
plugging repairs. However, some editions of the ASME Code, Section
XI, do contain requirements for repairs of defective tubes by the
welded plugging techniques. The 1980 Edition of Section XI was the
first edition to address these techniques and provided criteria for
quality control of the welding and plugging activities employed in
these techniques. Some of the sub- articles that address these
welded plugging processes are delineated in Table 1.
Licensees are allowed to use sleeving as a method of repairing
defective tubes after the plant Technical Specifications have been
amended to include sleeving as an acceptable method of tube repair.
Licensees should submit an amendment request to NRR which refers to
the NSSS vendor's Topical Report on the sleeving method. These
Topical Reports, however, do not address quality and process
control aspects of sleeving repairs. Process controls of sleeving
repair methods were first addressed by ASME in the 1989 Addenda to
the 1989 Edition of Section XI, and eventually in the 1992 Edition
of Section XI.
IWA-4420 is the appropriate subsubarticle which addresses sleeving
in the 1992 Edition of Section XI. Table 1 gives the ASME Section
XI subsubarticles or paragraphs which specifically address the
requirements for sleeving repairs of tubes.
Attachments 1-10 provide some insight on important repair process
activities or aspects that need to be controlled in accordance with
the Criteria of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and, if applicable,
with provisions in the ASME Code, Section XI. It is important to
note the following concerning
Section XI:
1. Only editions of Section XI through the 1989 Edition and
addenda through the 1988 Addenda have been endorsed by the
NRC. The 1989 and 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of
Section XI, and the 1992 Edition of Section XI have not been
endorsed by the NRC.
2. Not all Section XI editions address plugging or sleeving
repair methods. The 1980 Edition was the first edition to
address repairs of SG tubing by plugging processes. The 1989
and 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition (not endorsed) and the
1992 Edition (not endorsed) were the first Editions of Section
XI to address repairs of SG tubing by sleeving processes.
Furthermore, Section XI is silent with respect to addressing
repairs by mechanical plugging processes.
3. The ASME rules listed should not necessarily be
interpreted as NRC requirements. The ASME rules
constitute NRC requirements only if the specific repair
process is addressed by one of the editions of Section XI,
or if the licensee has committed to use that specific
"ENDORSED" edition of Section XI or has applied one of the

Issue Date: 08/01/94 - 3 - 9900 SGTUBE

later "ENDORSED" editions of Section XI which specifically
addresses the repair technique.
Attachment 1 discusses the relevant 10 CFR 50 Appendix B criteria
to repairs of steam generator tubing. Attachments 2 - 4 address
the ASME Code, Section XI rules considered important when defective
SG tubes are to be repaired using welded plugging techniques.
Attachments 5 - 9 provide the applicable ASME Code, Section XI
considers as important requirements when sleeving processes are
used to repair defective SG tubing.
Attachment 10 addresses process activities that need to be
controlled, as required by 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, when repairs to SG
tubing are accomplished by mechanical, hydraulic or rolled plugging
techniques. It should be noted that Attachment 10 does not list
any ASME Code rules, since the ASME Code, Section XI is silent in
regard to repairs of SG tubing by mechanical, hydraulic or rolled
plugging applications.

1. Attachment 1, Quality Assurance Control
2. Attachment 2, Code Rules for tube Plugging by Manual Welding
3. Attachment 3, Tube Plugging by Explosive Welding
4. Attachment 4, Tube or Tubesheet Hole Plugging by Fusion
5. Attachment 5, Repairs of Defective Steam Generator Tubing by
Sleeving, General Sleeving Requirements
6. Attachment 6, Repairs of Defective Steam Generator Tubing by
Sleeving, Tube Sleeving by Explosive Welding
7. Attachment 7, Repairs of Defective Steam Generator Tubing by
Sleeving, Tube Sleeving by Fusion Welding
8. Attachment 8, Repairs of Defective Steam Generator Tubing by
Sleeving, Tube Sleeving by Brazing
9. Attachment 9, Repairs of Defective Steam Generator Tubing by
Sleeving, Tube Sleeving by Expansion
10. Attachment 10, Repair of Defective SG Tubing by Mechanical
Plugging Techniques


9900 SGTUBE - 4 - Issue Date: 08/01/94

Plugging and Sleeving Techniques Addressed in ASME Section XI.

1980 1983 1986 1989 1992

Edition Edition Edition Edition Edition
Plug. Using (1) IWB-4440 IWB-4440 IWB-4440 IWB-4240 (2)
IWA-4413 (3)

Manual Welding
Plug. Using IWB-4450 IWB-4420 IWB-4420 IWB-4220 IWA-4411
Explosive Weld.
Plug. Using --- --- IWB-4430 (4)
IWB-4230 IWA-4412
Fusion Welding IWB-4230 (5)

(2) (3)
General Sleeving --- --- --- IWB-4310 IWA-4421
(2) (3)
Tube Sleeving by --- --- --- IWB-4320 IWA-4422
Explosive Welding
(2) (3)
Tube Sleeving by --- --- --- IWB-4330 IWA-4423
Fusion Welding
(2) (3)
Tube Sleeving by --- --- --- IWB-4340 IWA-4424
Tube Sleeving by --- --- --- IWB-4350 (2) IWA-4425 (3)
(1) Applicable only to manual welding techniques of plugs welded to tubes of P-Nos.
8, 41, 42, 43, 44, & 45 material classifications, without post-weld heat
(2) Only covered by the Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI, not the 1989
Edition itself
(the 1989 and the 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI have not been
(3) The 1992 Edition of Section XI has not been endorsed by the NRC.
(4) Addressed by Subsubarticle IWB-4430 in the 1986 Addenda to the 1986 Edition of
Section XI
(5) Addressed by Subsubarticle IWB-4230 in the 1988 Addenda to the 1986 Edition of
Section XI

