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Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

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Decoding Infection and Transmission

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Efficacy and safety of directly acting antiviral drugs in HCV patients with
HIV in liver transplantation: A meta-analysis
Tian Zeng a, 1, Peng Huang b, 1, Weilong Tan c, Zepei Feng b, Jianguo Shao d, Xueshan Xia e,
Chao Shen b, Liqin Qian a, Bingqing Wang a, Zhengjie Li a, Chuanlong Zhu a, f, Yun Zhang g, h,
Ming Yue a, *
Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210029, China
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 211166, China
Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Nanjing Bioengineering(Gene) Technology Center for Medicines, Nanjing, China
Department of Gastroenterology, Third Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong, China
Faculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China
Department of Tropical Diseases, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University, Hainan, 570216, China
Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Eastern Theater Command Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, Nanjing, 210002, China
Department of Epidemiology, Center for Global Health, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China


Keywords: Background: HCV/HIV co-infections were initially a contentious consideration for liver transplantation, primarily
HCV due to their suboptimal response to interferon-based treatments and unfavorable post-transplantation outcomes.
Liver transplant The potential concern in this patient group arises from drug–drug interactions between DAAs and ARVs, with
data on the effectiveness and safety of DAAs in this demographic primarily derived from isolated case studies.
This extensive review assesses the safety and efficacy of DAAs in liver transplants for individuals with concurrent
HIV and HCV infections.
Methods: Conducting a systematic search across multiple databases until April 2023, our primary focus was the
evaluation of outcomes, specifically the proportion of sustained virologic responses at week 12 following therapy
(SVR12). To gauge publication bias, we scrutinized funnel plots and conducted Egger tests.
Results: Nine studies encompassed a participant pool of 269 individuals, with a statistical estimate of SVR12 at
92% (95% CI: 88–95). Subgroup analysis showed that the ratio of binding SVR12 of genotype (GT) 1a was 97%
(95% CI: 87–100), while that of GT3 was 100% (95% CI: 92–100); 88% (95%CI: 80–95) for pre-transplant
treatments; and 95% (95%CI: 91–99) for post-transplant treatments subgroup. A total of 8 patients died dur­
ing SVR12 completion while 269 had a survival rate of 99% (95% CI 97–100). After one year of follow-up, four
studies recorded a 98% survival rate (95% CI 94–100). Egger’s test did not reveal any publication bias.
Conclusion: Administration of DAAs during liver transplantation for HCV patients with HIV infections has a high
efficacy and safety. Early consideration of HCV therapy should be the goal for all liver transplant recipients.

1. Introduction challenges for liver transplantation (LT) due to their limited response to
interferon-based therapies and suboptimal post-transplant outcomes.
Worldwide, there are approximately 180 million cases of hepatitis C Before the introduction of direct-acting antiviral drugs (DAAs), in­
virus (HCV) infection, with 71 million individuals suffering from chronic dividuals co-infected with HIV and HCV faced reduced survival rates at
HCV infections.1,2 Co-infection of HCV with HIV increases the preva­ both the 2- and 5-year marks compared to those with HCV alone (73%
lence of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis-related complications compared to vs. 91% and 51% vs. 81%, respectively). This trend was particularly
HCV infection alone, potentially accelerating the progression to pronounced in cases of rapid progression and severe fibrosing chole­
cirrhosis and decompensation.3Initially, HCV/HIV co-infections posed static hepatitis (FCH) linked to hepatitis C.4,5 It’s worth highlighting that

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: yueming@njmu.edu.cn, njym08@163.com (M. Yue).
These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.

