Hóa Đại Cương (Trường Đại học Bách khoa - Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
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art business for many years. We manage 5. Why is Brian Johnson asking for Dr.
the Smart’Art Art Studio on 5th Avenue. George?
It was started by my great-grandfather 6. What did the secretary offer to Brian
and has been in our family ever since. I Johnson?
have personally received awards that
recognize my expertise in the field of Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
visual arts. Specifically, I have chosen to dialog.
specialize in French and Italian works.
M: Hello, everyone. I’m Chef Ben Travis.
Painting is a huge part of my life. It’s as
It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. If you
important to me as eating and breathing.
have questions about my lecture on
I do them all every day!
baking desserts, please feel free to ask
UNIT TEST W: Hello, Chef Travis. My name is Susan.
Track 5 I would like to know your secret for
1. (a) The man is helping the woman becoming a successful chef.
check in. M: It’s very simple. My goal is to make
(b) The man is asking for her credit people happy when they eat my dishes.
card. I enjoy cooking because I can bring joy
(c) The lady is at the bank. to people’s lives.
(d) The woman wants to check in. W: I agree with that! Thank you very
much, sir.
2. (a) The man is speaking to the 7. What was Chef Ben Travis’s lecture
audience. about?
(b) The man is rehearsing a song. 8. What was Chef Travis’s secret to
(c) The boy is asking the speaker a becoming a successful chef?
(d) The two men are greeting each Track 8
Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
Track 6
3. Welcome to Roadside Hotel. How may M: Good morning, everyone! I’m Professor
Fred Hamilton. Since this is our first
I help you?
class, I guess many of you might be
4. Hello. This is Ruth Williams. Can I
wondering about me. Let me tell you
schedule an appointment with Dr.
something about myself. I’ve been
teaching Social Studies for ten years at
the University of Montreal. I got my
Track 7
degree in Social Studies here in 1990. I
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following also had my first book published a few
dialog. years ago. In fact, we’ll be using that
W: Hello. How can I help you? book in this class.
M: Hi. I’m Brian Johnson. I’m here to meet 9. What is Professor Hamilton doing?
Dr. George. Is he available? I believe he 10. What interesting fact does the professor
is waiting for me. tell the class about himself?
W: Yes, Mr. Johnson. Please take a seat. I’ll
call Dr. George and let him know you Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
are here. Would you like some tea while talk.
you wait for him?
M: Yes. Thank you. M: Hello, Dr. Anderson. It’s a pleasure to
meet you. Welcome to our Annual
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14. Where did Nikki put the geography 2. What movie will Mary and Ray watch?
book? 3. When will Ray and Mary watch a
15. Who else could have taken the book? movie?
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9. What did the boy’s father ask him? 15. What will Lily’s mom make for the
10. What are the activities that the boy’s party?
list included?
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G: Have you taken the makeup exam in Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
geography yet? talk.
B: Not yet. I went to the faculty room to
look for Mr. Jones, but he wasn’t there. G: Hey, Kelly. I want to tell you about this
I wanted to ask him when I could take movie I watched last weekend. I had
the exam. planned to stay home the entire
G: Maybe he took a break after his last weekend after cleaning out my garage,
class finished. but one of my friends had bought an
B: I guess so. I’ll look for him again later. extra ticket for The Green Knight. At
first, I didn’t want to go, but he told me
5. What is the boy’s problem? it was supposed to be a great movie.
6. What might Mr. Jones be doing? Anyway, I ended up going with him. It
was a fantastic movie! Call me back,
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following and I’ll tell you about it.
11. What is the speaker talking about?
G: Hi, Larry! Mom told me that you had 12. What was the speaker’s original plan
walked to the post office after you for the weekend?
wrote your letter. I was wondering if
you could go to the post office with me Track 41
again tomorrow.
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the
B: Of course. Are you going to send a
following dialog.
letter, too?
G: Yes. It’s a letter my friend had written G: Can you help me out, Patrick? What
to her aunt before she left for college. would be a good family activity for this
She asked me to send it for her. Christmas? I want to do something
B: I see. I’ll go with you tomorrow. Just special with my family.
give me a call. B: Last year, the families in my
neighborhood agreed to visit an
7. What are the speakers talking about? orphanage on Christmas Eve. We gave
8. What will they do at the post office? out presents and food to the children.
G: That’s a very generous act! Maybe we
Track 40 should do that this Christmas Eve, too.
Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following B: I’m all for it! Last year was a very good
talk. experience. When I was giving the little
B: Hi, Mom! I just called to ask how you kids their presents, I felt so good
and Dad are doing. I’m doing great because I was making them happy.
here at school. I joined the soccer team. G: I’ll talk to my parents about it. My
All my friends had decided to join the sister was saying earlier that we should
basketball team before school started. go caroling.
They were asking me to join as well, B: That’s a good idea, too, Kim. It’s very
but I don’t like basketball. I had enjoyable.
received a lot of compliments on my G: Yes, but that’s what we did last year.
soccer skills from other players. That I want to do something different this
really pushed me to join the team. Wish year.
me luck! B: That’s all right, as long as you enjoy it
and you make others happy. It is
Christmas, after all.
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13. What does Kim want to do? 3. Kate and her father washed the jars
14. What was Patrick’s suggestion to Kim? and air-dried them.
15. Why doesn’t Kim want to go caroling? 4. They will pot plants in the plastic jars.
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very hungry, so I thought we should room while she is still sleeping and put
make breakfast. A great way to start them on her night table. What do you
the day is with pancakes. So, let’s get think?
started. First, mix one cup of flour, one G: That’s a great idea! She loves flowers!
tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon of
5. What are the speakers planning?
salt, and two teaspoons of baking
6. What will Maria’s surprise gift to her
powder in a bowl. Second, beat one egg
mother be?
in a separate bowl; add one cup of milk
and two teaspoons of vegetable oil.
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
After mixing, pour the wet
ingredients into the dry ingredients and
whisk them together. Then, pour some B: Good morning, Lily! What’s that?
batter into a hot pan and cook it for G: It’s a comic strip I made for school.
two minutes. Turn it over and cook the B: That’s cool. How did you make it?
other side for a minute. Finally, remove G: First, I thought of a short story for my
it from the pan and put the pancake on comic strip. Then, I made several boxes
your plate. You should all try this for on a piece of white paper. Next, I drew
your family! Enjoy. out pictures for my story inside the
boxes. Finally, I colored my drawings
UNIT TEST to finish it. I hope my teacher likes it.
Track 47 7. What are the speakers talking about?
8. What might the boy say next?
1. (a) Peter will recycle different things.
(b) Peter will read all the newspapers.
Track 50
(c) Peter will throw out the old
newspapers. Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
(d) Peter will only recycle the bottles talk.
and cans. B: I am so happy today! My sister taught
me how to make a banana split! First,
2. (a) The class is studying economics. we peeled a banana and cut it in half
(b) The class is having lunch. lengthwise. Next, we got an ice cream
(c) The class is learning about bowl and placed three scoops of vanilla
computers. ice cream and the banana in it. Then,
(d) The class is playing a game. we put some hot fudge on top of it.
Finally, we topped it with some
Track 48 whipped cream and nuts. It was very
3. Am I cooking it right? delicious!
4. Are we going to recycle these soda 9. Why is the speaker happy?
bottles? 10. What was the last ingredient that they
put on?
Track 49
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
dialog. talk.
B: Hi, Maria! Do you have any plans for G: I’m so excited! Mom let me go to Aunt
your mom’s birthday? Martha’s house all by myself. First, I
G: I haven’t come up with anything yet. walked two blocks from our house to
B: I have an idea. First, make your own the bus station. Next, I got on a bus
birthday card for her. Next, get some and stopped in front of the bank. Then,
fresh flowers from your garden and put I crossed the street. When I reached the
them in a vase. Then, sneak into her church, I turned left and walked
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B: Unfortunately, Kim, I can’t lend it to G: Hi, Danny! Yes, I’ve been looking for
you. My brother is still using it for his you since yesterday. The school’s
project. winter dance is next weekend. I am
thinking about signing up for the dance
7. Why did Kim want to borrow a book
from Ivan?
B: That’s great, Maria! I think you’ll win
8. Why can’t Ivan lend the book to Kim?
first prize. You’re an awesome dancer!
