HY85 (160 - 180) MG: User Manual
HY85 (160 - 180) MG: User Manual
HY85 (160 - 180) MG: User Manual
Direttiva 2014/30/EU del Parlamento Europeo concernente l’armonizzazione delle legislazioni degli Stati membri
relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica.
Directive 2014/30/EU of the European Parliament on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility.
1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 7
1.1. Identification data ............................................................................................ 7
1.2 General informations ....................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Who is the manual intended for ................................................................ 8
1.2.2 General symbols used ............................................................................... 9
1.2.3 Keeping the manual .................................................................................. 9
1.2.4 General safety rules and warnings .......................................................... 10
1.3 Technical specifications and reference standards ........................................... 11
1.4 Manufacturer's warranty................................................................................ 12
1.4.1 Warranty conditions ............................................................................... 12
1.4.2 Warranty exclusions ............................................................................... 13
1.4.3 Warranty duration .................................................................................. 13
1.5 Service Department ........................................................................................ 14
1.6 How to read the manual ................................................................................. 14
1.6.1 Numbering of figures and labels ............................................................. 14
2 Description of the equipment ................................................................ 15
2.1 General characteristics ................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 Pump plate position ................................................................................ 16
2.1.2 Dimensions and weight ........................................................................... 16
2.1.3 Technical specifications ........................................................................... 16
2.1.4 Hydraulic devices .................................................................................... 17
2.2 Intended use of the machine .......................................................................... 17
2.3 Safety of the operators ................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Operating areas and safety ..................................................................... 18
3 Transport, installation and dismantling .................................................. 19
3.1 Transport........................................................................................................ 19
3.2 Installation ..................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Delivery pipe connecting ......................................................................... 20
1. Introduction
1.1. Identification data
Read in the following the name and address of the machine manufacturer:
Via Paesa
46048 – Roverbella (MN) ITALY
Genuine parts should be used for the replacement of parts of the machine.
The manufacturer declines any responsibility regarding any worsening of performance
or damage to the machine or equipment, due to the use of non-genuine spare parts.
The operator wording refers to a person without a specific skill, but able to perform
safetely the following activities:
- handling of loads (also suspended) with lifting devices such as fork lift or hoist;
- mechanical operation such as simple assembling and adjusting;
- hoses connecting for hydraulic devices;
- machines using with commands and controls on electric panel and suitably
described by labels;
- machines using when they are in safety condition with all the provided safety
devides in perfect condition, properly installed and completely operative.
The operator must also have basic general culture and technical basic culture to
sufficiently read and understand the contents of the manual, including the correct
interpretation of images, drawings and pictograms.
It is the responsibility of the user of the machine to ensure the listed operator
requirements and to be trained about the health and safety standards in force in the
country where the machine is working.
DANGER: any situation/instruction that
involve personnel's safety and that can result
in serious injury or death.
ATTENTION: any situation/instruction that
involve the machine integrity, but which do
not affect the safety of people.
IMPORTANT: any important information or
practical advice that affect neither the
personal safety nor the machine integrity
information for the protection of the
Tab. 1
It's responsability of the user to determine the working condition during the machine
use and consequently decide the required personal protective equipment.
Any suggestion given in this manual about a personal protective equipment use does
not replace the mentioned obligation on the part of the user.
- replacement of defective part with a new one, made available in the offices of the
purchaser at the lowest transport rate;
- repair of defective part, after this has been returned to the manufacturer with
transport expenses prepaid.
In the first case, as soon as the new spare is ready, the user will make the defective part
available to the manufacturer workshop for inspection.
The manufacturer declines all responsability for the expenses due to “down time”,
business costs and losses deriving from faults and failure, even if under warranty
Any claim for warrantable failures shall be sent in writing to the manufacturer prior to
the expiry of the warranty period.
This warranty is the sole warranty provided by the manufacturer.
There are no other warranties, explicit or implied, provided by the manufacturer.
The warranty is not applicable to any consequential damage due to the failure under
warranty claim.
To locate a specific component of the equipment please refer to the diagrams and the
exploded views contained in this manual.
Always refer to the sections of the manual dedicated to the use and maintenance.
Contact the Service Department if it is not possible to solve the problem on site by your
This manual provides instructions for the use and the basic maintenance of the machine,
concerning activities normally achievable in a generic environment.
