T05 FG - Iptv Doc 0190!!MSW e
T05 FG - Iptv Doc 0190!!MSW e
T05 FG - Iptv Doc 0190!!MSW e
STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 English only
1 Scope...........................................................................................................................5
2 References...................................................................................................................5
3 Definitions...................................................................................................................5
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere..............................................................................5
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation.......................................................6
4 Abbreviations and acronyms.......................................................................................7
5 Conventions................................................................................................................7
6 IPTV multicast requirements......................................................................................8
6.1 IPTV multicast transport requirement..........................................................8
6.2 QoS requirements of IPTV multicast............................................................9
6.3 Security requirements of IPTV multicast...................................................12
6.4 Interoperability requirement of IPTV multicast.........................................12
6.5 Service management requirements of IPTV multicast...............................13
7 IPTV Multicast Architecture.....................................................................................13
7.1 Description of entities for Non-NGN IPTV functional architecture..........13
7.2 Description of reference points for Non-NGN IPTV functional architecture16
8 IPTV Multicast scenarios..........................................................................................16
8.1 Native IP multicast scenario.......................................................................16
8.2 Alternative multicast scenarios...................................................................18
9 Design considerations for IPTV multicast network..................................................24
9.1 IPTV multicast transport.............................................................................24
9.2 IPTV multicast QoS....................................................................................28
9.2.1 Types of IPTV multicast QoS.....................................................................28
9.3 IPTV multicast interoperability among service providers..........................30
9.4 IPTV multicast management......................................................................32
10 Overlay multicast networking...................................................................................37
10.1 Control framework for IPTV overlay multicast.........................................37
10.2 Functional framework for IPTV overlay multicast.....................................39
10.3 QoS control in IPTV overlay multicast network........................................39
1 Scope
This document on IPTV multicast frameworks describes functional requirements and frameworks
of supporting multicast capabilities in terms of IPTV network control.
This document considers multicast frameworks for non-NGN environment.
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions, which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this working document. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all
users of this working document are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying
the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the
currently valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published.
The reference to a document within this working document does not give it, as a stand-alone
document, the status of a Recommendation.
3 Definitions
3.1.1 Broadcast [ITU-T M.60]: One-way transmission from one point to two or more other
3.1.2 Delivery network gateway (DNG) [ATIS-0800002]: A device implementing the DNGF.
Note: DNG also is commonly referred to as the Residential Gateway (RG).
3.1.3 End-user [ITU-T J.112]: A human being, organization, or telecommunications system that
accesses the network in order to communicate via the services provided by the network.
3.1.4 Network provider [ITU-T Q.1290]: The organization that maintains and operates the
network components required for IPTV functionality. A network provider can optionally
also act as service provider.
3.1.5 Service provider [ITU-T M.1400]: A general reference to an operator that provides
telecommunication services to customers and other users either on a tariff or contract basis.
A service provider may or may not operate a network. A service provider can optionally or
can optionally not be a customer of another service provider.
3.1.6 Subscriber [ITU-T Q.3050.1]: The subscriber is responsible for concluding contracts for
the services subscribed to and for paying for these services.
3.1.7 Subscription [ITU-T Q.1741.3]: A subscription describes the commercial relationship
between the subscriber and the service provider.
5 Conventions
In this document:
The keywords “is required to” indicate a requirement which must be strictly followed and from
which no deviation is permitted if conformance to this document is to be claimed.
The keywords “is prohibited from” indicate a requirement which must be strictly followed and
from which no deviation is permitted if conformance to this document is to be claimed.
The keywords “is recommended” indicate a requirement which is recommended but which is not
absolutely required. Thus this requirement need not be present to claim conformance.
The keywords “is not recommended” indicate a requirement which is not recommended but which
is not specifically prohibited. Thus, conformance with this specification can still be claimed even if
this requirement is present.
The keywords “can optionally” indicate an optional requirement which is permissible, without
implying any sense of being recommended. This term is not intended to imply that the vendor’s
implementation must provide the option and the feature can be optionally enabled by the network
operator/service provider. Rather, it means the vendor may optionally provide the feature and still
claim conformance with the specification.
Note: The terminology and the architecture assumed in this document needs to be checked for
alignment with IPTV architecture document.
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support the ability for the DNGF to implement
standard IP routing functions, per established IETF specifications. [ATIS-0800002]
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support the ability for the DNGF to support
routing functions per IPv4 specifications. [ATIS-0800002]
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support both IPv6 and IPv4. [ATIS-0800002]
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support static and dynamic address allocation
schemes for both IPv4 and IPv6 [ATIS-0800002]
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support the ability for the DNGF to support the
routing of IP packets between all interfaces toward the access/core network (WAN side of
the HN), and toward the ITF (LAN side of the HN). Specifically, this means: [ATIS-
- Routing is recommended to be supported from DN to HNS (downstream flow).
- Routing is recommended to be supported from HNS to DN (upstream flow).
- Routing is recommended to be supported from any HNS to any other HNS (bidirectional
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support the ability for the DNGF to support
multiple logical IP interfaces (multiple attachment points at the IP layer) on any particular
physical DN interface [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support the ability for the DNGF to assign IP
addresses to devices in the Home Network [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support automated configuration capabilities for
the IPTV devices [ATIS-0800002].
The DNGF is recommended to support NAT/NAPT capability mapping IP address and port
numbers between the public WAN and the LAN(s) [ATIS-0800002].
