Resident Re Kyc Form New
Resident Re Kyc Form New
Resident Re Kyc Form New
Applicant Details
First Name Middle Name Last Name
*Customer Name
*Occupation Salaried Self Employed Retired Student Housewife Unemployed Politician * Occupation Code
(To be filled by branch Official)
If Salaried Pvt Ltd Public Ltd Proprietorship Partnership f irm Public Sector Government Multinational
(To be ticked only when Society/Club
Occupation is Salaried)
Information Bullion/
If Self Employed Professional Service provider Agriculture Stock Broker Real Estate Trader Money Lender
(To be ticked only when Technology Gold Jewellery
Occupation is Self Employed)
*Source of Funds Salary Business Income Investment Income Agriculture Others ____________________________________________
(Only Alphabetical characters allowed)
*Is the Customer having links with any Politically Exposed Persons
Contact Details
*COMMUNICATION ADDRESS (Please leave space between two words)
Landmark City
*PERMANENT ADDRESS (Please leave space between two words) Same as communication address
Landmark City
Email id
Note: Incase you would like to update your PAN in the Bank's records, please fill the below PAN details
Name as per PAN Card First Name Middle Name Last Name
Note: Details of demographics would be captured across all your relationships. Incase you would like to update in specific relationship, please select below.
Savings & FD Current A/cs Loan A/cs Credit Cards
Additional Details
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Maiden Name (If any*)
Declarations (Tick as Applicable)
Form 60
Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y
Form of declaration to be f iled by a person who does not have a PAN and who enters into any transaction specified in rule 114B
If applied for PAN and it is not yet generated enter date of application D D M M Y Y Y Y and acknowledgement number
If PAN not applied, fill estimated total income (including income of spouse, minor child etc. as per a Agricultural income (`)
section 64 of Income-tax Act, 1961) for the financial year in which the above transaction is held b Other than Agricultural income (`)
I, __________________________________________________________________ do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further declare that I
do not have a Permanent Account Number and my/ our estimated total income (including income of spouse, minor child etc. as per section 64 of Income-tax Act, 1961) computed in
accordance with the provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961 for the financial year in which the above transaction is held will be less than maximum amount not chargeable to tax. Verified
today, the _____________________________________ day of___________________________20____
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Place __
Signature _____________________________
*FATCA- CRS DECLARATION Please tick the applicable tax resident declaration (Any one)*
Please indicate the country/ies in which the entity is a resident for tax purposes and the associated Tax ID Number below:
City of Birth* Country of Birth* Address Type for Tax Purpose*- Residential Business Registered Office
Pin State Country
# To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen/ green card holder of USA % incase Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide functional equivalent FATCA
- CRS Certification. I have understood the information requirements of this Form (read along with the FATCA/CRS Instructions and Terms & Conditions) and hereby Confirm that
information provided by me/us on this Form is true, correct, and complete and hereby accept the same.
Signature _____________________________
We, the undersigned, for ourselves and _______________________________________________________________________________as Manager/Karta and Ejaman of the family, also guardian of
*____________________________________________________________ request you to take notice that we are members of Hindu Undivided Family/firm.
The joint family/firm is carrying business under the name and style of M/s. _______________________________________________________, which is our joint family trade
(Applicable for Current Account only)
The Hindu Undivided Family is engaged in_______________________________________________ activity/occupation not in the nature of the business or trade.
We, the undersigned, hereby authorize (Karta/Manager)____________________________________ to operate upon the Bank account severally, jointly and all transactions entered into
and obligations incurred or to be hereafter incurred by them will be binding on all of us. Any acts done/to be done to comply with Bank's rules which are in force or as amended from
time to time in the matter of maintaining and conduct of such accounts will be binding on us.
Please treat this as a mandate from us to:
Collect/ Credit Cheques/ remittances/ Warrants/ Refund orders/ ECS/ RTGS/ NEFT/ instruments issued in favour of ________________________________________, being the karta in the
account in the HUF A/c No______________________________________of ____________________________________ HUF
We hereby undertake to indemnify the Bank in case of any loss/claims/damages/penalty/charges etc suffered by the Bank, on account of our aforesaid instruction/mandate.
*Here state the name of the children of each of the family members stating their parentage and state also the name of guardians by whom they are represented.
Customer Declaration
E-Aadhaar Declaration
There is no change in the Aadhaar Detail after the date of download of e-Aadhaar submitted to the Bank.
Customer Acknowledgement
• I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you
• I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address
• I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank at all times from and against all costs, charges, damages, penalties (including attorney fees)
suffered and/or incurred by for any act done or omitted to be done on account of the above declaration. Signature of Applicant
Certified that this Form is complete in all respect & all relevant documents are obtained & verified with Mode of operation and
signatures of the A/c. The request may please be processed.
*Documents Received Certified Copies E-KYC data received from UIDAI Data received from Offline verification Digital KYC Process Equivalent e-document
S.S No
Acknowledgement Copy
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Customer Name