Scrra Design Criteria Manual
Scrra Design Criteria Manual
Scrra Design Criteria Manual
March 2024
Southern California Regional Rail Authority
19.1 GENERAL .........................................................................................................19-1
26.5 MATERIAL.........................................................................................................26-7
26.6 CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................26-11
26.7 MAINTENANCE...............................................................................................26-11
26.8 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ....................................................26-12
26.9 FUNDING ........................................................................................................26-13
26.10 EXCEPTIONS..................................................................................................26-13
31.0 SIGNAGE......................................................................................................................31-1
31.1 SCOPE ..............................................................................................................31-1
31.2 SIGN PLACEMENT ...........................................................................................31-1
31.3 SIGN SCHEDULE .............................................................................................31-1
31.4 PROJECT SIGN DURING CONSTRUCTION ....................................................31-1
This Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) Design Criteria Manual (DCM) serves
to define the criteria that govern the design of projects for SCRRA. The Design Consultant shall
use this DCM together with SCRRA’s referenced standards, codes, specifications, guidelines,
and manuals. Strict compliance with this DCM is required to facilitate completion of design work
in a timely manner.
This is a controlled manual and as such will be updated on a periodic and as-needed basis. Any
deviation from the minimum standards presented herein must be approved in advance by SCRRA
(see Section 3.2.2).
Review and acceptance of submittals by SCRRA shall not relieve the Design Consultant of
responsibility to provide a design that meets the professional standard of care.
The design criteria contained in this DCM are the property of SCRRA and intended for SCRRA
approved uses only. SCRRA shall not be responsible for any use of these criteria for non-SCRRA
work. The selection and use of this design criteria is the sole responsibility of the user and should
not be used without consulting a registered professional engineer. Anyone making use of the
information in this DCM for non-SCRRA work shall assume all liability arising from such use.
The date shown in the lower right-hand corner of each page is the effective date of this DCM. The
DCM with the most recent effective date shall supersede all previous versions. Users of the DCM
shall be solely responsible for checking the web site and using the latest
version. Any suggested changes or updates to this DCM should be forwarded to the SCRRA
Engineering and Construction Department for consideration.
Those individuals who regularly use this DCM can provide valuable assistance in identifying
needed updates and improvements. Forward any suggested changes or suggestions to this DCM
to the SCRRA Engineering and Construction Department for consideration. Suggested changes
or suggestions should be submitted in writing. Each suggested change will be reviewed and
responded to by a committee of SCRRA managers. If SCRRA agrees with the suggested change,
the DCM will be updated to reflect the change in the next revision.
The current effective date of this DCM shall be June 2022.
With the exception of the Inland Empire-Orange County Line, all services extend from the terminal
station to Los Angeles Union Station. Figure 2-1 shows the SCRRA system, including stations
and connecting rail transit lines.
2.1.2 Services
As of the issue date of this DCM, trains run Monday through Friday, with Saturday and Sunday
service on the San Bernardino, Antelope Valley, Orange County, 91/Perris Valley, and Inland
Empire-Orange County lines. The Ventura County and the Riverside Line trains run Monday
through Friday. Additional special event trains may be operated on some weekends. SCRRA may
run Sunday services on some holidays.
Hours of operation vary by line. Scheduled passenger services are shown on the most recently
issued passenger schedule, which may be obtained from SCRRA’s website at
Maintenance Facilities:
Central Maintenance Facility (CMF)
1555 N San Fernando Road
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Keller Yard
720 Keller Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Train operations are dispatched from the Dispatch and Operations Center (DOC) located at 2704
North Garey Avenue, Pomona, CA 91767. The DOC is manned 24 hours per day, 365 days per
year. Secondary dispatch center is the Metrolink Operations Center (MOC) located at 2558
Supply Street, Building A, Pomona, CA 91767.
2.1.4 Operations
In addition to supporting SCRRA’s commuter rail service, SCRRA tracks are shared by two major
freight rail carriers, BNSF and UP, as well as the intercity passenger carrier Amtrak. In turn,
SCRRA operates on tracks owned by its member agencies, BNSF, UP, and North County Transit
District (NCTD).
SCRRA consists of five county transportation agencies:
• Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO)
• Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)
• Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC)
• San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA)
• Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC)
SCRRA is governed by a board of directors, consisting of eleven members representing the five
counties that comprise the agency. An executive staff manages the operation of the SCRRA
system. Refer to for more detail about the organization.
SCRRA receives operating and capital funding from many sources. SCRRA fare box returns fund
the largest portion of the system’s operating revenue. Constituent counties provide additional
funds through operating subsidies, which are calculated relative to the service miles in each
county. Other sources of operating funds include utility easement fees, advertising revenue, and
railroad user charges.
Capital funding is received from several sources and can vary from year to year, and from project
to project. The primary source of capital funds is SCRRA’s constituent counties. Other capital
funding comes from federal sources and the State of California. SCRRA also obtains funds from
third parties whose contracts require certain work to be performed by SCRRA forces. This is
referred to as recollectable work.
The real estate holdings maintained and operated by SCRRA are owned by the individual
counties that comprise the SCRRA JPA. The fixed improvements and equipment are owned
collectively by the counties that are partners in the SCRRA JPA. Asset ownership is presented in
Table 2-1.
ranges from 20 to 100+ years. As part of the design process, the designer must utilize
SCRRA’s Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan or Climate Vulnerability
Dashboard to assess the vulnerability of the project site and its assets to current and
future changes in the climate. If the assets to be installed at that location are found to be
vulnerable to climate hazards, adaptation strategies must be incorporated to address the
vulnerabilities. It is required as part of the Design Compliance process (Appendix E of
the DCM) to produce:
(a) a summary of the project’s climate vulnerabilities, and if vulnerable,
(b) a summary of the adaptation strategies to be incorporated
The process for performing these steps is provided below.
Note: Areas with historical record of impacts (sun kinking, 100-year floodplain) should
implement recommended strategies regardless of timing of vulnerability.
Step 4: Determine if the assets are vulnerable to climate hazards at that project site:
This can be performed utilizing either (A) the CVA document or (B) the CVA Dashboard.
Direction for each approach is provided below:
Step 4.A) Use CVA document: The results of the CVA were summarized in vulnerability
maps for mid-century (CVA pages 29-43) and vulnerability profiles for each asset type
developed which include a chart showing the vulnerability rating by hazard, a table to
identify assets vulnerable to multiple hazards, and a list of all assets considered to have
high vulnerability (CVA pages 44-66). Review the vulnerability profile(s) of the asset
type(s) included in the project (CVA pages 44-66) to see if project asset(s) are specifically
identified as vulnerable to each of the hazards assessed. Further study or cost benefit
analysis may be carried out to confirm the vulnerability and benefit. For example, Figure
1 (CVA, p49, Bridge Vulnerability Profile) identifies bridges that are highly vulnerable to
flooding by mid-century and Figure 2 (CVA, p46, Track Vulnerability Profile) identifies track
segments with high vulnerability to multiple hazards by mid-century.
FIGURE 3-2 Track segments identified as having High Vulnerability to multiple hazards by
Step 4.B) Use the CVA Dashboard: The CVA Dashboard is an interactive interface that
can be used to identify if the project site is located in a climate hazard area in (high,
medium, or low) and to identify the related vulnerability of project assets (e.g., track,
stations, signals, communications, bridges) to climate hazards (sea level rise, riverine
flooding, extreme heat, wildfires, drought, landslides/mudslides, earthquakes, and
electrical outages). Mid- and Late-Century timeframes can be selected with the
dashboard see Figure 3-3.
FIGURE 3-3 Screenshot from CVA Dashboard tool showing two bridges with high vulnerability
to flooding by mid-century.
The design criteria for critical horizontal and vertical clearance dimensions between SCRRA
rolling stock and fixed facilities adjacent to and over the tracks are discussed below. The goal is
to provide safe and adequate running clearances between moving trains and fixed facilities for
the protection of passengers, maintenance personnel, operating personnel, and equipment.
4.3.1 General
The SCRRA standard clearance envelope is shown in ES 2101. All new permanent construction
must comply with these clearance requirements. During construction, temporary clearances
shown in ES 2101 can be used for formwork or other temporary construction, which will be
removed prior to final completion.
The CPUC minimum legal clearances are shown in ES 2102. No special design considerations
will be considered if they do not comply with the requirements of CPUC GO No. 26. For curved
track, the CPUC minimum legal horizontal clearance shall be one foot greater than the minimum
legal horizontal clearance listed in CPUC GO No. 26.
At all times, minimum approved clearances shall be maintained. If the facility is on another
railroad’s property, the clearances specified by the specific railroad at that location shall be
followed. At clearance locations where superelevation is present, horizontal clearance shall be
measured perpendicular to the plane across the top of both rails and vertical clearance shall be
measured from the high rail.
4.4.1 Cars
Various types of railroad cars operate over all SCRRA’s lines. SCRRA operates coach cars, cab
cars, locomotives and in the near future Multiple Units as either DMU’s or ZMU’s. Amtrak and
privately-owned passenger cars also operate over all SCRRA lines and have varying dimensions.
Freight cars, weighing up to 286,000 pounds on four axles, including double-stack container well
cars, are in general interchange service and will operate over all SCRRA lines except for
clearance restrictions at Los Angeles Union Station and the tunnels on the Ventura County and
Antelope Valley lines. Specific extra dimension and/or extra weight cars are moved on all lines
except at Union Station with prior SCRRA approval.
4.4.2 Locomotives
SCRRA uses several different locomotives; manufacturer’s drawings are included in Appendix C-
4. The common lengths of the locomotives are shown in Table 4-1, but other relevant dimensions
are as shown in the manufacturer’s drawings:
Complete specifications of each model may be found in the respective owner’s manual. These
manuals should be consulted for locomotive data.
Amtrak, BNSF, and UP locomotives will operate over all mainline tracks and sidings of SCRRA
tracks. Many of these locomotives operate in multiple unit consists in general freight operation.
Stationing and geometrics shall be denoted along the centerline of the left track in the direction of
increasing stationing. Independent stationing and geometries for each track are required when
the tracks are not parallel or where parallel tracks have independent profiles.
5.4.1 Components
The preferred horizontal track alignment shall be defined as a continuous series of tangents and
circular curves, connected with transition spirals as required. All circular curves shall be
connected to tangents by transition spirals except in yards at speeds below 20 mph or if the spiral
offset (p) is less than ¼ inch. Compound circular curves may be used; however, transition spirals
between such curves shall be used and approval must be obtained from SCRRA.
Circular curves shall be connected by a minimum tangent length unless the designer is retrofitting
an existing alignment with inadequate spirals and tangents where alternatives for correcting the
condition do not exist and where SCRRA has approved the use of modified design tables ES
2204-03 and ES 2204-04.
Turnouts and other special trackwork shall not be placed in horizontal curves unless approved by
Yard tracks shall be designed for 20 mph. Yard and secondary tracks and special trackwork shall
not be superelevated.
Mainline/Siding Tracks
The minimum track spacing is 15 feet, measured from centerline of track to centerline of adjacent
track (centerline to centerline). Centerlines of mainline and siding tracks shall be spaced as
defined on ES 2207.
Preferred track spacing between mainline and other mainline/siding tracks is 25 feet, centerline
to centerline, to allow unencumbered train operations on an adjacent track during maintenance
Where possible, the designer should review the relevant strategic plans for the track segment
such that the current design is consistent with future plans.
Yard/Industry Tracks
The SCRRA preferred spacing between a mainline track and an adjacent yard/industry track is
25 feet, centerline to centerline, the minimum is 15 feet. Other safety improvements to
compensate for less than 25-foot track centers may be required, but in no case will less than
15-foot track centers be allowed.
5.4.4 Spirals
Spiral length is defined in the following:
• ES 2203
• ES 2204-01
• ES 2204-02
Spiral length shall be selected to satisfy the degree of curve requirement for the maximum
subdivision speed. Even if the proposed maintenance operating track speed and resulting
required superelevation will be less, the designer shall select the longer spiral length so that in
the future, the track speed can be more easily increased. In the interim, the lower superelevation
can be constructed into the entire spiral at a lower rate of change. The designer should consider
the maximum possible superelevation for degree of curve to help select the longest possible spiral
curve length. Existing curvature and spiral length on the Ventura County and Antelope Valley lines
may require application of shortened spiral lengths (M) depicted in ES 2204-03 and ES 2204-04 to
accommodate the required track speeds on these converted former freight branch lines.
Shortened design spirals may be used if approved by SCRRA.
The designer shall note that a track segment currently designed as a siding track may become a
second mainline track in the future; therefore, design of siding spiral curves shall accommodate
future speeds and resulting superelevation and spiral lengths for mainline operation.
Note that spirals long enough for future higher speeds per this section may be needed to allow
future speed changes without curve realignment. Curves designed to these higher speeds will
have superelevation constructed appropriate for the present operating speed.
5.4.5 Tangents
Tangents between curves shall be equal to 3 times the maximum design speed, in miles per hour,
or 100 feet, whichever is greater.
Standards regarding tangent lengths between curves and between curves and other track
components are shown in ES 2203. These required tangent lengths shall not be shortened unless
the design is tying into an existing subdivision where tracks were originally designed with shorter
requirements. In such a case, shortened tangent lengths may be necessary but will only be
allowed after it can be demonstrated that a solution that meets current standards and design
requirements is not practical or available and must be approved by SCRRA.
5.5.1 General
The profile grade shall represent the elevation of the top of the low rail for the primary mainline
track. Additional tracks, including additional mainline and siding tracks, shall be constructed
roughly parallel to and slightly lower than the mainline track in accordance with the cross-slope
and offsets (15- to 25-foot track centers), as illustrated on ES 2001 and ES 2002.
When the top of low rail profile is given for one track only, the top of low rail elevations of the other
tracks are to be calculated based on ES 2001, ES 2002, or a job-specific template cross slope.
Gradients and lengths of vertical curves shall vary accordingly (slightly) to accommodate the
differences in lengths through horizontal curves.
5.5.2 Grades
Maximum Gradient
Maximum gradient for mainline and siding tracks, with gradient compensation, shall not exceed
the existing maximum ruling grade for that subdivision. Gradient compensation shall be calculated
as 0.04 percent equivalent grade per degree of curve. Gradient compensation shall be satisfied
by either extending the reduction in allowable grade through the entire gradient or through the
entire circular curve, both spirals and for a length into the tangents on either end of the circular
Gc = G - 0.04D
G = gradient before compensation, expressed in percent
D = degree of curve, expressed in decimals of degrees
Gc = compensated gradient, expressed in percent
Short grades up to 3.0 percent may be designed with the approval of SCRRA. Grades shall be
minimized in siding tracks where trains meet or pass and shall be uniform at station platforms
unless approved by SCRRA. Gradients shall be designed to prevent roll-out in yard tracks,
especially where cars are stored, and yard track bowl grade shall not exceed a maximum gradient
of 0.2 percent.
The maximum allowable gradient along a station platform shall not exceed the existing maximum
ruling grade for that subdivision or 1.5 percent, whichever is flatter.
The recommended value for vertical acceleration is 0.10 foot/second/second for freight traffic and
is 0.60 foot/second/second (0.02 g) for passenger traffic for both sags and summits. The minimum
length of a vertical curve is 100 feet.
Vertical curves are not permitted in the platform area and shall begin or end no less than 100 feet
from the ends of the platform unless approved by SCRRA. Likewise, vertical curves are not
permitted in turnouts and other special trackwork.
Complex profiles, such as more than three grade changes exceeding 1.0 percent, each within a
distance of 3000 feet, should be avoided as this may cause excessive dynamic forces and
handling problems on the train. SCRRA may require train performance simulations to verify that
proposed vertical profiles will not produce unacceptable dynamic in-train forces.
Switch machines for power-operated crossovers shall be located on the outside of the mainline
For the configuration of turnouts and reverse curves in yards, the designer shall consider the
• Reverse curves, including turnouts, should have at least 50 feet minimum of tangent, if
• Upon approval tangents between reverse curves used in slow speed (10 mph or less) and
low-use turnouts to be reduced to a minimum tangent of 20 feet. Additional protection
measures may be required by SCRRA.
• Placement of switch-stands shall provide walkway clearance per CPUC GO No. 118 and
shall be in compliance with ES 2105.
• Placement of access/fire road crossings shall not be within 100 feet of any turnouts.
This chapter provides criteria for the selection of track components and materials necessary to
construct, remove, repair, modify, and rehabilitate railroad tracks.
All standards and criteria shall be adhered to throughout the design of the project. Deviation from
the preferred design criteria will require the approval of the SCRRA Project Manager via written
acknowledgement. Deviation from the minimum criteria will require approval by SCRRA through
a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Detailed specifications for CWR, OTM, special track work, ballast, sub-ballast, concrete ties, wood
ties, elastic fasteners, and precast concrete grade crossing are available in SCRRA’s Standard
Specifications, which should be reviewed for additional information.
The project site must be assessed for climate vulnerability (see Section 3.3) to ensure any work
is designed to be resilient to future climate conditions.
Primary Track
Primary Track is track constructed for vehicles in revenue service (carrying revenue passengers).
This includes mainline, siding, and station tracks.
Secondary Track
Secondary Track includes all other track that is constructed for the purpose of switching, storing,
or maintaining vehicles not in revenue service. Excluding track maintained by third parties.
Direct-fixation track shall not be designed for use except in special circumstances on Secondary
Track where special inspection pits, wash racks, fueling facilities, or other environmental and or
maintenance needs require consideration of this track construction type.
In areas where a short stretch of track is exposed or will be exposed in the future to flooding or
overtopping, consider the use of berms, raising the channel walls, or widening flood channels. To
protect sensitive components of track structure in flood zones where track is above grade and
where high velocity flow occurs, the subgrade and sub-ballast will be protected by riprap or other
materials. Design linear swales along flood-prone track to direct water away from the track bed.
This strategy could be coupled with sub ballast armoring and elevation of sensitive
mechanical/electrical equipment to create multiple lines of defense.
For stretches of track identified as vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surge, improved
revetment (large rocks armor size, more gradual slope, high crest) will be constructed where rail
is exposed to excessive runup and overtopping from waves during the 100-year storm or high
tides. Refer to Chapter 9 Hydraulics regarding countermeasure design for coastal environment
and SCRRA Engineering Standard ES 2003 for roadbed section with exposure to ocean surf.
A ditch or perforated high-density polyethylene underdrain shall be installed in areas where
groundwater is anticipated to interfere with stability of the track, roadbed, and side slopes.
The proposed embankment will be designed with additional width to accommodate long term
erosion but permitting increased width of ballast section.
Primary Track
Typical Primary Track construction is new 136-pound (RE), head-hardened CWR fixed with
elastic fasteners on concrete ties situated on a roadbed of ballast and sub-ballast. Primary Track
construction employs the use of fully welded insulated joint plugs, to the extent possible, to
eliminate in-track joints. Track sections and fastener details are shown in the appropriate SCRRA
Engineering Standards.
Secondary Track
Typical Secondary Track construction is new 136-pound (RE) new or secondhand rail (as directed
by SCRRA). New 136-pound (RE) rail shall be head-hardened rail.
On all lead and moderate/high-use Secondary Tracks, CWR shall be used. When connecting rail
of differing sizes in lead tracks, transition rails shall be used, as presented in SCRRA ES 2372 and
ES 2373. With CWR, transition rails with welds and fully welded joint plugs shall be used.
Compromise welds, welds used to connect two different-sized rails, shall not be used.
Secondary Track may consist of either timber or concrete ties. When concrete ties are used,
elastic fasteners shall be used to attach rails to ties. When timber ties are used, new screw
fasteners, steel tie plates, elastic fasteners, and anchors shall be used. Track sections and
fastener details are shown in the appropriate SCRRA Engineering Standards.
6.2.3 Turnouts
Primary Track
Turnouts shall be fully welded with elastic fasteners, timber ties, or concrete ties, as directed.
Turnouts will be insulated and interlocked. Lateral turnout geometry shall be used unless the use
of equilateral turnout geometry is warranted and approved by SCRRA.
Secondary Track
Turnouts shall be insulated and interlocked for any lead tracks or tracks that may be equipped
with automated switch machine operations. Non-insulated turnouts are acceptable for lower-use
tracks that will never be remotely controlled or operated with power switch machines or
incorporate track circuits. Insulated joints in the closure rail may be poly-insulated joint bars.
Primarily wood or standard turnouts will be selected for use.
SCRRA has engineering standards for both construction of new turnouts (ES 2800 Series) and
for maintenance of existing turnouts (ES 2900 Series). The type of turnouts selected will be as
noted in the sections below. For locations of turnouts, refer to Section 5.6.1.
New Construction
For new track design and construction, concrete turnouts consisting of welded spring manganese
(WSM) frogs using tangential geometry with hollow steel switch movement ties, shall be used as
per ES 2800 Series Engineering Standards. Spring rail frogs will be used for No. 10 turnout if the
turnout side (diverging traffic) is not used for meeting or passing of through trains or if the diverging
traffic is less than 30 percent of the main line traffic. Wood turnouts consisting of rail-bound
manganese (RBM) frogs using tangential geometry may be used for No. 10 turnouts as per ES
2802 Series Engineering Standards.
Equilateral turnouts are not allowed unless approved by SCRRA. Double slip turnouts shall be
used only at Los Angeles Union Station.
All turnouts shall be installed with an HMA underlayment per ES 2105. All criteria for the geometry
and materials specified in the engineering standards and standard specifications shall be adhered
to throughout the design.
Turnout Construction Pads per ES 2005 shall be incorporated into the design to facilitate turnout
fabrication and installation during short, preplanned outage windows. If construction in
accordance with standards is not feasible due to spatial constraints, a construction area workplan
shall be prepared and approved by SCRRA.
Maintenance standards (ES 2900 Series) shall only be used for the replacement of parts of
existing turnouts that utilize the maintenance standards. For the replacement of the entire existing
turnout, new construction turnout standards (ES 2800 Series) will be used.
6.2.5 Derails
Derails shall be located so that they derail equipment in a direction away from the primary track.
Derails shall be located beyond the clearance points of converging tracks. Switch-point derails
may be installed at locations as directed by SCRRA, including locations where operating
locomotives are stored and where cars are moved or switched by non-railroad personnel. SCRRA
standards on derails are presented in ES 2601 through ES 2614.
All new industrial or spur track designs shall include an electric lock/come-out signal and
appropriate split switch-point derail, as required below, that is controlled by and connected to the
signal system for the adjacent mainline track. This would include new industrial spur tracks
constructed on an existing lead track. The lead track, which will now have a new industrial spur,
must also include in the design the appropriate double switch-point derail and electric
lock/come-out signal where the modified lead track connects with the mainline.
