R-C, R-L Time Constant - Alexander Schure

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a publication


Edited by

Alexander Schure, Ph. D., Ed. D.


480 Canal Street• New York 13, N.Y.
Copyright 1954 by


All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may

not be reproduced in any form or in any language
without permission of the publisher.


Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 54-9285

Printed in the United States of America


Every experienced instructor in electronics is aware of the inherent

difficulty presented to students by the concepts involved in R-C and R-L
time constant applications. Yet, this subject is seldom given more than
cursory treatment in text-books written for radio, television, and in-
dustrial electronics. The subject is a deceptive one; the simplicity of
the time constant equation often leads the student to believe he has
mastered the concepts when he has only just begun to scratch the surface.
The organization and phraseology used in this book have been
planned to help the student crystallize the important ideas relating to
capacitor charge and discharge in his mind prior to studying the ap-
plications. At the same time, the depth to which the analyses are carried
should assist the advanced student or practicing engineer to review
the fundamental concepts and basic applications to his advantage.
The close parallelism that exists between R-C and R-L timing cir-
cuits has made it possible to apply the emphasis to the R-C type in the
body of each chapter with references to the R-L types at the end of the
Thousands of circuits in which time constants play important parts
are published yearly, so that it is tremendously important to have a
clear. understanding of the basic concept of the time constant. No at-
tempt has been made to list or catalog all possible applications since
this would be impossible in a work of this size. The few illustrative
circuits used herein were chosen for their· simplicity and ease of con-
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the staff of the New York
Technical Institute for its preparation of the manuscript for this

New York, N. Y.
May, 1954 A.S.


Chapter Page

1 Capacitance, Resistance and Inductance 1

2 The Development of the Charge Curve ... ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. 10

3 The Development of the Discharge Curve .............................. 19

4 The Meaning of the Time Constant .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 24

5 Long and Short Time Constant Waveforms .......................... 30

6 Application of the Time Constant .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. 38

Index ........................ 47

Chapter 1


1. Capacitance and Capacitors

Stored electricity in the form of electric charges held in a capacitor
has been known for a long time. The Leyden Jar as originally developed
was demonstrated as a device which could store electrical energy in
potential form and which could restore this energy to an electrical cir-
cuit when properly connected. This fundamental property leads to an-
other, broader concept which expresses and defines capacitance: Capaci-
tance is that property of a component or circuit which allows it to store
energy in such a way as to oppose a change of voltage across its terminals.
The structurf. of a capacitor (or condenser) is shown in Fig. I.
In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of a pair of similar metal plates
separated by an insulating material known as a dielectric. The dielectric
must be of the type and characteristics capable of withstanding, without
puncturing or otherwise being damaged, whatever voltage appears be-
tween the plates. Capacitors used in electronic circuits vary widt:ly in
physical appearance and in the choice of materials for the plates and
the dielectric, but these differences do not entail new concepts insofar
as their operation is concerned. Capacitance is a quantitative, measur-
able property, and its value determines the extent to which a capacitor
opposes voltage changes. Capacitance is also a function of the physical
and chemical make-up of the capacitor, being dependent upon the area
of the plates, the distance between them, and the dielectric constant of
the dielectric. For the moment it is sufficient to recognize that the
capacitance is increased by increasing the plate area, decreasing the
distance between plates, and raising the value of the dielectric constant.

-~-~ A B C


Fig. 1 Structure of a capacitor

The latter is a number which is determined by the atomic structure

of the insulating material; a more detailed discussion of its character
will be given in a subsequent paragraph.
Commercial capacitors may have parallel plate structure or may
be tubular in shape; they may have thick or thin plates made of metals
like aluminum, steel, copper, silver plated base metals, and so on; they
may have any,one of a host of dielectrics, the most popular being waxed
paper, oiled paper, mica, air and ceramic materials. In a capacitor of
the parallel-plate form, alternate plates are connected together. Because
there is dielectric material between each plate and adjacent plates the
total effective plate area and consequently the capacitance, are much
greater than for capacitors of just two plates. In the tubular structure,
the same effect is obtained in a different manner. The plates are long
strips, or a series of strips, of a material like aluminum foil. These foil
strips are sandwiched between thin layers of waxed paper, which is
the dielectric. The combined foil and paper strips are then rolled into
the form of a tube. Figure 2 illustrates each of these two types of
capacitor construction.

2. The Meaning of Q (Charge}

Consider a capacitor connected in a circuit such as that of Fig. 3.
Starting with the switch open, the only potential in the circuit exists
at the terminals of the source. When the switch is closed, this potential
is applied to plates A and C but no continuous current can flow due



Fig. 2 Two types of capacitors


to the extremely high resistance offered by the dielectric. There will be

a surge of electrons, however, out of plate C and into plate A as shown
by the arrows as a result of the electrical "pumping" action of the
source emf. Since these plates are metallic, they are, at the time the
switch is first closed, free to give up or take on electrons easily under
the potential provided by the source. After the switch has been closed,
plate C, having fewer electrons as compared with its former, neutral
state, becomes positively charged while plate A with its comparative
excess of electrons becomes negative. Should the switch now be opened,
the charge will remain on the plates because the electrons on the nega-
tive plate are "bound" there by the attraction of the positive charge
on the other plate. Energy has been stored in the capacitor. At the
same time, the dielectric material will be in a state of atomic "distor-


Fig. 3 Simple charging circuit

tion". That is, the orbital electrons which make up the shells of the
atoms in the dielectric will suffer a shift in position due to the electrical
"tension" that results from the electrostatic field produced by the
charged plates. This accounts for the commonly accepted statement that
the "charge (energy) in a capacitor really resides in the dielectric
rather than on the plates". Given the opportunity to force electrons
from the plates through an external closed circuit, the dielectric will
restore itself to the undistorted state and restore to the circuit the
energy originally absorbed from it. This process is called the discharge
of the capacitor. The stored electrical energy is released to the external
closed circuit. Figure 4 is drawn to illustrate in fundamental form the
sequence of events just described. In the charged condition, the nor-
mally circular orbits of the electrons around the nucleus of the atom
are distorted into ellipses; after discharge, the orbits have again be-
come circular, dissipating the electrical energy of this change in the
form of electron flow through the resistor, R.
The quantity of electrons stored in the charged capacitor is con-
trollable by two means. First, the greater the applied emf, the larger
will be the number of electrons which move from plate C toward plate

A [jB

.•... C


Fig. 4 Atomic distortion in dielectric

A, through the external circuit. Second, a larger capacitance obtained

by using large, closely spaced plates and a dielectric having a sizeable
dielectric constant will permit a greater number of electrons to move
from one plate to the other before the limit of the "pumping" ability
of the source is reached. The size of the charge, then, is a measurable
quantity and must be assigned a unit of measure. The unit in common
use is the coulomb, a quantity of charge equal to 6.28 x 1018 electrons.
Thus, when 6.28 x 1018 electrons move from one plate toward the other
and remain bound in this location, the capacitor is said to have taken
on a charge of one coulomb. The extent of charge, or the number of
coulombs in a capacitor, may be loosely compared with the number of
pints of water in a two or three gallon jug; if the capacitor is capable
of accepting more charge than has been given it, it is like a partially
empty water jug.
If the applied voltage is unvarying, the surge of electrons flowing
from plate C to plate A constitutes a real but transient electric current
lasting for a relatively short period of time just after application, or
just before removal, of the voltage. In accordance with the standard ac-
cepted definition of an electric current, when one coulomb passes a
given point in a circuit in one second, one ampere of current is said to
flow. In our example, suppose that an observer were to count electrons
flowing past point E in Fig. 4 during discharge; suppose further that
he found one coulomb to pass this point (6.28 x 1018 electrons) during
the entire discharge period which occupied exactly one second. He could
say that one ampere of current had flowed in the circuit during the
period of his observation. But, a rather fine point must be drawn here.
In a normal electrical circuit containing a source of emf and a load,
when we say that one ampere is flowing we mean that during each
second the circuit is in operation, one coulomb flows out of the source
and through the load; on the other hand, if the observer had timed his
period for two seconds he would have counted two coulombs, for three
seconds three coulombs, or for ¼ second only ¼ coulomb. In the case

of the capacitor discharge, this is not strictly true. As will be shown

later, the true current is much greater at the beginning of the discharge
period than it is near the end. This variation of current is also true
during charging. This is an important idea and must be borne in mind
for later reference. It is here that the "time" part of time constants en-
ters the picture. If electric current is constantly viewed as "passage of
charge per unit time" as described above, the time constant concept
will be much easier to understand.

