Climbing The Highest Mountain
Climbing The Highest Mountain
Climbing The Highest Mountain
This is simply a small introduction to the Norwegian mountains for those who may be
This digital talking book in the daisy 202 format demonstrates the use of skippable
elements in an ncc only book. The text you are listening to right now is in fact a producer
note, one of the four kinds of skippable elements in a book.
Page 1 chapter 1. The Norwegian mountains
Most people in the world do not pay the proper attention to the mountains in Norway. In
fact, probably less than 1 percent of the population on this planet has actually seen them.
Hence, it is appropriate to present these mountains to a wider audience.
For all practical purposes, they have always been there. They will probably stay there for
some more time. And how they got there? Well, who cares!
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Before we elaborate on this extremely interesting topic let's have a skippable sidebar.
Sidebar 1: How old is a mountain?
Mountains seem to be rather robust. They stand there year after year, so it seems natural
to think that they are pretty old.
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There is hardly very much more to say about the age of the Norwegian mountains so let's
take a look at some more practical issues.
It is necessary with some basic equipment to conquer the mountains; at least you will
need some nice walking boots on your feet.
Picture: a nice pair of walking shoes.
The picture shows shoes approximately size 42.
Note that this information is skippable. It is marked up as an optional producer note.
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In addition to the shoes, it might be wise to have some other things. Many prefer to use a
walking stick on their way up. Others are more concerned about clothing.
Side bar 2, the nice part
Rain, snow, mosquitoes and wolves. Mountain climbing in Norway might be a rather
rough experience. It frequently rains, during winter there will certainly be some snow and
if the mosquitoes don't bite, the wolves might.
That's all about equipment. Let us see what is hidden on the next page.
Page 5 section 1,3 the Galdhøpiggen
The Galdhøpiggen is the highest mountain in Norway, situated in a region called
Getting up to the top of Galdhøpiggen is rather straightforward. You simply start from
any position in Norway. And if there is a track taking you to a higher position then just
follow that. After some time, you will get to a position where there is no track leading
further up. That means that you have reached the peak. If from that position you can see
other taller peaks, you have not reached Galdhøpiggen and you should go back to a
starting position and try another track.
Sidebar 3
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Sidebar 3 continued
Just to put this in perspective, it’s a lot more than any mountain you will find in, say, the
When you have finally reached the top of Galdhøpiggen you should definitely take a rest
an enjoy the spectacular view.
Page 7 Chapter 2
Travelling to Norway.
If after reading this information about Norwegian mountains, you are still interested in
seeing these mountains, you need to travel to Norway. Unless you happen to be one of the
4 million lucky Norwegians!
Footnote 1
Note 1: Observe that some Norwegians live outside Norway and they need to travel to
Norway as well if they want to climb a real Norwegian mountain.
When travelling to Norway, you simply pick the method that suits you best, walking,
traveling by train or aircraft, swimming, it's your choice.
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There is not much more to say about travelling to Norway, just remember that Norway is
a rather small country, so from time to time someone should also travel out of Norway, if
not even, the mountains will fill up.