Geeta Dinesh
Geeta Dinesh
Geeta Dinesh
फा.सं: CGST /ME /DnIX/RII/ ITR-STR-15-16/Geeta/153/2020-21
आदे श का िदनां कः 08.05 2024.
जारी करने का िदनां कः 09 .05.2024
ारापा रत:– सुराई हं सदाह, उप आयु ,
मंडल-VII, के.से.और उ.शु. , मुंबई-म
Issued by: Surai Hansdah, Deputy Commissioner,
Division-VII, CGST & C. Ex., Mumbai Central Commissionerate
मुल आदे श सं ा : 03 /DC/SH/CGST&CEX/MC/DNVII/2023-24
M/s. Geeta Dinesh Bhanushali Situated at A 9/101/ Shastri Nagar Chs/Nr Ongc Colony Rn
Ga/Vidyavihar East, Mumbai-400077 (hereinafter referred to as "the taxpayer/noticee"), are
holding PAN No. AHOPB3196M, are engaged in providing taxable services covered under
Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"). The taxpayer has
provided taxable services during the Financial Year 2015-16 and has incurred substantial
service turnover as revealed from their ITR/TDS return for the said Financial Year.
2. The investigation of Service Tax evasion was started against the taxpayer on the basis of
third-party data received by the department about the declared turnover of services as per
Income Tax Return (ITR)/ Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) i.e. 26ASfor the F.Y. 2015-16.
However, the said taxpayer has failed to obtain Service Tax Registration in the form ST-2 as
stipulated under Section 69 of Finance Act, 1994 read with Rule 4 of Service Tax Rules, 1994.
Thus, it appears that they have suppressed the correct value of services provided by them from
the department with the intention to evade payment of Service Tax
3. The taxpayer has neither obtained Service Tax registration nor discharged/declared their
service tax liability despite the fact that the activity carried out by the taxpayer falls under the
category of Service' as defined under Section 65B (44) of Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994
as amended. After 01.07.2012, with introduction of Negative list-based assessment, "Service'
has been defined in Section 65B (44) of the FA, 1994 according to which "service" means any
activity carried out by a person for another for consideration, and includes a declared service".
In the instant case, the taxpayer has shown income from sale of services in their ITR/TDS as
Rs.10,32,800/-but neither obtained Service Tax registration nor declared/discharged their
service tax liability which appears to have resulted in not obtaining Service Tax Registration
and non-declaration of value of services to the tune of Rs. 10,32,800/- to the Department.
On being asked vide letter dated 05.02.2020 for the clarification on not obtaining Service Tax
Registration, non-filing of returns and non-payment of service tax on the said value, shown as
income from sale of services in ITR/TDS, the taxpayer has not given a satisfactory reply along
with essential supporting documents. In the absence of a satisfactory reply/clarification, it
appears that the said value of Services of Rs. 10,32,800/- is the consideration received by the
taxpayer towards providing the taxable services and thus can be considered as assess