Received 16 August 2023; Received in revised form 19 October 2023; Accepted 1 November 2023
Available online 16 November 2023
2949-9240/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

liver disease emerged as a prominent cause of mortality among people transplantation).

living with HIV (PLWH).6 Inclusion in the qualitative analysis was contingent upon the
Although HIV was historically viewed as a contraindication for liver fulfillment of the following criteria: i. HBV infection; ii. Pharmacoki­
transplantation (LT), recent research has showcased positive transplant netics, or pharmacodynamics studies; iii. Cost-effectiveness; iv. Edito­
results and minimal HIV-related issues among patients receiving anti­ rials, or reviews; v. Meta-analyses; vi. Conferences; vii. Case reports; viii.
retroviral (ARV) therapy.7 This patient group is increasingly seeking Studies without HCV RNA load; and ix. No SVR12 data.
liver transplantation, with estimated HCV prevalence ranging from 23%
to 33% among those living with HIV.8 The decreased five-year survival 2.3. Outcomes
rates in HIV/HCV co-infected individuals are primarily linked to
multi-system organ failure stemming from recurrent HCV infections The primary focus of measurement was SVR12, which was defined as
after transplantation. This low survival threshold typically leads many the sustained absence of plasma HCV RNA, below the lower limit of
transplant programs to discontinue LT for patients with HIV/HCV quantification (LLOQ), for a consecutive 12-week duration post-
co-infections, raising concerns about meeting the escalating demand for treatment. This definition encompassed both DAA treatment adminis­
liver transplantation amid organ shortages. This concern is particularly tered after liver transplantation and DAA treatment administered before
acute for people living with HIV (PLWH), who experience higher mor­ liver transplantation.
tality rates on waiting lists and diminished prospects for receiving a liver
transplant. 2.4. Study selection and data extraction
In recent years, the introduction of direct-acting antiviral drugs
(DAAs) has resulted in impressively high rates of sustained virological Study selection and data extraction were carried out independently
response (SVR), ranging from 95% to 100%.9–11 Particularly noteworthy by two investigators, TZ and ZPF.The criteria for study inclusion and
is their performance in the specific subset of patients co-infected with exclusion were predefined and strictly adhered to. Initial screening of
HCV and HIV, where DAAs have exhibited a comparable level of safety study titles and abstracts, and subsequent identification as well as full
and SVR to that seen in HCV mono-infections.12 The early administra­ text re-screening of potentially eligible studies was performed. The
tion of DAAs has shown significant benefits for post-liver transplant (LT) extracted data were: single center or multi-center studies (setting),
patients, as well as individuals on the LT waiting list, facilitating their publication type, study type, region, year, name of first author, DAA
removal from the list and improving overall outcomes. treatment, post-LT time to DAA initiation, duration of DAAs treatment,
Nonetheless, drug–drug interactions (DDIs) between DAAs and ARVs sample size, HCV genotype (GT), MELD score before DAA treatment,
represent a potential concern within this patient group.13 Currently, CD4+T cell counts before DAA treatment, immunosuppression regimen,
data concerning the effectiveness and safety of DAAs in this de­ percentage of patients without detection of HIVRNA, SVR12, and AEs/
mographic mainly stem from isolated case studies. It is imperative to SAEs. The third reviewer had access to the full text and participated in
prioritize research aimed at confirming the optimal timing of DAA discussions when information and evidence were imprecise or when
administration, either pre- or post-LT. As a result, this meta-analysis there were disagreements between the two reviewers.
endeavors to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the efficacy and
safety of DAA treatment in individuals with co-existing HCV and HIV 2.5. Quality assessment
infections who are undergoing liver transplantation (LT).
The non-randomized research methodology index (MINORS),36
2. Methods which is an index composed of eight non comparative research meth­
odology items, was used to evaluate the quality of studies. Each item has
2.1. Search strategy a score of 0–2, and 16, which is a relatively ideal score, indicates that the
study has the highest quality of research, while 24 is the highest score for
Our study followed the guidelines outlined in the Preferred Report­ a comparative study.
ing Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA). The data
for this study have been documented in the PROSPERO database under 2.6. Statistical analysis
the registration number CRD42022363169. A thorough and systematic
search was conducted by two independent reviewers in PubMed, Effect sizes were obtained by inverse variance analysis with 95% of
Embase, and the Web of Science databases, with the most recent update the corresponding incidence of event sets. Freeman-Tukey double
completed in April 2023, without any language restrictions. The search arcsine transform was used to estimate incidences in cases of 0 or 100%
strategy was (sofosbuvir OR ribavirin OR asunaprevir OR velpatasvir OR events. Heterogeneity among the included studies was assessed using
simeprevir OR daclatasvir OR ritonavir OR ombitasvir OR elbasvir OR Cochran Q-statistics and I^2 statistics. In cases of significant heteroge­
ledipasvir OR grazoprevir OR DAA OR direct-acting antiviral OR direct neity, defined as I^2 ≥ 50%, we employed the random effects model;
acting antiviral OR direct acting antivirals OR Antivirals OR Antiviral otherwise, we utilized the fixed effects model. Subgroup analyses were
Drugs) AND (liver transplantation OR LT OR Hepatic Transplantation conducted to identify potential sources of heterogeneity. To assess
OR Liver Grafting) AND (hepatitis C OR Hepatitis C virus OR Hepatitis C publication bias, both funnel plots and Egger’s test were employed.
Like Viruses OR HCV OR Hepatitis C viruses OR Hepaciviruses) AND Sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of each indi­
(HIV OR Human Immunodeficiency Virus OR AIDS). Manual searches of vidual study on the effect size. ,A p-value of less than 0.05 is considered
references included in the articles and other relevant systematic evalu­ statistically significant and all tests were two-tailed. The statistical an­
ations were also conducted to find suitable studies to enhance the alyses were performed using meta package (version 5.5.0) in R Studio
sensitivity of the search. (version 4.2.1).37

2.2. Selection criteria 3. Results

Inclusion in the qualitative analysis was contingent upon the 3.1. Basic information and study selection
fulfillment of the following criteria: i. inclusion of patients who were
HCV-positive; ii. Confirmation of HIV positivity; iii. Patients on liver The inclusion criteria were met by a total of 1992 studies. A total of
transplant waiting lists or already receiving a transplant; iv. SVR12 was 1556 thesis titles and abstracts were identified by deletion of 436
measurable, and v. Treatment with DAA (including before and after duplicate studies. Then, 56 articles were selected for full text reading, of

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

which 47 were excluded on different grounds. Ultimately, nine papers SVR12 incidence was 92% (95% CI: 88–95, I^2 = 4%) and in single-
were included in the review (shown in Fig. 1).14–22 The nine articles, centre studies this number was 92% (95% CI: 87–95). In both groups,
conducted between 2016 and 2020, were from five regions: the United the SVR12 rate was 92%. The 95% CI was 91–99 in the post-transplant
States (3 articles), Germany (1 article), Spain (3 article), France (1 subgroup and 80–95 in the pre-transplant subgroup. In total, 117 pa­
article) and Italy (1 article) (Tables 1 and 2). Four DAAs articles before tients of the eight studies recorded GTs for group analyses. In the GTs
liver transplantation and five DAAs articles before and after liver subgroup, SVR12 rates in GT1a, GT1b, GT2, GT3 and GT4 were 97%
transplantation involving 269 patients. (95% CI: 87–100), 94% (95% CI: 68–100), 100% (95% CI: 21–100),
100% (95% CI: 92–100), 97% (95% CI: 83–100). Under different DAA
3.2. Quality of included studies regimens, the SVR12 rate was 98% (95% CI: 90–100) in the SOF/LDV ±
RBV group, 98% (95% CI: 92–100) in the SOF/DCV ± RBV group, 84%
The scores from the quality assessment can be found in Supple­ (95% CI: 64–98) in the SOF/SMV ± RBV group, 93% (95% CI: 73–100)
mentary Table 1. MINORS was used to assess the 9 studies. Scores in the SOF/DCV ± RBV group, and 100% (95% CI: 38–100) in the SOF/
11–16, 5–10, 0–4 indicate a bias risk ranging from low to high.23 Among DCV group.
these, median MINORS score of 12 was found to have a low risk of bias.
3.5. Subgroup analysis of protocols
3.3. Efficacy of outcomes
Various subgroups of DAAs before and after transplantation were
respectively analyzed using GT and DAA. In pre-transplant studies, the
Incidences of SVR12 in DAA for patients with HCV in liver trans­
SVR12 rates in GT1a, GT3, and GT4 were 100% (95% CI: 78–100), 100%
plantation were reported in all nine studies (269 cases). The combined
(95% CI: 70–100) and 92% (95% CI: 58–100). Among SOF ± RBV, SOF/
effects of the fixed-effect model on SVR12 was 92% (95% confidence
DCV ± RBV, and SOF/LDV ± RBV under different DAA regimens, in­
interval: 88–95, I^2 = 4%, p = 0.40) (shown in Fig. 2).
cidences of SVR12 were 93% (95% CI: 53–100), 94% (95% CI: 75–100),
and 71% (95% CI: 38–97), respectively (Table 4).
3.4. Subgroup analysis of the overall SVR12 rate In post-transplant studies, incidences of SVR12 in GT1a, GT1b, GT3,
and GT4 were 99% (95% CI: 88–100), 98% (95% CI: 73–100), 100%
Subgroup analysis was performed on the basis of settings, GTs, DAA (95% CI: 87–100), and 99% (95% CI: 83–100), respectively. Incidences
regimens, before and after LT (Table 3). In multicenter studies, the of SVR12 in patients treated with different DAA treatments were 100%
(95% CI: 94–100) in SOF/LDV ± RBV subgroup, 100.0% (95% CI:
97–100) in SOF/DCV ± RBV subgroup, 93% (95% CI: 69–100) in SOF/
SMV ± RBV subgroup, 93% (95% CI: 73–100) in SOF/SMV ± RBV
subgroup, and 100% (95% CI: 21–100) in 3D ± RBV (Table 5).

