The journal analyzes the concept of employee engagement by framing it within the broader context of human motivation theory. It proposes a comprehensive model of twelve human motivations that can unify the various constructs of engagement found in the literature. By grounding engagement in established motivational concepts, the journal aims to provide a clearer theoretical framework for understanding and measuring engagement.
The journal analyzes the concept of employee engagement by framing it within the broader context of human motivation theory. It proposes a comprehensive model of twelve human motivations that can unify the various constructs of engagement found in the literature. By grounding engagement in established motivational concepts, the journal aims to provide a clearer theoretical framework for understanding and measuring engagement.
The journal analyzes the concept of employee engagement by framing it within the broader context of human motivation theory. It proposes a comprehensive model of twelve human motivations that can unify the various constructs of engagement found in the literature. By grounding engagement in established motivational concepts, the journal aims to provide a clearer theoretical framework for understanding and measuring engagement.
The journal analyzes the concept of employee engagement by framing it within the broader context of human motivation theory. It proposes a comprehensive model of twelve human motivations that can unify the various constructs of engagement found in the literature. By grounding engagement in established motivational concepts, the journal aims to provide a clearer theoretical framework for understanding and measuring engagement.
PT/Akred/PT/IX/2017 Jl Raya Pemda Pangkalan II No. 66 Kedung Halang Kec. Bogor Utara Kab. Bogor Telp. 0251-7502137 Kode Pos : 16710 Bogor Jawa Barat
Pengantar Psikologi
NAMA : Ichsan Ahmad Rosyid
KELAS : 01 PSIKA smt 1 DOSEN : Ade Zoraya Fitri, M.Psi Judul Jurnal : Employee Engagement as Human Motivation Link Jurnal :
Discussed Review Result
Author J. David Pincus Published Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science - 2023 Introduction The journal "Employee Engagement as Human Motivation: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice," published in the *Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science* journal in 2023, offers a comprehensive analysis of the concept of employee engagement. The author, J. David Pincus, from the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Leading Indicator Systems, delves into the theoretical underpinnings, methodological challenges, and practical implications of employee engagement, framing it within the broader context of human motivation. It’s no coincidence that the major definitions of the employee engagement construct, despite their widely ranging theoretical origins, happen to fall perfectly in line with the definition of motivation, given by Pincus (2004) as an individual-level, unobservable state of emotion or desire operating on the will and, as a psychological mediator, causing it to act. We contend that this is because the concept of engagement is identical to the concept of motivation, albeit applied to a particular area of applica- tion, i.e., one’s work. The goal of this journal is to suggest that a conceptual model already exists that can accommodate all of these concepts, and that splitting hairs over which aspects of which concepts are antecedents, mediators, or consequences, is much like trying to parse out which are cognitions, emotions, or behavioral inclina- tions. From a motivational perspective, these concepts each have facets in all of these readout channels, i.e., a single motivational construct, say the need for belonging, can be fostered by certain conditions, can become a salient need, is experienced both affectively and cognitively, and can be behaviorally expressed. Purpose of Review This review aims to provide a detailed examination of the journal's theoretical framework, methodology, strengths, weaknesses, and overall conclusions. By dissecting these core components, this review will assess the journal's contribution to the field of human resource management and its practical implications for organizations aiming to enhance employee engagement. Grand Theory In social science research, it is always good practice to try to distinguish causes and effects in theoretical models, resulting in testable propositions. Much of the theoretical work of both academics and practitioners1 in the domain of employee engagement has unfortunately neglected this fundamental step, instead adopting a list generation approach, enumerating all the exogenous and endogenous variables that could, should, or might be expected to co-occur with engagement. This approach has returned long lists of items with little regard for separating causes from effects, psychological variables from organizational variables, states from traits, and the cog- nitive from the emotional from the behavioral. In a literature review, Kular et al., (2008) concluded that despite the “great deal of interest in engagement, there is also a good deal of confusion. At present, there is no consistency in definition, with engagement having been operationalized and measured in many disparate ways.” Nearly a decade later in a subsequent literature review, Dewing & McCormack (2015) observe that “it is a challenge to find much substance or a clear definition for the concept of engagement... Further, it is unclear how the construct relates to other existing similar concepts...”. As suggested by these, and indeed virtually all authors on this subject, the term employee engagement has remained stubbornly muddled, conflated, and confused, a victim of entangled, conflated pseudo- definitions that overlap heav- ily with related but distinct concepts such as job engagement, work engagement, organizational engagement, intellectual-social-affective engagement, and collective organizational engagement. In this way, the academic and practitioner literatures have been subjected to a kind of “snowballing effect” as authors apply different theoretical models bringing with them a host of new constructs, while also applying ever more synonyms for existing constructs. The central thesis of the journal is that employee engagement should be grounded in the extensive psychological literature on human motivation. The author argues that the diverse operational definitions of employee engagement employed by academics and practitioners can be understood as attempts to approximate key motivational concepts. He proposes a comprehensive model of twelve human motivations that can unify the various constructs of engagement found in the literature. The journal critiques the existing theoretical approaches to employee engagement, which often fail to separate causes from effects, psychological variables from organizational variables, and internal from external mechanisms. By rooting the concept of engagement in motivational theory, the author aims to provide a clearer, more coherent framework for understanding and measuring engagement. Strenghtness 1. Theoretical Integration: The journal successfully integrates the vast literature on human motivation with the concept of employee engagement. This approach offers a robust theoretical foundation that addresses the conceptual confusion prevalent in the current literature. 2. Comprehensive Model: The proposed model of twelve human motivations provides a structured taxonomy that can encompass the various definitions and measures of engagement. This model is both comprehensive and parsimonious, addressing the issue of construct proliferation. 3. Clear Operational Definitions: By grounding engagement concepts in established motivational constructs, the journal offers clear and operational definitions that can improve both theory and practice. This clarity is crucial for developing valid and reliable measures of engagement. 4. Practical Implications: The journal provides actionable insights for practitioners, emphasizing the importance of aligning engagement interventions with the deep currents of cultural context. This approach can help organizations develop more effective and contextually appropriate strategies for enhancing engagement. Weakness 1. Complexity of the Model: While the comprehensive model of twelve human motivations is a significant strength, its complexity might pose challenges for practical application. Practitioners may find it difficult to operationalize and measure all twelve motivations in a coherent manner. 2. Empirical Validation: The journal primarily focuses on theoretical development and offers limited empirical validation of the proposed model. Future research should aim to empirically test the model to establish its validity and reliability. 3. Overemphasis on Motivation: While grounding engagement in motivational theory is a valuable approach, it may overlook other important factors that contribute to engagement, such as organizational culture, leadership, and job design. A more holistic approach that considers these factors alongside motivation could provide a more comprehensive understanding of engagement. 4. Generalizability: The journal's theoretical model may not be easily generalizable across different organizational contexts and industries. Future research should explore how the model can be adapted to various settings and whether certain motivations are more salient in specific contexts. Conclusions The journal "Employee Engagement as Human Motivation: Implications for Theory, Methods, and Practice" offers valuable insights into the complex nature of employee engagement. By grounding the concept in motivational theory, the author provides a clearer and more coherent framework that can guide both research and practice. Despite its limitations, the journal's robust theoretical foundation, comprehensive model, and practical implications make it a valuable contribution to the field of human resource management. By building on this research, future studies can further elucidate the pathways to fostering optimal employee engagement and performance.
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