The Community Grants Scheme
The Community Grants Scheme
The Community Grants Scheme
April 2005
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Receipts and final report A final report and receipts to the value of the grant must be provided within 28 days of receiving funding. As responsibility to ensure that all receipts are provided lies entirely with the applicant, you are advised to obtain proof of posting if returning by mail or to deliver receipts personally. Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 - Under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, some organisations that care for children, young people or vulnerable adults must satisfy certain requirements in relation to the quality of the service they provide. These services need to be registered with the Care Commission. Where an organisation's main purpose is to provide a sport or activity based service, it is unlikely that it would need to be registered but if you are unsure if the Act applies to your organisation, you should contact the Care Commission for advice at: Care Commission, 4th Floor, No 1 Smithhills Street, Paisley PA1 1EB. Tel no. 0141 843 4230. If your organisation does require registration, you will need to include a copy of your Registration Certificate with this application. Voluntary organisations that require registration may be able to use the Central Registered Body in Scotland (CRBS) for the provision of 'free' Disclosures (police checks). Even if your organisation does not require registration as outlined above, if you work with children, young people or vulnerable adults (e.g. youth clubs, football teams) it is recommended that Disclosures (police checks) are carried out for employees and volunteers. There is normally a charge for this, however, voluntary organisations can get 'free' Disclosures through the CRBS. Organisations will have to enrol with the CRBS for this purpose and meet certain conditions. There is no charge to enrol. If your organisation falls into this category you should indicate in Section 3 of the application form whether or not appropriate checks have been made. If you are in any doubt, contact should be made with the CRBS directly for advice and support at: Unit 55, Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling FK7 7RP Tel. 01786 849777. Other grants schemes the Area Committees also funds General Projects, Playschemes and bus hire for day trips. Separate application forms are available for these purposes.
Ineligible Activities
Although the Council tries to be flexible, there are limits to what can be funded. Apart from limits set by the law, the Council has decided (in order to maximise the benefit of the limited budget for Community Grants) to restrict the type of activities that are funded. Detailed below are some activities that are not eligible for funding: general running costs, eg. ongoing staff costs, rent payments, utility bills, routine repairs, ongoing maintenance, league fees, affiliation fees, insurance, endowments, loan payments; items of equipment of a personal nature eg. football strips, mobile phones or items which only benefit an individual, eg. prizes, conferences, personal insurance, travel costs; functions that: the Council or any other body has a statutory responsibility to provide; duplicate or conflict with Council policies; have had public funding withdrawn e.g. festivals and gala days; would be more appropriately funded from other sources; applications in respect of religious activities, festivals or events; purchase and/or maintenance of vehicles such as cars, vans, minibuses, etc.; foreign trips, youth exchanges, holidays or accommodation costs; proposals where members of the community are unnecessarily excluded eg. on the grounds of race, religion, gender, etc; activities designed to influence support for any political party; parties, provision of meals and snacks, social events; projects that have already begun or equipment that has been bought or ordered; and purchase of fireworks. non-essential elements eg. computer software of an unnecessarily high specification; major capital works.
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Conditions of Grant
Awards made through the Community Grants Scheme are subject to the following conditions which must be read and adhered to by the applicants. In the event that further conditions are applied to specific awards by the Area Committee, these will be notified to the applicants for acceptance prior to funding being released. 1. 2. The grant must be spent only on the purpose for which it was approved. The organisation will, at any time, if requested: (a) provide information and/or copies of financial records, as may be required by an authorised officer from Glasgow City Council; and (b) make items purchased or projects developed available for inspection. 3.Receipts for purchases and, where appropriate, a detailed financial statement of how the award was spent, must be supplied to Glasgow City Council within 28 days of receiving the award. 4. Any group receiving grant aid should acknowledge the support of the Council in all publicity material.
5.If the costs incurred on a project are less than the amount awarded, the surplus must be repaid to the Council. 6.Any equipment purchased through funding from the Scheme must be owned and controlled by the organisation; should be fully insured and kept by a named person in secure premises, the location of which should be notified to the City Council. All equipment must be fully and properly maintained. In addition, where appropriate, other groups/organisations must be allowed access to the equipment. 7.If an organisation which has received a grant is disbanded, any balance of grant unspent, together with goods/equipment/facilities purchased from that grant will revert to the Council, or if the goods/equipment/ facilities have been lost, stolen or damaged and not replaced, all monies obtained from their insurance will revert to the Council. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE, OR ANY OTHER CONDITIONS SPECIFIED BY THE COUNCIL, MAY JEOPARDISE ANY FUTURE ASSISTANCE THAT THE COUNCIL IS ABLE TO GIVE YOUR GROUP.
