CP16-2 User Manual - BSP Final
CP16-2 User Manual - BSP Final
CP16-2 User Manual - BSP Final
User Manual
User Manual
This manual serves as a guide for using SISOG Communication Processor CP16-2. This manual
describes the hardware and configuration details of CP16-2 using SISOG Connect. It contains information
on various functionalities of CP16-2 viz. Data Concentrator, Protocol converter and Gateway.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for engineers and maintenance personnel who have knowledge on the CP16-2
and communication protocols. This manual:
• Introduces you to CP16-2 and SISOG Connect.
• Familiarizes with the user interface.
• Gives you step-by-step instructions to install and get started with CP16-2 and SISOG Connect.
• Gives you step-by-step instructions to configure and map protocols configured in CP16-2 and
SISOG Connect.
Section Description
Documentation Conventions
The following table shows the conventions used in this document:
1 Field Name, Screen Name and Button Arial, Bold face font
2 Note Note:
List of Abbreviations
The following table shows the acronyms/abbreviations used in this document:
IP Internet Protocol.
SG Shielded Ground.
Introduction .............................................................................................................................13
Overview of CP16-2 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Key Features of CP16-2.............................................................................................................................. 13
Environment ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Software Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Hardware Details .....................................................................................................................16
CP16-2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................19
Installing SISOG Connect ........................................................................................................................... 19
Removing SISOG Connect ......................................................................................................................... 21
Starting SISOG Connect ............................................................................................................................. 23
Exiting SISOG Connect............................................................................................................................... 23
Using the Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Menu .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Toolbar ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Quick Access Buttons (Settings) ................................................................................................................................ 25
Quick Access Buttons (Diagnostics) ........................................................................................................................... 26
Workspace.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Common Tasks ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Opening a New File .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Opening an Existing File............................................................................................................................................. 26
Saving a Configured File ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Viewing Options for User Interface ............................................................................................................................. 27
Viewing the IP Using Scan ......................................................................................................................................... 27
IP Configuration .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Restarting the CP16-2................................................................................................................................. 29
Updating Firmware ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Uploading configuration File........................................................................................................................ 30
Downloading configuration File ................................................................................................................... 31
Stopping and Starting Firmware ................................................................................................................. 32
Viewing the Firmware Version Information ................................................................................................. 33
Setting Time Zone Information .................................................................................................................... 34
Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Configuring CP16-2 using SISOG Connect ...........................................................................37
Configuring CP16-2 ..................................................................................................................................... 37
List of Figures
Figure 1: Front Panel View.......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2: Rear Panel View .......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3: Welcome window ......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4: Choose Destination Location window .......................................................................................... 20
Figure 5: Ready to Install the Program window .......................................................................................... 20
Figure 6: Installation Complete window ...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 7: Confirm Application Removal window.......................................................................................... 21
Figure 8: Uninstall Shield Wizard ................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 9: Uninstall Complete Window ......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10: SISOG Connect User Interface ................................................................................................. 23
Figure 11: Save Configuration before Exit window ..................................................................................... 24
Figure 12: Components of User Interface ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 13: Device details - Scan ................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 14: Configure IP window .................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 15: IP changed confirmation window ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 16: Restart window .......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 17: Firmware update window ........................................................................................................... 30
Figure 18: Upload Configuration window .................................................................................................... 30
Figure 19: Successfully Uploaded message ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 20: Download Configuration window ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 21: Successfully Downloaded message .......................................................................................... 31
Figure 22: Stop Firmware window ............................................................................................................... 32
Figure 23: Firmware successfully stopped message .................................................................................. 32