3. The Relationship Between C, Q, and E

If two water jugs of different capacities are placed side by side as
shown in Fig. 5, and if an equal quantity of water, say one quart,
is added to each, the levels of the two liquids will be different. It will
be noted that this small quantity of water has raised the level of the
liquid more in the case of the lower capacity jug.
The quantity of charge (number of coulombs, symbolized by Q)
is analogous to the quantity of liquid (number of pints or quarts); the
capacitance or ability to store charge is like the capacity or size of the
jug, and water level is comparable to voltage or potential level. Follow-
ing this analogy through, it appears that a given charge will raise the
voltage of a small capacitance capacitor more than it will lift the poten-
tial level of a larger capacitor. This provides a suitable basis for the
definition of the unit of capacitance: a capacitor is said to have one unit
of capacitance if one coulomb of charge raises the potential across its
terminals one volt.
From the water analogy, it can be concluded that the voltage de-
veloped across a capacitor is directly proportional to the amount of
charge introduced (more coulombs, more volts) and inversely propor-
tional to the capacitance of the capacitor (larger capacitance, smaller
voltage). If the units are chosen properly, this proportionality may be
converted into an equation:

Fig. 5 Liquid levels depend

upon capacity


OF WATER I - - - - - .-_ _
- - -- - OF WATER

E= QjC (a)
where E is voltage in volts, Q is charge in coulombs, and C is capacitance
in farads.
The unit of capacitance is defined in this equation. It is given the
name farad; a capacitor which has a capacitance of one farad, then,
will develop a potential of one volt between its terminals when one
coulomb of charge is fed into it.
The equation may be written in three forms,
I) E = Q/C 2) Q = CE 3) C = Q/E (b)
The verbal implications of these three forms follow:
I) The voltage developed across a capacitor is directly proportional
to the added charge and inversely proportional to the capacitance of
the capacitor.
2) The charge which appears on a capacitor is directly propor-
tional to both the capacitance of the capacitor and the charging voltage.
3) The capacitance of a capacitor in farads may be found by
dividing the charge in coulombs placed upon it by the charging voltage
measured in volts.
4. Enter the Time Element
In Paragraph 2, an electric current was defined as the number of
coulombs passing a given point in a circuit per unit time. This may
be stated in symbolic shorthand thus:
I= Qjt (c)
where I is average current in amperes, Q is charge or quantity of elec-
trons in coulombs, and t is time in seconds.
Converting the equation to the form in which Q is the "unknown", we
Q = It (d)
From this equation it is evident that the charge that builds up on a
capacitor depends upon both charging current (I) and the time during
which the charging current flows (t).
Substituting It for Q in equation (b) 2 we obtain:
It= CE (e)
Solving for t:
t=-1- ~
This states that the time required to build up a voltage E on a
capacitor having a capacitance C, depends upon the size of the average
charging current; furthermore, the inverse relationship of t and I in-
forms us that the larger the charging current is, the less time will be
required to raise the voltage of the capacitor to the potential E.

5. Resistive Control of Charge Time

The significant idea which emerges from the discussion above is
that the time required to build up a given potential across the terminals
of a capacitor may be controlled by increasing or decreasing the magni-
tude of the current flowing into the capacitor. Conversely, if the capa-
citor is charged to begin with, the time required for discharge may
likewise be varied by changing the intensity of the discharging current.
A practical means of controlling current of any kind involves the
use of a resistor in series with the load. Viewing the capacitor as a load,
a resistor connected in series with the charging voltage and the capaci-
tor can be made to govern the time which must elapse before the capa-
citor takes on a given potential E. A charging and discharging circuit
is shown in Fig. 6.
With switch 2 open, current begins to flow into C as soon as switch
1 is closed. This charging current flows through R on its way into the
capacitor and, as we have seen, is controlled in strength by the value
of the resistor. If R is made very large, the voltage reading across C (E,)
will build up slowly so that the time required to reach voltage E, will
be comparatively large. Oust what is meant by "comparatively" will be
explained shortly) .


Fig, 6 A teat circuit for charge

and discharge


Conversely, after the capacitor is fully charged, switch 1 may be

opened. Then, if switch 2 is closed, the capacitor will discharge through
switch 2 and R. Again, the time required to discharge the capacitor
fully will depend upon the resistance value of R; if it is large, then a
comparatively long time must elapse before full discharge is realized.
The reader will note that two voltages are shown in Fig. 6: E,
and E,. Theoretically, E 1 can never rise enough to equal E 1 as will be
proved in a forthcoming paragraph; in practical electronic circuits, how-
ever, E 1 may be considered to be equal to E, after the lapse of sufficient
charging time.

Referring once again to equation (f), it is also evident that the

capacitance C is a determining factor in time of charge or discharge.
As the relationship between t and C is a direct one, the conclusion
that larger capacitance means longer charge or discharge time is justifi-
able. The water analogy used in a prior discussion fits in well here. It
takes longer to fill a large jug with water using a stream of given
velocity than it does to fill a smaller jug with the same stream.

6. The Use of Inductance in Place of Capacitance

A considerable parallelism of ideas and concepts is found to exist

when capacitors and inductances are compared side-by-side.
Capacitance Inductance
a. Capacitance tends to hold volt- Inductance tends to hold current
age constant. constant.
b. A definite time is required to A definite time is required to
build up a potential E 0 in a given build up a current IL through a
capacitor with a charging current given coil with an applied voltage
lo. EL.
c. The amount of time required The amount of time required is
is directly proportional to C and directly proportional to both L
inversely proportional to l 0 • That and EL. That is:
Ic t = KLEL
where k is a simple proportionality where K is a proportionality con-
constant. stant.
d. Charging current may be con- The voltage across the inductance
trolled by using a series resistor in may be controlled by means of a
accordance with Ohm's Law: series resistor in accordance with
I=E/R Kirchoff's Se.cond Law:
E1, = E,ource - E,,

Thus, when a coil is connected in series with a resistor, the time

element again enters in a fashion similar to that found in R-C circuits.
The larger the inductance, the longer the time required for the circuit
current to reach a steady state and the larger the series resistance, the
shorter the time required for the circuit current to reach a steady state.
The final comparative statement - one which will be of more value
than any other - may be written thus:

For capacitance
t = kRC in which t is the time in seconds for the capacitor
voltage to reach some predetermined value, k is
a proportionality constant which will enable us to
use common units of measure; R is resistance in
ohms or some multiple thereof, and C is capaci-
tance in farads or some sub-multiple thereof.
For inductance
L in which t is the time in seconds for the coil cur-
t KR rent to reach a steady state, K is a proportionality
constant inserted so that we may use common
units, L is inductance in henries or some sub-
multiple thereof, and R is resistance in ohms or
some multiple thereof.

7. Review Questions
(l). Define capacitance. What are the basic units for measuring this circuit
(2) . Name the factors which determine the capacitance of a given capacitor.
(!I) . Name three common commercial capacitor dielectrics.
(4) . What is meant by "bound charges"? What is meant by "electrical dielectric
(5). If a total charge of 15 coulombs builds up on the plates of a capacitor in
½ second, what average current has flowed during the charge time?
(6) . In the capacitor discussed in the previous question, what voltage must
appear across its tenninals if its capacitance is 50 µ,f?
(7). How much time would be required to charge a capacitor to a potential
of 100 volts if the capacitance is 2µ,f and the charging current (average value) is
.05 ma?
(8). A certain circuit contains capacitance and resistance in series with a
voltage source, and requires a time t to charge to a voltage E. If the capacitance is
doubled, what must be done to the resistance in order to keep the charge time
the same?
(9. A circuit containing resistance and inductance takes 5 seconds to reach
a steady-current state. If the inductance is halved, what must be done to the re-
sistance in order to keep the time the same?
(10). What factors deterniine the voltage breakdown rating of capaciton?
Chapter 2


8. The Growth of Capacitor Voltage

In the discussions of capacitor charging in previous paragraphs,
a certain logical outcome of this process was intentionally omitted in
order not to introduce issues which might create confusion.
To illustrate the nature of the outcome of this process, let us con-
sider a simple circuit containing a source of emf and a means of con•
necting it to any kind of load we wish. Since any practical current or
voltage source has a definite internal resistance, we shall indicate this
on our diagram and label it r.
Now suppose our source of emf is applied across a resistive load R,
as shown in Fig. 7. A steady current is established in accordance with
Ohm's law:
I= R+ r
The sequence of events is depicted in the same figure. Before the switch
is closed, the current in the circuit is zero; immediately after the circuit
is completed through the switch - instantaneously - the current rises
to the value determined by Ohm's law and stays at the same level as
long as the switch remains closed. The voltage drop or JR drop across
the resistive load follows exactly the same timing, starting at zero and
climbing to maximum instantaneously as soon as the circuit is com-
pleted by the closed switch. This follows the law that the voltage drop
across a purely resistive load is always directly proportional to the cur-
rent flow through the load and is always in the same phase. This rule
applies to varying currents in d-c circuits and a-c circuits carrying cur-
rent of any frequency, and should be remembered as a "rule of thumb."