Issue Date: 08/01/94 - 5 - 5 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 1
The quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B shall
be applied to all types of repairs to steam generator tubes,
because they are repairs to the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
The following paragraphs give some insight to some of the Criteria
in 10 CFR 50, Appendix B applicable to activities being performed
during plugging or sleeving repairs:
1. Criterion III. DESIGN CONTROL: Requires that licensees
provide measures which ensure that applicable regulatory
requirements and design bases, as defined in 50.2 and
specified in the license application, for safety-related
systems, structures and components (SS&C) are correctly
translated into specifications, drawings, instructions, and/or
procedures. This criterion requires that the following be
done to assure that proper design control is taken into
account when plugging or sleeving repairs are performed on
defective steam generator tubing:
a. For repairs to SG tubing which involve sleeving or welded
plugging repairs, verify that the design of the sleeves or
plugs is consistent with the steam generator design as
specified in the FSAR.
b. For repairs of SG tubing which involve mechanical plugging
processes (including rolled plugging techniques), verify
that the plugging design exists and is delineated in a
controlled, approved document.
c. Verify that the following important design considerations
are included in the plugging design:
1) Plug (or sleeve), tube and tubesheet materials are
compatible with one another, and that for welded repair
processes that filler metal materials used in the
process are compatible for the process involved.
2) Proper dimensional consideration is taken in account
with respect to the design of plugs or sleeves.
3) For kinetically welded plugging or sleeving processes,
that the process will create sufficient bonding between
the plug or sleeve and the tube or tubesheet it is
welded to.
4) For mechanical or rolled plugging or sleeving processes
that sufficient strain exists between the plug or
sleeve and the tube or tubesheet wall, so that the plug
or sleeve will remain in place, as intended, during
normal operational, transient and accident conditions.
that activities affecting quality be prescribed by documented
instructions, procedures or drawings of a type appropriate to
the circumstances of the activity involved, and that
performance of these activities be performed in accordance
with these instructions, procedures or drawings. NOTE: The

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A1-1 9900 SGTUBE

instructions, procedures or drawings shall include appropriate
quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for
determining that repair activities falling under the scope
of this Appendix are satisfactorily
Requires that measures be established to assure that purchased
material, equipment and services conform with criteria in
approved procurement documents. The scope of this Criterion
includes requirements for evaluating and selecting sources of
vendor products or services, ensuring that objective evidence
of quality is furnished by the vendor, inspecting vendor
products or services at the vendor source, and examining
vendor provided products or services at delivery.
NOTE: It is a requirement that, should SG tube repairs be
contracted out to an outside organization, the licensee be
responsible for providing adequate QA oversight of the
contractors activities, including any QA activities which may
be delegated over to the contractor by the licensee.
4. Criterion IX. CONTROL OF SPECIAL PROCESSES: Requires that
measures be established to assure that special processes, such
as welding, heat treatment, or non-destructive testing, are
controlled and accomplished by qualified personnel using
qualified procedures which incorporate the requirements from
applicable codes, standards, specifications, criteria or other
special requirements. Inspectors or auditors should take the
following things into account when reviewing activities which
relate to special processes involved in the plugging or
sleeving repairs:
a. Weld preheats, post-weld heat treatments, stress relief
heat treatments, or other heat treatments are sufficiently
controlled to ensure that they are appropriate for the
materials involved in the process, and applicable over the
entire range of yield strengths, tensile strengths or
other materials properties which may be allowed to vary
(for the material in question) by material specification.

As an example of improper control of heat treatments, the

NRC determined that stress relief heat treatments used in
qualifying a Babcock and Wilcox rolled sleeving process
did not sufficiently bound the range of yield strengths
which varied among the SG tube materials (Inconel 600)
when this process was applied at the McGuire Nuclear
b. Personnel using these processes are adequately trained and
qualified in these processes to perform them. This
includes qualification and training of rolling operators
who employ mechanical (rolled) plugging or sleeving
techniques, and qualification of explosive welders who

9900 SGTUBE A1-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

employ kinetic explosion techniques to bond plugs or
sleeves to tube or tubesheet surfaces.
c. Repair procedures which cover these processes (including
special mechanical or welded plugging or sleeving
processes) are qualified to achieve the repair product
desired. These procedures should include a listing of all
essential variables and non-essential variables used in
these processes, and acceptance criteria for qualification
of procedures and personnel using these processes.
d. Qualification of personnel and procedures involved in
welded or mechanical plugging or sleeving processes are
qualified on suitable mock-up test assemblies, to the
extent practical, which simulate the conditions that will
be experienced in the field, and that personnel performing
these procedures perform a sufficient number of acceptable
test plugs or sleeves.
e. Acceptance Criteria for qualification of repair procedures
and personnel performing the repair process should be
verified to be included in the repair procedures.
NOTE that other Appendix B criteria apply to plugging or sleeving
repairs of defective steam generator tubes; however, the four
criteria listed above appear to be the Appendix B Criteria which
relate most directly repair methods covered by the Scope of this


Issue Date: 08/01/94 A1-3 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 2
1. Code rules for Steam Generator Tube Plugging by Manual Welding
Techniques apply only when manual welding techniques are used
to join plugs to SG tubes of P-Nos. 8, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45
material classifications with subjecting the weld metal to
post-weld heat treatments.
2. IWB-4441.1 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI
IWB-4241 in the 1989 Edition require that materials conform to
the requirements of IWA-4200. IWA-4200 requires that
materials shall conform to the requirements of either the
original design specification or ASME Code Section III
3. The ASME Codes, Section XI rules are not silent in regard to
requirements for cleaning of base metal prior to any weld
IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions, and IWB-4243
in the
1989 Edition of Section XI require removal of the SG tube
surface oxide prior to plugging and welding.
4. Welder or Weld operator performance qualification shall be
done in accordance with the general requirements of IWA-4300
and the requirements of IWB-4441.2 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986
Editions of Section XI, or IWB-4242 in the 1989 Edition of
Section XI. IWA-4300 requires qualification of welders in
accordance with the provisions of the ASME Code, Section IX.
IWB-4441.2 and IWB-4242 both require that the welder or weld
operator be tested (qualified) under simulated conditions
whenever physical conditions arise which interfere with the
welders ability to deposit a sound weld and restrict the
welders access to the production weld to less than 12 inches
(300 mm) in any direction from the joint.
a. Welder requalification is required whenever significantly
different accessibility conditions occur, or whenever any
of the essential variables stated in Section IX of the
ASME Code (specific to the weld process used) are changed.
5. IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI,
IWB-4243 in the 1989 Edition require that the tube plugging
operation be performed in accordance with an approved
procedure(s) which delineates, as a minimum, the following
a. tube plug material, dimensions and material certification
b. preparation of the tube-to-tubesheet joint to be plugged,
including inspection requirements for the joint and a
means for removal of surface oxide from the joint,

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c. preparation (sizing) of the tube I.D. prior to
installation, including inspection requirements,
d. requirements for inserting the plug into position prior to
including inspection requirements,
e. the essential variables for the welding process as
delineated in Section IX,
f. requirements for non-destructive examination of the welds
following completion of the welds.

6. IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI,

IWB-4243 in the 1989 Edition require that the tube plugging
procedures and welders shall be qualified on a minimum of five
consecutive acceptable welds deposited on the qualification
test assembly, and performed in accordance with welding
procedures for the specific welding techniques involved.
7. IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI,
IWB-4243 in the 1989 Edition require that the qualification
mock-up assembly simulate the access provisions and work
conditions for the SG tube to be plugged, including simulating
the following aspects of the tube involved:
a. tube size,
b. tube spacing,
c. tube extension beyond the tubesheet,
d. tube proximity to the side walls as specified in IWB-
4441.2(b) in the 1980, 1983 & 1986 Editions, and IWB-
4243(b) in the 1989 Edition,
e. the requirement that the tubesheet thickness of the mock-
up assembly be as thick as that of the production
tubesheet, except that it need not exceed a thickness of
2 inches (51 mm).
8. IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI,
IWB-4243 in the 1989 Edition require a visual examination of
the plugging operation (VT-1, VT-2, VT-3, or VT-4) in
accordance with
IWA-2210 or a surface examination (Magnetic Particle Exam or
Liquid Penetrant Exam) in accordance with IWA-2220, as
9. IWB-4441.3 in the 1980, 1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI,
IWB-4243 in the 1989 Edition require that any repairs of the
welds associated with the plugs be done in accordance with the
original tube plugging procedure; thermal cutting as a weld
repair mechanism is prohibited by these Paragraphs.
10. The Owner's and repair organization responsibilities shall
include, among other responsibilities, oversight of procedure
and welder qualification aspects, and maintenance of records

9900 SGTUBE A2-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

indicating tube plugging locations and retention aspects or
related quality documentation.

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Attachment 3


1. Explosive welding techniques are not specifically addressed in
Section IX of the ASME Code.
2. IWB-4451 in the 1980 Edition, IWB-4421 in the 1983 and 1986
Editions, and IWB-4221 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI
require that plugs installed by explosive welding processes be
manufactured or fabricated in accordance with the following
a. materials used in the fabrication of the plugs be produced
in compliance with the requirements of an SA or SB
Specification of the ASME Code, Section III or any other
material specification permitted by Section XI,
b. plugs be traceable to a mill test report (1980 Editions of
XI) or a certified material test report (1983, 1986, &
1989 Editions of XI) which indicates the material
properties and chemistry of the material used for the
explosive plug fabrication.
3. There is a slight difference between the Owner responsibility
requirements in the 1980 Edition of Section XI and the later
1983, 1986 and 1989 Editions of Section XI.
Paragraph IWB-4452 in the 1980 Edition of Section XI requires
that the Owner or Contractor performing the explosive weld be
responsible for the following aspects of the plugging process:
a. overseeing all welding performed by the welding operators,
b. establishing the procedures and conducting the tests which
are required by the IWB-4000 in order to qualify both the
welding procedures used in the welding process and the
performance of the weld operators who apply the explosive
welding technique in accordance with these procedures,
c. maintaining the qualification records of their explosive
procedures and their welding operators on a form similar
to the recommended Record of Welding Operator
Qualification Tests For Tube Welding by Explosives, as
shown in Appendix B to Section XI, including the test
results of the qualification tests (1980 Edition only).

IWB-4455 in the 1980 Edition of Section requires the Owners to

maintain (as a minimum) the following records:
a. procedure utilized for the welding process,
b. welding procedure qualifications,
c. welding operator performance qualifications,
d. material certifications,
e. location of plugged tubes.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A3-1 9900 SGTUBE

In later Editions of Section XI, Paragraphs IWB-4421 (1983 &
1986 Editions) and IWB-4221 (1989 Edition) require that the
Owner be responsible for the following actions:
a. maintaining the following records:
1) procedure utilized for the welding process,
2) welding procedure qualifications,
3) welding operator performance qualifications,
4) material certifications,
5) location of plugged tubes or holes,
6) results of heat exchanger examinations required by
Article IWB-4300,
7) specific tubes or holes plugged by each welding
b. that the records for the procedure and welder
qualification include the results of all tests required
under IWB-4422 (1983 & 1986 Editions) or IWB-4222 (1989
Edition), and that the qualifications be certified by the
repair organization,
c. that Procedure Qualification Records include a description
of all essential and non-essential variables as delineated
IWB-4422.1(a) & (b) (1983 and 1986 Editions of Section XI)
IWB-4222.1(a) & (b) (1989 Edition of Section XI).
4. IWB-4452 in the 1980 Edition, IWB-4421 in the 1983 and 1986
Editions, and IWB-4221 for the 1989 Edition require the
following of welding operators performing the explosive
welding technique:
a. qualification in accordance with the appropriate
requirements of Article IWB-4000,
b. weld operators apply the identification mark assigned by
the Owner or Contractor on the explosive plug or adjacent
to the tube being plugged following the plugging repair.
5. IWB-4453 in the 1980 Edition, IWB-4423 in the 1983 and 1986
Editions and IWB-4223 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI
require that the explosive welding procedure delineate all the
requirements of the repair cycle including the following as a
a. safety requirements,
b. tube plug material, dimensions, and certification
c. essential variables of the explosive welding process,
d. preparation of the plug,
e. detonation of the charge plug,
f. nondestructive examinations.
In addition, the 1983, 1986 and 1989 Editions of Section XI
require that the welding procedure delineate the method of
verifying that both ends of the same tube or tubesheet bore
hole are to be plugged.

