Dokumen - Tips - 50 Soal Procedure Text
Dokumen - Tips - 50 Soal Procedure Text
Dokumen - Tips - 50 Soal Procedure Text
Pineapple Stew
/. ingredients
B. dice
0. granulated sugar
D. pineapple stew
. $hat ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew
/. 1 glass
B. 3 glasses
0. 1 cup
D. 3 spoons
/. It is served cold
B. It is served hot
0. It is served raw
D. It is served uncooked
The following text is for questions number 4 and .
1 large ginger
Ginger water:
/. *oal9Ingredients9(teps
B. *oal9(teps
0. rientation9)vents
D. Identification9Descriptions
/. ginger! granulated sugar! palm sugar! peanut skin! green bean! bread! pomegranate seeds
B. ginger! granulated sugar! palm! peanut! green bean! dices! pomegranate seeds
D. ginger! granulated sugar! palm sugar! inner skin of peanut! green bean! bread
Text 3
'<akes # do=en,
1 cup sugar
.Beat eggs! sugar! and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until light9coloured.
#.Drop the batter by teaspoonfuls about inches apart onto a greased and floured baking
sheet. (et aside in a room temperature for 4 hours.
'(ource: B()! adapted from: Aanddoll! /merica8s Best ol. I / 0ollection of (avory
/. instructions
0. stories
D. opinions
and salt
/. minutes
B. 4 minutes
0. 35 minutes
D. 47
11. ow many cookies will you get with the above recipe
/. #
B. 1
0. 14
D. #;
Text #
Homemade Cand$
1 c. water
1 c. granulated sugar
.0ombine the granulated sugar! light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan.
3.0ook over medium9high heat until the hard9crack stage. '$hen the candy caramel
cracks! then dip into cold water,.
/. # 0. ;
B. 5 D. 17
from heat
Text 5
This traditional beverage has the function of reducing body odour! refreshing!
1 kg turmeric
1 kg palm sugar
3 l of water
2eel turmeric and wash it. Then! slice it. Fse a grinder or blender to grind the sliced
turmeric. 2our the ground turmeric into a deep pan and add the rest of the ingredients.
Bring it to boil. (tir it occasionally. nce it is boiled strain the mixture. Aet it cool off and
serve it with some
ice cubes.
/. cookie 0. soup
B. drink D. biscuit
/. peel 0. grind
B. cut D. boil
/. pour the mixture with a sieve to separate the solid part from the liquid
0. combine two or more substances! in a way that they cannot easily be separated
Text 4
'1 serving,
6 of avocado
/. about avocado
B. how to mix
7. ou need the following things to make <ixed Ice! )+0)2T .
1. ow much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need
/. 1 glass 0. 6 can.
. ow many servings can you get form the recipe
/. one 0. three
B. two D. four
3. ou need 3 tbs. of condensed milk. The underlined word is the abbreviation of .
/. spoon 0. tablespoon
B. teaspoon D. cup
Text 7
'source: B(),
#. To turn on a computer! first we have to turn the on.
5. $e must the GTurn ff” after we click start menu if we want to turn off a cmputer.
/. click 0. turn
B. press D. push
Text ;
1.Turn off your computer and unplug power cord from power outlet.
'To get best results! we strongly suggest that you connect your device to the (econdary ID)
port as the </(T)& device.,
.0arefully slide the drive into the empty bay and mount it. Then replace the computer cover.
;.2lug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power
0. uninstall 0D9&<
C. $hat does the writer strongly recommend in order to get the best result of the 0D9&<
37. $e have to connect the 0D9&< to the following types of cable )+0)2T .
/. power cable
B. audio cable
0. ID) cable
D. monitor cable
31. $hat part of the 0D9&< should be set if you want to apply 0D9&< as <aster or
/. <otherboard slot
B. ID) slot
0. 0able power
D. <aster(lave Kumper
/. ou may not turn the computer on before connecting the cable.
B. our 0D9&< may not work properly if you do not connect the cable.
/. 0D9&<
B. Jumper
0. motherboard
D. computer
3#. G0arefully slide the drive into the empty 0a$ and mount it.”
