Lab 8 - Group Assignment ITT459
Lab 8 - Group Assignment ITT459
Lab 8 - Group Assignment ITT459
OBE: P3 & A3
Course Outcome:
Discuss the existing technologies , communication theories, and formulas used in real-
world scenarios.
The Objectives
The Instructions
Using cisco packet tracer network simulator, you must design and implement a Local
Area Network for a small and medium enterprise (SME). Below are the requirements
of their LAN network.
1. HQ Network
a. Subnet:
b. Subnet Mask:
c. Number of Host: 12 (2 Printer, 5 Workstation, 5 Laptop)
d. Printer and Workstation must be connected to “HQ Switch” using Wired
e. Laptop must be connected to network using Wireless Ethernet via
Access Point
All the networks must be connected to a “HQ Router” (Thus the HQ Router must have
adequate port to connect all network together) and all network and equipment in this
project must be labelled properly.
Project Evaluation
Please submit your packet tracer file & video presentation via GC(given later)
If you consult any outside sources when doing your work, you are expected to further
document these sources. Give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated. You will be given zero marks and be reported to UiTM Academic Office.
“Good Luck”
1 2 3 4
Poor Satisfying Good Very Good
Audience cannot
Presenter presents
understand Audience has Presenter presents
information in logical,
presentation difficulty following information in logical
Organization interesting sequence
because there is no presentation because sequence which
which audience can
sequence of student jumps around. audience can follow.
Presenter demonstrates
Presenter does not
Presenter is Presenter is at ease full
have grasp of
uncomfortable with with expected knowledge (more than
Subject information;
information and can answers to all required) by answering
Knowledge Presenter cannot
answer only questions but fails to all class questions with
answer questions
rudimentary questions. elaborate. explanations and
about subject.
Student uses Student occasionally
Student's visual aids Student's visual aids
superfluous visual uses visual aids that
Visual Aids relate to the explain and reinforce the
aids or no visual rarely support the
presentation. presentation.
aids presentation
Presenter uses
Presenter occasionally
graphics or no Presenter's graphics Presenter's graphics
graphics relate to text and explain and reinforce
graphics that rarely
Presenter's presentation. screen text and
Graphics & support text and
presentation has Presentation has no presentation.
Mechanics presentation.
four or more more than two Presentation has no
Presentation has three
spelling errors misspellings and/or misspellings or
misspellings and/or
and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.
Presenter maintains
Presenter occasionally Presenter maintains eye
Presenter reads all eye contact
uses eye contact, but contact with audience,
Eye Contact of report with no most of the time but
still reads most of seldom returning to
eye contact. frequently
report. notes.
returns to notes.
Presenter Presenter uses a clear
mumbles, Presenter's voice is Presenter’s voice is voice and correct,
incorrectly low. Presenter clear. Presenter precise pronunciation of
pronounces terms, incorrectly pronounces pronounces most terms so that all
Elocution and speaks too terms. Audience words correctly. audience members can
quietly for members have Most audience hear presentation.
presenters in the difficulty hearing members can hear
back of class to presentation. presentation.
Student Name :
Student ID :
Supervisor’s Name :
Organization : 20
[1] Poor
Evaluator’s Name :