Juris - Sci or Philo

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This text is discussing the term "Jurisprudence," which is a fancy word for the study of law and

justice. The author is saying that it's hard to come up with one single definition that everyone agrees
on. Some people think of it as a branch of philosophy or a science, but there isn't a clear consensus.

To understand what Jurisprudence is about, it's better to look at the kinds of questions it deals with
rather than trying to nail down a precise definition. Essentially, Jurisprudence covers a wide range of
inquiries related to law and justice. It's not just about stating the rules of law or making them sound
scientific. Instead, it's a broader approach that looks at big questions about law and justice in

In the past, people even used the term "Jurisprudence" to talk about specific types of law, like the
"Jurisprudence of New York" or the "Jurisprudence of Torts" (which deals with civil wrongs and their
remedies). But nowadays, it's more common to use the term simply to mean "law."

The current meaning of Jurisprudence includes different efforts:

Logical Systematization: This involves trying to organize legal information into logical systems and
make broad generalizations from it. Essentially, it's about making the law as logically organized as

Investigating Legal Systems: Jurisprudence looks into the internal structure of legal systems to
understand how they work and how different parts fit together logically.

Discovering General Ideas: Some people use Jurisprudence to find the general concepts that
shape the content of legal systems. However, sometimes these efforts are thinly veiled attempts to
criticize existing laws.

Defining Law: Some Jurisprudence experts focus on defining what law is, using abstract reasoning
without relying on real-world evidence. This is like a special kind of thinking about knowledge.

Critiquing Existing Systems: Others use Jurisprudence to develop standards for critiquing
existing legal systems, trying to figure out what's good and what's bad about them.

Studying Interactions: There's a growing trend to study how legal and non-legal things interact.
But often, this is just another way to criticize the law.

Overall, Jurisprudence covers a wide range of issues, from organizing legal information logically to
critiquing existing laws, and even looking at how law interacts with other areas of life.

This part is saying that Jurisprudence covers all these different types of inquiries that deal with law,
even though they might not seem to have much in common at first. These inquiries all focus on big
questions about law that apply to a wide range of situations, rather than specific cases.

For example, asking whether a law is fair applies to all laws, but asking about the basis of an agent's
authority is more limited to certain situations.

One important difference between Jurisprudence and other areas of legal study is the goal.
Jurisprudence aims to be critical, meaning it questions and evaluates the law, while other areas focus
on explaining the law or looking at its history. So, Jurisprudence is more about analyzing and
challenging the law, while other legal studies are about understanding and explaining it.
Jurisprudence is a field of study that deals with the philosophy and science behind the law. It explores
questions like what law is, how it works, and its moral and ethical implications. Now, it might seem a bit
confusing to think of jurisprudence as both philosophy and science, but let's break it down.

When we talk about jurisprudence as philosophy, we're diving into the fundamental principles and ideas
behind the law. This involves asking big questions like what is the purpose of law, what makes a law just or
unjust, and what rights and obligations individuals have in society. Think of it as pondering the deep
thoughts behind the legal system.

On the other hand, jurisprudence as science focuses more on the practical aspects of the law. This
includes studying how laws are created, interpreted, and applied in real-world situations. Scientists of law
might use empirical methods, which means they gather data and evidence to understand legal
phenomena better. They might analyze court cases, study legal systems across different societies, or even
conduct experiments to see how people respond to different legal frameworks.

Now, it's essential to recognize that these two approaches to jurisprudence have different goals and
methods. Philosophical jurisprudence seeks to understand the underlying principles and values of the law,
often using abstract reasoning and thought experiments. On the other hand, scientific jurisprudence is
more concerned with practical observations and testing hypotheses about legal systems in the real world.

But here's the interesting part: sometimes, these approaches overlap. For example, some scholars might
use both philosophical reasoning and scientific methods to study the nature of law. They might develop
theories about law's fundamental principles based on abstract reasoning, then test these theories against
real-world data to see if they hold up.

