CBT - Nursing Care and Responsibility Edited
CBT - Nursing Care and Responsibility Edited
CBT - Nursing Care and Responsibility Edited
Total points19/114
Correct answer
Assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and evaluation
Correct answer
Assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating
Correct answer
A walk-in client enters into the clinic with a chief complaint of abdominal
pain and diarrhea. The nurse takes the client's vital sign thereafter. What
phrase of nursing process is being implemented here by the nurse?
Correct answer
Correct answer
At what stage of the nursing process does the revision of the care plan occur?
Correct answer
Correct answer
24 hours within admission
Correct answer
On the admission assessment
It uses a systematic, holistic, problem solving approach in partnership with the patient
and their family
It is a form of documentation
Correct answer
It requires collection of objective data
Correct answer
An in-depth assessment of the patient’s health status, physical examination, risk
factors, psychological and social aspects of the patient’s health that usually takes
place on admission or transfer to a hospital or healthcare agency
Correct answer
To prepare a client for discharge home from an acute care facility, a nurse
knows that the planning process must begin at what point?
The night before discharge
Correct answer
Upon admission to the hospital
Making sure that people are involved in and central to their care is now
recognised as a key component of developing high quality health care. This is
because it is hoped that putting people at the centre of their care will:
● Help people get the care they wanted when they are enrolled in the NHS
● Help people be more active in looking for health care providers themselves
Correct answer
Help improve the quality of the services available
As a nurse, you make sure that the patient and public safety is protected.
Thus, you work within the limits of your competence, exercising your
professional 'duty of candour' and raising concerns immediately whenever
you come across situations that put patients or public safety at risk. Which is
the least effective way to protect a patient's safety?
● Support the exchange of information at all levels without fear and against
authority gradients - is known to be associated with constant awareness to the
possibility of hazard or harm
● Support for continual learning, growth and adaptation even under stress by
valuing relevant knowledge, skills and observations even at the lowest levels of
● Support the willingness and capacity to look beyond first impressions, labels
and old beliefs - organisations must remain closely in touch with activities and
facts on the ground in the daily operations
● Support the openness culture that encourages clear lines to report concerns and
reinforces the attitudes that prevent safeguarding concerns from scrutiny where
staff at all levels feel confident that they can voice their concerns without fear
of victimization
Correct answer
Support the openness culture that encourages clear lines to report concerns and
reinforces the attitudes that prevent safeguarding concerns from scrutiny where staff
at all levels feel confident that they can voice their concerns without fear of
Correct answer
Core care plans
Correct answer
Timing of the education
Correct answer
The professional who used the sharp
Nurse assistant
Whoever used the sharps
Whoever collects the garbage
Correct answer
Whoever used the sharps
● Healthcare will always involve risks so incidents will always occur; we need to
accept this
❖ It embraces all nursing practice that has enhancement of healing the whole
person from birth to death as it’s goals
❖ An all nursing practice that has healing the person as its goal
Adam, 46 years old is of Jewish descent. As his nurse, how will you plan his
dietary needs?
Assume he strictly needs Jewish food
Correct answer
Care is focused on the patient
Correct answer
Resuscitation and defibrillation
Mr. James, 72 years old, is a registered blind admitted on your ward due to
dehydration. He is encouraged to drink and eat to recover. How will you best
manage this plan of care?
The rehabilitation nurse wishes to make the following entry into a client's
plan of care: "Client will reestablish a pattern of daily bowel movements
without straining within two months." The nurse would write this statement
under which section of the plan of care?
● Long-term goals
● Short-term goals
● Nursing orders
Correct answer
Long-term goals
After instructing the client on crutch walking technique, the nurse should
evaluate the client's understanding by using which of the following methods?
Have client explain produce to the family
Achievement of 90 on written test
Return demonstration
Correct answer
Return demonstration
Correct answer
Consider individual wound management priorities
Correct answer
A and B
Julie, 50 years old, was admitted to the hospital with gastrointestinal bleed
presumed to be oesophageal varices. It has been recommended that she needs
to be transfused with blood; however, due to her religious and personal
beliefs, she needed volume expanding agents. Unfortunately, she died a few
hours after admission. Before dying, she said that it was God’s will, which
she believed was right. Which of the following statements is false?
Correct answer
It is important for all health professionals to do any means to keep a patient alive
regardless of traditions and beliefs
Pauleena, 57 years old, suffered from a very dense left sided Cerebrovascular
Accident / Stroke. She was unconscious and unresponsive for several days
with IV fluids for hydration. Since her recovery from stroke, she has been
prescribed to commence enteral feeding through a fine bore nasogastric tube,
in which she signed her consent in front of her who have always been
supportive of her decisions. However, she tends to pull out her NGT when
she is by herself in her room. She died of malnutrition after a few days.
