Serdes Design and Modeling Over 25 GB S Serial Link
Serdes Design and Modeling Over 25 GB S Serial Link
Serdes Design and Modeling Over 25 GB S Serial Link
LSI Corporation
In this paper, signal integrity challenges for high speed serial link at 25 Gb/s, such as lossy channels and noisy
environments are discussed. A few solution spaces to address those challenges are investigated, such as advanced
equalization schemes, alternative signaling formats and forward error correction. It demonstrates that advanced
signal processing enables long reach and extra long reach serial link performance at 25 Gb/s in next generation
systems. Modeling methodologies used in SerDes behavioral models to ensure good correlation with transistor level
circuit simulation are also discussed.
Key words: SerDes, DFE, Modulation, FEC, DSP, integrity challenges such as high insertion loss, low
ADC, Modeling return loss, crosstalk and noise, high speed circuit
design at 25-28 Gb/s, and technology limitations. Fig.
1. Introduction 4 is the frequency response of channel A, which were
considered as reference channel models for a 25-28
Future data center needs require 100 Gb/s Gb/s system. At the fundamental frequency for a
Ethernet (100GbE) connectivity to meet the 25.78125 Gb/s signaling rate (12.9 GHz), the LR
increasing set of applications and bandwidth which channel loss is about 30 dB dB and the insertion loss
commands System on chip (SoCs) to drive hundreds to crosstalk ratio (ICR) is only 14 dB.
of Gb/s links within and outside the system. This
paper focuses on solutions for signal integrity To overcome such high channel loss and noisy
challenges within the SoCs. environment, serializer/deserializer (SerDes) need to
implement a significant amount of equalization to
Today’s 100GbE interface is based on the achieve operation at a low bit error ratio (BER), e.g.
aggregation of 10 lanes with each lane’s data rate of 10-18 or below. Multi-tap decision feedback
10.3125 Gb/s. To create higher density and lower equalization (DFE) has been used in most SerDes
cost system, systems are looking at 4 lanes of 25 Gb/s receivers to mitigate inter-symbol interference (ISI)
(4 x 25 Gb/s) to support 100GbE. The IEEE 802.3TM over lossy channels at link rates of 10 Gb/s or higher.
Ethernet Working Group has recently established a However, DFE error propagation caused by decision
new task force to consider this problem. Other feedback nature has been a point of concern as well
industry standard bodies are also merging their next as design challenges at 25-28 Gb/s link rates .
technology points to a common infrastructure of 25- Alternative signaling beyond NRZ such as PAM-4
28G Gb/s serial electrical links such as the OIF and advanced signal processing such as floating tap
Common Electrical I/O (CEI), INCITS T11 Fibre DFE and forward error correction (FEC) coding are
Channel 32GFC, and Infiniband EDR. investigated in Section 2 to address above challenges.
Furthermore, low power and high speed interleaved
1.1. 4 x 25 Gb/s Interface Challenges ADC technology enables digital signal processing
(DSP) architecture to extend equalization capability.
With the link rate increasing to 25-28 Gb/s, This will be discussed in Section 3.
serial link systems need to address multiple signal
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
6 fixed taps and 4 floating taps achieves significantly format and analog based DFE receiver might not be
better performance of 56mV and 0.34T. However, an good enough to support XLR applications with large
only 2 tap DFE in conjunction with IIRDFE can channel loss beyond 35dB in terms of performance
perform nearly as well as the floating tap DFE! The and design limitations. People agree that NRZ is a
addition of more fixed DFE taps in the presence of good signaling format for 10 Gb/s links. Thus 10
IIRDFE improves performance slightly over the 2 Gb/s serial Ethernet operation over Electrical
fixed tap + IIRDFE case as shown in the last row of Backplanes (10GBASE-KR) specified NRZ signaling
Table 5. format to support about 24dB channel loss at 5GHZ.
If simply scaling 10 Gb/s link to 25 Gb/s, the channel
We found that Channels A & B achieve In the latter case, these so-called legacy channels
reasonable performance with the use of 10 fixed DFE can exhibit insertion losses much greater than 30 dB
taps. Channel C which is highly reflective requires at 12.9 GHz. This frequency is significant because it
the use of a floating tap DFE to not be performance is the approximate fundamental frequency for a 25
limited with only fixed taps. For these channels Gb/s link encoded with the 64B/66B block code
IIRDFE did not yield any noticeable performance (3.125% protocol overhead) which is used by a
benefits. However, in the case of the smooth channel number of industry standards. The recovery of NRZ
D, IIRDFE could achieve good performance with modulated signals by a receiver in such an
very few DFE taps. It is clear that the architecture environment is a very challenging task. Instead, it is
choice which achieves reasonable performance can worthwhile to consider increasing the modulation
be dependent on the class of channels it is required to efficiency (encode multiple bits per transmitted
operate with. Thus the architecture choice should be symbol) and reduce the symbol rate such that the
made with this consideration as well as area/power channel impairments are reduced. The simplest
tradeoffs. From an area/power standpoint, IIRDFE is extension of NRZ modulation is multi-level pulse
the lowest cost solution, followed by an architecture amplitude modulation (PAM).