So, when we talk about including both philosophy and science in jurisprudence, it's not about pitting one
against the other. Instead, it's about recognizing that the study of law raises complex questions that can
be approached from multiple angles. Some questions might be best answered through philosophical
reflection, while others might require empirical investigation. And sometimes, the most fruitful approach
is to combine both approaches to get a fuller understanding of the law and how it functions in society.

This passage delves deeper into the classification of legal problems within jurisprudence and
how they can be approached either from a philosophical or scientific perspective. Let's break it down
step by step.

Firstly, the passage suggests that how we classify legal problems - whether under philosophy or
science - depends on whether we focus on the actual solutions derived from legal thinking or on
creating categories based on assumed inherent characteristics. This means that if we're more
concerned with the problems themselves rather than categorizing the solutions, we might not find
much interest in classifying them into rigid philosophical or scientific groups. However, attempting
such categorization might lead to endless and unproductive debates.

The passage then argues that what's necessary is a critical examination of current thinking on these
legal problems. This examination aims to understand exactly what we're doing at each stage of
discussing these problems, regardless of whether we're approaching them from a philosophical or
scientific viewpoint. In essence, it's about understanding the process of legal thinking and problem-
solving, rather than trying to fit them into preconceived categories of philosophy or science.

Moreover, the passage suggests that there's no urgent need for new general definitions of legal
philosophy and legal science. This is because the definitions we already have might not be perfect,
but any new definitions we come up with are unlikely to be significantly better. Instead, what's
crucial is to analyze and scrutinize the steps involved in our thinking about legal problems within
jurisprudence. This analysis isn't aimed at developing a new theory of knowledge or adapting existing
ones to fit the legal domain. Instead, it's about gaining a full awareness of the thinking process to
avoid falling into overly assertive dogmatism.

In summary, the passage emphasizes the importance of understanding the process of legal thinking
and problem-solving within jurisprudence, rather than rigidly classifying problems into philosophical
or scientific categories. It advocates for critical examination and analysis of current thinking to avoid
dogmatism and foster a deeper understanding of legal issues.

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This passage delves deeper into the classification of legal problems within jurisprudence and how
they can be approached either from a philosophical or scientific perspective. Let's break it down step
by step.

Firstly, the passage suggests that how we classify legal problems - whether under philosophy or
science - depends on whether we focus on the actual solutions derived from legal thinking or on
creating categories based on assumed inherent characteristics. This means that if we're more
concerned with the problems themselves rather than categorizing the solutions, we might not find
much interest in classifying them into rigid philosophical or scientific groups. However, attempting
such categorization might lead to endless and unproductive debates.

The passage then argues that what's necessary is a critical examination of current thinking on these
legal problems. This examination aims to understand exactly what we're doing at each stage of
discussing these problems, regardless of whether we're approaching them from a philosophical or
scientific viewpoint. In essence, it's about understanding the process of legal thinking and problem-
solving, rather than trying to fit them into preconceived categories of philosophy or science.

Moreover, the passage suggests that there's no urgent need for new general definitions of legal
philosophy and legal science. This is because the definitions we already have might not be perfect,
but any new definitions we come up with are unlikely to be significantly better. Instead, what's
crucial is to analyze and scrutinize the steps involved in our thinking about legal problems within
jurisprudence. This analysis isn't aimed at developing a new theory of knowledge or adapting existing
ones to fit the legal domain. Instead, it's about gaining a full awareness of the thinking process to
avoid falling into overly assertive dogmatism.

In summary, the passage emphasizes the importance of understanding the process of legal thinking
and problem-solving within jurisprudence, rather than rigidly classifying problems into philosophical
or scientific categories. It advocates for critical examination and analysis of current thinking to avoid
dogmatism and foster a deeper understanding of legal issues.

This passage delves into the nature and role of philosophy, particularly within the context of
legal philosophy, and touches upon the epistemological aspects of legal theory. Let's unpack
it step by step.

Character and Function of Philosophy: Philosophy is described as a field that aims to

interpret all aspects of existence, not merely to organize our experiences or knowledge, but
to uncover an absolute truth. In other words, philosophers seek to understand the
fundamental essence or being behind the phenomena we observe in the world. They do this
through processes of reason and reflective thinking, believing that the insights gained
through these methods offer a higher level of reality than other human activities.

