This editorial discusses the issue of violence among youth in the Philippines. It notes several recent incidents of violence committed by minors, including killings and shootings. It argues that the government must work to address this problem through counseling programs, youth rehabilitation centers, and by keeping children in schools and off the streets. Non-profit organizations are also working to help rehabilitate at-risk youth and reduce juvenile delinquency. Parents are encouraged to have close relationships with their children to help prevent violence. Overall it calls for a collaborative effort between government agencies and others to implement policies and programs to promote the welfare of youth and curb violence.
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This editorial discusses the issue of violence among youth in the Philippines. It notes several recent incidents of violence committed by minors, including killings and shootings. It argues that the government must work to address this problem through counseling programs, youth rehabilitation centers, and by keeping children in schools and off the streets. Non-profit organizations are also working to help rehabilitate at-risk youth and reduce juvenile delinquency. Parents are encouraged to have close relationships with their children to help prevent violence. Overall it calls for a collaborative effort between government agencies and others to implement policies and programs to promote the welfare of youth and curb violence.
This editorial discusses the issue of violence among youth in the Philippines. It notes several recent incidents of violence committed by minors, including killings and shootings. It argues that the government must work to address this problem through counseling programs, youth rehabilitation centers, and by keeping children in schools and off the streets. Non-profit organizations are also working to help rehabilitate at-risk youth and reduce juvenile delinquency. Parents are encouraged to have close relationships with their children to help prevent violence. Overall it calls for a collaborative effort between government agencies and others to implement policies and programs to promote the welfare of youth and curb violence.
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This editorial discusses the issue of violence among youth in the Philippines. It notes several recent incidents of violence committed by minors, including killings and shootings. It argues that the government must work to address this problem through counseling programs, youth rehabilitation centers, and by keeping children in schools and off the streets. Non-profit organizations are also working to help rehabilitate at-risk youth and reduce juvenile delinquency. Parents are encouraged to have close relationships with their children to help prevent violence. Overall it calls for a collaborative effort between government agencies and others to implement policies and programs to promote the welfare of youth and curb violence.
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Conquering this Violent World
Indeed, the present generation oI youth is characterized with rage and violence. DiIIerent cases oI killing across the country have penetrated even the supposed to be peaceIul ordinary classrooms. In Iact, most oI these cases were started only in ordinary classroom Iight. Malls intensiIied their security caused by a youth shooting incident. Childhood days seemed nightmares when playmates` unruly behaviour had prevailed. Year 2011 has been terrorized with shocking criminal cases involving children. On September 15, a 10-year-old boy in Baguio City died when he had Iought his classmate because oI exchanging jokes. Another report, a 13-year-old boy shot his 16-year-old male Iriend and turned the gun on himselI on September 20 at SM City Pampanga. A day aIter, a 16-year-old high school student stabbed and killed a 15-year-old student during recess in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. Whatever kind oI behaviour oI youth today will draw the Iuture oI this nation. Filipinos` welIare will reign! The Republic Act 9344 or Juvenile Justice and WelIare Act oI 2006 exempts those aged 15 and below Irom criminal liability but it is very clear that youth oIIenders still have civil liability, meaning they have to pay Ior their crimes but not through imprisonment. Both children and adults must do their responsibilities Ior wrongdoing. It also implies that government recognizes its responsibility to provide more Iunds to keep children in schools, keep them oII the streets, and Ior youth oIIenders, to get them into rehabilitation centers that do work. In addition, the Department oI Social WelIare and Development (DSWD) has its Regional Rehabilitation Center Ior Youth which cares the victims oI abuse, parental neglect, exploitation, poverty, and peer pressure. It oIIers the very important part oI the rehabilitation process called, 'liIe skills activity which starts with introspection on why young oIIenders are committed to the Iacility and what they can do to be better. Moreover, the Philippine Action Ior YouthIul OIIenders (PAYO), a non-proIit organization helps to protect the welIare oI youth oIIenders and works Ior the improvement oI their conditions. One oI its major actions was the segregation oI the children Irom the adults in jails and prisons. PAYO has reduced the number oI juvenile delinquents which has Iallen to around 2,000 since the Iormation oI PAYO up to now. Furthermore, a social worker in Pampanga named Presentacion Pinaroc who extended her counselling to the Iamily oI the 13-year-old boy who shot his 16-year-old male Iriend at the mall, asked parents to have a close relationship with their children and their Iriends so they could help them avoid resorting to suicide or harm others. The present generation is characterized with rage and violence. Conquering this serious problem takes long process but Filipinos can control this through appropriate and Irequent counselling among children. Government agencies must work together in Iormulating, revising, and implementing acts and orders concerning the welIare oI every child. Take part in making a society Iree Irom violence. Stop violence! Save the youth! Secure the Iuture!
