Caie Igcse: Updated To 2023-2025 Syllabus

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Prepared for Lavanya Sharma for personal use only.

central heating controller (or the software used to interface

with it), making a home an obvious target for break-ins. It is
1. The Effects of Using IT likely for a hacker to obtain important information, such as
credit card numbers, if the refrigerator or freezer
automatically orders goods from a retailer.
1.1. Microprocessor-Controlled Devices
A microprocessor-driven labour-saving machine enables Social Interactions
users to focus on other activities while the machine
The positive aspects include:
completes its work. The second generation of devices
containing microprocessors is more user-friendly and has easier to make new friends using chat rooms
more functionality, such as "intelligent tuning" in easier to find people who share similar interests/hobbies
television sets. less expensive to keep in touch using VoIP technology.

Advantages of microprocessor-controlled labor-saving The negative aspects include:

people do not meet face-to-face as much (social isolation)
no need to do manual tasks at home a lack of social interaction may make people more
more time for leisure activities anxious about meeting people in real life
no need to stay home while chores are being done When communicating online, people can act less politely
web-enabled devices allow devices to be switched on or or more harshly, and cybercrime is a serious issue,
off while the owner is out especially for teenagers.
automated burglar alarms give a higher sense of security
and well-being Monitoring and Controlling Transport
smart fridges and freezers prevent food waste by keeping
track of products’ expiry, availability, etc. Uses:

Disadvantages of microprocessor-controlled labor-saving monitoring traffic on motorways

devices: congestion zone monitoring
automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
unhealthy lifestyle due to inactivity caused by devices
automatic traffic light control
doing all tasks
air traffic control systems
tend to make people lazy
railway signalling systems
potential deskilling
any device containing a microprocessor and can Advantages of transport monitoring and control systems:
communicate using the internet displays a threat of
cybersecurity breaches smart motorways keep updating according to changing
traffic conditions
General advantages of using a microprocessor-controlled more efficient
device: traffic offences can be remotely penalized using ANPR
car thefts can be spotted using ANPR
save energy due to being efficient, as well as turning off
minimizes human errors, reducing the rate of accidents
after inactivity
can be easier 'programming' these devices to perform Disadvantages:
tasks rather than turning knobs and pressing buttons
manually If a hacker breaches security, the vehicle could be
controlled by them.
General disadvantages of microprocessor-controlled devices: The system might come to a halt if it malfunctions.
Systems with a poor design could compromise safety.
lead to more wasteful devices
The easy tracking of harmless people's movements is
can be more complex to operate for technophobes
made possible by ANPR equipment. Who can access such
leaving devices on standby is wasteful data?

Data Security Issues Autonomous vehicles in transport

To properly execute their activities, autonomous cars require
Any home appliance managed remotely could provide sensors, cameras, actuators, microprocessors (along with
hackers access to your personal information. These devices very complex algorithms). Automobile control systems can
frequently have default (or no) password settings, which accomplish essential tasks by sensing information from
makes it simple for attackers to get sensitive information. For cameras and ultrasonics.
instance, it is easy to discover holiday dates by hacking into a

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

Consider an autonomous vehicle approaching a set of red- improved aerodynamics as an outcome of the removal of
lighting traffic signals. the cockpit