Any other maintenance activity requires to be performed in a workshop by skilled
technicians. In this case, refer to the Service Department for assistance and instructions.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
However, the best approach to avoid risks and prevent the damages is to use the
equipment exclusively for the intended use with expertise and caution.
Remember the followings:
- read with care and completely the present manual and the annexes, if present;
- don't hesitate to contact the Service Department of the manufacturer in case of
doubt or need;
- before every use, check carefully the integrity of the equipment and all its
components, with care for safety and lifting equipment.
During maintenance operation, starting the machine out of water could be required.
In this occasion, any person must stay at a safety distance from the machine (not less
than 2 meters) in a dry and clean place. Before starting in this condition, check that
the machine is clean, specially its rotating components.
Fig. 3
3.2 Installation
The installation of the pump requires to be performed by a operator skilled on
suspended loads handling, mechanical assembling and hydraulic connecting.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Connect the oil hoses to the power pack, taking care to respect the
delivery/return/drainage position.
3.3 Dismantling
Before any dismantling operation, ensure to place the pump in a safe position and
disconnect the hydraulic supply and the delivery pipes.
The machine that is considered completely useless must be removed from the work site
and collected by the manufacturer or any other firm specialized in demolition.
Remember that dismantling the machine will produce different materials (metals,
plastics, oil, etc.) whose disposal will be done in compliance with the legislative
regulations in force in the state where the machine is found.
4 Operating instructions
The pump has been created to pump suspended matter, even with solid parts, as long as
water is always present. It can be used for civil and industrial purposes, as long as conditions
described in this manual are observed.
In the following, it is assumed that the pump can start/stop after enabling/disabling the
hydraulic power supply with a generic on/off device on the control panel. This represents
only a simplified condition and doesn’t represent the complete solution for the hydraulic
devices required to a safe use of the machine.
Ensure that the piping is connected to the pump with diameter, length and total system load
loss suitable for the nominal duty point of the pump.
Before any starting, it’s also good practice to check the following general conditions of
the machine:
- check the presence of the lubricating oil in the oil chamber by unscrewing just
a little the “OIL” plug [A] to verify if some drop of oil comes out (see Fig. 6):
Fig. 6
- if oil is not found, fill completely the oil chamber (see Lubricating oil
changing/refilling in the Maintenance section);
- check the tightness of the agitator [10], the agitator bolt [14] and all the other
threaded components of the agitator kit (see Fig. 7): in detail, be careful to the
full tightening of the connector element [11] and the special nut [12] in order
to ensure a complete and strong contact between the spacer [13] and the
impeller [1] (see Fig. 7);
[13] [12]
[11] [14]
Fig. 7
- placing the machine in a stable position out of the water, start it for a short
time (not more than 10 seconds) and check the correct rotation comparing it
with the red arrow printed on the plate (see Fig. 8) and eventually switch the
delivery/return oil hoses on hydraulic source connections;
Fig. 8
- take care of any noise or vibration that could mean some unforeseen
anomalous condition of the machine.
4.2 Starting
Starting the pump, perform the following instructions:
- place the pump completely submersed in the clean water without touching solid
- start the pump and wait that a complete flow of clean water exits from the
discharge line;
- if any priming problems should come up, stop the pump and wait for about 30
seconds, leaving it immersed, until all the air has been eliminated then restart and
check the clean water flow;
- slowly lower the pump until it’s in contact with the material and the mixture
water/solids flow exits from the discharge line.
4.3 Working
During working, the operator must perform the following instructions:
- keep on to maintain the contact with the material, moving down the pump with
- avoid to push hard the pump into the material;
- don’t dredge in the same place for a long period, avoiding to create an hole in the
material where the pump might get stuck;
- check the percentage of solid in order not to go over the maximum pressure limit
(see pump plate);
- check the working pressure value in order to understand the working load of the
4.4 Stopping
Before stopping the pump, it is always a good practice to lift the pump from the material
and pump only clean water in order to wash the pipes and prevent sedimentation and
piping clogging.
In case of imminent danger, press the Emergency Stop button, and immediately
afterwards operate to cutout the power supply.
An accurate search to detect the fault or anomaly that caused the danger must be
carried out soon afterwards.
