Detecting Randomness Effect Among Raters in Physics
Detecting Randomness Effect Among Raters in Physics
Detecting Randomness Effect Among Raters in Physics
ISSN: 2682-6704
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024 (pp. 1-10)
Cite this article: ABSTRACT: This study sought to detect randomness effects
Adeosun P. K., Ekwere N. S. among raters in physics essay items using Many-Facet Rasch
(2024), Detecting
Randomness Effect among
Measurement. The research design adopted for this study is
Raters in Physics Essay Items descriptive research design based on survey method. The
using Many-Facet Rasch population of the study comprised eighty-eight (88) public schools
Measurement. British Journal
of Education, Learning and
in all the local government areas with a physics student population
Development Psychology of 3,642 students and ninety-four (94) physics teachers in all the
7(2), 1-10. DOI: Senior Secondary Schools in Uyo Senatorial District for the
2022/2023 academic session. Three hundred and sixty-four (364)
SSS3 physics students and 37 physics teachers from the 31 selected
secondary schools in Uyo Senatorial District were sampled using
Manuscript History multistage sampling technique for effective selection. The multi-
Received: 13 Nov 2023 stage sampling technique was adopted for the study. The
Accepted: 21 Feb 2024 instrument used for data collection was Physics Achievement Test
Published: 18 Mar 2024
(PAT) obtained from WAEC and NECO 2020 Physics Essay items
with reliability coefficients of 0.91 and 0.90 respectively. The
finding revealed that most of the individual raters commit
Copyright © 2024 The Author(s).
This is an Open Access article
randomness effect when rating physics essay Items. It also
distributed under the terms of revealed there is a significant difference at the rater's group level
Creative Commons Attribution-
exhibiting randomness effect when rating physics essay items,
4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND which implies that there is no group-level randomness effect
4.0), which permits anyone to
share, use, reproduce and
present among raters when rating physics essay items. We
redistribute in any medium, concluded that rater effects are sources of variance in
provided the original author and
source are credited.
performance ratings that are associated with the raters' behaviour
and not the actual performance of the ratee. It was recommended
that raters should follow the rating guidelines to reduce the impact
of randomness in their ratings and provide more accurate and
objective evaluations.
KEYWORDS: Randomness effect, Raters, Many Facet-Rasch
Many Facet-Rasch Measurement (MFRM) is a model-based psychometric analysis that has a
broad range of applications in performance assessment. It is an extension of the basic Rasch
one-parameter item response theory model, a class of psychometric models used to estimate
examinees' ability and the difficulty of test items on the same scale (Downing, 2003). The basic
Rasch model uses only one parameter, item difficulty, to estimate the examinees' ability.
MFRM extends the basic Rasch model by adding parameters describing facets of measurement
interest other than item difficulty (such as rater severity or task difficulty) to the model (Linacre
& Wright, 2004). Thus, it allows researchers to obtain measures of examinees' levels of ability
while controlling for variability in rater severity, task difficulty, or any other facet of
measurement (Linacre & Wright, 2004). Myford and Wolfe (2003) categorized five major
types of rater effects: leniency/severity, randomness, halo, and central tendency.
Performance ratings may contain a variety of sources of variance that have more to do with the
rater's own rating practices than the ratee's actual performance. The assessment results'
construct-irrelevant variance is largely a result of these inaccuracies. Rater mistakes can have
a variety of causes. Different causes lead to various grading patterns, which call for various
treatments. Researchers must comprehend the many types of rater errors in order to create
successful control measures. Myford and Wolfe (2003) categorized five major types of rater
effects: leniency/severity, randomness, halo, and central tendency.
The randomness effect is commonly known as inconsistency. The randomness effect is a rater's
tendency to apply one or more trait scales in a manner inconsistent with how the other raters
apply the same scales. When a rater awards a score of 25% or 15% to an examinee in an item
that other raters award 20% to the same item, then it can be said that the rater is inconsistent in
the rating scale. Rater inconsistency describes the variation or lack of uniformity in the
assessments provided by various raters when assessing the same subject or item. This
discrepancy may be caused by variables including subjective interpretations, variations in how
well raters grasp the rating criteria, and levels of expertise. Inconsistency among raters might
produce incorrect and inaccurate outcomes in educational assessment.