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Please return to: Lilian Banks Chief Executive Department Area Development Glasgow City Council Room 84 (East Building) Cty Chambers Glasgow . G2 1DU Tel: 0141 287 5792
Please read the 'Notes for Applicants which accompanies this form, then complete all sections FULLY in block capitals using black ink or typeface.
1. Name of organisation:
Where does organisation meet:
Tel. No.:
Post Code: Tel. No.: Position held within organisation: (e.g. secretary, treasurer) 3. How long has the organisation been operating? 5. When does the organisation meet? Please give day(s) and time(s). 6. Which type of group does the organisation cater for? (e.g. elderly, young people, etc.) 7. Which geographical area(s) does the organisation cover? 8. Which Council Service does the organisation have most contact with locally? (e.g. Cultural and Leisure Services, Social Work, etc.) 4. Approx. number of members who participate regularly:
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(b) Please give FULL details below on how this proposal / project will benefit the local community and how this will be achieved.
If your organisation is awarded a grant, what will it be spent on? (Please give FULL details of ALL expenditure to be incurred, including any equipment/item(s) to be bought, suppliers, costs, etc. Quotations may be required for large pieces of equipment).
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11. Does your organisation currently receive any funding? YES NO (including grants, membership fees, etc.) If yes, please specify the source of the funding, the amount and what it is used for).
12. (a) The Council expects groups to fundraise where possible. Has YES NO your organisation carried out any fundraising in the past year? If yes, please give details including how much was raised and what it was used for.
(b) Do you plan to undertake any more fundraising? YES If yes, please give details including how much you hope to raise. If no, please explain why.
Has the organisation applied for other grants for this proposal/project? If yes, please give FULL details including amount(s) requested or awarded.
YES Has the organisation been awarded a grant from Glasgow City Council within the last two years? If yes, please give details including when, the amount and what it was used for.
Total cost of the proposal / project: (i.e., total amount entered in Section 10) Less any contribution that your group is able to make (eg. from fundraising or other sources)
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16. BANK DETAILS Name of Bank: Branch: Name on Bank Account: (e.g., Name of Group) Names of signatories: 1. Position held: 1. 2. 2.
3. 3.
A minimum of three signatories are required. A minimum of 2 signatures should be required to withdraw money. Signatories should not be related.
A copy of the organisation's constitution .. A copy of the organisation's most recent bank statement or bank book... If your organisation has a significant bank balance, please provide justification for this application, including details of any outstanding commitments. Organisations with a turnover in excess of 5,000 per annum may be asked to submit audited accounts, certified by an independent auditor.
Under the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, some organisations must satisfy certain requirements in relation to the quality of care services. (see Notes for Applicants). Please tick the appropriate box(es). (i) Registration Certificate enclosed
(ii) This organisation does not require to be registered with the Care Commission
YES (d)The appropriate Disclosures (police checks) in relation to staff and/or volunteers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults have been carried out (see Notes for Applicants).
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I undertake to ensure that the above organisation will comply with Glasgow City Council's Conditions of Grant, which accompany this application form. Signed: Position held within organisation: (e.g. secretary, treasurer) Date:
NORTH WEST AREA COMMITTEE DATES AND TIMES OF MEETINGS 2005/06 Date of Area Committee 27 10 21 02 01 13 24 02 16 27 08 January 2005 March 2005 April 2005 June 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 June 2006 Time 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 Venue City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers City Chambers Application deadline 16 December 27 January 10 March 21 April 21 July 01 September 13 October 22 December 02 February 16 March 27 April 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006
Please note the application deadlines - we need 6 weeks to process applications before submitting them to the North West Area Committee for a decision.
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Please complete the section below to help us acknowledge receipt of your application. Applicant Contact name and address
The application from the above organisation was received on .. and is receiving attention.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lilian Banks Area Development Chief Executive Department Glasgow City Council Room 84 (East Building) City Chambers Glasgow. G2 1DU tel: 0141 287 5792 fax: 0141 287 5332 email: