Han-DeVoe2020 Article PlasmaIsolationInASyringeByCon
Han-DeVoe2020 Article PlasmaIsolationInASyringeByCon
Han-DeVoe2020 Article PlasmaIsolationInASyringeByCon
Original Article
Abstract—A thermoplastic microfluidic substrate is confor- power delivery. This requirement presents a world-to-
mally integrated onto the cylindrical barrel of a conventional chip interface challenge that is especially acute for
venipuncture syringe, forming a spiral inertial separation systems designed to operate in resource-limited clinical
element supporting the isolation of plasma from diluted
whole blood. The cylindrical shape of the syringe itself serves environments, where maximizing device reliability,
to define the flow path required for inertial separation by minimizing operational complexity, maintaining device
transforming a linear microchannel to a spiral topology. The sterility, and reducing the potential for exposure to
hybrid system enables inertial plasma separation by Dean biological hazards are critical concerns.5,27,30,31
flow focusing within the same syringe used for a patient An alternative approach to interfacing microfluidic
blood draw, with the seamlessly interconnected microfluidic
element operated by automated or manual actuation of the chips with supporting components for fluid handling
syringe plunger. Plasma isolation is achieved without the and power delivery is to directly integrate microfluidic
need for external instrumentation. Device design and fabri- functionality into existing clinical tools. In this way,
cation challenges are discussed, and effective plasma isola- microfluidics can add new capabilities such as sample
tion within the system is demonstrated, with a peak preparation or analytical steps to established instru-
separation efficiency above 97% using 25 9 diluted blood.
mentation without imposing the need for additional
interconnections or specialized infrastructure for de-
Keywords—Dean flow focusing, Inertial separation, Solvent
vice operation. Here we explore the integration of a
microfluidic sample preparation element into a dis-
posable plastic syringe as one of the most ubiquitous
biomedical devices. Blood sampling by syringe
venipuncture is routinely performed as the first step for
Lab-on-a-chip technology is an important enabler blood-based diagnostics and serological biomarker
for a broad range of diagnostic and clinical platforms. screening.43 For molecular diagnostics such as
The miniaturization and integration of analytical immunoassays, sampled whole blood is typically sep-
functions into a single microfluidic chip represents a arated by centrifugation to isolate plasma as an ana-
powerful concept offering numerous advantages for lytic matrix, thereby eliminating interference imposed
increasing performance, reducing cost and complexity, by blood cells on target analyte detection.32 While
and enhancing accessibility of biomedical assays. centrifugation is a straightforward process, it requires
Microfluidic devices typically consist of discrete com- access to laboratory equipment that may not be readily
ponents that must be interfaced with external instru- available in smaller clinics, field environments, and
mentation and fluidic interconnects for sample other resource-limited settings. A variety of small-scale
introduction from upstream assay stages, sample technologies have been developed to perform cen-
delivery to downstream stages, reagent addition, and trifugation with manual power input,2,3,44,51 but like
conventional contrifuges these platforms add multiple
process steps and components, thereby increasing as-
Address correspondence to Don L. DeVoe, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park,
say complexity. To overcome the limitations
MD 20742, USA. Electronic mail: ddev@umd.edu of centrifugation, a range of microfluidic techniques
based on active8,14,15,19,21,23,26 and pas- simple thermoplastic soft lithography technique that is
sive separations have been amenable to high throughput and low cost fabrica-
reported for plasma isolation in planar chips, including tion.16 The integrated devices were used to successfully
the development of power-free microfluidic devices remove up to 99.7% of blood cells at the syringe outlet.
capable of isolating plasma from whole blood using a Significantly, efficient separations were achieved using
combination of vacuum pumping and sedimentation- manual thumb actuation of the syringe plunger, sug-
based cell separation.49 While these microfluidic tech- gesting that the reported technology may be of par-
nologies offers advantages over centrifugation for ticular value for application to diagnostics in highly
effective plasma isolation from small volume blood resource-constrained settings.
samples, they still require the use of separate compo-
nents for sample collection and plasma separation.
