OnlineShop Function Details
OnlineShop Function Details
OnlineShop Function Details
Function/Screen Details
Show sliders, hot posts, featured products + the sider with the latest posts, static
- Shown slider information includes its image and title; the user is redirected to the
slider's backlink on his/her clicking
- Shown post information includes its thumbnail, title, brief-info; the user is redirected
to the post's details on his/her clicking
- Shown product information includes its thumbnail, title, brief information; the user is
redirected to the product's details on his/her clicking
Show the posts paginatedly (sorted by updated date, paginated) + the sider with the
post search box, post categories, the latest posts, and static contacts/links; Shown
post information includes its thumbnail, title, brief-info; the user is redirected to the
post's details on his/her clicking
Show post details (including title, author, updated date, category, and post details) +
the sider with the post search box, post categories, static contacts/links
Show the products paginatedly (sorted by updated date) + the sider with the product
search box, product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links;
- Shown product information includes its thumbnail, title, brief information, original
price, and sale price;
- The user is redirected to the product's details on his/her clicking on the product
- The user can choose to add the product to the cart or to feedback on the product by
clicking the product's Buy & Feedback buttons responsively
Show product details (including title, category, images, original price, sale price, and
product details) + the sider with the product search box, product categories, the latest
products, and static contacts/links
Show the cart details with list of the user's chosen products (including Id, title, price,
quantity, total cost) and the total order price + the sider with the product search box,
product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links; The user can
- Change the quantity of each product: the total cost is automatically adjusted
- Choose to delete/remove product by clicking on the deleting icon
- Click the Choose More Product button to go to Products List page
- Click the Check Out button to go to the Cart Contact page
Please notes: the user's chosen products from the last browsing session are
remained in his/her cart until s/he submit the cart. However, the product prices are
updated with the latest prices in the system
Show the list of user chosen product (including id, title, price, quantity, total cost), the
total order price and the receiver information (including full-name, gender, email,
mobile, address, notes) for user to edit/input + the sider with the product search box,
product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links
- In case the user has logged in, the receiver information would be filled with the
user's information
- The user can click the Change button to come back to the Cart Details page for
changing the choosing products, click the Submit button to submit the order before
redirecting user to the Card Completion or Error page (due to technical error or any
out-of-stock product)
This page show the cart completion notes + the sider with the product search box,
product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links; Before this page is
- The Order status is changed to submitted;
- The product's available quantities are updated accordingly
- The submitted order is assigned automatically to the active salers rotatedly
- If the receiver information (name, email, mobile, gender) is new or changed
(checking via the email0, the latest receiver information is stored in the system as
latest & historical system contact information (for the marketing's reference later)
- The customer/user would be received the order confirmation & payment guides via
his/her email. Those information is shown on the page also. The payment information
(banking account,...) are taken from the system configuration file
This is a pop-up screen which allows the user to enter email & password to login; on
this page, there are also options for user to register new information or reset the
password for the case s/he forget it
This is a pop-up screen which allows the user to register himself/herself to the system
by inputing following information: full name, gender, email, mobile, and address; User
then need to verify by clicking the link sent via email to him/her before being able to
access the system
The user to input his/her email to receive the reset password link. This link is sent to
the user's email for his/her password resetting.
- On clicking the link, the user is redirected to the password resetting page in which
s/he input new password (twice) for the system access
- Note that the link is only available for a specific time duration as configured in the
system config file.
This is a pop-up screen which allows the user to change his/her password by
inputting his current password as well as new password (twice)
This is a pop-up screen which allows the user to edit his/her profile information,
including the registered ones & the avatar image. Please note that s/he is not allowed
to change the email
Implementation of authorization mechanism in the system, including the specify the
role of logged-in user, his/her authorized page links (building the displayed menu
items (in the front end) and preventing unauthorized access via enter the links
Show the list of user's orders paginatedly + the sider with the product search box,
product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links
- Each order include below information: id, ordered date, product (first product name
& number of other products if any), total cost, status;
- On clicking the link under the order id, user would be redirected to the Order
Information page
Show the order details, including the information as below + the sider with the
product search box, product categories, the latest products, and static contacts/links
- The order id, order date, total cost, status
- The receiver information: full name, gendar, email, mobile
- This list of ordered products, each product include following information & the
links/buttons that allow the user to re-buy or feedback: thumbnail, name, category,
unit price, quantity, total cost
For the submitted orders, the user can choose to update (redirect the user to the Cart
Details page for that) or cancel the order
Show statistics of posts, products, customers, feedbacks & the trend of new
customers by day for the last 7 days (the start date & end date can be adjustable)
Show the paginated list of posts (include posts' id, thumbnail, title, category, author,
featured, and status information):
- The user can filter the post by category, author, status or search by title
- Sortable by title, category, author, featured, or status
- From each post, the user can choose to hide, show, view, edit it
- The page also have the button/link that allows the user to add new post
Show detailed post information (thumbnail, category, title, brief information,
description, flag to turn the featurning on/off, status), from that allow the user to input,
view or edit them
Show the paginated list of sliders (including sliders' id, title, image, backlink, status)
- The user can filter the sliders by the status + search by title or backlink
- For each slider, the user can choose to hide, show, edit it
Show the list of feedbacks paginatedly (include feedbacks' contact full name, product
name, rated star, status):
- The user can filter the feedbacks by status, product, rated star + search by full
name, feedback content
- Sortable by full name, product name, rated star, status
- From each feedback, the user can choose to view or change it's status
Show the feedback details (contact full name, email, mobile, product, rated star,
feedback, images status) from that allow the user to change its status
Show the trend of success/total orders, and the revenues trends by day for the last 7
days for all or a specific sale person (the start date, end date, sale, order status can
be adjustable)
Show the list of orders paginatedly
- The list can be shorted by the order date, customer name, total cost, status
- Each order include below information: id, ordered date, customer name, product
(first product name & number of other products if any), total cost, status;
- Allow the users to filter the order by the order date (from, to), sale name, status
- Allow the user to search the orders by order id, customer name
- On clicking the link under the order id, user would be redirected to the Order Details
Sale Manager & the assigned Sale can change the order status & the sale notes
Sale Manager can assign the order to other sale
Show the paginated list of registered users (include users' id, full name, gender,
email, mobile, role, status):
- The admin can filter the users by gender, role, status
- Allow the admin to seach users by full name, email, mobile
- The list is sortable by id, fullname, gender, email, mobile, role, status
- From each user, the admin can choose to view or edit it
- The page also have the button/link that allows the admin to add new user
Show detailed user information (avatar, full name, gender, email, mobile, role,
address, status), from that allow the user to add new, view or edit user information
- After adding, new generated login password would be email to the new user
- The admin can only edit/update the role and status of the user
Show the paginated list of settings (include settings' id, type, value, order, status):
- The admin can filter the setting by type, status
- Allow the admin to seach settings by value
- The list is sortable by id, type, value, order, status
- From each setting, the admin can choose to view, activate/deactivate, or edit it
- The page also have the button/link that allows the admin to add new setting
Show detailed user information (type, value, order, description, status), from that
allow the user to add new, view or edit setting information