Figure 24: Failed to Stop Firmware message ............................................................................................. 32
Figure 25: Start Firmware window .............................................................................................................. 33
Figure 26: Firmware successfully started message .................................................................................... 33
Figure 27: Firmware already running message .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 28: Version Information window ....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 29: Time zone window ..................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 30: Time zone set successfully message ........................................................................................ 35
Figure 31: Diagnostics window ................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 32: Select different channel message.............................................................................................. 36
Figure 33: Add Gateway.............................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 34: Delete Gateway ......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 35: Add Channel .............................................................................................................................. 38
List of Tables
Table 1: Organization of the document ......................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Document Conventions ................................................................................................................... 4
Table 3: List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 5
Table 4: Hardware features ......................................................................................................................... 14
Table 5: Software Requirements ................................................................................................................. 15
Table 6: Hardware Requirements................................................................................................................ 15
Table 7: Ethernet port pin details................................................................................................................. 17
Table 8: Serial port pin details ..................................................................................................................... 17
Table 9: LED Details .................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 10: Modbus Serial Master Channel Parameters ............................................................................... 50
Table 11: Modbus Serial Master Node Parameters .................................................................................... 51
Table 12: Modbus Master Profile Parameters ............................................................................................. 54
Table 13: Modbus Master Supporting Formats ........................................................................................... 56
Table 14: IEC104 Slave Channel Parameters ............................................................................................ 58
Table 15: IEC104 Slave Node Parameters ................................................................................................. 59
Table 16: IEC104 Slave Mapping Parameters ............................................................................................ 60
Table 17: IEC61850 Client Channel Parameters ........................................................................................ 61
Table 18: IEC61850 Client Node Parameters – General ............................................................................ 62
Table 19: IEC61850 Client Node Parameters - RCB .................................................................................. 63
Table 20: IEC61850 Client Profile Parameters ........................................................................................... 64
Table 21: IEC61850 Server Channel Parameters ....................................................................................... 66
Table 22: IEC61850 Server Mapping Parameters ...................................................................................... 66
Table 23: SNTP Channel Parameters ......................................................................................................... 67
Table 24: SNTP Client Node Parameters ................................................................................................... 67
Table 25: SNTP Server Node Parameters .................................................................................................. 67
Table 26: Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 70
This is the introduction to the CP16-2 user manual. This section covers the following topics:
• Overview of CP16-2.
• Key features.
• Environment.
Overview of CP16-2
CP16-2 is a hardware which acts as communication process. It can be used to achieve interoperability
when the controlling and controlled stations support totally different protocols. The complete configuration
of CP16-2 is performed through software configuration utility called SISOG Connect, which includes
defining protocol attributes, mapping data and achieving the functionalities like firmware updating, IP
setting, diagnostics etc. SISOG Connect generates a configuration file in Extensible Markup Language
(XML) format as the output. You can download the configuration file using the download function in
SISOG Connect for configuring the hardware.
You can use SISOG Connect to perform the following tasks:
• Connect to the CP16-2.
• Update firmware.
• Upload or download configuration files.
• Reset the CP16-2.
• Configure and map the protocols supported by the CP16-2.
• Manage different profiles in your hard disk for different processes when using CP16-2. The
configuration is simple for you to carry it out on your own.
• Supports packet diagnostics of the various channels.
Serial Ports COM1 – COM16 RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 & additional console port with
Baud rates from 50 bps to 921.6 Kbps.
Power input 100 to 240 VAC/VDC auto ranging (47 to 63 Hz for AC input)
Power consumption: 20W
Weight 2600 g
This section specifies the hardware and software requirements to install and use SISOG Connect
configuration utility.
Software Requirements
The software requirements are listed below:
Hardware Requirements
The hardware requirements are listed below:
Hardware Details
This section contains hardware details of the CP16-2.
The following diagram shows the details of CP16-2 communication processor.
• Power Connector:
Connect the power connector of CP16-2 (3 pin power jack with ON/OFF switch is available on the
rear side of CP16-2) to 110-230 VDC/AC power line. If the power is properly supplied and the
switch is turned ON, the Ready LED shows a solid green colour when the device is ready.
• Grounding:
The earthing option is available in the 3 pin power jack and same is extended to the power cable
supplied along with the unit.
• Ethernet Port:
The LAN1 and LAN2 ports have RJ45 connectors for 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports.
Signal details for the corresponding 8 pin RJ45 connectors are described below:
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX+
4 Not Connected
5 Not Connected
6 RX-
7 Not Connected
8 Not Connected
8 Pin Plug RS-232 Signal Name RS-485 Signal Name RS-422 Signal Name
1 DSR - -
2 RTS - TXD+
4 TXD - TXD-
7 CTS - -
8 DTR - -
Not lit No data is being transmitted or received through the serial port.