Focus on Knowledge: The passage highlights the importance assigned to the problem of
knowledge within philosophy. Philosophers are concerned with understanding how we come
to know things and what constitutes true knowledge. Within the realm of legal philosophy,
this focus on knowledge leads to the development of concepts like formal or pure law.

Epistemological Problem in Legal Philosophy: Legal philosophy, like other branches of

philosophy, grapples with epistemological questions—questions about the nature, scope,
and limits of knowledge. One of the key philosophical problems in the study of law is
determining the logically necessary characteristics or predicates of law.

Stammler's Characteristics of Law: The passage references Stammler's four general

characteristics of law, as outlined by Dr. J. C. H. Wu. These characteristics provide a
framework for understanding the nature of law:
Human Will: Law is the product of human volition or will, as opposed to being a natural
Communal: Law is communal in nature, meaning it arises from and applies to communities
or societies.
Self-Authoritative: Law possesses authority within itself, rather than deriving authority solely
from social conventions.
Inviolable: Law is considered inviolable, meaning it must be respected and upheld.
Overall, this passage underscores the philosophical underpinnings of legal theory and
emphasizes the importance of understanding the epistemological foundations of law. It also
introduces the concept of legal philosophy as a discipline concerned with uncovering the
essential nature of law and its logical underpinnings.
This passage discusses Del Vecchio's perspective on establishing an objective or universally valid
definition of law, particularly focusing on the Kantian theory of knowledge. Let's break it down into
simpler terms.

Objective Definition of Law: Del Vecchio argues that it's possible to create a definition of law
that is objective and universally valid. He suggests that the Kantian theory of knowledge supports
this idea. According to Kantian philosophy, our understanding of reality is shaped by the structure of
our minds, and there are certain universal principles that govern our knowledge.

Reference to the Form of Law: Del Vecchio believes that any objective definition of law should
focus solely on its form, meaning the inherent logical structure present in every legal experience. He
argues that the essence of law lies in its pure form, which can be understood as a concept through

Logical Necessity vs. Convention: Del Vecchio and other thinkers of this type seek to give their
classification of law a sense of logical necessity rather than it being just a convention. They believe
that the concept of law precedes the objects it defines, and that universality is a logical precondition
for particular instances of law.

Critique of Logical Necessity: However, the passage raises doubts about whether any particular
concept, such as that of law, can truly be considered logically necessary. Just because we need some
definition of law to talk about rules doesn't mean that one specific definition is the only valid one. It
questions whether there are propositions about law without which its conception would be logically

In summary, Del Vecchio's perspective suggests that an objective definition of law is possible, rooted
in the Kantian theory of knowledge and focusing on the inherent logical structure of legal
experiences. However, the passage also raises doubts about the notion of logical necessity in
defining law, suggesting that multiple definitions may coexist without rendering the concept logically

This passage discusses a philosophical approach to defining the nature of law, highlighting the
contrast between what its adherents claimed to be doing and what they were actually doing. Let's
break it down step by step.

Contrast of Professed vs. Actual Actions: The passage suggests that the purpose of discussing
this philosophical approach is not to outline the concepts developed but to contrast what its
adherents claimed to be doing with what they were actually doing. This is done to identify points
where dogmatism might creep in due to unconsciously adopted assumptions.

Value of Abstract Logical Methods: While the abstract logical methods used by these thinkers
to derive the concept of law have produced valuable ideas, the passage points out a fundamental
error in their approach. These methods focus attention on the idea that reflective thinking can be
aided by employing principles not solely derived from experience.

Hypothesis vs. Ultimate Reality: The error lies in failing to recognize that employing abstract
logical methods to derive the concept of law is akin to making a hypothesis rather than discovering
an ultimate reality. In other words, these thinkers claimed to be uncovering an unchanging reality,
but in reality, they were constructing an instrument for organizing their knowledge based on their

Attribution of Quality to Logical Thinking: These thinkers attributed the quality of ultimate
reality to the product of their logical thinking, assuming that logical reasoning inherently possesses
this quality. However, the passage suggests that this assumption is flawed because logical thinking is
ultimately based on hypotheses derived from experience rather than uncovering absolute truths.

