Itsm Whitepaper

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It’s about managing change

Implementing ITSM is as much an educational and change management task
as a technology task; to ensure its success, IT executives must obtain executive
and broad organizational support, engage IT staff responsible for both
managing and executing ITSM processes, and overcome resistance to change.

It’s also critical that the organization address its competencies, rather than
merely skills, and ensure that the changes it implements are internalized.

Executive summary the short-term impact of an ITSM implementation and

its ROI — both anticipated and, eventually, actual.
IT Service Management (ITSM) is a proven and In some cases, IT executives may wish to leverage
effective framework for helping IT organizations external change agents to speed implementation and
become more adaptive, flexible, cost-effective, and maintain momentum once organizational support is
service-oriented. It does this by driving fundamental obtained.
change within the IT organization, from how it
manages its processes, technology assets, vendors and It’s also critical that ITSM training be leveraged as an
deploys personnel, to how IT staff view their ITSM implementation tool; in this way, better
organizational roles. understanding of ITSM principals can help the
organization define and refine processes, secure buy-in
Implementing ITSM is therefore as much an and support, and recruit leaders who will ensure the
educational and change management task as a success of the ITSM implementation. An effective
technology task; to ensure its success, IT executives training program can also help IT organizations
must obtain executive and broad organizational identify potential resistance to change and win staff
support, engage IT staff responsible for both managing support.
and executing ITSM processes, and overcome
resistance to change. It’s also critical that the ITSM provides the tools and templates to transform IT
organization address its competencies, rather than organizations into adaptive, service-oriented entities
merely skills, and ensure that the changes it that contribute measurable results to the business. This
implements are internalized. white paper describes critical steps IT executives must
take to prepare for change and manage an ITSM
The IT organization must start by articulating ITSM’s implementation to maximize its value and ensure that it
value to the organization and obtaining executive-level achieves the full transformational effect it is capable of
buy-in. This is accomplished by a communications delivering.
program that, among other elements, articulates both

ITSM: it’s about “Corporations cannot
managing change respond flexibly and quickly
There was a time when information technology to markets, customer demands,
functioned as a set of discrete tools supporting discrete
business processes. That is no longer the case. For
and regulatory obligations
corporations today, critical business processes are unless they are supported by
highly dependent on and integrated with IT; the two
are essentially inseparable. The demands on corporate flexible, reliable, service-
IT executives have therefore become both broader and
more exacting. While raw system performance, oriented IT infrastructures that
reliability, and cost effectiveness is still crucial, it is no
longer enough: the corporate IT service delivery
are tightly focused on meeting
organization must also support highly adaptable, the needs of the corporations’
measurable, scalable, consistent and controllable IT
processes that are tightly coupled with the business internal customers.”
processes that rely on them.
Yet like all tools, ITIL-defined processes are limited by
IT Service Management (ITSM) is a proven and
how effectively they are used. In particular,
effective framework for accomplishing this. But the
implementing ITSM as a set of discrete, tactical tools
reason ITSM is so effective is that it drives fundamental
without simultaneously reengineering IT processes self-
change within the IT organization, from how it
limits the effect of ITSM.
manages its processes, technology assets, and vendors
to how it deploys personnel. Yet the majority of IT organizations are vulnerable to
approaching ITSM in precisely this way. Typically, IT
Implementing ITSM is therefore as much an
organizations were founded and have subsequently
educational and change management task as a
evolved along functional or architectural component
process design and technology task.
lines. But in today’s business environment, functioning
ITIL: means to an end as a reactive IT organization is a potential business
ITIL was conceived from the beginning as a means to liability with significant negative consequences.
achieve transformative change. It began as a project Corporations cannot respond flexibly and quickly to
launched by the government of the United Kingdom markets, competition, customer demands, and
(U.K.) in the early 1980s. Faced with a serious regulatory obligations unless they are supported by
economic downturn, the government recognized it must flexible, reliable, service-oriented IT service delivery
develop innovative ways to improve IT service organizations that are tightly focused on meeting the
efficiencies and thereby lower costs. To do this, the needs of the corporations’ internal customers.
British Central Computer and Telecommunications
Conversely, failing to meet a corporation’s critical
Agency (CCTA), an executive Cabinet Office agency
business needs has significant consequences for both
dedicated to improving the delivery of public services
IT organizations and corporations. IT organizations risk
through IT, developed a set of best practice-based
a loss of trust and potential budget decreases.
ITSM processes. These were documented using a
Corporate risks include dysfunctional operation, failure
common glossary of terms and published in an
integrated series of 40 books. The series, since
updated and packaged as seven books, is now HP’s ITSM history
referred to as the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
Leveraging ITIL was a natural extension of HP’s commitment to helping
Recognizing the value of the ITSM processes defined corporations enhance the value of their IT infrastructures. HP began
by the ITIL, companies and governments around the working with ITIL in 1993 and is today a recognized leader in ITSM
best practice implementation. HP has been instrumental in establishing
world have since adopted them. Independent
many itSMF chapters, and continues to contribute to existing chapters
organizations such as the IT Service Management while actively supporting the formation of new chapters worldwide.
Forum (itSMF) have been founded to share ITIL best HP’s ITSM experts contribute regularly to ITSM literature and
documentation; HP has also enhanced its ITSM leadership and
practices. Many consulting and educational firms now presence through strategic acquisitions of industry-leading ITIL
offer ITIL training and certification programs for IT education and consulting firms, and IT asset and service management
professionals. software providers.