9900 SGTUBE A3-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

6. IWB-4453 in the 1980 Edition, IWB-4422 in the 1983 and 1986
Editions, and IWB-4222.1 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI all
require that the explosive welding procedure for plugging be
qualified as a new procedure, and be requalified whenever any
of the following essential variables for the process are
a. change in the P-No. of any of the materials to be joined,
b. a 10% or more decrease in the nominal design tube wall
c. a change in the tubesheet hole pattern,
d. a decrease in the proximity of two simultaneously
detonated parts,
e. any increase in the number of plugs to be simultaneously
f. a change in the detail controlling explosive densities and
charge-to-mass ratios,
g. a change in the type of explosive,
h. a change of 10% or more in the explosive charge mass,
i. a decrease of 15% or more in the ligament of the
j. deletion of cleaning activities for the tube, plug, or
hole contact surfaces, or a change in the cleanliness
requirements (including removal of surface oxide
requirements) prior to explosive detonation,
k. any change in the nominal plug configuration,
l. a change of 10% or more in the nominal or average
clearance, (standoff) between the tube or the hole and the
In addition, IWB-4422 in the 1983 and 1986 Editions, and IWB-
4222.1 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI list an additional
essential variable for the process:
a. a change of whether or not the tubes had been expanded
into contact with the tubesheet in the area where bonding
Changes to the non-essential variables may be made without the
necessity for requalification, provided the explosive welding
procedure is amended to show these changes. Non-essential
variables for the explosive welding process are as follows:
a. a change in the P-No. of tubesheet metal,
b. a change in the cladding metal on the tubesheet (such as
from austenitic stainless steel to a nickel-based alloy or
visa versa), where the explosive charge is installed
within one tube diameter of the cladding metal,
c. a change in the tube-to-tubesheet seal welding procedure
where the explosive charge is installed within one tube
diameter of the tube- to-tubesheet seal weld.
7. IWB-4453 in the 1980 Edition, IWB-4422 in the 1983 and 1986
Editions, and IWB-4222.1 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI all
require the following of Test Assemblies used for
qualification of the explosive welding procedure:

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A3-3 9900 SGTUBE

a. that the test assembly simulate the conditions to be used
in the production with respect to position, tube hole
pattern, and the essential variables used in the explosive
welding process,
b. that the test assembly tubesheet thickness shall be as
thick as the production tubesheet, with the exception that
it isn't required to be any more that 1 inch greater than
the length of the explosive plug,
c. that the minimum number of explosive welds required for
procedure qualification shall be ten welds made
In addition, IWB-4422 in the 1983 and 1986 Editions, and IWB-
4222.1 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI require that the test
assembly shall also contain cladding or tube-to-tubesheet
welds, as applicable, whenever the explosive charge is to be
placed less than one tube diameter from either cladding or a
tube-to-tubesheet weld.
8. IWB-4453 in 1980 Edition, IWB-4422.1 in the 1983 & 1986
Editions, and IWB-4222.1 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI
require the following of test assemblies used for
qualification acceptance of the explosive welding procedure.
a. When cladding or tube-to-tubesheet welds are required,
such cladding and tube-to-tubesheet welds shall be
examined by the liquid penetrant method and shall comply
with the acceptance standards of ASME Section III, Article
b. Each plug weld and tube-to-tubesheet weld (where
applicable) shall be sectioned longitudinally to reveal
four cross-sectional faces, 180 degrees apart (i.e. cut
the welded tubes in half longitudinally). After polishing
and etching the four faces, each explosive weld joint area
shall be metallographically examined at X50 or greater
magnification for the length of the explosive bond. The
bonding is considered acceptable if there is a minimum of
five times the nominal tube wall thickness of continuous
bond between the plug and tube or tubesheet on each cross-
sectional face. Each tube-to-tubesheet weld shall be
considered acceptable if it is free from explosively
produced cracks, as determined visually using X10
c. Suitable mechanical tests may also be used to add further
assurance that the bond length is adequate. Details of
any mechanical tests performed should also be included in
the Procedure Qualification Report.
d. Ligament distortion caused by explosive welding is
unacceptable when the adjacent tube I.D. is reduced below
the diameter of the tube plug.
e. The explosive welding procedure shall be considered as
qualified if all ten of the required, consecutively made
explosive welds are found to be acceptable.
9. IWB-4453 in 1980 Edition, IWB-4422.2 in the 1983 & 1986
Editions, and IWB-4222.2 in the 1989 Edition of Section XI all

9900 SGTUBE A3-4 Issue Date: 08/01/94

require the following things for performance qualification of
the explosive weld operators.
a. Tube plugging shall be performed by welding operators who
have been qualified in accordance with the requirements
listed in b., c., and d. directly below.
b. Welding operator shall prepare (if applicable), install
and detonate consecutively a minimum of five plugs in
conformance with an explosive plug welding procedure (WPS,
Welding Procedure Specification). Acceptance of these
plug welds qualifies the weld operator for welding with
all other explosive plug welding procedures.
c. The five plug welds shall be examined in accordance with
the examination requirements for examination of the test
assemblies. All five welds must meet these acceptance
standards for the performance qualification to be
d. Renewal of the weld operator's performance qualification
is required when the operator has not used the process
within a period of six months or longer, or when there is
a specific reason to question his ability to make quality
welds per the procedure. Renewal of performance
qualification shall be identical to the initial
qualification, except that only one tube plug explosive
weld need be made.
10. Section XI Article 4000 requires that a final non-destructive
visual examination be made of the plug in accordance with IWA-
2200, looking for proper installation and correct location of
the plugs.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A3-5 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 4

The 1986 Addenda and the 1988 Addenda to the 1986 Edition of
Section XI and the 1989 Edition of Section XI were the only
endorsed editions to address these techniques. The techniques
apply to manual or machine welding by the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
(GTAW or TIG) or Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) processes. For
simplicity, the references to Paragraphs or Subparagraphs in
provisions below are taken from the 1988 Addenda to the 1986
Edition of Section XI and the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The ASME
requirements in the 1986 Addenda to the 1986 Edition are
equivalent, with the exception that the governing Subsubarticle
starts with IWB-443X.
1. IWB-4231 states that the following material requirements are
applicable to materials used in SG tube plugging processes by
fusion welding.
a. Materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of
an SA, SB or SFA Specification of the ASME Code, Section
III or any other material specification permitted by
Section III. Material produced to a weld filler metal
chemistry shall meet the filler metal requirements of NB-
b. Materials shall be traceable to a Certified Material Test
Report (CMTR).
2. IWB-4232 states that the Weld Procedure Specifications (WPSs)
and welders or welding operators shall be qualified in
accordance with the following requirements.
a. IWB-4232.1 requires the following things for Procedure
1) Welds shall be made using either GTAW or GMAW; short-
circuiting arc GMAW is prohibited as being an
allowable method of welding.
2) The WPS shall list the essential variables of Section
XI and the additional essential variables of Paragraph
3) WPS qualification shall follow the requirements of IWB-
4) A separate qualification of the WPS is required for any
change in the P-No. or A-No. of the plug, tube, sleeve
or cladding. A separate qualification is also required
when the material has no P-No. or A-No. If the plug is
welded to the cladding, the cladding shall be
considered as the base material.
5) Any change to an essential variable requires re-
qualification of the WPS. A WPS may require the
support of more than one Procedure Qualification Record
(PQR); alternatively one PQR may support a number of