Getting Started
This section familiarizes you with the CP16-2 and SISOG Connect and gives step-by-step instructions to
get started with the CP16-2 and SISOG Connect. This section covers the following topics:
• Installing SISOG Connect.
• Removing SISOG Connect.
• Using SISOG Connect interface.
• Common tasks.
3. Alternatively, click
4. If there is any open configuration, a warning window will appear to confirm whether the user
would like to save the configuration before exiting SISOG Connect.
The toolbar provides easy access buttons to menu options and are split into five sections namely:
• File.
• Settings.
• Diagnostics.
• Help.
These are selected options from the respective menus. They can be enabled or disabled in the View
Menu. Tool tips are available for each toolbar button, describing the functionality associated with each of
• Scan.
• IP Configuration.
• Version.
• Update.
• Start Firmware.
• Stop Firmware.
• Update License.
• Time Zone info.
The workspace window is the place where all the configurations regarding the different channels, stations
etc are performed. Depending on the node selected in the Tree-view, the options available in the
Workspace may vary. These are described in the configuration of each item in detail.
Common Tasks
The common tasks across SISOG Connect are given in this section.
IP Configuration
You can change the IP address of the interfaces in the CP16-2 using the IP Configuration option in
SISOG Connect. You have to give the following details to change the IP Address:
• Valid IP Address.
• Subnet mask.
• Gateway.
When settings are done in the CP16-2, a message will display indicating that IP has been changed. After
stop followed by the start firmware action, IP change will take place only after one minute during which the
CP16-2 will be in Safety Mode.
Perform the following steps to edit IP address using IP Configuration:
1. On the Settings menu, click IP Configuration. The Configure IP window appears.
2. In the IP address to connect enter the current IP address of the CP16-2.
3. Select the Interface from the drop down list.
4. In the IP Address field, enter the new IP address.
5. In the Subnet Mask field enter the new subnet mask.
6. In the Gateway field enter the new Gateway IP address.
7. Select the interface which is to be configured as the default gateway.
8. Click on Set. A confirmation window will appear.
9. Click Yes on the confirmation window.
10. The IP address is successfully changed and the message to restart the device appears.
11. Alternatively, IP Configuration can be accessed from Quick Access Buttons (Settings).
12. Alternatively, click on from the tool bar.
Updating Firmware
You can update the firmware of the CP16-2 using the Update option. Using SISOG Connect you can
download the firmware to the CP16-2. A stop followed by start of firmware is required to make the
changes effect in the CP16-2.
Perform the following steps to update the firmware:
1. On the Settings menu, click Update. The Update window appears.
2. Enter the IP address of the CP16-2 and select the GPC/DCCP check box.
3. Click browse to select the file to be updated. The Select the File window appears.
4. From the Select the File window, choose the file to be updated and click Open. The
corresponding file name appears in the field.
You can view the CP16-2 diagnostics data to analyze any configuration/communication problems that
may arise.
Perform the following steps to view the CP16-2 diagnostics data:
1. From the Diagnostics menu, click Traffic Monitor. The Diagnostics window appears.
Configuring CP16-2
Add gateway
1. Right click on the Configuration tree node in the left pane of the application.
2. Select CP16-2 from the sub menu Add Gateway.
Delete Gateway
1. Right click the selected CP16-2.
2. Click Delete.
Configuring Channel
Channel is a protocol specific communication line through which the data transfer takes place. Channel
can be either a master or a slave.
Add Channel
1. Right click on the selected CP16-2 tree node.
2. Choose any of the options from the sub menus of the Add Channel to add a channel.
Channel can be a master, a slave or a peer. The channel of a protocol consists of parameters to establish
link with its peer devices.
Note: The master and slave protocols depend on the project specific license for the CP16-2 firmware.
Note: Maximum number of channel that can be added under CP16-2 is ‘16’.