Under the MFRM framework, there are three ways to evaluate the fit between data and model:
Global model fit, group-level fit statistics, and individual-level fit statistics. For global model
fit, a log-likelihood chi-square χ2 (sum of natural logarithms of the model probabilities of all
observations), which approximates df = (number of responses used for estimation) – (number
of parameters estimated)) is typically output from MFRM analysis (Eckes, 2015). This is
known as Fixed-effect Chi-Square. The fixed-effect chi-square is a significance test used to
test the null hypothesis that there are no differences in the logit values for an object of
measurement (for instance student, and rater), after controlling for measurement error (Eckes,
The fixed-effect chi-square is defined as: Χ2 = ∑ (wo *Do2) - ∑𝑊𝑜
where 𝐷𝑜 is the estimated logit of the object of measurement (i.e., rubric element,
severity/leniency of rater, or student ability) and 𝑤𝑜 = 𝑆𝐸2 . Degrees of freedom equal D – 1,
where D = the number of observations of the object of measurement. Note that the fixed-effect
chi-square is sensitive to sample size. Thus, in large samples, the fixed-effect chi-square may
be statistically significant, even with small differences in the object of measurements' logits
(Eckes, 2015).
The extent to which the observed ratings match or deviate from the expected ratings generated
by the MFRM can be evaluated either globally (for a group of raters) or individually (for
individual raters). Eckes (2015) provided detailed calculations for the global fit indices and
individual fit statistics related to the rater facet. For example, the rater separation ratio measures
the spread of rater severity estimates relative to their precisions. For a particular rater j, the
rater separation ratio: GJ = 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸
The mean-square error (MSE) is the average of the standard errors estimated for each rater j
and the true variance of the severity estimates equals the observed variance minus the MSE.
The rater separation ratio is formed by taking the square root of the ratio between the true
variance and MSE. The higher the separation rater, the more spread the rater severity measures.
According to a systematic review of methodologies applied in different areas of rater studies,
Wind and Peterson (2018) argued that, to inform the interpretation and use of rating scores and
improve the quality of rater-mediated assessment, the rating quality indices should go beyond
group-level indicators or inter-rater reliability to provide individual-specific information, and
incorporate diagnostic information from other facets of the assessment. MFRM offers
individual-specific information about raters based on standardized residuals or the differences
between observed and expected ratings. Suppose Xnij is the observed rating for examinee n
evaluated by rater j on criterion i, and ℮nij be expected rating based on the MFRM model's
parameter estimates, the standardized residual, in this case, can be expressed as:
Znij = 1
where ℮nij = ∑𝑚
𝑘=0 𝐾Pnijk
Pnijk is the probability of person n, when rated on item i by judge j being awarded a rating of k,
and Wnij = ∑𝑚
𝑘=0 (𝐾 − ℮𝑛𝑖𝑗 )2 𝑃𝑛𝑖𝑗𝑘
Squaring the standardized residuals averaging over the elements of the other facets (for instant
examinees and tasks) for each rater yields the residual-based indices of data-model fit, which
takes the form of Mean Squared Error (MSE) fit statistics that are asymptotically distributed
as scaled chi-square statistics divided by their degrees of freedom (Eckes, 2015). The
unweighted MSE fit statistic for rater j averaged overall all examines n = 1, N and criteria i =
1, I can be obtained by:
𝑛=1 ∑𝐼𝑖=1 2
MSu(j) = 𝑁.𝐼
The unweighted MSE fit statistic calculated above is also called outfit statistic (short for outlier
sensitive fit statistic). An example of an outlying situation can be a severe rater assigning a
lenient rating to a highly proficient examinee on a medium difficulty criterion, which will
increase the outfit statistic. Weighting the Znij by the model variance Wnij results in the weighted
MSE fit statistic:
𝑛=1 ∑𝐼𝑖=1 𝑊𝑛𝑖𝑗𝑍2
MSw(j) = ∑𝑁 ∑𝐼𝑖=1
𝑛=1 𝑊𝑛𝑖𝑗
This statistic is also called infit statistic (information weighted fit statistic) because it is
sensitive to "inlying" unexpected responses or situations where the location of the rater is close
to those of the other facets on the measurement scale. The infit statistic usually has higher
estimation precision and is considered more important than outfit statistic (Linacre, 2002;
Myford & Wolfe, 2003, in Eckes, 2015). The outfit and infit MSE statistics can be used as a
diagnostic tool to evaluate the extent to which the ratings assigned by a particular rater match
or deviate from the model's expectations because they both have an expected value of 1.0 and
range from 0 to +∞. Raters with fit values greater than 1.0 show more variation than expected
in their rating; this is called misfit (or underfit). By contrast, raters with fit values less than 1.0
show less variation than expected, indicating that their ratings are too predictable or provide
redundant information; this is called overfit (Eckes, 2015).