requiring more fixed taps. A floating tap DFE is
requires the highest area / power. The use of In order to investigate the merits of this approach,
additional DFE taps or the use IIRDFE or floating tap four backplane channels are considered [8]. The
DFE are all architecture tools which can be employed backplane channels are indexed 1 through 4 and have
with the proper performance / area / power tradeoff. insertion losses of approximately 25, 30, 35, and 40
dB respectively at 12.9 GHz. The channel SDD21
2.5. Extra Long Reach (XLR) Applications magnitudes are shown in Fig. 10. Each channel also
includes 8 far-end crosstalk aggressors. The ICR is
To address challenges for high speed and even shown in Fig. 11.
larger channel loss, the traditional NRZ signaling Probability of Symbol Error
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
margin considering forward error correction could be • Number of information (data) symbols: k=n-2t
as high as 5 dB. • Minimum distance: dmin=2t+1
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
conversion error rate, and low system power is used for the entire ADC to achieve ultra-low power
specification. In order to meet requirements of target consumption. However, new circuit topologies have
data rate, bit error rate, receiver jitter and frequency to be introduced to address design requirements of
offset tolerance, and system power consumption, the bandwidth, linearity and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
specification of ADC for this 100G Ethernet of these circuits.
application is tabulated in Table 6.
Conversion error rate of ADC is another critical
Table 6 Specification of 16Gs/s 6bit ADC parameter that impacts bit error rate (BER)
performance of DSP-based SerDes. The target BER
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
variation. While this is still a consideration for the and model digital and analog circuit behavior. The
ADC, once the signal is rendered as a sequence of analog components are simulated at an oversampled
digital values, the processing is consistent regardless rate for accurate operation. The adaptation of analog
of the corner case. Not only is the processing is more component parameters are controlled by adaptation
consistent, it is also more predictable. Cycle accurate blocks which are modeled in fixed point arithmetic
models are readily generated that are not reliant on and thus can be bit/cycle accurate with the actual
analog models that must account for variation of a RTL design. The adaptive blocks operate at the
number of parameters and at times may not be very symbol rate or less. The system model produces
precise. Furthermore, correct implementation of the various adaptation states or waveforms at various
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
assessment of the impact to system performance saturated for high values of x. Other types of non-
based on the practical circuit implementation.. In this linearity functions can also be considered and used if
section we describe a system modeling methodology necessary to ensure accurate matching between the
which incorporates analog components whose circuit and the model.
behavior is correlated to the corresponding circuit
simulation results. The resulting system model’s Fig. 23(b) shows a section of a PRBS7 input
performance can be evaluated with ideal component waveform driving the AEQ, the resulting output of
models or circuit correlated component models. The the AEQ circuit, and the resulting output of the AEQ
model can also be incorporated into an overall IBIS- circuit correlated system model. The AEQ circuit
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
model then produces the resulting output waveform, [5] S. Quan, F. Zhong, W. Liu, P. Aziz et al, “A
rx_wave_out along with a set of corresponding 1.0625-to-14.025Gb/s Multimedia Transceiver with
recovered clock time stamps for each sample in the Full-rate Source-Series-Terminated Transmit Driver
waveform. The EDA platform can post-process the and Floating Tap Decision Feedback Equalizer in
RX output waveform along with the time stamps to 40nm CMOS”, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Intl.
produce a statistical eye diagram of the system. The Solid States Circuits Conf., pp. 348-349, Feb, 2011.
RX also sends converged RX adaptation state values
to the EDA platform for display. [6] C. Y. Liu and J. Caroselli, “Comparison of
Signaling and Equalization Schemes in High Speed
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
Figure 6 Channel C magnitude spectra and 2
impulse response. 3
Magnitude, dB
0 5 10 15 20
Frequency, GHz
60 2
0 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10
Figure 7 Channel D magnitude spectra and Frequency, GHz
impulse response. Figure 11 Insertion loss to crosstalk ratio of select
backplane channels.
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
L=3 -1
-5 L=4
L=5 L=4
Probability of error
ENOB = 5.2
SNR margin, dB
L=6 N = 10
-3 b L=2
-10 L=7 N =8 N = 10
10 w b
N =4
L=8 w
-4 OD = 0.1
10 -7
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28
SNR, dB R, Gb/s
Figure 12 Symbol error probability as a function Figure 15 SNR degradation with increasing data
of SNR. rate.
R = 25.7813 Gb/s, N /2 = -150 dBm/Hz, SER = 10
0 0 SNR vs. BER for RS(208+2t, 208, t) over GF (28) with t=1:10
L=2 uncoded
L=3 -5
12 10
Salz SNR margin, dB
6 -15
1 2 3 4 -25
Channel index 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
SNR (dB)
SNR margin, dB
0 10
-1 L=2
N = 10
-2 N =4
OD = 0.1 10
1 2 3 4
Channel index -25
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Figure 14 Comparison of NRZ and PAM-4 SNR (dB)
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA
LF Calibration Calibration
CLOCK bits
GENERATOR Delay, offset,
gain calibration
rate CLOCK
rate CLOCK
rate CLOCK <7:0>ADC n
44th International Symposium on Microelectronics | October 9-13, 2011 | Long Beach, California USA