The document contains definitions and explanations of various English words related to humor, language, and other topics. Many words are defined with part of speech and a translation to Dutch. The document does not have a clear narrative but provides reference information about the terms.
The document contains definitions and explanations of various English words related to humor, language, and other topics. Many words are defined with part of speech and a translation to Dutch. The document does not have a clear narrative but provides reference information about the terms.
The document contains definitions and explanations of various English words related to humor, language, and other topics. Many words are defined with part of speech and a translation to Dutch. The document does not have a clear narrative but provides reference information about the terms.
The document contains definitions and explanations of various English words related to humor, language, and other topics. Many words are defined with part of speech and a translation to Dutch. The document does not have a clear narrative but provides reference information about the terms.
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C4 U3 British Humour Rules TB 66 / Humour & Language WB. 73 / passive voice WB.
hilarious (ADJ) very funny (h…) hɪˈlɛərɪəs Hilarisch (h…)
Cornerstone (N) a stone at the corner of a wall, uniting two intersecting ˈkɔːnəˌstəʊn Hoeksteen (c…) walls (c…) Soar (V) to rise or fly upwards into the air, to increase in volume (s…) sɔː Opstijgen, omhoog gaan (s…) Insult (N) an offensive or contemptuous remark or action (i…) ˈɪnsʌlt Belediging (i…) Inappropriate (ADJ) not fitting or appropriate (i…) ˌɪnəˈprəʊprɪɪt Ongepast (i…) Appropriate (ADJ) fitting, right, suitable (a…) əˈprəʊprɪɪt Gepast (a…) Self-depreciation (N) having a tendency to damage one’s own reputation (s…d…) Zelfspot (s…-d…)
baffle (V) to perplex; bewilder; puzzle (b…) ˈbæfəl Verwarren, verbazen
(b…) Appreciate (V) to feel thankful or grateful for (a…) əˈpriːʃɪˌeɪt Appreciëren (a…) tease (V) Make fun of or attempt to provoke (a person or animal) in a tiːz Plagen (t…) playful way (t…) humiliate (V) to lower or hurt the dignity or pride of (h….) hjuːˈmɪlɪˌeɪt Vernederen (h…) wit (N) the talent or quality of using unexpected associations wɪt Vernuft (w…) between contrasting or disparate words or ideas to make a clever humorous effect (w…) sophisticated (ADJ) having refined or cultured tastes and habits (s…) səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd Geraffineerd (s…) genetic (ADJ) of or relating to genes, or the origin of something (g…) dʒɪˈnɛtɪk Genetisch (g…) Sitcom (N) (on television or radio) a comedy series involving the same ˈsɪtˌkɒm Sitcom (s…) characters in various day-to-day situations which are developed as separate stories for each episode (s…) Hearty (ADJ) warm, vigorous and enthusiastic (h…) ˈhɑːtɪ Hartelijk, oprecht (h…) Sarcasm (N) The use of humour to mock or convey contempt (s…) ˈsɑːkæzəm Sarcasme (s…) Coleslaw (N) a salad of shredded cabbage, mayonnaise, carrots, onions, ˈkəʊlˌslɔː Koolsla (c…) etc (c…) Loin (N) a cut of meat of the lower back and the sides between the lɔɪn Lende (l…) pelvis and the ribs (l…) Maintenance (N) the act of keeping into existence, keep in a good condition ˈmeɪntɪnəns Onderhoud (m…) (m…) maintain (V) 1. to continue or retain; keep in existence, 2. to keep in meɪnˈteɪn Onderhouden (m…) proper or good condition (m…) Monastery (N) the residence of a religious community, esp of monks, ˈmɒnəstərɪ Klooster, abdij (m…) abbey (m…) Rhinoceros (N) animal with one or two horns on its nose (r…) raɪˈnɒsərəs Neushoorn (r…) deer (N) animal typically having antlers in the male (d…) dɪə Hert (d…) Independent (ADJ) autonomous, not reliant on the support (i…) ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt Onafhankelijk (i…) Unique (ADJ) the only one of its kind (u…) juːniːk Uniek (u…) Ring a bells (V EXPR) to sound familiar; recall to the mind something Zich iets herinneren (r… a previously experienced (r… a b…) b…) Sketch (N) a quick drawing, a brief description, a humourous piece of sketʃ Sketch (s…) acting, part of a comedy show (s…) Reputation (N) to be known or remembered for something, an opinion repjʊteɪʃən Reputatie (r…) about someone (r…) Flatmate (N) a person who shares a flat with someone else (f…) flætmeɪt Flatgenoot (f…) Effective (ADJ) working well and producing the results that were ɪfektɪv Effectief (e…) intended (e…) Wholly (ADV) completely, totally, or entirely (w…) ˈhəʊllɪ Helemaal, volledig (w…) Source (N) the point or place from which something originates; a sɔːs Bron, beginpunt (s…) spring, a person or group that starts something (s…) Dictate (V) to say aloud for writing down by another person; to dɪkˈteɪt Dicteren, opleggen (d…) prescribe authoritatively (d…) Cruelty (N) behaviour that deliberately causes pain or distress to ˈkruːəltɪ Wreedheid (c…) people or animals (c…) Character (N) the combination of traits and qualities distinguishing the ˈkærɪktə Karakter, personage individual nature of a person or thing: moral force; a person (c…) represented in a play, movie or book (c…) Survey (N) a comprehensive or general view; an inspection (s…) ˈsɜːveɪ Onderzoek (s…) Range (N) a number of different things of the same general kind (r…) reɪndʒ Reeks (r…) Star (V) to play the most important part in a play or film (s…) stɑː De hoofdrol spelen (s…) Irony (N) the humorous or mildly sarcastic use of words to imply the ˈaɪrənɪ Ironie (i…) opposite of what they normally mean (i…) Environmental (ADJ) concerned with the protection of the natural world of ɪnvaɪərənmentəl Mileubewust (e…) land, sea, air, plants, and animals (e…)