Which of the following statements is true?
● Nurses should have the empathy to listen to more than just the spoken word
Correct answer
All of the above
● A and B only
Correct answer
Physical, medical, social, psychological and spiritual needs
What is likely to be true of a nurse's duties when she acts as a case manager
providing community-based nursing services to a specific group of
● The nurse will care for clients at the center, in their homes, and in the hospital
● The nurse will not continue client care if it involves long-term needs
Correct answer
The nurse will care for clients at the center, in their homes, and in the hospital
Correct answer
Whether the home has stairs and/or throw rugs
● The client
Correct answer
The present and not the past
Correct answer
Focusing on social relationship outside working environment
In using social media like Facebook, these are the best way to adhere to your
Code of Conduct as a nurse, except?
The worst advice you can give a student nurse with regards to the use of
social networking sites like Facebook?
As an RN in charge you are worried about a nurse's act of being very active
on social media site, that it affect the professionalism. Which one of these is
the worst advice you can give her?
● Do not post any pictures of client's even if they have given you permission
● Mobility
● Safety
● Nutrition
● Rest periods
Correct answer
In the context of assessing risks prior to moving and handling, what does T-I-
L-E stand for?
Correct answer
Task – individual – load – environment
Barbara, a 75-year old patient from a nursing home was admitted on your
ward because of fractured neck of femur after a trip. She will require an
open-reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) procedure to correct the injury.
Which of the following statements will help her understand the procedure?
● Some metal screws and pins will be attached to your hip to help with the
healing of your broken bone
● The operation will require a metal fixator implanted to your femur and adjacent
bones to keep it secured
Correct answer
Some metal screws and pins will be attached to your hip to help with the healing of
your broken bone
A nurse finds it very difficult to understand the needs of a child with learning
disability. She goes to other nurses and professionals to seek help. How you
interpret this action
● A nurse, who is well aware of her limitations sought help from others She
worked within her competency
Correct answer
A nurse, who is well aware of her limitations sought help from others She worked
within her competency
Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration before the blood transfusion
begins, then after 15 min, then as indicated in local guidelines, and finally at the end
of bag/unit
Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration and urinalysis before the blood
transfusion, then at end of bag
Pulse, blood pressure and respiration every hour, and at the end of the bag
Correct answer
Temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration before the blood transfusion
begins, then after 15 min, then as indicated in local guidelines, and finally at the end
of bag/unit
During blood transfusion, a patient develops pyrexia, and loin pain. Nurse
interprets the situation as
Correct answer
Adverse reaction to blood transfusion
● Nurse and client agree upon health care goals for the client
● Nurse rapidly reset priorities for client care based on a change in the client's
● Task oriented
● All
Correct answer
Patient oriented, individualistic care
● Reflective process
Correct answer
All the above
● Routinely document this in the medicine chart and also record it in the nurses
Correct answer
Routinely document this in the medicine chart and also record it in the nurses notes
After the death of a 46-year-old male client, the nurse approaches the family
to discuss organ donation options. The family consents to organ donation and
the nurse begins to process. Which of the following would be most helpful to
the grieving family during this difficult time?
Calling the client, a donor
Provide care to the deceased client in a careful and loving way
● Nothing
Correct answer
Provide support, compassion, and love
Under the Yellow Card Scheme you must report the following except:
Correct answer
Suspected side effects to blood factor, except immunoglobulin products
Mrs X informs the nurse that she has lost her job due to excessive absences
related to her wound. The nurse should:
● Encourage the patient to express her feelings about the job loss
● Contact social services to assist the patient with accessing available resources
● Explain to Mrs X that she can no longer be seen at the clinic without a job
Margaret has been diagnosed with Hepatic Adenoma. Her results are as
follows – benign tumor as shown on triphasic CT Scan and alpha feto
proteins within normal range. She is asymptomatic and does not appear
jaundice, but she appears to be very anxious. As a nurse, what will you
initially do?
● Sit down with Margaret and discuss about her fears; use therapeutic
communication to alleviate anxiety
● Discuss invasive procedure with patient, and show her videos of the operation
● Take her to the surgeon’s clinic and discuss about consent for invasive
Correct answer
Sit down with Margaret and discuss about her fears; use therapeutic communication to
alleviate anxiety
One of your residents has been transferred from the hospital to your nursing
home after having been admitted for a week due to a chest infection. On
transfer, you have noted that he had several dressings on his thighs, which he
has not had before. What should you do?