The following are multicast transport functional requirements in addition to the above service
The IPTV multicast network is recommended to provide identification of multicast group to
the ITF.
The IPTV multicast network is recommended to maintain multicast session information for
each multicast group, and can optionally announce them to the ITFs.
The IPTV multicast network is recommended to authenticate and authorize an IPTV
multicast source.
The IPTV multicast network is recommended to optionally manage the identification of
IPTV multicast tree.
The IPTV multicast network is required to provide the stable multicast tree management
when the IPTV end-users join and leave.
The IPTV architecture is required to support a framework that identifies the key components
and measurement points for Quality of Service Measurement (QoSM) [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV terminal device is recommended to be able to declare Media-providing entities
their usage environments description - e.g. Type of service, Type of Terminal, Type of
transmission medium, User Preferences, Available QoS Level [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture, if re-transmission broadcast service is supported, is recommended to
provide comparable Quality of Experience to the end-user as the direct reception.
The IPTV architecture is required to support the service provider to be able to get QoS
information from the end-user device.
The IPTV architecture is required to allow the delivery of IPTV services with a defined
Quality of Experience (QoE) for the IPTV end-user [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support consistent QoS for the duration of the
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support a mechanism by which network operators
can integrate IPTV QoS management functions into a common framework with other
services and applications [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture can optionally support the delivery of multiple services over the
common IP transport with a manageable IP Quality of Service (QoS); services can
optionally be delivered from multiple service providers or from a single provider [ATIS-
The IPTV architecture is required to support mechanisms for supporting appropriate
resiliency in the service provider infrastructure to maintain a high QoE [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support means to provide channel changing times
with sufficient QoE.
Networks that support IPTV are required to support the IP QoS class and associated
performance requirements specified in Y.1541 [ITU-T Y.1541], which recommends the
selection of relevant specific QoS classes based on application requirements.
The IPTV architecture is required to support a mechanism for assigning traffic priorities
The IPTV architecture is required to support the relevant mechanisms for IPTV traffic
identification, classification and marking, policing and conditioning, scheduling and
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support mechanisms for dynamic IPTV traffic
load balancing so as to dynamically accommodate with the network load and congestion
conditions at any given time, so as to deliver the set of IPTV services to the end-users with
the relevant level of quality.
The IPTV architecture is recommended to offer an admission control solution for admission
of IPTV services over the access and core network resources from the home network to the
service source.
The IPTV architecture is required to support the capability for management of capacity on
the services and network elements [ATIS-0800002].
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The IPTV architecture can optionally support mechanisms to support QoS/QoE parameter
adjustment due to changes of content characteristics on a channel.
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support an application layer error recovery
mechanism to support sufficient QoE/QoS for unicast distribution of any IPTV service.
Any application layer error recovery mechanism integrated in the IPTV architecture is
recommended to be flexible to cover a range of networks conditions and IPTV services.
The IPTV architecture is required to define mechanism to appropriately distinguish different
forms of traffic -- e.g. data and voice [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support redundancy and failover mechanisms for
infrastructure components. [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended not to put any constraint on latency sensitive
services. [ATIS-0800002]
The IPTV architecture is required to define traffic management mechanisms for the
differential treatment of IPTV traffic [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is required to support the ability to configure QoS rules at the DNGF
that govern traffic mapping (upstream or downstream) for the different services [ATIS-
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support the ability to perform
the bandwidth management of all HNS networks attached to the DNG [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support performing call
admission functions to protect the home network from excessive and harmful traffic on any
HNS, between two HNSs attached to the DNG, and between any HNS and any DN [ATIS-
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support the ability for the
DNGF to perform policing functions on incoming traffic and drop offending traffic to
protect the home network [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support routing IP traffic
based on provision-able/manageable mechanisms to guarantee QoS for different service
classes [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support mapping downstream
traffic to corresponding local flows to provide QoS for the different services. This includes
L3 to L2 mapping, based on the local HNS [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture (including DNGF) is recommended to support mapping upstream
traffic generated by the end-devices to corresponding outgoing flows to provide QoS for the
different services. This includes L2 to L3 mapping [ATIS-0800002].
Where the Home Network transports multiple latency sensitive traffic types (e.g., the IPTV
services and frequency distribution protocols, or time distribution protocols), these protocols
and the Home Network infrastructure is recommended to be configured such that they do
not impact the latency requirements of each service [ATIS-0800002].
The following are multicast QoS functional requirements in addition to the above service
IPTV service provider is recommended to guarantee the QoS of IPTV multicast traffic.
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IPTV network provider is recommended to provide recovery mechanism for IPTV multicast
traffic due to node failure and link failure.
IPTV network provider can optionally provide priority based transport for IPTV multicast
the text in this document and that of [FG IPTV –DOC-0147], then the latter text should take
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support a functional component that presents an
open interface for the 3rd party applications to use the capabilities and resources of the
IPTV network.
The IPTV architecture is required to support a mechanism that allows for service-based
transport QoS to be managed across multiple network domains [ATIS-0800002].
The IPTV architecture is recommended to support capabilities for exchange of IPTV
services information between different IPTV services providers. For instance, the service
information can optionally include the source information, channel information, service
start/end time, and QoS information.
4) Content Preparation block: This block is used to aggregate Content, to manage contents, to
process metadata and to encrypt contents. It may be used to convert the content, which is
delivered by the content owner, into required delivery format.