Blue flag derails are required to protect workers on service tracks per 49 CFR 218 and to protect
the unloading of hazardous materials per 49 CFR 172.
Primary Track
Derails shall be used to prevent unintended roll-outs of rail vehicles to adjoining or adjacent
Primary Tracks. All new derails shall be double switch-point derails except when the prevailing
grade on secondary or industrial tracks descends away from the Primary Track with a gradient of
0.5 percent or greater; see ES 2601 for additional information regarding use of derails. Double
switch-point derails are required if an industry has its own locomotive or trackmobile, regardless
of the grade.
Secondary Track
Derails shall be used to prevent unintended roll-outs of vehicles to adjoining or adjacent Primary
or Secondary Tracks. Derails shall be installed per the same standard as Primary Tracks (see ES
guard rails shall be installed on bridges where individual spans are over 100 feet in length
or where the entire structure is over 800 feet in length and at least one span crosses over
a waterway that normally contains water at least 15 feet deep. Inner guard rails shall
extend 50 feet beyond the span or spans to be protected.
• Inner guard rails shall be installed on any other bridge as directed by SCRRA.
SCRRA standards for inner guard rails associated with bridges are presented in ES 2302 and ES
6.3.1 Rail
Primary Track and Secondary Track shall be 136-pound (RE), head-hardened rail meeting current
SCRRA standard specifications and AREMA “Specifications for Steel Rail.” Industrial tracks (not
maintained by SCRRA), such as yard body tracks, storage tracks, and spurs, may be 115-pound
(RE) section, jointed rail.
All CWR shall be welded into continuous lengths by the electric flash-butt welding process except
for certain field welds that may be exothermic welds. The exothermic welding process may be
performed when joining strings in the field and insulated joint plugs, transition rails, frogs, closure
rails, and other special trackwork. No compromise welds are allowed.
CWR shall be manufactured on-site by welding rail sections in nominal 80-foot lengths into
1,400-foot strings. Field welding of CWR strings shall be as per Standard
Specification 34 72 30, Field Welding Rail.
6.3.2 Ties
Concrete ties with elastic fasteners shall be used for new primary track construction. Concrete tie
construction shall conform to SCRRA Standard Specification 34 11 33, Concrete Railroad Ties.
Timber ties shall be used for road crossing ties and for turnout construction except for premium
turnouts, as designated by SCRRA, specifically designed for concrete ties. Timber ties may be
used to construct temporary shoofly track and to rehabilitate existing timber tie track. Timber tie
construction shall conform to the requirements of SCRRA Standard Specification 34 11 34, Wood
Railroad Ties.
Transition ties shall be used where track modulus changes abruptly from concrete to timber,
particularly at ends of turnouts, road crossings, open deck bridges, and other wood-to-concrete
tie interfaces. SCRRA standards for transition tie sections, including quantity and spacing
requirements, are presented in ES 2351. Transition ties shall be new 10-foot timber ties.
In areas where ties are prioritized for replacement per Metrolink Rehabilitation Plan (MRP),
replace wood ties with concrete ties.
If wood ties are not to be replaced with concrete ties based on SCRRA preference, install elastic
rail fasteners and provide 12” of shoulder ballast. In areas with wood ties secured by standard
plates with cut spikes and rail anchors, in sections replace failed and marginal ties secured to the
rail with elastic rail fasteners.
Steel ties may be used as directed by SCRRA and in non-CTC controlled locations of substandard
ballast depth or in locomotive service areas.
6.3.5 Ballast
Primary Track ballast shall conform to SCRRA standard specification 34 11 26, Ballast, ES
2109 and AREMA recommended practices. Secondary Track ballast, where maintenance
personnel are likely to walk while inspecting or maintaining equipment, shall be yard ballast.
Standard ballast sections are presented in ES 2001 and ES 2002 see also walkway standards
ES 2109.
In the problem areas immediately adjacent to a project area where identified by ballast scan data,
replace, re-tamp and stabilize ballast to increase ballast density and review and resolve subgrade
issues as necessary.
6.3.6 Sub-Ballast
Sub-ballast material shall conform to SCRRA standard specification 34 11 27, Sub-Ballast and
Aggregate Base and AREMA recommended practices. The aggregate shall consist entirely of
crushed rock with a minimum of 75 percent of the material having at least two fractured faces. No
reclaimed asphalt or concrete shall be included in this material. The sub-ballast for all tracks shall
consist of a uniform minimum 6-inch layer, or more as determined by geotechnical analysis,
placed and compacted over the entire width of the roadbed following the profile and cross section
of the roadbed. Final design shall consider the use of a thicker sub-ballast section or geotextiles
when subsoil conditions dictate, as presented in ES 2001 and ES 2002.
Design of subgrade and sub-ballast for relocated and transition sections shall consider the
condition of the existing ballast and sub-ballast. Unless the existing ballast is contaminated with
fines or organic material, or is not adequately drained, the existing ballast and sub-ballast may be
used to support relocated and transition track segments.
Primary Track
All CWR shall be welded into continuous lengths by the electric flash-butt welding process except
for certain field welds that may be exothermic welds. The exothermic welding process may be
performed when joining strings in the field and insulated joint plugs, transition rails, frogs, closure
rails, and other special trackwork. No compromise welds are allowed. All field welds must comply
with the SCRRA Track Maintenance Manual.
No joints or field welds are allowed in road crossings.
Permanent joints shall be welded. Temporary joints, pending welding, should not have bolts
installed or holes drilled on the center two holes of six-hole bars.
Secondary Track
All leads where track is CWR shall be welded into continuous lengths by the electric flash-butt
welding process except for certain field welds that may be exothermic welds. No compromise
welds are allowed. All field welds must comply with the SCRRA Track Maintenance Manual.
Compromise bars and poly-insulated joint bars may be used on jointed rail track.
The stations design criteria is an instrument to inform the design consultant and associated
stakeholders on the guidelines, practices, and policies that reflect current regulations, proven and
accepted technological developments, and best available rail industry design practices. The
design consultant and associated stakeholders shall apply these standards toward the
development of station designs in planning and during construction. These station design criteria
provide the preferred and in some cases the minimum requirements for the design and planning
of new or rehabilitated stations.
SCRRA intends to apply these station design criteria when new stations or improvements to
existing stations are proposed. It is not intended that the requirements be applied retroactively to
existing stations unless there are proposed major physical or use changes.
All standards and manuals shall be adhered to throughout the project. Deviation from the
preferred design criteria will require the approval of the SCRRA Project Manager via written
acknowledgement. Deviation from the minimum criteria will require approval by SCRRA through
a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Station designs shall provide a safe and enjoyable transit experience that promotes ridership
growth, integrates with other public transportation systems for the convenience of the passengers,
and encourages development opportunities in adjacent areas.
The design of a SCRRA commuter train station is typically site-specific and reflects the
surrounding community. However, the functionality of SCRRA stations must be practical and
consistent in order to effectively serve SCRRA trains and passengers. The criteria set forth in this
Design Criteria Manual (DCM) is intended to ensure that a station is designed to meet the
minimum requirements for a SCRRA commuter train station as well as to create elements of
continuity throughout the system.
The site and passenger access for the station must be assessed for climate vulnerability (see
Section 3.3) to ensure it is designed to be resilient to future climate conditions, and to provide
passengers with amenities to protect them as appropriate for current and future extreme weather
Numerous SCRRA trains serve stations located throughout Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San
Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura Counties, as shown in Table 7-1. For the most current
information refer to
7.2.1 Definitions
For definitions, see Part 1 of Appendix A.
7.3.1 Design
The station design, calculations, submittals, estimates, and review process and procedures shall
be as per SCRRA’s Design Procedures Manual. The drawings shall be as per SCRRA’s CADD
To design a new SCRRA station or modifications to an existing station, a station owner may use
its own architectural/engineering firm or enter into a cost -reimbursement agreement with SCRRA
to use the services of one of SCRRA’s design consultants. In either case, SCRRA must be actively
involved in the development of any station design that SCRRA services.
These services and equipment items must be specially ordered for each station and must be
funded by the project sponsor.
7.3.3 Agreements
Before any designs can be finalized and before any construction work can begin, a construction
and maintenance (C&M) agreement must be executed by SCRRA and the project sponsor and
any other outside parties participating in the funding or maintenance. The C&M includes a detailed
work description; specifies the method of payment; assigns responsibility for design, construction,
funding, and maintenance; provides cost estimates of the SCRRA work; and specifies the form,
duration, and amount of insurance and liability. As part of the C&M agreement, the project sponsor
shall notify SCRRA within five working days in advance of any maintenance activity, and within
30 days in advance of any construction activity, that will occur within the ROW. The project
sponsor shall be required to reimburse SCRRA the actual cost and expense incurred by SCRRA
for all services and work performed in connection with the project, including a computed surcharge
(overhead) representing SCRRA’s costs for administration and management.
station is being modified and does not already have a C&M agreement in place, the project
sponsor is required to facilitate one for the parties involved before the project begins construction.
Pedestrian crossings shall have good visibility both for pedestrians and drivers.
Enhanced concrete paving, pavers, and other decorative paving materials shall be considered for
providing an inviting pedestrian experience, enhancing the aesthetics, and reinforcing a sense of
direction that is associated with functional areas such as drop-offs, pick-up, other transit stops,
as well as accessible access. Landscaping should effectively reinforce pedestrian circulation. An
open area, with enhanced paving treatment, shall be provided to collect pedestrians from the
major walkways and allow a queuing area adjoining the entry or exit from the station. Changes in
texture or color of the vehicular paving at pedestrian crossings should be considered.
Barriers shall be provided to either discourage or prevent pedestrians from crossing vehicular
traffic at locations where unsafe conditions would otherwise result. Pedestrian barriers may
consist of railing, fencing, walls or landscaping that are architecturally harmonious with the site.
A direct and safe approach for pedestrians shall be provided from adjacent streets and bus
drop-off areas to the station entrance. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided to avoid conflicts
with vehicular traffic. Walkways may be provided to minimize pedestrian use of an automotive
drive aisle, or provided to minimize locations at which pedestrians can cross automobile traffic
lanes. Where pedestrians approach the station from various destinations and major intersections,
consideration shall be given to the provision of a walkway with a direct route to the platform.
Passenger underpasses will be assessed for and protected against current and future flooding.
have an accessible route to the station platform and shall be placed as close to the station platform
as possible.
Existing stations that are being modified shall at the direction of the SCRRA PM perform an ADA
deficiency analysis for the parking lot/structure, platform, transit connections, station buildings,
(up to the street access point) and identify and correct all deficiencies that are not compliant with
current ADA and CA Title 24 requirements.
The parking lot should be configured to separate bus movements from passenger vehicle
circulation. A traffic engineer should determine the best flow for vehicles entering, exiting, and
circulating the station parking lot. It is recommended that the number of entrances and exits to a
station be minimized while still remaining compliant with local traffic requirements. The reduced
number of entrances/exits allows for better security monitoring and control of the parking lot. The
parking lot layout should be designed to reduce conflicts between vehicles traveling up and down
vehicle drive lanes and vehicles backing out of parking stalls. Station exit lanes with adequate
stacking space, as determined by a traffic engineer, are recommended to provide for controlled
In locations projected to experience extreme heat, and where feasible, plant shade trees within
the station parking lot area. Trees should be heat and drought-tolerant, low maintenance native
plant species. Other architectural shading canopies should be considered, including solar
photovoltaic panels for energy generation. Increase pavement reflectance by using reflective
aggregate, a reflective or clear binder, or a reflective surface coating to further reduce the heat island
In locations projected to experience flooding and where geological conditions are appropriate,
use permeable pavers, and bioretention or nature-based features to reduce stormwater run-off
volumes for parking lot surfaces.
An area should be designated to pick-up and drop- off passengers (Kiss-n-Ride). The area must
be compliant with Accessibility guidelines and should be located to prevent conflicts with buses
or vehicles traveling down parking stall lanes.
The design of pedestrian approaches from parking areas to the station entrances shall be
contingent upon the location of other, more primary station area pedestrian walkways serving the
station area and the location of potential transit area development. Parking pattern shall be
designed so the pedestrians walk down the parking aisles toward the station, minimizing traffic
crossings, or along a major walkway.
Crosswalks shall be well defined and have clear visibility for both pedestrians and drivers.
Pedestrian path of travel shall be provided with slip-resistant surfaces with a static coefficient of
friction not less than 0.6 when tested in accordance with ASTM C1028.
A monument sign identifying SCRRA with their logo shall be provided at the station entrance to
identify the station parking area (see ES 3305). Other vehicular directional signs should be
provided to direct motorists to the accessible parking, EV parking, and Kiss-n-Ride areas as
New station layouts will include provisions to allow maintenance-of-way and signal and
communications trucks to access the ROW on both sides of the station. If this access is to be
provided from the public parking or driveway areas, a locked gate will be used to keep
unauthorized vehicles from entering the ROW. Existing stations shall be evaluated for
maintenance needs and access points with SCRRA and confirm requirements for the station
going forward based on the new configuration proposed. Bollards may be used to control
vehicular access or to deter unsafe pedestrian movements. When bollards are used as traffic
barriers where SCRRA maintenance access may be required, bollards shall be retractable or
removable and lockable. For bollards used as traffic barriers see ES 5107.
Fire lanes shall be provided, from a public street to the station, through parking lots. Fire truck
access shall be provided to all building structures and station entrances. Access roads and parking
lot perimeter roads shall accommodate fire trucks. Confirm lane widths, turning radius and access
requirements with the local fire department.
In designing the station platforms, consideration should be given to possible future platform
extensions for longer train consists. New stations will be constructed with a minimum
680-foot-long platform (longer where Amtrak service exists). Where an additional track will be
added in the near-term, a temporary platform can be constructed in the location of the future track
with a permanent platform behind.
A side platform should be a minimum of 16 feet wide (see ES 3201). A center platform should be
a minimum of 30 feet wide (see ES 3202). Additional width should be provided at side platforms,
if possible, for canopies and overcrossing or undercrossing structures. The center platform may
need increased width to allow for an undercrossing or overcrossing tower with its vertical
circulation elements, and crash walls. SCRRA prefers pedestrian undercrossings instead of
overcrossings at all stations due to elevator maintenance challenges. The platform layout shall
be efficiently designed to reduce obstructions, such as exploring attaching equipment to light
poles instead of installing separate poles for equipment.
A pedestrian bridge should be considered for center platforms with deep undercrossing to limit
length to cross the platform above the accessible ramps. Evaluate Underpass corner shape to
increase pedestrian site distance at the corners.
All side platforms should slope away from the track a minimum of 1 percent and no more than
2 percent for accessibility. Platforms sloped away from the track provide roll-back away from the
track enhancing safety for users. At center platforms, water should be treated and discharged to
the municipal storm drain system. Area drain grates within the platform must be accessible by
maintenance personnel, and be installed with an ADA compliant grate. See chapter 9 for overall
drainage requirements. To enhance the effectiveness of the drainage at the station area, the track
bed shall be constructed with 6-inch-thick hot mixed asphalt concrete through the platform area
and 10 feet beyond the limits of the platform (see ES 2004). If there is an existing station at-grade
crossing, the hot mixed asphalt concrete shall extend through the at-grade crossing and 10 feet
beyond the limits of the station at-grade crossing. All new pedestrian crossings to side platforms
and center platforms shall be grade-separated.
The preferred platform height shall be at an elevation 8 inches above the top of the adjacent rail,
and the platform edge shall be 5 feet 4 inches from the centerline of the track (see ES 3201 and
3202). Platform height may require an ADA level board waiver through FTA. Platforms shall be
constructed of concrete with a flush vertical wall on the track side. Designers shall consult with
SCRRA on the final profile for the track and will establish the platform grade to match the final
track grade (following any rehabilitation or modifications to the track.) Track grade shall be at a
consistent slope through the platform, and the project shall move any vertical curves to be outside
the platform limits.
Ends of platforms shall be a minimum of 120 feet from the edge of any at-grade crossing per ES
3002 and ES 3003 to avoid the train being within the crossing island circuit. Where stations are
near an adjacent highway-rail at-grade crossing, placement of platforms shall consider the
possibility of planned roadway widening or sidewalk realignment that may cause the island circuit
to be moved closer to the platform.
All station platforms, structures, and equipment must be designed at minimum to meet the
minimum clearance requirements of CPUC GO 26-D.
For new or altered stations serving local communities, commuter, intercity, or high-speed rail lines
or systems, in which track passing through the station and adjacent to platforms is shared with
existing freight rail operations and the railroad proposes to use a means other than level-entry
boarding, the railroad is required to meet the following requirements:
Perform a comparison of the costs (capital, operating, and life-cycle costs) of car-borne lifts and
the means chosen by the railroad operator, as well as a comparison of the relative ability of each
of these alternatives to provide service to individuals with disabilities in an integrated, safe, timely,
and reliable manner.
Submit a plan to FRA and/or FTA, describing its proposed means to meet the performance
standard at that station. The plan shall demonstrate how boarding equipment or platforms would
be deployed, maintained, and operated; and how personnel would be trained and deployed to
ensure that service to individuals with disabilities is provided in an integrated, safe, timely, and
reliable manner.
Obtain approval or a waiver from the FTA (for commuter rail systems) or the FRA (for intercity rail
systems). The agencies will evaluate the proposed plan and may approve, disapprove, or modify
it. The FTA and the FRA may make this determination jointly in any situation in which both a
commuter rail system and intercity or high-speed rail system use the tracks serving the platform.
7.7.2 Surface
Platforms must be firm, stable, and slip resistant; therefore, finishes shall meet Accessibility
standards and static coefficient of friction (SCOF) as recommended by the Department of
Transportation in 49 CFR Part 37, Commuter Rail Cars and Systems. Slip resistance shall be a
minimum SCOF of 0.6 for steps, floors and platform surfaces and a SCOF 0.8 for ramp surfaces.
The pattern for detectable warning at platform edges shall be per the US DOT Federal Transit
Administration – ADA Circular (FTA C 4710.1), which allows for the 45 degree or staggered
pattern depicted on ES 3203.
Paint Striping
A painted 4-inch-wide yellow stripe shall be applied on the platform located 3 feet 2 inches from
the rail edge of the platform with 4-inch high block letters per ES 3203. See “Alternate A” on ES
3203 for joint use platform striping.
7.7.5 Stairs/Ramps/Walkways
Accessible walkways should clearly define the path of travel to each platform. Walkways and
ramps to and from platforms should be a minimum of 8 feet wide. If Amtrak baggage cart service
is provided at that station, the minimum width shall be 10 feet wide. When platforms are placed
above or below parking lot elevations, access to the platforms should be by stairs and ramps. The
placement of these should be carefully planned to be convenient for passengers. Ramps, which
are defined as a walking surface that has a running slope steeper than a 5 percent slope, shall
comply with accessibility requirements. All accessible circulation elements shall meet current ADA
Standards for Accessible Design.
7.7.6 Guardrails/Handrails
Handrails shall be provided to meet accessibility and ingress/egress requirements, including a
smooth uninterrupted surface. Stainless steel handrails shall be used to reduce station
maintenance requirements. Handrails should be designed to discourage/deter skateboarding on
them (consider proximity to walls, large ground boulders at the end of them, etc.).
required as well and boxes will be required to follow recycled water requirements with purple lids,
ID tags, and approved warning signage.
the use of elevators or ramps. Ramps/stairs are preferred due to the reliability and maintenance
cost issues of elevators. If elevators are used, alternate access or dual elevators should be
designed for use in the event of elevator failure.
Provisions for electronic security systems should be included in an undercrossing. Depending on
the site configuration and slopes, a sump pump may be required to drain the underpass during a
rain event. Also, a barrier system, such as gates or vertical rolling door, should be included at
each end of the undercrossing if the station owner wishes to secure the facility at night. In addition
to a vertical rolling door, an emergency access/egress door shall be provided. Provision should
be made for an emergency lighting system in the event of a power outage, size and capacity of
emergency backup power to be developed in coordination with local agency.
Provisions for public art should be considered for underpasses along with a graffiti resistant
design or coating along all underpass walls.
The entire underpass enclosure structure shall be waterproofed on the exterior surface. The
surface drainage system of area drains or trench drains shall prevent surface water from entering
pedestrian undercrossings.
Overpasses shall be constructed with "non-combustible materials". Finishes of overpasses shall
be durable and maintenance-free.
If underpass is in an area that will be vulnerable to future sea level rise, storm surge or wave run-
up, or is within the current 100year flood zone, ensure appropriate flood protection is designed to
eliminate flooding.
7.9.1 Canopies
The preferred canopy coverage is 50 percent of the platform length, however canopies shall cover
a minimum of 30 percent of the platform length to accommodate passenger usage. Additionally
15 percent of the total platform square footage shall be covered. It is suggested that the structural
supports be set at the back of the platform clear of the 16--foot minimum side platform width and
in the center of the canopy for center platforms. Canopy configuration is at the discretion of the
station designer.
The purpose of platform canopies is to provide weather protection for passengers. Side and back
panels may be needed to provide adequate protection from wind (where high wind is present),
sun, and rain. Semi-transparent vertical sun shades/screens should also be considered in addition
to the canopies for all new platforms to ensure all day shading can be provided, whatever the
orientation of the platform.
Misters should be provided in all stations identified as highly vulnerable to extreme heat in the
CVA, wherever an air-conditioned waiting room is not available. Heaters may be considered in
areas with extreme cold temperatures.
The canopies shall have lighting and include conduits for SCRRA’s customer information system
(CIS) and video surveillance system (VSS). Roof drainage at canopies should connect to a
subterranean storm drain system with proper cleanouts.
At the station Owner and project sponsor’s option, provisions can be made to provide drinking
fountains and public charging outlets/stations on the platform.
All canopies to provide a clear zone allowing accessible use at minimum 48 inches by 36 inches.
Canopies are required above all exterior TVD’s. The TVD canopy shall have lighting, provisions
for passenger information, communications equipment, and electronic security systems.
The canopy height shall accommodate passenger information, communications equipment, and
electronic security systems
See ES 3405-01 and 3405-02 for TVD pad details. The station owner is responsible for providing
power and MPLS conduits/cable connections to all TVDs. SCRRA will install communications
cables for all ticket vending equipment. SCRRA will place the final MPLS order with the local
provider. Coordination with SCRRA and station owner is required regarding ticket vending.
Designer to implement separate day and night levels in the overheads and underpasses, to help
with eye adjustments. The use of security cameras at a station may require that these levels be
adjusted. Platform lights should not “blind” engineers as trains enter the station. Lighting control
shall be designed to use energy efficiently. Light fixture selection and layout shall conform to Dark
Sky and Title 24 code requirements. Automatic and manual control arrangements shall ensure
efficient use of energy and maintenance procedures. All exterior site areas shall be illuminated
by a photocell with time clock and manual override.