0 _ __.,__ _ _ TIME


0 _ __.__ _ _ TIME


fig. 7 Current and voltage In resistive load

When the resistor is replaced by a capacitor, an entirely different

picture of current and voltage changes is obtained (Fig. 8) . Consider
the current rise first; when the circuit is first closed, a maximum current
surge occurs as the electrons leave one plate of the capacitor and enter
the other. The voltage across the capacitor is then zero. Very quickly,
however, the capacitor begins to accumulate a charge and consequently.
an emf of its own, the polarity of which is opposite to that of the source.
Another way to say this is to state that the polarity of the voltage taken
on by the charging capacitor bucks the voltage of the battery and, when
the voltage value on the capacitor equals that of the battery, there will
be effective neutralization or balance of voltage so that current will no
longer flow. The outcome of this growth of back-voltage is to cause the
current flowing into the capacitor to decrease slowly to zero between
the instant of switch-closing and point A in Fig. 8. The current does not
drop off in a straight line but follows a smooth curve whose slope
gradually decreases, tapering off practically to a horizontal line at point
A. This is an exponential or logarithmic type of curve with special
characteristics to be discussed shortly.
At the same time, the current surge into the capacitor right after
the switch is closed causes the voltage across it to begin to build up very
rapidly (between start and point B) but as the charging current begins
to taper off, the voltage increase takes place at a constantly slower pace,
resulting in another exponential curve which is convex at the top
rather than concave.

9. The Charging Curve

Additional resistance may be connected in series with the capacitor
and source to increase the time needed to reach a given state of charge.

(Paragraph 5) . If this is done, it becomes possible to take measurements

of small time intervals during the charging process and to determine
how much potential has built up on the capacitor at the end of each
interval. Then if these time intervals are plotted along the horizontal or
X-axis of a pair of rectangular coordinates, while the voltage at the
end of each interval is shown along the vertical, or Y-axis, it should be
possible to obtain the curve shown in the lower portion of Fig. 8.
Experimental measurements of this nature necessitate a judicious
choice of capacitor and resistor values to provide a charge time that is
long enough to permit careful readings of stop watch and voltmeter.
The values given in the table below are representative of those obtained
using a circuit having a rather large charge time.

Table I
Time During Which Voltage Developed
Charging Current Flows Across Capacitor
(seconds) (volts)
0 0
1 18
2 33
3 45
4 55
5 62
6 68
7 75
8 80
9 83
10 86
11 88
12 90
13 92
14 94
15 95

The graph of these coordinates is given in Fig. 9. It should be noted

that the shape of the curve corresponds to the description of it pre-
viously given. Significant observations about the nature of this curve are:
(a) It climbs very rapidly at first as indicated by the steep slope.
This is interpreted as large voltage changes over the first few time inter-
vals or rapid charging.


0 - - -- " - - - -• TIME


Fig. 8 Current and voltage in capacitive load

(b) Near the end of the charging period, the voltage added over
each successive time interval becomes smaller and smaller.
(c) It has a logarithmic or exponential shape. For those who have
had some mathematical training along these lines it may be useful to
know that the equation of a curve like this takes the following general
The chief reason for mentioning the name of this curve shape is to
acquaint the reader with terminology commonly found in the literature
dealing with time constants. Other than this, the name has little sig-
nificance to those primarily interested in mentally crystallizing the
meaning of time constants and their applications to electronics.
_,,,,, ....
in /
!:::i I
~ 60
Fig. 9 Graph of values in

§? I'
Table 1
a: 40
I '
fct J
c.> 20 J

0 15
5 10

It is not feasible to attempt to measure charge time with a circuit

like that illustrated in Fig. 8. The voltmeter connected across the capa-
citor tends to have a constant draining effect upon it and the capacitor
does not show a voltage as high as it should be at any time. As a matter
of fact, even a high input resistance meter, such as a good vacuum-tube
voltmeter, produces spurious results in this way; the meter causes the
capacitor to behave as though it had leakage. A simple circuit suitable
for laboratory or test purposes is provided in the Appendix, but refer-
ence to it should be delayed until the reader fully comprehends the
significance of percentage charge as compared with applied voltage. This
circuit is designed to permit accurate measurement of time constants,
using a minimum of equipment.

10. How Epsilon Enters the Picture

Epsilon, (, is the base in the Naperian or natural system of logar-
ithms; it has a constant value of 2.718. It is brought into this discussion
because it appears in the equation for the charging curve just described.
For the purposes of this discussion, a statement of this equation is de-
sirable but extensive analysis or derivation of it is not.
ec = E (1 - (RC)
in which ec = the voltage which. appears across the capacitor
E = the voltage applied to the resistor-capacitor series circuit
by the source
(=Epsilon, 2.718
t = time in seconds during which charging current flows
R = resistance, in ohms, in series with the capacitor
C = capacitance, in farads, of the capacitor
This equation may be read as follows: the voltage which appears across
a charging capacitor is equal to the applied voltage times the quantity
one minus epsilon raised to the minus t over RC power.
Let us analyze, qualitatively at least, the meaning of the equation.
A certain voltage, E, is applied by the battery in Fig. 10. After a given
time interval, t, the capacitor has charged to the voltage e0 • The capa-
citor voltage is less than that of the source if the time interval for
charging has been kept short and only after a comparatively long time
will the capacitor voltage approach the source voltage in magnitude.
The equation describes this in mathematical shorthand since the quan-
tity in the parentheses can never be greater than one. That is, if the
parenthetical quantity were exactly one, then ec would be equal to E

fig. 10 Circuit for showing

growth of voltage in resistive-
capacitive circuit

but this quantity is always 1 minus some real number so that e0 is equal
to E reduced by a finite number. As the t factor is permitted to grow
(longer charging time) the quantity inside the parentheses gets closer
and closer to one thus making the value of the capacitor voltage (e 0 )
approach the value of the source voltage (E).

11. Implications of the Equation

The fundamental analysis of the charging equation given in Para-
graph 10 is presented in general terms. Let us experiment with the equa-
tion using important numerical examples.
Assume for a moment that the circuit of Fig. 10 has been set
up but that the switch has not yet been closed. This means, of course,
that there can be no voltage on the capacitor as yet. (i.e., e0 = 0). We
may use the equation to test this rather obvious conclusion since it is
agreed that, before the switch is pressed, the charging time must be zero
(i.e., t = 0) . Substituting in the equation we have:
e0 = E (1 - £RC)
The exponent of epsilon is -0/RC. When zero appears in the numera-
tor of a fraction, the whole fraction is zero; thus the exponent of epsilon
is zero. However, any number raised to the zero power is equal to one,
hence the equation becomes:
e0 = E (1-1)
e0 = E (0)
e0 =0
which verifies the first conclusion and proves the equation to work out
for this extreme case.
Now we shall examine the opposite extreme. Assume that the charge
time is very long so t =
a very big number. In this case, the whole
exponent of epsilon becomes a very large negative number which makes
£ °Jfc"" get smaller and smaller, approaching zero. As this quantity nears
zero, the entire equation approaches this condition:

ec = E (1- 0)
ec = E (1)
ec = E
It is evident from this example, a very long charging time permits the
capacitor voltage to build up to a value which is close to but never
reaches the source voltage.
One of the most useful tests for the equation is to assume that the
time in seconds permitted for charging the capacitor is equal to the
product RC. Let us see what happens when this substitution is made in
the equation.
- RC
e0 =E(l-£ RC)
e0 = E (1 - i - 1)

e0 = E(l _J_) (

e0 = E (I - 2_7 )
e0 = E (1 - .37)
e0 = E (.63)
e0 = .63 E
This result is extremely informative. It says that the capacitor will
charge to 63% of the source voltage if the charging time is equal to the
product of the resistance in ohms times the capacitance in farads.
I£ t = RC, then
e0 = 63% of E (h)
This result is a general one and is applicable to any group of values
for R and C. As such, it is the most useful generalization we have ob-
tained thus far; it will be applied to all future developments where
charge time is a factor.

12. The Curve of Current Growth for Inductive-Resistive Circuits

The growth of current in a circuit such as that of Fig. 11 exactly
parallels the rise of capacitor voltage in the examples just covered. When
the switch is operated, the current flowing through the series circuit
starts at zero, rises very rapidly at first, then increases at a decreasing
rate because of the induced voltage that appears across the inductance, L.
Since, in this particular case, Lenz's law demands that the polarity of
this induced voltage oppose the applied voltage, the growing counter-
emf causes the circuit current to taper off in exactly the same manner

Fig. 11 Circuit illustrating cur-

rent growth In R-L circuit

as the capacitor voltage did in the previous illustrations. It should be

noted that the general statement of Lenz's law is that the induced volt-
age polarity is always such as to oppose a change in current. For ex-
ample, if voltage applied is suddenly reduced, inductance tends to main-
tain high current, thus aiding the applied voltage.
As a matter of fact, the current growth in an inductor is identical
with the voltage growth curve in a capacitor (Fig. 9) except for the
label on the Y-axis. If the label "Capacitor Voltage - Volts" is changed
to "Inductor Current - Amperes", the graph becomes perfectly correct
as the curve of inductive current growth. In the case of inductance, the
equation of the curve is:

iL = I (1-, )
where IL = current in the inductor at any time t, I= final steady-state
current of circuit, L = inductance in henries, and the other factors have
the same meanings as in the capacitor explanations. The similarity of
equation (i) to equation (g) should be evident at once. When L/R 1s
substituted for t in equation (i) , the outcome is:
if t = L/R
then iL = 63% of I (j)
Comparison of capacitive and inductive effects in this fashion indicates
that previous conclusions concerning the parallelism of the two hold
true all the way. In this case, if the flow time is permitted to be equal
to the quotient of L/R, then the current flowing through the coil after
time t will be 63% of the final value it will attain after a much longer
time interval.