Statement of the Problem
The written responses of essay physics items are far more complex than responses to multiple-
choice items, and are traditionally scored by raters. Raters typically gauge an essay’s quality
aided by a scoring rubric that identifies the characteristics an essay item must have to merit a
certain score level. Due to the fact that some raters might lack cognitive process of the
information given in student’s responses while some raters may connect students’ responses
with their prior knowledge that is not in the marking guide based on their understanding of the
content as a result introduced error to students’ feedback, thereby increasing the impact of
inconsistency in scores.
When physics raters are not accurate in identifying and assessing the strengths and weaknesses
in students' essay items, the feedback given may not be helpful or constructive. This can impede
students' learning and growth in problem-solving skills especially in physics. It is therefore
necessary to apply the many-facet Rasch measurement model in detecting rater errors such as
randomness effect in rating of physics essay items if objectivity and reliability of scores is to
be obtained.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to detect randomness effect among raters in Physics Essay Items
using Many Facet Rasch Measurement.
Research Questions
First, to what extent does the individual rater produce a randomness effect when rating physics
essay items in Uyo Senatorial District?
Second, is there a difference in randomness at the rater's group level when rating physics essay
items in Uyo Senatorial District?
There is no significant difference at the rater's group level exhibiting randomness effect when
rating physics essay items in Uyo Senatorial District.
Significance of the Study
The results of research may be useful to students as they reduce manipulation of results caused
by rater error. The finding could be beneficial to test constructors as students' performance
could be enhanced positively by detecting multiple errors caused by the rater, which will
increase the reliability of the scores.
The result of this study will be beneficial to psychometricians by expanding the knowledge of
estimating individual elements' invariant calibrations across a level of facets such as individual
raters and demographic subgroups. It will also provide information on particular rating patterns
employed by the raters in evaluating students' responses.
Research Design
The research design adopted for this study is descriptive research design based on survey
Target Population
The population of the study comprised eighty-eight (88) public schools in all the local
government areas with a physics student population of 3,642 students and ninety-four (94)
physics teachers in all the senior secondary schools in Uyo Senatorial District for the
2022/2023 academic session.
Sample and Sampling Techniques
A sample of three hundred and sixty-four (364) senior secondary school three (SS3) physics
students and thirty-seven (37) physics teachers from the thirty-one (31) selected secondary
schools in Uyo Senatorial District was used for the study. The multi-stage sampling technique
was adopted for the study.
Firstly, proportionate sampling was used to select 31 schools representing 35% of the total
number of schools in each of the local government areas used in this study.
Secondly, simple random sampling was used to select 364 physics students representing 10%
of the physics students from the 31 schools in the Uyo senatorial district.
Thirdly, stratified sampling technique was used to obtain the sample size of 37 physics teachers
in 31 schools. This was done by dividing the population into strata based on gender, and then
randomly sampling 40% of each of the strata.
Research Question 1: To what extent does the individual rater produce a randomness effect
when rating physics essay items in Uyo Senatorial District?
Table 1: Category Statistics That Show the Extent to Which Individual Raters Produce
Randomness Effect When Rating Physics Essay Items
Rater (R) Measure(logits) Standard Error Infit Mean Square Outfit Mean
(MNSQ) Square (MNSQ)
1 -1.27 0.54 1.21 1.14
2 -3.07 0.55 2.44 2.33
3 -3.68 0.55 1.36 4.68
4 -0.99 0.53 0.85 0.84
5 -0.72 0.52 0.48 0.44
6 -1.86 0.55 1.02 0.98
7 -4.68 0.58 0.81 0.67
8 -1.27 0.55 0.36 0.30
9 -5.85 0.71 0.59 0.38
10 -0.72 0.52 0.38 0.34
11 -1.27 0.54 1.21 1.14
In the randomness effect, we consider the Infit Mean Square and Outfit Mean Square. The Infit
and Outfit Mean Square greater than 1 indicate the presence of randomness. The result from
Table 1 shows raters 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, and 33 with the Infit Mean Square
and Outfit Mean Square values of 1.21 & 1.14, 2.51 & 2.33, 1.36 & 4.68, 1.21 & 1.14, 2.51 &
2.33, 1.36 & 4.68, 1.21 & 1.14, 2.51 & 2.33, 1.36 & 4.68, 1.21 & 1.14, 2.51 & 2.33, and 1.36
& 4.68 respectively. The average total of Infit Mean Square and Outfit Mean Square are 1.49
and 2.75 respectively. These indicate that individual raters committed randomness. Therefore,
there was a randomness effect error committed by individual raters when rating complex
problem-solving skills in WAEC and NECO 2020 physics Essay Items.