The vehicle's control system must first recognize the road Disadvantages:
sign before consulting the database to determine the
appropriate action. security aspects due to the absence of pilots
The CPU must instruct the actuators to apply the brakes emergencies may be challenging to deal with
and put the gear in "park" since the traffic light is red. hacking into the system
The light must be continuously watched until it turns passenger reluctance
green. software glitches can be catastrophic
After that, the CPU will again tell the actuators to engage
first gear, let go of the brakes, and open the throttle 1.2. Potential Health Problems related
to the Prolonged use of IT Equipment
Advantages of an autonomous car, bus, or van:
Long-term exposure to computing devices may affect user
safer due to the removal of human error well-being.
due to the more efficient operation of vehicles, it is better Mentioned below are some of the health issues,
for the environment accompanied by their causes and prevention tactics:
reduced traffic congestion 1. Repetitive strain injury (RSI): A condition affecting the
increased lane capacity muscles and nerves
reduced travel times Cause: repetitive movements and overuse of muscles, such
stress-free parking for motorists as wrists
Minimizing health risks: regular breaks, ergonomic
Disadvantages: equipment, correct typing techniques.
very high installation prices 2. Back and neck strain: Back pain and other related issues.
Cause: due to prolonged use of monitors
driver and passenger reluctance of the new technology
reduction in taxi requirements could lead to Minimizing health risks: use adjustable chairs, footrests, and
unemployment tiltable screens.
maintenance of the sensors and cameras is crucial 3. Eyestrain: strain and fatigue, unwanted harm to vision.
the ever-present fear of hacking into the vehicle’s control Cause: due to bad lighting and prolonged screen usage.
Minimizing health risks: use LCDs instead of CRTs, take
regular breaks, use anti-glare screens, and do regular eye
Advantages of an autonomous train: testing.
4. Headaches: pain or discomfort in the head or face area.
improved punctuality Cause: incorrect lighting, screen reflections, flickering
reduced running costs due to fewer staff screens, etc.
no human error Minimizing health risks: use anti-glare screens, take regular
minimized energy consumption breaks, regular eye-testing.
possible to increase the frequency of trains as the 5. Ozone irritation: inflammation and irritation of the tissues
possibility of delays is removed lining human airways
more straightforward to update changes in train Cause: inhalation of ozone released by laser printers in an
schedules office.
Minimizing health risks: proper ventilation, laser printers
should be housed in a separate room, replace laser printers
fear of the system being hacked into with inkjet printers, if possible.
initial instalment costs are very high
ensuring passenger behaviour is vital, especially during
rush hours.
2. Safety & Security
human reluctance to new technology
without drivers, CCTV monitoring will be continuously 2.1. Physical Safety
1. Electrocution: ICT devices require electrical power to
Advantages of autonomous aeroplanes: charge or run; the electrical device can cause electrocution,
improvement in passenger comfort caused by the electric current moving through a body,
reduced running costs, fewer staff causing fatal injuries and/or death.
as most accidents are due to pilot-induced errors, safety There are multiple causes for electrocution, including:
is improved

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

Contact between liquid substances and electronic devices: Protects personal data, whether stored on paper or a
Keep liquids away from electrical equipment. computer system
Open cables: Ensure that cables are entirely insulated and
packed, and use circuit breakers or fuses to prevent Principles of the Data Protection Act
electrical overload.
Data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently,
2. Fire: ICT devices require electricity to charge or run; too with clear consent from the individual.
many devices using a single socket can cause the plug socket Data should only be collected for specific, explicit, and
to overload, and heat is generated by too much electricity, legitimate purposes.
causing the wiring to degrade and ignite a fire. Organizations should only collect and retain the minimum
The causes and reduction tactics for fire include: personal data necessary for their stated purpose.
Data should be accurate and up-to-date, and reasonable
Socket overload: Ensure enough plug sockets in the room,
steps must be taken to rectify or erase inaccurate
don’t plug too many devices into the same socket, and
don’t leave devices plugged in and unattended.
Personal data should not be kept longer than necessary
Overheated equipment: Ensure that equipment is
and should be securely deleted when no longer needed.
properly ventilated and not obstructed, keep flammable
Organizations must protect personal data against
materials away from heat sources, regularly check
unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss,
equipment for signs of wear or damage, use fire
destruction, or damage.
extinguishers in case of emergencies, turn off or unplug
devices when away from the location, do not cover any air Why is data protection legislation required?
vents on devices.
Protecting Individual Rights: Data protection legislation
3. Trailing cables: Devices can be plugged in using cables.
safeguards individuals' right to privacy and control over
Cables that are protruding can cause an accident; you can
their personal information.
trip over a cable left out in a location, and body damage can
Preventing Misuse of Personal Data: It helps prevent
occur during a fall, for example, breaking bones, ligament
unauthorized access, identity theft, fraud, and other forms
damage, bruising, sprains, etc. depending on the area fell on
of data misuse.
Trailing cables causes and prevention strategies:
Promoting Trust: Data protection laws build trust between
Unorganized/insecure cables: use cable ties to secure individuals and organizations by ensuring their personal
cables, keep cables packed correctly in, let’s say, a table, information is handled responsibly.
therefore not coming in the way of walking paths, use Encouraging Responsible Data Handling: Legislation
wireless devices where possible, and regularly inspect promotes responsible data collection, storage, and
cables for signs of wear or damage. processing practices among organizations.
Enabling Data Subject Rights: Legislation grants
4. Heavy falling equipment: Devices have varying levels of individuals rights such as access to their data, right to
weight, and if a device falls on you, it could cause injury; any rectification, erasure, and objection to processing.
device should be placed in a secure location, like a PC on a
solid desk and not near the edge. Personal Data
Causes and reduction tactics for falling equipment:
Refers to information that can be used to identify an
Improperly secured equipment: Ensure that equipment is individual
properly secured and stable. Regularly check the stability Examples
of locations containing devices. Personal Name
Equipment on unstable surfaces: Keep equipment away Address
from edges and other potential hazards, and regularly Date of birth
inspect equipment and locations containing devices for A photograph in school uniform
signs of wear or damage. Medical history
Threats that can be avoided by protecting personal data:
2.2. eSafety Identity theft
Privacy breaches
Data Protection Misuse of the information
Data be sold to third-party companies
The Data Protection Act (DPA) controls personal data Individuals could be held to ransom over personal
collection, storage and processing. data gathered
could be used to commit a physical crime
In the UK, the European Union’s General Data Protection How to avoid inappropriate data disclosure:
Regulation (GDPR)

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

Personal data must be kept confidential and protected Utilize search engines that only allow access to age-
through privacy settings on websites such as social appropriate websites and use filters to ensure
media or strong passwords on websites where inappropriate content is not seen
personal data is held or used Never reveal personal information
Access to personal data should be limited to Email:
authorized individuals Be aware of the potential dangers of opening or
Think before you post - consider what information replying to emails from unknown people, including
could be gathered from your image or content attachments; potential dangers include phishing,
Check website details about the collection, storage, spam
and use of personal data Ensure you know who the email is for when
Only access websites where personal data is used or considering sending personal data or images via
viewed when on a secure, encrypted connection email, only with people you know and not with
identifiable content like school photos
eSafety Social media:
Know how to block and report people who send
E-safety is knowing about and using the internet safely content or messages that are unwanted
and responsibly. Know where the privacy settings are to reduce the
It refers to when an individual is using the internet, email, number of people who can see your posts or images
social media, or online gaming. Be aware of the potential dangers of meeting online
E-safety refers to the individual knowing how to protect contacts face to face; do not meet anyone you do not
themselves from potential dangers and threats. know; if you do, take an adult and meet publicly.
Do not distribute inappropriate images and
The Need for eSafety inappropriate language
Respect the confidentiality of personal data belonging
Awareness that personal information should not be to other people
shared freely Only accept friend requests from people you know
Awareness of how to act online and avoid falling victim Parents should be aware of what you are doing online,
creates a safe and respectful environment. discuss what you are doing online
Identify and avoid online scams, phishing attempts, and Do not post images or details that can be used to
fraudulent websites that may try to trick them into sharing locate you
personal or financial information. Online gaming:
Mindful of online behaviour and interactions, protecting Do not use real names as usernames
your digital reputation, which can have long-term Never share personal or financial details with other
consequences in your personal and professional life. players
Control privacy settings on social media platforms, Know how to block and report players for
limiting who can access/view personal information and inappropriate messages or comments
posts. Sensitive Data is data that might result in loss of an
Avoid encountering explicit or harmful content online, advantage or level of security if disclosed to others. I.e.,
reducing the risk of exposure to inappropriate material or ethnicity, religion, criminal record, etc. At the same time,
online predators. personal data can be used to identify the user, i.e.,
Engage in online gaming responsibly, avoid sharing passport number, name, age, etc.
personal details, and behave respectfully towards other
Protecting devices from malware, viruses, and other 2.3. Security of Data
online threats, preventing data loss, privacy breaches, or
device damage. Threats
Develop responsible online behaviours, promoting
There are multiple methods by which data can be threatened,
respectful conduct while interacting with others online.
Maintain a healthy balance between online and offline
lives, reducing the risk of addiction, mental health issues, Hacking: Unauthorized access to computer systems or
or negative impacts on relationships and self-esteem. networks to gain control, steal information, or cause
damage, thus leading to identity theft, privacy breaches,
Safety Suggestions and misuse of data
Phishing: Deceptive emails or messages that are received
The internet:
from trusted sources to trick individuals into revealing
Use trusted websites recommended by teachers or
personal data
reputable sources
Pharming: Manipulation of DNS (Domain Name System)
to redirect users to fraudulent websites, often to steal