G: The only problem is that I need a
Track 60
partner to join the contest. Would you
Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following like to be my dance partner?
talk. B: I wish I could, Maria. But I don’t think
B: I was in science class when I I can. I’m in charge of the winter dance
remembered that I left my homework decorations. I’ll be busy after school
at home. I was so nervous. I asked my for the next week. We wouldn’t have
classmate if I could copy her time to practice.
homework. Even though I told her my G: Oh! Sorry. I didn’t know you were in
reason, she refused. Suddenly, my charge of decorations.
teacher called on me. I was ready to B: That’s OK. I wish I could be your
explain what happened, when she told partner. Hey, I think Mark is looking
me that my mother was waiting for a partner. Why don’t you ask him?
outside for me. My mother brought my G: Sounds good. See you later.
homework to me at school. I thanked 13. Why was Maria looking for Danny?
her for saving my day. 14. Who is looking for a dance partner
9. Why was the speaker nervous? besides Maria?
10. Who was waiting for the speaker 15. Why can’t Danny be Maria’s dance
outside his classroom? partner?
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feathers. Some of them even talked to B: That’s not true when Larry is around.
me! Next, we played with the On Christmas Eve, he spilled someone’s
monkeys. They were very funny and wine, broke a vase, and ruined the
really noisy. One of the monkeys took turkey my mom made. He even
my hat and played with it! knocked down the Christmas tree! All
M: That’s funny! Monkeys are always I did was clean and rearrange the things
curious. he messed up!
G: Yes, they are. We also saw lions and G: Oh, come on, he’s just a little kid. You
tigers. I was excited because I wanted should have taken him outside to play,
to hear the lions roar loudly, but they where he couldn’t ruin anything.
didn’t. They were sleeping the whole B: Sure, whatever you think. Next time he
time! I’m a bit upset because we comes over, I’ll let you take care of him.
couldn’t feed them. The zookeeper said Then you can clean up after him!
it was too dangerous. Anyway, I
enjoyed the trip, and it was a wonderful Listening 3. Stargaze Nature Park
Track 65
M: It sounds like it was.
M: Hello, parents. Our class had a fantastic
Track 63 adventure at Stargaze Nature Park.
Thankfully, everything went according to
1. Lara took a close look at the snakes
plan. During the day, we observed the
inside the glass cage.
animals and plants around the park. The
2. They visited the monkeys before the
tour guide taught us about each animal’s
lions and tigers.
habitat and diet. At night, we slept in a
3. The lion roared at Lara and her
tent under the stars. We had a discussion
about the animals and plants that we
4. Lara was upset because they couldn’t
learned about around the campfire. We
feed the lions or tigers.
also played some games after eating a
dinner of hotdogs and hamburgers that
Listening 2. Clumsy Cousin we cooked over the fire. The only bad
Track 64 experience of the whole trip was the
G: Welcome back to school! How was mosquitoes at night. No one slept well
your holiday, Henry? because they kept on biting us
B: I had the worst holiday ever! My cousin throughout the night. Overall, the
ruined my entire Christmas vacation. students and I had an amazing
G: Why? What happened? I thought you experience.
were going to Chicago to spend the
holidays with your grandparents. Track 66
B: Our plans changed. My grandparents 1. Why was the teacher talking about the
had to go to Los Angeles to spend time class trip to Stargaze Nature Park?
with my grandma’s sister. So, my family 2. What was the tour guide teaching the
decided to spend the holidays here with students?
my Aunt Terry’s family. I had to spend 3. Why did the teacher think the
my holidays with the clumsiest person mosquitoes were a bad experience?
I know, my six-year-old cousin, Larry.
G: That’s great! Don’t you think that the UNIT TEST
more people you celebrate Christmas
Track 67
with, the better it is? The more the
merrier! 1. (a) The girl’s baking experience was
16 l Transcripts l
(b) The girl’s baking experience was a finger because I was pushing it so hard!
disaster. It was so painful, I almost cried.
(c) The girl’s baking experience was a
7. What was Cathy’s awful experience
waste of time.
(d) The girl’s baking experience was a
8. What is the best advice to give Cathy?
Track 70
2. (a) He had a great experience learning
how to skate. Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
(b) He finds learning how to skate a talk.
fun experience. G: I learned how to cook spaghetti
(c) He had a painful experience yesterday! Isn’t that great? We were
learning how to skate. preparing for a neighborhood party,
(d) He had a satisfying experience and Carla’s mom was helping. She
learning how to skate. asked me if I knew how to cook
spaghetti. I told her that I didn’t, so
Track 68 she taught me how, step by step. It was
3. You look sad. Didn’t you have a good a really great experience. Everyone said
time learning how to bake cookies? that my spaghetti was the best they
4. You look so happy. What happened on had ever tasted!
your trip? 9. What was the speaker’s great
experience about?
Track 69 10. What are they preparing for?
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
dialog. Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
G: Hi, Bob! Are you making a kite?
B: Yes, Claire! I’m almost finished with it. G: I just had the worst experience ever! I
My dad taught me how to make kites, thought I was just going to a normal
so we could fly them together. It was party for Cynthia’s birthday, so I went
such a rewarding experience! to her house wearing a T-shirt and
G: That’s great! I wish my dad would jeans. I was so shocked to see that all
teach me how to make kites. the other girls were wearing their
B: Don’t worry, I can teach you how to formal dresses. It was a huge fancy
make one. celebration! I felt so out of place. I was
so embarrassed!
5. What are Bob and Claire talking
about? 11. Why was the speaker embarrassed?
6. What does Claire want to do? 12. What kind of party did Cynthia have?
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B: No. It’s more special than that. My week. I’ll take it on walks and play
family and I joined a gift giving charity catch with it. We’ll be best friends.
for the homeless. We donated a lot of W: What about homework? You might get
food and Christmas gifts. too busy with the dog and neglect your
G: Wow! That’s very kind of your family! schoolwork. You know how important
I am sure you made the homeless school is.
people happy. That’s the true spirit of B: I’ll still study, Mom. I already topped
Christmas, don’t you think? It sounds our quizzes last week. Can I please have
like it was a very rewarding experience. a dog?
B: Yes. I hope we really made them happy. W: All right, as long as you keep your
After the gift giving, we all sang grades up and take good care of the
Christmas carols together and told dog. I’ll talk to your father about it.
stories about past Christmases.
G: I’m sure those people won’t forget your Track 73
kindness. 1. Why does Roy want a dog?
B: We’ll be going back again next year. I 2. Which of the following was NOT
want to experience it all over again. mentioned in the conversation?
13. What was James’s rewarding 3. What did Roy promise to do?
14. What did James’s family donate to the Listening 2. Striking a Deal
gift giving charity? Track 74
15. Why was the experience a rewarding
one? W: Good afternoon, John. How’s business
today? I hope everything is going well.
M: Thank you, Mrs. Emerson. It’s nice to
see you. Business has been very good
this week. Thanks for asking. What can
Unit 8 I do for you today?
W: Well, I was looking at that beautiful rug
Mom, Can I Get a Dog? in the corner. I really admire the
workmanship of it. It looks as if it was
Listening 1. Mom, Can I Get a Dog? made for a king. How much is it?
M: It is priced at $550.00. I bought it a
Track 72
few months ago at an estate sale. It is
B: Hi, Mom! Guess what? My friend Eric handmade with sheep wool. You have a
got a new puppy. His parents gave it to good eye for fine quality.
him for his birthday present. W: Yes, and it gets me into trouble
W: That’s nice of Eric’s parents. Having a sometimes. I always seem to like
dog can be a lot of fun, but it is also a expensive pieces. Would you be willing
lot of responsibility. to make a deal on the rug? You know I
B: Mom, can I get a dog, too? I’ll take it am a good customer of yours.
with me wherever I go, and I’ll let all M: All right, Mrs. Emerson. I’ll give you a
my friends play with it. five percent discount. How does that
W: Roy, dogs need to be cared for properly. sound?
They are not toys. They need food, W: I can see that there are some damaged
water, exercise, a warm place to sleep, spots on the rug. How about ten
and love. percent? It would look amazing in my
B: I will give it all of those things, Mom. I living room.
promise I’ll take good care of it. I’ll M: OK, Mrs. Emerson. Since you’re such a
feed it every day and give it baths every good customer and we have been
18 l Transcripts l
friends for quite a long time, I’ll give G: Oh, I would like to, but I don’t have
you a ten percent discount. Let me enough money right now. Can I have it
pack that up for you. for $1.20 instead? I really want to help
save the planet, but that’s all the
Listening 3. Leaving a Message money I have.
B: All right, Lila. Here you go. Enjoy
Track 75
using your notebook.
