M.C. No. 06 - Amendment To Sec. 34 of The ORAOHRA
M.C. No. 06 - Amendment To Sec. 34 of The ORAOHRA
M.C. No. 06 - Amendment To Sec. 34 of The ORAOHRA
Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 2300388, promulgated on 19 May 2023, the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) adopts the Amendment to Section 34 of the 2017 Omnibus Rules on
Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions, as amended, to wit:
“Sec. 34. Qualification standards (QS) for certain positions that are
prescribed by a special law, such as Foreign Service Act (RA No. 7157), PNP
Act (RA No. 8551), BFP/BJMP Act (RA No. 9263, as amended by RA No.
9592), Local Government Code of 1991 (RA No. 7160), shall prevail. However,
in instances when any of the education, training, experience, or civil service
eligibility is not provided under the law, the lacking requirement/s shall be
proposed and submitted by the agency concerned to CSC for approval.
CSC Resolution No. 2300388 dated 19 May 2023 was published in The Philippine Star on 28
July 2023 and shall take effect on 12 August 2023.
Digitally signed
by Nograles Karlo
Alexei Bendigo
02 August 2023