3.1 Article Online Information Shaing
3.1 Article Online Information Shaing
3.1 Article Online Information Shaing
A mobile App is a computer program designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
Most of such devices are sold with several apps bundled as pre-installed software, such as a web browser, email
client, calendar, mapping program and an app for buying music or other media or more apps. The main objective of
the study is to examine the level of satisfaction of mobile apps. Convenience sampling was used to determine the
sample size for the respondents. Sample of 150 respondents were taken into study, and their data were collected.
Samples for the purpose of the study are selected systematically. The study makes use of statistical techniques such
as Simple Percentage analysis and Chi-square Test in analyzing the data for finding the result. The results revealed
that the social media application needs to improve their services to satisfy all types of users. The customization of
services is needed by the social media application to improve the satisfaction level of all category users. Social
media application should take steps to reduce the risk involved in social media application services. So that the users
will feel social media application services are safe and secure.
The world is ever changing due to the advancement in the realm of science and technology.
These days it seems hard to escape the presence of technology. Most people will praise many
technological gadgets that they use in their everyday lives. Many of us depend on it to get us
through the day, to do our job, to get around, and to find certain things. Technology is evolving
at a very fast rate, and what most people did not even think could be real a few years ago, is now
becoming a reality.
Advanced mobile devices, such as smart phones and personal digital assistants, have
become ubiquitously available and have changed the ways how people organize relationships,
communicate, and live on a daily basis. Because users carry mobile devices everywhere and all
the time, the devices have become one of the most important personal information-processing
interfaces. Users realize the increasing value of Smartphone devices and swiftly change and
upgrade to innovative brands with cutting-edge features getting easily access to available
applications (Apps). In today’s global market, Smartphone apps have become the main stream of
consumer’s daily lives, as the Smartphone has turned out to be a major segment in the mobile
phone market.
The American Dialect Society voted “App” as the word of the year for 2010. An app is
defined as a software program for a computer or a phone operating system. It is also called
mobile apps, that is, a term used to describe Internet applications that run on smartphones and
other mobile devices. With the arrival of app stores for a wide spectrum of operating systems for
smart phones, tablets, and computers, the app has certainly exploded in popularity.
Apple’s iPhone and App Store have amazingly demonstrated business success and
technological innovation, which are motivating Information Systems researchers to shift the
focus of research from app design and development to the understanding of consumers as end-
users of mobile services and applications. Consumer oriented research focuses on value, and
what utility end-users receive would be closely related to the improvement of the development
and design of mobile services and apps.
The objective of the paper is to study users preference and satisfaction with Smartphone
apps. In order to find out users satisfaction with the use of Smartphone apps, a survey was
conducted. The study also discovered groups who are satisfied with Smartphone apps in terms of
age, gender, time spent, years of usage and preferred apps.
The Perception of users varies from one user to the other user. It is very difficult to satisfy all the
expectations of all users but there are some common factors that are essential to fulfill. Here the
main problem of the study is to know the various factors that are very important in satisfying the
user’s needs and to know how Social media applications are ensuring its user’s satisfaction.
Inspite of a well-established online and infrastructure supporting it, certain search engine service
providers were not able to root their footsteps in the market. Further their promotional initiatives
have not yielded fruitful results. Based on this problem following question has been raised. What
is the level of satisfaction of users towards Social media applications? To find solution to the
above question the study has been carried out.
The study carried out on social media application, throws light on the benefits and drawbacks in
social media application. Through this study one can know the opinion of users in the social
media application. Future studies can be carried out by applying many tools in multiple social
media application.
This part explains the methods used in this study. The methods includes sources of data, sample
size, area of the study and framework of analysis.
Research design is a basic framework, which provides guidelines for the best of research
purpose. Research design is generally a pure and simplified framework and certain plan for a
study that will guide the collection and analysis of data where information is needed. The
function of the research design is to ensure that the required data is obtained and collected
accurately and economically.
To analyze the Project a Convenient Sampling Method is adopted. The study depends on primary
data. A pilot study is conducted to validate the questionnaire and to confirm the feasibility of the
study. Based on the pilot study, the questionnaire is modified suitably to elicit response from the
sample group.
Sample of 150 people were taken into study, and their data were collected. Samples for the
purpose of the study are selected systematically.
The following statistical tools are used in the study
Percentage Analysis
Chi – square test
Rajesh Kumar Jha and Dev Kumar Shah (2017), in their study entitled “Facebook use and its
effects on the life of health science students in a private medical college of Nepal”, to evaluate
the effect of facebook use on social interactions, behaviour, academics, and the health of students
in a medical college of Nepal. The required data for the study have been collected in primary
through issuing of questionnaire. The sample of 452 respondents have been collected by
adopting random sampling technique. Tools like Frequency and Percentage are used to analyze
the data. He find that the widespread use of facebook among the health science students, was
found to have both positive and negative effects on their academics, social life, and health.