● If the dressings are intact, document it on the nursing notes and indicate that the
dressings need to be changed after 48 hours
● Change the dressings if they look soiled and document this on the wound
assessment form
● Remove the dressings whether they are intact or not, assess the wounds,
document this on the wound assessment form and redress the wounds
During your medical rounds, you have noted that Mrs X was upset. She has
verbalised that she misses her family very much, and that no one has been to
visit lately. What would likely be your initial intervention?
● Contact Mrs X’s family and encourage them to visit her during the weekend
● Sit next to Mrs X and listen attentively Allow her to talk about things that cause
her anxiety
● Collaborate with the GP for a care plan review and request for antidepressants
to be prescribed
● Include the Repositioning Chart on your patient’s daily notes, and instruct your
carers/HCA’s to turn your patient every two hours
You were on your rounds with one of the carers. You were turning a patient
from his left to his right side. What would you do?
● Both of you can stay on one side of the bed as you turn your patient
● You go on the opposite side of the bed and use the bed sheet to turn your
● You keep the bed as low as possible because the patient might fall
● You go on the opposite side and grab the slide sheet to use
Correct answer
You go on the opposite side and grab the slide sheet to use
The nurse is preparing to move an adult who has right sided paralysis from
the bed into a wheel chair. Which statement describes the best action for the
nurse to take?
● Protect the client’s left arm with a sling during the transfer
● Bend at the waist while helping the client into a standing position
Correct answer
Position the wheel chair on the left side of the bed
A client with a right arm cast for fractured humerus states, “I haven’t been
able to straighten the fingers on the right hand since this morning.” What
action should the nurse take?
Correct answer
Assess neurovascular status to the hand
As a nurse you are responsible for looking after patient’s nutritional needs
and to maintain good weight during hospitalization. How would you achieve
● Assessing all patients using MUST screening tool and by taking patients
preferences into consideration
● Checking daily weigh and documenting
● Talk to the patient about the situation, to re- establish and maintain professional
boundaries and relationship
Correct answer
Talk to the patient about the situation, to re- establish and maintain professional
boundaries and relationship
● This is normal as the patient is sick, later as the medication kicks off it will
soon be over
● Talk to the patient about the behaviour, attempt to re-establish professional
relationship, talk to the line manager
Correct answer
Talk to the patient about the behaviour, attempt to re-establish professional
relationship, talk to the line manager
Post surgery, the doctor tells the patient that treatment is not working. The
doctor instructed the nurse to stay with the patient until the nurse specialist
arrive. What should the nurse do?
● Do not leave the patient unattended and try to answer his questions
A registered nurse is new to the diagnosis of her patient. What is the best
response of the nurse?
● The nurse should come early for her shift and spend more time to care for the
● The nurse should spend an hour in library, learn about the new diagnosis and
then take care of the patient
● The nurse should clarify her doubts with her senior on duty and with the
doctors about the diagnosis and plan nursing care accordingly
● The nurse should request the other staff to continue with the shift as she lacks
knowledge about the diagnosis
Correct answer
The nurse should clarify her doubts with her senior on duty and with the doctors about
the diagnosis and plan nursing care accordingly
A client diagnosed of cancer visits the OPD and after consulting the doctor
breaks down in the corridor and begins to cry. What would the nurses best
● Inform the client about the preparing to come forth next appointment for further
discussion on the treatment planned
● Take her to a room and try to understand her worries and do the needful and
assist her with further information if required
Correct answer
Take her to a room and try to understand her worries and do the needful and assist her
with further information if required
● Inform police
Correct answer
Try to re-establish the therapeutic communication and relationship with patient and
inform the manager for support
● There are many different forms of complementary therapies, let's talk about
these therapies
Correct answer
There are many different forms of complementary therapies, let's talk about these
● Tell the client that herbal substances are not safe and should never be used
● Teach the client how to take their BP so that it can be monitored closely
● Encourage the client to discuss the use of an herbal substance with the health
care provider
● Tell the client that if they take the herbal substance they will need to have their
BP checked frequently
Correct answer
Encourage the client to discuss the use of an herbal substance with the health care
Mrs. A is posted for CT scan. Patient is afraid cancer will reveal during her
scan. She asks "why is this test". What will be your response as a nurse?
● Tell her that you will arrange a meeting with a doctor after the procedure
● Understand her feelings and tell the patient that it is normal procedure
Correct answer
Understand her feelings and tell the patient that it is normal procedure
● Ignore the comment, but tell the incoming nurse to be aware of the client’s
propensity to make inappropriate comments
● Tell the client that is it inappropriate for clients to speak to any nurse that way
Correct answer
Tell the client that is it inappropriate for clients to speak to any nurse that way
Betty has been assessed to be very confused and with impaired mobility. She
wants to go to the dining room for her meal, but she wants a cardigan before
doing so. What will you do?