Editorial Column
Eye Opener Ritchelle Joy T. Bautista
Stop Bullying
'Lagot ka' Ha,ha,ha''' Konting tiis.iiyak na yan'` this is the common line among children without thinking the trauma that may experience by the kid who is being bullied. Bullying is the act oI intimidating or mistreating a weaker one or in a more helpless situation. Psychologists believe that bullying is a maniIestation oI problems that stem at home. I remembered the experience oI my classmate who was always teased by others because oI his cleIt palate. He cried a lot many times and lost his selI-esteem. He always got aIraid and developed anti-social attitude. Her mother talked to our teacher to advice our naughty classmates. It was very painIul and sad to be bullied by others. Tactlessly, many kids were so glad and satisIied when they had teased somebody. To stop the act oI bullying, the Department oI Education (DepEd) is now supporting to the bill pushed by Senator Antonio Trillanes to institutionalize anti-bullying campaign in schools. The creation oI awareness oI the ill-eIIects oI bullying in schools can burst moral development. For public schools, they are developing the program, 'Child Friendly School which aimed by Countrywide Programme Ior Children (CPC). Showing love and concern Ior school children make them Ieel Iree and accepted. Developing the social aspect oI every child is the responsibility oI both parents and teachers. Creating a Iriendly atmosphere at home and in school can gain children`s conIidence. Without any discrimination, every child shall live with joy, peace, and harmony. Face the truth that each oI us has strength and weakness. Bullying is a sinIul act which must be avoided. Create a society Iree Irom any Iorm oI violence. Hope this article shall serve as an eye opener to stop bullying.
Editorial Column
Open Line Jervee A. Sison
Did Ma`am really do that?
What is your unIorgettable moment with your teacher? Teacher`s words and acts aIIect the learners physically, mentally, and emotionally. However, there are certain issues that contrary to the roles oI the persons who serve as second parents. There were cases that pupils don`t want to go to school because oI their teachers. In news programs, there were reported cases oI corporal punishment such as hitting a pupil with a stick or other objects, hair-pulling, and ear-twisting. This situation was very alarming. Did Ma`am and Sir really do those incidents? As a Grade VI pupil who encountered several teachers with diIIerent personalities, I noticed that teachers were just like ordinary persons with unique character. They think and act. They become happy, hurt, sad, envy, and mad. In short, they are normal people. There is a tendency that teachers get mad and become hot-tempered. Teachers should be patient when dealing their pupils. They should be cautious all the times. Good teaching is delivered with love and understanding. According to Education Secretary Armin Luistro, a more comprehensive child protection policy will soon be implemented by DepEd to remind school personnel and the public in general. This serious matter shall not junk to protect the rights oI every child. On the other hand, pupils should have selI-discipline and respect with teachers. The practice oI 'think Iirst beIore doing everything is a way oI showing good values to our teachers. Pupils should also be cautious in saying everything. Teachers are licensed proIessionals thereIore, they earn to be respected. Trials and diIIiculties are just natural Ior God has His reason. In times oI untoward incident, a teacher or a pupil should hold a strong Iaith to have selI-control. Teachers should be reminded that children are the main consumers oI their service that need tender loving care while learners should be advised that discipline is a part oI learning and Iollowing teachers courteously is necessary. Both sides should respect one another. Work together with love and grace to achieve a good Iuture.
Solving Stress in Schooling
By Carlo CleoIe
Whew! Schooling is really stressIul! Exams, projects, oral recitations, and assignments are the big burdens Ior the kids like me. Complying with these burdens is so essential in developing diIIerent skills but on the other side, they may lead to experience burn out in the very young age. Other kids don`t try or sometimes they give up participating in a class or school activity iI they think it is hard or stressIul. There are also cases that others will absent just to escape a school task. Having burn out or stress overload means having too much responsibility without enough power. Remember that no matter how hard a school task, there is always an option to make it easy. Parents have responsibility to bring their children in school thereIore they must be the Iirst who will give and show love and support during stressIul times. Listen to their advice and take a big shot oI conIidence! Being Ilexible is a sign oI becoming strong. Try to practice diIIerent skills to become ready in all situations. Believe and shout to yourselI that, 'I`m strong! I`m not aIraid! I`ll do my best! then positive outcomes will appear to your way. Prioritize your goals in liIe. II you want to be on the honor list then try to be productive in school. You must enjoy doing school tasks without noticing the stress that they bring. Pause. Give yourselI enough time to relax at the right time. Playing with other children, reading jokes, and listening Iavourite music are some simple things that can relieve stress. In every school task that come to your way, remember that God is always there. The numbers oI school task that you will accomplish can show how progressive you are. Schools are established not to oIIer stress but to give knowledge and wisdom.
- Juan Time beats Filipino Time By Frederic Llamosa
To beat the habit oI being late and set a standard Philippine time, the Department oI Education (DepEd) has ordered all schools and education oIIices nationwide to synchronize all clocks and time recording devices. In accordance with DepEd Order No. 86 series oI 2011, all DepEd oIIices were directed to set all clocks in their oIIices and school properties to match with the Philippine Standard Time (PST) oI Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). Further, all school bells should ring at exactly the same time. Education Secretary Armin Luistro ordered that all schedules including class times, meetings, and events should be based on the PST and must start and end on time. Meanwhile, the Department oI Science and Technology (DOST) launched 'Juan Time project as support to the advocacy oI DepEd in synchronizing standard time in the country. It aims to encourage Filipinos in avoiding Filipino Time` culture and exercising timeliness in every situation.
SM, Rotary Club International donate Wisdom By Aeriel Madriaga
Pupils at Meycauayan West Central School were so lucky because the school received textbooks and other reIerence books Irom two Ioundations last September 2. The Book Donation and Distribution Project oI SM Foundation, Inc. in partnership with Rotary Club International provided opportunities among MWCS pupils to gain knowledge and explore the world oI literature. Through the eIIort oI Senior Superintendent Absalon L. Zipagan BFP, Provincial Fire Marshal oI Bulacan and President oI Rotary Club oI New Manila in Quezon City the access in book donation made possible. Mr. Norbert M. Pineda, School English Coordinator together with Senior Inspector Bernard Dizon, City Fire Marshall and SFO2 June Marcelino Isip, Personnel oI Meycauayan Fire Station received the donated books Irom the said Ioundations.