Where two or more tracks serve a station, an inter-track fence shall be provided for the full length
of the platform and at least 150 feet beyond each end. The fence shall be 6 feet high; however,
within 150 feet of an at--grade pedestrian crossing, the fence height drops to 4 feet for improved
sight distance at the crossing as required by CPUC General Orders. See ES 5102 for details of
the inter-track fence.
Permanent ROW fencing shall be 6 feet high welded wire mesh per SCRRA ES 5105. ROW
fencing within 150 feet of any crossing shall be 4 feet high per SCRRA ES 5106 and in compliance
with SCRRA. Walkway fencing will be designed to provide a positive experience for pedestrians
and motorists.
Wherever the railroad ROW can be used as a shortcut to the station, ROW fencing shall be
installed to prevent trespassing onto the ROW
The station owner may consider perimeter fencing to better secure the parking area. An entrance
gate should be installed if the station owner would like to close the parking lot overnight. Perimeter
fencing shall be at the discretion of the designer and should be integral to the overall station
design, adjacent context, or existing infrastructure.
Refer to Chapter 31 Signage, Section 31.8 for station signage design criteria.
Artwork should be evaluated as an installation away from the platform. For artwork installed on
the platform, consideration should be made for having dedicated spaces under the canopies for
artwork installations. Artwork should be under the ownership of the station owner. Artwork and
aesthetic finishes shall be considered for ramp and stair walls.
the exported video within 72 hours of the request. Video storage requirements, quantity, quality
and duration, to be coordinated per individual project requirements.
SCRRA station standards include sufficient conduit on the platform to support the electronic
security systems equipment. If desired by the station owner, project sponsor, member agency,
and/or SCRRA, electronic security measures at stations shall be designed and installed to
maintain passenger and staff security.
Similar to station design, a station owner may bid and award a contract to construct a new SCRRA
station or make modifications to an existing station or may enter into a cost reimbursement
agreement with SCRRA to have SCRRA award and manage a construction contract. In either
case, SCRRA must be actively involved in the management of any SCRRA station construction.
The purpose of this chapter is to mitigate challenges associated with highway-rail grade crossing
design by providing guidelines to address potential design or planning flaws that may arise.
Applying the design standards and criteria in this chapter will enhance the safety and efficiency
of the highway-rail grade crossing and result in a highway-rail crossing that reflects “best
practices” on a national basis. When considering the standards and criteria in this chapter, all
design teams must exercise sound judgment and take into consideration the unique conditions
that exist at each highway-rail grade crossing.
All existing grade crossings being modified shall go through the steps in Chapter 12 Grade
Separation Criteria, Subsection 12.3 before being modified at-grade.
Deviation from the preferred design criteria will require the approval of the SCRRA Project
Manager via written acknowledgement. Deviation from the minimum criteria will require approval
by SCRRA through a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Closure or Separation
The first alternative that should always be considered for a highway-rail crossing is elimination,
which can be accomplished by the following:
• Replacing the crossing with a grade separated facility
• Closing the crossing to highway traffic and removing the roadway crossing surface
• Closing the crossing to railroad traffic through the abandonment or relocation of the rail
line and removal of the railroad tracks
Closure of a crossing provides the highest level of crossing safety compared to other alternatives,
because the point of intersection between highway and railroad is removed. However, the effects
of closure on highway and railroad operations may not always be completely beneficial. The major
benefits of crossing closure include reductions in certain types of collisions and decreased delays
to highway and rail traffic, as well as lowered maintenance costs.
Decisions about whether a crossing should be eliminated or simply improved depends upon
safety, operational, and cost considerations. However, federal regulation (23 CFR 646.214(c))
specifies that "all crossings of railroads and highways at grade shall be eliminated where there is
full control of access on the highway (a freeway) regardless of the volume of railroad or highway
traffic." (See 8.5.9 and Chapter 12).
Temporary construction crossings shall be secured, gated, and locked with an SCRRA lock to
ensure no access is possible when not in use. Access across temporary construction crossings
shall be controlled by an SCRRA Roadway Worker In Charge (RWIC) and shall only be used
when an SCRRA RWIC is present at the worksite.
Whistling point signs per SCRRA ES 5216 shall be installed 1,320 feet (0.25 mile) from the
centerline of the temporary construction crossing in each direction along the track and shall
remain in place for the duration that the temporary construction crossing is in place. Whistling
point signs shall be removed once the temporary construction crossing is removed.
Temporary construction crossings in place for 6 months or more will require a Department of
Transportation (DOT) number assigned to the crossing. SCRRA will provide the DOT number
upon request. Emergency Notification System (ENS) Signs per SCRRA ES 8270 shall be posted
at the temporary construction crossing for the duration the crossing is in place.
The overall design and requirements of the highway is set forth in the standards and criteria of
the highway agency, AASHTO Publications, CPUC General Orders, CA MUTCD, and Caltrans
Standards, and shall be consistent with the requirements of this chapter. In most cases, the
highway agency has jurisdiction over the highway, outside of the immediate area of the crossing.
SCRRA and highway agency jurisdictional limits are generally defined by CPUC GO 72 and
covered in more detail in the C&M Agreement.
The overall quality of the constructed highway, including approaches to the highway-rail grade
crossing and the crossing itself, shall be sufficient to:
• Provide for a smooth ride for motor vehicles at the posted speed limit.
• Provide a smooth ride for train traffic at the designated operating speeds.
• Provide safe stopping sight distances (in accordance with the posted speed limit).
• Provide adequate highway and adjacent intersection capacity or mitigate/control the
queue such that motor vehicles do not queue on the tracks.
• Include the display of appropriate signing and pavement markings and in compliance with
• Provide for ADA compliance for pedestrians through the crossing.
• Minimize or eliminate sight restrictions for highway users and train operations.
• Allow highway users to make clear and informed decisions that will minimize traffic
congestion and the potential for conflict.
• Comply with the standards and criteria in this chapter.
On the approaches to a crossing, the characteristics of the approach highway, traffic signals, and
approach sidewalks are an extremely important factor in developing an effective design of the
highway-rail grade crossing. Grade Crossing criteria in this chapter as well as in the ES 4000
series shall be adhered to.
Level of Service
The term “Level of Service” (LOS) is normally used to describe the performance of the roadway
network in terms of its operational ability to meet traffic volume demands. Factors that
characterize LOS include vehicle speed, travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions,
and convenience. LOS is a mechanism used by highway departments, or highway agency, to
determine if a road is operating at ideal, average, or poor efficiency. The LOS relates the quality
of traffic service to given traffic volumes. The Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity
Manual defines six levels of service, designated A through F, with A being the highest (free flow)
and F the lowest (unacceptable and extreme congestion). At all highway-rail grade crossings that
SCRRA owns and maintains, any major modification to the crossing should allow the crossing to
perform at a level of service rating of “D” or higher.
Factors other than LOS will affect the overall operation of traffic at a highway-rail grade crossing.
To accommodate traffic-related issues, the design of a highway-rail grade crossing should include
all aspects affecting the flow of traffic―regardless of LOS.
The traffic flow is affected by warning devices and signage associated with highway-rail grade
crossings. Also, the LOS may directly affect the progression of traffic between traffic signals at
adjacent intersections with the highway-rail grade crossing signaling system.
The highway design vehicle used for horizontal highway geometry design at highway-rail grade
crossings and grade crossing approaches. In locations where the WB-65 vehicle may be
prohibited access, the mere posting of signage restricting access to a highway, such as “NO
TRUCKS OVER 3 AXLES” or “NO TRUCKS OVER 3 TONS”, should not be considered a reliable
deterrent for controlling truck access to a SCRRA highway-rail grade crossing. Therefore all
vehicles that may utilize the crossing shall be considered, regardless of posted signs prohibiting
Highway-rail grade crossing vertical profiles shall be analyzed with the Low-Ground Clearance
Vehicle template to determine the clearance for this vehicle type. The Low–Ground Clearance
Vehicle template has a nominal six inch ground clearance. Highway-rail grade crossings should
provide a minimum clearance of three inches between the street surface and the lowest point on
the Low-Ground Clearance Vehicle template. Vehicle template should be chosen in coordination
with SCRRA.
In the event site conditions do not allow for the design to meet the Low-Ground Clearance design
vehicle template, consider installing a W10-5 low-ground-clearance sign (as specified in the CA
MUTCD) on each approach to the highway-rail grade crossing sufficiently in advance of the
crossing to allow low-ground clearance vehicles to turn around in advance of the highway-rail
grade crossing. In addition, as recommended by the CA MUTCD, a supplemental message such
as “Ahead,” “Next Crossing,” or “Use Next Crossing” (with appropriate arrows) should be placed
at the nearest intersecting road where a vehicle can detour, or at a point on the highway wide
enough to permit a U-turn.
Highway Pavement
The pavement within 50 feet of the highway-rail grade crossing should be designed to high
standards in terms of thickness, materials, and quality of construction, in order to minimize or
prevent the need for future repairs or rehabilitation. The need for a high quality, low maintenance
pavement is particularly important where any exit gate loop detectors are located. Asphalts shall
conform to Caltrans or Greenbook specifications and asphalt lifts shall be a minimum of 2 inches
and a maximum of 4 inches to allow for proper compaction to ensure a quality pavement section.
Design Speed
The design speed of the highway-rail grade crossing highway is usually equal to or slightly above
the posted speed limit that is set by the highway agency. The highway agency having jurisdiction
over the highway-rail grade crossing shall be consulted to determine the design speed over the
highway-rail grade crossing.
• Determine the feasibility of highway geometry modifications to enhance the visibility of the
• Use additional signaling or warning devices as necessary to mitigate the effects of
horizontal curves on visibility.
Truck Movements
The design of improvements to the highway-rail grade crossing must factor in all likely means by
which the highway-rail grade crossing shall be traversed. The design shall allow for the free
movement of the design vehicle throughout the highway-rail grade crossing envelope and
downstream intersections. The turning radius of the horizontal design vehicle shall be applied for
all allowable turning movements, superimposing the vehicle wheel paths and vehicle body paths
onto the proposed highway-rail grade crossing design. This shall be accomplished using the
appropriate truck turning template software.
Curb return radius, and the location and length of raised medians may need to be refined based
on the design vehicle for that crossing. In some cases, the installation of additional traffic control
methods such as raised medians may not be required if the raised median (or other control
measure) would prevent a design vehicle from safely traversing the crossing and/or adjacent
Effective ingress and egress shall be provided for the typical design vehicle traversing the
crossing. The following steps shall be followed during the design process:
• Analyze the turning radius of the WB-65 design vehicle within the proposed design.
• Mitigate the effects of insufficient turning radius within the design.
• Submit a drawing demonstrating that the design vehicle successfully navigates into and
through the designed highway-rail crossing.
Highway Approaches
Highway approaches to a highway-rail grade crossing shall, at a minimum, be designed to meet
the requirements set forth in CPUC GO 72. The following highway-rail grade crossing
requirements are contained in CPUC GO 72:
• Part III, Width of Public Crossings:
[Highway-rail] grade crossings shall be a width not less than the traveled approach
portions of the adjacent sections of road, highway or street, including usable shoulders
and sidewalks [pedestrian pathways].
• Part IV, Minimum Width:
[Highway-rail grade] public crossings hereafter constructed shall not be less than
twenty-four feet wide in effective roadway width measured at right angles with the
centerline of the roadway.
Should the Project Lead modify an existing highway rail crossing that has more than six percent
approach grades, the Project Lead should modify the approach grades to meet CPUC GO 72.
Refer to Crossing Profile –Vertical Alignment section of U.S. Department of Transportation,
Federal Railroad Administration Highway-Rail Crossing Handbook for additional useful
information and recommendations on vertical curves.
The approach grades are defined to be 30 feet from the outermost rail.
It is important that vehicles traversing the highway-rail grade crossing be given a clear avenue of
escape after, or downstream of, the highway-rail grade crossing. To clarify, a vehicle entering the
footprint of the highway-rail grade crossing shall have an unimpeded means of clearing the
crossing. In cases where there is an intersection adjacent to the crossing, it may be necessary to
add a refuge in the cross-traffic direction to allow a design vehicle to clear the intersection and
move onto the cross street without constraining the movement of cross traffic.
Median Islands
Installing raised medians on approaches to highway-rail grade crossings is an effective way to
channelize motorists and discourage RR warning device gate circumvention, U-turns movements
and motorist access to/from adjacent driveways which could impede safety at the highway-rail
grade crossing.
Design Requirements
Design of median islands shall conform to the latest SCRRA Engineering Standards as well as
criteria from the AASHTO publication titled “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and
Raised median islands shall be used on both approaches where possible to the highway-rail
grade crossing to constrain undesirable traffic movements
On each approach to the highway-rail grade crossing, the raised median shall begin 10 feet from
the centerline of the nearest track. The end of the median adjacent to the highway-rail grade
crossing shall be square, with a six-inch radius on the corners to discourage motorists from
making left or U-turns on the grade crossings, between the raised median islands.
The preferred length of the median as measured from the highway-rail grade crossing gate shall
be 100 feet. When not feasible a minimum of 60 foot raised median is required to channelize
automotive traffic. The width of the median shall be ten feet minimum if a warning device is
installed in the median and four feet if no warning device is installed in the median. The minimum
width of the median may be two feet with the approval of SCRRA and the highway agency. Raised
median height shall be eight inches.
It is preferable that the median island width remains a minimum of 10 feet for the entire length of
the median. However, in circumstances where ROW is limited or channelization for left turn lanes
downstream is required, the median width must remain a minimum of 10 feet for a distance of 20
feet beyond the warning devices, to allow adequate room for SCRRA’s signal forces to maintain
the RR warning devices.
The height of the median curb is recommended to be 6” by FRA. CPUC recommendation is to
use 8” high median curb. The median curb height will be 8” for all SCRRA system grade crossings.
Table 8-1 shall be used in the selection and design of raised medians.
Light traffic or Install raised N/A The use of the median shall
rural area medians effectively control vehicular
Limited highway Install raised Install raised delineators, The installation of medians
right-of-way medians upon approval of roadway may require the acquisition of
owner additional highway right-of-way
Insufficient truck Extend median to Consider exit gates Insufficient Truck turning radius
turning radius the maximum may be a defining component
length that still on the use of exit gates instead
accommodates of raised medians
truck movements
In addition to preventing vehicles from driving around gates, well designed medians limit
movements into and out of driveways near highway-rail grade crossings, as discussed in
Section 8.2.6, thus minimizing vehicle queuing hazards associated with cross-traffic vehicle
The primary median width requirement, per CPUC, is that there shall be a minimum horizontal
clearance of two feet between any part of the median installed railroad warning device (typically
the RR flasher backplate) and the face of the curb.
Median Landscaping
In general, trees, shrubbery, and similar view obstructing landscaping are not allowed on highway
approaches within 150 feet of a highway-rail grade crossing or in the median within 150 feet of
the crossing. Low maintenance stamped concrete, pavers, decomposed granite, ballast rock or
other hardscape materials shall be the standard landscape treatment for median islands and
sidewalk approaches to grade crossings.
The location of driveways, alleys, or similar facilities (with respect to the highway-rail grade
crossing) can significantly affect the safety associated with highway-rail grade crossing
New driveways (private or public) shall not be located within 100 feet of the nearest highway-rail
grade crossing active warning gate. Existing driveways within 100 feet of the nearest highway-rail
grade crossing active warning gate shall be removed or appropriately reconfigured to achieve
safety objectives such as increased safety of automotive and pedestrian traffic.
Table 8-2 shall be consulted for the design of mitigations when driveways are located adjacent to
the crossing:
Driveways adjacent to a highway-rail grade crossing which require vehicle reversing (backing)
movements shall not be allowed and the highway agency shall prohibit the reversing moves. If
the driveway can only be accessed by a backing movement by the design vehicle, then this
driveway will need to receive one of the following mitigations to eliminate any reversing
movements near the grade crossing:
• Relocate the driveway away from the grade crossing to provide sufficient turning capability
for the design vehicle.
• Modify the loading/unloading area/location to provide sufficient turning capability for the
design vehicle so that a reverse movement into the driveway is not required.
• Widen the highway so the design vehicle can exit the travelled way and provide sufficient
turning capability for the design vehicle.
The design and actual usage of the driveway shall not allow the reverse movement of vehicles
through and over the highway-rail grade crossing while entering or exiting the driveway.
In such instances, the roadway owner shall endeavor to close the near-side driveway or work with
the adjacent property owner to control this access to address the unsafe vehicle movements.
Special traffic signage and other traffic control devices shall be installed to control undesirable
traffic movements, especially reverse or slow movements into or out of driveways near tracks.
It is SCRRA’s policy to work jointly and responsibly with highway agencies, and other adjacent
private property owners, to ensure that proper visibility is maintained at the highway-rail grade
crossing. Buildings, fences, walls, billboards, highway geometry, trees, vegetation, natural or
man-made embankments, or other man-made structures will play a significant role in the overall
visibility at the highway-rail grade crossing, and these features will become important in the
geometric design process. The CA MUTCD requires that all advance warning signage, pavement
markings, and highway-rail grade crossing warning devices be clearly visible to the approaching
Horizontal and vertical curves within the highway near, or at, the highway-rail grade crossing
create additional concerns. In cases where the sight distance is not sufficient to allow adequate
braking prior to the crossing, the need for active/RR-interconnected advance warning devices
should be examined.
Of particular concern is stopping sight distance near and across the highway-rail grade crossing.
Refer to the Vertical Profile of the Highway and Highway Cross Slope Section 8.2.7-I Highway
and Railroad Geometry, for highway geometry that impacts stopping sight distance. All aspects
of the highway geometry shall be examined and follow the Caltrans Highway Design Manual or
AASHTO publication titled “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” requirements
for stopping sight distance. During the design phase, all measures for improving visibility at
crossings shall be examined and any detected hazards shall be mitigated.
The following actions shall be taken during the design of a grade crossing to preserve and improve
visibility at highway-rail grade crossings:
• Prohibit new trees at highway-rail grade crossing approaches and medians, and ensure
existing trees are trimmed on a regular basis by the highway authority for proper visibility.
• Prohibit new ground covers or shrubs within 150 feet of the near rail crossing, and ensure
the existing trees are trimmed for proper visibility.
• Investigate the possibility of mitigating the effects of adjacent development on overall
visibility at the crossing, related to location of structures, signage and other features.
• Ensure stopping sight distances are per the Caltrans Highway Design Manual or the
AASHTO publication titled “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”.
• Prohibit Vehicle parking within 100 feet of the highway-rail grade crossing, as measured
from the furthest automatic warning device from the tracks.
Sight Triangles
It is SCRRA’s policy to work jointly and responsibly with highway agencies, and other adjacent
private property owners, to ensure that improvements to properties adjacent to the railroad
corridor, and particularly at highway-rail grade crossing, are designed so as to mitigate the effects
of the development on highway-rail grade crossing safety. See Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing
Handbook published by FHWA Chapter 2 Engineering Treatments.
See Design Criteria Section 31.7 Highway Rail Grade Crossing Signage for Signage criteria at
highway-rail grade crossings.
The highway agency is responsible for approving the use of highway pavement markings. This
will require coordination with the highway agency. Maintenance responsibilities for pavement
markers, channelization/traffic control features, striping and pavement markings are the
responsibility of the highway agency, unless defined otherwise in the C&M agreement.
Design Requirements
The placement of active warning devices is an important factor in the overall design process.
Baseline criteria have been developed to use for guidance in the placement of the highway-rail
grade crossing devices. It is SCRRA standard to provide flashing lights for each traffic lane
approaching the highway-rail grade crossing. For more detailed information on the location,
dimensions, selection of warning devices, and how the railroad signaling system works in
conjunction with the warning devices, refer to SCRRA’s Engineering Standards for Signals and
Each warning device is constructed on a substantial foundation required for the safe support of
the device. These foundations may require a large footprint and must be considered in the
placement of the device. The utilities and drainage associated with the highway-rail grade
crossing shall be considered when developing the overall layout of the devices. Additionally, the
position of present and future foundations must be taken into account when considering utility
encroachment―it may be necessary to relocate utilities and other facilities that could interfere
with these foundations. Conflicts with overhead utility wires and gate arms should also be
considered during the development of the overall device layouts.
For additional information on the various types of warning devices, refer to CPUC GO 75 and
SCRRA Engineering Standards. In addition to the crossbuck, a sign indicating the number of
tracks (if two or more tracks are present) at the crossing is mounted on each RR Warning Device
to indicate the presence of multiple tracks at the crossing.
Some applications of RR flashing lights include backlights mounted on the mast in addition to the
standard flashing signal configuration. SCRRA’s policy is to not use backlights on exit gates and
median mounted entrance gates to avoid motorist confusion.
When a Standard No. 9 Gate is used, the flashing light mounted on the mast shall provide warning
for the curb and the traffic lane. If there is more than one lane, and highway width is greater than
the maximum length of the single gate arm, an additional device on a raised median will be
required. Additionally a No. 9-A cantilever signal may be used for flasher placement over
additional travel lanes.
Where pre-signals are installed, the locations of both the railroad and traffic signals shall be
evaluated to ensure the combination of traffic lights and highway-rail grade crossing warning lights
is coordinated and do not conflict with one another, thus mitigating possible confusion for
motorists approaching the tracks. A line of sight evaluation should be conducted to ensure
visibility of all devices. Final configuration and types of proposed warning devices is subject to
approval by SCRRA.
Intersections of Highways Adjacent and Parallel to Rail Corridor exit gates shall require SCRRA
approval. If used, exit gates shall be perpendicular to the roadway.
The inclusion of exit gates requires the installation of induction loops that are part of the vital
crossing signal system within the pavement. It is SCRRA’s policy to maintain these loops when
they are integrated into the vital railroad signal system. Refer to SCRRA ES 8405 for further
discussion on the use of induction loops.
The following protocols shall be observed during the engineering and construction of these
induction loops:
• SCRRA ES 8405 shall be referred to for placement of induction loops through the crossing.
• SCRRA ES 8405 shall be referred to as a minimum standard for the pavement structure
through the crossing; shall verify the pavement section through appropriate engineering
analysis; and enhance the specifications as necessary to meet the needs of the design.
Low maintenance high quality pavement sections shall be installed within 50 feet of the
highway-rail grade crossing as noted in the Highway Pavement section of Section 8.2.7-F.
• A mandate that the contractor shall not install pavement within the limits of the highway-rail
grade crossing and the induction loops without the review and approval of SCRRA shall
be included within the construction specifications.