Here we investigate the integration of microfluidic MATERIALS AND METHODS
plasma separation elements into standard thermo-
plastic syringes, resulting in a seamlessly-integrated Materials
device combining initial blood sample collection and Thermoplastic cyclic olefin polymer (COP; Zeonor
plasma processing. Passive separations that employ 1020R) pellets were obtained from Zeon Chemicals
hydrodynamically-driven flow fields are particularly (Louisville, KY). Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS; Syl-
appropriate for syringe integration, since flow control gard 184) was purchased from Dow Corning Corpo-
may be achieved through manual or automated actu- ration (Auburn, MI). Negative photoresists (SU-8
ation of the syringe plunger. Plasma isolation is 2100) was purchased from MicroChem (Westborough,
achieved using Dean flow focusing (DFF), an inertial MA). Ethanol (‡ 99.5%), phosphate buffered saline
focusing method that offers high throughput passive (PBS, tablet), and bovine serum albumin (BSA, pow-
particle separation resulting from the summation of der) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis,
inertial lift force and Dean drag force during particle MO). Decahydronaphthalene (decalin; cis + trans,
transport in a curved microchannel.6,9,11,18,24,28,33,42,45 98%) was purchased from Alfa Aesar (Haverhill, MA).
While conventional microfluidic DFF devices are Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) sheets, 4.5 mm
routinely fabricated in planar thick, were purchased from US Plastics (Lima, OH).
chips,1,6,9–11,18,20,24,28,33,35,42,49,53 with 2D spiral Viton O-rings with 4.8 mm outer diameter and 1 mm
microchannels used to achieve the desired radius of cross section were obtained from McMaster Carr
curvature and flow path length, a unique aspect of the (Elmhurst, IL). COP syringes (1 mL volume) were
present work is that the spiral microchannel is formed purchased from Merit Medical OEM (Salt Lake City,
by wrapping a straight microchannel around the cir- UT). The body of each COP syringe was approxi-
cumference of the syringe body, thus defining the mately 8 cm long, with an outer diameter of 1.0 cm.
geometry required to develop Dean vortices and Blood samples were procured from healthy volunteers
achieve particle focusing. Previous studies have using an approved protocol through the University of
explored 3D helical microchannels for inertial particle Maryland Health Center.
separations,41,46 as well as the development of
microfluidic devices for cell separation that can be
manually attached to a syringe48 or pipette.17,38 The Thermoplastic Patterning by Solvent Casting
present work extends these advances by directly inte- Thin COP films with molded microfluidic features
grating inertial focusing and plasma collection ele- were fabricated by thermoplastic solvent casting,
ments into a conventional venipuncture syringe. This which enables the fabrication of pliable solvent-laden
approach greatly reduces fabrication complexity, and thermoplastic substrates containing high resolution
eliminates the need for a separate microfluidic device microchannels and other microscale features.16 First,
to perform plasma separation, simplifying the opera- the desired microfluidic feature was patterned by SU-8
tional workflow by reducing the number of compo- photolithography on a silicon wafer, and its reverse
nents, fluidic interconnects, and manual steps. mold was formed by PDMS soft lithography. After
Reducing assay steps is an important consideration for fully curing the PDMS layer, a solution of solvated
the design of robust diagnostics,5,27,31 and is consistent COP was prepared by mixing COP pellets with decalin
with the ASSURED criteria developed by the World (27:73 w/w) and poured over the PDMS mold before
Health Organization to benchmark the utility of dis- covering the solution with a second piece of unpat-
ease diagnostics for the developing world.30 terned PDMS. Decalin was gradually removed from
The integration of the microfluidic separation the COP solution through the bulk PDMS by placing
component onto the cylindrical surface of a syringe the mold on a custom vacuum curing chuck for 10 h at
body is enabled by the use of solvent casting as a
Plasma Isolation in a Syringe by Conformal Integration
room temperature. The curing setup is described in PyleUSA, Brooklyn, NY) to apply uniform radial
detail in Supplementary Fig. S1. Once cured, the pat- pressure and promote intimate contact of the stacked
terned COP film was peeled from the PDMS mold in films and cylindrical syringe surface during bonding.