to innovate, and decreased agility — risks that expose staffs’ traditional IT system and technical skills with
IT: critical to critical
businesses to lower profit margins, missed revenue customer-focused competencies.
business needs
opportunities, and erosion of shareholder value.
Tools the IT service delivery organization can leverage
Businesses today are
increasingly dependent on IT IT organizations therefore have only one option: to re- to achieve these objectives include:
organizations. Some of the conceive themselves as proactive, flexible, and
critical business needs that are • Awareness workshops designed to challenge old
dependent on effective IT behavior patterns and ways of thinking;
processes include:
ITSM can help them do that — but only if it is • Customized training programs;
• Product innovation and
time-to-market; implemented at a fundamental process level that fully • Soft-skill trainings;
• Just-in-time product engages IT staff responsible for those processes. When • On-the-job training;
manufacture; ITIL process management is fully internalized in the • Reinforcement;
• High standards for organization’s daily practices, it transforms the IT • Personal development motivated by performance
customer service; organization functionally. The form such changes will measurements and rewards.
• Regulatory compliance to take may include:
meet mandates such as Along the way, it is critical that IT staff view their
HIPAA (the Health • Replacement of isolated, ad hoc processes with organizational roles in a way that supports a
Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act),
business-justified, consistent, scalable, repeatable reengineered IT organization. In practical terms, IT staff
Sarbanes-Oxley, and Basel and streamlined IT processes; must:
II; • Implementation of measurable, accountable • View consumers of their services as customers;
• Cost reduction. processes; • Temper their traditional inward perspective and start
• Implementation of integrated, end-to-end IT looking outward;
processes, avoiding technology silos; • Expand their focus on technology to include a focus
• Utilization of new and on-going process on service-centric solutions.
improvements to support a proactive approach to IT
Clearly, this involves more than straightforward skills
processes and internalization of processes into daily
training. So how do IT organizations transform staff
practices; and
competencies? How can IT management change the
• Managing of competencies in a “people
way people responsible for IT processes approach
management” structure.
their jobs?
Not just skills, but competency
The answer involves three main elements:
Information technology is often understood as an
amalgam of hardware and software, but people and • Securing executive level awareness;
processes are an integral part of any IT organization. • Leveraging external change agents;
Successfully implementing ITSM for transitional change • Leveraging engagement, awareness, and training as
therefore requires the IT organization to equip its staff a change agent.
with the necessary competencies. IT organizations must
implement service-oriented organizational structures,
roles, and responsibilities, and enhance department

Figure 1. People are an integral part of any IT infrastructure;

reengineering IT processes successfully depends on engaging IT staff
and winning their support.

Executive-level “IT management should
commitment allocate approximately 70
Every individual, and by extension every organization
handles change in unique ways. Nonetheless any
percent of its awareness-
organization that desires fundamental and building efforts on
transformational change must begin with executive
support for its strategic objectives. HP recommends that communicating to
IT management should allocate approximately 70
percent of its change-enabling efforts on
corporate executives.”
communicating to corporate executives and securing
executive-level commitment.