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

personal data 6. Two-factor authentication:

Smishing: Phishing attacks carried out through SMS or
text messages A security mechanism that requests two different kinds of
Vishing: (aka voicemail phishing) Phishing attacks carried identification from users to confirm their identity. To
out through voice messages to trick users into calling the provide additional protection outside of just a username
telephone number contained in the message and password, 2FA was created. Typically, it combines
Viruses and malware: Viruses are program codes that can something that uniquely identifies a user, like biometric
replicate/copy themselves to cause data loss or data, with something the user has, like a smartphone and
corruption. Malicious software designed to disrupt, a token or something they know, like a password.
damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer
7. User ID and password:
systems or networks
Card fraud: Unauthorized use of credit or debit card A typical authentication technique uses a password plus a
information for fraudulent purposes caused by shoulder secret code (user ID) to identify. To strengthen data
surfing, card cloning, or keylogging. security, user IDs and passwords restrict access to only
authorized users. Using secure passwords and changing
Protection of Data them frequently is critical to ensure security. When
creating passwords, it is advised to utilize a mix of
Multiple techniques are implied for the protection of data, uppercase, lowercase, digits, and special characters.
1. Biometrics:

Individuals' distinctive physical or behavioural traits, such

3. Communication
as fingerprints, faces, or irises, can be used for access
control and verification. Since biometric data is hard to 3.1. Communication with Other ICT
fake or duplicate, it offers a more secure form of
users Using E-mail

2. Digital certificate: E-Mail

A digital record that attests to a website's reliability and Uses:

integrity. A digital certificate is used to provide safe
communication and to build confidence between parties. Email is a technique of sending and receiving messages
Identifier data, the entity's public key, and a third party's and files via the Internet.
digital signature are frequently found in digital It is employed in personal communication, business
certificates. communications, and marketing.
Acceptable language must be used based on the email's
3. Secure Socket Layer (SSL): recipient, for example, professional when composing a
work-related email.
a protocol that creates a secure connection between a Employers frequently establish requirements for
client computer and a server. SSL ensures that professional language, substance, and email frequency.
information communicated between a server and client Email security is critical to preventing sensitive data from
stays private and cannot be intercepted or changed by being accessed or manipulated.
unauthorized parties. A website's identification for it is the Netiquette is the proper conduct and politeness when
S at the end of HTTP. using email.
Don’t be abusive
4. Encryption:
Don’t send spam
Creating data in a format that cannot be read without a Be clear and concise with your message
decryption key Data on hard drives, emails, cloud storage, Remember that posts are usually public and can be
and secure websites (HTTPS) are all protected by read by anyone.
encryption. Without a decryption key, it assures that even Always check your spelling and grammar.
if unauthorized people obtain data, it cannot be decoded. Respect people's privacy and do not discuss or publish
information that might embarrass somebody.
5. Firewall: Forgive people’s mistakes
Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS to highlight comments
A firewall is a network security device that monitors and
Do not plagiarize
manages incoming and outgoing network traffic. Its goal Do not use too many emoticons, as they might annoy
is to separate an internal network from other networks by your readers.
filtering data according to established criteria. It assists in
Email groups enable mass communication to a specific
preventing malware, unauthorized access, and other
group of subscribers.
network risks.

