Cassava The Next Corn For Starch Sweeteners
Cassava The Next Corn For Starch Sweeteners
Cassava The Next Corn For Starch Sweeteners
Jay K. Shetty,1 Bruce A. Strohm,2 Sung Ho Lee,3 now cost-competitive with cane sugar. Corn (maize) remains the
Gang Duan,4 and David Bates5 major agricultural feedstock for producing starch and starch-
based sweeteners in the world, with the United States re-
DuPont Industrial Biosciences, Palo Alto, CA presenting the major share of production and consumption and
Grain Enzyme Technology, Beloit, WI China coming in at a close second. European countries process
3 primarily wheat and corn for starch and starch-based sweeteners
Biorefinery Applied Innovation Center, DuPont Industrial
(glucose, fructose, maltose, and starch hydrolyzates).
Biosciences, Cedar Rapids, IA Due to climate and agricultural practices, cassava tubers are a
Biorefinery Applied Innovation Center, DuPont Industrial major source of starch and calories in many African and some
Biosciences, Wuxi, China Asian countries. Cassava’s benefit over many other agricultural
DuPont Industrial Biosciences, Cedar Rapids, IA feedstocks for starch is its ability to grow in high yields where
crops like corn, wheat, and sugarcane are not grown in abun-
dance. Cultivation of cassava is expected to improve nutrition,
economic growth, and social stability (as a cash crop for small
Abstract farmers) and will continue to grow as plant science, outside
Cassava, also known as tapioca, is grown for its enlarged investment, and improved agricultural practices benefit small
starch-filled roots in Nigeria, Thailand, Brazil, Zaire, and In- farmers and producing regions.
donesia, and production is continuing to increase in Africa and
Asia. Currently, Southeast Asia is the leading producer of
cassava for industrial uses and trade. As high-quality cassava
World Production
Cassava is mainly identified as Manihot esculenta Crantz,
starch becomes increasingly available, its utilization as a re-
placement for sugar via enzymatic hydrolysis to sweeteners with various common names such as manioc, tapioca, and
yucca. A woody annual, cassava is cultivated for its tuber, which
will offer local producers an opportunity for economic ad-
is reported to contain 24–30% starch. The tubers contain very
vancement and improved standard of living. Knowledge gained
from the processing of starch from maize and wheat can be low levels of protein and fat. Depending on the cultivar and
growing conditions, they may contain lethal concentrations of
applied to cassava processing. Improvements to existing pro-
bound cyanogenic glucosides that must be reduced via proces-
cesses would be needed, however, as cassava has lower amy-
sing methods or cooking. Some literature reports describe cas-
lose content and lower impurities such as lipids and proteins
sava as being either sweet or bitter, indicating the presence of
compared to other plants.
hydrogen cyanide. Sweet is identified as 20 mg/kg of fresh root
and bitter at > 250 mg/kg.
Key words: alpha amylase (AA), autonomous mobile proces-
The world’s average cassava harvest yield currently ap-
sing unit (AMPU), Cassava Mechanization and Agro-Processing
proaches 13 metric tons (mt)/hectare (ha), with total world
Project (CAMAP), Dutch Agricultural Development and Trad-
production exceeding 260 million mt in 2012.1 In 2000, Scott
ing Co (DADTCO), dry basis (DB), dextrose equivalent (DE),
et al. projected the global production of cassava would reach 275
direct starch to glucose (DSTG), direct starch to maltose
million mt by the year 2020.2 Based on production data from the
(DSTM), Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi
last 11 years, this estimate now appears to be low; production
(FIIRO), glucoamylase (GA), granular starch hydrolyzing en-
levels could reach as much as 300 million mt in the 2018–2020
zyme (GSHE), high fructose syrup, high fructose corn syrup,
time frame (Fig. 1). Under ideal cultivation conditions, yields of
high quality cassava flour (HQCF), immobilized glucose isom-
60 mt of cassava root per ha have been reported.3
erase (IGI), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), United According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) es-
Nations Conference on Trade and Development
timates, Africa accounts for nearly 55% of world cassava pro-
duction, with the remaining balance coming from countries in
Introduction Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean (Table 1).1 Table 1 also
shows that even when adjusting for the fact that grains are 12–
he main source of sweetener globally is currently
sugar from cane produced mainly in Asia (Thailand, 15% moisture and cassava is 60–70% moisture (Table 2), cassava
Indonesia, India, etc.) and South and Central America is a major source of starch-based nutrients in Africa—producing
(Brazil). However, due to the development of ad- nearly half as much dry substance starch-based nutrient as grains.