Reset the Emergency Stop button only after solving the fault and any maintenance
operator has left the area close to the pump (see the Operating areas and safety
If necessary, ask assistance to manufacturer Service Department.
5 Maintenance
5.1 General information
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
- 1 RPM counter
Fig. 16
- lifting equipment
Fig. 17
Tab. 3
See below the technical characteristics of the lubricating grease of the pump:
The manufacturer suggest the following brand and type of lubricating oil and grease:
[A] [B]
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 35/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Activity Eventually…
Check for the good conditions of the oil hoses Replace them before starting any
and fittings. working operation.
Check for any anomalous noise or vibration by
Contact the Service Department
starting the pump out of the water for no more
for more in-depth analysis.
than 10 seconds.
Check for the good functionality of the Replace it before starting any
Emergency Stop button on the control panel. working operation.
Check for the good conditions of the lifting
Replace them before starting any
points and lifting equipment used for the pump
working operation.
Tab. 6
Activity Eventually…
Remove any object or material
Check for the cleaning condition of the inlet
clogging the strainer and the
zone of the pump.
suction area of the pump.
Wash the external surfaces of the pump with
clean water.
Tab. 7
Activity Eventually…
See the sections:
- Impeller clearence checking
Check for the good performance of the pump
- Impeller clearence adjusting
(typically working pressure and slurry
- Agitator kit
- Impeller
in this manual.
Maintain clean end dry the control panel and
the operator working area.
Tab. 8
Activity Eventually…
Check for the good lubricating oil conditions in
See the section Lubricating oil
the oil chamber (see the section Lubricating oil
Grease the lower seals through the red plug
"GREASE" (see the section Lower seals -
Tab. 9
Activity Eventually…
Check the tightening of the bolts and of any Tight correctly (see Bolts
other threaded component of the pump. tightening torque in this manual)
See the section Agitator kit in
Check for the good conditions of the agitator.
the this manual
Tab. 10
Activity Eventually…
Check the clearence between impeller and
See the section Impeller
lower wear plate (see the section Impeller
clearence adjusting.
clearence checking).
Grease the upper bearings through the grey plug
"GREASE" (see the section Upper bearings -
Tab. 11
Check the quantity/condition of the lubricating oil in the oil chamber by slightly
unscrewing the “OIL” plug [A] (without removing it) (see Fig. 20):
Fig. 20
With the pump in vertical position, some drop of oil must exit from the plugged hose
if the quantity is correct. Refill eventually (see Lubricating oil changing/refilling).
Check a sample of oil to understand its condition and presence of impurity or water.
In case of deterioration of the oil provide for its complete replacing (see Lubricating
oil changing/refilling). In case of presence of impurity or water, contact the Service
- place orizzontally the pump, with the “OIL” plug [A] pointing down;
- removing the “OIL” plug [A] and its copper washer, let the existing oil exiting
completely from the oil chamber (see Fig. 21);
Fig. 21
- place orizzontally the pump, with the “OIL” plug [A] pointing up;
- top up until completely full the oil chamber through the inlet plug [A] with new
- reassemble and fully tight the inlet plug [A], checking the conditions of its
copper washer (replace it if damaged).
- remove the “GREASE” plug [A] (see Fig. 22) and its copper washer;
- connect a greasing tool (such as a greaser gun) to the grease fitting already
installed on the pump;
- restore the grease with 50 g of the new one;
- reassemble and fully tight the “GREASE” plug, checking the conditions of the
copper washer (replace it if damaged).
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt and eventually
replace the damaged ones.
- place the pump vertically and overturned in a stable and safe condition and
remove the strainer (see Strainer section) (Fig. 24);
- remove the n°4 bolts [208] and related seal washers [350] that block the lower
wear plate [7] with the suction cover [8] (see Fig. 25a);
- after loosening the n°4 nuts [400] (see Fig. 25b), screw (clearence decreasing,
see Fig. 26a) or unscrew (clearence increasing, Fig. 26b) the n°4 adjusting bolts
[209] until 1,5 mm of clearence between the wear plate and the impeller is
reached (see Fig. 26c) (use 3 feelers positioned at 120° on the inlet hole
diameter between the lower wear plate and the impeller for checking);
- fix the wear plate position by completely screwing the n°4 nuts [400]
maintaining the n°4 adjusting bolts [209] blocked and remove the feelers (see
Fig. 27a);
- block the wear plate by completely screwing the n°4 bolts [208] with their seal
washers [350] (see Fig. 27b).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt, washer and
nut and eventually replace the damaged ones.