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for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

Guidelines set by employers: Allows individuals from all around the world to connect
and chat with one another instantaneously
It is up to companies to decide if personal emails should It runs on a distributed network design, which means a
be permitted on their systems single central authority does not control it.
Companies may specify which company devices are It is mainly used for transmitting data in a variety of
allowed to be used formats, such as text, photos, audio, and video.
There needs to be a company standard style when
sending emails Uses of the Internet:
It must be made clear what email content is not permitted
Employees should be told only to use their accounts when A vital communication tool that allows people to
sending emails communicate via emails, instant messaging, and other
There must be clear rules regarding the confidentiality of means.
information It acts as a massive database of information on almost
Staff need to be aware of the method and duration of any subject
storing emails The Internet has transformed business by offering a
Incoming emails should only be read by the recipient platform for online purchasing, electronic payments, and
Company policy on how to deal with and prevent viruses digital transactions, allowing enterprises to reach global
must be laid out consumers.
Monitoring of emails may be carried out, and staff must
Advantages of the Internet:
be aware that the company has the right to read all
emails users have access to an incredible amount of information,
Suitable ongoing training will take place to ensure staff empowering them to learn
follow company policy at all times enables individuals and businesses to connect and
communicate with people from different parts of the
Carbon Copies (Cc) and Blind Carbon Copies (Bcc) world in real-time
the Internet has made many things easier to complete,
Carbon copies are used to send the email to multiple thus providing simplicity and effectiveness
Blind carbon copies are made to send the email to Disadvantages of the Internet:
multiple recipients without them acknowledging that it has
been sent to other recipients. Raises data security and personal privacy hazards
Forward enables users to send an already existing email through the possibility of identity theft, data breaches, and
to a new recipient. online monitoring.
To attach files to be sent with an email, we make use of The spread of propaganda, fake news, and
Attachments. misinformation due to the simplicity with which content
can be created and distributed online.
Spam The digital divide resulting from unequal Internet access
threatens to widen existing disparities.
It is defined as any unwanted email delivered via the Internet.
The differences between the internet, intranet, and extranet:
These can range from annoying to genuinely harmful, as they
may contain viruses. Definition:
The main disadvantages are: The Internet is a vast network of linked computer
wasting time networks and gadgets that communicate with one
another using the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP).
annoying people
The intranet is a secure network that operates within
using up valuable bandwidth on the internet, thus slowing
an organization using internet technologies and
it down
may have viruses or be a part of a phishing scam protocols, such as TCP/IP.
can take up significant space in user inboxes Extranets are managed private networks that can give
access to third-party users and give users, such
To minimize the spam you receive: as partners, suppliers, or clients, safe access to a
portion of the intranet.
use spam filters Accessibility:
avoid disclosing your email address publicly The Internet is open and accessible to the public,
don’t click on links in spam emails or reply to them allowing users to access a wide range of information,
services, and resources worldwide.
3.2. Effective Use of the Internet Intranets are restricted to internal users and typically
secured by firewalls and other security measures to
Characteristics of the Internet: maintain the security of critical corporate data.

WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

Extranet provides authorized external users only holds information on many topics which can be
limited access, in contrast to the internet, which is searched
public, or the intranet, which is entirely restricted. To posts are not in chronological order
access the extranet, these users need a secure login. structure is determined by the content or its users
Purpose: The most famous wiki is Wikipedia, an online
The Internet acts as a hub for intercultural dialogue, encyclopedia
the sharing of knowledge, and access to a range of changes can be tracked and reverted if necessary,
Internet resources, including websites, email, social and the content is usually written in a neutral style
media, online shopping, and more. Social networking:
An intranet's main goal is to make it easier for platforms where users can connect with others and
employees to communicate, work together, and share share content
information. include platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Extranets make it easier for external stakeholders to and LinkedIn
collaborate and communicate with a company. It require users to create a profile and allow them to
enables the organization and its reliable clients or share text, images, videos, and links
partners to share information, documents, and facilitate interaction, collaboration, and information
resources securely. sharing on a large scale
privacy settings allow users to control who can see
Many use the terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” their content
interchangeably. However, they can’t be used in the same
context: The Functionality of the Internet
- The internet refers to the global network of computers and
other devices connected through routers and servers. Internet service providers (ISP): A company that provides
However, the World Wide Web is a collection of websites and internet access. Typically, a monthly fee is charged for
webpages accessed via the Internet. this service. Users' accounts are created when registering
with an ISP and acquiring login information such as user
ID and password.
It is a website or section of a website that continually
Uniform Resource Locator (URL): The address of a web
shares new information, frequently written informally
page on the WWW. It is a text-based address that uniquely
or conversationally, similar to a journal. identifies the location of any resource available on the
usually presented in a reverse chronological manner
internet. The three main components are:
usually managed by individuals or small groups
allow for reader comments, facilitating some level of
It is the communication protocol used to transfer data
between the client and the server
often focus on specific topics, such as food, travel, E.g. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and others
fashion, technology, or personal experiences
also serve as a platform for sharing opinions or
it is the name of the server where the resource is
it can be a name or an IP address
an online discussion site where people can hold
Webpage/file name:
conversations in the form of posted messages
it is the location of the file or resource on the server
often organized around specific topics or interests and
it can contain the name of the file or directory where
divided into categories known as threads
the resource is located
primarily focused on peer-to-peer interaction
A URL looks like this:
may require users to create an account before posting
can be moderated or unmoderated
E.g. is a
A moderated forum is an online discussion forum
URL that consists of the HTTPS protocol, the domain
in which an administrator checks posts before they
name "", the path is
are allowed to be posted.
“IGCSE” and the filename is “ICT”
The internet is essentially a huge unmoderated
A hyperlink is a word/phrase/image which references
forum. No one ‘owns’ the internet, and it is
data that the reader can follow by clicking or tapping,
essentially not policed.
usually taking you to another web page
A web browser is a software application used to locate,
a type of website that allows users to add, remove, or
retrieve, and display content on the WWW, including web
edit content
pages, images, video, and other files
designed to facilitate collaboration and knowledge
sharing from many people Use of Search Engines

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for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

There are two fundamental methods for obtaining Reliable information is often obtained from recognized
information via the Internet. The first method is to enter the sources such as educational, government, or well-known
URL if you know the website's address. If you don't know industry websites.
where to look, the second option is to employ a search engine
to locate the information you seek. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet

Advantages of using the Internet to find information Although the internet provides much information, not all
information tends to be up to date because it is are genuine or dependable.
quicker and easier to amend Consider the source's reputation and trustworthiness
The Internet has vast amounts of information when determining the information's dependability.
searching for information using a search engine is fast Check the accuracy of information by comparing it to
and easy other reliable sources.
people can look for information in the comfort of their Assess whether the information is skewed, keeping an
own home eye out for views pushing a particular point of view.
information on the internet is essentially free of Check if the material is current, as obsolete information
charge might be deceptive.
webpages may have multimedia elements, making
learning more interesting Internet Protocols
Disadvantages of using the Internet to find information
it isn’t regulated; anything can be posted Protocols are rules on which the sender and recipient agree
always the risk of accessing inappropriate websites when data is exchanged between devices.
too easy to be distracted by the many distractions 1. Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP): when a web page is
available on the internet being accessed, entering http:// at the front of an address
Some research skills are lost when using the internet, tells the web browser that ‘HTTP rules’ for communication are
as search engines do all the work for you. to be obeyed.
2. Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS): A secure
Speed of Searching version of HTTP that encrypts data for security.
3. File transfer protocol (FTP): network protocol used when
Search engines may scan billions of online pages to locate transferring files from one computer to another over the
matches to your search query in a fraction of a second. internet. It is similar to HTTP, but the protocol specifically
Your internet connection and the effectiveness of the transfers files.
search engine's algorithms influence the speed. 4. Secure sockets layer (SSL): a protocol that allows data to be
sent and received securely over the internet.
Amount of Information
Risks of Using the Internet
Because search engines can deliver a deluge of
information, utilising particular and relevant search Inappropriate and unlawful content: The internet may
phrases is critical. attract people to potentially dangerous or illegal
Adding quotation marks for specific phrases, "+" signs for materials.
required terms, and "-" signs for omitting terms can help Data restriction: Parental, educational, and ISP
narrow the search. restrictions can all be used to restrict access to specific
information or websites.
Finding Relevant and Reliable Information

The search engine algorithm determines the relevancy of

information by considering parameters such as keyword
frequency & page quality.

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for personal use only by Lavanya Sharma at DPS International Ghana on 23/05/24.

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