The document provides a list of 150 questions and answers related to computer fundamentals and Microsoft Office applications. It covers topics such as the basic uses of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as computer hardware components, operating systems, and other IT concepts.
The document provides a list of 150 questions and answers related to computer fundamentals and Microsoft Office applications. It covers topics such as the basic uses of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as computer hardware components, operating systems, and other IT concepts.
The document provides a list of 150 questions and answers related to computer fundamentals and Microsoft Office applications. It covers topics such as the basic uses of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as computer hardware components, operating systems, and other IT concepts.
The document provides a list of 150 questions and answers related to computer fundamentals and Microsoft Office applications. It covers topics such as the basic uses of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as computer hardware components, operating systems, and other IT concepts.
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Viva voice Preparation
All in one for DIT Viva voice
1. What is MS-Office? An application Software. 2. MS Word used for? Used for Documentation purpose. 3. MS-Excel is usedfor? Used for Accounting and Calculation. 4. MS-PPT is used for? Used for Presentation Purpose. 5. What is HTML? Create webpage/collection of web page website. 6. What is Photoshop? Used for Editing images or graphics. 7. ICT Stands for? Information communication Technology. 8. What is C Language? C is the Programming Language/ Software . 9. O.S Stands for? An Operating System is System Software. 10. CSS Stands for? CSS is Cascading Style Sheet. 11. PHP Stands for? Personal Home Page. 12. The extension of Word: .DOCX (2007) .DOC (2003) 13. The extension of Excel: .Xlsx 14. The extension of PPT: .PPTX 15. The extension of HTML: .HTML 16. Total Columns of in Excel: 16384 17. Total Rows of in Excel: 1048576 18. Total Cells of in Excel: 17179869184 19. Total Tabs in MS Word: 7 20. Table depends on: Rows and Columns 21. Columns identifies in table:A,B,C. 22. Rows identifies in table: 1,2,3 23. Who Invented HTML? Tim Bernners Lee. 24. Who Invented C Language? Denis Richie 25. Is C Language Case Sensitive? Yes. 26. Is HTML Language Case Sensitive? No. 27. RAM Stands for : Random Acess Memory. 28. ROM Stands for: Read only Memory. 29. BIOS Stands for: Basic Input out system. 30. OPP Stands for: Object Oriented Programming Language. 31. WWW Stands for: Word Wide Web. 32. http Stands for: Hyper Text Transport Protocol 33. Total Generation of Computer are defined: 5/ five 34. PC Stands for: Personal Computer. 35. IP Stands for: Internet Protocol. 36. IT Stands for: Information Technology. 37. USB Stands for: Universal Serial Bus. 38. GUI Stands for: Graphical User Interface. 39. IDE Stands for: Integrated Development Environment. 40. VGA Stands for: Video Graphical Adaptor. 41. PS2 Stands for: Personal System 2. 42. DRAM Stands for: Dynamic Randam Acess Memory. 43. SRAM Stands for: Static Randam Acess Memory. 44. Pixels: Small dots called pixels. 45. 1 Byte equals to : 8 bits. 46. 1024 Giga byte equals to : 1 Tera Byte/ TB. 47. Total Heading of MS word: There are 9 heading. 48. The Third no Tab of Ms Word: The Pagelayout. 49. The Run Name of PPT: Powerpnt. 50. Default Page in MS Word: normal. 51. How many heading are of HTML? There are 6 heading. 52. Default Drop Cap Dropped lines: 3. 53. In MS Excel We Get: Work book. 54. In MS PowerPoint there are: Presentations. 55. In MS Word There are: Docuements. 56. What is an O.S? O.S is an System Software. Like windows 57. How many parts of O.S? Three (Loader/ Kernel/ Shell) 58. How many parts of CPU? Three/ MU/CU/ALU. 59. Tell us three input devices name: Scanner /Joyestick/ Mouse. 60. Who Invented Java? James ghosling. 61. All the physical parts of computer known as: Hardware. 62. Which is the function Orientation option in MS word? Landscap/portrait. 63. Can we apply same page color on whole document? No. 64. Default Zoom in MS Word: 100% 65. How many types of document views in MS Word? 5 /five. 66. A Work Book contains: Sheets. 67. How many sheets we can insert in MS Excel? Unlimited. 