ZEB Project Report No 29
ZEB Project Report No 29
ZEB Project Report No 29
Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch, Kari Sørnes, Marianne Inman and
Inger Andresen
Norwegian ZEB definition, Operational energy, Embodied emission, ZEB pilot case studies
© Copyright SINTEF Academic Press and Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2016
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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 6
2. THE ZEB BALANCE ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS (NET ZEB) ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2 ZERO EMISSION BUILDING (ZEB) ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 ZEB Ambition Level Definitions and System Boundaries ................................................................. 8
2.2.2 Components and materials included in the "M" ........................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Addressing Embodied Emissions at all Ambition Levels ................................................................ 13
3. OPERATIONAL ENERGY CALCULATION PROCEDURES ....................................................... 14
3.1 OPERATIONAL ENERGY AND EMISSION CALCULATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................ 14
3.2 CO2 CONVERSION FACTORS ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 CO2 Factor for Grid Electricity ........................................................................................................ 15
3.2.2 CO2 Factors for Bioenergy and Waste Incineration ....................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Summary of CO2 Factors................................................................................................................ 18
3.3 SYSTEM BOUNDARY FOR OPERATIONAL ENERGY ................................................................................................ 19
3.4 MISMATCH OF GENERATION AND DEMAND ...................................................................................................... 20
3.5 ENERGY EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................ 20
3.6 INDOOR CLIMATE REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION ........................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.1 Functional Unit .............................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.2 System Boundary ........................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Service Life ..................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY AND DATA SOURCES...................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 The Building Model........................................................................................................................ 25
4.2.2 EPDs and Databases for Life Cycle Inventories .............................................................................. 25
4.2.3 Construction Process ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.4 Replacement of PV Modules ......................................................................................................... 28
4.2.5 End of Life ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5. VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 31
6. CASE STUDIES ............................................................................................................................ 32
6.1 PILOT BUILDING MULTIKOMFORT ................................................................................................................... 33
6.1.1 Key Data ........................................................................................................................................ 33
6.1.2 Energy Systems.............................................................................................................................. 33
6.1.3 Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 PILOT PROJECT POWERHOUSE KJØRBO ............................................................................................................ 37
6.2.1 Key Data ........................................................................................................................................ 37
6.2.2 Energy Systems.............................................................................................................................. 37
6.2.3 Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 39
7. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 43
The guidelines described in this report build upon the following reports and articles:
as well as other relevant national and international work in the field of ZEB definitions. The guidelines
are also based on experiences from the ZEB pilot building projects.
This report includes a description of the rules and methods of the ZEB defitions, and provides examples
of practical implementation of the guidelines from the Norwegian ZEB pilot projects.
The EPBD defines a 'nearly zero energy building' as a building that has a very high energy
performance, whereby the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a
very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources
produced on-site or nearby (European Parliament and the Council 2010).
The net zero energy building definition may be further expanded by applying a life cycle perspective,
whereby the primary energy used in the building during operation plus the embodied energy (e.g. life
cycle energy demand from materials, transport and construction) and end of life energy (e.g. life cycle
energy demand from dismantling, transport and waste treatment) are included.
At the Norwegian Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings, the ZEB definition is characterised
through a range of various ambition levels ranging from the lowest (ZEB-O÷EQ) to the highest (ZEB-
COMPLETE) (Dokka et al. 2013a, Kristjansdottir et al. 2014), see figure 2-2.
Figure 2.2 ZEB ambition levels. See Table 2.1 for an explanation of the scope of the included life
cycle stages, A1-A5, B4, B4**, B4***, B6, C1-C4.
The "O" refers to emissions associated with Operational energy use. The “M” refers to embodied
emissions 1 associated with building construction Materials. The "EQ" refers to operational emissions
from technical EQuipment. The "C" refers to emissions associated with Construction and installation,
while the "E" refers to embodied emissions associated with the end of life phase of the building.
These system boundaries can be interpreted in light of the works outlined in CEN/TC 350 Sustainability
of Construction works, and more specifically NS-EN 15978 Sustainability of construction works.
Assessment of environmental performance of buildings. Calculation method (NS-EN 15978:2011). NS-
EN 15978:2011 displays a modular system of lifecycle stages for buildings, which provides the basis for
1 Embodied emissions refer to emissions that are “embodied” in the materials that compose a building. The term does not
refer to the carbon that is stored in the building materials, but rather to the emission of greenhouse gases released into the
atmosphere during the production, construction, use and demolition of these materials.
Product Stage (A1 - A3): Cradle to gate processes for materials and services used in construction: raw
material extraction and processing (A1), transport of raw materials to the manufacturer (A2), and
manufacturing of products and packaging (A3).
Construction Process Stage (A4-A5): Transport of construction products to the construction site (A4),
transport of ancillary products, energy and waste from the installation process (A5).
Use Stage (B1 - B7): Use of construction products and services, related to building components (B1 -
B5) and operation of the building (B6 - B7), during the entire lifetime of the building. The maintenance
(B2) repair (B3) and replacement (B4) lifecycles are related to the product's estimated service life (ESL).
End of Life Stage (C1 - C4): When the building is decommissioned and not intended to have any
further use, the building is deconstructed or demolished (C1) and transported to waste treatment or
disposal facilities (C2), whereby the waste is either processed (C3) and/or disposed of (C4).
Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary (D): This covers the benefits and loads arising from
the reuse (D1), recovery (D2), recycling (D3), and exported energy / potential (D4) from end-of-waste
state materials.
