A Blended Learning Practice of "Flipped Classroom" Mode in Intercultural Communication Course
A Blended Learning Practice of "Flipped Classroom" Mode in Intercultural Communication Course
A Blended Learning Practice of "Flipped Classroom" Mode in Intercultural Communication Course
courses, covering international students from 36 countries. communication by problem-guided approach in class. After
class, students can review lessons by watching playback at
their own convenience, submit homework and prepare for
next class. Students can also independently monitor their
own learning process, more detailed control of the learning
A. From Offline to Online objectives of each chapter, and realize their own learning
Compared with the conventional face-to-face classroom problems and achievements.
teaching, online teaching is more flexible, convenient, Tencent Conference provides opportunity to
targeted and individualized. The essential procedures in communication. Students can answer teacher’s question
offline learning such as course materials, semester directly, rise questions or deliver opinions to teachers on-site.
assignments, classroom practice and final papers can be done Group discussion, problem case analysis and presentation are
anytime, anywhere in the online learning environment. The appealing.
most basic definition of blended learning encompasses the
possible combination of computer-mediated and face-to-face
teaching. It is not a simple juxtaposition of physical presence III. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION COURSE
and technological mediation, but a well-studied alternation of The UNESCO call that education should not only focus on
the two, aiming to make the most of the various components the acquisition of knowledge but also on ―learning to live
and design effective work contexts for both students and together‖, ―living together‖ and ―dialogue‖ are key words in
teachers [3]. Teachers adopted the mixed method which policies and curricula for education. And ―intercultural‖ has
combined Rain Classroom application, WeChat group, gone from being an emergent concept to being part of much
Tencent Conference and public mailbox to execute tasks. mainstream policy discussion and the discourse of theory and
Teachers can issue notifications, deliver course text and practice in education worldwide [6]. The intercultural
PowerPoint, provide resources for learning, fulfill classroom communication course is designed for both Chinese students
management, publish and correct homework, give students and foreign students. The ideal class is a multicultural class.
evaluation and to receive feedback promptly. Students can Students from all different cultural backgrounds get together,
get access to curriculum resources such as reading materials, express their views freely, understand each other and respect
videos, preview topics and homework in the Rain Classroom. everyone. This class looks like a small United Nations. The
Tencent Conference is used for lectures, group discussions, target of this course is promoting students’ social competence
case studies, students’ presentation and performance. The to communicate with different people and understand
WeChat group and public mailbox are used for sharing different cultures.
important files and connecting each other. The combination Some experts focus their attention on how people adapt to
creates a virtual classroom, deliveries tools and media used to a new and unfamiliar cultural environment and how their
provide information and support interaction. This is a communication activities influence their adaption [7]. It is
combination of instruction, teaching, learning and contexts. now generally believed that adapting to a foreign
environment is a complicated process, especially one with
B. Flipped Classroom completely different language, traditions, social complex and
Flipped classroom is not only the flipping of knowledge culture. Encountering difficulties in adapting to such new
imparting and knowledge internalization, but also the environments may result in psychological problems like
all-round reform of education concept, teaching content, anxiety and depression. This course is aimed at helping
methods and evaluation [4]. The intercultural communication students adapt quickly to different environments by
course currently adopts the ―Flipped classroom‖ mode which providing real-case solutions and problem-solving
integrates the advantages of both offline and online teaching. discussions in a friendly atmosphere.
It not only ensures the face-to-face communication between Knowledge and skill in intercultural communication are
teachers and students, but also realizes the sharing of online critical in meeting the demands of an integrated society and
resources and independent learning at anytime and anywhere world. Most colleges require students to take intercultural
(ubiquitous learning). It is assured that flipped instruction communication course with research-based or
had an impact on students' learning performance and experience-based perspectives. This course explains practical
perceptions. [5] application, discusses ethics and other hot topics. It not only
In our flipped classroom -- ―Rain Classroom‖, students get requires student to think critically about issues but asks them
learning tasks before class, preview learning content and personally to shape the future of the field [8]. This course
PowerPoint, complete the preview questions. Teachers create attempts help students raise an open-minded, willful, and
a variety of classroom exercises on the teaching platform, positive personality that will continually benefit them in
such as online voting, objective multiple-choice questions, future life.