• The highway agency having jurisdiction over the highway shall execute a Construction
and Maintenance Agreement defining the induction loops, as well as the division allocation
of maintenance responsibilities and costs regarding the crossing.
Table 8-3 can be a used as a general reference for the installation of gates.
The project location shall be analyzed to assess the need to install median islands, lengthen
existing median island(s), or to include exit gate(s) in order to counter potential or observed gate
Adjacent Crosswalks
Pedestrian crosswalks parallel and adjacent to highway-rail grade crossings are strongly
discouraged. Pedestrians using these crosswalks may cause vehicles to queue over the
highway-rail grade crossing without an avenue of escape. Active measures should be taken to
prohibit access using signage and barricades. Any new proposed crosswalks that are adjacent to
a highway-rail grade crossing will require SCRRA approval. If they are used, these crosswalks
shall be accessible for the cross slope.
At locations where there is a possibility of vehicles queuing over a highway-rail grade crossing,
the design shall be coordinated with the owners and operators of both highway-rail grade
crossings to develop a solution to avoid vehicles being trapped between the highway-rail grade
crossings or over either highway-rail grade crossing.
Traffic Signals
Several factors shall be considered when deciding on the inclusion of a traffic signal into
highway-rail grade crossing system, some of which are listed below. In addition, queuing studies
and diagnostic reviews should be conducted during traffic peak-hours to accurately assess actual
traffic conditions at the project site.
• Traffic congestion should be minimized when possible along the highway that crosses the
railroad tracks. Various factors can affect the operation of traffic at the highway-rail grade
crossing and can cause traffic to queue over the tracks. Motorists should be encouraged
to use grade separations instead of grade crossings wherever possible.
• The presence of a traffic signal downstream of the highway-rail grade crossing may tend
to generate long traffic queues that could back up over the tracks, depending on proximity
to the grade crossing, cycle length of the traffic signal, amount of green time given to the
movement of traffic downstream of the track and vehicle platooning. Even traffic signals
at intersections upstream of the grade crossing can impact traffic operations at the grade
crossing and need to be reviewed and evaluated.
• CA MUTCD, Section 8C.09, “Traffic Control Signals at or Near Highway-Rail Grade
Crossings” recommends the preemption of traffic signals located within 200 feet of the
highway-rail grade crossing. In addition, Section 8C.09, Paragraph 05 suggests
preemption may be appropriate for longer distances, depending upon vehicle queuing.
Refer to Section 8.2.17 Preemption, of this chapter for additional information on
• The location of a nearby pedestrian crosswalks whether controlled or uncontrolled may
cause traffic to back up into the highway-rail grade crossing, especially during peak traffic
hours. If possible, consider removal of pedestrian crosswalks immediately downstream of
grade crossings to avoid vehicle-pedestrian conflicts.
Design Scope
The design shall specify all traffic signal equipment, including: traffic signal controller assemblies
and software, the railroad interconnection system, railroad interface panel, vehicle detection
systems, battery backup systems, emergency vehicle preemption systems, video monitoring
systems (if applicable), blank-out signs (if needed), lighting for the intersection and the grade
crossing , sign illumination systems, communication devices and systems.. The design shall
incorporate equipment that has been proven to be reliable, durable, and effective on SCRRA or
other major Class 1 inter-city passenger or commuter railroad systems, and already is or can be
readily incorporated in current SCRRA System active warning devices. In order to provide this,
the designer shall coordinate with SCRRA forces for advice/direction regarding this matter.
The design shall incorporate features and equipment that are familiar to SCRRA Engineering,
Construction and Maintenance staff and contractors and that will contribute to the inspection,
testing, repair operations, and maintenance of the traffic signal system. Any new testing
procedures, or methods required by new equipment, must be identified and submitted to SCRRA
and the highway agency for consideration and approval before implementing the new equipment
and procedures.
the approach of a train). The sequence of traffic signal and railroad warning system operations
during the interruption shall avoid entrapment of vehicles on the highway-rail grade crossing
(entrapments that might result from conflicting displays in which the traffic control signals are
green, even while the railroad active warning flashing-light signals are active). During the
preemption hold interval, the traffic signal indications shall prevent vehicles from moving toward
the track area while displaying a green protected movement signal for traffic to move off the tracks
and away from the crossing. All turning movements toward the highway-rail grade crossing that
are currently permitted shall be prohibited during the signal preemption sequences. A blank-out,
changeable message sign, appropriate highway signal indication, or other similar control shall be
used to prohibit turning movements toward the highway-rail grade crossing during preemption.
Turn prohibition blank-out signs that are associated with preemption shall be visible only when
the highway-rail grade crossing restriction is in effect. For signalized intersections that display a
red indication during preemption to restrict all movements across the tracks, a R10-11 blank-out
sign may be used.
The R3-1 (NO RIGHT TURN), R3-2 (NO LEFT TURN), and R5-1 (DO NOT ENTER) blank-out
signs are typically placed to easily be seen by the motorist intending to make a turn. The R3-1
signs should be placed on the near side of the intersection (adjacent to the right-turn lane) and
on the far side of the intersection (to be visible to the motorist at the stop line of the intersection,
prior to making the right turn towards the grade crossing). The R3-2 should be placed over the
highway in line adjacent to the left-turn signal indications if possible. . The R5-1 should be placed
to keep motorists from entering the restricted area. .
Per the CA MUTCD, Section 4D.27, “Preemption and Priority Control of Traffic Control Signals”,
whenever a traffic signal is provided with emergency vehicle preemption and railroad preemption,
the railroad preemption shall have priority. In the event of a demand for emergency vehicle
preemption during the time the intersection is operating on railroad preemption, the railroad
preemption sequence shall continue unaffected until completion. In the event of a demand for
railroad preemption during emergency vehicle preemption operation, the railroad preemption
function shall immediately assume control of intersection operations.
Traffic signals may be used to enhance the control of highway users at highway-rail grade
crossings. A detailed analysis shall be conducted for any planned signalized intersection to
properly define the lane geometry and configuration.
Traffic signal system design shall incorporate input from the highway authority having jurisdiction
over the traffic signal system. A traffic signal system plan shall be prepared for each new or
modified traffic signal system. The traffic signal system plan shall be in a format acceptable to the
highway authority having jurisdiction over the traffic signal system and shall be prepared by a
professional Civil Engineer registered in the State of California.
The following general criteria shall apply to designs of traffic signals:
• Traffic signals, pedestrian signals, and any special signs required shall be designed and
installed in accordance with the highway authority’s specifications.
• Where there are existing conductors, interconnecting traffic signal and railroad signal
system, they may be reused if in good condition and adequate for the desired type of
interconnection. See Section 8.4.1 for information on interconnection circuitry. New traffic
signals shall be integrated into the existing or modified system, as appropriate, in
accordance with the highway agency’s standards and specifications, and SCRRA
requirements. In particular any traffic signal work performed that affects a crossing with
an existing preemption interconnection shall require that the interconnection configuration
be brought to current SCRRA standards.
• The designer shall be responsible for coordinating with the appropriate local utility
company to determine the source of power and the utility company’s requirements for
each new or modified traffic signal and safety lighting system.
• The design and placement of vehicle detection loops within 25’ of the tracks shall be
coordinated with SCRRA.
• Where the traffic signal system design requires the removal of existing traffic signal
equipment, the existing traffic signal system shall be kept operable until the new
equipment has been installed, tested, and put into service. During periods when the
existing traffic signal is inoperable, the intersection shall be flagged in accordance with the
requirements of the highway authority. In cases where the operation of the existing traffic
signal would cause vehicle queuing onto the adjacent grade crossing, the highway
authority or project owner shall provide roadway flagging at the grade crossing and
discuss the need for railroad flagging with SCRRA.
• For modifications of existing traffic signals, new and modern signal equipment shall be
installed as approved by the Public Agency.
Left-Turn Movements
A traffic study shall be conducted to determine the need and length for left-turn lanes and
protected left movements at existing signalized intersections that are preempted by trains, which
do not have left-turn lanes and/or protected left-turn signal indications (green arrows). All legs of
the intersection shall be evaluated to determine the appropriateness of the left turn protection. In
addition, the length of the left-turn lane shall be evaluated for proper application according to
traffic demands. The left-turn protection (green arrow) shall provide the following criterion during
the preemption sequence:
• Provide sufficient green time for the left-turn movements traveling away from the
highway-rail grade crossing to clear any queues over the railroad tracks.
• Restrict conflicting left-turn movements toward the tracks. In cases where an existing
left-turn lane is not provided with a signal head equipped with a protected left-turn arrow,
the traffic signal shall be modified to provide a protected left-turn arrows or no-left-turn
blank-out signs restricting the left-turn movement towards the tracks.
• Allow non-conflicting left-turn movements away from the tracks during railroad preemption.
The designer shall analyze the length of left-turn lanes in association with the overall crossing. A
left-turn lane configuration extending across the tracks should be avoided.
If a left-turn lane extending across the tracks is required, SCRRA approval is required and shall
include countermeasures to warn motorists not to stop on the tracks, such as traffic signals,
striping, and signing. An engineering study shall be performed to evaluate the traffic movements
associated with adding or modifying a left-turn lane through the highway-rail grade crossing. The
study shall recommend appropriate mitigations to avoid the trapping of vehicles across the
highway-rail grade crossing that shall be included in the design, such as:
• Install an interconnected traffic signal at the highway intersection to allow the clearance of
the left-turn lane upon the arrival of a train.
• Install a queue-cutter signal or pre-signal to provide queue prevention at all times at the
grade crossing.
Pre-signals are traffic signals that control traffic approaching a highway-rail grade crossing, in
conjunction with the traffic system of an adjacent downstream highway intersection, to prevent
queueing over the highway-rail grade crossing.
Refer to CA MUTCD, Section 8C.09, “Traffic Control Signals at or Near Highway-Rail Grade
Crossings” for requirements associated with pre-signals. Whereas existing traffic signal
preemption is mandated to clear queued vehicles from the crossings upon arrival of trains, a
pre-signal is intended to prevent queuing across the highway-rail grade crossings during each
traffic signal cycle, regardless of the presence of a train on the approach. A pre-signal does not
eliminate the need for preemption, but it does significantly reduce the likelihood that vehicles are
within the minimum track clearance distance and clear storage distance, at the onset of the track
clearance green time (see Section 8.2.16-K for an explanation of these terms).
To mitigate the possible confusion of conflicting signal directions between the pre-signal and
railroad crossing warning signal, a Standard No. 9-A cantilever shall not be used as or used to
mount a pre-signal. In locations where both a pre-signal and a cantilever are already present or
are typically required; installation of the pre-signal only should be considered, when possible, to
avoid motorist confusion; the final determination shall be made by SCRRA’s Director of
Communications and Signals. This installation allows the railroad warning gates and lights to
operate in conjunction with the traffic pre-signals to send the appropriate message to the motorist.
Pre-signals and all associated signage installed in front of a railroad crossing gate shall be
positioned to not interfere with the visibility of the railroad flashing-light signals or other traffic
control signals.
A pre-signal shall be considered in the following cases:
• Where the clear storage distance is 50 feet or less.
• At approaches where high percentages of long-length vehicles (i.e. semi-trucks with
trailer, buses, recreation vehicles, etc.) are evident and the clear storage distance is less
than 75 feet. A vehicle classification study should be conducted to determine the types of
vehicles using the crossing.
• Where the clear storage distance is greater than 50 feet or 75 feet (depending on the
highway vehicle design length), but less than 120 feet, and an engineering study
determines that vehicle queuing regularly extends near, at or past the grade crossing.
Where the clear storage distance is 200 feet or less. An engineering study should be made
to evaluate the various elements involved in a pre-signal including the need for the
Pre-Signal Location
There are two primary alternative locations for placement of traffic signal heads at the crossing.
Pre-signals can be placed on mast-arm poles placed ahead of the highway-rail grade crossing
(upstream), or between the highway-rail grade crossing and the intersection (downstream).
Downstream placement of the pre-signal mast-arm pole is the preferred position, so the stopping
position of the vehicular traffic is close to the crossing. Where the pre-signal pole is placed
upstream of the highway-rail grade crossing with multiple approach lanes, a pole shall be placed
on the sidewalk and on the median. In all cases, pre-signal poles shall be positioned to maintain
visibility of the railroad flashing lights.
CA MUTCD, Section 4D.11, “Number of Signal Faces on an Approach” states that a minimum of
two signal faces shall be provided for the major movement on the approach to an intersection. At
least one and preferably both signal faces shall be located as follows:
• Not less than 40 feet beyond the stop line, unless a supplemental near-side signal face is
• Not more than 150 feet beyond the stop line, unless a supplemental near-side signal face
is provided.
• As near as practical to the line of the driver’s normal view, if mounted over the highway.
Downstream Pre-Signals
As specified in CA MUTCD, Section 8B.28, “Stop and Yield Lines”, the stop line should be placed
no closer than 15 feet from the nearest rail, and eight feet from the railroad gates (if present). It is
desirable to utilize this same stop line for the pre-signal indications, if possible. Placement of the
traffic signal stop line at the same location as the railroad warning gate stop line has two
• Transit vehicles and trucks required to stop at crossings would not be subject to a double
• Motorists will have one place to stop with every traffic signal cycle
If clear storage distance is 50 feet or less, and if it is possible to use the near-side intersection
signal heads as a pre-signal, the stop line of the pre-signal should be at the same location as the
railroad warning gate stop line. The far-side intersection signal heads shall be equipped with
programmed-visibility heads or louvers to restrict visibility of the intersection signal displays to
drivers at the pre-signal stop line.
If the clear storage distance is more than 50 feet, and if it is possible to locate a pre-signal between
the highway-rail grade crossing and the intersection, the pre-signal faces should be located such
that the stop line of the pre-signal is at the same location as the railroad warning gate stop line.
Upstream Pre-Signals
When traffic signal faces are located near the railroad warning devices, the stop line must be
located a minimum of 40 feet ahead of (upstream) the signal faces to allow for visibility of the
traffic signal heads per CA MUTCD requirements. If the stop line distance is shortened, a low
mount pre-signal head and a “STOP HERE ON RED” (R10-6) sign shall be installed to warn
approaching traffic of the traffic control signal. The far-side intersection signal heads should be
equipped with programmed-visibility heads or louvers to restrict visibility of the intersection signal
displays to the drivers at the pre-signal stop line.
Pre-Signal Operations
The pre-signal intervals should be progressively timed with the downstream intersection signal
intervals, providing adequate time for vehicles to clear the minimum track clearance distance and
continue through the clear storage distance area and downstream intersection. Vehicles that are
required to make mandatory stops (such as school buses and vehicles hauling hazardous
materials) should be considered when determining the preemption timing design parameters.
Unless otherwise defined, the design vehicle for the design of a pre-signal shall be the AASHTO
WB-65 semi-tractor-trailer.
Where the clear storage distance is inadequate to store the design vehicle clear of the minimum
track clearance distance, consideration should be given to the installation of vehicle detection
loops within the clear storage distance. This could prevent vehicles from being trapped within the
minimum track clearance distance by extending the track clearance green time. Pre-signals shall
display a red signal indication during the transition into the preemption control portion of a signal
preemption sequence. This shall prohibit additional vehicles from crossing the railroad tracks.
Queue-Cutter Signals
Another solution to traffic queuing onto the tracks, and an alternative to a pre-signal, is the use of
an automated queue-cutter traffic signal upstream of the highway-rail grade crossing. Preemption
form will be required for Queue-Cutter as well since pre-emption timing will be in conjunction with
the queue cutter.
A queue-cutter signal differs from a pre-signal in that if the clear storage distance is greater than
50 feet or 75 feet for roadways that is regularly used by multi-unit vehicles; any traffic signal heads
located at a highway-rail grade crossing should be considered to be a separate, mid-block
highway-rail grade crossing (a “queue-cutter”) signal and not a pre-signal as per Chapter 8C,
Section 09 in CA MUTCD. The queue-cutter signal can be utilized in conjunction with R8-8 signs
(“DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS”), as per CA MUTCD requirements. The queue-cutter traffic signal
can be activated by vehicle detection (typically induction loops) on the far-side of the highway-rail
grade crossing to detect a growing queue between the highway-rail grade crossing and the
downstream highway intersection. The queue detection location relative to the adjacent track shall
be evaluated to prohibit queue build up while traffic signals are in transition once a queue is
detected. Queue-cutter signals must be interconnected to the railroad crossing warning system
to allow a red traffic signal to be displayed when a train is approaching. A queue-cutter signal
typically operates independently of the downstream traffic signal, depending on traffic progression
during different times of day.
Hybrid Pre-Signals
Another queue management technique is the use of a hybrid pre-signal. Hybrid pre-signals control
traffic approaching a highway-rail grade crossing, in conjunction with the traffic system of an
adjacent downstream highway intersection, to prevent queuing over the highway-rail grade
A hybrid pre-signal is typically used at locations where the highway-rail grade crossing is located
within 250 feet from the traffic signal and queuing is a concern. A hybrid pre-signal is appropriate
to install when vehicles stop on the tracks due to proximity to a signalized intersection. The hybrid
pre-signal controls vehicles from encroaching into the track area during normal and preempted
signal operations. The intersection signal would provide clearance so that the track area is kept
clear, but vehicles may remain in the clear storage distance area. The hybrid pre-signal provides
the opportunity for vehicles to remain in the clear storage distance thru traffic signal operations
between the presignal and the downstream intersection signal. The hybrid pre-signal should have
queue detection to extend the duration of the downstream intersection green time after the hybrid
pre-signal cycles to red during normal operations. .
Interface Between the Rail Subsystem and the Highway Subsystem at a Highway Rail Intersection
(IEEE publication no. 1570-2002).
The traffic signal controller unit shall be able to meet the following minimum functions and
• Receive multiple preemption inputs and provide multiple routines on a priority basis, at
least one of which shall be assigned to railroad preemption. Per CA MUTCD, the railroad
preemption shall have priority at a traffic signal provided with emergency vehicle
preemption and railroad preemption.
• The preemption feature shall have either an electrical circuit based upon the closed-circuit
principle, or a supervised interconnect circuit (preferable) between the control circuits of
the railroad active warning system and the traffic signal controller unit.
• Detect broken wires/cables and respond as programmed. One possible programming
alternative is to first clear the tracks and then display all-way flashing red signal indications.
• Remotely notify the responsible highway agency as soon as a detectable problem is
known to exist at the highway-rail grade crossing.
• Provide an indication, via health check circuit, to the railroad active warning system
cabinet when the traffic signals are in flashing mode, on battery backup, or “dark” (without
power) condition.
• Provide a backup power system for the traffic signal controller in the event of a commercial
power outage, and remote notification to the highway agency responsible for maintenance
of the controller.
Standby Power
In accordance with FRA rules and requirements, railroads install backup power systems to
provide power to flashing light signals during commercial power failures. Backup or standby power
systems shall be required at all traffic signals interconnected with railroad signals.
The design of preemption for a highway-rail grade crossing owned or maintained by an agency
other than SCRRA shall be in accordance with the standards used by that agency. The resulting
design must be consistent with, or more stringent than, the standards and criteria in this chapter
or other applicable SCRRA Standards.
In establishing preemption operations at highway-rail grade crossings adjacent to signalized
highway intersections, the highway agency shall coordinate with SCRRA and the CPUC. The
need for preemption, type of preemption, preemption time, right-of-way transfer time, queue
clearance time, track clearance green time, etc., for preemption shall be determined by the
highway agency and SCRRA and must be agreed to by SCRRA.
Refer to SCRRA’s Grade Crossing Manual for additional information on preemption elements.
It is however SCRRA’s policy for designers to use the “LADOT Railroad Preemption Form”
spreadsheet to determine the amount of advance preemption and track clearance green time
needed at preempted traffic signals near highway-rail grade crossings. The Texas Department of
Transportation Traffic Signal Preemption at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings form may also be
used. Total Approach Time for highway-rail grade crossing warning systems shall not exceed
50 seconds. An example of the LADOT Railroad Preemption Form is included in Appendix E-8,
while an electronic version is available from SCRRA upon request.
All requests for additional traffic signal preemption time will be submitted, through a special design
consideration (see Section 3.2.2), to SCRRA’s PTC, C&S Engineering Services Department for
review and approval.
The traffic signal controller unit shall enter into preemption operation as soon as the interconnect
circuit from the railroad active warning system is activated. Some controller units may incorporate
a delay time to verify the continuity of the preemption call.
Railroad preemption results in a special traffic signal operation; depending on the location of the
railroad tracks to the intersection, the number of phases in the traffic signal, and site-specific traffic
conditions. Preemption ensures that the actions of the traffic control devices complement, rather
than conflict, with the railroad warning system devices. There are three basic elements to railroad
1. Right-of-way transfer into preemption control
a. Termination of normal operation
2. Preemption control
a. Track clear/clear storage interval
b. Hold/dwell interval
3. Transition to normal operation
a. Exit phases
b. Transition to coordination, if applicable
ii Preemption Control
During preemption, there are various scenarios that could occur with the pedestrian walk interval
or the pedestrian clearance time, depending on the highway agency’s requirements and crossing
• Shortening or termination of the pedestrian walk interval, while allowing the pedestrian
clearance interval to follow the normal time.
• Immediate termination of the pedestrian walk, with full or partial truncation of the
pedestrian clearance.
The signal phase (or phases) controlling traffic over the railroad tracks should be green during
the track clearance interval. A yellow change interval shall be provided if a green signal indication
was provided during the track clearance interval.
Right-of-way transfer time (RWTT) is the maximum traffic signal timing required for the transition
to track clearance green. RWTT can vary, depending on the programmed phasing and timing of
the controller when the preemption call is established. The maximum right-of-way transfer time
(RWTT) is used in the calculation of preemption time. This set of circumstances is sometimes
referred to as “worst case” scenario.
The RWTT is zero if the preemption call is received when the traffic signal controller is already in
the phase that is used as the track clearance green time (queue clearance phase). This scenario
is usually known as the “best case” scenario. These variations in traffic signal operations can be
unsafe if not properly recognized in the timing and design of simultaneous and advance
preemptions. The “worst case” scenario shall be used in the determination of maximum
preemption time, while the variety of traffic phasing and timing both scenarios shall be accounted
for in the design of any preemption sequence.
Track clearance time ensures that the railroad crossing is cleared of all vehicles when the pre-
emption is activated by the detection of oncoming rail. The gate down circuit is a mechanism
which ensures that the track clearance time terminates when the gates go down. Based on current
design practice, a gate-down circuit should be used on all new interconnected grade crossings.
The gate-down circuit provides two benefits:
1. It eliminates preempt trap by making sure that the track clearance time does not terminate
before the gate comes down;
2. It ensures that the track clearance time is not unnecessarily long when maximum right-of-
way transfer time is needed.