In essence, the passage critiques the philosophical approach of attributing ultimate reality to
concepts derived through abstract logical methods. It argues that such approaches are based on
hypotheses constructed from empirical data rather than discovering inherent truths about the
nature of law. This highlights the importance of recognizing the limitations of philosophical reasoning
and remaining open to the possibility that our understanding of concepts like law is shaped by our
experiences and hypotheses rather than uncovering objective realities.

This passage discusses the danger of dogmatism in our thinking about legal philosophy, particularly
in relation to normative issues involving evaluative questions about law and life. Let's break it down:
Importance of Analyzing Our Thinking: The passage highlights the importance of thoroughly
analyzing the processes of our thinking about legal problems to avoid falling into dogmatism.
Dogmatism arises not from the mere act of making assumptions, which are necessary for thinking on
a general scale, but from failing to recognize and make explicit these assumptions, particularly in
relation to normative issues.

Normative Problem of Legal Philosophy: The normative problem of legal philosophy involves
evaluative questions that directly concern the intersection between law and life. It acknowledges
that in our experiences, objects and events are perceived with qualities such as good, bad, just,
unjust, etc. These qualities lead to judgments of value, which categorize particular events under
more inclusive and general categories known as value-standards or ends.

Understanding Judgments of Value: For example, when we say a law is just, it's not merely
stating that the law serves the end of justice, but rather that it possesses characteristics that align
with our understanding of justice. This involves more than just considering law as a means to an end;
it's about determining if the means-end relationship effectively realizes a particular end in a specific

Crucial Points in Normative Legal Philosophy: The crux of discussions in normative legal
philosophy lies in defining the value-standards themselves and the methods for discovering, deriving,
or constructing them. This process is crucial, and it's at these points that we must become aware of
our thinking to avoid dogmatism.

In summary, the passage emphasizes the importance of analyzing our thinking processes, particularly
in relation to normative issues in legal philosophy. It stresses the need to recognize and make explicit
the assumptions underlying our judgments of value and the methods for determining them to avoid
falling into dogmatism.

This passage delves into the complexity of determining the values that should guide legal systems,
and the challenges in establishing objective standards for these values. Let's break it down:

Diversity of Individual Values: The passage acknowledges that individuals within a community
have different value scales. What one person may prioritize, another may not. Each person is unique
in this regard.

Legal Order and Values: The legal order of a society can be seen as an attempt to realize a specific
set of values through societal action. However, the passage notes that the validity of this approach
doesn't depend on why or how a particular set of values was chosen.

Selection of Values: The passage suggests that historians may explain the sequence of events by
invoking theories of inevitability, but it's often the case that multiple sets of values could have been
chosen. This leads to discussions about what values law should seek to realize, which are central to
normative legal philosophy.

External Standards and Absolute Justice: Some theories propose external standards of justice
or value, which are seen as supra-phenomenal or rational. However, these theories face objections
similar to those faced by formal theories of law. There's no way to prove or disprove them
Objective Reality of Value-Standards: The desire to avoid subjective arbitrariness leads to
attempts to give value-standards the character of objective reality. However, this endeavor has not
been entirely successful.

Transcending Subjectivism: The passage raises questions about whether the only alternative to
subjective arbitrariness is complete and arbitrary subjectivism. It suggests that these questions need
to be acknowledged and faced to make intelligent appraisals of competing value-standards.

Assumptions in Theories of Justice: Theories of justice or the end of law are assumptions or
hypotheses, not absolute truths. Critiquing existing law or determining its direction of development
involves going beyond the limits of experience.

Reflective Thinking vs. Mystical Experience: The passage concludes by stating that these
questions should be approached through reflective thinking rather than mystical experience or

In essence, the passage highlights the challenges of establishing objective value-standards for legal
systems and emphasizes the importance of reflective thinking in addressing these challenges. It
raises questions about the nature of legal value-standards and the extent to which they can be
considered objective or subjective.