Delete Channel
1. Right click of selected channel.
2. Click Delete.
Configuring Station
Station implies the end device to which the CP16-2 has to communicate through a specific channel. A
station can be master, slave or peer and is decided by the channel under which it is created.
Add Station
1. Right click on a channel where station should be added.
2. Click Add Station from the sub menu to add a station.
Note: Maximum number of stations that can be added under a channel is ‘255’
Delete Station
1. Right click of selected station.
2. Click Delete.
Configuring Profile
Each master protocol will have a profile associated with it. Using this profile, the address map of the
entire master station can be created.
Add Profile
1. Right click on a master station.
2. Choose Add Profile from the sub menu.
Note: If a master protocol supports diagnostics configuration, diagnostic point will be added as first row.
The diagnostics row added cannot be edited or deleted.
Export Profile
Profiles can be saved for reusing the same address configuration for different masters.
1. Right click a Profile tree node.
2. Select Export Profile.
3. A Save File window will appear.
4. Save the profile in desired name in desired location.
Import Profile
Instead of adding a new profile you can also import previously saved profile data.
1. Right click on a master station.
2. Select Import Profile option.
3. An Open File window will appear.
4. Open a saved profile file.
Delete Profile
1. Right click on added Profile.
2. Click Delete.
Configuring Rows
Add Row
Profile pattern changes depending upon the protocol selected. To add a row, choose any of the options
given below:
1. Right click on Profile of the added master protocol. Choose Add Points.
Modify Row
1. Select a row from the profile grid.
2. Click Modify Row button. A new window will appear with values of the selected row.
Delete Row
1. Select rows from the profile grid.
2. Click Delete Row on the right pane.
Add Mapping
Perform the following steps to add mapping:
1. Select source unit profile row.
2. To do Master To Master Mapping, check Show Master Nodes check box. The destination unit
list will be updated with the masters added in the configuration file.
3. Select destination unit from the combo list.
Modify Map
1. Select a row from the destination unit.
2. Click Modify button.
3. A new window will appear with added mapped values.
4. Edit the parameter values and click Save to update the modified mapped points.
Delete Map
The following steps should be followed to delete a mapped row or group of rows:
1. Select mapped row (rows) from the destination unit block.
2. Click Delete Map.
3. Click Yes on the confirmation window.
Channel Type RS232/ RS422/ RS232 Type of serial communication for the
RS485 particular channel.
RS 422/ RS 485 Half Duplex, Full Half Duplex Configuration of RS 485/ RS 422
mode Duplex communication. Only effective if
Channel Type is RS 485/ RS 422.
Baud Rate 200 -38400 9600 bits/sec Baud rate for serial communication in
(bits/sec) bits/sec Bits per second.
CTS Delay 0 - 65535 15000 milliseconds Specifies the idle period between
milliseconds rising of an external CTS and starting
(0 – 65535 msec)
of a new transmission.
Header Timeout 0 - 4294967295 1000 milliseconds Indicates the maximum waiting time in
(0 - 4294967295 milliseconds within which the first byte
msec) of a response from the station should
be received after the transmission of
a request message.
Enable Time True / False False Modbus master can send time
synchronization synchronization messages if it is
True. There are no specific function
codes available in MODBUS protocol
for time synchronization.
Event on Quality External triggered External triggered Specifies whether to generate event
Change only only when Quality flag of points are
Generate Internal
Pulse Counters
Analog Outputs
Function Type Read Coil Status NA This indicates the possible function
types for the points.
Read Discrete
Inputs Note: For details check Supporting
Read Holding Data Formats.
Read Input
Force Single Coil
Force Single
Force Multiple
Signed 32
Signed 32
Signed Single
Unsigned 32
Unsigned 32
Unsigned Single
Single Register to
be mapped to SI
Register mapped
to 16 Single
Polling Cycle (0 - 0 - 4294967295 1000 msec The particular profile is polled at every
4294967295 milliseconds configured polling cycle milliseconds.
Pulse Time (0 - 0 -65535 1000msec Specifies the time interval after which
65535 milliseconds the forced value will be back to its
milliseconds) previous value for command on
modbus side, if 'Command Type' is
configured for the value of 'Pulse'.