7.1.3 Service Control Functions for IPTV multicast
The Multicast Service Control Functions for IPTV multicast provides the functions of requesting
and releasing the network and service resources required to support the IPTV multicast services; it
include ‘IPTV service control functional block’ and ‘service user profile function block’.
1) IPTV service control functional block: It provides functions of handling service initiation
and/or termination requests, performing service access control, establishing and maintaining
the network and system resources required to support the required IPTV Terminal
functionality. For example, it can request the Content Delivery Functions to allocate
multicast media server capacity and to request the Network Transport Functions to reserve
Network bandwidth for the multicast media Stream.
2) Service user profile function block: It can be used for storing user profiles, subscriber-
related location data, and presence status data in the Service stratum. The service user
profile functional block performs basic data management and maintenance functions. The
service user profile functional block has responsibility of responses to queries for user
7.1.4 Content Delivery Functions for IPTV multicast
Multicast content delivery functions provide the distributed content servers for the IPTV multicast
services. Multicast contents, which are prepared in the application functions, are delivered to the
End-Users via the Network Transport Functions through the Content Delivery Functions.
During multicast service, Application Functions send contents to Content Delivery Functions. In
order to support the efficient multicast services, contents may be stored/cached in the Content
Delivery Functions; which includes ‘Content Distribution & Location Functions block’ and
‘Content Delivery & Storage Functions block’.
1) Content Distribution & Location Functions block: It controls the Delivery & Storage
Functions to optimize content distribution, selection and deliver content to the end user.
2) Content Delivery & Storage Functions block: It distributes, caches, stores and delivers the
content to the end user. They handle the media control messages; Pause and Fast Forwards.
7.1.5 Network Transport Functions for IPTV multicast
The ‘Network Transport Functions’ provides multicast connectivity with transport functions for all
multicast users. The multicast transport functions can support multicast tree construction, multicast
traffic replication and multicast member identification functionalities. Then, multicast traffic is
forwarded along multicast delivery path.
The Network Transport Functions include ‘Authentication and IP allocation functional block’,
‘Resource control functional block’, ‘Multicast Control Point Functions block’, ‘Multicast
Replication Functions block’ and ‘Access Network Functions block’.
1) Authentication and IP allocation functional block: It provides the capability of
authenticating the Delivery Network Gate Functions, connecting the Network Transport and
Control Functions and allocating IP address to the terminal device.
2) Resource control functional block: It provides the capability of controlling network
resources in the Access and Transport networks to allow appropriate resources to be
provided to the Content Streams.
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3) Multicast Control Point Functions block: It provides the capability of selecting individual
Multicast stream that is to be delivered, over the access network, to the IPTV Devices. The
request for a Multicast Stream may need to be authorised before it is accepted. This is one
of the Transport Network functions.
4) Multicast Replication Functions block: The functions replicate multicast stream to all the
Multicast Control Points that need to receive it.
5) Access Network Functions block: This block for IPTV multicast is for further study.
7.1.6 Management Functions for IPTV multicast
These functions for IPTV multicast are for further study.
7.1.7 Content Provider Functions for IPTV multicast
Content can come from a number of different sources; the physical interfaces and signals formats
may all be different from each of the sources. E.g. IP networks satellite decoders. It may include
functions such as content ratifying, which means it needs to ratify content license, content access
prioritization and parental control level; it can provide distributed storage servers (e.g. CDN) for
large volumes of video and audio contents.
These functions for IPTV multicast are for further study.
To provide IPTV service based on native IP multicast, it is required for Network Provider (NP) to
install multicast-capable routers; and the service solution fully depends on IP multicast network.
The native IP multicast-based IPTV service solution has characteristics of tightly related
performance to the condition of NP’s network; therefore this service solution has the merit of
having full-network-speed because multicast forwarding capability is provided by each network
element (i.e., multicast routers).
On the contrary, native IP multicast-based IPTV service solution can support only bounded number
IPTV service channels. Because each network element must handle each state per flow, the NP’s
network may suffer from unbounded number of IPTV service channels.
Therefore, native IP multicast-based IPTV service solution is appropriate for HDTV-quality IPTV
service with bounded number of IPTV service channels.
Figure 8-2: High-level information flow for the case of IP multicast-based IPTV service
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Figure 8-2 shows scenario when native IP multicast mechanism is applied to IPTV service. To
provide IPTV service, not only data delivery mechanism but such as IPTV service control, DRM
management are very crucial, but this scenario will only focus on the multicast data delivery
capabilities, the left are considered out of scope.
In the native IP multicast-based IPTV service, Content Provider (CP) asks Service Provider (SP) to
multicast content media (1), and then SP prepares the content media for multicasting to the
announce group (2); but the way of announcing group is also considered as out of scope.
Consumer (IPTV client) exchanges signalling with SP’s IPTV control function for initiating IPTV
service (3).
In native multicast based IPTV service, NP is in charge of replicating and delivering content media
to each receiver; the purpose of network transport function of NP is to configure optimized
multicast tree and then forwards replicated data along the configured multicast tree. The network
provided by NP consists of access, edge, and core network.
To have multicast delivery service, it is required for IPTV client to subscribe a specific multicast
group. IPTV client uses network/resource management function to subscribe the multicast group
(4); IPTV client can join a specific multicast group by using IGMP. IPTV client’s subscribing a
group will be accomplished after following successful NP’s network authentication; then the IPTV
client can be attached to the specific multicast tree. In case of NP, most optimized multicast tree
from SP to consumers is configured by exchanging appropriate routing protocol.