fill-in-the-blank questions, and subjective questions. Rain The attendants of the course include Chinese and foreign
Classroom has automatic grading function, students can get graduate students. They formed Chinese--foreign study
feedback on the exercises before class, and pay more cooperation groups to jointly carry out intercultural
attention on some specific sections during class. Teachers communication practical activities. While learning the theory
can collect students’ common mistakes and add more of intercultural communication in the classroom, Chinese and
targeted practices in the following classes. Students are foreign students firstly work together to express their
inspired to participate in the case analysis of intercultural understanding and ideas on the basic theories and principles.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 2022
Then the student group would select a topic and make a group topics with the use of language forms. 3 Improve the
presentation or report. In practice they were very creative and frequency and quality of students' interaction and negotiation
tell a lot of real stories by performing a small play and in language. Group activities can reduce students' anxiety and
making short videos. These kinds of activities can reflect enhance students' motivation and interest in learning
many real cases of intercultural communication in real life, language and culture. In this process, teachers play the role of
enabling the class to analyze the causes of problems and find organizers and promoters: 1. Make task lists for students is
solutions. For Chinese and foreign students, they can not only the concretization and visualization of each task. 2 List the
understand and solve problems in intercultural words and expressions that students need to use to complete
communication with theory and practice, but also feel real the task, so that students can highlight their communicative
contradictions and conflicts in the interaction, enhance the awareness and complete the communicative task.
awareness and skills of intercultural communication, and
C. Teaching Principles
effectively improve intercultural communication ability.
Teaching principles are focus on adapting to the language
A. Teaching Philosophy level of students, combining cultural teaching with the
The teaching philosophy of this course is student-centered improvement of language ability.
and teacher-guided. Intercultural communication class has a Although the focus of intercultural communication class is
specialized purpose and designed to suit the needs. The main not Chinese language knowledge (in order to promote
goal of the class is to teach students how to achieve students' understanding of the meaning of necessary
intercultural communication, how to analyze situations in a concepts), it is necessary for teachers to take into account the
different culture background and then find solutions students' language level when designing curriculum, and
independently. On the process of improving communication explain cultural words and specific expressions that are
skills, students would reach their own conclusions. To unfamiliar to students. And combine cultural learning with
achieve this goal, teachers should provide suitable teaching language expression training to promote the organic
content which can arouse students' interest, help students to combination of form and meaning. When discussing cultural
solve practical problems in intercultural communication, and differences and intercultural communication conflicts,
design teaching activities to improve students' cognitive and teachers consciously add relevant special vocabulary and
thinking ability. Students should gain a certain understanding language expressions. For example, when talking about
of general intercultural phenomena, and have the ability to stereotypes and prejudices, teachers use videos to introduce
enumerate and analyze them. Teachers should also provide concepts and topics, list relevant proper nouns, idioms, old
students with further guidance in the topic, adequate learning sayings, etc., so that students can understand the specific
resources, and encourage students to explore deeper research words and expressions. It is a great help for students to
independently by using pictures, videos, cases, survey report successfully understand more new vocabulary, and do more
results, etc. application of language usage. In addition, in order to
advance the classroom in an orderly manner and reduce the
B. Main Teaching Methods
anxiety of students due to language barriers, it is necessary
The main teaching methods are as follows: interactive for teachers to provide a corresponding standard
teaching and task-based teaching. "framework" for language expression, so that students can
Interactive teaching method. The interactive teaching focus on the completion of communicative tasks, rather than
mode of this course is mainly reflected in two aspects: paying much more attention on whether the language used is
teacher-student interaction and student-student interaction. accurate. For example: There are so many stereotypes and
From the perspective of teacher-student interaction, the prejudices to Chinese people in varying degrees. Stereotype
discussion and case analysis after watching the warm-up is a normal mental state, there are positive impressions, and
video can provide students with more opportunities to there are also negative impressions. Teachers give students
express their views, create a relaxed communication two columns to show the positive and negative points,
environment, and promote more interaction between teachers including some certain words, phrases, sentence patterns,
and students. From the perspective of student-student idioms, segmental expression structure and so on, ask
interaction, because the course is aimed at students from students express their ideas freely by using the given words
different cultural backgrounds, it is natural that there are a lot and phrases. Teachers should pay more attention on students’
of information differences and thinking differences among views rather than grammatical errors when students do their
students. Through group discussion and classroom Q&A, a presentations.