SI (Single Each coil / input bits shall be used as Read Coil Status NA
Indications) a two-state information, with possible (FC = 1)
values ON (1) or OFF (0). Each bit of
a Holding Register or an Input register Read Discrete Inputs NA
collected using Modbus Function (FC = 2)
code 3/4, also can be stored as a
Single Indication. Read Holding Single Register to be
Register (FC = 3) mapped to SI
DI (Double Two adjacent coils / input bits will be Read Coil Status NA
Indications) combined and stored as four-state (FC = 1)
information with values INVALID (0),
OFF (1), ON (2), INTERMEDIATE (3). Read Discrete Inputs NA
(FC = 2)
PC (Pulse The Holding registers values collected Read Holding Signed 32 bit(msw-
Counters) through the supported function codes Register (FC = 3) lsw)
will be stored as an analog data. In
Signed 32 bit(lsw-
case of Data Fomats like Signed 32
bit(msw-lsw),Signed 32 bit(lsw-msw) ,
Signed Single
Unsigned 32 bit(msw-lsw) ,
Unsigned 32 bit (lsw-msw), which
Unsigned 32 bit(msw-
requires 2 registers to store the data,
corresponding two registers will be
combined to make an analog value. Unsigned 32 bit(lsw-
On configuring lsw-msw variation for msw)
a data format, the CP16-2 Modbus
Unsigned Single
master assumes that lower modbus
register address in the IED have got
DC (Double Two adjacent coils will be written any Force Multiple Coils NA
Commands) of the following four-state value, (FC = 5)
INVALID (0), OFF (1), ON (2),
AO (Analog The Holding registers shall be written Force Single Register Signed Single
Outputs) by FC- 6/16. In case of Data Formats, (FC = 6) Register
like Double, Float, Signed 32 bit
Unsigned Single
(msw-lsw) etc, which requires more
than 1 register to store the data, the
consecutive number of required
register will be combined and the
resultant analog value will be written Force Multiple Float
using preset multiple registers Register (FC =16)
function code. On configuring lsw- Float (lsw-msw)
msw variation for a data format, the Signed 32 bit(msw-
CP16-2 Modbus master assumes that lsw)
forced value to lower modbus register
address will be the Least Significant Signed 32 bit(lsw-
16-bit value in the IED and the next msw)
modbus address value will be the MS- Signed Single
16 bit value. The msw-lsw is vice- Register
Unsigned 32 bit(msw-
Unsigned 32 bit(lsw-
Unsigned Single
Port Number Valid TCP Port 2404 Specifies the TCP port on which IEC-
range 104 Slave will listen for connection
from remote device.
First Char Wait 0 - 65535 0 msec Specifies how long to wait before
(0 - 65535 msec) milliseconds transmitting a character after a
character is received
Clock Valid 0 - 71581 30 min Specify how long the system clock
Period(0 - 71581 minutes will remain valid after clock
min) synchronization.
Note: If this period expires without a
clock synchronization all times will
be reported invalid.
Single Point Event SOE / Most SOE Specifies whether multiple events
Storage Mode Recent will be queued for a specific data
point or only the most recent.
Reply timeout 1-100 seconds 3 seconds It indicates the maximum time for
which the channel will wait for reply
from each node after sending any
request message including the keep-
alive messages.
Integrity type End of Init, EOI End of Init This helps the user to configure to
and Interval, update complete MMS tags using
Disable Integrity polling mechanism named as
Integrity. The options available are to
choose the polling only at the end of
initialization, end of initialization and
at configured cyclic periods
(configured using the parameter
'integrity interval') or disable the
complete integrity. As integrity
requires polling to be done for each
MMS tag separately, it is
recommended not to use the same.
If required you are advised to use
Integrity option available under
reports for getting the data.
Integrity Interval 0-5000 seconds 2000 seconds The attribute is only valid when you
choose Integrity type as 'EOI and
Interval'. This specifies the interval at
which the device will poll for the
Keep-alive time 1-100 seconds 60 seconds Indicates idle interval that is allowed
without any messages from server
side. If there is no message during
this period the client will send the
keep alive message to the external
Report Integrity Enable/Disable Disable Client will request for Integrity report,
if this flag is Enabled. The request
will be send immediately after
enabling the Report.