Ghulam Shabir and Yousef Mahmood Yousef Hameed (2016), carried out their study on
“The Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Case Study of Bahawalpur City”, to analyze the
influence of social media on youth social life. The data for the study have been collected through
issue of questionnaire. A sample of 300 youngsters have been collected for the study by adopting
random sampling techniques. Tools like Percentage analysis and the Chi-square test are used to
analyze the data. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were students
while a smaller proportion were the people belonging to different employee groups.
Priyanka.T and Durga.K (2015), “Users Satisfaction towards Facebook”. Satisfaction is crucial
concern for both users and organizations. The main objective of the study was to find out the
user’s satisfaction towards face book- a social networking site. Descriptive research was
followed in this research. The population included respondent’s who were users of Facebook. 50
Respondents were selected among the users of face book for this research. Major findings of the
study were majority (72%) of the users opined that their profile was free from external users and
majority (76%) of the respondents said that they were satisfied with the services of face book. It
was suggested that the face book should keep an eye on technology and innovation to be
continued as a trend setter in the industry.
Mrs. R. Shashikala and Ms. Prachi Mahapatro (2015), “A Study on Analyzing the
Effectiveness of Viral Marketing in the Era of Mobile Messenger Apps with special reference to
WhatsApp”. The main objectives of the study was to find out the factors that influence
consumers to accept viral messages and their preference for types of viral messages. A sample of
100 respondents was selected using a non-probability sampling technique and questionnaires
were administered personally and the responses were recorded. Percentage analysis, Cross
tabulations and Pearson Chi-square analysis were used to answer the research objective and to
test the hypotheses. Majority of WhatsApp users have agreed that viral messages do influence in
the buying of product/service. This buying behavior was also strongly and positively associated
with frequency of the usage.
Joe Prathap P M and Ajith Jubilson E (2014), “Facebook - WhatsApp Merger – A Revolution
in the Social Networks”. Online social networking provides users with powerful means of
sharing, organizing, and finding content and contacts. The utility and rapid development of these
sites provided an urge to study the characteristics and the utilization of online social networks at
large scale. Understanding this analysis was important, in order to improve the current systems
and to design new applications for online social networks. This article presented the statistics
study and analysis of the structure of social networks Facebook and Whatsapp, considering that
Facebook’s $19 billion buying Whatsapp making it the company's largest acquisition. Whatsapp
a company having only 55 employees was the costliest buy ever in the software industry. The
data set contained over 2500 users using Whatsapp and Facebook, their need for usage of these
networks, their satisfaction of needs through these social networks, the users who used these
networks. Further it explored the evolution of the social networks with deep analysis.
Jamaluddin Ibrahim and Rafidah Chee Ros (2014), “Positive Impact of Smartphone
Application: Whatsapp & Facebook for Online Business”. This paper aimed to explore the
positive impact of the smartphone application for online business. The usage of smartphone
applications such as WhatsApp and Facebook had contributed enormously to especially online
business. Research have been conducted using informal interview, questionnaire, and online
survey based on questionnaire developed by researcher. The respondents consist of 100 targeted
participants which involved university students, housewives, and random public at various
places. The outcome indicated that the smartphone application had given the positive impact to
the online business which can help to develop business success.
Area of residence
1 Urban 102 68%
Rural 48 32%
Below 20 years 38 25%
2 21 - 30 years 98 65%
31 - 40 years 09 06%
Above 40 years 05 03%
Businessman 09 06%
Teacher / Professor 07 05%
3 Agriculturist 05 03%
Housewife 10 07%
Professional 11 07%
Student 108 72%
Educational Qualification
Upto12th Standard 13 09%
Under Graduate
4 49 33%
Post Graduate 80 53%
M.Phil and Ph.D 08 05%
5 Male 38 25%
Female 112 75%
Marital Status
6 Married 33 22%
Unmarried 117 78%
Apps Preference
85 57%
What's App
40 27%
06 04%
7 14 09%
02 01%
02 01%
01 01%
We chat
Duration of Usage
Below 1 year 57 38%
9 1 - 2 years 53 35%
Above 2 years 40 27%
The study has found that majority of the respondents are residing in urban area. The
majority of the respondents fall in the age group between 21-30 years. The majority 108 (72%)
respondents are students. The majority 80 (53%) respondents are Postgraduate holders. The
majority of the respondents are female. The majority 117 (78%) respondents are unmarried. The
majority 48 (32%) respondents spend daily 30 minutes for online chatting. The majority 85
(57%) respondents prefer what’s app to share the informations. The majority 45 (30%)
respondents have said that they prefer the apps for easy access. The majority 57 (38%)
respondents are usingthe apps below 1 year to share the information and the majority 75 (50%)
respondents are using the apps to share the information whenever they are free.