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A4-1 9900 SGTUBE

b. IWB-4232.3 requires that the following be listed as
additional Essential Variables for Procedure
1) a change of more than 1/16 of an inch in the extension
or recess of either:
a) the tube relative to the tubesheet, or
b) the plug relative to the material being joined
(tube sleeve or tubesheet - See Figure IWB-4232.1),
2) a 10% change in the plug thickness at the weld
3) a 10% change in the nominal wall thickness of the tube
or sleeve, where the plug is welded to the tube or
4) a decrease of 10% or more in the specified width of the
ligament between the tube holes when the specified
width is less than 3/8 of an inch or three times the
specified tube wall thickness, whichever is greater.
c. IWB-4232.3 states that the following items apply to the
Test Assembly used in the procedure qualification process.
1) Procedure qualification shall be made on a test
assembly that simulates the tube hole pattern with the
essential variables of Section IX and IWB-4232
(additional variables listed above). The tubesheet in
the test assembly shall be at least as thick as the
production tubesheet, but need not exceed two inches.
2) Five consecutive welds of the test assembly shall be
examined by a liquid penetrant method in accordance
with the requirements of IWA-2200 and NB-5350 (ASME
Section III). These welds shall be cross sectioned
longitudinally through the center of each plug. The
thickness of the assembly may be reduced to facilitate
sectioning. One section of each plug shall be
polished, etched with a suitable etchant, and visually
examined at X10 magnification. The weld throat and
minimum leakage path shall not be less than required by
the Design Specification. The weld shall be free of
cracks and lack of fusion. Porosity shall not reduce
the weld throat thickness below that required by the
minimum leakage path.
d. IWB-4232.4 states that the following items are required
for Performance qualification of welders or weld
1) Test assembly shall be the same as that required for
procedure qualification except that the essential
variable for performance qualification are as follows:
a) a change from one welding process to any other
welding process or combination of welding
b) for welders, a change in F-No.,
c) for welders, the addition of other welding

9900 SGTUBE A4-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

d) the addition or deletion of preplaced metal
2) For welders and weld operators, five consecutive
acceptable welds shall be made and examined in
accordance with the requirements of IWB-4232.3 (listed
above). The performance qualification shall be made in
accordance with a WPS that has been qualified in
accordance with IWB-4232.3.
3) Welders and weld operators shall be tested under
conditions that simulate the access conditions of the
weld area in the field. Such simulated conditions
shall include radiation protection gear.
4) Retest shall be performed in accordance with Section IX
5) Renewal of qualification is required when the welder or
weld operator has not performed tube plugging using the
process for which he is qualified for 3 months or
longer, or when there is a specific reason to question
his ability to make quality weld per the WPS. Renewal
of qualification shall be identical to the initial
qualification, except that only one tube weld is
3. IWB-4233 requires that all welding shall be performed be
performed in accordance with a written procedure that
identifies the sequence of operations for the repair. The
procedure shall include the following:
a. the WPS in accordance with IWB-4232,
b. the preparation of the heat exchanger tube or tubesheet
hole to be plugged,
c. requirements for inserting the tube into position for
welding, including applicable inspection or examination
4. IWB-4234 requires a final VT-1 visual examination of the heat
exchanger tube plugs and welds.
5. IWB-4235 requires the Owner maintain the following records:
a. WPS,
b. PQR,
c. performance qualification records,
d. CMTR,
e. locations of plugged tubes or tubesheet holes,
f. results of examinations required by IWB-4320.
6. IWB-4325 requires that the PQR and performance qualification
records include all tests required by IWB-4320 and be
certified by the Owner or repair organization. The welder or
weld operator performance qualification record shall identify
the WPS that was used for qualification.


Issue Date: 08/01/94 A4-3 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 5


Repairs of SG tubes by sleeving processes were first addressed by
ASME in the 1989 and 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section
XI. The 1992 Edition of Section XI also addresses sleeving
processes. IWA-4420 is the appropriate Subsubarticle which
addresses Heat Exchanger Tube Sleeving in the 1992 Edition of
Section XI. The corresponding ASME sleeving requirements in the
1989 and 1990 Addenda to Section XI are found in Subarticle IWB-
IWA-4421, as summarized below, is the Paragraph in the 1992 Edition
of Section XI which addresses the General ASME Sleeving
requirements which are applicable to all sleeving repair methods.
NOTE: Neither the 1989 or 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of
Section XI, nor the 1992 Edition of Section XI, have been endorsed
by the NRC.

General Sleeving Requirements (IWA-4421)

1. The General Requirements for steam generator tube sleeving are
found in IWA-4421.
2. IWA-4421.1 requires that repairs of SG tubes by sleeving
processes meet the general welding requirements of Subarticle
IWA-4200, with the exception that the NPS 1 or less pipe size
exemption of IWA-4120, as invoked on the IWA-4200 rules, shall
not apply in this case.
3. IWA-4421.2 requires that each sleeving operation be performed
in accordance with a sleeving procedure specification (SPS)
which delineates, as a minimum, the following:
a. sleeve and tube materials and dimensions,
b. requirements for preparation of the tube inside surface
prior to insertion of the sleeve, including examination
requirements and acceptance criteria,
c. requirements for inserting the sleeve into position,
including examination requirements and acceptance
d. the essential and non-essential variables of IWA-4421.3
and the welding or brazing process used,
e. required sleeve attachment dimensions,
f. requirements for final examination and acceptance
g. the sequence of operations.
4. IWA-4421.3.1 requires qualification of the SPS and
requalification of the SPS whenever an essential variable for
the sleeving process involved is changed. The SPS need not be
requalified for any changes to non-essential variables