13. Review Questions

(l) Why may the growth of voltage across the capacitor in a resistive-capacitive
charging circuit be called "non-linear"?
(2) What factor is responsible for the ever-decreasing rate of voltage growth
across the capacitor in this type of circuit?
(3) Theoretically, can a capacitor in a resistive-capacitive type of charge circuit
ever develop a voltage equal to that of the source? Why?
(4) What is the value of x in this statement: x =

(5) Prove that, if t= L/ R then £ becomes I/£
(6) In the circuit of Fig. 10, the applied voltage E is 100 volts, the voltage
which appears across C is 63 volts after time t, C = 2 farads and R = 10 ohms.
Prove that t (charging time) must be 20 seconds.
(7) If the applied voltage (Fig. 10) is 100 volts and ec = 25 volts at a given
time, what is the voltage drop across R at the end of the same time interval?
(8) If you were to draw a graph representing the changing voltage drop across
R (Fig. 10) during a long charging time interval, would this curve resemble that of
Fig. 9? Describe differences, if any.
(9) If the product RC were first computed for a case in which R was in
ohms and C in farads, and then for the same case in which R was in megohms
and C in microfarads, would the second answer be the same or different from the
first? Prove.
(10) If the resistance is given in ohms and the capacitance in microfarads,
would the product come out in seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or megaseconds?
Chapter 3


14. The Discharge Curve of a Resistive-Capacitive Circuit

Both the charge and discharge characteristics of a capacitor in
series with a resistor are important in electronic applications. Since the
circuit starts with a different set of conditions on discharge than it has
on charge, the behavior will be somewhat different.
We may start the analysis by considering a circuit like that illustra-
ted in Fig. 12. The capacitor, C has been charged to 100 volts but the
circuit is open so that discharge is not permitted. At this instant, t = 0
and e0 = JOO volts.
The switch is now closed. The potential across C causes a large
current to flow through R. But as soon as current starts to flow, the
voltage e0 begins to fall off; thus the current begins to decrease as well.
Each time interval that passes sees a dropping emf and a resultant decay
of current magnitude. The whole action may be compared to a defective
battery which starts with a high terminal emf but begins to lose it as
current is drained through the closed circuit in which it is the "prime
An experimental table of values is given below. To arrive at these
values, the capacitor was charged to 100 volts and permitted to dis-
charge through a high value resistor. After each second of elapsed dis-
charge time, a voltage reading was taken of the capacitor voltage, e0 •
Here again, the values chosen for both C and R were quite large to
permit accurate reading of timing device and voltmeter.


0ec = 100 VOLTS

Fig. 12 Simple discharge circuit

Table 2
(sec.) Discharge Time Capacitor Voltage (volts)
0 100
1 84
lS 55
4 45
5 37
6 31
7 25
8 21
9 17
IO 14
12 9
13 7
14 6
15 5

The graph of Table 2 is given in Fig. 13. Its characteristics are

very much like those of the charge curve (Fig. 9) in mirror-like reverse.
The curve starts at a high voltage value, drops very quickly during the
first few seconds, then its rate of decline begins to slow down more and
more as additional time passes. Again, the curve is logarithmic or ex-
ponential in form; this time, however, it follows the equation given
in the next paragraph rather than the original one (eq. g).

15. The Equation of the Discharge Curve

The equation of Table 2 is:
) (k)
Equation (k) may be read: the voltage across a discharging capa-
citor (e 0 ) at the end of any discharging time interval (t) is equal to

the original charged voltage on the capacitor times epsilon (E) raised
to the minus t over RC power. The quantity inside the parentheses
differs from that in equation (g) only in that the epsilon factor is not
subtracted from one. This difference explains the "mirror-image" char-
acteristics of the discharge curve as compared with the charge curve.

16. Implications of the Equation

It is worth seeing how this equation reacts to the same important
numerical substitutions used in Paragraph 1I.
If zero discharge time is assumed, that is, if the capacitor is fully
charged and has not been allowed to discharge at all, then t 0 and the =
equation becomes:
ec = E0(E )
ec E 0 (l)
ec = E 0 (J)
ec = Ea
Thus, with zero discharge time, the voltage across the capacitor
is still equal to its original full-charge voltage, a result to be expected.
The second condition assumed previously is that in which t is an
extremely long time interval. As before; the negative exponent of epsilon
grows larger as t gets bigger, making the entire epsilon factor shrink

(/) \
' \

Fig. 13 Graph of values In Lu

Table 2 C!)

g 40
' '\

' "' ,
~ 20
<[ ....
r-,. .....
5 10 15

toward zero. Note the emphasis on the word "toward". The only way
in which the epsilon factor could actually arrive at zero would be if
the time interval were infinitely large - an obviously impossible con-
dition. The conclusion, then, is that a capacitor, once charged, can
never be fully discharged. This is reminiscent of the ancient paradox
proposed by Zeno in which the tortoise led Achilles a merry chase. The
situation set up was that the tortoise was to start moving from
point A, while Achilles - certainly a worthy opponent - was to start
from point B, some distance behind the tortoise, and attempt to catch
the slow-moving animal by covering 75% of the distance remaining
between them every second. That Achilles could never catch the tortoise
came as quite a surprise to the thinkers of the ancient days, yet it is a
fact. Under these circumstances, there is always some remaining distance
between the two only a fraction of which is .covered during the follow-
ing time interval. Likewise, there is always some charge left in a capa-
citor which is fractionally dissipated during the next interval of time.
From a practical point of view, of course, a capacitor is considered
discharged after a suitably long period of time has been permitted to
elapse. Just what constitutes a "suitably long time" will be discussed in
Chapter 5.
Finally, we shall want to observe the outcome of assuming that the
time interval of discharge, t, is equal to the product of R times C; that
is, t = RC.
e0 =E 0 (i
e0 =E 0 (i -1)
e0 =E 0 (-)
e0 =E 0 x 1/2.7

e0 = .37E0
The interpretation of this statement is similar to the solution of
the charging equation when t is assumed equal to RC. At a time t RC=
after a capacitor having a capacitance of C farads has been permitted to
discharge through a resistor of R ohms, the voltage across the capacitor
will have declined to 37% of its initial, fully charged voltage.
The percentages 63% and 37% are odd values to work with and the
reader may inquire whether or not there is not some way to eliminate
the need for them in practical work. Unfortunately, there is not because
these numbers arise from the introduction of epsilon into the equation
of the curve; epsilon is a necessary "evil", a constant essential to the

process of standard unit utilization. To help clarify this point, consider

the following:
The distance between two points is 20 yards. To express this in
feet, we may write:
Distance in feet = 3 times distance in yards
The number "3" in this statement is a constant of proportionality
which permits feet to be set equal to yards. Similarly, in the statement:
t = RC
we are setting "seconds" equal to the product of ohms and farads and
so are using units that do not "match", like feet and yards. The intro-
duction of .63 and .37, respectively, in the equations given below makes
the conversion from one system of units to the other possible.
Charge e0 = .63 E when t = RC
Discharge e0 = .37 E 0 when t = RC

17. Review Questions

(l) In a discharging resistive-capacitive circuit, at what point is the voltage
drop across the resistor greatest: at the beginning or the end of the discharge period?
(2) If resistance is expressed in ohms and capacitance in microfarads, in what
unit will t come out when the equation t = RC is solved?
(3) How much time, from a purely theoretical standpoint, must go by before
a charged capacitor can discharge to zero voltage through a resistor.
(4) To avoid accidental shock, the technician often "shorts out" charged filter
capacitors (after removing the power source) with the blade of a screwdriver. Are
his chances for getting a shock better or worse this way than if he had "shorted out"
the capacitors through a one megohm resistor? Explain.
(5) A 40-µf filter capacitor charged to 400 volts can cause a much more severe
shock than a .25-µf capacitor charged to the same voltage. Why?
(6) When a large capacitor charged to 1000 volts is permitted to discharge
through a 100-ohm resistor, a current of 10 amperes flows instantly as the circuit
is completed. Yet this resistor would normally burn out with a current of only one
ampere flowing through it in a straightforward d-c or a-c. circuit. Why doesn't it
burn out when discharging the capacitor?
(7) An 8-µf capacitor is caused to discharge through a IO-megohm resistor.
How much time must elapse before the capacitor's voltage is down to 37% of its
fully charged value?
(8) A 2-µf capacitor is charged to 1000 volts. We wish to have it discharge
through a resistor so that its charge is approximately 370 volts at the end of IO
seconds. What value must the resistor have?
(9) A capacitor originally charged to a potential of 350 volts discharges through
a 4000-ohm resistor. At the. end of .024 seconds its voltage is down to 129.5 volts.
What must be the capacitance of the capacitor in microfarads.
(10) A .025-µf capacitor discharging through a 5-megohm resistor starts with
a voltage of 850 volts. What will its voltage be at the end of .625 seconds of
discharge time?
Chapter 4


