University of Delhi: Semester Examination DECEMBER 2023 Statement of Marks / Grades
University of Delhi: Semester Examination DECEMBER 2023 Statement of Marks / Grades
University of Delhi: Semester Examination DECEMBER 2023 Statement of Marks / Grades
Name: BAL MUKUND SINGH ( बाल मु कुद िसं ह ) Part & Semester : I & I
Roll No: 23019501044 Enrolment Number: 23DBCDBAPR000109
Father Name: ASHISH KUMAR SINGH ( आशीष कुमार िसं ह ) College: Deshbandhu College
Mother Name: SEEMA SINGH ( सीमा िसं ह )
1 2051001001 िहदी भाषा : से षण और सं चार - क AEC I 2 1 B+ B+ 7 14
2 2055201001 िहं दी भाषा और सािहय - क GEL I 4 1 B A+ B+ 7 28
Disclaimer: [1] Incase of any discrepancy, student should immediately contact to the Head/Principal of respective college/department within one month after the
declaration of the result. [2] The result displayed on university website is subject to correction, if any discrepancy is noticed at any point of time.
Abbreviations: O: Outstanding; A+: Excellent; A: Very Good, B+: Good; B: Above Average; C: Average; D: Pass; F: Fail; *: Old Awards; RA: Absent
or Award not received till the time of declaration of result.
UPC: Unique Paper Code; PPT: Paper Type; SEM: Semester; CRDT: Course Credit; ARCN: Appearing Count; GR(L)**: Grade (Lecture); GR(T):
Grade (Tutorial); GR(P): Grade (Practical); NTGR: Net Grade; GRPT: Grade Point; CRPT: Credit Point; PPRS: Paper Result; TTCR: Total Semester
Credit; TTCP: Total Credit Point; SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average; CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average; Grand CGPA: Grand Cumulative
Grade Point Average; ER: Essential Reappear; UFM: Unfair Means Punishment (UA: Unfair Means Category ‘A’; UB: Unfair Means Category ‘B’;
UC: Unfair Means Category ‘C’; UD: Unfair Means Category ‘D’)
**Grade (Lecture) = Grade (Theory and Internal Assessment)
[1] This web-based Statement of Grades is valid for all official purposes.
[2] Students obtaining a Grade ‘F’ or ‘RA’ shall be considered failed in that paper and be required to reappear in the examination as per the
examination cycle.
[3] Students have to pass all ER/UFM papers, to become eligible for the degree/certificate, as per the examination cycle and span period.
[4] The final percentage of marks based on all semesters = Grand CGPA * 9.5 (for examination of Academic Year 2021-22 and before) or 10.0 (for
examination of Academic Year 2022-23 and after).
[5] The information provided in the statement of grades will be used for printing of degree/certificate, so students are advised to ensure that all the
information provided is correct. For corrections, if any, contact the Principal/Head of the College/Department
Disclaimer: [1] Incase of any discrepancy, student should immediately contact to the Head/Principal of respective college/department within one month after the
declaration of the result. [2] The result displayed on university website is subject to correction, if any discrepancy is noticed at any point of time.