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 43/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Fig. 26
[209] [400]
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Hydraulic motor 5.4.1 -
Casing group 5.4.2 -
Strainer 5.4.3 -
Suction cover 5.4.4 5.4.2 5.4.3 -
Lower wear plate
Agitator kit 5.4.5 5.4.2 -
Impeller kit 5.4.6 5.4.2 5.4.5 -
Motor bearing 5.4.7* -
Any replacing maintenance with the * symbol must be performed by the manufacturer
Service Department or by a skilled mechanical operator following the instructions given
by the manufacturer Service Manual.
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt and eventually
replace the damaged ones.
Fig. 31
For the casing group removing, follow the instructions listed below:
- place the pump in a stable vertical position, standing on the strainer [50] (see
Fig. 32);
- handly rotate the agitator [10] so as to fit with the through hole of the strainer
[50] (see a);
- remove the n°8 bolts [205] and related seal washers [350] (see b);
- use the n°2 extracting bolts [206] and nuts [400] to aid the extraction of the
casing group (see Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.a - b - c);
- remove the casing group [A] and the O-ring [90] lifting the other part of the
pump [B] by its lifting points (see d).
After this step, it’s possible to proceed in an easy way for the disassembling of strainer
stand, casing, suction cover and lower wear plate without moving whole the pump.
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt, washer and
nut and eventually replace the damaged ones.
Before reassembling, replace the O-ring [90], even if it seems in good condition.
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 52/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
a [206] b c
[400] [400]
Fig. 34
5.4.3 Strainer
For the strainer removing, follows the instructions listed below:
- place the pump (or the casing group, if already removed from the pump)
vertically and overturned in a stable and safe condition;
- remove the n°4 bolts [210] and related washers [302] (see Fig. 35);
- in case of removing from the whole pump, handly rotate the agitator [10] so as
to fit with the through hole of the strainer (see Fig. 36a);
- remove the strainer [50] (see Fig. 36b).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt and washer
and eventually replace the damaged ones.
Fig. 35
Fig. 36
- remove the n°6 bolts [208] and related seal washers [350] (see Fig. 38a);
- use the n°2 extracting bolts [206] and related nuts [400] (see Fig. 38b - Fig. 38c
- Fig. 38d) to aid the extraction of the suction cover-lower wear plate group
from the casing;
- remove the suction cover-lower wear plate group [A] and the O-ring [90] from
the casing [4] (see Fig. 38e);
- after placing the suction cover-lower wear plate group in a stable position,
remove the n°4 bolts [208] and related seal washers [350] (see Fig. 39a);
- disassemble the suction cover [8] from the lower wear plate [7] (see Fig. 39b).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
conditions. Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt, seal washer
and nut and eventually replace the damaged ones.
Before reassembling, replace the O-ring [90], even if it seems in good condition.
Fig. 37
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 56/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
b [206] c d
[400] [400]
Fig. 38
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 57/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Fig. 39
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 58/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
- place the pump vertically and overturned in a stable and safe condition;
- maintaining blocked the impeller, hit with a rubber hammer the agitator [10]
in the rotating working direction (counterclockwise direction, see Fig. 40a);
- unscrew completely and remove the agitator [10] and its fixing bolt [14] (see
Fig. 40b).
If the other items of the agitator kit removing is required, proceed as follows:
- unscrew and remove the connective element [11] and the nut [12] using a 70
size wrench (see Fig. 41a);
- remove the spacer [13] (see Fig. 41b).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the pump at the initial
Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any threaded component and
eventually replace the damaged ones.
During reassembling, be careful to fully tight the agitator and all the other threaded
components of the agitator kit in order to ensure a complete and strong contact
between the spacer and the impeller.
Fig. 40
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 60/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Fig. 41
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 61/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
5.4.6 Impeller
Refer to the table in the Maintenance replacing instructions section for the previous
disassembling sequence.