68. Photo Album is used for in PPT: Make photo albums 69. How many alignments in MS word? 4 / Four. 70. The shortcut key of paste special: Alt+Ctrl+V 71. The shortcut key of format painter paste: Ctrl+Shift+V 72. The shortcut key of subscript: Ctrl +=. 73. The shortcut key of superscript: Ctrl+Shift++. 74. The shortcut key of increase font size: Ctrl+]. 75. The shortcut key of decrease font size: Ctrl+[. 76. The shortcut key of grow font: Ctrl+shift+>. 77. The shortcut key of shrink font: Ctrl+Shift+<. 78. The shortcut key of save as: F12. 79. The shortcut key of close document: Ctrl+W. 80. The shortcut key of built: Ctrl+L. 81. The shortcut key of clear formatting: Ctrl+Space. 82. The shortcut key of change cases: Shift+F3. 83. The shortcut key of copy format: Ctrl+Shift+C. 84. The shortcut key of single line space: Ctrl + 1 85. The shortcut key of double line space: Ctrl+2. 86. The shortcut key of 1.15 line space: Ctrl+5. 87. The shortcut key of show and hide text: Ctrl+shift+* 88. The shortcut key of current page print: Alt+E 89. The shortcut key of page break: Ctrl+Enter. 90. The shortcut key of current slide show: Shift+F5. 91. The shortcut key of edit cells in MS Excel: F2. 92. The shortcut key of fixed cells in MS Excel: F4. 93. The shortcut key of show and hide formula in MS Excel: Ctrl+`. 94. The shortcut key of insert date in MS Excel: Ctrl+; 95. The shortcut key of insert time in MS Excel: Ctrl+Shift+: 96. The shortcut key of insert Excel font/alignment/table dialogue fox: Ctrl+1 97. The shortcut key of Auto Sum in MS Excel: Alt+= 98. The shortcut key of apply percentage style in MS Excel: Ctrl+Shift+5. 99. The shortcut key of slide show: F5. 100. The shortcut key of Run Command: Window R 101. The shortcut key of Double underline: Ctrl +shift+D 102. The shortcut key of One Word underline Ctrl +shift+W 103. The shortcut key of Word Count in MS Word Ctrl +shift+G 104. The shortcut key of Heading 1 Alt+Ctrl+1 105. The shortcut key of Heading 2 Alt+Ctrl+2 106. The shortcut key of Heading 3 Alt+Ctrl+3 107. The shortcut key of Hyperlink MS Word Ctrl+K 108. Every formulla Start with MS Excel Equal = 109. The shortcut key of font dialog box MS Word Ctrl+D 110. How many Components are in MS Office 9:Components 111. How many Parts of Computers 3 Parts of Com 112. How many Defaul Sheets are in MS Excel Three 113. The shortcut key of New sheet is in MS Excel Shift+F11 114. The shortcut key of New Slide is in MS PPT Ctrl+M 115. The shortcut key of Justify is in MS Word Ctrl+J 116. The shortcut key of Maximize the window Win+M 117. The shortcut key of Minimize Window Win+shift+M 118. The shortcut key of Increase Lef Indent MS Word Ctrl+M 119. The shortcut key of decrease left Indent MS Word Ctrl+shift+M 120. The shortcut key of Increase Hanging Indent MS Word Ctrl+T 121. The shortcut key of Decrease Hanging Indent MS Word Ctrl+shift+T 122. How many parts of OS. 3 Parts of OS 123. Which is the main Component of OS. Kernel 124. How many Views are in MS Word 5 Views 125. The tell us any three parts of output devices Mont/Prnt/Spk 126. ASCII- Stand for American,Standard,Code,Information,Interchange 127. MIPS- Stand for Millions of Instructions Per Seconds 128. PDA-Stand for Personal Digital Assistant 129. What is the Shortcut key of Font size MS Word Ctrl+shift+P 130. What is the shortcut key of Font face MS Word Ctrl+shift+F 131. What is the shortcut key of Paragraph Gallery Dialog Box Alt+O+PP 132. How many types are Change case 5. Types 133. HTML-Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language 134. CD-Stands for Compact Disc 135. DVD - Stands for Digital/ Verstile/ Disc 136. LCD - Stands for Liquid/ Crystal/ Display 137. LED - Stands for Lighting/ Emitting/ Diode 138. Which is the open source software Linux 139. TUI - Stands for Tangiable/User/Interface 140. CLI – Stands for Commond/Line/Interface 141. EPROM –Stands for Eraseable/Program/Rom 142. EEPROM – Stands for Electrically/ Eraseble/ Program/Rom 143. Which is the default Font face in MS Word Calibri 144. What is the default Font size in Ms Word 11 145. What is the an Application software MS Word and Typing Master 146. What is the Maximum Zoom in MS Word 500% 147. What is the Minimum Zoom in MS Word 10% 148. LAN – Stands for Local/Area/Network 149. Which is the device that give us soft copy ouput: Loud Speaker 150. What is the shortcut key of Replace Ctrl+H