Exam EcoI PZ2 WS2122
Exam EcoI PZ2 WS2122
Exam EcoI PZ2 WS2122
Kai Carstensen
Prof. Dr. Uwe Jensen
Chair of Econometrics
Examination in Econometrics I
Examination regulation
Preliminary remarks:
2. Write your name and enrollment (matriculation) number on every sheet of paper!
4. The exam problems are listed on 3 pages. Check your exam for completeness!
6. For all tests use a significance level of 5%, if nothing else is specified.
Good luck!
Question 1 (23 points)
Consider the following model developed for analyzing individual emotional stability and
its determinants.
EmoStab = Emotional stability (0 = low, ..., 7 = high)
Illness = Number of doctor visits in 3 months
Illness2 = Illness2 /1000
Age = Age (in years)
Age2 = Age2 /1000
Lif eSat = Life satisfaction (0 = low, ..., 10 = high)
N otEmpl = 1 for not employed
LHhInc = Log of household income in euros
LLabInc = Log of labor income in euros
Height = Height (in cm)
It is known that the variation of emotional stability increases with increasing illness and
decreases with increasing age.
Based on an individual cross-section data set, a random sample of size N = 1274, a LS
estimation has led to the following results:
Variable Coeff. std. err.
Const 1.1961 0.1003
Illness -0.0382 0.0040
Illness2 0.5108 0.0940
Age 0.0213 0.0034
Age2 -0.1588 0.0325
Lif eSat 0.1793 0.0060
N otEmpl -0.1478 0.0251
1. Test the significance of the illness parameters separately.
2. Give reasons for using heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors in this example.
3. Shortly explain why measuring illness by number of doctor visits is a very rough
approximation and what the resulting error has probably done with the illness pa-
rameters, as precisely as possible (sign of the effect).
4. Adding the variable LHhInc, another LS estimation with the same data has led to
the following results:
Variable Coeff. std. err.
Const 1.1163 0.1058
Illness -0.0382 0.0040
Illness2 0.5111 0.0940
Age 0.0204 0.0034
Age2 -0.1417 0.0333
Lif eSat 0.1791 0.0060
N otEmpl -0.1114 0.0295
LHhInc 0.0079 0.0034
Shortly explain, as precisely as possible (sign of the effect), the change in the
N otEmpl parameter from the first to the second table.
derive mathematically whether the relation between age and emotional stability is
monotonous for the individuals in the data set. Interpret your result.
6. Under which conditions can we interpret the age parameters as causal effect on
emotional stability? Shortly explain why.
7. Can we interpret the Lif eSat parameter as causal effect on emotional stability?
Shortly explain why (not).
y i = x i β + εi
where the explanatory variables xi are assumed to be orthogonal to the error term.
(a) Set up the population orthogonality condition and the sample moment condi-
tion for GMM estimation with g(wi , θ0 ) = x0i εi .
(b) Show that in case of exact identification the GMM estimator is equivalent to
the OLS estimator.
(c) Find the asymptotic variance matrix V of the GMM estimator.
Question 3 (17 points)
Consider the linear regression model with scalar regressor xi and parameters θ = (β, σ 2 )0
yi = xi β + ui , ui ∼ N (0, σ 2 ).
1. Write down the log likelihood function for observation i and for the full sample.
3. Derive the Hessian Hi (θ) and its conditional expectation A(xi , θ).
6. What is your test decision for the likelihood-ratio test? You can assume σ 2 = 1.