Objective Reality in Physical Sciences: The passage starts by noting that the physical sciences
typically assume that the relations they discover among things have objective reality. These relations
are not just creations of the mind but are considered common to all rational beings.

Ideal Rational Thinking Being: It introduces the concept of an ideal rational thinking being,
which is a hypothetical entity whose habits of mind and perspective align closely with the scientific
method. This being serves as a useful hypothesis for understanding how different theories of justice
or law are constructed.

Disparity in Legal Value-Standards: The passage highlights the differences in legal value-
standards proposed by natural law and sociological jurists, suggesting that these differences stem
from their assumptions about rational thinking beings.

Testing Rival Hypotheses: It discusses how the physical sciences use experimentation to test rival
hypotheses. However, in the realm of theories of justice or law, the aim is not to discover what is but
what should be, which complicates the testing process.

Challenges in Using Scientific Methods: Unlike in the physical sciences, where hypotheses can
be tested based on predictions, theories of justice or law often lack this predictive capability.
Therefore, applying scientific methods to resolve disputes in legal theory may be impractical.

Subjectivism and Unprovable Assumptions: The passage acknowledges the subjectivity

inherent in legal theories and the difficulty in proving or disproving assumptions. It suggests that
while experience plays a role in constructing hypotheses, it may not fully prevent assumptions from
becoming arbitrary.

Recognizing Assumptions: Finally, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing that legal

theories are based on assumptions, even if they are informed by experience.
In summary, the passage discusses the challenges of applying scientific methods to theories of justice
or law due to their normative nature and the inherent subjectivity of legal concepts. It underscores
the need to acknowledge and understand the assumptions underlying legal theories.

The passage critiques various legal theories for their lack of specificity in defining standards of
justice. It points out that many of these theories, whether metaphysical or sociological, fail to
provide clear and precise criteria for what constitutes just law or societal values. For example,
Stammler's idea that just law must harmonize all the purposes of all individuals in a society is
criticized for its lack of practical utility and vague formulation. Similarly, sociological jurisprudence,
while advocating for the use of law to achieve societal values, lacks a clearly articulated scale of
values. The passage argues that these theories need further critical study to develop a more definite
outline, which is necessary for an intelligent critique of law. While acknowledging that legal
hypotheses cannot be as exact as mathematical formulas and should allow for modification based on
experience, the passage highlights the need to address the prevailing vagueness in legal theories to
enhance their value for practical application and critical analysis.

The passage discusses the nature and purpose of jurisprudence as a philosophical discipline and
examines its relationship with science. It suggests that the failures in describing legal hypotheses
more definitively might stem from a failure to explicitly acknowledge them as hypotheses. Instead,
there's an unconscious tendency to treat these hypotheses as absolutes, albeit somewhat elastic

Jurisprudence, it argues, aims to critically examine our thinking about general legal questions to
uncover and evaluate the assumptions underlying them. Regarding its classification as a science, the
passage notes that all sciences seek to organize data from experience, with the chosen order
depending on the perspective and purpose. Analytical jurisprudence is deemed a science because it
organizes legal data using logical concepts, assuming the existence of certain general and logically
necessary ideas within the materials. However, it's emphasized that analytical jurisprudence is
limited in scope, serving as a tool for logical unification rather than a source of substantive legal
content. While acknowledging the role of deductive logical methods in shaping legal content, the
passage suggests that this isn't the primary basis of analytical jurisprudence. Instead, it focuses on
logical analysis within a closed system of legal concepts.

This passage discusses the scientific aspect of jurisprudence involving inductive studies to understand the
values and order of values adopted by a legal system. These studies are crucial in systems like ours, which
heavily rely on judicial interpretation for developing legal content. Unlike analytical jurisprudence, which
deals with logical relations within legal concepts, inductive studies focus on observed correlations within
the legal system. They help to frame legal problems precisely and provide a basis for predicting specific
decisions based on generalizations derived from observed data.

However, these generalizations are incomplete because they are based on abstractions and may not
encompass all relevant data or potential effects. Therefore, predictions based on them are statements of
probabilities rather than certainties. Moreover, contradictory implications of various generalizations may
arise, requiring a choice that sometimes involves reference to principles beyond the legal system. In such
cases, hypotheses play a decisive role, as there's no foolproof principle for prediction.