3.6. Safety

Adverse reactions were clearly documented in five of the nine

studies. In nine studies, a total of 136 adverse events and serious adverse
events were combined with an overall occurrence rate of 71% (95%
confidence interval: 42–94), with 84 cases explicitly reported as adverse
events and serious adverse events by 136 recipients, 48 cases of anemia
reported by 208 recipients, and 31 infections reported by 189 patients.
Eight patients died during SVR12 completion while 269 had a survival
rate of 99% (95% CI 97–100) (shown in Fig. 3). After one year of follow-
up, 4 studies recorded a 98% survival rate (95% CI 94–100) (shown in
Fig. 4).No significant drug–drug interactions were reported.

3.7. Sensitivity analysis and publication bias

The funnel plot combining SVR12 ratio estimates exhibited sym­

metry (shown in Fig. 5). Egger’s test did not reveal any signs of publi­
cation bias (t = − 0.34, p = 0.74). Additionally, sensitivity analysis
indicated that SVR12 rates were not influenced by any individual study
(shown in Fig. 6).

4. Discussion

We performed a meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness and safety

of DAAs in HCV patients with HIV coinfected with LT. It was found that
regardless of gender, age, GTs, DAA regimens, and LT sequencing when
treating patients, DAAs can achieve higher SVR12 rates in target groups.
Some HCV-associated AEs occur with SAEs. Taken together, regardless
of pre-and post-LT procedures, treatment of HCV and HIV patients with
DAAs resulted in highly effective, safe, and stable outcomes.
In this study, the aggregated SVR12 was 92% (95% CI: 88–95),
indicating that the DAA regimen was effective, in tandem with previous
Fig. 1. The flow diagram of literature screening and following the preferred findings.21 No significant differences were observed between subgroups
reporting items of systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). based on various DAA programs. Regarding GT, we included studies that