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A5-1 9900 SGTUBE

provided the SPS is amended to show the changes. The
following essential variables apply to all sleeving processes:
a. a change in the P-No. classification of any of the
materials being joined, including tube, sleeve, tubesheet,
and cladding materials. Materials not having a P-No.
classification require a separate qualification,
b. a change of 10% or more in nominal tube or sleeve design
wall thickness in the area of the joint,
c. deletion of tube cleaning prior to sleeve insertion,
d. a change in sleeve attachment location from within the
tubesheet to beyond the tubesheet or vice versa,
e. a change in the sleeve attachment location from within the
sludge pile to beyond the sludge pile or vice versa,
f. the addition or deletion of postweld or postbraze heat
g. a change of more than 10% in the nominal tube or sleeve
Additional essential variables are listed for the specific
sleeving processes addressed later in Subparagraphs IWA-4422,
IWA-4423, IWA-4424, and IWA-4425 to Paragraph IWA-4420.
A change in the method of tube cleaning prior to sleeve
insertion is a common NON-essential variable to all sleeving
5. IWA-4421.3.2 requires that sleeve attachment processes be
performed by welders, brazers, or equipment operators
qualified to the following requirements.
a. Performance qualification shall be done with the
appropriate provisions of Subarticle IWA-4400.
b. Manual performance qualification shall be performed under
conditions simulating the restricted access of the
production joint.
c. Renewal of performance qualification is required when the
welder, brazer, or equipment operator has not used the
process for more than 6 months, or when there is any
reason to question his ability to make quality attachments
in accordance with the SPS. Renewal of qualifications
shall be identical to the initial qualification except
that only one sleeve attachment shall be made.
6. IWA-4421.4 requires that if a combination of processes is used
for sleeve installation, either at opposite ends of a single
sleeve or as a sequence of processes in a single attachment,
then IWA-4422, IWA-4423, IWA-4424, or IWA-4425, as applicable,
apply to each process used. The SPS shall require that the
processes used during production sleeving shall be performed
in the same sequence as used during qualification.
7. IWA-4421.5 requires the Owners to maintain the following
a. those required by IWA-6000,
b. those required by IWA-4900,

9900 SGTUBE A5-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

c. the SPS,
d. procedure qualification for the attachment process,
e. performance qualification for each welder, brazer, and
equipment operator,
f. locations of all sleeved tubes and sleeves,
g. results of all required sleeve examinations.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A5-3 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 6


Repairs of SG tubes by sleeving processes were first addressed by
ASME in the 1989 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The
1992 Edition of Section XI also addresses sleeving processes. IWA-
4420 is the appropriate Subsubarticle which addresses Heat
Exchanger Tube Sleeving in the 1992 Edition of Section XI. The
corresponding ASME sleeving requirements in the 1989 and 1990
Addenda to Section XI are found in Subarticle IWB-4300.
IWA-4422, as summarized below, is the Paragraph in the 1992 Edition
Section XI which addresses the requirements for tube sleeving by
explosive welding techniques. NOTE: 1) Neither the 1989 or 1990
Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI, nor the 1992 Edition of
Section XI have been endorsed by the NRC. 2) The ASME requirements
of IWA-4422 below are in addition to the General Sleeving
Requirements of IWA-4421.


1. In addition to the general sleeving requirements of IWA-4421,
tube sleeving by explosive welding shall be addressed by the
provisions of
IWA-4422.1 (general requirements for sleeving by explosive
IWA-4422.2 (qualification requirements), IWA-4422.3
(requirements for explosive sleeving SPS), IWA-4422.4
(examination requirements).
2. IWA-4422.2.1 states that the following additional essential
variables apply when qualifying explosive sleeving procedures:
a. a decrease in the distance between the two closest
simultaneously detonated charges,
b. a decrease in the distance between the two closest
individually detonated charges,
c. an increase in the number of sleeves to be simultaneously
d. a change of 10% or more in the explosive density or
charge-to-mass ratio,
e. a change in the type of explosive,
f. a change of 10% or more in the explosive charge mass,
g. for sleeve attachment within the tubesheet, a decrease of
15% or more in the tubesheet ligament,
h. for sleeve attachment within the tubesheet, a change from
a tube that is expanded into contact with the tubesheet in
the area of the weld to a tube that is not expanded, or
vise versa,
i. any change in the sleeve design configuration,
j. a change of 10% or more in the nominal or average
clearance (stand-off) between the tube and sleeve.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A6-1 9900 SGTUBE

NOTE: These additional essential variables are in addition to
the General Sleeving essential variables of IWA-4421.
IWA-4422.2.1 states that the following are common non-
essential variables which apply to explosive sleeving
a. a change in the P-No. of the tubesheet material when the
sleeve in not joined to the tubesheet,
b. a change in the tubesheet cladding material when the
sleeve is not joined to the cladding and the explosive
charge is installed not less than one tube diameter from
the cladding,
c. a change in the tube-to-tubesheet joint configuration when
the explosive charge is installed not less than one tube
diameter from the tube-to-tubesheet seal weld.
3. IWA-4422.2.1 requires that the test assembly with the
tubesheet to be at least as thick as the production tubesheet,
with the exception that the test assembly need not be more
than 1 inch greater than the length of the sleeve attachment.
IWA-4422.2.1 also requires that the qualification test
assembly shall contain cladding or tube-to-tubesheet welds, as
applicable, whenever the explosive charge in the heat
exchanger is to be placed less than one tube diameter from
cladding or a tube-to-tubesheet weld.
4. IWA-4422.2.1 requires examinations of the test assembly be
done in accordance with the following criteria.
a. Whenever cladding or welds are required to be included in
the test assembly, such cladding and tube-to-tubesheet
welds shall be examined by the liquid penetrant method and
shall comply with the acceptance standards of NB-5350.
b. Each sleeve and tube-to-tubesheet weld, when applicable,
shall be sectioned longitudinally. After polishing and
etching two faces of a single half-section, each explosive
weld joint area shall be examined at 50X or greater
magnification to determine the length of the explosive
bond. The bond shall be acceptable if the length of
continuous bond between the sleeve and tube on each cross-
section face is at least five times the nominal tube wall
c. Each tube-to-tubesheet weld shall be examined at 10X or
greater magnification. The weld shall be acceptable if it
is free from explosively produced cracks.
d. Ligament distortion caused by explosive welding is
unacceptable when the adjacent tube I.D. is reduced below
the diameter of the tube sleeve or minimum diameter
specified in the SPS, whichever is less. Ligament
distortion shall not adversely affect the structural
integrity of the tubesheet assembly.
e. The procedure shall be qualified if five consecutive
explosive welds are found to be acceptable.