These inductively derived generalizations, like concepts in analytical jurisprudence, focus on data within
the legal system, reflecting society's legal judgments on factual matters. The study of these
generalizations falls within jurisprudence, contributing to its scientific aspect by examining broader
patterns and trends within legal systems.
The question of whether law can be considered a science, beyond the perspective of analytical
jurisprudence, prompts an exploration into the methods of science itself. Science, as described by
Professor Whitehead, involves a deep interest in specific facts as well as abstract generalizations. Its
methods revolve around discovering facts, formulating generalizations, and testing them. Science is
often concerned not only with individual facts but also with the relationships between them. These
relationships are understood through observation and experimentation, which can range from simple
observation to more refined and exact methods.

In scientific inquiry, the goal is not just to classify facts based on assumed characteristics but to
understand the connections between them. The ideal is to express these relations in quantitative
terms, often requiring the use of measuring units. For instance, a biometrician might seek to express
the correlation between body length and specific body structures in a mathematical formula.
Similarly, in social sciences like sociology and political science, the focus is shifting towards
understanding correlations rather than cause-and-effect relationships. This shift underscores the
importance of statistical analysis, which helps derive generalizations from data by identifying
patterns and trends. Ultimately, these methods aim to provide a deeper understanding of the
complex relationships within the subject matter under investigation.

In the quest to understand law as a science, the focus shifts to the methods of scientific inquiry and
their applicability to legal facts. To begin, it's essential to select the facts that will be investigated for
their relations. The range of possible choices is vast, spanning from historical variations of legal rules
within a single system to the interrelations between institutions across different legal systems.
However, the current emphasis on developing a scientific understanding of law primarily revolves
around examining the interactions between legal data and non-legal data. This includes exploring
how non-legal factors influence the content of law and how legal data, in turn, impact non-juridical
aspects of our experiences. For instance, one might study how judges' economic beliefs influence
their interpretations of constitutional clauses like due process, affecting the substance of legislation.
Conversely, researchers might investigate how antitrust laws impact the maintenance of a
competitive economic environment. These examples illustrate the intricate interplay between legal
and non-legal factors, highlighting the complexity of understanding law through a scientific lens. The
pursuit of understanding law as a science involves tackling problems that can theoretically be addressed
using scientific methods, particularly through inductive studies. While the specific methods of inquiry may
vary, there's a growing trend in the social sciences towards employing statistical analyses to quantify
relationships. However, the refinement required in these investigations depends on whether the goal is to
establish the mere existence and direction of a relationship or to quantify its extent. In many cases, simply
knowing that a relationship exists is sufficient for guiding intelligent action, rather than aiming for precise
predictions. For example, when studying the impact of antitrust laws on competition, the goal isn't
necessarily to predict legal outcomes but to inform decision-making about the effectiveness of adopted
measures. Although decisions may be influenced by beliefs about the continuity of observed
relationships, the primary focus is on practical guidance rather than predictive accuracy.

While exact and quantitative methods are valuable for determining the existence and direction of
relationships, it's essential to acknowledge the probabilistic nature of these inquiries. Often, indirect
measures are necessary to access the desired information, especially when direct measurement is
impractical. Despite its imperfections, the science of law in this sense has likely always existed in some
form, offering a preferable alternative to deriving relationships from preconceived notions or asserting
assumptions as facts. However, it's crucial to recognize the inherent limitations of this approach and avoid
falling into a new form of dogmatism. By maintaining an awareness of these limitations, the science of
law can be utilized effectively as a tool for informed decision-making in the face of uncertainty.
The term "science of law" can sometimes refer to a different theory altogether, suggesting that
through scientific methods like observation and induction, we can uncover the goals society should
pursue. This perspective often aligns with Pragmatism, a philosophical stance championed by
scholars like Professor Dewey. However, this approach faces significant challenges, as discussed
earlier in the context of Jurisprudence as philosophy. Essentially, it proposes a method for
determining the values that law should uphold, emphasizing the importance of basing these values
on observed experiences and acknowledging their evolving nature over time. This approach is
beneficial in steering us away from arbitrary assumptions and encouraging critical analysis of our
beliefs about the purposes of law.