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

Table 1
| Characteristics of the studies included in this comprehensive analysis.
Reference study design Region Setting Protocol Drug node year Sample size Duration

event n

Antonini et al. prospective cohort study France, Belgium multicentre post-transplant therapy After LT 2018 28 29 12/24W
Campos et al. prospective cohort study America, Europe multicentre post-transplant therapy After LT 2016 16 20 24/48W
Grant et al. prospective cohort study America Single center post-transplant therapy After LT 2016 7 8 12W
Grottenthaler et al. retrospective study Germany multicentre pre/post-transplant therapy Before/After LT 2018 13 14 12/24W
Guaraldi et al. retrospective study Italy multicentre pre/post-transplant therapy Before/After LT 2017 41 48 12/24W
Londoño et al prospective cohort study Spain Single center pre/post-transplant therapy Before/After LT 2016 11 11 12/24W
Manzardo et al. prospective cohort study Spain multicentre post-transplant therapy After LT 2018 44 47 12/24W
Peters et al. retrospective study America multicentre pre/post-transplant therapy Before/After LT 2020 63 68 NA
Vinaixa et al. retrospective study Spain Single center pre/post-transplant therapy Before/After LT 2018 20 24 12/24W

Setting, single center or multi-center studies; Drug node, the initiation time of DAAs therapy; LT, liver transplant.

Table 2
| Patient characteristics of the studies enrolled in this comprehensive analysis.
Reference Age Gender MELDscore HCV DAA DAAINT Immunosuppressive CD4 Tcell HCV RNA Undetectable
(M%) (before GT regimens (month) agents (cell/mm3) (log10 IU/ HIV-RNA
DAAS) (before mL) (before

Antonini et al. 54(50–57) 20 15(10–34) 1a、 SOF/LDV ± 37.5 Tac-based 57.1% 342 6.7 (5.9–7.2) 100%(<12
(69.0) 1b、 RBV,SOF/ (14.4–99.2) (172–483) IU/mL)
3、4 DCV ± RBV
Campos et al. 49(45–52) 15(75) 13(9–20) 1a、 SOF/SMV 20.9 Tac-based 75% 182 6.0 (5.6–7.0) 100%(<25
1b、 ± RBV,SOF/ (9.7–61.1) (138–303) UI/mL)
3、4 DCV ± RBV,
Grant et al. 51 8(100) NA 1a、 SOF/SMV 23.8 Tac-based 100% 259 6.5 (6.3–7.4) 100%(≤50
(40.3–59) 1b、 ± RBV,SOF (11.3–66.3) (159–364) copies/mL)
2 ± RBV
Grottenthaler 48.5 12 13(7–21) 1a、 SOF/DCV ± 35、58 Tac-based 50% NA 5.6(4.5–6.4) NA
et al. (39–64) (85.7) 1b、 RBV,SOF/
4 LDV ±
RBV,3D ±
Guaraldi et al. 52(49–53) 38(79) B 16 1a、 SOF/DCV ± 49 (5–142) Tac-based 79% B 356 B 5.64 B 100%/A
(12–20)/A 8 1b、 RBV,SOF/ (239–497)/ (4.48–6.02)/ 92%
(6–10) 2、 LDV ± RBV, A 342 A 6.81
3、4 SOF ± RBV (236–580) (6.04–7 .08)
Londoño et al. 53(47–57) 9(81.8) 9(6–12) 1a、 SOF/LDV ± 61(16–108) Tac-based 42.9% 336 5.86 90.9%(<37
3、4 RBV,SOF/ (217–445) (5.62–7.08) copies/mL)
± RBV,3D
Manzardo 47.3(6.36) 36 9.01 1a、 SOF/DCV ± 71.2 Tac-based 61.7% 367 6.29 87.2%(<50
et al. (76.6%) (7.49;10.9) 1b、 RBV,SOF/ [57.2;100] (264–473) (5.84;6.67) copies/mL)
3、4 LDV ± RBV,
± RBV,
± RBV,3D
Peters et al. 56.6 53 12.0(9–15) 1a、 SOF/LDV ± NA NA 236 5.92 ± 1.03 100%(<40
(52.3–61.4) (77.9) 1b RBV,besed- (81–389) copies/mL)
on SOF
Vinaixa et al. 51(10) 21 B 18(2)/A 9 1a、 SOF/DCV ± 24 (120) Tac-based 60% NA B 5.14(5.47)/ 100%
(87.5) (5) 1b、 RBV,SOF/ A 6.49(6.06)
4 LDV ± RBV,
± RBV,3D

M,male;MELD,Model for End-Stage Liver Disease;DDAINT,Time from transplant to initiation of DAA;SOF,sofosbuvir;LDV,ledipasvir;RBV,ribavirin;DCV,daclatasvir.