The word LbayL in the sentence is similar in meaning to .
/. Jumper
B. cable
0. button
D. compartment
35. 2lug your computer back to power outlet and then turn the power
/. button
0. cable
D. port
Text C
Printing a 1ile
#.0heck if the printer8s name is the same as the one you are going to use. If it is not the same!
then search for the name of the printer that you are going to use by clicking on the small
triangle or arrow beside it.
5.0lick Gpages” and then type the pages that you want to print.
4.(elect the number of copies that you want to print by clicking on the arrows beside it.
.0lick GM” or G2rint”.
'source: B(),
3;. $hat do we have to do if the printerLs name is not the same as the one we are going
to use
/. (earch for the name of the printer that we are going to use by clicking on the small
triangle or arrow beside it
B. (elect the number of copies that you want to print by clicking on the arrows beside
it. 0. 0lick Gpages” and then type the pages that you want to print.
Text 23
. $hen the Ket@lash is successfully connected to a computer! the Ket@lash Ns A)D will light
up. / &emovable Disk driveO with a newly assigned drive letter indicating the Ket@lash will
appear in the <y 0omputer window. In addition! a &emovable ardware icon and an icon
Puick <enu 'provided you setup Ket@lash elite, will appear in the $indows (ystem Tray
3./fter the Ket@lash is connected to the computer! you can start transferring data to the
Ket@lash Kust drag and drop files or folders directly onto the &emovable Disk icon that
represents the Ket@lash .
#1. $hat indicates that the Ket@lash is successfully connected to your computer
/. If the icons do not appear! you must reinstall the Ket@lash elite.
B. If the icons do not appear! you must check your hardware configuration.
0. In some computers with different operating systems! the icons may not appear.
D. ou must install the icons so that the icons may appear in the $indows (ystem Tray.
#3. GIn addition! a &emovable ardware icon and an icon Puick<enu 'provided you setup
Ket@lash elite, will appear in the $indows (ystem Tray.”
/. port
B. symbol
0. cable
D. drive
Text 22
ld 0Ds
air dryeroven
<etal bowl
@irst! place the 0D in a metal bowl and heat it with a hair dryer. r put it in the oven
on low heat. Then! bend the 0D softly when it softens. /fter that! let it cool off.
/. to place the
0D B. To bend
the 0D
D. To heat the 0D
Text 28
0loth dye
3.Tie knots in the T9shirt! or twist it and secure the folds with rubber bands or
heavy9duty thread.
#.<ix 1 c. liquid dye 'or 1 package powdered dye, in 1 qt. hot water. Dissolve 5 tbsp. table
salt in the mixture.
4.2ut the entire shirt in the dye and let it soak for at least 7 minutes.
.&inse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear.
/. inside out
B. upside down
0. folded
D. flat
The underlined word means to make the table salt become ....
/. part of the
mixture B. more
0. colourful
D. fro=en
Text 29
Blenderfood processor
Insect screensstrainers
$hite glue
Then! cover the wire frame with insect screens and sew it.
/nd then! put the torn paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water.
Qext! put a cup of soaked paper in a blender! add some bleached water and blend it.
/nd then! pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container. e.g. sink or tray.
/fter that! repeat step 5 and 4 until all of the soaked paper are blended.
Then! add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the blended paper.
/fter that! dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Aift and rinse the water for a minute.
Then! dry the paper 'with the screen frame still on, in the sun. /nd then! peel the papers
out of the frame screens when it8s dry.
Text 2;
The following text is for questions number #C and 57.
Snow Glo0es
*lue a small obJect to the inside of the lid 9 a plastic figurine! f! etc. /dd glitter! beads! or
foil confetti! etc. @ill the Jar with equal parts water and corn syrup! add food colouring if
desired. (eal the lid onto the Jar using a watertight sealant 'the kind used for aquariums! or
the stuff found in the plumbing section of your hardware store,. 2ut a bead of sealant on the
threads of the Jar and on the inside threads of the lid. 0lose it up! leave overnight to dry.
/. wire 0. thread
B. glue D. mixer
B. to heat D. to dry