● Make her comfortable in a wheelchair, and cover her legs with a blanket
Correct answer
Ask her what she means by a cardigan
You were assisting Mrs X with personal care and hygiene. She has been
assessed to have mental capacity. In her wardrobe, you have seen a dress that
is quite difficult to wear and a pair of trousers, which is quite easy to put on.
You are trying to make a decision which one to put on her. Which of the
following is a person centred intervention?
● Ask her what she prefers; show her the clothes and let her choose
● Let Mrs X wear her trousers
● Tell her that the trousers will make her more comfortable if she chooses it
Correct answer
Ask her what she prefers; show her the clothes and let her choose
One of your residents in the nursing home has requested for a glass of
whiskey before she goes to bed. What would you do?
Correct answer
Give her a shot of whiskey, as requested
A client, who has had visitors the last two evenings during the unit's regular
evening visitors hours, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., asks, "What time can I have
visitors this evening?" Which of the following would be the best response to
this question?
● "Don't you remember what time you visitor have been coming?"
Correct answer
Visiting hours are from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
A critically ill client asks the nurse to help him die. Which of the following
would be an appropriate response for the nurse to give this client?
The 4-year-old son of a deceased male is asking questions about his father.
Which of the following activities would be beneficial for this young child to
participate in?
● Explain that his father has died and give him the option of attending the funeral
Correct answer
Explain that his father has died and give him the option of attending the funeral
A young woman has suffered fractured pelvis in an accident, she has been
hospitalized for 3 days, when she tells her primary nurse that she has
something to tell her but she doesnot want the nurse to tell anyone. She says
that she had tried to donate blood and tested positive for HIV. What is best
action of the nurse to take?
● Inform the healthcare team who will come in contact with the patient
Correct answer
Encourage the patient to disclose this information to her physician
The nurse is admitting a client, on initial assessment the nurse tries to inquire
the patient if he has been taking alternative therapies and OTC drugs but the
client becomes angry and refuses to answer saying the nurse is doing so
because he belongs to an ethnic minority group, what is the nurse’s best
● Wait and give some time for the client to get adjusted to modern ways of
● The nurse will politely explain to the patient about alternative therapies such as
St Johns Wort which interact with drugs
Correct answer
The nurse will politely explain to the patient about alternative therapies such as St
Johns Wort which interact with drugs
Which is the most appropriate phrase to communicate?
Correct answer
"I'm sorry, your mother died"
● "We were taught during our training not to do so as it is not based on evidence"
● "I am glad you called my attention I will disinfect your injection site next time
to ensure your safety and peace of mind"
● "Disinfecting the site for subcutaneous injection is a thing of the past We are in
an evidence-based practice now"
A nurse is caring for clients in the mental health clinic. A women comes to
the clinic complaining of insomnia and anorexia. The patient tearfully tells
the nurse that she was laid off from a job that she had held for 15 years.
Which of the following responses, if made by the nurse, is most appropriate?
Correct answer
"Tell me what happened"
● Every hour
Correct answer
As soon as possible after an event has happened to provide current up to date
information about the care and condition of the patient or client
● Every hour
Correct answer
Every hour
Correct answer
Helping to improve advocacy
You are transcribing the patient's medications to the discharge letter. What
should you ensure before the letter is sent?
A nurse documented on the wrong chart. What should the nurse do?
● Immediately inform the nurse in charge and tell her to cross it all off
Correct answer
Write line above the writing; put your name, job title, date, and time
When is the time to take the vital signs of the patients? Select which does not
● On transfer to a ward setting from critical care or transfer from one ward to
Correct answer
Every four hours
● Legible handwriting
Correct answer
Abbreviations, jargon, meaningless phrases, irrelevant speculation and offensive
subjective statements
● Social history
Correct answer
The client’s health status
Adequate record keeping for a medical device should provide evidence of:
● A full history, including date of purchase and where appropriate when it was
put into use, deployed or installed
● Any specific legal requirements and whether these have been met
A registered nurse had a very busy day as her patient was sick, got intubated
and had other life saving procedures. She documented all the events and by
the end of the shift recognized that she had documented in other patient's
record. What is best response of the nurse?
She should continue documenting in the same file as the medical document cannot be
She should tear the page from the file and start documenting in the correct record
She should put a straight cut over her documentation and write as wrong, sign it with
her NMC code, date and time
Correct answer
She should put a straight cut over her documentation and write as wrong, sign it with
her NMC code, date and time
A patient in one of your bays has called for staff. She needed assistance with
“spending a penny”. What will you do?