preparation for device bonding. Both films were 9 cm Bonding was completed by thermally curing the device
long and 4 cm wide, resulting in approximately 2.5 in an oven at 60 C for 5 min. After curing, the device
wraps around the syringe body at the end of the inte- was removed from the vacuum bag and held at room
gration process. For each device, a 150 lm thick COP temperature overnight to ensure evaporation of excess
film was patterned with the main separation and solvent. For waste collection chamber, a hole was
plasma collection channels, and a second 100 lm thick drilled with a 750 lm diameter bit at the separation
COP film was patterned with side channels to connect channel terminus after the device is completely cured
the separation and plasma collection channels after to minimize deformation of assembled device. The
device bonding (Fig. 1). The separation channel turns open top of the drilled hole is sealed with a transparent
after traversing the side channel array to position the adhesive tape to direct flow to the waste chamber
terminus over a drilled port in the syringe positioned within the syringe. To seal the waste during syringe
behind the plunger tip, allowing the syringe volume actuation, a circumferential groove was formed in
behind the sample to be used for waste collection. syringe plunger to house a Viton O-ring, preventing
waste leakage out of the syringe body. Prior to use, the
microchannel surfaces were passivated with 5 mg ml21
Syringe Integration
BSA in 1 9 PBS solution.
The syringe integration process is described in
Fig. 1. First, the surface of the COP syringe body was
Separation Element Design
polished with 100 and 320 grit sandpaper to remove
the surface coating and yield a smooth surface. An For the spiral DFF separation, channel dimensions
inlet hole connecting the syringe body to microfluidic were selected using analytic models of Dean flow
device was drilled in the syringe barrel with a 750 lm focusing performance within a curved microchan-
diameter bit. For the DFF devices, waste collection nel.1,6,29,53 For a syringe with an outer diameter of
ports were formed after bonding the microfluidic layer 1 cm, channel cross sectional dimensions of 100 lm
to the syringe body to prevent misalignment during width and 40 lm height were chosen. A total spiral
assembly. Inlet and plasma collection ports were path length of 8 cm was employed. The first 6.2 cm
opened in the patterned COP films using a 1 mm spiral segment serves to develop Dean vortices within
diameter hole punch prior to bonding, enabling col- the channel, while the final 1.8 cm long section con-
lection of purified samples at the end of the plasma tains a series of bifurcation points that allow plasma to
collection channel located on the outer surface of the be extracted through multiple side channels after
syringe body. Plasma collection was performed using a focusing blood cells away from the channel wall, sim-
pipette for small volume collection, or by depositing ilar to an approach reported by White and coworkers
plasma into a vial through a tygon tube attached to the for planar DFF chips.4 The side channels were de-
channel outlet for continuous collection of larger vol- signed with 50 lm width, 10 lm height, and 2 mm
umes. length, and were evenly spaced by 2 mm to maintain
The bonding process was performed by first expos- approximately 100:1 flow rate ratio between the main
ing the outer surface of the COP syringe to a 35% (v/v) channel and side channel at each bifurcation point to
solution of decalin in ethanol for 10 min before minimize disturbance to the Dean flow focusing. All
aligning the patterned solvent cast COP films to the side channels were connected to a 100 lm high and
syringe. Each solvent-casted film, which remains pli- 200 lm wide collection channel that routes the sepa-
able due to decalin in the bulk polymer, is readily rated plasma to an outlet port, while the main spiral
shaped by hand to conform with the syringe body. channel exits through a waste port connected to a
Integration of the microfluidic device was achieved by sealed chamber within the syringe body. The devel-
first aligning and partially attaching the inlet part of opment of Dean flow was first simulated in Ansys
the main channel layer perpendicular to the syringe Fluent 16.1 using a simpler geometry with the same
length, then the side channel layer, which also serves as cross-sectional dimensions and spiral length approxi-
main channel capping layer, was placed on top of the mately 33% of the length used in the fabricated de-
main channel layer, and wrapped around the syringe vices. From these simulations, flow rates above 100 lL
barrel together. The assembly was placed in the reu- min21 were found to be sufficient to induce Dean
sable plastic bag, and the air was slowly removed using vortices within the spiral length of a single loop
a vacuum packaging tool (NutriChef vacuum sealer, (Supplementary Fig. S2).