fully designed teaching link will go smoothly. Students can
have thinking collision, so as to form an active class D. Teaching Innovation
atmosphere and give full play to the maximum effect of The teaching innovation of this course is the combination
interactive learning and cooperative learning. of classroom teaching and extracurricular cultural practice,
Task-based teaching method. Group task is one of the the combination of "performance culture" and speech, debate
communicative activities in language and culture classroom. and investigation, the combination of offline and online
Group discussion reflects the advantages of Task-based learning.
teaching in intercultural communication courses: 1. It is One part of the teaching objects of this course is
task-centered, aims to solve practical problems, and has real international students in the target language environment or
communication characteristics. 2. Combine the discussion of in their own countries. Teachers give students group tasks in
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 2022
the very beginning of a semester, students must complete the culture, requiring students to put themselves in their shoes to
group tasks in real language environment in target language. think about problems. This method combines the advantages
So that the students can apply and test the knowledge they of listening, speaking and communicative function method,
have learned by accomplishing the group tasks, and get in teachers create a variety of contextual scenarios for students'
touch with real Chinese people and society, and narrow the autonomous learning, so that students can learn language and
psychological distance between students and China. For gain knowledge in the experience of culture.
those students in their own country, they certainly have no For international students, the audio-visual forms of
target language environment, but they can have Chinese performance used in the classroom can stimulate students'
language partner or Chinese peers online. Students from enthusiasm for learning. At the same time, video or animation
different countries form study groups, each study group can show the teaching content to students more intuitively,
includes one or two Chinese students. The discussion mainly and students can better understand the case, and the analysis
revolves around cultural differences and cultural conflicts. and discussion will be more effective.
Teacher designs typical scenarios of intercultural Judging from the survey of students, students urgently
communication for different countries and cultural need audio-visual courseware for intercultural
backgrounds, focusing on the content of the problem, the communication. Students love to perform their own plays,
cause, the impact, and the solution to the problem. In the final especially foreign students. By doing group work and making
group task session, teachers deepen the target topic of the video with Chinese students together, they are leading roles
task on the basis of the knowledge previously learned, and of small shows, they can better understand the theoretical and
encourage the students to do extracurricular investigations practical significance of intercultural communication through
and interviews. The students determine the topic center, the "Video-Audio-Speak" method. However, students may
obtain unknown information in Chinese, and write a report. find it hard to reach an agreement when analyzing an
At last, their preparation is the fundamentals of oral speech, intercultural conflict event. Some experts wondered whether
the outcome is their final presentation and performance. the use of video could foster critical reflection which is so
Students compare the survey results with similar phenomena difficult to achieve when it comes to observing one's own
in their own countries, and find out the similarity and value and judgment [11].
universality of various world cultures. Based on the actual cases of international students,
relevant digital materials are collected to form digital
teaching courseware, which can be applied to online
IV. PERFORMANCE CULTURE APPROACH — classrooms. Teachers use images, animations, videos and
―INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AUDIO-VISUAL CASES‖ other intuitive images to show students the basic content of
The teaching concept of intercultural communication intercultural communication, especially the problems,
course is to take students as the main body, stimulate misunderstandings and conflicts that occur in the process of
students' learning motivation and thirst for knowledge, guide intercultural communication. After reflection, students can
students to integrate theory with practice, analyze and discuss find solutions or offer suggestions to solve the problems, so
intercultural hot issues. The teaching design uses the flipped as to gain knowledge of intercultural communication,
classroom model to organically combine students' self-study, strengthen intercultural communication awareness, and
classroom discussions, group tasks, and real-life simulations improve intercultural communication skills. It is important to
to cultivate students' intercultural communication awareness set up a conceptual framework for intercultural
and comprehensively improve students' intercultural communication, and we should devise a method for further
communication skills. The teaching feature is to let Chinese explorations of communication according to conceptual
and foreign students from different cultural backgrounds framework [12]. This conceptual framework should be
work together to solve real cross-cultural communication regarded as the basement of the collection of digital
problems. It plays a role in building the foundation of study materials.
and research in the curriculum system. Main content of Intercultural Communication includes:
Performance culture approach is a magnificent way to Basic theories of intercultural communication, verbal
active students’ mindset, critical thinking and analytical communication, non-verbal communication, social
ability [9]. Learning to participate in another culture and communication, interpersonal relationships, values, barriers
accumulating knowledge of exotic cultures are two features to intercultural communication, intercultural adaptation,
of the Performance Culture. By performing cases, students intercultural communication and second language learning,
use game "Rules" and "Actions" to learn how to make etc.