Key elements of an ITSM executive awareness initiative


Defining ITSM. Executives outside the IT organization

do not require mastery of the technical details of an
ITSM implementation. But they do need to know that Reporting on progress and ROI. The executive
ITSM provides enables IT organizations to more awareness campaign should not end once the ITSM
effectively support the processes that are fundamental implementation has been budgeted or begun as a
to their direct line responsibilities. To do this, the tactical initiative. Instead, the IT organization should
communications program must provide a high-level plan to periodically report on progress. In addition, the
overview of ITSM principles and how they can be IT organization should report the implementation’s
applied, with an emphasis on its process functionality return on investment once it is complete and has begun
rather than the technology per se. delivering results.

Articulating the value proposition. The IT organization An executive awareness campaign can incorporate
must frame its proposed ITSM implementation in terms any number of communication tools.
of its strategic business value to the corporation. Doing
Business simulations that step executives through the
this will ensure that executives not only understand
experience of an ITSM implementation are highly
ITSM but support its implementation.
effective. Considering the enormity of change that an
Articulating clear goals. In conjunction with ITIL project may entail, spending the day that such
communicating the value of ITSM, the IT organization simulators require should pay back many times over
must define and communicate its specific goals and with the creation of a cohesive team with a greater
objectives. understanding of the components, interrelationships,
and vision that are required to successfully transform
Disclosing gap analysis. The IT organization must also an IT organization.
clarify the gaps between its ITSM goals and current IT
processes, to ensure that executives appreciate the Presenting a change plan that allows executives to
extent of support required. understand how they fit into the implementation is also
important. Sharing case studies of other corporations
Disclosing short-term organizational impact. that have realized measurable results from ITSM is
Transforming an IT organization at the process level another effective way to ensure executive level
will necessarily divert some IT resources and attention. understanding and support.
Understandably, executives will be concerned about
whether the IT staff will be able to meet their
immediate, day-to-day needs while they are
implementing ITSM. It’s critical to communicate how
the IT staff will allocate resources to ensure that existing
processes will be supported during the ITSM

Leveraging external “The expertise of external
change agents ITSM experts can reduce
Implementing ITSM has broad organizational learning curves through a
implications. Yet the initiative itself requires highly
focused attention and a specialized skill set. Any IT
concentrated and customized
organization considering ITSM must also weigh knowledge transfer,
whether it is best achieved using internal resources or
by engaging an outside consultant to help manage accelerating the pace of
and implement ITSM best practices.
change and helping
These considerations are partly practical. IT
organizations cannot completely abandon their day-to- organizations maintain
day service delivery during the ITSM implementation
period. A consultant can augment resources to momentum once they’ve set a
minimize the impact on-going operations during
course of action.”
But consultants can also function as change agents. By the same token, because internalizing change is
External ITSM experts come equipped with hands-on critical to a successful ITSM implementation, external
experience implementing ITSM under a variety of change agents cannot substitute for internal champions
circumstances and within a variety of corporate prepared to drive change from within the service
cultures. This expertise reduces learning curves through delivery organization. The organization should therefore
a concentrated and customized knowledge transfer, leverage consultants to cultivate internal champions,
accelerating the pace of change and helping rather than depend on external resources exclusively.
organizations maintain momentum once they’ve set a
course of action. This, in turn ensures that the IT
organization will not lose its organizational support
during the implementation; instead, it will be able to
demonstrate and report measurable progress toward
meeting its ITSM goals and objectives throughout the
implementation period, maintaining the enthusiasm of
its staff and internal corporate customers.

Figure 2. When ITSM training is delivered

concurrently with implementation, it can
be used to achieve buy-in and define
processes, helping to ensure the success
of the implementation. In addition, once
implementation is complete, little or no
refresher training will be required.

Leveraging training as “ITSM training should be
a change agent used to help define and
Most IT organizations view staff training as ancillary, if refine processes, secure
necessary, to technology implementations. However,
because ITSM involves operational processes rather buy-in and support, and
than technology alone, a linear, sequential approach
to training adds unnecessary costs and slows the pace
recruit leaders who will
of the implementation. For example, if an organization ensure the success of the
commits to ITSM, trains its staff, and only then
implements the new processes, the skills trained prior ITSM implementation.“
to implementation will no longer be fresh once the
organization is ready to apply them. Refresher training
is required, and is thus wasteful. The ROI of the
implementation is therefore undermined.

In addition, when training and the implementation are

not performed concurrently, valuable momentum is lost.
its intended objectives. It also creates process owners
Enthusiasm for the ITSM initiative may also wane.
— champions who are invested in the implementation
The alternative is to leverage ITSM training as an ITSM and will therefore work harder to see it succeed.
implementation tool. The executive awareness
Additional foundation training. Once key ITSM
campaign described previously is one example: it acts
processes have been defined, high level overviews of
as a training venue but doubles as a means to obtain
those processes can be incorporated into the
organizational buy-in and support.
foundation training program, which can then be
Once the organization has agreed to adopt ITSM, offered to a broader audience of staff. Personnel
additional training can be incorporated into the trained during this stage will be ITSM process
implementation. managers, responsible for administering key aspects of
the implementation such as change or incident
Train main project leaders. This training includes management.
foundation-level training and some management level
training; its objective is to provide key IT personnel Generic practitioner training. This training commences
with the skills they need to design ITSM processes. The during the process development stage of ITSM
training also provides staff with the opportunity to give implementation. It begins with high level, generic
input into the implementation early, and to obtain training to introduce staff to specific ITSM processes.
feedback that will ensure the implementation will meet This training can use a workshop approach with a
mentoring framework and can incorporate content
Overcoming resistance to change from within the IT organization — including individuals
previously recruited as process owners and managers
A study by Forrester Research has identified internal resistance to change as the most common “negative
element” IT leaders encounter when they try to implement ITIL, cited by 52 percent of firms polled.1 — as well as external experts provided by vendors
Contrary to conventional wisdom, most people don’t resist change arbitrarily. They have reasons for their and the business community.
behavior. Mandating change without people’s consent may make them feel they are losing control of their
jobs, or being given responsibilities they don’t understand or don’t have the confidence to fulfill. Customized practitioner training. As process
Conversely, when people understand and accept the reasons for change, and have a say in the way their jobs development is completed, customized practitioner
are restructured, they tend to be receptive to change. training can be offered as well. At this point, training
It’s therefore critical to avoid judging people’s reaction to change and instead utilize a combination of can be extended to end users, administrators, and
communication, training and mentoring to both identify resistance and win people’s support. Structure training
opportunities so that trainees can provide input into the ITSM process design, for example, and you’re less general IT staff and can incorporate overview sessions,
likely to encounter resistance based on people’s fear of losing control. Present ITSM in the context of solving foundation classes, and workshops. However, at this
identifiable problems, and you’ll win over pragmatists. Recruit people who are more comfortable with dramatic
point the training is no longer generic: it focuses on
change to help drive the ITSM implementation, rather than force conservers into roles with which they are
uncomfortable. the actual processes as they will be implemented by
It’s also important to communicate that ITSM provides IT personnel with opportunities to build on their skills. the corporation.
Make it clear that the goal of ITSM is not to tell people how to do their jobs — or to take their jobs away —
but to give them new opportunities to contribute to the vitality of the corporation and enhance their own With this approach, training takes on multiple roles. It
professional success. is used to help define and refine processes, secure buy-
1 March 14, 2006, Trends “Firms Must Take ITIL Beyond Operational Goals.”
in and support, and recruit leaders who will ensure the
success of the ITSM implementation.

Mastering change
Today’s fast-paced, global economy means that
corporations must be flexible, agile, and innovative to
effectively capitalize on their market opportunities. Yet
they cannot hope to do so if the IT organizations that
support them are trapped in reactive,
compartmentalized, inward-focused modes of

Fortunately, there’s a solution. ITSM provides the tools

and templates to transform IT organizations into
adaptive, service-oriented entities that contribute
measurable results to their host corporations.

Yet it’s a misapprehension to view ITSM as merely a

set of tools. Its greatest value is its ability to transform
IT organizations. As such, ITSM is not an end, but a
means to an end; it not only helps organizations
improve their IT processes today, but also provides a
foundation to manage change more effectively in the
future. To do this, however, ITSM must be embraced by
the people responsible for managing and executing IT
processes through effective awareness campaigns,
utilization of industry resources, and ITSM training.

To learn more, visit

© 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change
without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements
accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional
warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
4AA1-0123ENW, January 2007

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