● Ask her if she wants a hot or cold drink, and give her one as requested
● Assist her to walk to the vending machine, and let her choose what she wants to
● Assist her to walk to the toilet, and provide her with some privacy
● Help her find her purse, and ask her what time she will be ready to go out
Correct answer
Assist her to walk to the toilet, and provide her with some privacy
You are working in a nursing home (morning shift), and one of your residents
is still in the hospital. Nothing has been documented since admission. What
would you do?
● Ring the family and find out what happened to the resident
● Speak to your manager and tell her about it
● Ring the ward and request for an update from the nurse on duty
Correct answer
Speak to your manager and tell her about it
After the handover, you noticed that the outgoing nurse documented an
intervention on a wrong patient chart. What should you do to correct it,
maintain safety and continuation of care?
● Cross the wrong entry with a line, indicated it is an error, write the date, time,
name and signature, document the care correctly
● Inform the nurse manager, let her draw a line on the entry and place her name
and signature
● Incomplete data
● "The patient climbed over the side rails and fell out of bed"
● "Upon entering the room, the patient was found lying on the floor"
● "The use of a sedative would have helped keep the patient in bed"
Correct answer
"Upon entering the room, the patient was found lying on the floor"
A nurse documents vital signs without actually performing the task. Which
action should the charge nurse take after discussing the situation with the
● Terminate employment
Correct answer
Document the incident
The nurse has made an error in documenting client care. Which appropriate
action should the nurse take?
● Draw a line through error, initial, date and document correct information
Correct answer
Draw a line through error, initial, date and document correct information
Correct answer
Client feel nauseated
Annie is on Cefalexin QID. You were working on a night shift and have
noticed that the previous nurse has not signed for the last two doses. What
should you do?
Document the incident and speak to your Manager
Check the rota, find out when he is back and leave a note on the MARS for him to
Correct answer
Document the incident and speak to your Manager
Providing patient centred nursing care is an expectation for all nurses. For a
patient with pyrexia, which of the following is the ritual nursing intervention?
● Administer antipyretics
● Remove heavy blankets
Correct answer
Direct fan therapy
Correct answer
Accessing a central venous device
● Helps nurses provide culture-specific care that assists patients to achieve and
maintain health
Correct answer
Promotes nursing care that increases a patient's self-care abilities
● The nurse identifies that although the patient has a serious chronic illness, the
patient states that he feels healthy because he can meet the responsibilities
required of him as a husband and a father
● The nurse collects data about a patient and organises it into overt and covert
problems as addressing the covert problems may solve the overt problems as
● The nurse plots a patient's health status in the quadrant of poor health with a
very unfavourable environment
● The nurse determines that the patient's need for oxygen is the priority with
reference to the 21 nursing problems
Which statement by a nurse meets Virginia Henderson's Principles and
Practice of Nursing?
● I see that you have applied makeup today for the first time since your surgery.
● I am your nurse for the next 12 hours. You can use your call bell to page me
when you need assistance.
● Your wife can visit everyday between 10 in the morning and 8 at night.
Correct answer
I am your nurse for the next 12 hours. You can use your call bell to page me when you
need assistance.
A nurse is caring for an older adult newly admitted to the hospital. The nurse
understands the importance of organising data and then prioritising needs
based on Roper-Logan-Tierney Model for Nursing. Based on the collected
data, which nursing action addresses the basic assumptions related to this
Correct answer
Seek an order for oxygen via nasal cannula
● Value-belief pattern
● Cognitive-perceptual pattern
Correct answer
Health perception-health management pattern
The nurse reviewed the patient's clinical record and assessed the patient.
Which statement by the patient indicates the conflict of ego integrity versus
despair according to Erik Erikson's Theory of Development?
● I feel that I will never get better because nothing ever goes well for me.
● Implies that people are unhealthy if they are unable to fulfill their roles in
● Promotes meeting basic-level needs first and then progressing to higher level
● Supports teaching about how to alter internal and external factors to facilitate
Correct answer
Facilitates prediction of whether patients will likely improve in health or experience a
decline based on level of support
● Patient explains how to interpret the serving size on a food label to calculate the
caloric value of the nutrient
● Patient is able to identify five foods high in salt that should be avoided when
receiving a low sodium diet
● Patient is able to assess that his blood pressure is within normal limits after
accurately obtaining a blood pressure reading using a sphygmomanometer
Correct answer
Patient is able to assess that his blood pressure is within normal limits after accurately
obtaining a blood pressure reading using a sphygmomanometer
● Administering enema
● Changing a soiled dressing
Correct answer
Assisting a patient with a transfer from a bed to a chair