Hypothesis One: There is no significant difference at the rater's group level exhibiting
randomness effect when rating physics essay items in Uyo Senatorial District.
Table 2: Group–Level Indices of Randomness Effect in Complex Problem-Solving Skills
Between WAEC and NECO 2020 Physics Essay Items
Indices Value
Ratee Separation Ratio 2.75
Ratee Separation Index 4.0
Ratee Separation Reliability 0.89
Fixed-effect Chi-Square Statistics 37.2 (df=36, P<0.05), Sig. =0.01
Table 2 shows a Chi-square value of 37.2 and a P-value of 0.01. Testing at an alpha level of
0.05, the P-value is less than the alpha level; thus, the null hypothesis which states that there is
no significant difference at the rater's group level exhibiting randomness effect when rating
physics essay items in Uyo Senatorial District is rejected. Therefore, there is a significant
difference at the rater's group level exhibiting randomness effect when rating physics essay
items in Uyo Senatorial District. This implies that there is no group-level randomness effect
present among raters when rating physics essay items.
In addition, Table 2 shows the Ratee Separation Ratio of 2.75. This implies that the indicator
did not suggest a group-level randomness effect among raters when rating student scores in
physics essay items. Also, Table 2 also shows the Ratee Separation Index of 4.0. This indicator
does not suggest a group level of randomness effect among raters when rating student scores
in physics essay items. Table 9 also shows a Ratee Separation Reliability of .89. The high
degree of ratee separation reliability indicates that there was no group-level of randomness
effect among raters when rating student scores in physics essay items.
The findings from research question one revealed there was a randomness effect error
committed by individual raters when rating complex problem-solving skills in WAEC and
NECO 2020 physics Essay Items. This may have been as a result of de-motivation of raters
during the evaluation process or may not be invested in providing accurate ratings as this can
lead to random or inconsistent ratings. The finding is in agreement with the findings of Wang
et al. (2020). These researchers investigated rater performance on the Canadian English
Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) speaking component using a Many-
Facets Rasch Measurement (MFRM). The result reveals that grammar, among the eight
speaking criteria, was identified as the most difficult criterion on the scale and the one
demonstrating the most randomness. The finding is supported by the findings of Tarakol and
Pinner (2019) who examined the extent to which the facets modelled in an OSCE can contribute
to scoring variance and how they fit into a Many-Facet Rasch Model (MFRM) of OSCE
performance. The results did suggest that examiners were lenient and that some behaved
inconsistently. The finding was not in agreement with the study of Kondo-Brown (2002) who
investigated whether trained native Japanese-speaking (JNS) raters would rate certain types of
students and certain criteria more severely or leniently than others in assessing Japanese L2
compositions for norm-referenced purposes such as placement. The result revealed self-
consistency in rater bias patterns.
The findings from hypothesis one revealed that there is a significant difference at the rater's
group level exhibiting randomness effect when rating physics essay items in Uyo Senatorial
District. This implies that there is no group-level randomness effect present among raters when
rating physics essay items. This is because raters may have followed the assessment guidelines
and specific instructions when rating student scores, thereby reducing the likelihood of
arbitrary or random scoring. The Ratee Separation Ratio connotes that the spread of ratee
performance measures is 3 times larger than the precision of those measures. Ratee Separation
Index implies that there are over 4 statistically distinct strata of ratee performance in the sample
of ratees while the Ratee Separation Reliability implies that raters could reliably distinguish
among the ratees in terms of their performance.
The findings were against the study of Ihli et al. (2016) that compares risk preferences elicited
from two different methods and the resulting inconsistency rates in response behaviour. The
result reveals significantly different risk results of group raters. However, the study conformed
to the findings of Koçak (2020) who investigated rater tendencies and reliability in different
assessment methods. The result from the indices reveals the absence of randomness among
group raters.
Based on the findings, it was concluded that most individual raters committed randomness
effects when rating physics essay items. However, at the group-level rating, raters did not
commit randomness effects when rating physics essay items. It can be inferred that rater effects
are causes of variation in performance evaluations that are connected to the behavior of the
rater and not the ratee's actual performance.
Based on the findings, researchers recommended that raters should follow the rating guidelines
to reduce the impact of randomness in their ratings and provide more accurate and objective
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