Sarjs 44 46-50
Sarjs 44 46-50
Sarjs 44 46-50
Ca s e R epo rt
Abstract: Thumb polydactyly, also known as radial polydactyly, is the prevailing manifestation of polydactyly. Its
existence has been documented in the hand literature from Digby's initial description in 1645. Preaxial polydactyly,
specifically bifid thumb, has been extensively observed, with a frequency ranging from 0.08 to 1.4 per 1000 live births.
Traditionally, radial polydactyly is classified into three distinct categories: severe hypoplasia, partial duplication, and
entire duplication, which can sometimes be mistaken for pseudo duplication. The classification system developed by
Wassel has emerged as the widely accepted standard for the categorization of thumb polydactyly. The classifications of
surgical treatment procedures are associated with variations. Thumb duplication is categorized as a "duplication" (group
3) in the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)/Swanson classification of congenital
malformations of the hand and upper limb. The objective of surgical reconstruction is to achieve a thumb that is both
stable and mobile, while also possessing appropriate dimensions and form. The prevailing method of reconstruction
often involves the excision of the minor digit followed by the subsequent reconstruction of the major digit. Surgical
procedures aim to rectify issues pertaining to deviation, instability, and insufficient dimensions. Moreover, it is worth
noting that a significant proportion of instances will necessitate an additional intervention in order to enhance the
cosmetic and/or functional result.
Keywords: Hand Surgery, Congenital Hand, Duplicated Thumb, Polydactyly, Duplication, Radial Polydactyly.
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
malformations of the hand and upper limb. The types of somewhat vague indications on the etiology of a
polydactyly that are included in this classification specific anomaly, the remaining categories in this
include radial polydactyly, central polydactyly, ulnar classification, namely "duplication," "overgrowth,"
polydactyly, and proximal duplications such as ulnar "undergrowth," and "constriction ring syndrome," are
dimelia. While groups 1 and 2, namely "failure of solely descriptive in nature.
formation" and "failure of differentiation," provide
The method of classification developed by soft tissue, deformities in the axial plane, instability in
Wassel is now recognized as the widely used standard the joints, and impaired functionality.
for the classification of thumb polydactyly. This system
utilizes radiographic observations to describe the extent
of bone duplication. The phalanges and metacarpals of
the thumb are categorized as bifid, duplicated, or A male newborn about 6 months old appears
unaffected, based on their proximal-to-distal with a "extra thumb" for evaluation. The family who is
orientation. A Roman numeral is assigned to indicate reporting this was there when the baby was born. The
the extent of bifurcation or duplication as it progresses child's health is fine in all other respects, and there is no
proximally. Congenital hand surgeons are most familiar history of congenital hand abnormalities in the family.
with this. The provided information lacks details Upon closer inspection, there are two thumbs that are
regarding the dominance of the thumb, potential fully developed, each of which has nail plates as well as
convergence or divergence at certain joint levels, joint flexion and extension creases located over the
stability, and the existence of any soft tissue anomalies. interphalangeal joint (IP). The metacarpophalangeal
Type I is characterized by the presence of a bifid distal (MCP) joint is stable despite its appearance of being
phalanx, whereas Type II is defined by complete broad. It would indicate that the MCP joint of the more
duplication of the distal phalanx. Type III is radial thumb is capable of active flexion, extension, and
characterized by the presence of a bifid proximal abduction. There does not appear to be any additional
phalanx accompanied by duplication of the distal anomalies.
phalanx. On the other hand, Type IV is classified as
complete duplication of both the proximal and distal SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
phalanges. Type V is characterized by the duplication Most of the time, removal and reconstruction
of both the proximal and distal phalanges, along with a are the most popular ways to treat thumb duplication.
bifid metacarpal. On the other hand, Type VI is But how hard the repair is will depend on how the
classified as the total duplication of both the phalanges dominant thumb performs. When there is no bone link
and metacarpal. Type VII is characterized by the to the digit to be kept and the joints of this digit are
presence of thumb duplication together with a stable, a simple excision is the right choice. After
triphalangeal component. The Wassel classification, removing the duplicated thumb's middle piece, the
despite its limitations, has contributed to our Bilhaut-Cloquet Procedure involves joining together
comprehension of the skeletal abnormalities in radial equal amounts of bone, soft tissue, and nail tissue.
polydactyly and serves as the primary framework for Some people say that there is no reason to do the classic
future categorization systems. The primary shortcoming Bilhaut-Cloquet treatment because the side effects of
of this approach is in its failure to consider the intricate limited joint movement and nail ridge are not
anatomical complexities associated with this congenital acceptable. This may be true for most type I and type II
hand anomaly, such as deficiencies and redundancy in thumb duplications, for which these methods can
usually control deviation and instability at the IP joint. have the epiphysis, the physis, and a piece of the
This procedure can make a normal-sized thumb with a metaphysis. Fixation is hard to do. Also, it is not
stable interphalangeal joint. However, it is hard to unusual for this bone piece to come with a very small
accurately join all of the bone segments, nail fold, nail piece of nail bed. Patients with asymmetric bifid
bed, and articular surface, and there are often problems thumbs should not have the modified Bilhaut-Cloquet
with the reconstructed thumb's physeal growth, joint operation done. Instead, the smaller thumb should be
stiffness, and/or nail plate. In the Modified Bilhaut- cut off or only its soft parts should be used. Type I
Cloquet Procedure, some of the fingers' long parts must polydactyly doesn't need this modified method because
be joined together. The nail and terminal phalanx of the the bifid distal phalanges can be fixed with the original
better thumb are used, along with a part of the terminal technique without breaking the distal interphalangeal
phalanx of the lesser thumb. This may be the most usual joint. When the metacarpophalangeal joint is involved,
combination. The hard part is matching the small piece as it is in type IV and other polydactylies, the results of
of bone at the end to the strong end of the phalanx. In the combination operation are generally not good.
order to keep the collateral ligament, the bone must
2: Surgical management
3: Surgical Algorithm