18. The Time Constant

The product RC has shown itself to be a convenient and definitive
characteristic of capacitor-resistor charge and discharge circuits. We have
found that the time for charge or discharge is wholly dependent upon
both Rand C, hence the product may be made to tell the whole "time"
story. Once the values of R and C are fixed in any given circuit, the tim-
ing for the circuit becomes invariable in the sense that the capacitor
voltage is a definite percentage of the original or applied voltage, when
time t is allowed to pass.
Thus, the product RC is called the time constant of a capactior-re-
sistor circuit, and may be defined:
where T is the time constant of the circuit in seconds, R is the resistance
in ohms, and C is the capacitance in farads.
In our equation tests (Chapters 2 and 3) we repeatedly wrote the
t =RC
These two statements are not the same. The equation in which T
appears as a capital letter defines the term "time constant" while the
second equation simply states that the timing period for charge or dis-
charge was made equal to the product RC. From this point on, when-
ever the equation appears, it will stand for the definition of time
Many authors of contemporary articles on this subject use expres-
sions such as "3T", "½T", etc. They indicate by this symbology the
number of time constant periods about which they are writing or the


fraction of one time constant period, whatever the case may be. "JT"
stands for three time constant periods, "½ T" for one-half of one time
constant period, etc. This is a convenient and explicit way to discuss
various timing circuits as will be seen in Chapter 5.

19. Time Constant Measurements

A few of the review questions at the ends of preceding chapters
dealt with R-C products in which R was not in ohms or C in farads. This
is rather the rule than the exception because capacitors are never rated
in farads. The chart given here should be retained or memorized to
assist the reader in choosing the proper combinations of units.

seconds ohms farads
seconds megohms micro farads
microseconds ohms micro farads
microseconds megohms micro-microfarads

20. Capacitor Voltage After R-C Time

The graphs of Figs. 9 and 13 were based upon the assumption of
certain representative figures which would permit actual measurement
of time and voltage as the capacitor cha1-ged and discharged.
It should now be possible for the reader to determine the time
constant of this theoretical circuit from the graphs themselves. It is
easier to start with the discharge curve of Fig. 13 since the initial capa•
citor voltage is clearly shown as 100 volts.
To determine the time constant for discharge, first take 37% of
100 volts. This is 37 volts, of course. Then find 37 volts on the vertical
voltage axis, move horizontally to the right until the 37 volt line inter-
sects the curve, and finally move down vertically from the intersection
point to the time (horizontal) axis. This is 5 seconds, the time constant
T for this particuhr circuit.

Fig. 14 Charge and discharge 2

circuit for resistive current and
voltage measurement



I APPLIED Fig. 15 Applied waveform

~--'-~--- - ' - - - - T I M E

In Fig. 9, the source voltage used to produce the capacitor voltages

shown was 100 volts. The time constant is found this time by taking
63% of 100 volts (63 volts) and tracing the intersection again to the
time axis. Once more the time constant appears to be 5 seconds, as it
should be since both Table 1 and Table 2 were obtained from the
same circuit.

21. Current and Voltage for R-C Resistor

Occasional mention has been made of the current and voltage in
the discharge resistor. Applications of time constant circuits so fre-
quently involve the electrical e££ects taking place in the resistor that
it becomes necessary now to leave the capacitor and turn our attention
to the resistor.
To investigate the resistive effects, a circuit like that of Fig. 14
is first set up. A 100 volt source, a double-throw single pole switch, a
capacitor, and a resistor are connected in such a way as to permit the
capacitor to charge through the resistor in one position of the switch
and to discharge when the switch is moved to its opposite position .

...i,ro '":J , I I I

I I Fig. 16 Capacitor voltage
changes with applied square
IOOV I I wave
63V I I 63V

What is proposed is that the switch should be set at position No. I, kept
there for one R-C time period, and then altered to position No. 2. This
is the sequence of events for the application of source voltage and may
be pictured as a waveform illustrated by Fig. 15. At the instant the
switch is thrown to position I, the applied voltage rises sharply from
zero to 100 volts - this is the voltage which is impressed across the series
circuit formed by the capacitor and the resistor, not the voltage across
either the resistor or capacitor alone - and remains at this level through-
out one T period; then, as the position of the switch lever is reversed,
the battery is disconnected from the circuit and the applied emf drops
instantly to zero.


Fig. 17 Capacitor current wave- 1ma


( CURRENT IN o,.,...___.___T_,___....,__ _T_,___,.____ _ _


Notwithstanding the fact that these potential changes are being

created by a mechanically-actuated switching device, we may refer to
them as composing a waveform and, {urthermore, we may substitute
the right kind of signal generator for the switch provided that the gen-
erator has a waveform output that corresponds to that of the switch.
This will be done later in this discussion when the output of a square-
wave generator is utilized as the applied voltage.
During the same T interval, the capacitor charges along the now
familiar exponential curve, reaching 63 volts (63% of 100 volts) at the
end of the interval. But what happens during the discharge T interval?
The capacitor voltage decays along the exponential curve as antici-
pated, but it falls to 23 volts rather than some lower figure (see Fig. 16) .
The discharge equation has pointed out that the voltage across the


RESISTOR T T TIME Fig. 18 Voltage acrou the
0 -+--L---'---+-----'------ resistance


capacitor falls to 37% of its original charged potential during one T

period. This capacitor started out at 63 volts; 37% of 63 = 23.3 volts
which we round off to 23 volts for purposes of illustration.
The current flowing "in and out" of the capacitor and hence the
current in the resistor has the waveform shown in Fig. 17. When the
switch is first closed, the capacitor has not yet built up a back-emf so
that the current in the circuit is maximum, being limited only by the
resistance R. Let us assume a maximum current of l ma as given on the
curve; as the capacitor voltage grows, the current gradually drops unil,
at the end of the T period, it has fallen to .37 ma. This particular cur-
rent flows at this time because the effective applied voltage has dropped
to only 37 volts as a result of the bucking action of the 63 volts placed
on the capacitor; thus, if l ma flows when the applied voltage is 100

ec IL

le el


L e,
e, e,

Fig. 19 Waveforms for R-C and R-l circuits compared


volts (at the start of the cycle), then when the applied voltage is re-
duced to 37 volts, the current will be .37 ma.
When the switch moves into position 2, the capacitor applies the
full 63 volts it has gathered in the reverse direction as compared with
the battery polarity. This produces a current of 63 ma in the opposite
direction through the resistor, hence we encounter a dip below the zero
axis for the first time. Then, with further discharge of the capacitor
during the next T period, the current decays to .23 ma because the
capacitor voltage has fallen to 23 volts as previously explained.
Adhering to the assumed values of components, the voltage wave-
form appearing across the resistor (er) is identical with the current
through it (remember the rule of thumb given in Paragraph 8) . Thus,
the end result of this entire development is a voltage across R having
the waveform shown in Fig. 18. The choice of one T period has pro-
duced a waveform of no particular significance, but as the reader will
see, very important waveforms can be produced by varying the charge
and discharge period to 5 or more T's or to 1/5 T or less.
22. R-L Waveforms for Square-Wave Applied Voltage
The waveforms obtained from an R-L circuit are practically identi-
cal with those in an R-C circuit with current and voltage variations in-
terchanged. This, of course, follows the pattern set up in Paragraph 12.
The voltage across the resistor in the R-L circuit does not resemble the
resistor voltage in the R-C arrangement because resistor voltage always
depends for amplitude and phase on the current through it. The inter-
change mentioned above is responsible for the difference between ere
and erL pictured in Fig. 19. For R-L circuits, T L/R.=
23. Review Questions
(1) What is the time constant in seconds of a circuit containing 10,000 ohms
of resistance and 0.5 µ.f of capacitance?
(2) What is the time constant in microseconds of an RC circuit containing
350 ohms and 2 µ.f?
(3) If the capacitor of (b) is replaced by one having a capacitance of 200
micro-microfarads, what size would the resistor have to be to maintain the same
time constant for the circuit?
(4) State the characteristics of a square-wave voltage input from the standpoint
of waveform.
(5) In what timing circuit (RC or RL) does an a-c voltage drop appear across
R with d-c square-wave input?
(6) If the applied square-wave voltage in an RC circuit is 250 volts, what
negative voltage drop will appear across the resistor at the end of the first cycle?
(7) Draw, one below the other, a series of sketches of waveforms, all over one
R-C interval, showing Eapp (square-wave), e 0 , 10 , and e,.
(8) In a circuit used in a television receiver, a time constant of 100 micro-
seconds is required for integrating serrated vertical sync pulses. The resistor is
100,000 ohms. What is the value of the capacitor?
Chapter 5