Subsequently, follow the instructions listed below:
- remove the impeller [1], (if it sticks, use an extractor), tacking care not do
damage any threaded part of the main shaft [2], and then the impeller key
[503] (see Fig. 42);
- remove the n°4 bolts [208] and related washers [350] (see Fig. 43a);
- use the n°2 extracting bolts [211] and related nuts [400] (see Fig. 43b -Fig. 43 c
- Fig. 43d) to aid the extraction of the upper wear plate from the oil chamber
of the pump;
- remove the upper wear plate [6] from the oil chamber [5] (see Fig. 43e).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the initial conditions.
Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt and eventually replace
the damaged ones.
Fig. 42
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 62/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
b c d
Fig. 43
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 63/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
6 Spare parts
6.1 Complete spare parts list
Fig. 44
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 65/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Main shaft
see Fig. 46
Fig. 45
Oil chamber
see Fig. 45
see Fig. 47
Fig. 46
see Fig. 46
Fig. 47
Fig. 48
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 69/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Fig. 49
HY85 (160 - 180) MG - ENG 70/85
DRAGFLOW S.r.l. - Sede legale: Via Satiro, 11 – 37121 VERONA Italy
Sede amm.: Via Paesa – 46048 ROVERBELLA (MN) Italy ● Tel. +39 0376 1685400
Fax +39 0376 1685499 - Cod. Fisc e P. IVA : IT 02757460239 – R.E.A. Verona n. 280092
Registro Impr. Di Verona n. 189595/1997 Capitale Sociale € 10.400 interamente versato
Fig. 50
Fig. 51
7 Optional devices
The pump can be equipped with some optional device increasing its performance or making
it more suitable for specific use.
Refer to the following optional devices list for a brief description and for the required spares,
taking care to some item that could replace the one installed on the default configuration of
the pump.
7.1.1 Assembling
For the jet-ring installation on the pump, the welding of n°4 plates [1A3] with the
existing strainer [50] is required (see Fig. 52). Be careful to place the plates at the
suitable position for a correct jet-ring working efficiency.
Fig. 52
7.1.2 Maintenance
Before any use, check the jet-ring flow of water is regular and with the correct flow
pressure. Eventually, clean any clogged nozzle from dirt and rust.
Fig. 53
7.2.1 Assembling
Before installing the compensator system, make sure to fill completely the
compensator rubber bag with the same lubricating oil present in the oil chamber (see
the Lubricants specifications section). Remove the OIL plug in central position and
connect the free end of the compensator system oil hose (see Fig. 54).
Fig. 54
7.2.2 Maintenance
Clean daily the compensator cylinder [2A5] from any debris clogging the holes in
order that the water can freely go inside it and get in contact with the external surface
of the rubber bag, in submerged condition.
For any compensated pump, the lubricating oil check must be performed before any
shift in order to ensure that the rubber bag is completely filled and the compensation
works properly. With the same activity, the rubber bag conditions and the lubricating
oil quality could be verified.
For the oil checking inside the rubber bag, disassemble the compensator as per the
following instructions:
- open each clip [2A3] by unscrewing its n°2 bolts [A] (Fig. 55a);
- unscrew the n° 4 bolts and washers [C] and open the lower cover [B] of the
cylinder [2A5] (Fig. 55b);
- remove the rubber bag [2A4] from the cylinder [2A5] (Fig. 55c) and check the
lubricating oil quantity inside it by unscrewing the fitting [D] with the copper
washer [E] of the hose [2A1] (Fig. 55d);
- if the rubber bag is not completely full, refill it with the suggested lubricating
oil (see Lubricants specifications in the Maintenance section).
Reassemble all the components in reverse order to restore the initial conditions.
Before reassembling, check the good conditions of any bolt and sealing component
and eventually replace the damaged ones.
a b
c d
Fig. 55
Fig. 56
7.6.1 Assembling
Refer to the Agitator kit in the Maintenance section for the standard connector
removing. Then replace it with the cutter knife.
7.6.2 Maintenance
Check every 50 hours the wearing conditions of the cutter knife and eventually
replace it.
Fig. 57
1 Jet-ring system
2 Compensation system
3 Temperature sensor
4 Water sensor
5 Cooling jacket
6 Cutter knife
7 Aggressive environment kit
8 Waterflush kit
9 Remote greasing kit
10 Lifting frame
8 Attachments
8.1 Data sheet and performance curves