Hold/Dwell Interval (also known as Limited Service) shall be used for traffic signals interconnected
to SCRRA RR Signal System. . The transition into preemption hold occurs after the queue
clearance time and separation time (track clearance interval) have been completed and continues
while the train is occupying the crossing. Preemption hold shall remain in effect until the
preemption input to the controller unit is removed. The purpose of the preemption hold interval is
to allow those movements that do not conflict with the occupancy of a train in the crossing to
There are many possible scenarios for the transition from preemption control to normal operation;
they depend on the type of intersection control that was in effect at the time of preemption (e.g.,
running free, actuated [semi or full], recalls, coordinated, etc.).
The user can define the exit phases that shall operate after the preemption call has been released.
Most controllers shall run the normal split time for the exit phases, and then, depending on
user-programmed parameters and time of day, the controller may attempt to resynchronize with
the defined offset.
Some controller software has the capability to monitor the coordinated cycle during preemptions
so that upon release of preemption, the transition to normal operation is right in step with the
coordinated background cycle. The designer should be aware of the highway agency’s preferred
Request Form (see Appendix E-7), detailing the types of interconnection and preemption times,
and submit to SCRRA for review and approval.
• The highway agency should consider changing its traffic signal controller unit
specifications, selecting a unit that has the ability to adjust the queue clearance green
interval based on variations in the time allocated versus the green time used for the
conflicting movements.
• The traffic signal controller should also have the functional ability to recognize a second
preemption call during the initial preemption sequence in order to maintain the preemption
hold state.
• Consider the potential of conditional service solutions/controller logic to prevent the
preemption trap.
Multiple Tracks
Multiple tracks at highway-rail intersections introduce two problems that must be considered when
designing a preemption timing plan:
• Additional clearance distance is required during the queue clearance time. The additional
clearance distance increases the track clearance green time and thus increases the total
approach time required for preemption.
• The possibility that a second preemption call could be sent to the controller unit,
immediately after the first preemption input, is removed. This occurs when a train traveling
on the second track approaches a crossing right after a train on the first track has left the
highway-rail grade crossing area.
Older traffic signal controller units cannot recognize a second preemption call that was received
while the first preemption was being serviced; the first preemption sequence had to time out first.
Typically, the older traffic signal control units would then continue in the hold state even though
the railroad gates had risen. If the railroad gates were to rise before the traffic signal controller
unit recognized the second preemption call, it could lead to skipping the clear track interval and
potentially trapping vehicles on the tracks.
Provisions to avoid this problem may include use of an “extended hold” to keep the highway-rail
grade crossing gates down until the second train has arrived, as well as use of traffic signal control
logic that ensures that a second track clearance can be provided in the event the gates have been
raised prior to the arrival of a second train.
When pedestrian clearance time becomes a driving factor for long preemption times and affects
levels of service at an intersection, consideration should be given to providing a separate
pedestrian input to the traffic signal controller, which will require SCRRA approval.
This is particularly true when there is a station stop in the approach to the highway-rail grade
crossing or when switching may occur regularly within the crossing approach.
The determination whether to include extra preemption time for vehicle gate interaction time shall
be determined jointly by the railroad and highway agency. Among the factors to be considered
are whether the highway-rail grade crossing has a history of broken gates, RR approach
distance/system capabilities, the opportunity to solve the broken gate concern another way
(extending flash-only operations prior to gate descent, for instance) and the impact on the
additional preemption time to the intersection level of service.
Multiple Intersections
Where a highway-rail grade crossing is located between two closely spaced signalized
intersections, the two highway traffic signals must be interconnected. Further, their preemptions
must be coordinated to permit the tracks to be cleared in both directions.
When the railroad diagonally crosses two interconnected highway intersections, it is normally
necessary to clear out traffic on both highways prior to the arrival of the train, requiring
approximately twice the preemption time computed for a single approach. An example of this
condition is shown in Figure 8-4. Both railroad warning systems shall be designed to operate
concurrently to prevent the traffic signals and railroad warning systems from falling out of
coordination with each other, in this scenario, a single pre-emption call could be sent to the City
controller. Activation of either crossing would initiate pre-emption activation for BOTH
intersections. When the railroad warning system is activated, traffic leaving the intersection and
approaching the highway-rail grade crossing may queue back into the intersection and block
traffic if there is not adequate storage for those vehicles between the highway-rail grade crossing
and the intersection. Traffic turning at the intersection toward the other highway-rail grade
crossing may also be unable to proceed due to stopped traffic. When this occurs, the following
recommended solutions could be used:
• Utilization of advance preemption
• Activating one highway-rail grade crossing before the other
• Extension of gate delay time and minimum warning time
• Use of blank-out turn restriction signs
Railroad Features
i. Near-Side Station
A station functions as a near-side station when a passenger train stops at the station before
proceeding through the highway-rail grade crossing. In cases where the station is within the
highway-rail grade crossing detection circuitry, but not directly adjacent to the crossing, it is
desirable to have the highway-rail grade crossing gates remain raised until the train is ready to
depart (assuming there is sufficient distance between the highway-rail grade crossing and the
station to allow this protocol). When stations are very near vehicular crossings, it may be
preferable to have the gates remain down while the train is waiting in the station to depart. This
is particularly important at a multiple-track station adjacent to a crossing, where the train stopped
at the station may block the view of a second oncoming or overtaking train in the far track.
Track Structure
The track structure within the highway-rail grade crossing is defined from the subgrade up through
the highway surface. All components of the track structure shall be designed in accordance with
SCRRA Engineering Standards.
In the design of the track structure, the existing conditions at the highway-rail grade crossing shall
be thoroughly examined to detect any indications of failure of the surface or structure. The track
structure at highway-rail grade crossings shall follow SCRRA design standards and meet the
following criteria:
• No exothermic rail welds, insulated joints, or bonds shall be placed in highway-rail grade
crossings or within 10 feet of a crossing.
• No turnouts or crossovers shall be located within a crossing.
• The highway-rail grade crossing structure shall be designed to permit drainage of the track
o Where drainage conditions dictate, construct underdrains within the vicinity of the
highway-rail grade crossing to maximize the highway-rail grade crossing life.
• Under no circumstances shall street surface or gutter runoff be permitted to flow into the
track structure.
Multiple Tracks
Multiple, parallel tracks within the highway-rail grade crossing create additional concerns that
need to be addressed. The following concerns shall be mitigated during design of the crossing:
• The curvature of the railroad tracks and the resulting superelevation of the tracks shall be
evaluated and addressed within the design.
• The path for a pedestrian to traverse the highway-rail grade crossing shall be designed
for the shortest `path across the crossing, preferable perpendicular to the tracks.
o This is especially important with skewed crossings that inherently increases the width
of a crossing.
• Visibility of a second train approaching on an adjacent track shall be considered.
• Visibility of all active tracks, where a train may be temporarily stopped or spotted on the
adjacent track, shall be considered.
o This is especially important when the adjacent track is a siding or industrial lead where
locomotive and railroad cars may be stored for long durations.
• Refer to DCM Chapter 12 for issues related to consideration of grade separation based
on multiple tracks at the crossing.
Where highway-rail grade crossings are located within a superelevated curve, the surface of the
highway plane should be in the same plane as the top of rails of the superelevated curve. The
Highway Agency should review the roadway interface at the crossing and determine if traffic
speed on the approaches and through the crossing should be reduced due to the undulations of
the railroad superelevation.
At multiple-track crossings involving concentric superelevated curves, the inside rails for each
track may be at equal elevations, while the outside rail are also at equal elevations. The elevations
of the four individual rails create an uneven surface through the highway-rail grade crossing.
To avoid this situation, multiple tracks shall be brought to the same plane to provide a smooth
and level highway-rail grade crossing plane for the highway.
This may not always be possible due to railroad vertical profile constraints; therefore, highway
vertical profiles should be designed on either side of the highway-rail grade crossing to provide
as smooth a transition as feasible, and to provide the proper clearance for the lowest vertical
clearance design vehicle. See Chapter 31 Signage for low clearance signage.
Special Trackwork
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings located in close proximity to special trackwork shall not be
The point of switch for turnouts and crossovers shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the
edge of traveled roadway or sidewalk, if present. When turnouts and crossovers are close to the
Highway-Rail Grade Crossing, the designer shall consult SCRRA about the railroad’s need for
special trackwork and shall refer to SCRRA Communications and Signal Engineering Standards
(ES 8000 series).
See DCM Chapter 10 for Utilities.
Future Improvements
Enhancements to the highway-rail grade crossings, such as median islands, traffic signal
systems, signal preemption, roadway widening, pedestrian and bike facilities, should be designed
and constructed, such that future railroad improvements, second or more track(s), and/or other
railroad improvements can be accommodated without the need to completely modify the current
elements of the crossing. The designer should be cognizant of the potential to improve the
highway-rail grade crossing system for future SCRRA tracks and other facilities. The design
should incorporate the necessary accommodation of future railroad improvements.
Pedestrians at highway-rail grade crossings present unique challenges. Many of the same
considerations given to motor vehicles – such as channelization, signs, and warning lights – also
apply to pedestrians as crossing users. This section will discuss and define the components and
treatments that together, all or in part, comprise a pedestrian-rail grade crossing and then will
describe the applications at the different types of pedestrian-rail grade crossings.
The design of pedestrian-rail grade crossings and installation of pedestrian treatments shall be in
accordance with the process in Section 8.3.7 and the Pedestrian-Rail Grade Crossing Design
Consideration Flowchart in ES 4004. This process shall be similar for any type of pedestrian-rail
grade crossing and defines SCRRA’s required approach to the application of pedestrian
treatments at pedestrian-rail grade crossings. Design of a pedestrian-rail grade crossing should
include the following features:
• A smooth, easily traversed surface that does not impede individuals with disabilities,
strollers, or carts, incorporated into the adjacent sidewalk topography.
• Clear striping and signage that avoids confusing directions or features, a relatively straight
path that is clearly marked and easily accessible throughout the footprint of the crossing
and a readily accessible means of exiting the crossing.
• Deterrents such as signage, fences, and gates that minimize trespassing into prohibited
areas of the railroad right-of-way.
The designer shall follow the same design process used for a pedestrian-rail grade crossing
adjacent to a highway-rail grade and determine the appropriate pedestrian treatments as provided
in Section 8.3.7.
• Fencing
Pedestrian-rail grade crossings shall not cross more than two tracks.
Currently, there are two types of pedestrian-rail grade crossing configurations at stations on
SCRRA’s system:
1. Pedestrian-rail crossings at any location on the platform
o Due to safety concerns and operating restrictions, new pedestrian-rail grade crossings
at any location on platforms shall not be allowed.
o Reconstruction of existing stations that have a pedestrian-rail grade crossing at any
location on the platform shall relocate the pedestrian-rail grade crossing beyond the
ends of the platform.
o If the pedestrian-rail grade crossing cannot be relocated beyond the ends of the
platform, then a pedestrian grade separation (Overhead or Underpass) shall be
2. Pedestrian-rail grade crossings located past the ends of platforms
o New station pedestrian-rail grade crossings shall be constructed 60 feet from the ends
of the platform and include full pedestrian treatments. See ES 4021.
o It is desirable to have the gates recover during normal station dwell time.
o Fencing or metal hand railing shall properly channelize pedestrians across the tracks
at the pedestrian-rail grade crossing and deter the public from taking a “short cut” and
trespassing across the tracks in prohibited areas.
Flangeway Gap
The track structure is made up of many components. The component that most affects the
pedestrian-rail grade crossing is the flangeway.
The ADAAG limits the width of the flangeway gap to a maximum of two and a half inches (ADAAG
10.3.1). The surface of the crossing shall be level and flush with the top of the rail at the outer
edge and between the rails. Freight railroads require a three-inch flangeway gap at installation to
allow for wear of about one inch in regular use. To accommodate both ADA and freight
requirements, SCRRA standards call for a rubber flangeway filler for all new or improved
crossings. The rubber filler allows a two-and-a-half-inch gap to be maintained for ADA
requirements while providing flexibility to provide a three-inch gap by being compressed to provide
an extra half inch as wheels of the freight train pushes against the rubber filler as it crosses over
the concrete panel. After the freight train passes over the concrete panels, the rubber filler will
return to its undisturbed shape and maintain the two-and-a-half-inch gap. See ES 4201.
Visibility between trains and pedestrians shall be considered during the diagnostic analysis and
design of the crossing. The design should provide the pedestrian reasonable visibility of a train
upon its approach and departure. This is especially important when dealing with a multi-track
crossing, when the view of an approaching train may be blocked by an additional train. In general,
the installation of active warning devices including automatic gates and appropriate fencing will
mitigate the lack of visibility. During the initial site assessment, all features in and around the
crossing that could impede pedestrian visibility shall be examined. Pedestrian gates shall be
equipped with two-way warning lights, for all pedestrian approaches, aimed at the pedestrian
The overall visibility at the crossing shall be considered from the pedestrian’s perspective and
deficiencies that could diminish the intrinsic safety of the crossing shall be mitigated. During the
diagnostic analysis and inventory, the diagnostic team shall consider the following and take
appropriate action:
• Diagram the crossing to show the obstructions to pedestrian visibility and incorporate
solutions/mitigations into the design of the crossing.
• Examine each of the features at the crossing, and thoroughly explore the risk arising from
those features. Include recommendations to remove a feature that is severely impeding
pedestrian visibility.
• Additional devices or signage may be necessary to offset the lack of visibility created by
the obstructions; however, placement of each of these devices should be carefully
examined for compatibility with existing features.
i. Signage
Signage is utilized throughout a crossing to guide pedestrians. Of particular note, are the signs
warning pedestrians of multiple tracks, and the possibility of multiple trains at the crossing. These
signs should be used at the approaches to the crossing. The potential presence of a second train
is an important consideration when applying signage to the crossing. See Chapter 31 Signage.
Refer to SCRRA ES 4002 for details on the swing gates and signs.
Pedestrian Channelization
The design of pedestrian-rail grade crossings shall provide clear, well-defined traveled-ways
throughout the crossing and should discourage improper pedestrian movement, such as
circumventing the gates, walking onto the railroad Right-of-Way, or walking onto the highway.
Fencing or railing shall be provided along the sidewalk to direct pedestrians along the proper path.
Coordination with the SCRRA Signal Department is required to ensure this railing, to the extent
possible, does not block or impede maintenance access to railroad signal devices and does not
interfere with the location of the devices used for sealing the corridor. This channelization device
can be tubular steel railing, ornamental fencing, or welded wire mesh fencing. The type of
channelization device to be used shall be discussed and agreed upon with the highway agency.
Additional controls shall be used to identify the pedestrian travel-way such as striping per
Pavement Markings in Section 8.2.12-B. Bold, white striping is used to delineate the pedestrian’s
path across the crossing. Refer to SCRRA ES 4011 - 4021 for examples of these treatments.
Trespass Prevention
Pedestrians sometimes trespass into prohibited areas of the railroad right-of-way. This problem
requires special consideration. Traditional designs have often used fencing to keep pedestrians
out of protected areas. “No Trespassing” signs, complete with warnings about enforcement and
prosecution, have also been used. During the diagnostic review, the team should review
pedestrian access to the railroad right-of-way and develop safe and effective solutions to prevent
Inter-Track Fence
An inter-track fence is a fence between two tracks, typically at a station, that prevents pedestrians
from unsafely crossing the tracks to get from one platform to the other platform. At stations, track
centers shall accommodate the inter-track fence clear of any component of the inter-track fence,
including sliding gates. Track centers shall not exceed more than 25 feet to accommodate an
inter-track fence.
The fence shall extend the full length of the platform and channelize the passengers to crossings
at the ends of the platforms. See ES 4020 and ES 4021.
The height of the inter-track fence shall not exceed four feet within 150 feet of any crossing (station
or highway) to ensure that proper visibility is maintained between the train and
motorist/bicyclist/pedestrian. Where tracks cannot be widened to accommodate an inter-track
fence, proper signage should be installed to deter pedestrians from crossing the tracks except at
the proper and designated locations.
Refuge Areas
SCRRA standard pedestrian channelization include a refuge area that pedestrian can utilize as a
means of exiting the crossing when the pedestrian gates are activating, and a train is approaching.
This refuge area is not intended as a location where a pedestrian can wait for the train, but rather
as a safe harbor if the pedestrian is between a downed gate and the track. Refer to SCRRA ES
4011 - 4021 for examples of these refuge areas. The refuge area shall incorporate a swing gate
to allow pedestrians to exit the refuge area away from the tracks.
Interconnection Design
The field of traffic signal preemption continues to evolve. Before designing a traffic signal
preemption circuit, the designer should review the latest guidelines regarding traffic signal
preemption as prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, AREMA, CA MUTCD,
CPUC, and other knowledgeable parties. Circuits described below are based on fail-safe closed
loop methodology. A vital serial data circuit in accordance with IEEE Standard 1570-2002 may be
used in lieu of the referenced circuits. Design and testing of traffic signal preemption
interconnection circuits must be coordinated with the railroad and the agency having jurisdiction.
Interconnection Circuits
Older style Traffic Signal Interconnection schemes used a simple two wire circuit between the
traffic signal cabinet and the railroad crossing warning equipment to notify or issue a call for traffic
signal preemption. This scheme was generally used with simultaneous preemption and a very
basic traffic management program. Modern Traffic Signal Interconnect designs use multiple
circuits to provide a cable integrity check, system health status and the position of Entrance gate
In order to detect a shorted or open interconnection circuit, two additional wires are used to
provide a supervised circuit. The energy source originates at the traffic signal controller: two wires
provide a return path, verifying the railroad preemption control relay is energized and there is no
call for preemption. The two additional wires verify circuit integrity when the railroad issues a call
for preemption. The circuit logic is “Exclusive OR.” One circuit must be energized and the other
de-energized. If both circuits are shown to be energized or both appear de-energized, it indicates
a problem with the interconnect circuit. In that case, the traffic signal controller should assume a
state known to be safe and issue a notification that there is a circuit deficiency.
Gate-Down Circuits
A preemption trap condition occurs when the track clearance green time ends too soon, prior to
the motorist clearing the grade crossing area.
One of the solutions to avoid preemption trap is to use a “gate down” circuit as required by the
CA MUTCD, Section 8C.06 (16). The purpose of the “gate down” circuit is to prevent the traffic
signal from leaving track clearance green time until it is determined that all gates on approach to
the grade crossing are fully lowered. The “gate down” circuit notifies the traffic signal controller
unit when the gates controlling access over the tracks on the approach to the intersection have
either fully lowered or the train has occupied the crossing. At the beginning of preemption, the
traffic signal controller unit will transition to track clearance green as usual, but shall dwell in the
track clearance green time until the “gate down” confirmation is received, or until a user-defined
maximum time has expired. Traffic Signal Health Check Circuits
A health check circuit provides an indication to the railroad active warning system cabinet when
the traffic signals are in red flash (such as when the controller is in failure) or when dark (due to
loss of power). This health check circuit requires additional wires/cables between the traffic control
signal cabinet and the railroad active warning system cabinet. Consideration should be given to
a fail-safe design for the health check circuit so that there shall be no case in which the circuit
shall remain energized while the traffic signals are flashing or dark.
Interconnection Circuits
Jointly the Highway Agency and SCRRA will collaborate and determine the specific Traffic Signal
Interconnection circuit to be used at specific crossing locations. The design of the interconnection
circuits shall be reviewed and approved by the Highway Agency and SCRRA before any new
systems are installed or changes to existing systems are made.
Adjacent Development
Redevelopment and new developments have afforded the opportunity to control the location of
driveway approaches that are close to the highway-rail grade crossing (see Section 8.2.9). The
designer shall review the development plans, coordinate with the highway agency, and ask the
highway agency to impose “conditions for development approval” relative to development street
Adjacent residential and commercial development to highway-rail grade crossings may
substantially increase the volume of highway traffic over a crossing. This may occur during certain
times of day, such as during peak rush hour periods, or during certain times of the year. Schools
near highway-rail grade crossings may generate increased volumes of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic before and after school hours. Likewise, certain entertainment/sporting venues may
increase vehicular and pedestrian traffic before, and after, an event. Observations of a
highway-rail grade crossing during different times of the day and year should take place to
understand how the dynamics of adjacent development affect a highway-rail grade crossing. The
selection of appropriate traffic control/warning devices shall be installed to mitigate these affects.
It is important that landscaping not decrease the level of safety at a highway-rail grade crossing
by impeding the visibility of any active or passive warning signals or signage for motorists,
bicyclists, pedestrians, or train engineer.
Refer to Chapter 26, Landscaping Design for landscaping during design, construction, and
maintenance on and adjacent to SCRRA railroad right-of-way.
As mentioned in Section 8, within 150 feet of a highway-rail grade crossing or in the median within
150 feet of a highway-rail grade crossing, stamped concrete, or other hardscape materials, infill
for median islands shall be used as the standard landscape treatment for median islands.
The height of the fence within 150 feet of highway-rail grade crossings shall be 4 feet. The height
of the fence in the balance of the right-of-way shall be at least 6 feet.
All access points to SCRRA rights-of-way at highway-rail grade crossings shall utilize a chain link
gate in accordance with SCRRA ES 4011 – ES 4016. These gates are to be installed in
accordance with these drawings, as follows:
• The gate shall be placed to allow a maintenance vehicle to safely park off the highway,
prior to opening the gate.
• Gate swing shall not foul tracks.
• The installation of the gate shall be incorporated into the proposed fencing plan to
adequately secure the right-of-way.
• Bollards, K-Rails, or other substantial barriers shall be used with the right-of-way gates to
provide a maximum level of security.
The highway authority shall provide and maintain lighting for the travel-way to maintain a safe
environment for all crossing users. Local, state, and federal guidelines, as well as industry
standards for lighting, shall be incorporated into the design. For lights installed within SCRRA
Right-of-Way, electric power supplied to these lights must not utilize the same electric meter
service or power source as that supplied to the railroad grade crossing warning equipment. All
lighting equipment, including light poles and foundations must be installed to provide a minimum
of thirty feet clearance between the light foundation and the nearest running rail of the track and
such that no part of the lighting system will block access to the railroad Right-of-Way.
PTC does not prevent accidents that may occur with vehicles at highway-rail grade crossings.
Even though the operation of a highway-rail grade crossing is not affected by the PTC system,
there are certain features associated with a highway-rail grade crossing that affects the PTC
system. These features that affect the PTC system are known as PTC critical features. Any
modifications to a highway-rail grade crossing that includes modification to existing or addition of
new PTC critical features shall be coordinated with SCRRA’s PTC Technical Services Group.