The current system boundaries of the ZEB ambition levels are defined as follows (see Table 2.1):
1. ZEB-O÷EQ: Emissions related to all energy use for operation "O", except energy use for
equipment and appliances (EQ), shall be compensated for with renewable energy generation.
The definition of O÷EQ therefore includes operational energy use, except energy use for
equipment and appliances (B6*), as outlined in NS-EN 15978: 2011.
2. ZEB-O: Emissions related to all operational energy "O" shall be compensated for with
renewable energy generation. The O includes all operational energy use (B6), according to NS-
EN 15978: 2011.
3. ZEB-OM: Emissions related to all operational energy "O" plus embodied emissions from
materials "M" shall be compensated for with renewable energy generation. The M includes the
product phase of materials (A1 – A3) and scenarios for the replacement phase (B4**),
according to NS-EN 15978: 2011. Note that B4** in ZEB-OM considers only scenarios related
to the production of materials used for replacement. The transportation (A4), installation (A5),
and end of life processes for replaced materials are not included in B4**. The scope of materials
to be included in M for a ZEB-OM ambition level can be found in Table 2.1.
4. ZEB-COM: This is the same as ZEB-OM, but also takes into account emissions relating to the
construction "C" phase. The phases included in C are transport of materials and products to the
building site (A4) and construction installation processes (A5), according to NS-EN 15978:
2011. Note that B4*** in ZEB-COM is expanded to include the transportation (A4) and
installation process (A5) of replaced materials. The end of life processes of replaced materials
is not included in B4***. The scope of materials to be included in M for a ZEB-COM ambition
level can be found in Table 2.1 .
5. ZEB-COME: This is the same as ZEB-COM, but also takes into account emissions relating to
the end of life “E” phase. The end of life phase include deconstruction/demolition (C1), transport
Table 2.1 illustrates the relationship between the ZEB ambition levels and the modular lifecycle stages
in NS-EN15978: 2011. The lifecycle stages (A1-A5, B1-B7, C1-C4) mandatory for the different ZEB
ambition levels are presented in green. Module D can be included as additional information in ZEB
Table 2.1 Description of ZEB ambition levels according to NS-EN15978: 2011(a larger version of the
table is given in Appendix 2).
In NS-EN15978: 2011, building-related furniture, fixtures and fittings are defined as:
"products that are fixed to the building, so that the dismantling of the product decreases the
performance of the building, and the dismantling or replacement of the product constitutes
construction operation...The system boundary to use stage shall include impacts and aspects of
the building-integrated technical system and building related furniture, fixture and fittings."
Table 2.2 is showing a recommandation, based on previous experience from the ZEB pilot buildings, of
materials and components that should be included in the "M" calculations. Table 2.2 can be regarded as
a minimum requirement, and any deviation from this should be clearly stated.
The included materials and components must always be reported by refering to list of building elements
(NS 3451: 2009) on the three-digit level.
Table 2.2 Recommended list of included materials and components, based on the list of building
elements (NS 3451: 2009).
Building Parts Building Components
2 Building Structure
22 Superstructure
221 Frames
222 Columns
223 Beams
224 Bracings
225 Fire protection of load bearing construction
226 Cladding and surfaces
228 Equipment and completion
229 Other
23 Outer walls
231 Load bearing wall
232 Non-load bearing wall
233 Glass Façade
234 Windows and doors
235 Outer cladding and surfaces
236 Internal surface
237 Solar shading
238 Equipment and completion
239 Other
24 Inner walls
241 Load bearing wall
242 Non-load bearing wall
243 System walls
244 Windows, doors, folding walls
245 Skirting
246 Cladding and surfaces
247 N/A
248 Equipment and completion
249 Other
25 Floor structure
251 Load bearing deck
252 Slab on ground
253 Raised/Built-up Floor, screed
254 Floor System
255 Floor Surfaces
256 Fixed Ceiling and Surface
257 Suspended Ceiling
258 Equipment and completion
259 Other
26 Outer roof
261 Primary construction
262 Roof covering
263 Glass Roof, Roof light, Roof Opening
265 Cornice, Flashings, Gutters and Downpipes
266 Ceiling and Internal Surfaces
267 Prefabricated Roof Elements
268 Equipment and Completion
269 Other
36 Ventilation and Air Conditioning 362 Duct System for Air Conditioning
364 Equipment for Air Distribution
365 Equipment for Air Treatment
366 Insulation for Air Treatment
369 Other
44 Lighting 442 Light fixtures and fittings, cables, cable trays, plug
For the ambition level ZEB-COMPLETE, it is recommended to include all types of material emissions
originating from building-related construction as well as integrated technical building systems and
Qualitative measures may be used to identify significant contributors to GHG material emissions . One
such measure could include establishing a list of questions that address important issues concerning
construction solutions, building elements, materials and installations in relation to GHG material
emissions. This list of questions can be used to identify significant contributors to GHG emissions in
buildings, based on previous experiences (Kristjansdottir et al. 2014). This list of questions could be
used by the design team to identify typical contributors to GHG material emissions in order to obtain
ZEB-O÷EQ and ZEB-O buildings with low embodied emissions. An example of such a list may be found
in Appendix 1.
NS 3031: 2007 gives national values for user-dependent values such as set point temperatures, hours
of operation for ventilation, lighting and equipment, DHW energy use, heat gains from occupants, and
so on, for thirteen different building categories. The passive house standards, NS 3700: 2013 - Criteria
for passive houses and low energy buildings - Residential buildings (NS 3700: 2013) and NS 3701:
2012 - Criteria for passive houses and low energy buildings - Non-residential buildings (NS 3701: 2012),
gives specific values for ventilation air volumes, and energy use for lighting and technical equipment.