G: Hi, Mom! It’s me, Olivia. I just called
to tell you that I’m at Ella’s house. I 5. What is Mark selling to Lila?
asked her to help me with my history 6. How much money did Lila save?
project. She’s helping me make puppets
for my World War I project. At first Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
she said she wouldn’t be able to help dialog.
me because her mom told her to clean G: Dad, can I ask you something?
the kitchen today. So, we made a deal. M: Sure. What is it, Jean?
I told her that I would help her clean G: My friend Millie is going to spend the
the kitchen if she helps me finish my day at her mother’s place in the city.
project afterwards. We’re doing my She invited me to go with her. She is
project now, and I’m going to stay for leaving early and will be back by seven
dinner. I’ll be home by nine. Bye! p.m. Can I go with her? I already
finished my homework, and I don’t
UNIT TEST have any exams to study for. Please?
Track 76 M: All right. Just leave me a phone
number and address. Have a great
1. (a) Can you say hello to him, please? time! Don’t spend too much money
(b) Can you pass me that gift, please? shopping!
(c) Can you see what she is wearing?
(d) Can you open that bag, please? 7. What are the speakers talking about?
8. Who is going to the city tomorrow?
2. (a) If you clean the garden, you can
borrow the car. Track 79
(b) If you clean the bedroom, I’ll clean Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
the garden. talk.
(c) If you clean the car, I’ll cook you
B: Yesterday, I went to the market with
my mother. At the butcher’s counter,
(d) If you clean the table, I’ll clean the
my mom got some steaks. She asked
for the best cuts of beef, and she
wanted the fat trimmed off. My mom
Track 77
asked how much the meat was, and the
3. If I buy three of these, can you give me butcher said it was four dollars. She
another one for free? asked the butcher for a discount,
4. If I help you with that, will you drive because she is a regular customer of
me to the store? his. The butcher thought about it for a
minute and then agreed and gave my
Track 78 mom the discount. My mom was
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following happy, and so was I because I got to
dialog. buy an ice cream cone with the dollar
that my mom saved on the meat!
B: Hey, Lila. Would you like to buy this
notebook? It’s only $1.50, and it’s 9. How much did the meat cost originally?
made from recycled paper. Buying 10. Why did the man sell the meat at a
notebooks made of recycled paper lower price?
helps save the environment.
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made a lot of mistakes. What include when you want your problem
happened? You are usually a very good resolved by. Include any other
math student. documents or pictures that have to do
B: I don’t think I really understood with your problem inside the envelope
yesterday’s lesson, Ms. Hopkins. I tried of your letter. After that, just wait for a
to do all the long division problems, reply. Hopefully, you won’t have to
but the answers came out wrong. It wait too long!
was really frustrating.
W: OK, let me help you then. First of all, UNIT TEST
you are not setting up your problems
Track 86
correctly. You have to place the
numbers in the correct order before 1. (a) The customers are fighting inside
you divide them. the restaurant.
B: Oh, yeah. I always forget to do that. (b) The customers are enjoying their
W: Also, for this question, you didn’t copy lunch.
down the problem correctly from the (c) The customers are ordering their
book to begin with. You have to write lunch.
the correct numbers to get the right (d) The customers are complaining
answer in the end. about the food.
B: I think I was in too much of a hurry, 2. (a) The woman is getting groceries.
and I was getting tired. It was already (b) The woman ordered pizza for
midnight, and I was still doing my delivery.
homework. (c) The woman is going to make pizza.
W: Tommy, I don’t like how you have (d) The woman ordered groceries for
done this homework. I have to ask you delivery.
to redo it. This time take your time, be
careful, and do it right after school. Track 87
3. Can I take your order, please?
Track 84 4. Did you have any trouble filling out
1. Tommy wasn’t copying the problems the form?
down correctly.
2. Ms. Hopkins and Tommy are meeting Track 88
outside. Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
3. Tommy didn’t do his math homework. dialog.
4. Tommy is usually good at math.
G: This is such a wonderful dinner! I am
really full, but I still have room for
Listening 3. A Complaint Letter vanilla ice cream.