Refer to CHECK B4 U CHANGE Figure 8-5 that shows items that are considered PTC critical
Closing Crossing
Highway-rail grade crossings that are to be closed shall require coordination with all active users
of the crossing. Stakeholders shall be informed of the pending closure per state and municipal
requirements. A crossing that is to be closed shall at minimum meet appropriate municipal
requirements for a dead end, cul-de-sac or other road closure method. The designer is directed
to the FHWA Grade Crossing Handbook, third edition, Chapter 2 Engineered Treatments –
Closure or Separation section for guidance on closing a crossing.
On behalf of SCRRA, and unless directed otherwise by SCRRA, the design consultant shall
coordinate with floodplain development and environmental permitting agencies, obtain and submit
all permit applications, and track progress of each permit. The design consultant shall submit draft
permit applications and all accompanying data to SCRRA for review and approval prior to
submittal to the agencies. When all permits have been obtained, the design consultant shall
transmit a “Permit Completed” letter, complete with the original and one copy of the permit
documents, to SCRRA for handling with construction forces. Permit letters shall conform to the
1. Permit letters shall identify what SCRRA proposes to do, what additional information is
included, a request for permit determination, and where additional information can be
obtained or questions answered.
2. Requests for permits shall be made to all agencies that have jurisdiction. Some agencies
will request notification only and have no formal permit requirements.
3. All permits and forms shall be completed and signed by the design consultant acting on
behalf of SCRRA.
4. One letter shall be used to notify as many agencies as practical.
5. All required figures, tables, and supporting information, as well as a photograph of existing
structures, shall be included with the permit letter.
6. Where permits require payment of fees, supporting forms and documents shall be
submitted in completed form and payment made by the design consultant.
a. Prior to payment, the design consultant shall notify SCRRA Project Manager of fees
that have not been accounted for in the project or if the fees exceed the amount
budgeted for the project.
7. Where permitted, the design consultant shall sign all permit correspondence on behalf of
SCRRA. All draft and final correspondence will be copied and provided to SCRRA.
Upon receipt of permit approvals from all agencies, the design consultant shall transmit a final
permit letter to SCRRA stating that all permit activity is completed and provide copies and
summaries of all permits.
The engineer shall evaluate whether criteria by FHWA, FEMA, Caltrans, the city, the county, the
reclamation board, the flood control district, or the local FEMA floodplain administrator, or other
regional or local jurisdictional limits apply. If so, the more stringent design criteria shall be adopted
by the design consultant. In locations identified as highly vulnerable to flooding in the CVA
increase the design storm frequency required to account for larger expected flow rates.
in full compliance with industry standards and local jurisdictional requirements. Future climate
change conditions should be incorporated into the engineer’s methodology.
• Unless governed by local jurisdictions, peak flow and hydrograph procedures described
in FHWA HDS No. 2, “Highway Hydrology,” as adopted or amended by Caltrans, are
considered fully applicable to determining design discharges for SCRRA facilities.
For tidal areas, it is assumed that hydrology can be obtained using the same methods as for
non-tidal sites. If in the judgment of the designer, further refinement is required, the designer will
so recommend and obtain approval from SCRRA before proceeding.
Many government agencies have developed storm water management master plans that include
peak flow estimates at various locations within their jurisdiction. These generally include existing
condition as well as ultimate development flow rates developed using the most current and
watershed-appropriate methods. The designer should verify the downstream facilities have been
upgraded to the ultimate development as shown in the storm water management master plan.
Where published flow rates exist, the designer should adopt the published values unless
justification in support of alternative flow rates is approved by SCRRA.
Design for existing condition flows is allowed unless use of previously published ultimate
development flows is mandated by flood control districts or other jurisdictions that will require a
permit application. In the presence of published ultimate development rates but the absence of
mandates for their use, the designer should apply methods that incorporate only those future
developments that can be reasonably predicted. Where less than ultimate development rates are
suggested, the designer shall provide his/her recommendation to SCRRA and receive approval
from SCRRA before proceeding. Flow rates published in FEMA flood insurance reports are
generally not recommended for design, but this is left to the discretion of the designer.
Storm scenario shall be based on future precipitation/flood projections.
Some jurisdictions, particularly cities or counties that have implemented the NFIP and created
detailed-study regulatory Zone AE floodplains and floodways, may require analysis of the
proposed SCRRA facility impacts using the same software used in mapping the floodplains. In
such cases, it will be acceptable for the designer to complete the design and perform the required
before-and-after comparison using the agency model.
Adverse backwater effects of under-sized non-SCRRA facilities downstream of new or
replacement cross-track or off-track SCRRA structures may occur if the facilities have lower flood
passage capacities than SCRRA standards. These limited-capacity facilities may result in
unreasonable costs in order to meet the criteria discussed in Section 9.3. If the limiting structure
is likely to be replaced with an appropriately matched structure in the near term, the design can
proceed, upon SCRRA approval, as though the condition is improved. Regardless, the backwater
shall be assessed, and one alternative meeting SCRRA criteria shall be provided. The alternative
may include a relief structure within SCRRA ROW to preclude inundation of the track, protect the
downstream pipe, or protect downstream property owners. Care shall be exercised in designing
junctions between larger culverts and smaller pipes to avoid an abrupt change of cross section,
which might cause deposition of debris and clogging of the drain.
SCRRA system bridges and culverts conveying cross-track flood flows shall be designed to freely
pass low flows and accommodate high-water conditions as follows:
1. Drainage facilities for the SCRRA system shall be designed with no increase of water
levels on developed properties and no increases in erosion, sedimentation, or other
adverse impacts on downstream developments.
2. For all cases, the opening will be sized so that the water surface for a low chord/soffit
event will rise no higher than the lowest low chord of the bridge or soffit (crown) of the
3. For all cases, the opening will be sized so that the energy grade line for a subgrade event
will not rise above the adjacent subgrade elevation (defined as 2.81 feet below top of rail
4. Both SCRRA criteria and local regulatory flood passage criteria shall be evaluated. The
SCRRA criteria shall be adopted unless FEMA or other applicable flood regulations are
more restrictive.
5. If the opening does not meet the criteria, a larger opening will be proposed provided that
changes do not impact downstream development or violate other applicable flood
regulations. For bridges, this enlargement will be lateral to the extent possible, and for
culverts, the enlargement will be the fewest and largest culverts practicable to fit the
existing channel width while meeting structural cover and spacing requirements and
construction constraints.
6. If it is found that insufficient channel area exists to meet the criteria, even with maximum
widening, consideration will be given to adding relief structures on the overbank floodplain,
raising the SCRRA grade, or other reasonable alternatives.
7. The design of any drainage facility shall incorporate all applicable requirements to reduce
erosion and control sedimentation caused by the drainage facility or construction activities.
8. Any requests for incorporating designs with surcharge at culverts for the low chord/soffit
event will be considered for an above-soffit variance only if the surcharge amounts do not
exceed FHWA, Caltrans, city, county, reclamation board, flood control district, or other
regional or local jurisdictional limits on the surcharge ratio of headwater depth to culvert
opening height. In all cases, the surcharged water level for the low chord/soffit event must
not exceed 0.5 foot below subballast.
9. Replacement structures shall generally be steel beam spans, double-cell concrete box
girders or slab girders, concrete box culverts, or circular corrugated metal pipe culverts (a
minimum of 24-inch diameter under mainline and mainline siding tracks). Unless otherwise
specified, replacement structures will be per SCRRA standards, including roadbed
sections for track construction, prestressed concrete trestles, corrugated metal pipe
culverts, and reinforced concrete box culverts.
Many SCRRA projects include parallel track construction, adding a second mainline or siding
track alongside an existing mainline. The designer should initially design the drainage structure
for the new track to match the hydraulics of the existing structure assuming it will remain
unchanged, regardless of whether or not the existing condition meets the criteria discussed in
Section 9.4. For adjacent non-SCRRA structures, the impacts of the new SCRRA structure on
the adjacent non-SCRRA structure should be evaluated and any modification needed to the
non-SCRRA structure should be included in the recommendations for the new SCRRA structure.
The agency or municipality responsible for ownership and/or maintenance of the non-SCRRA
structure should also be consulted prior to selection of the final structure type.
On a case-by-case basis, SCRRA may request analysis of the waterway opening and structure
size that would be required for both existing and proposed structures to meet the criteria
discussed in Section 9.4 and may choose in the interim to install the recommended structure for
the second track assuming that the existing structure might be eventually replaced to match. On
a case-by-case basis, increase hydraulic openings in bridges and culverts to accommodate the
predicted increase in runoff during a peak rainstorm. Rainfall in mountain areas may increase as
much as 25% (as per Caltrans) in some areas which would potentially increase runoff in streams
close to hillsides.
9.5.2 Hydraulic Design of Storm Drains, Ditches, and Off--Track Drainage Facilities
In the case of ditches, the design consultant can recommend that the design storm return period
be increased to balance the planned life and development potential of the structure or area to be
protected. Drainage facilities that remove water from the surface of bridge decks, the track, and
adjacent ground shall have adequate capacity to safely discharge it to the adjacent conveyance
In all off-track cases where drainage is picked up by means of a head wall, and where inlet or
outlet conditions control the hydraulics, the new or replacement conveyance conduit shall be
designed as a culvert but using the design storm, or higher if required by other jurisdictions, as
the low chord/soffit design storm.
Where a pipe or other closed conduit is part of a storm drain system and crosses the track or
track bed, it shall be designed as a storm drain with the same design storm as the remainder of
the system to which it is connected.
Ditches providing open channel conveyance of runoff generally parallel to the track should be
designed to accommodate the design storm per Table 9-1 and should be protected against
erosion or scour up to the design storm.
Trapezoidal-shaped ditches are preferred due to their higher hydraulic efficiency and ease of
maintenance. Triangular shapes require less ROW but are not as readily maintained with a
grader. Rectangular shapes are generally used in rock areas.
Wherever avoidable, transverse ditches shall not intersect parallel ditches at right angles.
Transverse ditches shall join parallel ditches at an angle of approximately 30 degrees or less as
allowed by the site condition to minimize confluence bed and bank scour and sedimentation.
Scour Design and Mitigation Criteria Scour is the engineering term for erosion caused by flowing
water excavating and carrying away bed and bank material. Scour is the most common cause of
bridge failure. Scour at bridges consists of three components: (1) long-term aggradation or
degradation of the stream channel (natural or human-induced), (2) contraction scour due to
constriction or the location of the bridge, and (3) local scour. Bridge design must appropriately
account for the scouring effects of the design storm, at a minimum. Scour analysis and
countermeasure methods have been studied extensively. Some of the most commonly accepted
methodologies have been presented by the Federal Highway Administration in various Hydraulic
Engineering Circulars. Table 9-2 presents a number of these circulars and the subjects applicable
to railroad structures.
HEC-11 X X
HEC-14 X X X
HEC-18 X X X
HEC-20 X
HEC-23 X X
HEC 25 X
Coastal revetment design improvements shall address inadequate armor layer, inadequate
underlayer, flanking, toe scour, and overtopping splash as discussed in the Federal Highway
Administration Hydraulic Engineering Circular 25 Chapter 7 Coastal Revetment. Riprap
revetments are a common method of protection for coastline track embankments, culvert outlets,
abutments and embankments at bridges. Grouting of riprap is a common practice where there is
a need to reduce the total thickness of a stone revetment. Where grouted rock riprap is planned
for scour or erosion protection, the design shall comply with the grouted rock specifications
included in SCRRA Standard Specifications, Section 34 80 11, Stone Revetment (Riprap). Any
modification to the riprap requirements above for a specific crossing or situation shall require
approval from SCRRA.
For 100-year velocities over 14 feet per second in metal culverts, SCRRA requires that the culvert
invert be paved with concrete to prevent abrasion.
9.6.1 General
A portion of SCRRA ROW exists in urban areas where drainage cannot be accomplished using
open ditches or channels with culverts under the tracks connecting flow from these open ditches
or channels. At some locations, existing roadways do not allow for adequate railroad drainage or
block drainage. Inlets, manholes, and storm drain piping may be necessary to provide adequate
drainage of the ROW.
9.6.2 Culverts
A culvert is defined as a drainage structure crossing under a track or roadway embankment and
connecting with open channels at both ends. Culvert sizing for drainage under track shall be
designed in accordance with the hydraulics and hydrology requirements discussed in
Sections 9.1 through 9.5.
• Culvert lengths shall be per ES 6302-01 and ES 6302-02.
• Culvert inlet and outlet headwalls shall be per ES 6003-03, ES 6003-04 and ES 6301
through ES 6310.
• Headwalls 4 feet in height or within 20 feet of the nearest track require handrails per ES
6301 and CPUC GO No. 118.
Minimum Size
The minimum diameter of pipe for culverts under tracks shall be 24 inches, and the minimum
diameter of pipe for culverts not under tracks shall be 18 inches.
Design Considerations
Where headroom is restricted, box culverts or a circular pipe with a buried invert shall be
considered. A pipe arch may be considered as an alternative. An acceptable procedure for
selecting a pipe arch is to determine the required circular pipe and then to select the equivalent
pipe arch. If an arch pipe is selected, a low-cement-content flowable fill or similar material for
backfill under the haunches shall be provided.
Abrupt changes in direction or slope of pipe shall be avoided. Where such abrupt changes are
required, an inlet or manhole shall be placed at the point of change.
The minimum culvert grade shall be 0.35 percent. Grade shall be computed as a straight line
between the inlet and outlet elevations. Culverts shall be placed on the most economical slope
and at the most economical depth but must meet the height of cover requirements detailed in the
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 8, Part 16, for reinforced concrete box culverts.
Height of cover requirements for smooth steel and corrugated steel pipes must adhere to ES
6340, Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Cover requirements for structural steel plate pipes must adhere
to Chapter 1, Part 4, Section 14.
• Smooth steel, corrugated steel, and structural steel plate pipes passing beneath tracks or
railroad maintenance roadways shall be aluminized Type II coated metal pipe in
accordance with SCRRA Standard Specifications, Section 33 42 00, Culvert and Drainage
Pipe and the latest ES 6340.
• Reinforced concrete box culvert material shall be in accordance with ES 6003-01 and ES
• Culverts under tracks and railroad access roads shall meet gage, wall thickness,
corrugation, and joint coupling requirements shown in the latest SCRRA Pipe Culvert
• If using jacking and boring as an installation method, smooth steel material may be used
in accordance with SCRRA Standard Specifications, Section 33 42 00, Culvert and
Drainage Pipe.
Culverts under tracks shall have a minimum cover of 4 feet or half the diameter of the culvert,
whichever is greater, measured from the top of culvert to bottom of track tie unless specifically
designed for less cover with approval from SCRRA. Culverts not under tracks shall have a
minimum of 4 feet of cover within 45 feet of the track centerline and a minimum of 3 feet of cover
Debris Control
Culverts and waterways shall be sized with sufficient headroom to accommodate all debris
contained within the maximum design flow. For SCRRA system drainage structures receiving flow
from open channels and areas that may contribute debris, static inlet head shall not be used in
determining the size of the opening.
If the drainage structure is protected from debris by existing conditions upstream, or if the structure
is part of an enclosed storm drain system with all grated or protected inlets, static head may be
considered in computing the capacity. The static head on the entrance to the culvert and the
water-surface elevation in the system at peak conditions shall not be higher than can safely be
contained by headwalls, ditch banks, and tributary drainage systems. Trash racks or screens for
culvert-inlet protection shall not be provided. Where culvert headroom is required for debris, the
design shall not allow headwater and tail water depths to exceed 80 percent of the culvert
diameter or height. Draw down at the entrance to this depth shall not be construed as meeting
this requirement unless it can be shown that the draw down allows free passage of all debris. The
use of a transition flume is the preferred method of satisfying this requirement.
inlet capacities for specific types of drop inlets under various conditions shall be calculated in
accordance with Caltrans HDM Chapter 837 and FHWA HEC No 22. Manholes shall conform to
APWA Standard Plans for Public Works Construction or local agency standards, as applicable.
Inlet and storm drain headwalls at inlets and outlets exceeding 4 feet in height or within 20 feet of
the nearest track require handrails per ES 6301 and CPUC GO No. 118.
Minimum Size
The minimum diameter of storm pipe for storm drains not crossing under tracks, including
connections to inlets, shall be 18 inches. Where possible, storm drains that can connect to culverts
shall meet the requirements in Section 9.6.2. When not possible, storm drains shall pass under
the tracks as carrier pipes protected by casing pipes.
Culverts and drains with an 18–inch diameter or less under platforms or in station areas not under
tracks or roadways may be Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) pipe. If under roadways, Schedule 80 PVC or HDPE pipe may be used if adequate cover
meeting design loading parameters is provided.
Manholes shall conform to APWA Standard Plans for Public Works Construction or local agency
standards, as applicable.
9.6.5 Underdrains
Perforated underdrains shall be located in areas where it is anticipated that groundwater may
interfere with the stability of tracks, roadbeds, and side slopes or where ROW constraints make
the standard V-ditch unfeasible. The use of underdrains shall be supported by thorough field
explorations prior to design and may occur in the following places:
• Along the toe of a cut slope to intercept seepage where ditches will not serve the same
purpose (with ditch on uphill side of track)
• Between tracks at locations of outside station platforms
• At low points in the profile and 100 feet on each side of a low point
• Across the track or roadway at the downhill end of a cut
• Along the periphery of any paved area under which groundwater is likely to collect
Underdrains may also be provided to collect track surface drainage along tracks, in retained cuts,
on retained embankments, or where several sets of tracks are adjacent, such as in yards.
Underdrains draining soils on SCRRA ROW shall outlet into culverts, storm drain piping, or other
drainage facilities.
Minimum Size
The minimum size of underdrains shall be 6 inches with the pipe designed to run no more than
half full. If the under drain is within 20 feet of the track or under the track, the minimum size shall
be 8 inches. Actual size and perforations shall be determined by the design consultant based on
anticipated groundwater flows to be addressed. The top of under drainpipe shall be a minimum
of 15 inches below the bottom of ballast. Riser cleanouts shall be provided at the beginning of all
under drain runs and at 300-foot intervals.
Filter Material
Underdrain pipe shall be wrapped in permeable geotextile fabric and bedded in aggregate filter
material. Geotextile fabric and filter material gradations for fine and coarse aggregates shall be
based on the findings of the soils engineering investigation.
Underdrain Material
Under drains located under tracks or within 20 feet of a track shall be HDPE with perforations.
Gage, loading and corrugations shall be per the latest SCRRA Pipe Culvert Standards.
Underdrain not located under tracks or within 20 feet of the track may be HDPE or PVC perforated
piping with thickness and strength to be determined by the design consultant based on height of
cover and location of roads or other permanent features.
The preferred underdrain pipe slope shall not be less than 0.5 percent, with a minimum slope of
not less than 0.2 percent.
Underdrain System Separation
Offsite surface water shall not be captured and flow into underdrain system, such flows shall be
routed in a separate drainage system.
9.7.1 General
Ditches and other drainage features shall be graded to drain as shown in the plans. Water shall
not pond on SCRRA ROW. Linear swales shall be designed along flood prone track to direct
water away from the track bed.
9.7.5 Vegetation
SCRRA is required to maintain its ROW clear of vegetation that is a fire hazard or may harbor
vermin. Ground cover cannot be presumed to control erosion, except as provided for in SCRRA
Standard Specifications, Section 32 91 00, Soil Erosion, Sediment Control, Topsoil and Seeding.
Refer to Chapter 26, Landscaping Design Criteria for the design, construction, and maintenance
of vegetation.
Plant drought tolerant vegetation that stabilizes slopes and contributes to erosion prevention in
areas that can support vegetation without irrigation while also minimizing wildfire risk.
9.7.6 Construction
Positive drainage of all portions of all construction sites must be maintained in order to avoid
saturation of the track embankment or deposition of silt in track ballast.
Linear swales shall be designed and constructed along flood prone track to direct water away
from the track bed.
9.8.1 References
The latest edition of the following references and guidelines shall be considered for use in the
design of SCRRA facilities to address post construction stormwater quality.
• Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard; related information is included
in Appendix 2 of Construction General Permit
wqo_2009_0009_app_2.pdf); the corresponding Post-Construction Water Balance
Calculator is now provided electronically in Stormwater Multiple Application and Report
Tracking System (SMARTS)
• California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Industrial & Commercial Best
Management Practice (BMP) Online Handbook
mercial-bmp-online-handbook); requires subscription
• California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Municipal Best Management
Practice (BMP) Online Handbook
• California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) New Development &
Redevelopment Best Management Practice (BMP) Online Handbook
• California Phase II Low Impact Development (LID) Sizing Tool
• Low Impact Development Manual for Southern California: Technical Guidance for Site
Planning Strategies
• State, regional, or local standards, ordinances, codes, and design criteria as applicable
9.8.2 General
Criteria for design of SCRRA system post construction stormwater quality facilities are provided
below. The post construction phase is synonymous with operations and maintenance and will be
used interchangeably in this section. In some cases, other more stringent criteria may govern the
design. The design consultant shall evaluate whether criteria by State Water Resources Control
Board (SWRCB), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the city, the county, or other
regional or local jurisdictional limits apply. If so, the more stringent design criteria shall be adopted
by the design consultant.
There are two main factors that trigger compliance with post construction stormwater quality
requirement. The first factor is the addition of or impact to impervious surfaces such as, but not
limited to, pavements, building envelopes (i.e. stations, maintenance facilities, etc.), platforms,
access roads, closed deck bridges, signal houses, slope paving, etc. When no local jurisdictions
apply, the default post construction stormwater quality requirement is the post construction
stormwater performance standard of the Construction General Permit (CGP), Order no.
2009-0009-DWQ (NPDES no. CAS000002) and amendments.
The second factor is related to project features that are part of an industrial activity as defined by
the federal government, such as layover yards, maintenance facilities, etc. The related
requirement is covered in the Industrial General Permit (IGP), Order no. 2014-0057-DWQ
(NPDES no. CAS000001) and amendments. Complying with applicable post construction
stormwater quality requirements normally requires demonstration that project runoff is treated so
as to filter applicable pollutants of concern generally associated with rail use. This compliance
also requires that drainage impacts (i.e., peak flow, volume, etc.) are also mitigated.
For any introduced impervious surface, the mitigation is normally two-fold. The first is to mitigate
for the drainage (flood control) impact (the major portion). The second is to mitigate for the
stormwater quality impact (the minor portion). Both of these elements are related as there is
overlap and needs to be coordinated during the design process.
Compliance with local conditions and/or coordination with a Phase II permittee may override or
overlap the above requirements.
For projects that involved activities of an industrial nature (i.e., layover, maintenance facilities,
etc.), the statewide Industrial General Permit (IGP) applies during operations and maintenance.
