Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Turing Test
Artificial intelligence (AI)
o Explores techniques for incorporating aspects of intelligence into
computer systems
Turing test
o A test for intelligent behavior of machines
o Allows a human being to interrogate two entities, both hidden from the
A human being
A machine (a computer)
o If the interrogator is unable to determine which entity is the human
being and which is the computer, the computer has passed the test
Artificial intelligence can be thought of as constructing computer models of
human intelligence
If a human’s behavior can be perfectly modeled with an artificial device does
that mean that
o the device is intelligent? OR people are biomechanical machines after
A Division of Labor
Categories of tasks
o Computational tasks
o Recognition tasks
o Reasoning tasks
Computational tasks
o Tasks for which algorithmic solutions exist
o Computers are better (faster and more accurate) than human beings
Recognition tasks
o Sensory/recognition/motor-skills tasks
o Human beings are better than computers
Reasoning tasks
o Require a large amount of knowledge
o Human beings are far better than computers
Problem Solving and Complex Algorithms
Classic Traveling Salesman Problem
A salesman must travel to visit
clients in many cities, each
separated geographically.
Objective: to find the best order
of cities to visit that minimizes
the number of miles traveled.
o Very difficult for large
numbers of cities.
o “Exponential Explosion”
Problem is easy for small
numbers of cities.
Note how fast the number of
routes grow as cities are added.
(This is complexity analysis.)
The relationship between the
number of cities and the number
of routes is factorial.
Review: 4! is 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24
These problems take too much time to be practical without intelligent
Combinatorial Explosion
Game Playing
Game playing is a useful environment for testing and experimenting
o Limited, controlled possibilities
o Finite number of states
o Fixed rules that govern play or actions in the artificial world
Excellent testing/learning/teaching ground for AI concepts and ideas
Chess, checkers, other games have been largely explored
Note that the best computer chess programs still use the searching power of
the computer to find better moves than a human will find using our experience
and insight. They are modified with insights about how humans play.
Harder Games
In “easy” games like chess and checkers, each player may move only one
piece per turn.
The computer can “look ahead” many turns in advance to try to find the best
Imagine a game where:
o Each player can move not one, but two game pieces in each turn.
o Each piece can move to any of three different locations on the board.
o The player’s first piece can move to any of three locations. The second
piece can move to any of three locations as well. For each first-piece
move, there are three second-piece moves: 9 combinations.
moves_per_piece number_of_pieces
32 = 9 possible moves in just one turn
Neural Networks
A network of nerve cells with many connections among cells
Artificial networks order the nerve cells into a regular structure.
When one cell fires (changes state), it sends a signal to other cells (which may
then also change state).
“Knowledge” is stored in the aggregate connections between the cells and in
the internal requirements for each cell to fire.
Time to allow cells to fire and feedback and cycle
Fuzzy Logic
Humans have an innate ability to reason with probabilities.
In our world, events and timing are uncertain, but have a chance of occurring
within a time window.
Fuzzy logic allows reasoning with pieces of information that are not facts, but
rather probabilities of some event or situation.
Logic rules are extended to allow conclusions to be drawn with some
“confidence” or likelihood (or probability).
Humans are used to this type of thinking and do it naturally.