Track 85 B: Are you sure? OK, let’s order
W: When you want to complain about dessert. I will have cookies and cream
something, it is a good idea to write a ice cream.
letter about it. This is a good way to G: Great. I’m going to have two scoops of
explain the situation and get it resolved vanilla. How about you?
without getting too angry or emotional. B: I don’t think I can eat more than one
Either type your letter on the computer scoop!
or handwrite it, but make sure your 5. How many scoops of ice cream does
handwriting is very clear and neat. the girl want?
Make your letter brief, to the point, 6. What do you think about the girl?
and polite. State exactly what you
want done about your problem. Also
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strained. Were you on the computer or reservation for you. The table is next
reading for a long time yesterday? Try to the window with a great view of the
putting a warm towel over your eyes lake.
for a while, and take some aspirin for M: Fantastic! Thank you and see you at
your headache. Dr. Mill can check your seven.
eyes at one o’clock this afternoon.
M: Thanks for the advice. I was up late Track 94
last night reading a novel. It was so 1. Mr. Page wants to have dinner with
good I couldn’t put it down. I guess I several of his friends.
will just try to rest until I can see Dr. 2. Mr. Page wants to arrive home before
Mill. nine tonight.
W: OK, Mr. James. I will schedule your 3. Mr. Page got a reservation for two at
appointment with Dr. Mill at one 8:30.
o’clock this afternoon. Thank you for 4. Mr. Page reserved a table for four at
calling! seven.
M: See you at one o’clock.
Listening 3. Salon Answering Machine
Track 92
Track 95
1. Who wants to see the doctor?
2. Why is Doctor Mills not available this W1:I know this is last minute, but I have
morning? an emergency! I need an appointment
3. When will the doctor see Mr. James? at eight thirty this morning, before I go
to work. My name is Glory Anderson.
Listening 2. I Would Like to Make a Please call me ASAP at 474-4725.
Reservation, Please. Thank you!
M: Hi, this is Henry confirming my
Track 93 appointment for a haircut today. I’m
W: Ramsey’s Thai Restaurant. This is May. supposed to see Sandra at nine. Please
Can I help you? call me if there is any change. My
M: Good morning. I would like to make a number is 955-0908. Thanks.
reservation for two people for tonight W2:Hi, this is Annie Johnson. I’m calling
at seven o’clock. about my appointment this morning at
W: Just a moment please, I’ll check the eight. I was going to have Donna color
reservation book. We do have a table my hair, but I have to cancel my
for two available for eight thirty. We appointment. Sorry this is last minute,
only have a table for four available at but my dog got sick last night. I have
seven. Would you like to make a to go to the vet’s right away. I’ll call
reservation for eight thirty? back later to make another
M: Umm, well, there will only be two of appointment. Thanks!
us, but would it be OK if I reserve the
table for four? We can’t stay out late. UNIT TEST
I’ve already told the babysitter we
Track 96
would be home before nine.
W: That’s fine, sir. Besides, there may be 1. (a) The patient has an appointment for
some cancellations. If a table for two tomorrow.
becomes available for seven, I’ll move (b) The patient has an appointment
your reservation for you. now.
M: Great! That is kind of you. All right, (c) The patient is making an
let’s make that reservation for seven appointment with the doctor.
tonight. My name is John Page. (d) The patient has to cancel her
W: OK, Mr. Page. I have made that appointment.
l Transcripts l 23
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2. (a) The nurse is writing in the B: I was late for my piano lesson today! It
appointment book. was scheduled for three o’clock this
(b) The people are waiting to see the afternoon. Before that, I went to the
doctor. movies with my friends. They invited
(c) The man is pointing to his me for ice cream after the movie, and
appointment in the book. we were having so much fun that I lost
(d) The woman is asking the man to track of time. I remembered about my
change his appointment. piano lesson when we were at the ice
cream shop and I heard a famous tune
Track 97 on the piano playing on the radio. I ran
3. Is the doctor available now? to my lesson, but I was still five min-
4. Can I see her at ten o’clock today? utes late. My teacher was really angry
with me.
Track 98 9. What time was the boy’s piano lesson?
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following 10. Why was the boy late for his lesson?
Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
W: Good morning. Is there a table for eight talk.
M: Our large table is occupied, but they G: Jenny, I’m sorry, but I can’t join you at
are eating dessert. Can you wait for a the park today. My mom asked me to
few minutes? take my brother to his dental check-up.
W: Sure, we can. May we please look at Both my parents have important
the menu while we’re waiting? meetings today, and they can’t
M: Yes, let me get a couple of menus for reschedule my brother’s appointment.
you. Please have a seat. I might be at the dental clinic the whole
morning. I’ll catch up with you in the
5. What does the woman want? afternoon if I can, OK?
6. What will the man probably do next?
11. Why can’t the girl go to the park?
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following 12. When might the girl go to the park?
Track 100
M: Good afternoon. I don’t have an
appointment, but is the doctor free at Questions 13 through 15 refer to the
this time? following dialog.
W: Sorry, she is with a patient now. She B: Do you have any free time this
will be available later on today if you weekend, Jane?
can come back. G: I have to work on my science project
M: What time will she be free? Friday night, but I’m free on Saturday.
W: You can see her at two o’clock. Should Why, Bobby?
I pencil you in for an appointment then? B: I was wondering if you would like to
go to a movie with me. There is a good
7. Whom does the man want to see?
action movie that’s coming out this
8. What can be inferred about the doctor?
G: Oh! Yes, definitely. Are you OK for
Track 99
Saturday night?
Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following B: Sure. I’ve been waiting to see this movie
talk. for a long time.
24 l Transcripts l
G: I love action movies. Maybe we can get B: Your parents work in their store on
something to eat before the movie Saturdays, don’t they?
starts? G: That’s right. I always try to make
B: Sure. I know you like pizza. Do you breakfast for them before they go to
want to go to that new pizza parlor work. Then, after breakfast, I have to
near the theater? I heard that they have take a shower at about eight o’clock.
really good pasta, as well as good Next, I have to start the laundry at
pizzas. nine o’clock. After doing the
G: Perfect! Can you pick me up at my laundry, I have to do the dusting at
house at seven o’clock? Oh, and ten, and then the vacuuming after that.
Bobby, don’t be late! That usually takes until around eleven.
B: Don’t worry. I’m never late! Finally, I make lunch around noon and
take it to my parents at the store.
13. What are the speakers talking about?
B: Wow! You are so busy in the
14. Why can’t the girl go out on Friday
mornings. It sounds very tiring. How
about if we pick you up at one
15. What else will the speakers do on
Saturday night besides watching a
G: Yes, that’s OK. I would love to hang
out at the beach.
l Transcripts l 25
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G: Wow! Now I understand why you are (b) The man is daydreaming.
always tired and stressed out! (c) The man is making his bed.
M: Just keep studying hard so that you can (d) The man is getting up.
take over my job when you grow up!
Track 107
Track 103
3. What do you do at 6:30 a.m.?
1. Why did Molly’s father go home early? 4. What can you call your daily activities?
2. What does Molly’s father do at 7:00
a.m. in his office? Track 108
3. Why does Molly’s father go to the
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
building sites?
Listening 3. My Morning G: Wait up, Fred! Sonny is looking for
you! He asked me to tell you that
Track 104
basketball practice is at four o’clock
G: Every morning, I wake up early and today!
I always follow the same routine. B: Oh, no! Why did they move practice to
Before I eat breakfast, I make my bed four o’clock? We always practice at five
and straighten up my room. Then I help o’clock. I see my math tutor at four
my mom cook breakfast. We o’clock every day.
usually have eggs and toast. After G: I think they changed the time because
breakfast, I have to wash the dishes and the gym is closing at 5:30 today. The
clean off the table. I also feed my cat Student Council is decorating the gym
before I take a shower. Next, I put on for tomorrow’s dance.
my school uniform and get ready for B: Oh, yeah! Can you please tell Sonny
school. The school bus arrives at 8:30 that I won’t be at practice today?
a.m. I say goodbye to my mom and Thanks, Camille!
dad, and then I get on the bus to go to
5. Why was basketball practice moved to
four o’clock?
6. Why can’t Fred attend practice?
Track 105
1. The speaker’s mom cleans her room. Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
2. The speaker helps her mom cook dialog.
B: Hi, Claire! Look at these! I won two
3. The speaker washes the dishes.
tickets for the Judy Waters concert
4. The speaker feeds her dog before taking
a shower.
G: That’s great, Clark! I heard that it’s
going to be the best concert of the year!
UNIT TEST B: Yeah, I’m really excited. Do you have
Track 106 plans for tomorrow? Do you want to
join me?
1. (a) The girl is making a mess.