SMV,simeprevir;3D,Paritaprevir/Ritonavir/Ombitasvir;B,before liver transplant;A,after liver transplant.

explicitly recorded GT data, despite the fact that patients with HCV GT3 individuals with GT3 included.
infection have traditionally been described as being more difficult to Furthermore, the timing of initiation of DAA treatment in HCV/HIV
treat than other GTs.24 In subgroup analyses, GT3 SVR12 rates were as patients has not been conclusively established.25,26 In this study, there
high as 100.0%.The reason for this unusual result, we believe, is due to were no substantial differences in DAA treatment outcomes between the
the unique characteristics of this population and the limited number of pre-transplantation and post-transplantation periods. The SVR12 rates

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

Fig. 2. Forest plot of pooled SVR rates of DAAs treatment for HCV recipients with LT.

Table 3
Table 4
| SVR12 by settings, genotypes, regimens,and protocols.
| Subgroup analysis of SVR12 for pre-transplant.
Response SVR12 Heterogeneity P**- Studies
value Response SVR12 Heterogeneity P**- Studies
Total, Rate(95% I2 Pa N value
n/N CI) Total, Rate(95% I2 Pa N
n/N CI)
Overall 243/ 92(88–95) 4% 0.4 9
269 pre-transplant 78/91
By settings 0.63 therapy
Single-center 38/43 92(88–95) 28% 0.25 3 By genotypes 29/33 0.66
Multi-center 205/ 92(87–95) 5% 0.38 6 1a 12/13 100 0% 0.38 3
226 (78–100)
By genotypes 108/ 0.83 1b 1/2 \ \ \ 1
117 2 1/1 \ \ \ 1
1a 44/47 97 0% 0.55 6 3 6/6 100 0% 0.85 2
(87–100) (70–100)
1b 13/15 94 0% 0.58 4 4 9/11 92 3% 0.38 4
(68–100) (58–100)
2 2/2 100 0% 1.00 2 By regimens 40/49 0.53
(21–100) SOF/LDV/ 6/7 93 0% 0.40 3
3 19/19 100 0% 0.91 4 RBV (53–100)
(92–100) SOF/DCV/ 23/26 94 0% 0.95 4
4 30/34 97 21% 0.27 6 RBV (75–100)
(83–100) SOF/RBV 10/15 71(38–97) 45% 0.14 4
By regimens 180/ 0.21 3D/RBV 1/1 \ \ \ 1
201 a
Test of heterogeneity. ** Test for subgroup differences.
SOF/LDV/RBV 54/57 98 0% 0.68 6
SOF/DCV/RBV 73/77 98 0% 0.44 7
(92–100) Table 5
SOF/RBV 29/38 84(64–98) 26% 0.24 6 | Subgroup analysis of SVR12 for post-transplant.
SOF/SMV/RBV 20/23 93 0% 0.77 5
Response SVR12 Heterogeneity P**- Studies
3D/RBV 3/3 100 0% 1.00 3
(38–100) Total, n/ Rate(95%CI) I2 Pa N
SMV/DCV/RBV 1/3 \ \ \ 1 N
By protocols 0.54
post-transplant 165/
pre-transplant 78/91 88(80–95) 8% 0.36 5
therapy 178
By genotypes 79/84 1.00
post-transplant 165/ 95(91–99) 0% 0.77 9
1a 32/34 99(88–100) 0% 0.76 5
therapy 178
1b 12/13 98(73–100) 0% 0.82 3
Test of heterogeneity. ** Test for subgroup differences. 2 1/1 \ \ \ 1
3 13/13 100(87–100) 0% 0.91 3
4 21/23 99(83–100) 0% 0.8 5
By regimens 140/ 0.62
were high in both groups. The use of immunosuppressants after organ
transplantation can lead to active viral infections and replication. SOF/LDV/RBV 49/50 100(94–100) 0% 0.83 5
Immunological risk is characterized by acute hepatitis, fibrotic chole­ SOF/DCV/ 48/50 100(97–100) 0% 0.58 7
stasis hepatitis and acute/chronic rejection. Therefore, early initiation of RBV
DAA may mitigate these risks. Taken together, our data suggest that SOF/RBV 20/24 93(69–100) 0% 0.96 5
SOF/SMV/ 20/23 93(73–100) 0% 0.77 5
HCV-infected LT candidates do not have an increased risk of transplant RBV
failure due to HIV positivity as the DAA era continues.27 Despite the SMV/DCV/ 1/3 \ \ \ 1
possibility of residual hybridization risk, this enhancement can be RBV
credited to the improved treatment results for hepatitis C in contrast to 3D/RBV 2/2 100(21–100) 0% 1.00 2
the period before the availability of DAAs. The success of DAA therapy a
Test of heterogeneity. ** Test for subgroup differences.
has brought post-transplant survival rates for HIV/HCV co-infected pa­
tients in line with those of individuals without HCV infection. These HIV/HCV co-infection. Moreover, our findings indicate positive
results support liver transplantation as a viable option for those with