9900 SGTUBE A6-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

5. IWA-4422.2.2 requires that all explosive welding be performed
by welding operators who have been qualified in accordance
with the following requirements.
a. The weld operator shall prepare, install, and weld a
minimum of five sleeve attachments in conformance with an
SPS. Acceptance of five acceptable sleeve welds qualifies
the weld operator for welding using any other qualified
b. The five sleeve welds shall be examined in accordance with
and meet the acceptance standards of IWA-4422.2.1(e)
(examination requirements for the test assembly).
6. IWA-4422.3 requires that the SPS delineate the requirements of
the explosive welding process.
7. IWA-4422.4 requires that the all explosively welded sleeve
attachments undergo a final examination to confirm that the
attachment is in the correct location and that it conforms to
the Design Specification.

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A6-3 9900 SGTUBE

Attachment 7


Repairs of SG tubes by sleeving processes were first addressed by
ASME in the 1989 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The
1992 Edition of Section XI also addresses sleeving processes. IWA-
4420 is the appropriate Paragraph which addresses Heat Exchanger
Tube Sleeving in the 1992 Edition of
Section XI. The corresponding ASME sleeving requirements in the
1989 and 1990 Addenda to Section XI are found in the Subarticle
IWA-4423, as summarized below, is the Paragraph in the 1992 Edition
Section XI which addresses the requirements for tube sleeving by
fusion welding. NOTE: 1) Neither the 1989 or 1990 Addenda to the
1989 Edition of Section XI have been endorsed by the NRC. 2) The
requirements of IWA-4423 are in addition to the General Sleeving
Requirements of IWA-4421.


1. IWA-4423.1 requires that tube sleeving by a fusion welding
process be done in accordance with the requirements of IWA-
4423.1.1 through
2. IWA-4423.1.1 requires that any fusion welding only be done
using either the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas metal
arc welding (GMAW), or laser beam welding (LBW) process.
3. IWA-4423.2 addresses the requirements for fusion welding
qualifications of the procedure and welders and/or weld
a. IWA-4423.2.1 lists the following as essential variables
for the fusion process involved:
1) for tubesheet sleeves, whenever the ligament thickness
between holes is 3/8 inch or less, a reduction in
ligament thickness of 10% of the ligament thickness or
three times the specified wall thickness, whichever is
2) any change in an essential variable listed for the
specific welding process in ASME Section IX, QW-250.
b. IWA-4423.2.1 requires that the procedure be qualified
using a test assembly that simulates the conditions that
will be encountered in production with respect to the
essential variables.
c. IWA-4423.2.1 requires that the test assembly tubesheet
thickness be at least as thick as the production

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A7-1 9900 SGTUBE

tubesheet, with the exception that the tubesheet thickness
need not be more than 1 inch greater than the length of
the sleeve attachment.
d. IWA-4423.2.1 requires that five consecutive welds be
examined by a liquid penetrant method in accordance with
the requirements of
IWA-2200 and that the welds meet the acceptance standards
ASME Section III, NB-5350.
1) Welds inaccessible for liquid penetrant examination may
be sectioned longitudinally through the center of the
sleeve prior to performing the liquid penetrant
2) The five consecutive welds shall be sectioned
longitudinally through the center of each sleeve. The
thickness of the assembly may be reduced to facilitate
3) The two faces of each half-section shall be polished
and etched with a suitable etchant, and visually
examined at 10X magnification. The weld throat and
minimum leakage path shall not be less than that
required by the Design Specification. The weld shall
be free from cracks and lack of fusion. Porosity shall
not reduce the weld throat thickness below the required
minimum leakage path.
4. IWA-4423.2.2 requires that all production welding by fusion
processes be performed by welders and weld operators that have
been qualified in accordance with the criteria below.
a. The test assembly for performance qualification shall be
the same as that used for procedure qualification.
b. For welders, five consecutive acceptable welds shall be
made and examined in accordance with IWA-4423.2.1(d)
(examination requirements for the test assembly). For
weld operators, one acceptable weld shall be made and
examined in accordance with
IWA-4423.2.1(d). The performance qualification shall be
made in accordance with an SPS that has been qualified in
accordance with IWA-4423.2.1.
c. Welders shall be tested under simulated access conditions.
The qualification mock-up test assembly shall effectively
simulate the conditions that will be encountered in
production with respect to the essential variables.
d. Retest shall be in accordance with ASME Section IX, QW-
5. IWA-4423.3 requires that the SPS delineate all of the
requirements for the fusion welding process involved,
including the essential variables for the process as
delineated in ASME Section IX, QW-250.
6. IWA-4423.4 requires that the welded sleeve attachments be
given a final examination to confirm that the attachment is in
the correct location and conforms to the requirements of the
Design Specification.

9900 SGTUBE A7-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A7-3 9900 SGTUBE
Attachment 8


Repairs of SG tubes by sleeving processes were first addressed by
ASME in the 1989 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The
1992 Edition of Section XI also addresses sleeving processes. IWA-
4420 is the appropriate Subsubarticle which addresses Heat
Exchanger Tube Sleeving in the 1992 Edition of Section XI. The
corresponding ASME sleeving requirements in the 1989 and 1990
Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI are found in Subarticle
IWA-4424, as summarized below, is the Paragraph in the 1992 Edition
Section XI which addresses the requirements for tube sleeving by
NOTE: 1) Neither the 1989 or 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of
Section XI, nor the 1992 Edition of Section XI have been endorsed
by the NRC. 2) The requirements of IWA-4424 are in addition to the
General Sleeving Requirements of IWA-4421.