Set point temperatures, operational hours, and internal loads from occupants is given in NS 3031: 2007
and should be used in the analysis.
For ventilation air volumes and energy use for lights and technical equipment, the values given in NS
3700: 2013 and NS 3701: 2012 are recommended, but other values may be applied if sufficient
documentation is presented (e.g. innovative technologies or strategies for demand control etc.). Local
meteorological data, for the site in which the building is located, should be used in calculations, as
specified in the passive house standards.
If the project applies new innovative solutions or technologies that are not covered by NS 3031: 2007,
NS3700: 2013 or NS3701: 2012, then operational energy should be calculated based on recognised,
scientifically approved methods and procedures, whereby documentation of methods used and
references should be given.
An example of the calcualation of energy performance and the associated GHG emissions is presented
in Table 3.1. Figure 3.1 illustrates an example of delivered energy per energy carrier, and the
associated GHG emission calculation.
Table 3.1 Example of a procedure for calculating the energy performance and GHG emissions.
1. Determine the net energy budget - calculate the net energy demand for thermal energy and
electricity (kWh/m2 heated floor area) according to NS3700: 2013 or NS3701: 2012
2. Evaluate different options for renewable energy supply (on-site or off-site)
3. Design on-site renewable energy production - for example photovoltaic (PV) system (for
electricity production) or solar thermal system (for heat production)
4. Calculate the gross delivered energy
5. Calculate CO2 emissions based on the simulated demand from different energy carriers
The greenhouse gas emissions from operational energy is calculated according to delivered energy,
using CO2eq (CO2 equivalents) conversion factors for each energy carrier. The CO2eq factor is used to
convert energy from kWh to greenhouse gas emissions for the different energy carriers. CO2 equivalents
is used as an indicator because Carbon Dioxide is the dominant greenhouse gas. All other greenhouse
gases are therefore converted to CO2 equivalents according to their relative contribution to the
greenhouse gas effect. The CO2 factor is equivalent to the primary energy factor and should include all
emissions relating to extraction, processing, generation, storage, transport, distribution, and delivery of
Georges et al. (Georges et al. 2014) analysed the life cycle GHG emissions from a residential building
and an office building in Norway, by using different scenarios for the electricity weighting factor. The
analysed buildings were virtual case studies for which extensive and detailed information was available
for the material inventories used. The operating energy performance was estimated through dynamic
simulations. The buildings used an all-electric energy solution, meaning that they used heat pump
technology for heating and hot water purposes, and PV on all of the available roof areas as the sole
energy generation solution. The paper showed that the relative contribution of embodied emissions to
total GHG emissions strongly depends on the CO2 factor chosen for electricity. Embodied emissions
dominate operational emissions when low CO2 factors are used, whilst high CO2 factors lead to the
If Norway is considered as having an isolated energy system, one may conclude that the carbon
emissions from electricity are very low, in the order of 10-15 gCO2eq/kWh (based on data from Statistics
Norway, www.ssb.no), due to the large share of hydro power. However, since the Nordic power market
is integrated with the Nord Pool spot market, it would be more appropriate to consider the Nordic mix
being representative for all member countries. In this case, the carbon emission from electricity is
around 100 gCO2eq/kWh (Thorsteinsson and Björnsson 2011).
The approach adopted by the ZEB Research Centre considers Norway as part of the European power
system and takes into account that the powergrid in Europe will become more and more integrated over
the years ahead, due to large plans for increased transmission capacity between countries and macro
areas. Since Norway is connected to European countries through transmission lines, increases or
reductions in demand in Norway will lead to increases and decreases in the production of energy in
other European countries. However, it was considered that the average European carbon intensity of
electricity will decrease drastically in the next decades, towards 2050 and beyond, due to policy targets
aimed at mitigating climate change (EU 2011). Since buildings have a long lifetime, assumed 60 years
at the ZEB Research Centre for life cycle assessment purposes, it was deemed necessary to look at
such future evolutions in the power sector.
An analysis of different scenarios for European electricity generation towards 2050 has been performed
by Graabak and Feilberg (Graabak and Feilberg 2011), see Figure 3.2. In the most optimistic scenario
the average carbon intensity would drop from 361 gCO2eq/kWh in 2010 to barely 31 gCO2eq/kWh in
Figure 3.2 Scenarios of average specific emissions from 2010 to 2050 (Graabak et al 2014).
The results were extrapolated to provide an average value that is representative of a 60 year building
lifetime, producing an average value of 132 gCO2eq/kWh (Dokka 2011), see Figure 3.3. This value has
also been adopted as a reference value in Kristjansdottir et. al.(Kristjansdottir et al. 2014) although with
the remark that "... the use of electricity factors is dependent on the goal and scope of the analysis, and
it is often relevant to include different scenarios for the emission factor."
This scenario is of course uncertain and debatable, and it is interesting to look at the CO2 facors used in
other studies for GHG abatement in Norway. In a study by Wolfgang and Mo (Wolfgang and Mo 2007),
the authors calculated how much CO2 emissions would be reduced in the European power system if there
was an increase in renewable energy generation in Norway. They found that emissions in Europe would
be reduced by 526 g/kWh per extra renewable energy generation in Norway (year 2005). In another study
performed by Magnus et al. (Magnus et al. 2010), the authors focused on how alternative technologies
for electrification of petroleum installations and on- and off-shore wind-power would effect European CO2
emissions. Marginal emission co-efficients for the power system were not explicitly calculated, but can be
extracted on the basis of reported results; ranging from between 675 and 711 gCO2/kWh.
These studies indicate that the CO2 factor employed by ZEB is conservative, and that it most likely does
not overestimate the climate effect of zero emission buildings.
According to Lien (2013), district heating should not be viewed as emission-free waste heat utilisation,
but should instead be analysed on the basis of the actual GHG emissions associated with its
production. The present composition of incinerated waste in Norway is around 50% fossil based.
Specific GHG emissions from waste-incineration-based district heating are comparable to the
combustion of natural gas. The specific CO2 emissions from waste incineration are given in Lien (2013)
as 211 grams of CO2eq/kWh, based on the current plastic content of waste (around 25%) and current
plant efficiencies. If district heating companies can prove that their production mix has a lower emission
factor, then this emission factor may be used.
2Second generation biofuels are made from lignocellulosic biomass or woody crops, agricultural residues or waste, in
contrast to first generation biofuels that are made from agricultural crops such as sugars or vegetable oils. Third generation
biofuels have only recently entered mainstream production and refer to biofuels derived from algae.
Figure 3.4 Illustration of the different levels of possible system boundaries (Marszal et al. 2011).
The Norwegian ZEB Research Centre has employed the following boundaries for electricity and thermal
energy production (Dokka et al. 2013a):
- For local renewable electricity production, level III in Figure 3. has been chosen. That means
the production unit of electricity for a building has to be located on-site, but off-site renewables
(e.g. biofuels) may be used in the production of electricity.
- For thermal energy production, level IV in Figure 3. has been chosen. Thus the thermal energy
production for the building (or cluster of buildings) can be either on- or off-site, but emissions
from the actual energy mix shall be used. Total system losses from the production site to the
building shall be taken into account.
Unlike thermal energy, electricity is a high quality energy form that can be used for most building needs:
heating, cooling, lighting, appliances and technical equipment, fans and pumps. Exported heat from a
building or area (cluster of buildings) to a district heating system or nearby buildings (off-site) may also
be taken into account. However, due to its lower energy quality and limited transportability, the exported
thermal energy should not exceed imported energy (annually).
Nevertheless, the Norwegian ZEB Research Centre has chosen an approach which considers a
constant CO2 factor with no daily, weekly or annual variation. The same factor is used for both import
and export of electricity from the building(s), and this is called symmetric weighting (Dokka et al. 2013a).
Thus, the grid is regarded as an infinite capacity battery whereby surplus electricity is exported to the
grid and re-imported in periods of net demand. This approach has been taken to limit the complexity of
the calculations. However, it is recommended as best practice that the mismatch between energy
demand and on-site energy production during different seasons is calculated according to NS-EN
15603: 2008 - Energy performance of buildings - Overall energy use and definition of energy ratings
(NS-EN 15603: 2008).
The minimum requirement for energy efficiency in ZEBs is presented through the “low energy house
standard” as compliant with NS 3700 (for residential buildings) (NS 3700: 2013) and NS 3701 (for non-
residential buildings) (NS 3701: 2012). These standards set criteria for heating and cooling demand,
maximum heat loss and thermal bridges, as well as air-tightness of the building envelope.
3 http://www.iea-ebc.org/projects/completed-projects/ebc-annex-52/
4 http://www.iea-ebc.org/projects/ongoing-projects/ebc-annex-67/
For new, energy-efficient buildings, such as ZEBs, the production and end of life phases can constitute
approximately half of all primary energy use over the lifetime of a building (Kristjansdottir et al. 2014).
This means that the embodied emissions in construction materials make up a large percentage of total
emissions from a building over its entire lifetime.
The results from one of the ZEB pilot projects, Powerhouse Kjørbo, shows that production, transport,
construction, deconstruction, and end of life treatment of construction materials make up approximately
40% of total lifecycle primary energy demand and approximately 60% of lifecycle GHG emissions, of
which the production of materials and components contribute approximately 85% in both cases (see
Table 6.4).
This finding shows the increasing importance of addressing embodied material emissions when
designing ZEBs. Thus, efficient use of resources, transport logistics, construction, and end of life
treatment of materials should be considered in an integrated, holistic approach.
The prevailing approach within the Norwegian ZEB Reserach Centre has been to use a functional unit
of 1 m2 of heated floor area (BRA) 6 over a reference study period of 60 years when analysing the
emissions for the whole building (Dokka et al. 2013a, Dokka et al. 2013b, Georges et al. 2014, Houlihan
Wiberg et al. 2014). The basis for this functional unit is rooted in the commonly used metric of reporting
energy use in terms of kWh per m2 of heated floor area (BRA) per year. This definition of a functional
unit facilitates for the comparison and balance of operational energy and embodied material emissions
against on-site energy production.
Alongside the functional unit, it is also required to state total embodied emissions (kgCO2eq) of the
building. It has become good practice to tabulate embodied emission results according to building
component and life cycle module. An example of embodied emission results by life cycle stage is given
in Table 4.1(Inman and Houlihan Wiberg 2015).
5 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental
impacts of a product system throughout its lifecycle.
6 Heated Floor Area (BRA) is the area of all floors within temperature-controlled spaces (limited by the inside of the building
If other system boundaries are applied instead of those outlined in the ZEB ambition levels, then this
should be clearly explained in the goal and scope definitions, through applying the modular system of
lifecycle stages as defined in NS-EN 15978: 2011 , see Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Different stages of the life cycle of a building, as defined in NS-EN 15978: 2011.
Benefits and
A1-A3 Construction B1-B7 C1-C4
Product Stage Process Use Stage End of Life Stage
beyond the
system boundary
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4
Waste Processing
The lifecycle modules A1 - C4, cover environmental impacts and aspects that are directly linked to
processes and operations taking place within the system boundary of a building, whereas module D
provides the net environmental benefits relating to exported energy and secondary materials, secondary
fuels or secondary products resulting from reuse, and recycling and energy recovery, which takes place
beyond the system boundary.
The physical boundaries of the building, construction parts, and technical installations included in the
scope of the study should also be clearly defined in the goal and scope.
Accounting for carbon uptakes and CO2 emissions is particularly relevant for the assessment of
buildings that use wood as a construction material. This is because it considers temporarily storing
carbon or delaying the GHG emissions. The biogenic carbon content (kg CO2eq) of wood may be
included as a negative value to GWP (Global Warming Potential) in module A1. The same amount of
biogenic carbon content (kg CO2eq) must then be removed as a positive value from the system in
modules C3 and C4. During the environmental assessment of a whole building's lifecycle, the biogenic
carbon effect of GWP, consists of negative CO2 emissions in A1, and positive CO2 emissions in C3 and
C4, which results in zero CO2 emissions over the entire lifetime (according to the assumption of
biogenic carbon neutrality) (NS-EN 16485: 2014). In order to consider the biogenic carbon content of
wood, the recommended minimum scope of the LCA should include A1-A3 and C1-C4 lifecycle modules
for the building.
The current approach within the ZEB Research Centre has been to exclude biogenic carbon from ZEB-
OM ambition level (e.g. Multikomfort pilot building, Chapter 6.1) and ZEB-COM ambition level (e.g.
Campus Evenstad pilot building, Chapter 6.3) analyses. This is because the end of life stage is not
taken into account. However, biogenic carbon should be included in ZEB-COME and ZEB-COMPLETE
ambition levels, whereby the overall lifecycle is considered.
The Whole Building: There are two main definitions of service life at the whole building level, namely
the reference study period (RSP) 9 and the required service life (ReqSL). 10
7 Calcination is the chemical conversion of limestone (calcium carbonate) to calcium oxide (the principal component of
cement) and CO2. CaCO3+heat͢ → CaO+CO2
8 Carbonation is uptake or re-absorption of CO2 from atmosphere.
9 The References Study Period (RSP) is the period of time in which time dependent characteristics of the construction works
are analysed. In some cases, the reference study period may differ significantly from the design life of the building. (NS-EN
15978: 2011)
10 The Required Service Life (ReqSL) is the service life of construction works required by the client or through regulations
(NS-EN 15643-1 (2010). Sustainability of construction works - Sustainability assessment of buildings - Part 1: General
framework, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels, Belgium.
Nonetheless, there is at least one ZEB pilot building that has a lower required service life than the
reference study period, namely the Living Laboratory. The Living Laboratory is a temporary building,
and it therefore has a shorter building lifetime than the reference study period of 60 years. In such a
scenario, NS-EN 15978:2011 recommends using an adjustment factor for calculating embodied material
emissions originating from modules B1 – B7 and D. This adjustment factor is calculated by:
Components and Construction Materials: Building materials or components often need maintenance,
repair, and/or replacement during the ReqSL of a building. The replacement rate of various
components and materials is based on the estimated service life (ESL) 11 (not to be confused with
expected service life 12 or the design life 13) which may be found in PCRs, 14 or the following Building
Research Design Guide from SINTEF 700.320 Intervals for maintenance and replacement of building
components and 700.307 Definitions, establishments and use of service lifetime data for buildings and
building components/construction parts. It should be remembered that maintenance, repair, and
replacement of building materials and components is contextual, and may vary from case to case.
The number of replacements of a product, components, and elements used in buildings should be
calculated according to NS-EN 15978: 2011 (NS-EN 15978: 2011) using the following formula:
Furthermore, NS-EN 15978: 2011 (NS-EN 15978: 2011) states that "If, after the last scheduled
replacement of a product, the remaining service life of the building is short in proportion to the estimated
service life time of the installed product, the actual likelyhood of this scheduled replacement should be
taken into account."
In most of the ZEB pilot cases, the number of replacements of products have been calculated by simply
dividing the ReqSL of the building by the ESL of the product without rounding up.
11 The estimated service life (ESL) is the service life of a building, or parts of a building, expected in a set of specific in-use
conditions, determined from reference service life data, after taking into account any differences from the in-use reference
conditions (ISO 15686-1 (2011). Buildings and constructed assets- Service life planning-Part 1: General principles and
framework, International Organization for standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.).
12 The expected service life is the maximum period of useful life as defined by the manufacturer. (ISO 26782: 2009)
13 The design life is the intended service life (deprecated), expected service life (deprecated) or service life of construction
certain product category. They are a key part of ISO 14025 as they enable transparency and comparability between EPDs
The approach of not rounding up the number is a simplification of the standardized method. With this
approach, the number of replacements can be a decimal number. The reason for using this approach,
apart from that it is simpler, is that it removes the subjective evaluation of the likeliness that the last
scheduled replacement takes place.
For products which do not have data on their production, technical data sheets from the producers and
generic data from the Ecoinvent database can be used to create a scenario for the emissions from that
actual product. For the electrical components’ emissions, data from Product Environmental Profile
(PEP) 17can be used.
15 Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is the data collection stage of LCA. LCI is the accounting of everything involved in the “system”
of interest. It consists of detailed tracking of all the flows in and out of the product system, including raw resources or
materials, energy by type, water, and emissions to air, water and land by specific substance.
16 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is an independently verified document that communicates transparent and
Figure 4.1 CO2eq emission comparisons between the original ZEB study with generic data and the study
where Norwegian EPDs were applied (Houlihan Wiberg et al. 2015).
Plasterboard, concrete, and insulation materials were selected for the sensitivity study since these
materials were responsible for the highest emissions apart from PV in this case study (Dokka et al.
2013b). Photovoltaic panels were not included in the sensitivity analysis as there is currently no
Norwegian EPDs available for this product. To evaluate the benefits of using locally resourced
materials, wood was also selected in this sensitivity study, using Norwegian EPD data. It was found that
the baseline emissions of 7.2 kgCO2eq/m2/yr could be reduced to 5.8 kgCO2eq/m2/yr if specific data for
concrete, insulation, plasterboard, and wood were used.
In order to ensure the quality and transparency of the LCA, the complete inventory of the calculations
should be documented including data sources, assumptions, and uncertainties. The age of the data
should always be reported. It is not recommended to use expired EPDs nor generic data older than 10
years. An example of a library sheet used for documenting the sources of EPD data for the ZEB
concept residential building is shown in Table 4.3.
The electricity mix used in the production of the materials affects the embodied emission. The electricity
mix used for calculating the embodied energy and related emissions should be the grid mix in the
country where the main energy consuming processes take place (NS-EN 15804: 2012) . In the EPDs,
this is usually the case. However, some foreign EPDs might apply green certificates 18.
The electricity mix (calculation procedure) shall be documented (as shown in Table 4.3), and any
deviations from this shall be justified.
When using EPD data for A4, it is important to check whether the values given in the EPD include
transportation from production site to a building site or to a central warehouse.
In the construction and installation stage (A5) the manufacturing and transport of ancillary materials as
well as the energy required during installation and wastage of construction products up to end of waste
18A Green Certificate is a tradable commodity that acts as a guarantee that the electricity that is traded is sourced from
renewable energy sources. The certificates can be traded separately from the energy produced
(https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Green_certificate&oldid=632402173). Producers of wind energy, bio energy, wave
energy, small-scale hydropower and solar energy, sell the Green Certificates to the end consumers. A demand for green
certificates is created through the European manufacturers' obligation to satisfy the given “green” percentage in their
electricity consumption . Thus, a market for green certificates is a subsidy scheme for promoting renewable energy
In the Powerhouse Kjørbo project, the construction and installation processes were estimated for the
design phase based on registered data from previous construction projects and adjusted based on
known differences between the previous projects and the current project (Fjeldheim et al. 2015). The
estimated data were adjusted according to actual registered transport distances as well as electricity
and fuel consumption during the construction phase.
With a lack of data, the current practice at the ZEB Research Centre is to account for 10% losses of
building materials during construction installation (A5) processes (Inman and Houlihan Wiberg 2015).
However, it is acknowledged that this is an indicative value and an area for further research.
Within the PV industry there is continuous development on new technologies and material use as well
as efficiencies for PV modules (NREL 2016). When the reference study period is estimated to 60 years,
the PV system needs to be replaced once. Prospective studies of the life cycle primary energy use of
PV modules have been presented in Frischknecht et al. (2015), Bergesen et al. (2014), and Mann et al.
(2014). These studies highlight the expected reduction of material use as well as expected increases in
efficiencies of PV modules.
For the replacement scenario (B4) of PV modules, a 50% reduction of the environmental impacts
relative to the A1-A3 impacts can be used. This has been applied as a rule of thumb in the emission
calculations of the ZEB pilot buildings.
A product reaches the end-of-waste state if it may still be used for a specific purpose, has a positive
market value, fulfils relevant technical requirements, and do not lead to adverse environmental impacts,
see Figure 4.2. Any declared benefits and loads from net flows leaving the product system not allocated
as co-products and having passed the end-of waste state, shall be included in module D. Module D is
not part of the building's system, but it is an information module used to increase transparency.
The end of life phase (C1-C4) can be modelled with the use of generic data, e.g. from the Ecoinvent
C1 - deconstruction/demolition
This module includes deconstruction, including dismantling or demolition, and on site sorting. In lack of
reliable data, it may be assumed that the amount of energy used in the deconstruction phase (C1) is
equal to the amount used in the construction and installation processes (Fjeldheim et al. 2015).
In the Powerhouse Kjørbo pilot building, the scenarios for the end of life treatment of the various
materials were based on the average distribution of recycling, incineration and landfill of concrete,
aluminium, glass, gypsum, insulation, plastic, steel, wood and bitumen using generic waste data
between 2006 and 2011 from SSB (Fjeldheim et al. 2015).
The designed performance and calculations should be verified by monitoring and evaluation, so that
lessons learned can be transferred to new projects.
It is also recommended that the LCA made for ZEBs are verified and quality assured by an
independent, qualified third party (Kristjansdottir et al. 2014).
The Norwegian ZEB centre has nine pilot building projects, see Table 6.1. The ZEB pilot buildings are
all designed according to ZEB-targets on GHG emission and/or primary energy. Different strategies are
used to accomplish ZEB-budgets for the different projects, and ZEB-partners have been involved in the
calculations in various degrees. This means that the calculations have been made using somewhat
different approaches. Variations in the ZEB-budgets includes ZEB-ambition level, system border, level
of detail, choice of background database, choice of LCA tool etc. The pilot projects are also very
different in terms of building type, size, construction methods, etc.
This chapter summarizes the different approaches and shows results from the two of the ZEB pilot
buildings; Multikomfort (residential building) and Powerhouse Kjørbo (office building) using a common
ZEB definition methodology.
Ventilation: the ventilation system is connected to a heat exchanger (85% efficiency) located in the
ground-source HP and connected to the exhaust air shaft. The heat from the water system increases
the temperature of the supplied air.
Water system: Rain water is collected, recycled, and stored in a 6000 liter tank. It is then reused in
toilets and for watering the garden.
Energy supply: Photovoltaic modules from Innotech with 15,5% efficiency, 250 Wp, 122 m2 installed
area, connected to a 48V battery bank at 600Ah.
Control system: The energy system is connected to meters that are controllable via a web connection.
A battery bank is in the car-port, and its charging status is controllable by the same system.
The thermal energy performance of the building was calculated with the programs SIMIEN
(Programbyggerne.no) and PolySun (VelaSolaris.com). The calculations showed a net energy load for
the building of 16,387 kWh per year. Including the heat pump system, the greywater system and the
solar collector system, the demand for delivered energy was calculated to 6,900 kWh per year. Annual
electricity yield from the PV system was calculated by the software PVsyst (PVsyst.com), to 19,200 kWh
per year.
6.1.3 Materials
Service life, building 60 years
Evaluated indicators Greenhouse Gas emissions (kg CO2eq)
Year of assessment 2014
Involved companies in ZEB /SINTEF Building and Infrastructure (for the analysis), Optimera (for
LCA calculations product choices), Snøhetta (for the BIM inventory), Brødrene Dahl (for
technical analysis)
Tool, LCA Simapro+ Microsoft Excel. The amounts of materials have been gathered by
using material takeoffs from the Revit BIM (Building information model) for
the construction materials.
Background database Environmental product declarations (EPDs), Ecoinvent database v2.2 (Swiss
Centre for Life Cycle Inventories 2010), and scientific articles. The analysis
by (Fthenakis, 2012 ) and EPD by Innotech provided information regarding
embodied energy related to the PV modules.
Technical installations: Ventilation equipment, low voltage electrical equipment, materials use in floor
heating system, solar electric panels, solar thermal collectors
Not included: Chemicals (like glue), lighting systems, sewage systems and interiors, material used in the
garden, waste materials at the building site.
Material Choices
• Reduced amount of concrete and steel used in foundations, use of timber instead of steel in load
bearing constructions (glue laminated beams), use of low carbon concrete instead of normal
• Biogenic CO2 for the timber used in the construction and absorption of CO2 by carbonatisation of
the concrete are not accounted for in the analysis.
• Recycled bricks in selected areas of the façade, timber claddings both in outer façade and selected
inner walls.
• Ceramic tiles made of recycled material
• Robust floor material (parquet with 20 year lifetime)
• Solar cells produced based on recycled material
• The Norwegian standard, NS 3451:2009; Table of building elements, is used to structure the
material groups.
Figure 6.3 One of the office blocks of Powerhouse Kjørbo. Photo: Byggenytt.no.
Figure 6.4 Ventilation system using stairways for vertical supply and exchaust ventilation shafts.
Illustration: Snøhetta/MIR.
During summer the spaces are cooled by the supply air which is drawn in from the facades to a central
ventilation unit located in a mechanical room below the roof in each building. Vertical supply ducts in the
building core channel the air to the different office levels where it flows directly into the open plan office
spaces. The closed offices and the meeting rooms have separate ventilation ducts. The existing
staircases are used as vertical ventilation shafts. Integrated rotary heat exchangers are situated in the
central ventilation units, which can recover approximately 85% of the heat from the exhaust air during
the heating season.
Furthermore the very energy efficient building envelope is combined with daylight utilization, a lighting
control system suiting the different user needs, energy efficient fixtures, and a ground source heat pump
reduces the electricity demand for operation.
Heating is provided by a heat pump system which is connected to ten thermal probes (boreholes) in the
park, each of which is approximately 200 metres deep. Heating of the office spaces is provided primarily
by radiators which are attached to the core walls of the building. The heat pump is also used to pre-heat
the supply air and to heat the potable water (domestic hot water). The buildings are also connected to
district heating for backup.
“Free cooling” is provided by circulating the brine from the ground probes through a heat exchanger in
the ventilation system. The brine temperature is about 8-10°C. This is sufficient to cool the building
during summer; during the heat wave of the summer of 2014, the heat pump did not need to be
switched on.
A total of 1560 m2 of photovoltaic panels were fitted on the roofs of the two office buildings as well as on
the neighboring garage. It consists of 950 modules with 20% efficiency.
The simulations of operational energy performance were done using the dynamic energy simulation tool
SIMIEN (Programbyggerne.no) and in accordance with NS 3031:2007 (NS 3031: 2007). Energy
As the Powerhouse definition states that the fulfilment of the definition should be documented by
measured results, the Powerhouse Kjørbo was instrumented for detailed energy metering and energy
use was followed up closely. Operation and measurements started in April 2014, and results for the first
year of operation are presented in Table 6.5. In total, the results show a surprisingly high
correspondence in sum between calculated and measured energy. The specific delivered energy was
calculated to 23.54 kWh/(m2yr) (not including electricity for electrical appliances and server room), while
the measurements showed 23.52 kWh/(m2yr). However, the results deviate more when different energy
purposes is analysed. The results have not been corrected for climate variations and user variations.
Furthermore, the data have not yet been fully analysed and are not fit for making exact conclusions. The
building is in a two year test phase and undergoing adjustments to optimize the energy use, and several
adjustments have already been made. Examples are:
• Energy for lighting was too high, as the lights were activated when the solar screens went
down. This has been corrected by programming the screens to not roll all the way down.
• The energy for domestic hot water was too high as the electric heating element kicked in too
soon. This was solved by adjusting the thermostat.
• The heat pumps have too many starts and stops which will shorten service life of the
• The heat recovery unit has lower efficiency than expected due to too low air flow rate. Design
heat recovery rate: 85%, measured 1st year: 70-75%. This fact was previously unknown to the
Table 6.3 Calculated predicted energy performance and measured energy performance. Source:
Skanska (Presented at the ZEB conference 2015).
Energibudsjett 2014 vs målt
forbruk, Powerhouse Kjørbo Energibudsjett første driftsår Målt forbruk fra april 2014 til mars 2015 (første driftsår)
Blokk 4, Blokk 5 og mellombygg Totalt netto Totalt Spesifikt Totalt netto Totalt Totalt Spesifikt Spesifikt
(tot. BRA=5180) energibehov elektrisitetsbehov elektrisitetsbehov energibehov elektrisitetsbehov fjernvarmebehov elektrisitetsbehov fjernvarmebehov
[kWh] [kWh] [kWh/m 2] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [kWh/m 2] [kWh/m 2]
Romoppvarming 107 921 33 725,3 6,51 66 782,0 16 135,8 277,4 3,12 0,05
Ventilasjonsvarme 10 625 3 320,4 0,64 40 853,0 9 621,3 402,0 1,86 0,08
Tappevannsoppvarming 29 726 9 289,5 1,79 11 625,9 5 956,8 0,0 1,15 0,00
Vifter og internpumper - ventilasjon 15 475 15 475,2 2,99 17 763,6 17 763,6 3,43
Pumper (teknisk rom i kjeller - bygg 4) 11 300 11 300,4 2,18 8 992,6 8 992,6 1,74
Belysning 41 074 41 073,6 7,93 63 374,8 63 374,8 12,23
Utstyr- generelt 52 912 52 911,6 10,21 58 973,0 58 973,0 11,38
Utstyr - datarom (serveranlegg) 105 120 105 120,0 20,29 40 835,7 40 835,7 7,88
Romkjøling/komfortkjøling 0 0,0 0,00 0,0 0,0 0,0
Dataromskjøling 105 120 7 008,0 1,35 39 200,0 inngår i pumpedrift
Ventilasjonskjøling 11 322 754,8 0,15 10 211,0 inngår i pumpedrift
Sum - alle målte verdier 490 595 279 979 54,05 358 612 221 654 679 42,79 0,13
Sum målte verdier eksklusive
serveranlegg 385 475 174 859 33,76 317 776 180 818 679 34,91 0,13
Sum eksklusive serveranlegg og
generelt utstyr 332 563 121 947 23,54 258 803 121 845 679 23,52 0,13
Målte ytelser - varmepumper Elforbruk Varme levert COP
Varmepumpe tappevann 2 427,7 7 352,0 3,03
Varmepumpe øvrig oppvarming 23 053,7 97 580,0 4,23
Totalt for begge varmepumper 25 481,40 104 932,00 4,12
6.2.3 Materials
Service life, building 60 years
Evaluated indicators Primary energy (kWh) and greenhouse gas emissions (kg CO2eq)
Year of assessment First results in 2012 (after design phase). Updated in 2015.
Involved companies in LCA ZEB, Skanska
Table 6.4 ZEB budget for Powerhouse Kjørbo (Fjeldheim et al. 2015). Note that the number for
operational energy (B6) is not including equipment (plug loads).
Greenhouse gas
Primary energy, emissions,
Life Cycle stages kWh/(m2year) kgCO2eq/(m2year)
A1-A3 Raw material supply, transport to
manufacturing sites and manufacturing 20,11 3,77
A4 Transport to building site 0,11 0,02
A5 Construction/installation 2,67 0,23
B4 Replacements 10,34 1,82
B6 Operational Energy Use – Energy demand 58,10 3,89
B6 Operational Energy Use – Energy production -121,80 -7,03
C1 Deconstruction 2,67 0,23
C2 Transport to waste treatment plant 0,27 0,06
C3 Waste processing for reuse, recovery or/ and
recycling 0,11 0,02
C4 Disposal 0,47 0,43
Sum -26,96 3,44
-1000 000
-2000 000
kWh primary energy
-3000 000
-4000 000
-5000 000
-6000 000
-7000 000
-8000 000
Figure 6.5 Primary energy results over the life cycle (Fjeldheim et al. 2015).
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Table 1.1 What measures have been implemented to limit the GHG emissions resulting from the following
solutions of construction, building elements, materials and installations listed below over the lifetime of the
building? Source: (Kristjansdottir et al. 2014).
- The constructions made of concrete are designed to be used to their full load-bearing
capacity without compromising the flexibility of the structure
- The constructions made of steel are designed to be used to their full load-bearing
capacity without compromising the flexibility of the structure
- Solution for insulating structures below or at ground level
- Fire-resistant constructions
- Sound-insulating constructions
- Optimization of technical solutions and material quantities for inner walls
- Optimization of technical solutions and material quantities for external walls
- Flooring
- External cladding
Choice of external windows
Design phase
- Technical installations (energy-producing units, air handling units, etc.)
- Effective replacement of materials/components
- Reuse of components
- Achieving the optimal balance between embodied carbon and service life related to
- Carbon intensity of the concrete
- Carbon intensity of the steel
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