The Statewide General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities,
Order 2014-0057-DWQ implements the federally required stormwater regulations in California for
stormwater associated with industrial activities discharging to waters of the U.S. The IGP
regulates discharges associated with 10 federally defined categories of industrial activities. The
IGP requires the implementation of BMPs, a site specific SWPPP, and monitoring plan. The IGP
also includes criteria for demonstrating no exposure of industrial activities or materials to
stormwater and no discharges to waters of the U.S.
Multiple Separate Storm Drain System (MS4) permits were issued in two phases:
• Under Phase I, which started in 1990, the RWQCBs adopted NPDES stormwater permits
for medium (serving between 100,000 and 250,000 people) and large (serving 250,000 or
more people) municipalities. Many local agencies within the jurisdiction of SCRRA have
been issued a Phase I MS4 permit as a group.
• On April 30, 2003, as part of Phase II, the SWRCB issued a General Permit for the
Discharge of Stormwater from Small MS4s (Order No. 2003 0005 DWQ) to provide permit
coverage for smaller municipalities (population less than 100,000), including
non-traditional Small MS4s, which are facilities such as military bases, public campuses,
prisons, and hospital complexes. The Phase II Small MS4 General Permit covers Phase
II Permittees statewide. On February 5, 2013, the current Phase II Small MS4 General
Permit (Order No. 2013 0001 DWQ) was adopted and became effective July 1, 2013.
One of the non-traditional Small MS4 categories included in the permit are local transportation
planning agencies, such as Bay Area Rapid Transit, CalTrain, Golden Gate Bridge (Highway and
Transportation District), High Speed Rail, MTS, North County Transit District, and Valley
Transportation Authority. These latest categories and agencies are reflected in Attachment B
(conformed unofficial draft) of the permit. SCRRA was not included in the permit as a
non-traditional Small MS4. However, SCRRA does currently overlap non-traditional Small
MS4 permittees such as the following:
1. California State University, Los Angeles – the San Gabriel Subdivision crosses this
jurisdiction; includes the Cal State LA station (the station is owned and operated by City
of Los Angeles)
2. March Air Force Base – the Perris Valley Subdivision crosses this jurisdiction; the Moreno
Valley/March Field station is located here (the station is owned and operated by RCTC)
Even though SCRRA is not a non-traditional Small MS4 permittee, SCRRA does need to
coordinate with those entities. The above permittees either have or are currently preparing the
guidance (compliance) documents that specify the stormwater runoff controls to reduce the
discharge of pollutants and the post construction stormwater standards.
1. Local conditions apply such as acquiring ministerial/discretionary permits for, but not
limited to, storm drain connections, encroachment, utility work/connection, grading,
building construction, etc. In this case, the project would need to meet compliance with
local ordinances and municipal codes.
2. A 401 Water Quality Certification is required as part of the environmental permit process
and this certification requires post construction stormwater quality documentation
consistent with the local entity.
In either one of these two cases, compliance with the local Phase I or II permit and corresponding
post construction stormwater quality guidance documents will be required provided the specific
thresholds are met and exemptions are not applicable. The local entity will normally have a
template available to base the project-related post construction stormwater quality checklist
document. Each local agency has a different name for this template (e.g., water quality
management plan, water quality technical report, stormwater quality management plan, LID
report, post construction stormwater management plan, etc.). This document will describe the
approach and proposed BMPs and include tables, figures, calculations, worksheets, and other
attachments. In addition, this document includes information on the maintenance responsibility of
proposed BMPs.
These thresholds typically includes addition of new or reconstruction of existing impervious
surface beyond a minimum area (e.g., 5,000 square feet, etc.). Or the proposed improvements
may meet certain exemptions (e.g., maintenance activity, emergency work, etc.) from complying
with the conditions. This local evaluation also requires that the project be associated with a
particular category of development such as New Development, Redevelopment,
Commercial/Industrial, Parking Lots, etc. The mitigation measures may apply within and/or
outside the SCRRA right-of-way depending on local conditions or environmental process
Replacement of impervious surfaces that are part of a routine maintenance activity would normally
not trigger compliance with the local MS4 permit requirements. These activities may include the
1. Replacing roof material on an existing building (e.g., maintenance building, etc.)
2. Rebuilding a structure to original design after damage from earthquake, fire or similar
3. Restoring pavement or other surface materials affected by trenches from utility work (may
be at grade crossings)
4. Resurfacing existing roads (grade crossing) and parking lots, including slurry, overlay and
5. Grade crossing improvements within street right-of-way
Typical SCRRA projects that may require compliance with local conditions are the following
(assuming they have an impact on impervious surface):
1. Stations
2. Platforms
3. Parking lots
4. Maintenance yards
5. Closed deck bridges
6. Mainline, spur or siding improvements
Each type of BMP shall be implemented to the maximum extent feasible when determining the
appropriate BMPs for a project. BMPs may be volume or flow based. Refer to CASQA
Industrial/Commercial, Municipal, or New Development & Redevelopment Handbooks for
additional information on design criteria.
Pollutants of concern (POC) associated with railroad use is similar to highway/roadway/freeway
use. Those POC’s include heavy metals, organic compounds, sediments, trash and debris, and
oil and grease.
10.1 SCOPE
These design criteria govern new utility construction exclusive of buildings, and the support,
maintenance, protection, relocation, and restoration of utilities affected by construction activities
within SCRRA ROW. Consideration shall be given to the needs of the SCRRA system, the
requirements, and obligations of the public or private utility owner, and the service needs of
adjoining properties when designing a new or modifying an existing utility encroachment.
The site must be assessed for climate vulnerability (see Section 3.3) to ensure it is designed to
be resilient to future climate conditions.
Information pertains to all utilities within the existing ROW of existing and proposed utilities
affected by construction within SCRRA ROW. Including the disposition of utilities within proposed
ROW, easements, or TCE’s to be acquired by SCRRA. The following shall be clearly identified
with information provided on the contract drawings:
• Utilities to be supported and maintained in place during construction and to be maintained
in service following construction
• Utilities to be reconstructed in place
• Utilities to be temporarily relocated and maintained and then to be restored in the original
location upon completion of the SCRRA improvements
• Utilities to be permanently relocated beyond the limits of SCRRA construction
• Utilities to be abandoned or removed
The requirements of Chapter 15, Excavation Support, shall apply to all trenches and excavations.
• In excavations and trenches, compacting and backfilling should be to 95 percent maximum
dry density as defined in ASTM D698. Clean, suitable backfill material should be
Utility service to adjoining properties shall not be interrupted except for brief temporary
interruptions for new connections and only with written notice to, and written agreement by, the
adjoining property owners. Replacements for existing sewers, storm drains, or water mains shall,
at a minimum, be designed to provide service equal to that provided by the existing facilities. No
capacity changes or betterments shall be incorporated unless agreed to in writing by the utility
owner and SCRRA prior to final design.
• No utilities shall be routed through existing culverts or existing underground structures.
• No utilities shall be attached to structures carrying railroad loading or structures owned by
SCRRA without specific written approval.
• Utility attachments to structures not owned by SCRRA shall be allowed only with prior
written approval of the agency who owns the structure and SCRRA.
• Utilities that run underneath roadways below railroad structures on SCRRA Member
Agency-owned ROW are permissible, but separate real estate agreements with SCRRA’s
Member Agency must be obtained for each utility.
• In order to help ease climate vulnerability for electrical energy, potential partnerships with
Southern California Edison, Los Angeles, Water and Power, and other local providers in the
Southern California area, will be developed for increased access to renewable energy/diversified
power sources. Similarly, partnerships will be developed with local flood control districts to identify
and solve localized flooding to Metrolink tracks when it originates from overtopped flood control
If it is determined during the development of the design of a project that a utility marker sign is
missing, then the marker will be replaced as part of the proposed project improvements in
accordance with the Utility Marker requirements described in this section. The utility owner is
responsible for the replacement of the missing utility marker and the information that is to be
displayed on the utility marker. The missing utility marker shall be reported to the utility owner
whose marker is missing. Utility owner contact information can be obtained from the utility markers
in the field. If there are no available utility markers with contact information, then a search of Dig
Alert and the associated utility agreements can be used to identify contact information for the
utility owner with the missing utility marker.
• Installation will not be permitted at locations with boulders, buried debris, or excessive
o Soils shall be sampled by a geotechnical engineer at locations specified by SCRRA at
all sites proposed for jacking and boring or tunneling when the pipe is greater than
48 inches in diameter and the depth from top of pipe to base of rail is between 5 feet
6 inches and 10 feet.
o Granular material or high-water tables shall be identified in the geotechnical report,
including recommendations to prevent failure of the jack and bore or tunneling
• Pipes equal to and greater than 48 inches nominal diameter:
o Will not be allowed when cover from base of rail to top of pipe is less than one and
one-half times the pipe’s nominal diameter.
o Will require that rail elevations be monitored in compliance with ES 5001 and ES 5002.
• Pipes greater than 72 inches nominal diameter shall not be allowed unless otherwise
approved by SCRRA through a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section
• Keep the system’s running line as straight as possible while maintaining a consistent
distance from centerline of the nearest track.
• Install on the field side of all SCRRA structures, including bridges, signal facilities,
buildings, and platforms.
• Shall not be laid out to be installed within the slope of cut or fill sections, and any cut or fill
sections should not be benched.
• Shall be located over the top and on the field side of the back-slope of a cut section
whenever possible.
• Shall be located a minimum of 5 feet beyond the toe of outer most ditch slopes if located
beneath a ditch.
• Fiber optic cable shall not be installed within 5 feet horizontally of underground power or
signal lines, unless suitably insulated.
The design and construction of railroad bridges and other civil structures supporting rail live loads
shall be in accordance with the current edition of the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering. If
SCRRA is operating on any portion of BNSF or UP ROW, the guidelines for design and
construction for the appropriate railroad host, BNSF or UP, shall govern.
This DCM provides clarification of SCRRA’s use of AREMA guidelines, identifies SCRRA special
design considerations to AREMA guidelines, and describes SCRRA’s philosophy and criteria for
aspects of bridge and structure design that are not specifically addressed by AREMA. Where this
DCM is silent, the AREMA and/or BNSF/UP guidelines shall apply.
Deviation from the preferred design criteria will require the approval of the SCRRA Project
Manager via written acknowledgement. Deviation from the minimum criteria will require approval
by SCRRA through a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Bridge designers are expected to familiarize themselves with the AREMA Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 15, regardless of the material(s) being implemented in a
specific bridge. The designers should recognize that the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering
contains provisions within these individual chapters that may also govern the design of seemingly
unrelated materials.
The site for a bridge, underpass, retaining wall, culvert or other infrastructure must be assessed
for climate vulnerability (see Section 3.3) to ensure it is designed to be resilient to future climate
Longitudinal deck drains shall not be placed within the live load distribution area. The maximum
ballast design depth shall be used to determine the limits of this area. If possible, longitudinal
deck drains shall be placed between tracks and access roads on multiple-track bridge structures.
Waterproofing shall be used on all steel decks and on bridge decks over roadways and paths.
Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) shall be placed on the decks of all concrete bridges with a minimum
thickness of 2 ½ inches and a maximum thickness of 4 inches.
The HMA shall be crowned with a 1 percent cross slope. When multiple longitudinal deck drains
are needed for wide bridges, the HMA shall be crowned between longitudinal deck drains.
A minimum ballast depth below tie shall be 12 inches. When HMA is used, 8 inches of ballast
shall be provided. The minimum total thickness of the HMA and ballast shall be 12 inches.
Ballast curbs shall be a minimum of 24 inches in height above the structural deck (not the HMA).
Ballast curb heights shall be increased as necessary to accommodate a superelevated track or
increased ballast depth due to the required minimum 0.2 percent longitudinal grade.
The deck configuration for steel beam and Deck Plate Girder (DPG) spans shall match the Steel
Beam Span configurations shown in Appendix C-1.
• Recommended design acceleration response spectra (ARS) curves for each level of
earthquake (AREMA level 1, 2, and 3, which are approximately equivalent to 100-year,
475-year, and 2,475-year return periods) and Caltrans maximum credible earthquake
• Recommended p-y curves for fill and in-situ soils
• Recommended soil profile and properties for use in lateral CIDH or pile analysis (service
and seismic)
• Recommended design earth pressures for active, at-rest, and passive conditions (for
passive, consider ½-inch, 1-inch, 2-inch, and maximum deformations into the soil behind
each abutment, both native and fill)
• Recommended design seismic earth pressures for active and passive conditions
• Recommended allowable bearing pressure for retaining walls on spread footings (service
and seismic)
• Potential constructability issues, such as:
o Groundwater
o Shoring
o Cobbles
o Drivability of piles
• Corrosion mitigation recommendations for new steel and concrete elements exposed to
severely corrosive soil and/or brackish water conditions.
• Recommendations for surface and subsurface drainage
Dead Load
In addition to the actual self-weight of the structure, the following dead loads shall be applied as
Track rails, inside guard rails and their fastenings 200 lbs per linear foot per track
Ballast 120 lbs per cubic foot
HMA 140 lbs per cubic foot
Earth-filling materials 120 lbs per cubic foot
Waterproofing and protective covering Estimated weight
Future utilities 5 lbs per square foot of deck
Dead load for bridges shall include a minimum of 18 inches and a maximum 25 inches of ballast
from top of deck to top of tie, including HMA when required.
Increase in grades for flood protection can impart significant surcharge on the underlying utilities
and underground structures. Prior to increasing grades, the load carrying capacities of utilities
and structures shall be evaluated.
Live Load
All structures subject to rail live load shall be designed for AREMA Cooper E80 loading except
steel superstructures that are governed by the AREMA Alternate Live Load on 4 Axles.
For multiple track structures, the track shall be allowed to be placed anywhere on the structure.
The number of tracks on the structure shall be determined using a minimum track spacing of
13 feet 0 inches on center (to generate a conservative load).
Impact Load
Impact load shall be in accordance with AREMA guidelines.
The impact load prescribed by AREMA shall be used for the material under design. For example,
concrete impact load shall be used for a concrete bent cap, and steel impact load shall be used
for the supporting steel pile above the ground line, regardless of superstructure type.
The HMA shall be considered as an additional ballast depth in determining the live load
distribution to the deck.
o Hazardous materials
o Scour potential in water courses
• Required clearances
• Physical constraints near the structure
o At-grade crossings
o Overhead structures
o Turnouts (switches)
o Stations
o Utilities
• Environmental Issues
o Within 1 mile of the coast
o Wetlands
o Threatened and endangered species
o Noise
o Allowable working hours
o Mitigation requirements
o Aesthetics
o Saltwater and brackish water
o Potential for increased water flow during extreme storm events
o Potential for damage from wildland fires
o Potential for increased temperatures and thermal effects
o Potential for increased wind speeds and loading
o Changes to stream bed hydraulics
• Constructability
o Shoring needs
o Under rail traffic
o Equipment access and material staging
o Phased construction
o Work windows
o Offline construction
Permanent track realignment
• Maintenance
o Painting
o Channel cleaning
o Damage (vehicular hits, derailments, floods, seismic, etc.)
Track down time
Repair costs
• Project cost
o Short term (construction)
o Long term (maintenance)
• Project schedule
o Fabrication times
o Work windows
o Environmental non-disturbance times for threatened and endangered species
The result of the analysis shall be a recommended structure type that balances the impacts on
costs (short term, including impacts on physical constraints and track outages for construction,
and long term, including maintenance and track outages for possible damage), schedule, and the
environment. It is not acceptable to recommend a structure type that deviates from SCRRA
standards solely due to cost.
Special consideration shall be made to keep excavations to a minimum adjacent to active tracks.
An example to reduce the excavation depth is using a top-down construction method such as
columns or piles that can be constructed and then exposed later when the bridge is in service,
thus requiring an initial excavation depth only to construct the pier caps.
Special consideration shall also be made for construction under rail traffic. Foundation and
substructure elements shall be positioned and designed in such a manner to reduce their impact
on rail traffic when constructed. Precast elements should be considered to speed construction
and reduce impact on rail traffic. Examples of this include locating a pile being driven through an
existing bridge deck such that it does not interfere with the existing rail, or adding precast riser
blocks to pier caps such that the pier cap can be constructed initially below the existing low chord.
The following foundation types are preferred:
• Driven steel H pile
• Precast/Prestressed concrete pile
• Cast-in-Steel Shell (CISS) pile
• Cast-in-Drilled Hole (CIDH) pile (also known as drilled shaft)
• Spread footings
These foundation types have no order of preference; the preferred type has a direct correlation
with the site geology, potential for scour in stream beds, and seismicity.
When using ES 6001 and ES 6002, driven steel H-pile (in accordance with these standards) is
the preferred foundation type with precast concrete pile caps as the preferred substructure type.
The CISS pile is usually a driven pipe pile filled with concrete, reinforced, or unreinforced. The
pipe may be used as a sacrificial form in brackish and saltwater areas or in corrosive soils.
CIDH piles are holes drilled to a bearing strata and then filled with reinforced concrete. The holes
may have to be kept open with slurry, temporary casing, permanent casing, or a combination of
these. Rock sockets may be required to achieve bearing requirements. CIDH piles below ground
shall be larger in diameter than the columns above ground (Type II) to meet the detailing
requirements in Chapter 14.0, Seismic Design, of this DCM.
Spread footings shall not be used to support structures in a stream or river environment without
protection from undermining.
Properly designed riprap shall be stockpiled near bridges and culverts known to be exposed to
scour or high velocity flows.
o SCRRA has adopted the superstructure style and details of UP standards “W36 and
W40 Beam Span, 31’ to 69’ Lengths.” The intent is to use these standard beam span
configurations on SCRRA rail lines.
o Modifications to the ballast retainer support and handrail bracket can be made to
accommodate non-standard bridge widths.
o W44 beams can be added to accommodate multi-track bridges.
o The design engineer will provide checked design calculations that show that the bridge
design meets SCRRA design criteria requirements.
o All details required for the bridge construction shall be included in drawings.
o SCRRA Standard Specifications will be used for the fabrication and erection of the
beams. These Standard Specifications can be modified by project Special Provisions,
if needed, on a project-by-project basis.
o The bearing details were not designed for seismic events. The bearings will need to
be designed and detailed as required per SCRRA seismic design criteria.
o The deck drainage will need to be modified to accommodate the waterproofing and
longitudinal drainage system.
4. Non-standard precast prestressed double cell box beams, 42” deep (35- to 50-foot
span lengths)
5. Non-standard precast prestressed single cell box girders, up to 80” deep (50- to
80-foot span lengths) with transversely post-tensioned tie rods
6. DPG spans with steel deck (up to 180-foot spans)
7. Through-Plate Girder (TPG) spans with steel deck (up to 180-foot spans)
Span erection offline should be considered when constructing under rail traffic. Offline erection
may require rolling in the new span and/or rolling out the old span or picking and placing a
complete span. Grade separation projects being constructed for a third party shall not be
constructed under rail traffic.
A bridge does not have to use all the same span types. The bridge can consist of different span
types. While the main span may need to be a DPG span, the approaches could be standard
double box beams.
Section 8.4, Structure Selection Criteria of Chapter 12.0, Grade Separation Criteria, of this DCM
provides further direction on structure type selection for underpass grade separation structures.
11.7.1 Materials
Material requirements shall be in accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering,
Chapter 8, Part 1, and SCRRA Standard Specifications. The Standard Specifications may be
amended by Special Provision on a project-by-project basis for material that is not specifically
included in the Standard Specifications.
Concrete, when subjected to wetting by or submersion in brackish or salt water, shall be made of
the mix designated for that use in the SCRRA Standard Specifications. The reinforcing steel in
this concrete shall be epoxy coated, stainless steel, or fiberglass (if approved by SCRRA). No un-
protected ferrous metal shall be embedded in concrete that is subject to wetting by, or submersion
in, brackish or salt water.
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) will be allowed for fabrication of plant-cast, precast and/or
prestressed members.
11.8.1 Materials
Material requirements shall be in accordance with SCRRA Standard Specifications. The Standard
Specifications may be amended by Special Provision on a project-by-project basis for material
that is not specifically included in the Standard Specifications.
Steel member material shall be as follows:
Girder Web, Bottom Flange, End Floor Beam ASTM A709 Gr. 50W F1 Fy=50,000 psi
Girder Top Flange, Bearing Stiffeners ASTM A709 Gr. 50W T1 Fy=50,000 psi
Intermediate Floor Beams ASTM A709 Gr. 50W T1 Fy=50,000 psi
Deck Plates (Galvanized) ASTM A709 Gr. 36 T1 Fy=36,000 psi
Cover Plates (Galvanized) ASTM A36 Fy=36,000 psi
Walkway Checkered Plates ASTM A786 Gr. 36, Galv. Fy=36,000 psi
Handrail ASTM A847 Fy=50,000 psi
Drain Pipe Downspouts ASTM A53 Gr. B Fy=35,000 psi
Pins ASTM A576 Gr. 1018 Fy=36,000 psi
All other Material ASTM A588 Fy=50,000 psi
Anchor Rods ASTM F1554 Gr. 36 Fy=36,000 psi
H-Piling ASTM A572 Gr. 50 Fy=50,000 psi
ASTM A588 Fy=50,000 psi
Pipe Piling ASTM A53 Gr. B Fy=35,000 psi
ASTM A252 Gr. 2 Fy=35,000 psi
ASTM A252 Gr. 3 Fy=45,000 psi
ASTM A500 Gr. B Fy=42,000 psi
ASTM A500 Gr. C Fy=46,000 psi
Steel Sheet Piling ASTM A328 Fy=39,000 psi
ASTM A690 Fy=50,000 psi
All other Structural Steel ASTM A588 Fy=50,000 psi
See the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section, Notations, for
variable definitions.
Bridge bearings may be supplemented by additional shear resisting devices mainly to help
transfer seismic lateral forces provided that the movement required to engage the shear resisting
devices does not cause failure of a bearing device itself under the Level 1 seismic event.
The HMA will act as the main waterproofing for concrete bridge decks. When the joints between
spans need to be waterproofed, such as over a roadway, a detail similar to the Bridge Deck Joint
Details provided in Appendix C-2, shall be used.
A waterproofing membrane in accordance with SCRRA Standard Specifications shall be required
on all steel bridge decks. A detail similar to the Bridge Deck Joint Details provided in Appendix C-
2 shall be used at all steel bridge deck joints.
11.12.1 Materials
Material for culverts shall be in accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering,
Chapter 1, Part 4; Chapter 8, Part 1; and SCRRA Standard Specifications. The Standard
Specifications may be amended by Special design consideration on a project-by-project basis for
material that is not specifically included in the Standard Specifications.
