Rohini - 97679188528.pdf Mechatronics
Rohini - 97679188528.pdf Mechatronics
Rohini - 97679188528.pdf Mechatronics
Ensure that the design of the rotating element is adequate to prevent failure
o An optical method
The Prony brake is another torque-measuring system that is now uncommon. It is used
to measure the torque in a rotating shaft and consists of a rope wound round the shaft. One
end of the rope is attached to a spring balance and the other end carries a load in the form of
a standard mass, m. If the measured force in the spring balance is Fs, then the effective
force, Fe, exerted by the rope on the shaft is given by Fe=mg-Fs.
Torque, T = (mg-Fs) Re
Where Re = R+r
Measuring the strain induced in a shaft due to an applied torque has been the most
common method used for torque measurement in recent years. Torque transducers based
on strain measurement are normally made by applying strain gauges to a shaft to measure the
shear strain caused by torsion. The shear stress causes strains to appear at 45° to the
longitudinal axis of the shaft. So, the strain gauges must be placed precisely at 45° to the shaft
axis as shown in fig.
It is easier to measure bending strains rather than strains due to torque at 45° and so an
arrangement using beams may be employed, in which the transmitted torque results in
bending the beams. This arrangement is shown in fig.
A slip ring arrangement results in noise due to change in contact resistance also slip
rings and brushes wear out and hence it needs to be renewed. A non-contacting type of
arrangement as shown in fig is preferred.
This bridge supply and output signals are transmitted between the rotating and
stationary member through transformers. Through AC supply of the bridge, an amplitude
modulated AC voltage proportional to the torque is obtained as the output of the bridge. The
AC voltage necessary for supply, the strain gauge bridge and the measurement signal can be
transmitted via rotating transformer.
Fig. 5.24 Block circuit diagram for rotating sensors with AC supply
Elastic deflection of the transmitting element may be used for the measurement of
torque, which can be achieved by measuring either a gross motion or a unit strain. The main
problem associated with either case is the difficulty in reading the deflection of the rotating
shaft. A torsion-bar dynamometer is also known as a torsion-bar torque meter, which employs
optical methods for deflection measurement, as shown in Fig.
Calibrated scales are used to read the relative angular displacement of the two sections
of the torsion bar. This is possible because of the stroboscopic effect of intermittent viewing
and persistence of vision. Transmission dynamometers, which employ this principle, are
available in ranges up to 60,000 m kgf and 50,000 r/min, having an error of ±0.25%.
Replacing the scales on disks 1 and 2 with sectored disks, which are alternately
transparent and opaque sectors, and the human eye with an electro-optical transducer, a
version having an electrical output is obtained. When there is no torque, the sectored disks
are positioned to give a 50% light transmission area. The area of proportionality increases
with positive torque and decreases with negative torque, thus giving a linear and direction-
sensitive electric output.
A Torsion bar system using capacitive torque sensing method. A shaft is fitted with a
concentric sleeve of die electric material. The sleeve is fixed to the shaft at one end and its
rests on a rubbing bearing at other end. When the torque is applied to the shaft, it causes a
relative motion between surface of a shaft and free end of a concentric tube. The motion is
used to vary the capacitance applied to two opposing patterns of conducting strips. One of
them is applied to vary the capacitance applied to two opposing patterns of conducting strips.
One of them is applied to the shaft and the other one is applied to the tube.
The capacitive sensor is connected to an inductor coil wound around the shaft. The
resulting passive circuit thus has a resonance frequency which depends on the applied torque.
The passive resonance circuit rotates with the drive shaft. Torque measurement can be done
by measuring the resonance frequency.
When the oscillator frequency is the same at which the resonance occurs in the passive
circuit, an increased current is drawn. If the frequency at which it occurs is measured, it can
be used to indicate torque. The advantage of this arrangement is that no physical connection
between rotating shaft and frame.
Laser Optical techniques for torque measurement have become available recently with
the development of laser diodes and fiber-optic light transmission systems. One such system
is shown in Figure. Two black-and-white striped wheels are mounted at either end of the
rotating shaft and are in alignment when no torque is applied to the shaft. Light from a laser
diode light source is directed by a pair of fiber-optic cables onto the wheels. The rotation of
the wheels causes pulses of reflected light, which are transmitted back to a receiver by a
second pair of fiber-optic cables. Under zero torque conditions, the two pulse trains of
reflected light are in phase with each other. If torque is now applied to the shaft, the reflected
light is modulated. Measurement by the receiver of the phase difference between the reflected
pulse trains therefore allows the magnitude of torque in the shaft to be calculated. The cost
of such instruments is relatively low, and an additional advantage in many applications is
their small physical size.
An arrangement using toothed wheels and proximity sensors is shown in figures. Two
identical toothed wheels are fixed on the shaft at a certain distance. The two proximity sensors
produce the output voltage with phase difference proportional to torque. Alternatively, an
arrangement using photocells and a light source maybe employed.
When a shaft is connected between a driving engine and driven load, a twist (angular
displacement) occurs on the shaft between its ends. This angle of twist is measured and
calibrated in terms of torque.
A shaft which has two drums and two flanges mounted on its ends as shown in the
diagram. One drum carries a pointer and other drum has a torque calibrated scale. A
stroboscope is used to take readings on a rotating shaft.
One end of the shaft of the torsion meter is connected to the driving engine and its
other end to the driven load.
An angle of twist is experienced by the shaft along its length between the two flanges
which is proportional to the torque applied to the shaft.
The angular twist caused is observed on the torque calibrated scale corresponding to
the position of the pointer. As the scale on the drum is rotating, reading cannot be taken
directly. Hence a stroboscope is used. The stroboscope’s flashing light is made to fall on the
scale and the flashing frequency is adjusted till a stationary image is obtained. Then the scale
reading is noted.
Magnetostriction is the process in which a ferromagnetic material can change its size
or shape when it is placed in a magnetic field. This device can be used to do the position
control. The Magnetostrictive position sensor uses a ferromagnetic element in order to
determine the location of a position magnet which is displaced along its length. This sensor
has good accuracy and it is also resistant to vibration and shock. These sensors can be
considered as a rugged device that can deliver 30 to 400mv signals at their output terminals
and it would only need less or no additional signal conditioning. The important requirement
in this sensor is that the waveguide must be as long as the measured stroke.
This sensor is composed of a magnetic core, a small amount of the current is applied
to the core by using a drive coil that is around it. The senor has a steel housing and the drive
coil and the core is situated inside it. The housing, piston, and core would act as a closed
magnetic flux path. The materials that are used in this position sensors are transition metals
and they are iron, nickel, and cobalt.
The magneto-resistors can be used similar to a hall element, it is simpler because there
is no need to create a control current. The Magnetostrictive material will be exposed to a
magnetic field to be sensed. The sensitivity of this device is higher than the hall device, the
bidirectional effect between the magnetic and the mechanical states of Magnetostrictive
material is a transduction capability that is used for actuation and sensing.
➢ Accelerometer sensor
➢ Load sensor
➢ It is used in sonars