24. The Univenal Time Constant Chart

For the designer, for the student, and the experimenter in timing
circuits, the universal time constant chart in Fig. 20 is especially handy.
Its use enables the engineer or technician to determine the percentage
charge or discharge of the capacitor in an R-C circuit and the percent-
age of the steady-state current flowing in an R-L circuit. It will be rec-
ognized as an expansion of the graphs in Figs. 9 and 13 to cover five T's
or R-C periods. Suppose, for example, that it is desired to find the
residual voltage on a capacitor which had an initial charge of 150 volts,
after discharging over 2½ R-C periods. Reference to the chart discloses
that the residual percentage after 2.5 T = 8%, Hence the residual volt-
age is .08 x 150 = 12 volts.
There are numberless ways to use the graphs. Here is a rather ele-
gant illustration: a thyratron (a gas filled tube used in time delay relay
circuits) triggers when its grid voltage rises to -4 volts. An emf is ap-
plied to the grid capacitor causing it to charge to -15 volts and when
the "set button" is operated, the capacitor begins to discharge toward
ground through the grid resistor. If the desired delay time is exactly 10
seconds between setting and triggering, what is the exact time constant

First set 4 over 15 (4/15) to determine the percentage decay from

full voltage. This is equal to 26.7%.
Second, find 26.7% on the discharge curve and determine the num-
ber of R-C periods required. You will find this is 1.35 R-C periods.




~ 80
' /

:, \ /
~ 70
\ /

~ \
°' 60
~ I/
"' \,
~ 50
~ 40
" r-..
::l I/
ii' '\
"- 30
I I'\
z I'-
"' 20
Ii r...


I 2 3 4 ~


Fig. 20 The universal time constant chart

Third, consider that 1.35 R-C periods must take 10 seconds and ask
yourself how long 1 R-C period will require. This is, of course, deter-
minable by setting up a simple ratio:
10 x sec.
1.35 =-1-
x = 10/1.35 = 7.4 seconds.
Hence, 1 R-C period is equal to 7.4 seconds in this problem and
the resistor-capacitor combination must have a time constant of 7.4
seconds. Imagine that a good, oil-filled, low leakage capacitor of 2 µ,f
is available. The resistor to go with this capacitor is therefore:
7.4 = 2xR
R = 7.4 /2 = 3.7 megohms

25. long and Short Time Constants

The waveforms depicted in Figs. 16, 17, and 18 are those seen in
circuits where the square-wave of applied voltage is permitted a width
of l R-C period. (See Fig. 15). Attention was drawn to the fact that
these output waveforms are of no particular significance but that very
important types of waveforms are obtained by using circuits in which
the time constant is either very long or very short in comparison to the
width of the wave.
A circuit is said to have a long time constant if its R-C period is 5
times (or more) greater than the width of the applied square wave. This

11 I I
I I R er
(er> I I
2 3I 5 61

Fig. 21 Output of short time constont circuit with square wave Input

is a rather arbitrary figure - but it is borne. out by the universal time

constant chart; note that, at the end of 5 R-C periods, both charge and
discharge are over 99% complete.
A circuit is said to have a short time constant if its R-C period is
1/5 (or less) of the width of the applied square wave.
Thus, a time constant is long if it does not permit the capacitor to
take on an appreciable charge during the charge half-cycle of the ap-
plied voltage; a time constant is short if the capacitor can charge
practically 100% during the time that the applied voltage is active.

26. Short T Waveforms, Differentiation Network

The output waveforms taken across the resistor m an R-C circuit
having a short time constant are given in Fig. 21.
Sudden application of the steeply rising leading edge of the square-
wave causes maximum current to flow through R as the capacitor is not



Fig. 22 Output of long time

constant circuit with square
wave Input
( er>
tl .

•••• .


Fig. 23 Removal of d-c compoMnt of signal by capacitor

yet offering back-voltage opposition, thus the voltage drop across R rises
steeply to point 1. Since the time constant is short compared to the width
of the wave, the capacitor charges fully long before the trailing edge
is reached, so that the current through R (and the voltage drop across
it) drops to zero long before the end of the half-cycle. (point 2). Nor
does current flow during the remainder of this half-cycle since the
capacitor is fully charged and remains so until point 3 is reached. Here
the applied voltage is removed (trailing edge) and the capacitor sends
a surge of current through the resistor in the reverse direction, (the
source of voltage is the return path) producing the sudden rise in
negative voltage from point 3 to 4. Again, the short time constant assures
that the capacitor will discharge fully in a very brief interval (point 4
to 5) with a consequent quick decay of resistor voltage to zero. Here
it remains until point 6 is reached, at which time the cycle repeats.

27. Long T Waveforms, Coupling Networks

A resistive-capacitive coupling system must be designed with a
long time constant. The prerequisite of a coupler is that it produces
an output waveform as nearly identical with the input waveform as
possible. Fulfillment of this requirement insures faithful reproduction
in audio amplifiers and wide bandpass in r-f and i-f amplifiers. Wave-
forms for long T circuits are given in Fig. 22. The same analysis as
used for short T circuits may be applied here, taking into account that
the time constant is so long that the capacitor takes on very little charge
during the wave-width period. Thus it does not develop a large back-
emf and the circuit current is not materially reduced from the leading
to the trailing edge; likewise, the output voltage remains pretty well up
- near maximum - accounting for the fact that the top of the output
waveform is almost horizontal (Points I to 2.) It will be observed that
the output shape is very close to that of the input.


";"' j II

r: •
I ~

Fig. 24 Short time constant on charge - long time constant on discharge

Another rather obscure point is called to the attention of the reader.

Within the space of about 5 or 6 cycles, the output waveform, which
starts as practically perfect pulsating direct current, becomes pure alter-
nating current, as shown in Fig. 23. This conversion occurs as a result of
the "percentage charge-discharge" process with each successive cycle
starting a little below the one before. This is clearly explained in Para-
graph 20 with the aid of Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18. Time constant action
is the phenomenon which accounts for the blocking action of a capaci-
tor on the d-c component of a pulsating d-c voltage.

28. Short T Charge and long T Discharge Waveforms

Filter Systems. A time constant circuit may be arranged in such a
way as to permit the charging circuit to contain very little resistance
while the discharging circuit contains much resistance. The effect is
to have a short charging time constant and a long discharging constant.

2.6 µsec---j f-- !---27 µsec


I: _lj31.7 Ll_
II I I I I ~ T -
µfl .001


CAPACITOR -~:::::::::::!'.:..::::::::C:'.::::-::!:._________•TIME

Fig. 25 Television sync pulses fed to integrator


The circuit included in Fig. 24 illustrates a mechanical arrangement of

this nature; in power supplies, where the filter network following the
rectifier needs this combination short-long characteristic, switching is
done automatically by the uni-directional conduction of the rectifier.
In the case of a power supply filter, or an integrating network de-
signed in a similar fashion, the output voltage is taken across the capa-
citor rather than the resistor. The short charge time permits the capa-
citor to charge fully long before the end of the first half input cycle;
when the "off" period begins, the capacitor discharges very slowly, re-
taining the greater percentage of its charge throughout the "off" half-
cycle. The filter action is easily seen as one in which the "valleys" be-
tween positive peaks are filled in by the long time constant, stored
charge in the capacitor.



•V\ :/\
n n .D

fig. 26 Long time constont on chorge - short time constont on discharge

The same principle, somewhat modified in component value, is

used in the sync sections of TV receivers. The underlying objective of
this circuit is the conversion of a series of short pulses of voltage into
a single long pulse. Broadly speaking, that is just what a power supply
filter does, using, of course, vastly different pulse width and time
A standard, single-section television integrator might have a time
constant of about 100 microseconds, obtained by using a 100,000 ohm
resistor and a .001 µ,f capacitor. The pulses fed to the input of the inte-
grator are of two different widths (equalizing and vertical sync pulses)
with differently-timed intervals between them. (Fig. 25) . The job
of the R-C circuit is to "ignore" the equalizing pulses and take cogni-
zance of the serrated vertical pulses by building up a voltage across the
capacitor when the latter arrive. The capacitor charges up to only a
very low voltage by the time the trailing edge of each equalizing pulse
appears; then the long interval between equalizing pulses (31.7 micro-

seconds) is more than great enough to allow a discharge of the capaci-

tor back to its original voltage. Thus, no voltage is built up during
equalizing pulse time. But the serrated vertical pulse is made up of
wider pulses having individual durations of approximately 27 micro-
seconds with very short intervals (4.4 microseconds) between them.
These pulse widths permit the capacitor to charge to significant voltages
during passage of the pulse with very little discharge between pulses,
ultimately giving rise to a relatively high voltage which is used for
triggering the vertical oscillator in the television receiver.