FIGURE 1. Fabrication process for COP microfluidic device integration by solvent casting. (a) Solvated COP is poured onto a
negative PDMS mold prepared from an SU-8 master to form the separation and plasma collection channels, then covered with a flat
PDMS sheet on a heated plate for partial curing. A second COP layer is prepared using the same process to form an array of side
channels that will connect the separation channel and plasma collection channel in the final device. (b) After partial curing, each
patterned COP layer is peeled off from the PDMS mold, and (c) the separation channel layer is placed on a syringe body with
alignment for fluidic connections, then covered with a secondary COP film (upside down) containing side channels. Both layers
are then wrapped around the COP syringe barrel approximately 2.5 times to form the desired spiral flow path, followed by solvent
bonding of the assembly in a vacuum sealer. (d) Cut view showing the bonded COP film layers wrapped on a syringe, with the side
channel array bridging the separation channel and plasma collection channel.
FIGURE 4. (a) Schematic of the spiral microchannel geometry formed by wrapping a straight channel around a cylindrical syringe
barrel. (b) Photograph of a fabricated DFF device. The inlet connects to the syringe chamber near the tip. The waste outlet directs
waste back into the syringe body through a secondary port connected to an isolation chamber behind plunger tip. The waste
chamber is sealed with a Viton O-ring (red band in syringe plunger handle) to securely contain the waste. (c) An 8 cm-long straight
channel formed 2.5 loops around the syringe body. (d) Lab-on-a-syringe device loaded with blood solution. (b, d) scale
bars = 1 cm, and (c) scale bar = 2.5 mm.
another factor that can impact device performance. To in unwanted deformation of the enclosed microchan-
further explore this issue, a group of 3 lab volunteers nels. While deformation of the small side channels was
was asked to depress the syringe plunger for 1 min found to be minimal, the larger separation channels
while exerting a consistent force perceived to be either experienced deformation resulting in a trapezoidal
‘‘weak’’, ‘‘moderate’’, or ‘‘strong’’ while monitoring shape, with approximately 42% difference between the
flow rate. The resulting force regimes, displayed in opposing parallel channel sidewalls. When using con-
Fig. 5b, indicate that while moderate and strong sistent solvent casting conditions and bonding vacuum
thumb presses over this time period are sufficient to pressure, the deformation was found to be repeatable,
operate the device, some loss in separation efficiency is and the resulting channel cross-section is expected to
observed when compared with automated operation. result in moderate enhancement of DFF particle
focusing process. The overall fabrication technique is
straightforward and scalable, with alignment of the
DISCUSSION mating layers presenting the most challenging aspect of
the process.
The direct integration of microfluidic technology Fabricated devices were characterized using
with conventional biomedical tools can offer many motorized actuation for precise flow control, together
advantages by simplifying multiple steps from sample with manual actuation to evaluate performance in
collection to analytical result, while also enhancing the environments with minimal infrastructure. Device
accessibility of clinical assays by minimizing reliance operation from sample loading to plasma collection
on external instrumentation and power. The lab-on-a- was conducted entirely in-syringe without any sample
syringe concept presented here can benefit a range of transfer, only requiring replacement of the syringe
blood-based diagnostics requiring plasma isolation, needle with a sealed cap to direct flow to the DFF
with particular potential for improved utility in re- device after mixing whole blood with pre-loaded buf-
source-limited settings. The integration process was fer. Plasma isolation exhibited improved separation
demonstrated using a COP thermoplastic solvent efficiency with increasing flow rate from 50 to 250 lL
casting technique. By utilizing commercial syringes min21, confirming that Dean vortices are successfully
manufactured with COP bodies, residual solvent in the formed within this regime as predicted from the ana-
patterned films promotes solvent-mediated bonding at lytic model. Dean flow focuses blood cells away from
the mated interface, while allowing flexible deforma- the outer wall of the spiral channel, allowing the side
tion during assembly to achieve seamless integration of channels located at the outer wall to collect cell-free
the multi-layered DFF element onto the syringe. A plasma from main channel flow. In our devices, the
central concern for the fabrication method was whe- hydraulic resistance ratio between each side channel
ther the conformal solvent casting process would result
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