After the successful multicast tree is configured, the content media from SP can be delivered to
IPTV client with help of multicast forwarding capabilities provided by NP (5). The content media,
finally reached at IPTV client’s network transport function, will be delivered to IPTV client
application. To improve video quality suffered by jitter or delay, IPTV client may put appropriate
size of buffer between network transport and client’s application (6).
In case when QoS monitoring is necessary, SP may gather information by asking end IPTV client of
experienced QoS report or by asking NP of network statistics (7); but the details are considered as
out of scope.
To provide CDN-based IPTV service, it is required SP to position CDN server or server pool. CDN-
based IPTV service can be easily deployed; because CDN-based IPTV service can be implemented
over current unicast-based network; so, it is not required to install multicast-enabled network.
The CDN-based IPTV service solution has characteristics of tightly related performance to the
power of CDN server and the number of CDN servers; because CDN server sends content media to
each client repetitiously according to the each IPTV client’s connection to CDN server. The number
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of IPTV clients can be served at a same time totally depends on the power of CDN servers and the
number of CDN servers.
However, because each client directly connects to CDN server SP can easily manage each client at
any purpose; for example, SP can monitor each IPTV clients’ presence for billing in real time.
Therefore, CDN-based IPTV service solution is most suitable for IPTV service provider who does
not own a network but wants to provide payable IPTV service to the bounded number of IPTV
Figure 8-5: High-level information flow for the case of CDN-based IPTV service
Figure 8-5 shows the scenario when CDN mechanism is applied to IPTV service. Because this
scenario only focuses on the multicast data delivery capabilities, the left are considered out of
To begin with CDN-based IPTV service, CP asks SP to deliver content media; then SP convert the
requested content media into suitable format for IPTV service delivery (1).
To receive IPTV service, IPTV client asks SP for specific IPTV service; and then SP gives
available information about CDN servers to connect (2). IPTV client then tries to connect CDN
server by using the given information from SP (3). Because unicast mechanism is applied to deliver
content media to IPTV clients in CDN-based IPTV service solution (4), NP does not care about
multicast delivery; NP is just for unicast data delivery capabilities (5).
The content media, finally reached at IPTV client’s network transport function, will be delivered to
IPTV client application. To improve video quality suffered by jitter or delay, IPTV client may put
appropriate size of buffer between network transport and client’s application (6).
In case when QoS monitoring is necessary, SP may gather information by asking end IPTV client of
experienced QoS report or by asking NP of network statistics (7); but the details are considered as
out of scope.
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To provide overlay multicast-based IPTV service, it is required for IPTV client’s network delivery
function to construct overlay multicast tree and to replicate and forward content media.
Overlay multicast-based IPTV service can be easily deployed. Because overlay multicast-based
IPTV service can be implemented over current unicast-based network; there is no need to change
current network environment.
The noticeable feature of overlay multicast mechanism is that each client can relay received content
media; i.e., each client can act like content producer as well as content consumer. Therefore the
QoS of overlay multicast-based IPTV service is highly affected by the power of each IPTV client.
However, in overlay multicast-based IPTV service solution, only the participated IPTV clients to a
specific IPTV channel share the burden of content media delivery; so it is not required to have
centralized server nor specific network element. Therefore, overly multicast-based IPTV service
does not have any limitation on the number of IPTV service channel.
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On the contrary, it is difficult to manage each IPTV clients for billing and presence, because each
contents media delivery elements in overlay multicast-based IPTV service are distributed.
Therefore, overlay multicast-based IPTV service solution is suitable for IPTV service of low-video-
quality (low bit rate) and free IPTV service with no limitation on the number of service channel.
Especially this service solution can be applied for the cyber community purpose, for personal
broadcasting purpose, and for the CCTV broadcasting purpose.
Figure 8-9: High-level information flow for overlay multicast-based IPTV service
Figure 8-9 shows the scenario when overlay multicast mechanism is applied to IPTV service.
Because this scenario only focuses on the multicast data delivery capabilities, the left are considered
out of scope.
To begin with overlay multicast-based IPTV service, CP asks SP to delivery content media and then
SP convert the requested content media into suitable format for IPTV service(1). IPTV client asks
SP to provide IPTV service to receive IPTV service (2).
In overlay multicast environment, each IPTV client constructs overlay multicast tree. Along the
overlay multicast tree, each IPTV client can receive content media from its parent client and can
also relay the received content media to its children clients; therefore it is required for each client to
know the location information of other clients participated in same IPTV channel.
To acquire information about other participated IPTV clients, IPTV client exchange signalling with
SP (3). In overlay multicast-based IPTV service, unicast mechanism is applied to deliver content
media; NP only needs to support unicast data delivery capabilities (4).
The content media, finally reached at IPTV client’s network transport function, will be delivered to
IPTV client application. To improve video quality suffered by jitter or delay, IPTV client may put
appropriate size of buffer between network transport and client’s application (5). Then IPTV client
forwards the received content media to network to support its children clients (6).
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In case when QoS monitoring is necessary, SP may gather information by asking end IPTV client of
experienced QoS report or by asking NP of network statistics (7); but the details are considered as
out of scope.
Sender S2
Join (*, G) G
Any Source Multicast
enabled IPTV Network
Sender S3
2. Security: In a group based model it is easy to disturb existing IPTV channels by simply
sending traffic to the same group address. To avoid those attacks complex filter
mechanisms are needed at the ingress and/or egress points of the network (and
potentially at customer’s premises to avoid unwanted and disturbing IP Multicast
3. Redundancy: On the network level Any Source Multicast usually deploys PIM-SM
(Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode) a central Rendezvous Point (RP) which
represents a single point of failure. To overcome this problem redundant RPs and
additional protocols are necessary.
4. Complexity: Taking 1-3 into account (as well as some other drawbacks) the use of Any
Source Multicast adds complexity. To reduce the complexity and to overcome the
problems with ASM a new model “Source Specific Multicast” was developed. Source Specific Multicast
Source Specific was developed to overcome the problems encountered by Any Source Multicast.
The main difference between the two models is the use of the source address of the multicast
sender. In contrast to ASM with SSM it is possible to distinguish between a sender (S1) and a
sender (S2) sending to the same IP Multicast address (G). Receivers not only specify the group
address G but also the address of the sender (S), resulting in an IP Multicast channel (S,G). Because
the Unicast address within a network uniquely identifies an end system, the combination of (S,G) is
unique as well. A receiver joining (S1, G) does not receive the traffic from another system sending
to the same IP Multicast address.
Sender S1
Sender S2
Join (S1, G) G
Source Specific Multicast
enabled IPTV Network
Sender S3
SSM is also optimized for One-to-Many deployment scenarios which are typically used within
IPTV. In addition ASM and SSM can be used in parallel (deploying different address ranges) if
necessary. The use of SSM eases the deployment of IPTV and reduces the complexity, allowing
more flexible IPTV services. The IETF has assigned the default address space 232/8 for the use
with Source Specific Multicast.
9.1.2 Multicast group management in access node
Internet Group Management Protocol
IGMP is used between an IP-Multicast capable end system (e.g. IPTV Terminal Device) and a IP-
Multicast capable router. IGMP is available in different versions: IGMPv1, IGMPv2 and IGMPv3.
IGMP is used by end systems to join and leave IP-Multicast groups or channels (depending on the
IGMP version).
IGMPv1 (RFC1112): IGMPv1 is the oldest version of IGMPv1. Due to the fact that
IGMPv1 does not support a “Leave Message”, IGMPv1 in not widely implemented and was
replaced by IGMPv2/IGMPv3. IGMPv1 supports only the ASM model.
IGMPv2 (RFC2236)/MLDv1 (RFC2710): IGMPv2 added the capability of end system to
leave a Multicast group by sending a “Leave Messages” to the next node. IGMPv2/MLDv1
supports only the ASM model; both protocols are widely deployed today.
IGMPv3 (RFC3376)/MLDv2 (RFC3810): The main difference is the support of filter
mechanisms (exclude/include filter) to support Source Specific Multicast. IGMPv3/MLDv2
supports the ASM and the SSM service model.
IGMP transparent snooping
IGMP snooping optimizes the distribution of multicast within an IEEE 802.1 bridging domain so
multicast traffic is only sent on bridge ports where there are known to be active receivers and/or
multicast routers. IGMP snooping functionality resides on IEEE bridging devices that connect
IGMP hosts to IGMP routers and consists of two main components. The first function is the IGMP
snooping control section which:
1) Monitors IGMP messages (and optionally other multicast router messages, such as PIM or
DVMRP hello packets), to determine the port location of the multicast routers and active receivers
within an IEEE bridged domain.
2) Builds per port, per VLAN multicast forwarding tables
3) Maintains basic IGMP membership state on non-router ports to determine when a forwarding
entry should be removed.
The second function is the data forwarding section which:
1) Forwards packets in the range which are not IGMP messages on all ports.
2) Forwards multicast packets with a destination IP address outside, which are not
IGMP according to per VLAN, per port multicast forwarding tables.
This basic mode of operation is often referred to as “transparent IGMP snooping” and does not
absorb, nor alter, nor generate IGMP messages when performing the above functions.
IGMP proxy
IGMP proxy is a function to reduce the number of IGMP/MLD messages in a network and to
enable a device to communicate with a Multicast enabled router without using a IP-Multicast
routing protocol.
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If more than one upstream interface is available (e.g. different VLANs) the following rules apply:
“Simple Mode”, only one Upstream Interface for IGMP/Multicast”: If only one
upstream interface needs to support Multicast/IGMP it should be possible to select the proxy
interface by static configuration or a dynamic mechanism like a Multicast default route
using the DHCP option 121 (Classless Static Route Option).
“Extended Mode”, different Upstream Interfaces for IGMP/Multicast: More than one
upstream interface needs to support Multicast/IGMP (e.g. different service VLANs). In this
scenario the Multicast groups/Multicast channels need to be configured on the
corresponding interfaces; e.g. 239/8 on interface #1 and 232/8 on interface #2. The proxy
needs to separate the address spaces, e.g. an IGMP report on interface #1 must not include
information about multicast groups/channels on interface #2. The device must support a
mechanism to configure (assign) the multicast groups/channels to the corresponding
upstream interfaces. This can be done by using static configuration (pre configured device,
using a GUI, etc.) or a dynamic mechanism.
“Forking Mode”: In this mode IGMP reports are sent to more than one upstream interface.