29. Long T Charge and Short T Discharge Waveforms, Sawtooth Generator

When the arrangement explained in Paragraph 26 is reversed, an

entirely different set of conditions prevails. Now the charge time is
relatively long while the discharge time is short. Refer to Fig. 26. The
capacitor, charging through a high resistance, develops considerable
voltage along the exponential charge curve over the relatively long
time period. This voltage is built up gradually, forming a gently sloping
curve. On discharge the action occurs much more quickly because dis-
charge occurs through a low resistance; hence, the capacitor discharges
to zero in much less time than was needed to attain the initial charge
voltage. The result is a sawtooth waveform. This waveform is
extremely important in a great number of modern electronic circuits.
Relaxation oscillators, multivibrators, blocking oscillators, and gas-dis-
charge oscillators are all dependent upon this arrangement of time con-
stants for discharge and charge.

30. R-L Time Constant Applications

Inductors sometimes find application in time-constant circuits in

place of R-C components, although their use is avoided where their mag-
netic fields may be troublesome. As a rule, furthermore, their inclusion
is generally less economical and more space-consuming than capacitors.
The reader will encounter inductor applications in circuits such as
Short T - R-L differentiators used in television.
Long T - Impedance coupling in audio amplifiers.
Short T Charge, Long T Discharge - L-C filter networks in which
the receiver itself, or a bleeder, serves as discharge "resistor".

31. Review Questions

(1) At what percentage charge (or discharge). are the charge and discharge
time constants identical?
(2) The time constant of a typical integrator network is 100 micrO!leconds.
What percentage of charge will be attained during one serrated vertical pulse interval
(Fig. 25) (Make use of Universal Time Constant Chart)?
(3) Why is an interval of 5T periods ch05en to represent the minimum interval
that may be called "long time constant"?
(4) What percentage of charge has been lost by a capacitor discharging over
(5) Explain why a coupling circuit used in an audio amplifier must have a
long time constant.
(6) Use is often made of the fact that the first 10% of charge or discharge
occurs along an essentially linear portion of the curve. Hold a straight edge along
the curve for the first 10% to verify this statement.
(7) A circuit is to produce one sharp positive "pip" and one sharp negative
"pip" for each cycle of applied square wave voltage. What must be true of its time
constant? (long, short, medium)
(8) The frequency of a certain applied square-wave voltage is 15,750 cycles
per second. (1) Find the period of this voltage, (2) determine the maximum time
constant a differentiator may have to work properly at this frequency.
(9) A complex integrator network has a time constant of 200 microseconds. The
input square wave has a peak voltage of 12 volts. To what voltage will the integrator
capacitor charge over the interval of one equalizing pulse?
(10) How would you use the equations of charge and discharge to prove that
the two universal curves intersect at the 50% mark?
Chapter 6


32. Circuit Applications of the Time Constant in Industrial Electronics

The functions performed by time constant circuits already described
(differentiation, integration, coupling, filtering, etc.) are widely em-
ployed in industry for jobs that have requirements similar to those
presented in previous chapters.
A somewhat different category of tasks in which time constant
effects play significant roles are those which entail timing circuits like
those encountered in X-ray timers, photo-exposure timers, welding con-
trols, counters, and time-delay relays in general. Although there are as
many different approaches to the solution of a given problem as there
are design engineers, a few basic circuit conditions may be chosen as
typical for the purpose of illustration.
Timing circuits are closely associated with relays. A representative
set of sequential steps might be outlined as follows:
(a) A circuit is "set" to begin its timing by making a circuit al-
teration such as operating a switch, allowing light to fall on a photo-cell,
interrupting a beam of light to a photo-cell, adding body capacity to
the circuit, etc.
(b) Immediately when the circuit is "set", a capacitor connected
with the control element, usually the grid, of a vacuum or gas tube be-
gins to change its state of charge through a resistor.
(c) When the change has proceeded sufficiently far, the conduc-
tive condition of the tube has altered enough to operate a plate-circuit
relay. When this occurs, the circuit is said to have been "triggered" and
the timing period is at an end.


(150V) LAMP

117V AC


Fig. 27 Basic timing circuit

(d) The circuit then must either be reset by the operator or may
reset itself automatically so that it is ready to accept the next cycle of
To illustrate: a photo-timer is used to control the exposure time of
an enlarger in making photographic prints. The time of exposure is
first chosen by rotating a knob to the desired time, say, 12 seconds; the
set button is then pushed and the enlarger light goes on; the timing
circuit begins to change its state of charge and at the end of 12 seconds
it operates a relay which turns the enlarger off; finally, the relay itself
is arranged in the circuit so that when it extinguishes the enlarger lamp,
it resets the circuit for the next exposure.
The basic timing circuit for such a device is given in Fig. 27. The
initial conditions, governed by the setting of the 20k potentiometer,
are such that the high negative bias on the grid of the control tube pre-
vents the plate current from reaching a value ·necessary to pull in the
relay. When the set button is pressed (spring-operated, normally open),
the negative voltage present previously across C is discharged through
the set button and the grid is placed at ground potential. The plate
current of the tube rises enough to pull in the relay and the enlarger
lamp ignites. In the meantime, the button is released, removing the
short-circuit discharge path; C now begins to charge through R from
the bias source, negatively on the grid side. At the end of the timing
period, the grid becomes negative enough so that the plate current drops




100 Jl.


Fig. 28 Practical photo-timer circuit

sufficiently to release the relay armature, turning off the lamp. Since
the circuit conditions have now returned to those initially present, re-
setting is not necessary; it is ready to accept the next cycle. R and C
both are usually made variable to provide for a wide range of time
constants, and thus a wide range of timing periods.
It should be remarked that the time delay to be expected from this
hook-up is a function, not only of the magnitudes of R and C but also
of the charging voltage established by the setting of the 20K potentio-
meter. As the circuit stands, this potentiometer governs both the initial
bias voltage on the triode and also the voltage applied to C through R
for charging purposes.
Figure 28 illustrates a practical photo-timer circuit for enlarging
exposures from 1 to 60 seconds and its basic operating principle is identi-
cal with that of Fig. 27. Refinements have been added to permit accu-
rate calibration in seconds and wide timing range. The procedural steps
for adjustment of this unit are:
(a) Run the wiper of RJ down to point A, of R2 down to point B,
and set the selector switch at point C. This short circuits the capacitor
(C) and places the grid at ground potential.
(b) Adjust the bias of the 43 using R3 so that the relay pulls in
readily and positively when the spring button is pressed.

(c) Move the wiper of R2 to point D; now adjust the charging

current with RI so that the relay pulls in for exactly ten seconds and
then releases when the spring button is operated. The dial or scale of
R2 may later be subdivided into intervals of one second each by hand
(d) Each time the moving contact of the wafer switch is advanced
another notch, an additional resistance of one megohm is added to the
charging circuit which should add IO seconds more to the time delay.
This may now be checked and the entire unit calibrated. Precision re-
sistors are desirable if high accuracy is necessary, but for all practical
photographic purposes ordinary carbon composition resistors are satis-
factory. The 100-ohm resistor serves to discharge the capacitor once the
timing cycle is finished; the release of the relay, then, automatically re-
sets the circuit for the next operation, in addition to turning off the
enlarging lamp. For really consistent operation, the capacitor C must
be high quality having low leakage characteristics.
33. Other Applications of R-C Constant
High- and low-pass filters consisting of R-C circuits find universal
application in audio and high fidelity amplifiers in the form of pre-
emphasis and de-emphasis circuits, and tone controls of all descriptions.
The difference between high- and low-pass filters is indicated in
Fig. 29. When the general arrangement is re-drawn as in (c) of this
figure, it is apparent that the input voltage for either type of filter is
applied across a series-connected R-C combination. The high pass effect




'...., w-
f'" ":