1. IWA-4424.1 requires that the requirements of IWA-4424.2, IWA-
4424.3 and IWA-4424.4 be met when brazing is used for sleeve
2. IWA-4424.2 addresses the requirements for procedure
qualifications and brazer and braze operator qualifications.
a. IWA-4424.2.1 requires the procedure to be qualified in
accordance with the requirements of ASME Section IX, QB-
200, with the exception that the following represents an
additional essential variable for the process:
1) a change in the designed sleeve installation from free
tubes to tubes that are locked to the tube support
b. IWA-4424.2.1 requires that the procedure be qualified
using a test assembly that simulates the conditions that
will be encountered in production with respect to the
essential variables.
c. IWA-4424.2.1 requires that the test assembly tubesheet
thickness be at least as thick as the production
tubesheet, with the exception that the tubesheet thickness
need not be more than 1 inch greater than the length of
the sleeve attachment.
d. IWA-4424.2.1 requires the following of examination of test
1) each test specimen be examined to confirm that the
braze bond area conforms to the requirements of the
Design Specification,

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A8-1 9900 SGTUBE

2) the minimum number of braze joints required for
procedure qualification be five braze joints made
e. IWA-4424.2.2 requires that each brazer and brazing
operator be qualified as required by ASME Section IX, QB-
300, and each test specimen shall be examined to confirm
that the braze bond area conforms to the requirements of
the Design Specification.
3. IWA-4424.3 requires that the SPS delineate all of the
requirements of the brazing process, including the variables
of ASME Section IX, QB-200.
4. IWA 4424.4 requires that the brazed sleeve attachments be
given a final examination to confirm that the attachment is in
the correct location and conforms to the requirements of the
Design Specification.

9900 SGTUBE A8-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

Attachment 9


Repairs of SG tubes by sleeving processes were first addressed by
ASME in the 1989 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI. The
1992 Edition of Section XI also addresses sleeving processes. IWA-
4420 is the appropriate Subsubarticle which addresses Heat
Exchanger Tube Sleeving in the 1992 Edition of Section XI. The
corresponding ASME sleeving requirements in the 1989 and 1990
Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section XI are found in Subarticle
IWA-4425 is the Paragraph in the 1992 Edition of Section XI which
addresses the requirements for tube sleeving by expansion. NOTE:
1) Neither the 1989 or 1990 Addenda to the 1989 Edition of Section
XI, nor the 1992 Edition of Section XI have been endorsed by the
NRC. 2) The requirements of IWA-4425 are in addition to the
General Sleeving Requirements of IWA-4421.


1. IWA-4425.1 states that the rules of IWA-4425 apply when
sleeves are expanded against a tube by mechanical, hydraulic
or explosive processes so that the sleeve is permanently
deformed and the attachment of the sleeve depends upon
frictional forces or interference forces at the tube-sleeve
interface. IWA-4425.1 requires that the rules of
IWA-4425.2, IWA-4425.3 and IWA-4425.4 be met for these
2. IWA-4425.2.1 requires qualification of the expansion
procedures in accordance with the following requirements.
a. IWA-4425.2.1 states that the following as essential
variables apply when sleeving is accomplished by expansion
1) any change in the basic expansion process is an
essential variable,
2) a change of 10% or more in sleeve material yield
3) a change in the expansion length,
4) a change that results in an expansion diameter outside
the range of sleeve or tube expansion diameters
qualified. The range of sleeve or tube expansion
diameters qualified shall be the expansion diameters
between the minimum and maximum expansion diameters
obtained in qualification tests,
5) for mechanical expansion:
a) a reduction in the minimum rolling torque,
b) a change in the expansion roller geometry,
c) a reduction in the minimum expansion pressure if
expansion is controlled by hydraulic pressure only,

Issue Date: 08/01/94 A9-1 9900 SGTUBE

6) for explosive expansion:
a) a change in the type of explosive,
b) a change of 10% or more in the explosive charge
c) a change of 10% or more in the explosive density or
charge-to-mass ratio,
7) for expansion procedures using a combination of
processes, a change in any of the essential variables
listed in items 5) or 6), as applicable.
b. IWA-4425.2.1 requires that the procedure be qualified
using a test assembly that simulates the conditions that
will be encountered in production with respect to the
essential variables.
c. IWA-4425.2.1 requires that the test assembly tubesheet
thickness be at least as thick as the production
tubesheet, with the exception that the tubesheet thickness
need not be more than 1 inch greater than the length of
the sleeve attachment.
d. IWA-4425.2.1 requires that specimens representing the
expanded sleeve attachment to a tube be cyclically
(fatigue) tested in accordance with the requirements of
ASME Section III, Appendix II. This fatigue test shall
demonstrate the adequacy of the sleeve attachment to
withstand the specified design loadings without exceeding
the specified design leakage limit.
3. IWA-4425.2.2 requires that the expansion operator demonstrate
ability to expand sleeve attachments in accordance with the
4. IWA-4425,2.3 requires that the SPS delineate the requirements
for mechanical expansion. These requirements shall conform to
the Design Specification.
5. IWA-4425.2.4 requires that any installed expanded sleeve
attachments be examined to confirm that the attachment is in
the correct location and conforms to the requirements of the
Design Specification.


9900 SGTUBE A9-2 Issue Date: 08/01/94

Attachment 10


1. The ASME Code Section XI is silent as to how Mechanical

Plugging Techniques should be applied and controlled in regard
to using them for repair of defective SG tubes.
2. 10 CFR 50 Appendix B Criteria should be applied to mechanical
plugging processes to ensure that plugs do not disengage from
the SG tubes or excessively leak following the plugging
process. This includes ensuring that licensee or vendor
supplied activities involved in the repair are sufficient to
ensure the quality of the repair:
a. design control including tube, tubesheet, and plug
dimensional control, and tube and plug material
compatibility and control considerations.
b. tube and tubesheet preparation aspects prior to plugging,
including tube cleanliness considerations.
c. rolling machine calibration aspects to ensure that rolling
machines provide adequate torque prior to any commencement
of rolled installation of plugs.
d. ensuring that installation of plugs is performed in
accordance with an approved procedure or instruction which
delineates how the installation is to be performed, and
which includes all aspects which could affect the quality
of the plug:
1) design aspects,
2) material considerations,
3) cleaning considerations,
4) calibration of equipment,
5) tube, tubesheet, and plug preparation requirements,
6) installation instructions,
7) quality assurance aspects to ensure that installation
is performed in accordance desired loading or torquing
e. final examination requirements of the plugged tube.
3. Quality assurance activities delegated over to contractors or
vendors performing the repairs should be reviewed or audited
by the licensee's own quality assurance department to ensure
their adequacy.


Issue Date: 08/01/94 A10-1 9900 SGTUBE

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