The chi square test is an important test among the several tests of significance developed by
satisfaction. Chi-square symbolically written is a statistical measure used in the contexts of
sampling analysis for comparing a variance to a theoretical variance. It can also be used to make
comparison between theoretical population and actual data when categories are used. In this
chapter satisfaction of users is analyzed. For that purpose the variables area of residence, age,
gender, occupation, educational qualification and marital status are taken and compared with
satisfaction level.
Calculated Table
S.No Variables D.f Result
Value value
However, as the calculated value is greater than the table at five per cent level, the
null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a significant association
between age and educatinal qualification of the respondents and level of satisfaction towards
online information sharing apps.
Percentage Analysis
Chi-Square Test
Six variables have been taken to analyse the level of satisfaction. They are area of residence, age,
occupation, educational qualification, gender and marital status. Out of six variables the
following variables have significant association (viz.) age and educational qualification while the
other four variables does not have significant association with level of satisfaction towards
online information sharing Apps.
Based upon the study conducted, the following are the suggestions made for better service
offered by the social media applications.
Facebook could have been even better, if the app would have provided with the facility to
send unlimited messages throughout the country or world for free to any number.
The other information sharing apps can speed up their service. Also can make a
collaboration with companies and offer a free hours to the users. Many extra features
such as voice chat, video chat, etc., can be offered as in whatapp and facebook.
Google needs to improve their software as it is insufficient to handle the multitasking in
Android needs more strict rules regarding the apps that are uploaded on the Play Store so
that the data of people are more secure.
More of 3D and virtual reality apps can be developed in the future.
Less data and battery consumption apps have to be developed by the developers.
As the consumer wants more features, the smart phone manufacturers can increase the
number of features.
The app developers should create awareness about the services and special features of
their applications.
The app manufacturers should differentiate their apps from the other apps in order to
survive in the market.
The users should not reveal any personal information while using the apps to avoid
security issues.
The Government should provide more service oriented applications to enhance the public
The study focuses on consumer aspects of smartphone apps in terms of their satisfaction with the
use of the information sharing apps. In the study, most respondents are satisfied with the use of
information sharing apps. Consumers’ satisfaction is affected by factors such as needs
fulfillment, performance improvement, ease of use, security/privacy, and influence of the peer..
It shows that users of WhatsApp are satisfied with WhatsApp. So, they will suggest any body for
using WhatsApp. The results revealed that the social media application needs to improve their
services to satisfy all types of users. The customization of services is needed by the social media
application to improve the satisfaction level of all category users. Social media application
should take steps to reduce the risk involved in social media application services. So that the
users feel social media application services are safe and secure.
Ghulam Shabir and Yousef Mahmood Yousef Hameed (2016), “The Impact of Social
Media on Youth: A Case Study of Bahawalpur City”, Asian Journal of Social Sciences &
Humanities, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 132-151.
Ida Yulianti (2013), “The Relationship among Brand Experience, Brand Image and
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Jyoti kumari (2014), “customer satisfaction towards whatsapp in Lucknow”.
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Kathleen R. Smith, Ed.D (2012), “College Students’ Perceptions of Aptitude and
Attitude toward Social Media Technology And Technical Computer Technology”.
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Kuan-Ta Chen (2006), “Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction, International journal of
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K.Veerakumar (2016) article titled “A Research on Quality Factors Influencing Online
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Priyanka.T and Durga. K (2015), “User Satisfaction towards Facebook”. International journal of
business economics & management research. vol.5, issue.6, pp.17-24.
Rajesh Kumar Jha and Dev Kumar Shah (2017), “Facebook use and its effects on the
life of health science students in a private medical college of Nepal”, BMC Research
Notes, Vol 3, Issue 1, pp. 01-08.
Sun Gi Chun (2013), “Are Students Satisfied With The Use Of Smartphone Apps”.
Issues in Information Systems Volume 14, Issue 2, pp.23-33.
Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted (2013), “User Perceptions of Social Media: A Comparative
Study of Perceived Characteristics and User Profiles by Social Media”. Online Journal of
communication and Media Technologies Volume: 3 – Issue- 4 , PP.149-17