SSRN Id2498084
SSRN Id2498084
SSRN Id2498084
Law is a rule of conduct. Conduct is behaviour. Behaviour is on the earth, between
human beings for the sake of maintaining peace and order. The growth, development and
further progress of mankind requires it every where. Law regulates almost all aspects of
human life. Terms like human rights and fundamental rights are of great use when there
are laws behind them to define, execute and implement them. They are of no use if there
is no such law in any society. A human is full of capacities and capabilities and blessed
by nature with many faculties which are all can be used as well as abused. Despite all
such option there is need for regulation of human relations at all levels, individual,
collective and universal. Liberty is not unbridled. It is to remain civilized, just, reasonable
and fair. This paper is a survey of various kinds of law available at the world scene. It is
an attempt to facilitate researches in all human discipline.
1. Law of God.
2. Man made laws or human oriented laws.
3. Law of nature.
4. Accountancy law
5. Aeronautics
6. Aeroplane Laws.
7. Air Laws
8. Arbitration
9. Architecture laws
10. Astrology
11. Audit Law.
12. Auqaf law.
13. Canal and Drainage laws.
14. Cantonment laws.
15. Child laws
16. Civil law.
17. Company Law
18. Computer laws.
19. Constitutional law
20. Cosmology.
21. Criminal Law
The list is not exhaustive. Omissions and additions would continue according as to the
requirements of each country.
The objective to prepare such a long list is to show that law has a role in almost all
spheres and human dealings. Existence of a law regarding any subject makes the
existence of relationship legal and the infringement of any such legal right give s the right
to knock the door of a competent law court in accordance with law.
Main thing behind all kinds of law is protection of the rights of human beings. Where a
right is infringed, the victim has two options, to fight and use force to get his right back
or to knock the door of law and show patience to take the law its normal due course to
see and consider the issue and then give its verdict appreciating all facts that are proved
by lawful evidence and applying proper law and then execute the verdict fairly. First kind
of behaviour is uncivilized and may result in further mischief and disorder in the society.
The second kind is civilized behaviour.
Civilized behaviour demands the following of the rule of law and observance of due
process and remaining fair throughout the dealings. All legislation, all rules and
regulations have this objective behind every word of it. It is bad intention and dishonesty
that causes the whole trouble. Honesty and transparency in dealings brings confidence
which results in peace and love among the people. This is true at individual, collective
and international level of human conduct.
Islam has covered the entire field of all laws using the word Din for introducing Islam to
all people till the Last Day. Din has many connotations and one connotation is law. As to
aim of Islam the Prophetic saying is that Islam is all in all welfare and well wishing of the
people. There is a lot of education and training in stress upon exchange of greetings at
every meeting with the words: Assalāmu `Alaykum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuh (May
Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you). Wa `Alaykumussalām wa
Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātauh (And on you shall also be Peace, Mercy and Blessings of
Allah). These are words of great significance. They will bring the desired effect when we