interpersonal communication in Chinese culture. This is a The Flipped classroom (combination of student self-study,
lifelong learning, students get cultural sensitivity gradually. teacher guidance, and classroom practice) can be the basis for
From the perspective of cross-cultural communication, this the realization of the teaching plan. The organizational
teaching method emphasizes the learning of language approach to the teaching plan begins with concepts, moves to
through the experience and practice of the target language analysis, examines the role of communication, and end with
culture. The best testimony to the effectiveness of a developing new approaches for presenting extended cases
pedagogical approach is what its learners can do. It argues [13]. The course assessment method is flexible, including
that performance culture could affect students' learning [10]. process-based assessment (preview, classroom participation,
This teaching method believes that language is behavior, and scenario simulation, group report, etc.), as well as final term
learning a language is to experience and practice the target papers. Students are encouraged to watch Chinese movies
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 2022
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 11, November 2022
cultivate active learning; 10.17% students need more delivers a learning cyberspace environment to students and
encouragement; 9.32% students ask for more practice . gets flipped classroom done. This is a task-based effective
learning. Students get intercultural sensitivity (affective
capacity to recognize, acknowledge, and respect cultural
differences), intercultural competence (behavioral ability to
adapt to a new cultural) from this course. And the
international competence is the only means whereby we can
move beyond cultural differences in order to succeed in
Fig. 7. Whether this course inspire students’ critical thinking, encourage intercultural interactions [15]. If students get the ability to
independent learning, and cultivate awareness of intercultural
acquire new knowledge of a culture and cultural practices
and the ability to operate knowledge, attitudes and skills
70.34% students chose ―Every time‖; 23.73% students under the constraints of real-time communication and
chose ―Frequently‖; and 5.93% students chose ―Once in a interaction, they obtain the personality strength,
while‖. 0% students chose ―Seldom‖ or ―Never‖. As shown communication skills, psychological adaptation and cultural
in Fig. 7, the result means the course basically achieves the awareness.
target. In summary, the blended learning mode can combine the
advantages of online teaching and classroom teaching,
promote the integration of online, offline learning platforms
and educational technology. Students acquire self-regulated
learning and active learning skills. The Flipped Classroom
can help students to learn the intercultural communication
course effectively by setting online and offline learning
targets and forming Chinese-foreign study cooperation group
Fig. 8. The advantages of the blended learning in ―flipped classroom‖
to jointly conduct practical activities. The student group
As shown in Fig. 8, the top five of the advantages of the reports can reflect many real intercultural communication
Blended learning are: Combine the advantages of online cases in real life, analyze the causes of problems on the spot,
teaching and classroom teaching(90.68%); Allow students to and find solutions to problems. Different cultures generate
study independently anytime, anywhere(67.8%); Promote the distinctive value systems and perceptions of meaning,
integration of online learning platform, educational students need to investigate the breadth and depth of the
technology and traditional classroom(59.32%); Enhance the impact of culture on communication behavior. Students
breadth and depth of students’ self-regulated should understand the reasons other cultures give for their
learning(52.54%); Set students at ease while working at behavior must be accurate understanding of the differences in
projects (50%); Have more interactions between teachers and cognitive structure between cultures. Students can simulate
students (34.75%); Use more Bullet Screen (31.36%); Have real-life contradictions and conflicts in interactions, enhance
prompt feedback(29.66%). the skills of intercultural communication, so they can be
From the prospective of students’ achievement, students’ better prepared for future interpersonal and social
attitude toward Flipped classroom learning has a major, and communication, as well as their academic career.
in this case very positive effect on the students' perception of
their academic accomplishments. Formative assessment, CONFLICT OF INTEREST
when applied in a flipped learning environment, has a The authors declare no conflict of interest.
positive effect on students' perception of their academic
outcomes. The conjunction of these two variables (attitude ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and formative assessment) best explains students' perception This work was supported in part by a grant from the Center
of outcomes [14]. We should go further to work on the for Language Education and Cooperation, Beijing, China.
positive effects of the Flipped Classroom on the
teaching-learning process of students. REFERENCES
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