G: Oh, I’m sorry, Clark. I can’t. I have a
(b) The girl is washing the dishes.
lot of chores that I have to do at home
(c) The girl is looking for her
tomorrow. I also have to study for a
(d) The girl is studying in her room.
7. Why did Clark ask Claire about her
2. (a) The man is putting his brother to plans for tomorrow?
bed. 8. Why can’t Claire go with Clark?
26 l Transcripts l
l Transcripts l 27
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roof. That is an ice cream store. Turn G1: That sounds easy enough. Should I take
left at the ice cream store and ride a lit- a taxi from Weller Station or walk to
tle bit more. The grocery store is on the your place? I heard that taxis are
right. expensive in London.
G: Wow! That’s easy. I think I can even get G2: They are. Don’t take a taxi. I will be
there by myself. Thanks for waiting for you down in the station
teaching me the way, Henry. near exit 4. We can walk together to
my house from the station. I’ll wait for
Track 112 you in front of the bakery on the left by
exit 4.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
G1: Great. I’ll meet you in front of the
2. What is the relationship between Henry
and Christy?
G2: I should see you in about 40 minutes.
3. Where should they make a right turn?
Bye, Janice!
Track 113
Track 115
1. Henry is probably older than Christy.
1. What are Martha and Janice talking
2. Christy wants to ride her new bike to
the store.
2. Where will Janice meet Martha?
3. There is a park on the way to the store.
3. Where should Janice transfer to the
4. They are going to the store for their
Pink Line?
28 l Transcripts l
2. (a) The boy is shopping at the grocery Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
store. talk.
(b) The boy is waiting near the clothes
B: Hello, Gary. I hope you can still come
to my house for dinner tonight. I will
(c) The boy is shopping at the
give you directions, so you can come
hardware store.
over at 5:00. From your house, walk
(d) The boy is walking across town.
down the street until you see the video
store on your left. There, make a right
Track 119
turn onto Grain Street. My house is the
3. How do I get to the post office? third one on the right. It has a red
4. Take a right at the store and go roof. See you at 5:00. I hope you are
straight for two blocks. You can’t miss hungry!
9. What is the speaker talking about?
10. What does the speaker’s house look
Track 120
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
dialog. Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following
M: Hello, Angie! Where are you? I’ve been
waiting for you for 20 minutes. G: I went to the hardware store to help
W: I’m sorry, Brad! I forgot how to get to my dad pick up some supplies. All of
the theater. Can you please give me his tools are old, and he needed some
directions? I’m in front of the shopping new ones. Dad bought a monkey
mall. wrench, nails, a glue gun, and a
M: Angie! The theater is inside the hammer. The hammer was in the same
shopping mall. It’s at the entrance to aisle as the monkey wrench. The aisle
the mall near the fountain. where we found the glue gun was next
W: Oh, right! I forgot! I will park my car to the aisle with the nails. It was an
and be right there. Thanks! adventure helping my dad find tools at
the hardware store.
5. What are Brad and Angie talking
about? 11. What is the speaker talking about?
6. Why is Angie late? 12. Where was the glue gun located in the
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
dialog. Track 122
B: Where are they building the ice skating Questions 13 through 15 refer to the
rink this winter? following dialog.
G: I heard that it’s going to be directly in B: Where were you all day, Suzie? I was
front of the shopping mall downtown. looking for you!
B: That sounds like a great place to put G: I’m sorry! My brother got sick
the rink. Isn’t that where the giant yesterday, so I had to run some errands
Christmas tree is usually located? for him.
l Transcripts l 29
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B: That’s nice of you to help him. Where B: That sounds really good. I guess you
did you have to go? forgot that we were supposed to have
G: First, I dropped off my brother’s lunch together today.
homework at his school. Then I had to G: I’m so sorry, Frank! It slipped my mind.
go to the store and buy shampoo B: That’s OK. Your brother needed your
because we didn’t have any at home. help.
After that, I stopped by the post office G: Well, we haven’t eaten the Chinese food
across town and picked up some yet. Why don’t you come over and join
stamps. By this time, I was getting us for lunch?
hungry, so I got some take-out Chinese
13. What are Frank and Suzie talking
food for lunch at the restaurant on the
corner of Stanford Street and Main
14. Why was Suzie running errands today?
15. What was Frank waiting for?
30 l Transcripts l