0---1-------<0 I


Fig. 29. Difference between high- and low-pass filters


Fig. 30 R-C coupling circuit

is obtained when the output voltage is taken from across the resistor;
the low pass response requires that the output comes from the terminals
of the capacitor.
To facilitate the analysis of these filters, assume that signals of
three frequencies, 500 cycles per second, 3,000 cycles per second, and
15,000 cycles per second, are all present at the input of the high-pass
filter. The periods of these frequencies (Period = I/frequency = time
for I cycle) are respectively .002 sec., .0003 sec., and 66.5 microseconds
(approximately) . If the time constant is chosen so that it is short for
the first two periods but long for the last period, then for 500 cps and
3,000 cps, the capacitor will be able to change its voltage fully during
each half-cycle of the input variation. This means that practically the
entire signal voltage appears across the capacitor, leaving very little
signal voltage across the output resistor. It must be remembered that
the capacitor and resistor form an a-c voltage divider with the output
voltage being taken across the resistor in a high-pass filter, and that
signal voltage appearing across the capacitor is lost to the output.
Consider the same frequencies_ applied to the low-pass filter. The
time constant of the filter must now be long for the lower frequencies
but very, very long for the high frequency. Now the high frequency
signal cannot produce any significant voltage change in the capacitor
since the time constant is too long to permit rapid charge and dis-
charge; the low frequency signals, however, having much longer periods
can force the capacitor voltage to rise and fall. Thus, the capacitor
variations are taken as the signal voltages and are used as the output.
From the foregoing discussion, it is apparent that the two types of
filters are the same with respect to the input signal but differ from
each other only in their time constants and the place from which the
output voltage is tapped.
Typical low-pass filters used in radio and television are integrating
networks and de-emphasis networks. Integrators have already been dis-
cussed; a de-emphasis network has a time constant of 75 microseconds
and is used to restore the low audio frequencies to the fm receiver out-
put system. This is necessary since the signal at the transmitter is pre-

emphasized, i.e. more weight is given to the higher audio frequencies

for the sake of improving the signal-to-noise ratio. De-emphasis brings
about the restoration of the original tonal balance.
Most tone controls of the simple R-C variety are shunt types of high-
pass filters and operate to attenuate the higher audio frequencies thus
yielding an apparently deeper tone.
A coupling circuit by the nature of its connection (Fig. 30) is a
high-pass filter consisting of C0 and R 0 • A difficulty here arises from
the fact that a coupling network is required to pass all frequencies with-
in a given range with equally little attenuation, otherwise distortion is
introduced. Unless the coupler is properly designed with respect to its
R-C time constant, it will attenuate the low frequencies severely. Its time
constant is, therefore, made as large as possible without increasing it to
the point where other troubles begin to appear. The greater the T, the
less the attenuation of the low frequencies.
As a final illustration of the use of R-C time constant in radio, let
us investigate the operation of a simple AVC system. Normally, the
radio signal after detection consists of a pulsating audio voltage across
the detector load resistor. This voltage comprises an a-c component
(audio) and a d-c component whose size is dependent upon the original
signal strength reaching the detector. It is desired to feed the d-c com-
ponent back to the grids of variable mu tubes (r-f amplifier, converter,
i-f amplifier) as a negative voltage to control their gain. In this way, a
strong signal limits the gain to a low value and a weak signal allows the
gain to be high. At the same time, the audio component must not be
permitted to reach the controlled grids if undesired feedback is to be



CONTROLLED.,_-=---4>---i + AMPL (A) (B)

Fig, 31 AVC circuit and equivalent


avoided. Figure 31 (A) shows the actual AVC circuit; Fig. 31 (B) is a
simplified version showing that the pulsating audio is applied across
R and C in series, with the AVC output being taken from across the
capacitor. The task of the network is to permit unimpeded passage to
the negative d-c voltage, but to attenuate the audio component enough
so that it does not affect the gains of the controlled tubes. Thus, the
time constant of R and C must be long enough so that the voltage on C
cannot follow the audio variations, yet not so long as to prevent the
system from following normal carrier intensity changes such as occur
when tuning from station to station or when the signal is fading.
Using the lowest practical audio frequency, say 30 cycles per second,
as the basis for computation, we want to know what time constant
would be necessary to completely attenuate the audio without making
the system unresponsive to slower changes. The period of a 30 cycle
wave is .03 seconds; if we make the time constant of this network equal
to .15 seconds, then one cycle of the audio will be completed in 1/5 of
an RC period - hardly time enough to change the voltage on the AVC
capacitor as explained in Paragraph 24. The capacitor will then charge
up to the average value of the carrier wave, i.e. the d-c component of the
detector output, while the audio variations will not appear across it
at all. But it requires much more than .15 seconds to tune from one sta-
tion to another; and even repetitive fading has a much smaller fre-
quency than 7 "fades" per second. Hence, the system will be able to
follow station changes and fading with little difficulty.
Examination of receiver circuits reveals that the R-C combination
that has become standard today is 3 megohms and .05 µ.f. The time
constant of this combination is, of course, .15 seconds - exactly the
same figure we arrived at from purely theoretical considerations.
34. Review Questions
(l) The fundamental timing circuit of Fig. 27 is a "positive" type; that is,
push-button on, light on for timing period. Show the simple changes necessary to
make this a negative type in which pushing the button on, causes the light to go
off for the timing period. (Use the same relay.)
(2) Aside from the action of Rl in Fig. 28 as a bias control, in what other
way does this resistor control timing?
(3) What action occurs in the photo-timer of Fig. 28 when the timing period
is over, the relay releases, and resetting occurs? What part does the 100-ohm resistor
play in this action?
(4) What is the time constant of the timing circuit in the same figure when
it is adjusted to trigger after 30 seconds?
(5) State clearly the differences between a high-pass and a low-pass filter.
(6) Is a differentiation network a high-pass or low-pass filter?
(7) Is an AVC network a high or low pass system?
(8) Is a coupling network high or low pass in structure?
(9) Based upon the explanations given in this chapter, what general form
must a pre-emphasis network take?
Test Unit for Verification of Time Constant Laws
1. Calibration. Connect the circuit as shown, using for R a resistor
to he used in your first measurement. Do not connect a capacitor across
terminals 1 and 2 as yet.
Leave the switch open. Connect a vtvin between grid and cathode
and run the slider of the 20K potentiometer down to the ground end.
Apply power, then adjust the 20K potentiometer so that the vtvm
reads exactly 6.3 volts. Now read the milliammeter and carefully record
the plate current. Whenever the milliammeter reads this value of current
in subsequent steps you will know that the grid voltage is 6.3 volts.
2. Make sure the switch is open. Remove power. Connect the test
capacitor across 1 and 2. Connect the vtvm between point A and
ground. Apply power and adjust the 20K potentiometer so that the vtvm
reads exactly IO volts. Close the switch. The charging voltage has now
been adjusted to IO volts.
Prepare a watch with a sweep second hand for use in timing capa•
citor charge. With the switch closed, the capacitor is short-circuited and
cannot charge hut when the switch is opened, charging current flows
into the capacitor producing a negative potential at terminal 1 with re-
spect to ground. Thus as the capacitor charges, the grid becomes more
and more negative with respect to cathode and the plate current drops.
Open the switch and 'time the interval required for the milliam-
meter reading to drop to the reference value recorded above. When
this occurs, you know that the capacitor has charged to 63% of the ap-
plied voltage. That is:
Applied voltage= JO volts
Reference ma reading= 6.3 volts of charge
6.3 is 63% of JO
Thus the interval timed above is the time constant of this R-C
combination. Comparison of this measurement with the results oh-
tainecl from substituting in T = RC will verify the equation of charge.


Test circuit for v•rification of time constant lows

Ampere, 4 Lenz's Law, 16, 17
Applications of time constant, 38 Logarithmic curve, 11, 13
Atomic distortion, 3 Long time constant, 31, 32
AVC system, 43, 44 Long time constant wave-forms, 33, 34
Average current, 6 Low-pass filters, 41, 42

Blocking action of capacitor, 34 Measurement of time constant, 25

Bound charges, 3 (and Appendix)
Bucking voltage of capacitor, 11
Naperian Logarithms, U
Calibration of test unit, 45
Capacitance, definition of, 1 Ohm's Law, 8, 10
Capacitor, 1
Percentage of charge, 16
Capacitor structure, 2
Percentage of discharge, 22
Charging current, 6
Phase, resistive E and I, 10
Charging curve, 11, 12
Photo-cell, 38
Charging curve, development of, 10
Photo-timer, 39, 40
C, Q, and E relationships, 5, 6
Pre-emphasis, 42
Coulomb, 4
Proportionality constant, 23
Coupling circuit, 43
Pulse integration, 35
Coupling network, 33, 34
Q (charge), 2, 5
De-emphasis network, 42
Dielectric, 1, 2
Relays, 38
Differentiation network 32, 33
Resistive control of charge time, 7
Discharge curve, 19
R-L current growth, 16
Discharging current, 7
R-L time constant applications, 36
E and I in R-C resistor, 26 R-L wave-forms, 29
Energy in capacitor, 3
Sawtooth generator, 36
Epsilon, U
Equation of exponential curve, 13 Serrated vertical pulse (television), 35
Short time constant, 32, 33
Equation of discharge curve, 20
Square wave forms, 27, 28, 29
Exponential curve, 11, 13
Stored char.ge, 1, 3
Factors affecting capacitance, 1, 2
Farad, 6 Television integrator, 35
Filter systems, 34, 35 Time constant, meaning of, 24
Time delay circuits, 38, 39, 40
Growth of capacitor voltage, 10 Time of charge, 6
Time of discharge, 7
High-pass filters, 41, 42
Tone controls, "'3
Implications of charge equation, 15 Transient current, 4
Implications of discharge equation, 21, 22
Inductance, action of, 8 Unit of capacitance, 5
Inductance, time for steady state current, 8 Universal time constant chart, 30
Integrating network, 34, 35
Voltage after R-C time, 35
Kirchoff's Second Law, 8 Voltage on capacitor, 6

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