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

Fig. 3. Survival rate of nine studies during DAA treatment.

Fig. 4. Survival rate of Four studies after DAA treatment one year of follow-up.

Fig. 5. Funnel plot for the evaluation of publication bias.

outcomes for liver transplant recipients who are HIV-positive, irre­ handling of HCV recurrence in HIV patients after liver transplantation.
spective of their hepatitis C status. Consideration is essential when dealing with interactions between
Two of the included nine studies found drug interactions. In his HCV antivirals and immunosuppressants. The combinations of pallipi­
work, Campos15 examined interactions between antiretroviral therapy vir/ritonavir with the calcineurin inhibitor should be reduced to avoid
(ART) and medications used to treat HCV, frequently associated with CNI poisoning.31 In addition, improved drug metabolism during HCV
changes in drug levels due to the induction or inhibition of cytochrome treatment (e.g. liver) leads to a decrease in immunosuppressive levels,
P450 3A4 enzymes. This mechanism can contraindicate the use of HCV therefore, during and early after therapy, patients may require higher
protease inhibitors (PIs) like simeprevir when plasma levels are reduced doses of immunosuppressants.32 Since HCV-HIV LT recipients had a
by efavirenz but increased by boosted HIV PIs.28 These interactions are higher risk of rejection, there was a greater association between rejec­
comparable to the preventable interactions between atazanavir and tion and HCV-HIV LT recipients.28,33 To reduce the risk of rejection,
simeprevir.29 Another DDI is between the HCV antiviral and tenofovir. levels of immunosuppressants should be carefully monitored during
Renal toxicity should be carefully monitored when tenofovir is used in treatment and early after treatment.
combination with enhanced PI and SOF-Ledipasvir or emtricitabine/e­ Between the start of treatment and SVR12, 8 of 269 people in the
favirenz. When this is likely to happen, alternative solutions should be nine studies died. Most of the 8 fatalities were linked to complications
initiated.30 The ART regimens can be modified to account for known arising from advanced liver disease, none of which were linked to DAA
DDIs. Progress in liver-friendly ART technologies can improve the treatment. In a one-year follow-up conducted across four

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

Fig. 6. The sensitivity analysis of the SVR12.