While it offers a more intelligent way to approach the question of legal ends compared to deriving
them through purely logical processes, it's important to recognize its limitations. If it claims to
produce results with the same degree of certainty as methods in the physical sciences, it creates a
false impression. Furthermore, there's ambiguity in defining precisely how this method operates in
practice, and it requires thorough investigation into the underlying assumptions about human
behavior. Until these assumptions are made explicit, it's challenging to offer a more definitive
critique. Ultimately, it remains uncertain whether science should dictate our goals, although it
certainly plays a role in shaping our understanding of them, a role whose exact significance is yet to
be fully understood.

When people argue that law should become scientific, they often fail to explicitly define what they mean.
This phrase is commonly used in our modern scientific era without much critical examination. However,
it's crucial to give this idea some substance. Typically, it suggests that the law should incorporate the
findings of scientific research, especially in areas relevant to human behavior and conduct that intersect
with legal matters. For instance, if scientific studies establish a clear connection between certain objective
factors and levels of mental or moral responsibility, it's reasonable to expect the law to take that
knowledge into account when evaluating the legal aspects of an action. This demand is generally justified
within reasonable bounds.

However, sometimes the call for law to become scientific takes on a more extreme stance. It's criticized
for not immediately adopting unproven hypotheses from fields like sociology and psychology as the basis
for its decisions. For example, there's a suggestion, based on psychoanalytic assumptions, that every
judicial opinion reflects the personal impulses of the judge, and analyzing them psychoanalytically would
yield revealing insights. However, such approaches may not always be appropriate or valid. Similarly,
some advocate for a thorough behavioristic perspective, and they fault the law for not embracing it

But accusing the law of being unscientific solely because it doesn't adopt these hypotheses immediately
seems unreasonable. Just as knowing all the laws governing the motion and interaction of an electron
doesn't fully explain its nature, there may be aspects of human behavior crucial to the law that aren't fully
revealed by understanding its physiological underpinnings. If becoming scientific requires sacrificing
essential aspects of understanding human conduct, then it might be wiser for the law to abstain from
seeking such a description of its character.

Therefore, the demand for law to become scientific can have both legitimate and questionable
interpretations. It's essential for those advocating for it to clearly define what they mean, allowing others
to assess their claims accurately.

The discussion so far has been prompted by a concern about the very real risks of dogmatism and
unclear thinking when dealing with the broad issues that Jurisprudence addresses. These dangers
often arise from using terms, phrases, and ideas without critical examination, leading to a mix of
hypotheses and facts that may stir emotions but fail to provide a sound basis for decision-making.
The solution lies in thoroughly and critically analyzing our thinking in these areas. The claims made
by those advocating for a philosophy or science of law cannot be properly evaluated until these
concepts are clearly defined enough to facilitate meaningful discussion. Differing viewpoints are not
necessarily problematic if each is articulated with sufficient clarity for others to understand.

Just as Hohfeld emphasized the importance of precise and carefully defined terminology in legal
analysis, similar clarity is needed for tackling broader legal issues. However, achieving accuracy in
definitions alone is not sufficient to address our challenges. The root of our difficulties lies not only in
agreeing on terminology but also in the lack of clear outlines for our concepts, which is crucial for
intelligent thinking. While improving the precision of our definitions can help mitigate some
problems, it cannot entirely resolve them.

It's important to recognize that our challenges extend beyond merely defining terms. No amount of
nitpicking about definitions can save us from the consequences of a vague understanding of our
problems. Therefore, we must closely analyze our thinking to uncover its underlying assumptions,
whether we're discussing the goals of law or the endeavor to make law scientific. Acknowledging
that our thinking is based on assumptions and hypotheses doesn't render it futile; rather, it prompts
us to acknowledge its limitations. While we cannot attain absolute certainty, we're not confined to
either blind belief or wholesale skepticism. Instead, we have the option of engaging in intelligent and
critical thinking, but its effectiveness hinges on our awareness of its limitations.

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