vanced starch-processing enzymes, starch-based sweeteners are When adjusted for the fact that sugarcane is 60–70% moisture and
The high water content of cassava root has slowed expansion The first stage starts with enzymatic hydrolysis of starch
of the market for fresh cassava roots due to the high cost for its under two different pH conditions because of the differences in
transportation from the farm to processing locations and the high the pH stability of the liquefaction (step 1) and saccharification
risk of microbial spoilage. (The DADTCO’s investment in an (step 2) enzyme systems. This stage is followed by purification
autonomous mobile processing unit, as described previously, is systems in which the high glucose syrup is refined to remove
relevant here.) In order to circumvent these challenges, a simple color bodies and salts prior to the third stage, in which the
drying process is generally adopted by converting cassava root glucose syrup is subjected to an isomerization step, which
into cassava chips, in which the cassava roots are sliced me- converts glucose to fructose using glucose isomerase under al-
chanically and sun dried to reduce the moisture content to less kaline pH conditions. This process, typical of a corn wet milling
than 12–15%. A comparison of the composition of cassava chips system, is summarized in Fig. 3.
and corn is shown in Table 4.
The higher starch content coupled with lower protein and fat First stage: step 1a, primary liquefaction. This process starts
content favor tapioca chips as a starch source for hydrolysis to with starch slurry from a mill house where the separation of non-
intermediate- and high-conversion syrups. However, the asso- starch components of corn is completed. The starch slurry with
ciated co-products from corn refining have much higher value proper dry-substance content is adjusted to the optimal pH and,
than the residue from cassava purification. following addition of the entire liquefying enzyme dose, is
processed through a stem injection cooker at 105–109C. In
CASSAVA STARCH TO SUGAR SWEETENERS general practice, bacterial thermostable alpha amylases from
Commercial starch sweeteners are generally produced in high Bacillus licheniformis (such as SPEZYME FRED or CLEAR-
yields by a two-step process yielding glucose (first and second FLOW, DuPont Industrial Biosciences, Rochester, NY) are
stage), followed by an additional step to high fructose (third stage). used. This initial cook is followed by a series of hold loops or coils
that provide 5–7 min under enough back pressure to hold the
Table 4. Comparison of Composition of Cassava Chips
and Corn10 First stage: step 1b, secondary liquefaction-dextrinization. The
first step is continued by a process known as secondary lique-
faction, which consists of flash cooling the contents from the
COMPOSITION CASSAVA CHIPS CORN first step, often with the aid of vacuum pumps to 90–98C, then
Moisture (%wet) 1–11 7–23 carrying them through a series of stirred tanks to provide 1–3
hours of hold time. A typical extent of de-polymerization
Starch 75–85 64–78
through the liquefaction system results in 8–10 DE, which can
Protein 1.5–3.0 8–14 be used for subsequent hydrolysis.
Fat 0.2 3.1–5.7
Second stage: saccharification. The pH of the liquefied starch
Ash 2–4 1.1–3.9 (liquefact) from the liquefaction step is decreased to pH 4.0–4.6, and
Crude fiber 3–4 1.8–3.5 the temperature is reduced to 60–62C to match the optima for
glucoamylase saccharification enzymes (such as OPTIDEX L-
Super, DuPont Industrial Biosciences), to convert low DE sub- 1–6 branch points in amylopectin, resulted in significant im-
strate to high glucose syrup. Glucoamylases, enzymes that remove provement in the efficiency of glucose production. It is now
successive glucose units from the non-reducing ends of starch, can common practice to use enzyme blends containing glucoamylase
hydrolyze both linear and branched glucosidic linkages of starch, and debranching enzymes like OPTIMAX 4060 VHP, OPTIMAX
amylose, and amylopectin. The commercial glucoamylases are Hi-Dex, and OPTIMAXSuper (DuPont Industrial Biosciences) in
very fast in hydrolyzing alpha 1–4 glucosidic linkages in high MW varying proportions for saccharification. The addition of a deb-
starch substrate, and the rate decreases with decreasing MW (Km ranching enzyme resulted in a higher glucose yield and reduced
increases) of the oligosaccharides. It is also known that the rate of saccharification time, and allowed saccharification at higher dis-
hydrolysis of alpha 1–6 (branch) linkages in amylopectin is much solved solids. The saccharified liquor containing > 95.5% glucose
slower than the rate of hydrolysis of alpha 1–4 glucosidic linkages. is then clarified via vacuum drum filters or membrane filters, re-
Even though starch contains only 3.8% of alpha 1–6 linkages, the fined with carbon, ion-exchanged, and evaporated to 45–55% dry
resistance on the hydrolysis of liquefied starch by glucoamylase is substance. The highly refined glucose syrup may then be used as
very significant. The introduction of pullulanase in the mid-1980s, fermentation feedstock, feed to glucose crystallization, or feed to
a very specific enzyme for catalyzing the hydrolysis of the alpha isomerization systems.
Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of granular cassava starch treated with humicula glucoamylase (HGA) and SPEZYME Alpha after 0,
2.5, 7.5, 12.0 and 23.5 h. Dimension of micrographs: first row = 100 lm · 100 lm, second and third rows = 20 lm · 20 lm.
when the food industry began looking for alternatives to tradi- results in the desired fructose content (e.g., 42–45%) in the li-
tional cane and beet sugar that could provide similar sweetness quor effluent.
and taste and consistently superior quality for a fraction of the
price. Basically all forms of high fructose syrup come from Malto-saccharification for maltose syrups using cassava starch.
starch as a mixture of glucose and fructose produced using en- Maltose, a mildly sweet disaccharide linked by an alpha 1–4
zymes. The resulting high fructose syrup product is extremely linked glucosyl residue, is widely used in many industrial and
similar to cane sugar and has similar taste and sweetness (Fig. 8). consumers applications, such as a sweetener or in the prepara-
High fructose syrup is a useful ingredient because of its tion of maltitol, a low calorie sweetener. The majority of sugar
sweetness and ability to blend with other food and beverage in high maltose syrup is maltose (typically 40–50% by weight)
ingredients and it continues to displace liquid applications of with some commercial products containing as high as 75%. It is
cane sugar (sucrose) in the US and, to a lesser extent, in other less sweet than high fructose syrup, with a relative sweetness of
countries. 30–40% compared to sucrose. It is also used in brewing to in-
By far the most important application of immobilized en- crease throughput and is known to reduce haze caused by
zymes in the food industry is the conversion of glucose to varying quality of wort. Since maltose has a low freezing point,
fructose by the enzyme glucose isomerase. Glucose isomerase high maltose syrup is useful in frozen desserts. Maltose solu-
GENSWEET-IGI (DuPont Industrial Biosciences) catalyzes tions exhibit lower viscosity and less humectancy than equal
the isomerization of glucose to fructose. Immobilized glucose concentrations of glucose syrups and thus find application in
isomerase is normally used in a set of column reactors (Fig. 9) candy formulation to reduce stickiness. Recent increases in
operated in parallel. Each column is operated at a flow rate that maltose production can be correlated to the producion of the
The authors appreciate and wish to acknowledge the valuable
comments and support of Jan Koninckx, Troy Wilson, Jennifer
Lane, Roopa Ghirnikar, and Mariliz Johnson.
1. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. 2013. Available at: (Last accessed June 2014).
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mote tooth decay, and has a somewhat lower effect on blood 6. Dutch Agricultural Development and Trading Co. Available at:
sugar levels than sucrose and glucose. nigeria (Last accessed June 2014).
Generally, the production of maltose is a two step-process via 7. African Agricultural Technology Foundation Available at:
the enzymatic hydrolysis of an aqueous starch slurry at 25–32% Cassava-Mechanizsation-Agro-Processing-Project (Last accessed June 2014).
dry solid, pH 5.5–6.0, subjected to a high temperature jet- 8. Wanban Z, Torbjörn A, Lestander, Håkan Örberg1, et al. Cassava stems: A new
cooking process (>100C) using a thermostable AA to solubilize resource to increase food and fuel production. Global Change Biolog Bioenerg
and hydrolyze the insoluble starch into soluble dextrins, fol- 2013;doi:10.111/gcbb.12112.
lowed by treatment with the enzyme beta amylase at 55C, pH 9. Novozymes. 2012. CleanStar Mozambique launches world’s first sustainable
5.5 to produce a syrup containing high levels of maltose. Beta- cooking fuel facility. Available at:
amylase hydrolyzes the alpha 1-4-glucan bonds in amylo- Pages/CleanStar-Mozambique-launches-world%E2%80%99s-first-sustainable-
cooking-fuel-facility.aspx (Last accessed June 2014).
saccharide chains from non-reducing ends and generates a
disaccharide, maltose linked by alpha 1-4 glucosidic linkages 10. Schenk FW, Hebeda RE. Starch Hydrolysis Products Worldwide Technology
Production and Applications. London: VCH Publisher, 1992.
between two glucosyl residues. Beta-amylases from plants and
microbial sources are well characterized; for example, beta- Address correspondence to:
amylase extracted from plants (i.e., barley; OPTIMALT BBA, Jay K. Shetty, PhD
DuPont Industrial Biosciences), wheat, and soybeans, have been DuPont Fellow
or are being used on a commercial scale for producing high- DuPont Industrial Biosciences
maltose syrup. High maltose syrup as a food additive is used as a 925 Page Mill Road
sweetener and preservative in many food formulations. Palo Alto, CA 94304
Phone: (650) 846-5821
Conclusions Fax: (650) 845-6509
Cassava, or tapioca starch, possesses characteristics that make
it an ideal feedstock for processing via enzyme hydrolysis for E-mail: