Children's Digest - April 2006
Children's Digest - April 2006
Children's Digest - April 2006
■ Work spares us from three evils: boredom,
vice, and need.
- Voltaire
■ There are two tlrings to aim at in life; first
to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the
wisest of mankind has achieved the second.
- Logan Pearsall Smith
■ It is better to bind your children to you by a feeling of
respect and by gentleness, than by fear.
- Terence
■ By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world
that was not there before.
- Edwin Elliot
■ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is
not an act but a habit.
■ Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken
winged bird that cannot fly.
- Lanston Hughes
■ The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
!he_ superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher
- William Arthur Ward
If the going is real easy, beware, you may
be headed downhill.
One machine can do the work of fifty
ordinary men. No machine can do the
work of one extraordinary man.
- Elbert Hubbard
Love Is,
There \
Beauty Is
Page 76
Gallery of
e u re epen s
on what we do m the
Elizabeth Lee Hazen
Rachel Fuller Brown \.
-Mahatma Gandhi
.f?@W@f? [ID
Editor: Fr. Roy Kannanchira CMI Editor-in-Charge: Jojo Valliyil Editorial Consultant T. M.
Advisory Board: P. D. Tandon (Allahabad), Vernon Thomas (Kolkata), Dr. Mathew
Chandrankunnel (Bangalore), Dr. Ahana Lakshmi (Chennai), P. Gopalakrishnan (Kottayam),
P rof. Rose Catherine (l\lagercoil).
Kerala: ■ Cochin: Ph: 2336570 ■ Kottayam: Ph: 2566706 ■"'Trichur: Ph: 2421596 ■
Kannur: Ph: 2746850 ■ Trivandrum: Ph: 2475175 ■ Calicut: Ph: 2762190 Delhi: R.K.Verma,
P.S.Narang Ph: 23715947, Mumbai: Cyril Pratap Ph: 09869725717, Bangalore: Jaijo
Joseph Ph: 23378382 Jose Vengathadom Mob: 9448003048, Chennai: Ph: 04424418472,
Mangalore: Ph: 2412953, Coimbatore: Suresh Kumar Ph: 2320150, Ahmedabad:
Gayatri Mehta Ph: 26873520, Hyderabad: Thomas Samuel Ph: 23405445, Pune:
Narendra P. Shinde Ph: 9823046522
Dubai: George Joseph Ph: 009714-518292
Mrs. Rabbit claims Reeky Rat stole daisies from her garden. Reeky insists he bought the
sweet-smelling flowers from a florist. Slylock Fox says the flowers may be sweet-smelling,·
but Reeky Rat's story stinks. Why? . (See page 97)
A youth arrived at a
small town and asked an old
man, "What kind of people live
in this place?"
"What kind of people live jn
the place where you come
from?" asked the old man in
Stories for reply.
Little Angels "Oh, a group of selfish and
-Anonymous wicked folks," replied the young
man. "I am happy I have left that
To this, the old man
answered, "You will find the
same type of people here."
The same day another young
man reached the town and
seeing the old man, asked,
"What kind of people live here?"
The old man answered with
the same question:
"What kind of people liv� in
the place where you come
"A magnificent group of
people, honest, amicable, and
' �11,tt_altl##J#• •I
,\' \\
• I
You Fin
What Is In You
6 Rashtra Deepika Children s Digest April 1006
hospitable. It hurts)r,e very much to have
left them."
"You will find the same type of people here
too," replied the old man with a·smile.
A man who had heard both the conversations asked the
old man:
"How could you have given the same answer to both these
To which the
old man answered:
"Each one carries in his heart the
environment where he lives. The one that found only friends
there, can also find friends here, because, to tell the truth,
your mental attitude is the only thing in your life over which
you can maintain absolute control." •
Rashtra Deepika Children's Digest April 2006 7
Towards Better Enelish
Denotation and Connotation
, If you were to look up the words house and home in a dictionary,
you would find that both words have approximately the same meaning
- 'a dwelling place.' However, home has an additional meaning.
Apart from the dictionary definition, or denotation, many people
associate such things as comfort, love, security, or privacy with a
home but do not necessarily make the same associations with a
house. The various feelings, images, and memories that surround
a word make up its connotation. Denotation is a literal meaning of
the word, whereas connotation is an association (emotional or
otherwise) which the word evokes.
For another example, consider the sentences, 'There are over
2,000 vagrants in the city", "There are over 2,000 people with no
fixed address in the city" and 'There are over 2,000 homeless in the
city". All three expressions refer to the same people, but they invoke
different associations in the reader's mind: a "vagrant" is a public
nuisance and so the first sentence carries a negative connotation,
w.hile a "homeless" person is worthy of pity and charity. Presumably,
someone writing an editorial in support of a new shelter would use
the positive form, while someone writing an editorial in support of
anti-loitering laws would use the negative form.
Fahr nh it
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686 - 1736), German physicist and
maker of scientific instruments, was born in Poland. In 1717 he set
himself up as an instrument-maker in Amsterdam. He devoted
himself to the study of physics and the manufacture of precision
instruments. He discovered that water can remain in liquid form
below its freezing point and that the boiling point of liquids varies
with the atmospheric pressure. He is best known for inventing the
alcohol thermometer (1709) and mercury thermometer (1714) and
for developing the Fahrenheit temperature scale. Until the 1970s
the Fahrenheit scale was in common use in English-speaking
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One look at the man and we
all turned sick and white. We
I<, quickly out of his
felt we could kill him.
The poor girl was not killed In "The Jungle Book", by
but badly hurt. Fortunately, a _Rudyard Kipling, Mowgli '
doctor who soon arrived on isra,se�by,afamilyof...?
the scene, examined her, and
�he was taken indpors. and · ...-
-,- ;--;
12 - Rashtra Deepi/ca Children s Digest ,1pril 2006
-• •' 0\
r � l ,
pocket, he went in, shutting
the door behind him. He tame
out within a few minutes, with
ten pounds in gold and a
cheque for ninety pounds,
drawn payable to bearer. We
were astonished to see that
the cheque was signed by a
distinguished man, respected
and well-known all over
"The cheque is signed by
somebody else. Are you Poplar trees and red and
trying forgery with us now?" silver maples flip their leaves
the doctor asked. up when air pressure is low
"Set your mind at rest. I'll and rain is imminent
stay with you till you cash it in
the morning," sneered the chimney is smoking, so
man. So all of us waited in a somebody must live there. It
room in the child's house, is a puzzle, and the most
until the banks opened. Then puzzling part of it is the
some of us went to the bank connection between the
with the man, and had the honourable name with which
cheque cashed without any the cheque was signed, and
question. It was no forgery, the rascal who gave it to the
and the man went back into child's father," Enfield said.
that building, and was seen " Blackmail, I think.
no more. Blackmail for some
In the next few days I came thoughtless act in youth,
back again and again to that perhaps," Mr. Enfield added
dirty door in the stained wall as an afterthought.
and looked up and around, • "What did you say was the
and i.vondered ·who lived name of the man who walked
there. You see'·there_ is no over the child?" Mr. Utterson
other. door1 and no windows aske'd.'
· -"Hyde.'And he was
.. � . '-
a man
1 C I': !
even on the first floor, but tne -
R���/ra 'be�p;fw 'd;itd���-'s Di�������M ioo6 - - -
Did You Know? neighbourhuod of that door in
that side-street. Morning and
evening, noon and night, he
The most dangerous ani
mal in the world 1s the com- haunted the place.
• mon housefly. Because of "If he is Mr. Hyde," he said
their habit ofvisiting animal to himself, "I am Mr. Seek."
waste, they transmit more
and touched him on
the shoulder.
"Mr. Hyde?" the lawyer
asked. An a l batross fig ures
prorrinently in a poem by
"Yes:" said the man. "What which author?
do you want?"
"I'm Utterson , an bid friend (See page 97)
Deepika Children s Digest A,ril
1""6 25
,- -- -- complained the lawyer.
"I'm not surprised," was the
1 Did You Know?
answer. "When I'm dead ,
Until 1 896, India was which won't be long
I the only source for
diamonds to the
now, my friend ,
you'll know the
world. whole story."
L__ _ Lanyon would
changed. He looked not reveal the
ill and wasted-away. It cause of the shock
seemed he was dying. which had left him a dying
There was obvious terror in man, and Jekyll's connection
his eyes. with it. So the lawyer soon
Utterson said, "I'm sorry to rose to leave.
see you ill." "Goodbye, Utter son,
"I've had a shock," was the goodbye," said the doctor as
rejoinder. "I saw something Mr. Utterson took both the
terrible. I'm shaken to my very hands Lanyon held out to
roots. I'll never be the same him. "Goo dbye, my dear
again. I've had a terri ble friend, I fear you won't see me
shock and I'm dying. What I've alive again."
learned is more than flesh "Goodbye," sai d the
and blood can bear." lawyer sadly. Back home, Mr.
"Jekyll is ill too," said the Utterson wrote asking Dr.
lawyer. At the mention of Jekyll the reason for the
'Jekyll', Dr. Lanyon said in a quarrel between
loud trembling voice, "Don't him and . Dr.
speak to me of Jekyll. I've ◊Vi( K
quite done with him." He OVtZ !l
held up his hand as Mr.
Utterson attempted to say The term 'Shylock' has
something. comelo have an everyday
"No, no, Utterson. Nothing usage. I n which of
Shakespeare's plays does
can be done even by a mutual this character appear?
friend like you."
"Jek y l l won't see me," r (See page 97)
26 Rashtra Deepika Children �- Digest April 2006
Did You Know? envelope marked, "Not to be
opened till the death or
The African fiinge-toed disappearance of Henry
lizard dances to keep cool, Jekyll"
lifting each foot in tum off Mr. Utterson was utterly
the hot sand. b e w i l d e r e d .
"Disappearance!" Here was
the same crazy word again as
in Dr. Jekyll's 'Will' (which he
had long before returned to
the d octor ). Thereafter,
whenever the lawyer called at
Dr. Jekyll's house, the butler
said the doctor remained all
Lanyon, and asking too why the time in his study and did
Dr. Jekyll would not see him. not even come out for his
The answer he received · meals.
was both pathetic and
puzzling: "The quarrel with Months later, one Sunday
Lanyon is incurable. From afternoon, on one of their
now onwards, I mean to be usual walks, Utterson and his
alone. Yo11 must let me go my friend Enf ield pa ssed Dr.
own dark way. I have brought Jekyll's house. As they looked
on myself a punishment and up, they saw the doctor sitting
a danger I cannot name... " at one of the windows of his
Three w eeks later Dr. study on the first floor. He
Lanyon died, leaving a letter looked like a sad, hopeless
for Mr. Utterson, marked:
"Private: To be read
by G. J. Utterson alone,
and in the case of his To find out if a
predecease to be watermelon i s
destroyed unread." ripe, knock it, and
Inside the · if it sounds hollow
envelope there then it is ripe.
was another
Rashtra Deepika Children s Digest April 2006 27
prisoner. Utterson addressed s o fri g h t e n e d , I 've b e e n
him, asking him to come down. frig htened for a l o n g time.
The -doctor smiled sadly and Come with me, sir, and see for
was about to say somethin � yourself."
when a n expression of sh�er When M r. Utte rso n
terror and despair came over entered Dr. Jekyll's house, he
his face. It was an expression was surprised to see all the
which filled the two men below servants h uddled together
with a n ameless fear. They before the fire i n the h a l l .
had only a glimpse, for the They looked so frightened.
doctor instantly withdrew his 'There's something very
head and shut the window. wrong, and I'm afraid there's
The two friends were pale 9 nd been foul play," Poole said.
both had a haunted look in A s t h e y a p proached t h e
their eyes. The mortal fear doctor's study, they heard a
· they had seen on Or. Jekyll's complaining voice.
fa ce d i d n ot bea r ta l ki n g " I can't see a n y o n e , " it
about. "God help usr" said Mr. said.
Utterson. And they wal ked " I s t h a t my master's
home in silence. v o i ce ?" P o o l e a sk ed the
Wee ks l ater, on a cold , " I t s o u n d e d rath e r
w i n d y M a rch n ig h t , Poole changed," Utterson replied.
came to see the doctor. " C h a n g e d ? N o , s i r,
"Hello, Poole, what brings m aster's been murdered , I
you h e re ? " t h e l a w y e r fear. He was murdered eight
exclaimed. "You look i l l and days ago when we heard him
scared." cry out i n terror. What we
"Oh, sir," cried Poole, "I am h e a rd j ust n ow, i s t h e
murderer's voice. Why does
change. S lowly the features
altered," Lanyon wrote. "I
OVi<K forced to read Dr.
In 1 663, the Dutch captured the fort from tne- Portuguese and
sold it to Ali Raja of Kannur (Cannanore, on the west coast of ·
Kerala). In 1 790 the British who seized control over the fort renovated
and equipped it to be their most important military station in Malabar.
Today, St.. Angelo's Fort is a protected monument under the
Archaeological Survey of India. It has been declared a heritage site
The fort offers a fascinating view of the Moppila Bay, a natural
fishing bay, and the five acre Ohannadom Island situated 1 00m
away from the mainland in the Arabian Sea.
Rashtra Deepika Children s Digest April 2006 39
� :ittE A�B IAN NIGHiS .rHE �v,o_u:� AND THE GRACl�US' · 2
. _ _
That evening, his disciples came running
to announce the arrival of the Sultan.
from a great
soul like
The princess was soon brought there. She was wild and exdted.
Suddenly, she
grew calm
and quiet.
brother and I feel i solated. you n ge r b ro ther as he i s
The elders, on the other hand smal l . But h e takes ful l
do not allow me in their talks adva n ta ge of me a n d
saying I am too you n g . punches me whenever he
Sometimes, when I cannot do wants and I am left helpless.
something, my mother says, Thi s 'teenager' age i s
"You have grown so big, you proving t o b e a testing age
are 1 3 years old, a class ath for me in my life. Alas, I have
boy, and still you are not able to undergo so much trauma
to do lhis work." at the tender age of 1 3. No
On the other hand,
when I try to intervene Beautiful
to give my views to the Flowers
elders, I am rebuked. Teachers are -beautiful flowers,
"You are just 1 3. You . That bloom in the garden oflove
don't need to indulge in They are fairies ofknowledge,
the talks of elders. Just Who advise and guide us.
get out of the room." Teachers are wiser than us
When I am with boys of They love, scold and cajole
my age group, I am told, Because they always love us
"Just watch your They are the lovely flowers,
In the banquet of our lives.
company. You a re And these flowers are the ones
getti ng spoilt . " S o We can never forget.
finally, I feel like a
- Anu Anna Abi, 7F,
neglected person who is The Emirates National
not fit in any company. School, Sharjah..
My i n telligent
arguments are always
co ntradicted. No o ne
listens to my views even
if they. :are correct M }l
paren ts f.orb�d, me. to
beat . m y. _ ·_ 'rowdy .. '
• I t. • •
I •
Amanjeet, VII
Bhavan's Gandhi Vidyashram,
P.O. Box No. 9, Kodaikanal.
Vanessa L. D'silva,
St. Agnes High
School, Bombay.
D. Muthu Pandi,
Tagore Vidhyalaya Akshita Sinha, 11 A, Vimol Dodum, V, VKV Senjoza, East
Matriculation Ryan International Kameng, A.P.
School, Tirupur, School, 0-46 B, Sector-
Coimbatore Dt. 39, Noida-2.0 130 1 .
Sharath D., IX C,
Lourdes Mount Hr.
Sec. School, Sumi Rose John,
LK. Nithya, Vil 8, Kendriya Vidhyalaya school, Vattappara, X, St. Mary's H.S.,
Port Blair. Trivandrum. Kanjicappally.
54 Rashtra Deepika Children s. Digesl April 2006.
Rashtra Deepi/co Children
s Digest .Ap,.iJ·2006
Gallery of Scientists
- P. Gopa/akrishnan
Lee Hazen (left)
and Rachel Fuller Brown ·
Science Update
- P. G.
Children 3 Digest, Congratulations,
I P. B. No. 7,
dear yo�
Kerala. winners!
70 Rashtra Deepika Children s Di1:es/ April 2006
N.B.: Don � forget to put your address on the card. Also please don �
repeat any letter more than the number oftimes it has appeared in the
__ ..___
then stammered out the whole
"I understand everything .
Rll3htra Deepilco Children s Digest April 2006 75
Tales Behind Sayings
- R. K. Murthi, New Delhi
"Don't cry. I will BATI-1, BQJrJIE
take y o u to y o u r
m ot h e r, " s a i d t h e
guard a s h e held the
b o y g e n tl y by t h e
a r m . "What i s y o u r
"Star of My Eyes."
"That ca n 't b e
your name." child to his mother. But he
"It is. My Ma always calls could not find a way out. He
me, Star of My Eyes." decided, then, to take the boy
"Every mother does that to the Raja. · He would know
when she fondles her baby." what needed to be done.
"My Ma is special. She is The guard soon reached
very beautiful. No woman is the royal palace. He sent in
as beautiful as her." word saying that he wanted
"What is her name?' to meet the Raja o n a n
"Ma." urgent business.
"Where do you live?" The Raja came out. The
"With my Ma." guard bowed. Then he stood
The g uard scratched his up, . waiting for the royal nod
head. It was very confusing. to speak.
He had no clue about the "What brings you here?"
boy's identity. How then could the Raja asked.
he lead t h e boy to h i s The g u a rd gave t h e
mother? N o l" d id he k n ow deta i l s . The Raja came
where she lived. How could he forward, lifted the boy in his
t h e n take t h e boy to h i s arms and asked , "Tell me,
. mother? The guard was at his what's your name?"
wits end. He thought out ways "Star of My Eyes," said the
and means to restore the boy, repeating what he had
Rashtra Deepilw Children s Digest April 1006
. .
. message to every
part of the city.
Some time later,
a very c harming
woman a rrived at
t h e royal palace.
She was led to the
presence of t h e
Raja. H e made her
wail Then he went
behind a c u rta i n .
The boy was sitting
on a chair. He was
told the guard. looking out through a small
The Raja asked the boy hole in the curtain.
w h e re he l ived , w h o h i s "Is that your mother?'" the
m oth e r w a s . The boy Raja asked.
answered read i l y. But the ·she is not as beautiful as
answers did not provide any m y mother; the boy said.
hint as to where his mother The Raja sent the woman
cou l d be found . The Raja back. --rhe boy says you are
then asked the guard to leave not his mother; he said.
the boy with him. The guard A dozen women came.
bowed and walked off. Each one was attractive. One
The Raja sent for a palace had lovely curly hair, another
official. was fair and beautiful, a third
"Send the drum beaters all had velvety smooth skin, while
round the town. Tell them to yet another was tall and lithe.
announce that we have found Yet the boy always said, •she
a th ree-year-old boy. The is not as beautiful as my
mother may come to t h e m other.•
palace. I f the boy recognizes Dusk was falling fast Still
her as his mother, he goes there was no sign of ttie boy's
with her." mother. Finally a woman in
T h e d r u m m e rs went rags walked in. She was far
ro u n d , taking the Raj a's from beautiful. Her face was
Rashtra Deepilca Childre.n :S Digest April 2006
·e u i z - Prof. N. G.J.
1 . I slept and dreamt that life was joy,
I awoke and saw that life was service
I acted and behold, service was joy. "
Who was the poet who wrote these immortal lines?
2. What is a group of owls called ?
3. Who commanded the Allied forces during the World War II
Normandy campaign in 1 944?
4. In Greek mythology, who taught medicine to Achilles,
Heracles and Jason? _.
5. Where is the Jurong Bird Park, an aviary of more than 600
species ofbirds?
6. What is the theme ofthe book, "The Gulag Archipelago" by
the N<lbel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn?
Star of my Eyes, how much I glad the boy found the one
worried about you! You are woman who matters to him. In
my life. You are all that I his eyes, she -� s the o nly
. have." She kissed him on the beautiful woman in the world.
head, o n the cheeks, the I now know one truth. Where
eyes and the hands. love is, there beauty is. No
"Is this your mother?" the love can match the love a
Raja asked the boy. mother shows her children,
"Yes. She i s very No wonder your child thinks
beautiful. No woman is as you are the best in the world
beautiful as her." in beauty, love, grace . . . "
"You said it. I should have "Maharaj, I am indeed his
looked at this woman through world. And he, mine," said the
your eyes. Then I would have woman, as she thanked the
seen· how beautiful she is." Raja. a.nd walked away,
The Raja then turned to holding the child by ' the arm.
the woman and said, "I am
. .
Address: .......................................................... .
a: ... ········· ........................................................... .
••••• ••••••••••• ••
Rashtra Deepika Children :r Digesl April 2"'6 83
- Prof. George John Nidliiry
After finishing
the painting. . .
l<aka, you look
really good in
my painting!
Just wait
u ntll yc,u can
see ft!
..,. Here
t:, A t last, all the
�- portraits ore
� done, and it is
the great day
when the
:::: animals will
"' see them!
First to be
unveiled is Hippy's
Ok, now I am going portrait•..
� to unveil the Ho, ho,
� portraits. Get ready ho! You
� to feast your What! look lovely,
eyes on v,sions of Is this Hippy!
� great beauty! supposed
Q to be my
atures to enha
your good looks!
Pin:................................. Pin:.................................
Phone: .................................... . Phone:.................................... .
Pin: . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Pin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Phone:.................................... . Phone: .................................... .
P i n : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pin: . ................................
Phone: .................................... . Phone: ..... .......................... .. ... .
I hereby enclose D.D.IMO. for Rs. 1500/-. Kindly send me the Gift
Signature:........................... Canvassed by (name):.......................................... .
A ddress: ............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E-mail:.................................................... Phone:.......................................... .
Page 38
-- --
Treasured 1 3. Germ 1 4. Thus
Down: 1 . Nepal 2. Thumb 4.
Tri 5. Yam 6. Tourist 9. North
Pen, watch, leash, dog's tail, tie 1 0. Hides 1 1 . Tug 1 2. Ear