Note: This option is preferred When
the integrity type is “Disable Integrity”
or the dataset elements contain full
IED Name - Server “Node No” Users can a give a name to the IED
for which the communication need to
be established from the client.
Logical Device All the logical - The logical device under which the
devices inside RCB comes
the ICD
Logical Node All the logical - The logical node under which the
nodes under the RCB comes
chosen logical
RCB Name All RCB names - The RCB name inside the server that
under the chosen need to be considered under the
LD & LN client.
Dataset Datasets to be Data set available This field indicates the dataset to be
attached to the under RCB if dataset used with the RCB. If the dataset
RCB type = static type is static, the dataset available
under RCB will be used. If it is
dynamic the elements of the same
need to be chosen using the browse
Optional Fields Check or All optional fields Indicates the optional fields to be
uncheck options unchecked. included with the report.
for all the optional
Trigger options Check or All trigger options are It indicates the conditions which will
uncheck options unchecked trigger the report.
for all the trigger
option fields
MMS tags All the tags under - User needs to select the required
the chosen MMS tags need to be considered
LDevice and under the profile.
SCL Filename Browse any files None The selected / browsed file will get
with extension copied to the IEC61850 folder
.ICD, .SCD or available in the installed path of
.XML SISOG Connect. If there is a file with
similar name it will prompt user to
over right the same. .CFG file
containing the tags will be created
IED Name List all the IED First entry available The IED name will have specific
names inside the in the SCL file. significance if you map from IEC
chosen SCL File. 61850 clients to the server where
you have multiple IEDs.
Access point List all the access First entry available It indicates a communication access
name point names in the file with the point of the logical device(s) of an
inside the chosen specified IED IED. Access point includes complete
SCL File. server address details for client-
server connection and details of
GSE address.
Keep Alive Interval 0-6000 seconds 0 second It is the interval at which the server
initiates the keep alive message. The
message will be initiated if there are
no messages from the client during
this interval. If there is no reply from
client even after the retries, the
server will close its connection. '0'
indicates the keep alive is not
Keep Alive 1-100 seconds 3 seconds It is time for which the server will wait
Timeout for reply from client (for keep alive
message). The server will either retry
for keep alive or close the
connection as per the configuration
LDevice List out all the - User need to select the desired
available logical logical device or tick show all tags
devices under the option to get tags for mapping.
selected SCL file
( SCL file is
selected as part
of the channel
LNode List out all the - User need to select the desired
available logical logical node or tick show all tags
nodes under the option to get tags for mapping.
selected Ldevice
under the SCL.
The CP16-2 is delivered 'Ready to Run' and will automatically start loading an operating system from the
on board flash memory when power is applied. Once the CP16-2 is running, the information in this
manual will provide you the guidelines and connection details for attaching and using IEDs to it.
The following table describes some problems than you can encounter when using CP16-2, and lists
possible causes of the problem and recommended corrective actions.
CP16-2 does not start running when Switch off the CP16-2 and disconnect the power input.
power is applied Switch on the power supply and measure the output voltage
with digital voltmeter. This should be between +12V and
CP16-2 Ethernet interfaces not Verify that CP16-2 is started properly and Ethernet cables
detected using IP Scan option. are plugged in properly.
Verify that the PC IP address is in the same network as the
connected Ethernet interface.
Verify that the LAN1 and LAN2 interface of CP16-2 are not in
the same subnet.
Your configuration file does not Verify that the IP address of the interface specified is correct.
download to the CP16-2
Verify that the CP16-2 interfaces can be scanned using IP
Scan option.
Your downloaded configurations file Ensure that the configuration file is done following the
not running properly. guidelines provided in this manual. Redo the configuration
Ensure that the correct configuration file is selected using the
Download Configuration window.
Protocol specific communication Ensure that the Channel, Node, Profile and Mapping
problem. parameters explained in this manual are correctly configured.