Queries will be answered on all upstream interfaces which are configured for “Forking
Mode”; reports include information about all Multicast groups/channels the CPE is
subscribed to. It is within the responsibility of the receivers of the membership reports to
take action on the received reports. In a standard scenario only one of the receivers will
forward multicast traffic to avoid duplicate traffic. Other network components can act on the
membership reports (e.g. change filters or QoS settings) without forwarding the traffic (see
Figure 9-4Error: Reference source not found).
1. 1.1,2
r (10
fic fo
Traf P Multicast Router #1
forwards traffic
IGMP Join (,
from STB IGM
CPE with IGMP Proxy/Forking P
and two Upstream Interfaces
Multicast Router #2
drops IGMP, does not
forward traffic
Anycast RP has been widely adopted in existing IPTV multicast solutions to get service robustness
and scalability,as well as load-balancing. The best working examples of anycast RP in IPTV is
Anycast RP redundancy and anycast source. The Anycast RP mechanism is intended to address the
need for better fail-over (convergence time) and load sharing of source register messages among
RPs in a domain. Load balancing of IPTV multicast
When multicast routers receive a join message, multicast routing protocol normally send its join
message to one of the multicast interfaces. If some groups have the same source, among multiple
multicast interfaces, only one of them is selected and sends the join. In an Equal Cost Multiple Path
(ECMP) environment, all multicast interfaces cannot be used to distribute multicast traffic; instead
only single interface is used. To load share the traffic, multicast source should be distributed for
different groups, and IPTV service provider should be considered for this load sharing
- 29 -
Each IPTV Service Provider may have its own multicast address policy and the policy of IPTV SP’s
internal multicast address may not match the inter-Service Provider address policy. Therefore, the
following is recommended to be supported;
IPTV Service Provider is recommended to support translating multicast addresses from
other IPTV Service Provider to its internal multicast address; the multicast address
translation policy is up to IPTV Service Provider.
IPv6 multicast addresses of [IETF RFC 3307] range (Allocation Guidelines for IPv6
Multicast Addresses) are recommended to support interoperable multicast channels.
The following can be considered for multicast routing interoperability.
Multicast BGP between different IPTV service providers is recommended to advertise
multicast source routes. Multicast border gateway protocol (MBGP) is used to advertise
multicast source routes for RPF check. Followings should be considered as the peering
policy that MBGP is using for multicast routing protocol between IPTV service providers.
- Advertising summarized prefixes if possible
- Recommended route filtering policy like default routing information, private addresses
defined by [IETF RFC 1918], all Multicast groups(224/4), ISP’s unicast prefix range
from peer ISP,
- AS Path filtering
- Maximum prefix limit
- Md5 authentication between MBGP peers
Source active filtering of Multicast Source Discovery protocol (MSDP) is recommended to
use to prevent bogus (S, G) from sending when MSDP is applied. When the MSDP is used
between IPTV Service Providers for their multicast service, MSDP source active filter is
necessary to prevent bogus (S, G) from sending. Followings should be taken care as the
MSDP filtering policy that MBGP is used for multicast routing protocol between IPTV SPs.
- Domain-local multicast applications
- Auto-RP groups
- Administratively scoped groups(239/8)
- Default SSM range(232/8)
- Loopback addresses(127/8)
- Private addresses(RFC1918 range)
IPTV service provider is recommended to protect its own IPTV network and IPTV source
against the malicious traffic injection from peering service providers (SPs). IPTV service
providers should protect their own IPTV network and IPTV source against the malicious
traffic injection from peering SPs. This function should be implemented in IPTV multicast
interoperability peering point. Followings should be considered as the security policy for
IPTV multicast interoperability.
- uRPF (unicast Reverse Path Forwarding) in peering interface
- Filtering about non-approved group range, source Block and non approved application
port numbers
- PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast) neighbour authentication
- TCP/ICMP message filtering for 224/4
- Protection against multicast source spoofing
- BSR (Bootstrap router) message filtering
- Capability to limit the maximum number of multicast routing information
- 31 -
In IPTV multicast interoperability environment, IPTV service providers should provide the QoS
monitoring function to handle the IPTV service quality measurement, and also IPTV service
providers should provide the QoS management function to keep IPTV service in high quality.
IPTV service provider is recommended to provide IPTV Service quality measurement and
management function for interoperability.
network. The procedures of applying for multicast service and multicast address are as follows and
shown as Figure 9-7Error: Reference source not found.
1) In order to carry out services based upon multicast address users should arrange the inquiry
and registration on the PORTAL of carrier-provided Multicast Address and Service Control
2) The self-service system check the situation of this multicast address from multicast address
policy controller
3) If this multicast address is available, users will be told that they are allowed to use it.
4) At the same time, multicast address policy controller sends policies to the access point to
allow the multicast services get access. IPTV Multicast Address / Domain Name Management
The function of IPTV Multicast Address / Domain Name Management is an optional one for
network operators, to make their management of multicast address resources more efficiently and
easily. With this function, network operators do not allocate multicast IP addresses to multicast
channels of IPTV service providers directly, but register domain names of these channels, and bind
multicast addresses with their domain names dynamically.
Multicast IP addresses are managed by network operators.
Network operators can do domain name registration / deregistration on DNS servers.
IPTV service providers negotiate domain names of their IPTV channels with network
Network operators register domain names of IPTV channels with multicast addresses
dynamically assigned to these channels.
- 34 -
Network operators inform IPTV service providers about the domain names registered for
their IPTV channels.
When network operators need to do multicast address management work, they just modify
domain name registration on DNS servers.
- Allocate a multicast address to an IPTV channel: register a domain name with a
multicast address for the IPTV channel.
- Revoke a multicast address from an IPTV channel: deregister the domain name of the
IPTV channel.
- Rearrange multicast addresses: modify domain name registration of IPTV channels.
IPTV service providers get multicast address information of their IPTV channels by DNS
query, and send IPTV contents to those multicast addresses.
End users access these IPTV channels by their domain names.
Network operators can make use of domain name information of IPTV channels to do IPTV
service access control on both multicast sources (IPTV service providers) and multicast
group members (end users). IPTV channel domain name management function for IPTV service providers
The function of IPTV channel domain name management is an optional one for IPTV service
providers, to represent their multicast IPTV channels with constant identifier – domain names,
rather than multicast IP addresses. With this function, IPTV service providers register domain
names of their multicast channels with the help of DNS service providers, and bind multicast IP
addresses with these domain names dynamically.
Multicast resources (multicast IP addresses) for IPTV services are managed by network
Network operators allocate multicast IP addresses to IPTV service providers, with which
IPTV service providers can carry their multicast channels into service.
There are DNS service providers, who maintain DNS servers, and provide DNS services
(domain name registration, domain name query) to public.
With the domain name registration service provided by DNS service providers, IPTV
service providers manage domain names of their multicast channels.
- Channel Registration: Register the domain name of an IPTV channel with a multicast IP
address got from network operators.
- Channel Deregistration: Deregister the domain name of an IPTV channel, and withdraw
the multicast IP address assigned to this channel.
- Channel Rearrangement: Modify domain name registration of IPTV channels.
IPTV service providers represent their multicast channels with domain names when they
release URI information of these channels (such as in EPG).
Multicast IPTV channel servers get address information of the channel by DNS query,
before broadcasting IPTV contents to the multicast address.
End users access the multicast IPTV channels by their domain names.
Besides the obvious advantages of representing multicast IPTV channels with domain names, this
solution benefits IPTV service providers in 2 more aspects.
- 35 -
The solution makes it possible for IPTV service providers to represent multicast IPTV
channels with domain names even network operators do not deploy IPTV multicast address /
domain name management function.
The solution provides an efficient way to IPTV service providers to manage their multicast
resources (multicast IP addresses) got from network operators dynamically. Rearranging
multicast addresses among their multicast IPTV channels has little impact on other aspects.
9.4.3 IPTV multicast service management
The packet transmission of IPTV Multicast service is usually provided based on UDP, so it can be
less-reliable than TCP based delivery. Because of that reason, we absolutely need to provide the
service management features including service monitoring one to guarantee the service reliability. Definition of IPTV multicast service management
IPTV multicast service is recommended to provide service monitoring features for the
service status management.
IPTV multicast service is recommended to provide the statistics as the service reporting
IPTV multicast service is recommended to manage each service STBs, stream servers,
management servers.
IPTV multicast service is recommended to be capable of recovering or handling for the
specific host to get the poor service quality. Necessary information for IPTV multicast service management
Multicast Group information
- The multicast groups IP, port information are delivered from streaming server to clients
in the live broadcasting connection time. That information is used for checking whether
multicast group information is correct or not.
Client information
- If the clients start to receive the live broadcasting data, IPTV service management server
can get the information of the each client’s IP, MAC addresses. That information is used
for checking the client’s status.
Video type information
- When receiving live broadcasting, the clients get the video information like video size
and codec type which is received from the streaming server. That information is used for
video quality measurement data.
Video Frame information
- With checking the timestamp and sequence number of the media data header, we can get
the exact time information about frame reception and remaking.
- The Sequence number is consecutive one, so the unusual increase can be regarded as the
case of IPTV service frame loss, so it can be used for service quality measurement
- From the decoding procedure of media data, we can get the I, P, B frame information
which can be used as service quality measurement information.
Bitrate information
- The Bitrate information can be also used for IPTV service quality measurement factor
- 36 -
Figure 10-1: Functional blocks of IPTV session control for IPTV application services
Appendix I
Figure I.1 shows the concept of Hybrid P2P IPTV service multicast delivery solution.
In this scheme, the receivers join in multicast group as usually. Then they need to form a P2P group
too. When a receiver find out that he has lost some IP packet, he can send a broadcast message to
his peers to request the lost packets. Then the fast response peer can send the lost packet to it. This
mechanism need the receiver caches some packet in case that it need to retransfer packet to the peer.
In this model multicast routers are control by SP, so SP can tightly manage the communication. P2P
groups does not involve node of SP , but it is need to limit the member in one group because too
many peer will aggravate the receivers’ burden.
Figure I.2 shows a generalized distribution scheme with CDN that have the ability of P2P
The main problem in this architecture is how to organize CDN servers in SP . In the traditional
CDN, it is based on Client/Server technology. Upstream node (i.e. Servers) can forward data to its
downstream nodes (i.e. Clients) which is not reversible. Even nodes in the same layer can not
exchange data. Nowadays, for the need to improve its high reliability to serve in network, CDN
- 41 -
servers can exchange data from each other which even have P2P abilities according to the
distribution policy of CDN.
Appendix II
QoS and Resource Control Functions for IPTV Overlay Multicast
(This appendix does not form an integral part of this document)
makes the policy decision for the request. Session manager confirms the received message from
RCF, and compares with service information. Then session manager sends the policy installing
request message to RCF. After receiving the policy request message, RCF sends the policy
installing request message to transport network through the configured path for overlay network.
Figure II-1 shows the application of Resource Control Function in wired/wireless/mobile networks
for IPTV overlay multicast QoS control.
II.3 Procedure to provide QoS and resource control functions for IPTV overlay multicast
When Session Manger requests information on overlay networking paths to Resource Control
Function, and Resource Control Function collects the transport network information using SNMP.
Resource Control provides the QoS and resource information of transport networks to Session
Manager. In order to compromise the requested requirements on QoS and resource availability of
IPTV overlay multicast paths, Session Manager may re-negotiate with Resource Control Function.
If the provisioning of Resource Control Function is not satisfied by Session Manager, it is ignored
and discarded. Figure II.12shows procedure to create IPTV overlay multicast service to be with
QoS requirements of IPTV overlay multicast paths in IPTV overlay network.
- 44 -
Figure II.2: Procedure to create overlay multicast paths with Resource Reservation and
Control in IPTV Overlay Network
Figure II.3: Procedure to exchange control information for provision of QoS and resource
management in IPTV Overlay Network.
- 45 -
Figure II.3 shows an example of procedure to exchange control information for provision of QoS
and resource management in IPTV Overlay Network (the same procedure of Figure II.2 is likely to
Figure II.2). The RCF in IPTV Overlay Network will have similar function with Policy Decision
Function. PDF performs control function based on the policies from network provider, service
provider or service control function to provide QoS and resource control function to IPTV
information delivery path.
The request for resource reservation and QoS control function on physical transport paths, which
are mapped with logical paths in IPTV overlay network, is initiated by Session Manager, and
delivered to PDF in RCF. PDF installs the policies on physical transport network, and it performs
resource control function on the physical paths. The procedures in Figure II.1 and Figure II.2 are as
- When IPTV overlay multicast is requested from CPE/CPN, overlay node search the originating
node of contents, and forwards the information of the originating node to Session Manager.
- Session Manager requests the Resource Control Function for the paths in accordance with IPTV
session and service requirements. (③)
- If the requested requirements are met with the physical transport network, Resource Control
Function confirms the resource reservation of the transport network, and applies a policy in
accordance with the requests of Session Manager. (④~⑤)
- Resource Control Function sends the message to install the policy to transport network
according to configured overlay multicast paths. (⑥~⑦)
- Session Manager notifies the configured path to overlay node and confirmation notification will
be sent to the CPE/CPN. (⑨~⑩)
overlay network
overlay network
receiving forwarding
Resource control
IP network
IP network
re port re port
Whatever the backup selection mechanism is, following IMA backup selection functions are
IMAs broadcast their load status to other IMAs of multicast overlay.
IMAs responsible for backup selection select backup IMAs based on the received load
In order to get media status of overlay multicast network, media signalling proxy is recommended
to be supported by IPTV overlay multicast system. Figure II-2 shows how media signalling proxy
End users
users End
End usersusers
The service control function for IPTV in overlay multicast networking is to provide resource
Request/Release function for IPTV services to Resource Control Function, IPTV service access
control function to Resource Control Function, and to request content delivery control function to
Content Delivery Control Function of IPTV architecture. In order to provide IPTV service control
function, Session Manager in IPTV overlay network performs the following functions:
- Service Resource Request/Release: Session Manger requests resource reservation/release of
transport network to create/terminate IPTV overlay session according to IPTV service
- Service Access Control: Session Manager allows IPTV service access to authenticated IPTV
users according to their access rights, subscriber profiles and network policy etc.
- Request Content Delivery Control Function: Session Manager requests the location of
appropriate IPTV content server which can deliver IPTV overlay multicast service to IPTV
Session Manager is cooperated with Content Delivery Control Functions and Resource Control
Function as shown in Figure 1. Content Delivery Control Functions is used to identify appropriate
IPTV content server to deliver IPTV overlay multicast service to the IPTV user. Resource Control
Function provides resource reservation/release between the IPTV server and IPTV user when
Session Manager requests a message to configure and optimize IPTV overlay multicast network.
Each functional entity as shown in Figure 1 is corresponded with functions of IPTV architecture.
Figure 2 shows procedure to perform service control function for IPTV in overlay multicast
- When IPTV overlay multicast service is requested from IPTV user, Content Delivery
Control Functions will search appropriate IPTV content server. It forwards IPTV user’s
request which is contained the location of the IPTV content server and IPTV service
requirements to Session Manager. (①)
- Session Manager in IPTV overlay multicast networking derives the IPTV service parameter
from the IPTV user’s request and it performs authentication between end IPTV user and the
IPTV overlay multicast service. Session Manager requests resource reservation of path
between the IPTV server and IPTV user to Resource Control Function. (②)
- Resource Control Function reserves optimal delivery path according to IPTV service
requirements and network policy after it observes the resource information of transport
network. And it sends result of reserved path to Session Manager. (③)
- Session Manager creates/updates the IPTV overlay session according to reserved delivery
path by Resource Control Function. It notifies the configured path to Content Delivery
Control Functions. Content Delivery Control Functions will update managing IPTV service
information according to the result of IPTV overlay session configuration. (④)
Figure III-2: Example scenario of service control in IPTV overlay multicast networking