studies,15,19,20,27 two patients passed away, resulting in a one-year article Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding
survival rate of 98% (95% CI 94–100). Notably, Peters MG21 conduct­ author/s.
ed a more extensive 5-year follow-up post-treatment. Despite achieving
SVR, 12 out of 42 pre-LT participants, including 5 with HCC and 7 with Ethics approval and consent to participate
ESLD complications, still requested LT. Among the remaining
non-transplant participants, 90% achieved SVR, but eight later suc­ Not available.
cumbed to ESLD, resulting in a 42.8% survival rate without trans­
plantation at 4 years and an 87.9% survival rate after 5 years of LT. From Funding sources
this, we can observe that the survival outcomes for individuals without
liver transplantation are discouraging, whereas early treatment with The study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
DAAs can assist HIV/HCV co-infected patients in rejoining the trans­ China (82273691,81773499), the Science Foundation for Distinguished
plant candidate list and undergoing liver transplantation promptly, thus Young Scholars of Jiangsu Province (BK20190106), the Science and
leading to a higher survival rate. Nevertheless, when the trial received Technology Plan of Hainan Province (Clinical Research Center)
approval, a multitude of HCV-specific DAAs had already been sanc­ (LCYX202103, LCYX202204, and LCYX202306), the Hainan Province
tioned, resulting in the prompt treatment of numerous decompensated Science and Technology Special Fund (ZDYF2022SHFZ067), and the
LT patients co-infected with HIV/HCV. The incidence of HCC in in­ grants from Jiangsu Provincial Medical Key Discipline (Laboratory)
dividuals co-infected with HCV and HIV declined after achieving SVR, Cultivation Unit and Hainan Province Clinical Medical Center.
mirroring the trend seen in those with HCV monoinfection.21 However,
the risk of HCC remains, indicating that not all end-stage recurrent pa­ Consent for publication
tients can avoid liver-related complications or mortality through anti­
viral therapy.38,39 Therefore, it is imperative for all LT recipients to All authors consent for publication.
undergo early hepatitis C treatment before advanced fibrosis develops.
Current guidelines advocate for pre-LT treatment in all candidates CRediT authorship contribution statement
co-infected with HIV and HCV.34,35
This study presents several limitations. Firstly, the absence of ran­ Tian Zeng: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Meth­
domized controlled trials limits our ability to assess relative risk within odology, Software, Supervision, Formal analysis. Peng Huang:
subgroups. Secondly, the study had a relatively small sample size due to Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – re­
the specific population under investigation. Lastly, the lack of data from view & editing, Funding acquisition, Validation. Weilong Tan: Data
Asian regions among the included studies may constrain the choice of curation, Formal analysis, Investigation. Zepei Feng: Data curation,
DAA regimens and the generalizability of our findings across diverse Investigation, Methodology, Software. Jianguo Shao: Formal analysis,
geographical regions. Project administration, Software, Supervision. Xueshan Xia: Method­
Nonetheless, this meta-analysis stands out as the pioneering inves­ ology, Resources, Software. Chao Shen: Conceptualization, Data cura­
tigation into the efficacy and safety of DAA treatment in HIV/HCV co- tion, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Supervision. Liqin Qian:
infected liver transplant recipients. The analysis meticulously Writing – original draft. Bingqing Wang: Methodology, Software.
reviewed nine studies encompassing 269 patients to provide a precise Zhengjie Li: Methodology, Resources, Software. Chuanlong Zhu:
assessment of SVR12 rates in recipients. Given the minimal heteroge­ Methodology, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation. Yun
neity observed in the majority of these studies, we have confidence in Zhang: Funding acquisition, Project administration, Resources, Super­
the reliability and clinical significance of our findings. vision, Validation. Ming Yue: Funding acquisition, Resources, Super­
vision, Validation, Writing – review & editing.
5. Conclusion

Declaration of competing interest

This analysis demonstrates the effectiveness and safety of DAA in
HCV/HIV-associated liver transplantation. Early HCV therapy should be
Ming Yue is an Editorial Board member of Decoding Infection and
the goal for all liver transplant recipients.
Transmission. She is not involved in the peer-review or handling of the
manuscript, and has no other conflict of interests to declare. All other
Data availability statement
authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests
or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work
The original contributions presented in the study are included in the
reported in this paper.

T. Zeng et al. Decoding Infection and Transmission 1 (2023) 100005

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