HMC Commands
HMC Commands
HMC Commands
List all managed systems conneted to this hmc and all system information ** lssyscfg -r sys List all managed systems connected to this hmc and their names, FSP IP addresses and states ** lssyscfg -r sys -F name,ipaddr,state List all managed systems connected to this hmc and their names, FSP IP addresses and states and header information ** lssyscfg -r sys -F name,ipaddr,state --header name,ipaddr,state p520-06_9111_sn10a1c5e,,Operating To view the state of the managed system ** lssyscfg -r sys -m [msname] -F state Show memory information of the managed system ** lshwres -r mem -m [msname] --level sys Show processor information of the managed system ** lshwres -r proc -m [msname] --level sys show I/O slot information ** lshwres -m [msname] -r io --rsubtype slot show virtual SCSI information ** lshwres -m [msname] -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level sys show virtual ethernet inforamtion for the partitions ** lshwres -m [msname] -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar show whether the state of the attention light is on or off ** lsled -r sa -t phys -m state=off Turn off the attention indicator ** chled -r sa -t phys -m [msname] -o off Power on the system using the partiton Auto Start power on option ** chsysstate -r sys -m [msname] -o on Power on the system using the partiton Standby power on option ** chsysstate -m [msname] -o onstandby -r sys Power on the system using system profile ** chsysstate -m [msname] -o onsysprof -r sys -f profilename Power off managed system ** chsysstate -r sys -m [msname] -o off Fast Power off managed system ** chsysstate -r sys -m [msname] -o off --immed Partition information and management:
List all partitions and their states on a managed system ** lssyscfg -r lpar -m [msname] -F name,state --header Show the state of a particular partition ** lssyscfg -r lpar -m [msname] -n [LPAR] -F state --header List all of the names of a particular partition's profiles by using a filter wit h partition id ** lssyscfg -r prof -m [msname] --filter "lpar_ids=2" -F name,lpar_name --header Show information for all configurable processors for all partitions on a particu la managed system ** lshwres -m [msname] -r proc --level lpar List dedicated or virtual processor resources in use by partitions ** lshwres -m [msname] -r proc --level lpar -F lpar_name,run_procs --header List shared processor resources in use by partitions ** lshwres -m [msname] -r proc --level lpar -F lpar_name,curr_proc_units --heade r List memory information by partition ** lshwres -r mem -m [msname] --level lpar List just memory amounts currently in use (assigned memory) by the partitions ** lshwres -m [msname] -r mem --level lpar -F lpar_name,run_mem --header List I/O slot information ** lshwres -r io -m [msname] --rsubtype slot Activate a partition ** chsysstate -m [msname] -r lpar -o on -n [lpar] -f [profile] Shutdown a partition ** chsysstate -m [msname] -o shutdown -r lpar -n [lpar] Activate a system profile ** chsysstate -m [msname] -r sysprofile -n xyz -o on Open the new terminal ** vtmenu Open the new terminal of lpar1 ** mkvterm -m p520-06_9111_sn10a1c5e -p lpar1 Close a different virtual terminal session ** rmvterm -m [msname] -p [lpar] Backup the profile data to a file called Mybackup on the floppy ** bkprofdata -m [msname] -f /mnt/floppy/Mybackup Perform a full restore the profile data from a file called Mybackup on the flopp y ** rstprofdata -m [msname] -f /mnt/floppy/Mybackup -l 1 Backup partition profile data to a file on the HMC ** bkprofdata -m [msname] -f file Restore from a partition backup from a file on the HMC (where restoretype is one of the following: 1 = full resotre,
2 = backup priority merge, 3 = managed system priority merge, 4 = initialize) ** rstprofdata -m [msname] -l [restoretype] -f file
Dynamic resurce allocation: List all partition that supports dlpar operations ** lspartition -dlpar Change hardware resource command ** chhwres -r {resource} -o {a r m} -t "T-LPAR" -p "S-LPAR" -m msname -q {#} -w {#} Add 16 MB memory ** chhwres -r mem -o a -p "LPAR" -m msname -q 16 -w 0 Move 16 MB memory from LPAR1 to LPAR2 ** chhwres -r mem -o m -p LPAR1 -t LPAR2 -m msname -q 16 -w 0 Move one processor from LPAR1 to LPAR2 ** chhwres -r proc -o m -p "LPAR1" -t "LPAR2" -m msname -q 1 -w 0 (quotes in lpar only necessary when there is space in lpar name" Add an I/O slot (where DRCindex is the actual DRCindex for this I/O slot) chhwres -r io --rsubtype slot -o a -p "LPARname" -m msname -l DRCindex -w 0
HMC user administration: list all HMC users ** lshmcusr Create the user sysadmin with "super administrator" access adn assign a password which is in this example is aielkw3 ** mkhmcusr -u sysadmin -a hmcsuperadmin --passwd aielkw3 -M 180 -d "System Admi nistrator" Create a user named myhmcuser with a user role of hmcviewer ** mkhmcusr -u myhmcuser -a hmcviewer Adding the managed resource role called lpar_role to the user called hmcuser1 ** chhmcuser -u hmcuser1 -t assign -o a -r resourcerole -v lpar_role Change the password for the user tester (the new password must be entered when p rompted) ** chhmcusr -u tester -t passwd Change the number of days until the passsword expires for the user hmcuser1 to b e 180 ** chhmcusr -u hmcuser1 -t pwage -v 180
Update your HMC code from a remote server (supply proper remote server IP addres s, login information, and filename) ** updhmc -t s -h -u root -p password -f /update/HMC_Update_V7R3.3. Reboot your HMC ** hmcshutdown -t 0 -r Enable network time protocol service ** chhmc -c xntp -s enable Add a network time protocol server to the NTP configuration file, using IP addre ss and at the same time enable firewall access through network interface eth0 ** chhmc -c xntp -s add -a -i eth0 Change the HMC access password to newpassword ** chsyspwd -m msname -t access --passwd --newpasswd newpassword
********************************************************************** lspv -free r oem oem_setup_env mkvdev -vdev hdisk6 -vadapter vhost6 -dev asiflpar SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID --------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------------vhost6 U9111.520.10A1C5E-V1-C10 0x00000000 VTD Status LUN Backing device Physloc asiflpar Available 0x8100000000000000 hdisk6 U787A.001.DPM07JG-P1-T11-L5-L0
mkvdev -fbo -vadapter vhost6 lsmap -all SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------------vhost6 U9111.520.10A1C5E-V1-C10 0x00000000 VTD Status LUN Backing device Physloc VTD Status LUN Backing device Physloc asiflpar Available 0x8100000000000000 hdisk6 U787A.001.DPM07JG-P1-T11-L5-L0 vtopt2 Available 0x8200000000000000
loadopt -disk aix61dvd -vtd vtopt2 SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID --------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------------vhost6 U9111.520.10A1C5E-V1-C10 0x00000000 VTD Status LUN Backing device Physloc VTD Status LUN Backing device Physloc asiflpar Available 0x8100000000000000 hdisk6 U787A.001.DPM07JG-P1-T11-L5-L0 vtopt2 Available 0x8200000000000000 /var/vio/VMLibrary/aix61dvd