Reinforced concrete pipe culverts shall not be used, unless approved by SCRRA, when crossing
below tracks and within the typical track section with 2:1 side slopes.
The retaining wall design shall account for the presence of multiple tracks and associated lateral
loading onto the wall. The retaining wall deflection under live loading shall be limited to 1 inch per
10 feet of wall height.
Retaining walls adjacent to tracks shall provide a minimum clearance of 12 feet from the front
face of the wall to the centerline of the nearest track. This clearance may need to increase to
allow for construction adjacent to a live track. Additional information is provided in
Chapter 15.0, Excavation Support Criteria, of this DCM.
Utilities shall not be attached to retaining walls.
Geotechnical subsurface requirements are discussed in Section 11.3.4.
Temporary shoring requirements are provided in the Chapter 15.0, Excavation Support Criteria.
Concrete wall types are preferred due to their corrosion resistance and minimum maintenance
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall types are not allowed for use in supporting railroad
loading. However, MSE wall types may be allowed to support non-railroad loading, on a case by
case basis. Special detailing, specifications, and construction requirements will be necessary to
extend the design life of an MSE retaining wall.
Special precast concrete T-type retaining walls are allowed to support railroad loading.
Retaining walls comprised of lightweight cellular concrete fill with precast concrete facing panels
are allowed to support railroad loading, particularly where relatively tall and narrow railroad
embankments are required.
Tie Backs
Tie backs, when required to run below the track structure, shall be a minimum of 5 feet 0 inches
below top of rail and shall be below top of subgrade.
Tie backs shall be protected from corrosion. Acceptable methods are fully grouting the tie backs
and wrapping the tie backs in a bituminous coating system.
Positive drainage shall be provided behind retaining walls. The drainage system shall remove free
water as close to the bottom of the retaining wall as practical.
The drainage system shall collect the water from behind the retaining wall using a drainage
blanket and perforated pipe not less than 8 inches in diameter. The drainage blanket can be made
from granular material. The drainage system shall be piped to daylight, tied into a curb and gutter
system, or tied into a storm sewer system.
Weep holes not less than 6 inches in diameter can be used if the drain water will not have any
detrimental impacts on what is in front of the retaining wall. Weep holes shall have a positive
connection to adjacent weep holes and shall be spaced not greater than 10 feet on center.
Differential settlements greater than the values shown in Table 11-1 and total settlements greater
than 6 inches shall require ground improvements to reduce the differential settlements and total
settlements to the required minimums.
Steel reinforcement shall be designed to have corrosion resistance/durability for the 100-year
design life of the wall. Galvanized steel, in accordance with AASHTO specifications, shall be used
for reinforcement. PVC coatings, epoxy coatings, and resin bonded epoxy coatings shall not be
used on reinforcement. The sacrificial thickness of steel reinforcement shall be in accordance with
AASHTO guidelines using the electro-chemical criteria for backfill soils in the AASHTO guidelines.
Geosynthetic reinforcement shall be designed using the appropriate reduction factors for a
100--year design life. The chemical and biological degradation factor (RFD) shall be obtained from
the product--specific data. The other reduction factors shall be in accordance with AASHTO
guidelines. The creep reduction factor (RFID) and the chemical and biological degradation factor
(RFD) shall not be less than 1.1. The backfill shall be in accordance with AASHTO guidelines for
electro-chemical criteria for backfills and geosynthetic reinforcements.
Backfill for MSE walls shall be free draining and shall meet the gradation requirements provided
in Table 11-2.
A subdrainage system shall be provided to collect and drain water from behind the MSE walls.
The system shall be piped to daylight or tied into a storm water system.
12.2.1 Jurisdiction
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Code Sections 1201-1220 have rules and
regulations regarding railroad crossings. Section 1201 requires that no public road, highway, or
street shall be constructed across the track of any railroad corporation at-grade without having
first secured the permission of the Commission. Section 1202 says that the CPUC has the
exclusive power (a) to determine and prescribe the manner, including the particular point of
crossing, and terms of installation, operation, maintenance, use, and protection of each Grade
Crossing, (b) to alter, relocate, or abolish by physical closing any such crossing, and (c) to require,
where in its judgment it would be practical, a separation of grades at any crossing and prescribe
the terms upon which such separation shall be made and the proportions in which the expenses
shall be divided.
CPUC jurisdiction is limited to public crossings. Any grade separation for a private roadway
typically would not be subject to the Rules and Procedures of the CPUC.
12.2.2 Approval
CPUC application for authority to construct a new public highway-rail grade crossing, major
alteration to an existing crossing, or a grade separation is necessary per CPUC Code Sections
1201-1205. However, CPUC General Order (GO) No. 88-B and/or a Form G provide for an
informal process for modifying grade separations or converting existing at-grade crossings to
grade separations that close one or more highway-rail grade crossings.
Evidence of agreement is required to be submitted with a GO 88-B by all stakeholders. If
agreement is not obtained, the applicant would be required to submit a formal application to the
12.2.3 Funding
The Project Sponsor interested in developing a Grade Separation is responsible for securing all
funding for the project.
Federal and State Section 190 funding (partial) is available for Grade Separation projects that
eliminate one or more Highway-Rail Grade Crossings. CPUC is responsible for establishing
priority lists of projects that are in need of funding for separation. These lists are determined on
the basis of criteria established by the CPUC. California Streets and Highways (S&H) Code
Section 2450-2461 has rules and regulations regarding funding for Grade Separations. Refer to
S&H website for further information on codes.
For a State-funded project, and per CPUC Section 1202.5 requirements, the railroad shall pay
ten (10) percent of the cost of the Grade Separation project where it will directly result in the
elimination of one or more existing Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, located at or within a
reasonable distance from the Grade Separation. For a Federally funded project, and as per U.S.
Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Code of Federal Regulations,
Title 23, Part 646, Section 646.210, the railroad shall pay five (5) percent of the cost of the Grade
Separation project. The railroad’s share of the cost shall be based on the costs for preliminary
engineering; Right-of-Way and construction within the limits where a Grade Crossing is eliminated
by a Grade Separation; and the structure and approaches required to transition to a theoretical
highway profile, which would have been constructed if there were no railroad present; and for the
number of lanes on the existing highway in accordance with current design standards of the State
highway agency (Caltrans).
SCRRA concurs with the key conclusions of the FRA Guidance on Pedestrian Crossing Safety At
or Near Passenger Stations, dated April 2012, which can be downloaded at In particular, SCRRA concurs with this statement
found within this document stating, “FRA recommends that railroads with busy passenger stations
located on multi-track rail lines (particularly those with three or more main tracks) with frequent
freight service should investigate the application of a high-capacity grade separation structure to
carry large volumes of pedestrians to and from their busy passenger platforms, separated from
the potential hazards of crossing a multi-track railroad at-grade.”
Only fill out Part B, Categories 7-8 if there are 2 Yes answers from 2 separate categories (#1-6) on Part
A. If Part A was not met, then proceed to signature line at the bottom to submit to SCRRA.
Category 7 a. Does the peak hour pedestrian volume at the crossing exceed
Pedestrian 50?
& Bicycle pedestrians/peak hour bicycles/peak hour
b. Does the daily pedestrian volume at the crossing exceed 300?
pedestrians/day bicycles/day
(NOTE: Include in a and b the bicycle volume if there are no separate bicycle facilities
such Class I, II, or III bike paths. If Class I, II, or III bike path exists, only analyze further
in Step 2 – Detailed Analysis Report)
Category 8 a. Does the gate down time in the peak hour exceed 15 minutes?
Gate Down _____ minutes/peak hour
b. Does the gate down time for the daily total exceed 2 hours?
_____ minutes/day
NOTE: For rough order of magnitude, user can assume 1 minute per passenger
train and 2 minutes per freight train. If a station is impacting the dwell time,
assume 3 minutes per train in the direction after the station and consider the
dwell time and distance from the station. This is an estimate for basic analysis
Category 9 Any other key/unique factors that need to be considered for this
location? (SCRRA fills out)
If any Part B thresholds are crossed including subparts, recommend to “consider” a rail and/or
pedestrian grade separation or crossing closure. If multiple Part B thresholds are crossed, then
recommend to heavily consider a vehicle and/or pedestrian grade separation or crossing closure.
However, if an at-grade crossing is still pursued, then proceed to Step 2 Detailed Analysis. If no
Part B threshold is crossed, then proceed with at-grade design with SCRRA approval of design
in conformance with CPUC GO-88B and Formal Application processes.
Name: Organization/Title:
The trade-offs between the cost and benefit of at-grade and grade-separated options should be
reviewed and a Final Technical Recommendation for at-grade or grade separation operation
should be made.
One report per grade crossing shall be developed evaluating all criteria included in the scope
herein. If there are multiple crossings on a project that pass the Step 1, Part B thresholds, then a
cumulative summary report shall also be prepared analyzing the cumulative impacts of these
outcomes at-grade, grade-separated, or closed. The cumulative summary report will also include
calculating and ranking adjacent crossings within project limits using the following methods:
• CPUC Section 190 Grade Separation Program formula – input the same cost values for
all crossings such that these can be compared based on the other factors within this
• USDOT hazard index formula
If a crossing is not closed, a conceptual five (5) percent design alternative of both an at-grade
crossing configuration and a grade-separated crossing will be included for each grade crossing
that goes through the Detailed Analysis Report process. The five (5) percent design shall be per
the SCRRA Design Procedures Manual requirements.
The final Detailed Analysis Report shall be signed and stamped by a licensed Professional
• Passing tracks primarily used for holding trains while waiting to meet or be passed
by other trains
• Locations where train crews are routinely required to stop for crew changes or for
cross traffic on intersecting rail lines
• In the proximity of stations where trains dwell for extended periods of time and
block the crossing
prior to starting design to determine the railroad's future clear span requirements for
the tracks crossed.
2.13. Utilize Table 12-3 for LRT separations.
3. Vehicle Movements
3.1. Existing and Future ADT Volumes
3.1.1. Future Volumes Need to Consider Traffic a Minimum of 10 Years After
Project Completion
3.1.2. Recent or Future Planned Developments Near the Crossings that will
Affect Future Traffic Volumes at the Crossings
3.1.3. Immediate and Near Future (Post-Construction) Impacts and Changes to
Traffic Patterns at and Near the Crossings
3.2. Existing and Future Peak-Hour Volumes
3.2.1. Future Volumes Need to Consider Traffic a Minimum of 10 Years After
Project Completion
3.2.2. Recent or Future Planned Developments Near the Crossings that will
Affect Future Traffic Volumes at the Crossings
3.2.3. Immediate and Near Future (Post-Construction) Impacts and Changes to
Traffic Patterns at and Near the Crossings
3.3. Vehicle Delay Times/Gate Crossing Down Time
3.3.1. Effects of Warning Devices from Trains Dwelling at a Station
3.3.2. A gate down analysis will be required for both peak hour and daily total
time. Analysis shall factor in crossing operations for multiple trains on
approach and if the gates will remain down between trains. If gates will
only ascend for a few seconds before descending again, then assume the
worst-case and include the gate down time between train approaches
3.4. Future Delay Times (peak hour and per day)
3.5. Distances Between Existing and Current Traffic Signal Locations/Storage Lengths for
Design Vehicles
3.6. Traffic Queues, Queue length, and Impacts of Upstream and Downstream
Intersections, including traffic simulation and modeling
3.7. Available storage length
3.8. Effects on Level of Service
3.8.1. Effects Due to Gate Down Time: A longer gate down time would degrade
an adjacent intersection vehicle level of service at some locations and
should be included in this analysis. This will also affect a pedestrian’s
ability to continue along their route without being delayed.
3.9. Special Route Through Crossing:
3.9.1. School Route
3.9.2. Transit and School Bus Routes
3.9.3. Truck Route
3.9.4. Hazardous Material Truck Route
3.9.5. Emergency Services Route
7. Safety Factors
7.1. Accident History including an Analysis of all FRA reportable Accident History
7.2. Trespassing History
7.3. ROW Security
7.4. Performance and Reliability of Active Warning Devices with Increased Volume of
Crossing Activations (75 activations/day).
7.5. Illumination Levels
7.6. Possible Confusion/Impatience of Motorists/Pedestrians of Long Gate Down Times
Due to Multiple Train meets at Crossing once you exceed 15 minutes in the peak hour
and 20 minutes in non-peak hours.
7.7. Sight Distances for Motorist, Pedestrians, and Cyclists to all Warning Devices, Traffic
Signals and Approaching Trains
7.8. Pedestrian and Vehicular Warning times
8. Community Factors
8.1. Right-of-Way Impacts
8.2. Existing Infrastructure that Generate Pedestrian Movement Near the Crossing:
Schools, Hospitals, Medical Clinics, Senior Facilities, Shopping Centers, Recreation
Centers, Parks, and Stations/Bus Stops
8.3. Quality of Life with Increased Train Traffic and Horns/Bells at the Crossing
8.4. Cost analysis showing the full costs to grade-separate all tracks, costs of grade
separating only the new LRT or HSR tracks, and the cost-benefit analysis to maintain
an at-grade crossing for the next 50+ years compared to the grade separation costs.
This cost analysis should include a conceptual plan and profile of all tracks and a plan
and profile of the roadway to accompany the cost analysis.
Other considerations include the effectiveness of the improvement in reducing collisions and the
effects on travel, such as reducing delays.
The selection of collision cost values is of major importance in economic analyses. Considerable
care should be used in establishing values for these costs. The following are the two most
common sources of collision costs:
• National Safety Council (NSC)
• National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
The NSC costs include wage losses, medical expenses, insurance administrative costs, and
property damage. The NHTSA includes the calculable costs associated with each fatality and
injury plus the cost to society, such as consumption losses of individuals and society at large
caused by losses in production and the inability to produce. Many states have developed their
own state-specific values. Whichever is selected, the values should be consistent with those used
for other safety improvement programs. An appropriate method of discounting should be used to
account for inflation and opportunity cost. The selected discount rate should be informed by
current practices and should be documented as part of the analysis.
The service life of an improvement should be equal to the time that the improvement can affect
collision rates. Both costs and benefits should be calculated for this time. Hence, the service life
is not necessarily the physical life of the improvement. For highway-rail crossings, however, it is
a reasonable assumption that the improvement would be equally effective over its entire physical
life. Thus, selecting the service life equal to the physical life would be appropriate.
The selected service life can have a profound effect on the economic evaluation of improvement
alternatives; therefore, it should be selected using the best available information.
Project costs should include initial capital and maintenance costs and should be considered life-
cycle costs; in other words, all costs are distributed over the service life of the improvement. The
installation cost elements include the following:
• Preliminary engineering
• Labor
• Material
• Lease or rental of equipment
• Miscellaneous costs
The maintenance costs are all costs associated with keeping the system and components in
operating condition.
The salvage value may be an issue when a highway is upgraded or relocated, or a railroad line
is abandoned. Salvage value is defined as the dollar value of a project at the end of its service
life and, therefore, is dependent on the service life of the project. For crossing signal improvement
projects, salvage values are generally very small. Due to the characteristics of crossing signals
and control equipment as well as the liability concerns that arise from deploying signal equipment
that has already been used, it is assumed that there is zero salvage value after ten (10) years.
Perform an analysis with the FRA GradeDec Software per FHWA Highway-Rail Crossing
Handbook (2019 or latest) Chapter 3: Treatment Selection Guidance – FRA GradeDec Software.
FRA developed the GradeDec.NET (GradeDec) highway-rail grade crossing investment analysis
tool to provide grade crossing investment decision support. The GradeDec provides a full set of
standard cost-benefit metrics for a rail corridor, a region, or an individual grade crossing. Model
output allows a comparative analysis of grade crossing alternatives designed to mitigate highway-
rail grade crossing collision risk and other components of user costs, including highway delay and
queuing, air quality, and vehicle operating costs. The online application can be accessed via
FRA’s Website at More information can be found in the FHWA
Highway-Rail Crossing Handbook (2019).
• Category C – Are there 4 “yes” answers from 4 separate categories in Step 1 - Initial
Factors Form (cumulative total from both Part A and Part B)?
The City(ies), Project Sponsor, SCRRA, Member Agency, Key Project Stakeholders, etc. must:
• Review and participate in collaborative project team comment resolution sessions
• Sign off: Comment review meetings shall be required on the draft analysis performed and
all diagnostic team stakeholders (SCRRA, Highway Authority(ies), CPUC, other operating
railroads, FRA, etc.) must be present. All diagnostic team stakeholders are required to
formally sign off on the outcome of the report, whether the crossing will be at-grade or
grade-separated via signature page(s).
• CPUC must be provided a copy of the report and diagnostic team Step 2 signature
• If agreement of the involved parties cannot be obtained, then a formal Application must
be filed with the Commission’s Docket Office to gain Commission approval for the
proposed modifications.
• All of this must occur prior to proceeding with the final design on the project.
The final decision on the crossings will be based upon all of the technical input into the process
including the Final Technical Recommendation; however, SCRRA recognizes that the ultimate
decision will involve institutional consideration of the proposed crossing treatments and will
require third party approvals, primarily consisting of approval of the crossings by the CPUC under
the provisions of all CPUC General Orders.
future track requirements shall be formally submitted to the SCRRA. At all times, minimum CPUC
and SCRRA clearances shall be maintained. If the facility is on another railroad, the clearances
specified by the specific railroad at that location shall be followed, if greater. At clearance locations
where super elevation is present, vertical clearances shall be measured from the high rail.
Construction activities that impact SCRRA trains must be coordinated with SCRRA. The proposed
staging and phasing must be reviewed and accepted by SCRRA at the concept stage and
re-reviewed during development of detailed plans. See the Construction Section 12.4.4 of these
Criteria for construction track window discussion requirements. A proposed construction
sequence for all aspects of the work for Grade Separations affecting SCRRA operations, including
agreed upon construction track windows, shall be incorporated into the construction documents
and annotated on the Contract drawings. Special Provisions shall include SCRRA coordination
requirements in order to make the Contractor aware prior to letting of the proposed Grade
Separation. During construction, the Contractor shall submit a final Site Specific Work Plan
(SSWP) incorporating the construction sequences, phasing, including track windows accepted
during the design phase.
Grade separation projects required coordination with different stakeholders and their design,
construction, safety, material, acceptance, accounting, submittal, reporting, funding, and
scheduling procedures. During the design and prior to construction, the Consultant will outline all
applicable requirements and then select the most applicable one in concurrence with all
stakeholders. During construction, the design and construction team will carry out advance
planning and constant communications among the stakeholders to prevent surprises and delays.
Operational Requirements
The proposed construction be performed without interference to railroad operations. The most
effective method for reducing interference to SCRRA operations for construction of grade
separation projects is to use an Overhead structure and avoid an Underpass structure.
Access Road
The design shall include adequate access to existing railroad facilities along and/or within the
Right-of-Way. Access road, access road bridge, or access road turnaround with a minimum of 50
feet radius is to be provided. Access road requirements and location shall be verified at the
concept stage of the proposed grade separation project. Minimum access road width shall be 12
feet and the centerline of the access road shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from the centerline
of the nearest existing or future track.
Excavation Support
All temporary excavation required for construction or demolition of a Grade Separation and other
facilities shall comply with SCRRA Excavation Support Criteria, Chapter 15.0. The design of
permanent retaining walls and other systems of permanent earth retention adjacent to SCRRA
track(s) is addressed in the SCRRA Design Criteria Manual and applicable reference materials.
Shored excavations within 15 feet of a track (including both a shoofly or permanent track) will
typically require the track structure include a hot mix asphalt (HMA) sub-ballast, eight (8) inches
thick for temporary track and 12 inches thick for permanent track, 12 feet wide (centered about
the track centerline) and extending 20 feet past the shored excavation. Refer to Section 8.15 for
permanent track and structure HMA requirements.
12.4.2 Overhead
The design and construction of Overhead Structures shall be in compliance with the criteria shown
on standard drawings, ES 2101 and ES 2104.
The structure, at a minimum, shall meet the specifications and design standards of AASHTO and
Caltrans, and shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws.
Expansion or hinge joints for the Overhead Structures shall not be located over any track(s) or
within the SCRRA Right-of-Way.
Overhead Structures shall be designed to carry dead, live, impact or dynamic, wind, seismic, and
other loads and forces. All new and replacement highway bridges shall be designed to carry not
less than AASHTO HL-93 live load.
Design for the Overhead Structure shall have all piers and abutments located outside of the
SCRRA Right-of-Way. If this is not feasible and an exception is granted by SCRRA, then all piers
and abutments shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the face of pier to the centerline of the
nearest track or identified future track.
Horizontal clearances are for tangent track(s) and correspond to the perpendicular distance from
the centerline of the track to the face of support or pier protection wall. The horizontal clearances
shall be increased per AREMA and CPUC requirements when any part of the Overhead is located
within 80 feet of curved track.
A permanent minimum vertical clearance of 24 feet 6 inches shall be provided for all Overhead
Structures, measured from the top of the high rail to the lowest point of the structure, in
accordance with ES 2101.
Additional vertical clearances may be required for features beyond those shown in the
Engineering Standards, such as: correction of sag in the track(s); track raise; construction
requirements; and future track raises [within the next five years]. The elevation of the existing top
of rail shall be verified prior to beginning construction. All discrepancies shall be brought to the
attention of SCRRA prior to construction.
A temporary minimum horizontal clearance of 12 feet from the centerline of track(s) (including
temporary falsework) shall be provided for all Overhead Structures.
A temporary minimum vertical clearance of 22 feet 6 inches above the top of the rail shall be
provided for all Overhead Structures in accordance with ES 2101.
Safety Barriers
Safety barriers for Overhead Structures shall be provided to retain and redirect errant vehicles.
Concrete barrier (Type 842) as per Caltrans Standard Plan RSP B11-82 with a height of 42 inches
shall be provided on both sides of all Overhead Structures. Other barriers that provide equivalent
strength and protection may be considered and will require approval by SCRRA through a
Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Safety Fences
Overhead Structures shall provide means of protecting SCRRA facilities and the safety of their
employees below from objects being thrown from above by pedestrians or passing motorists.
Chain link railing (fencing) (Type 7) per Caltrans Standard Plan B11-52 or Type 3 per Caltrans
Bridge Standard xs16-160 shall be provided on both sides of all Overhead Structures. The Type
7 railing shall be installed when there are no sidewalks or pedestrian pathways present and the
Type 3 railing shall be installed when there is a sidewalk or pedestrian pathway present (see
Sheet GSG-07 in Appendix C-5). The Type 3 railing shall be modified to be installed on top of the
safety barrier (without the pipe handrailing) at a minimum height of 8 feet from the flowline of the
curb to the top of the railing. The limits of protective fence shall extend to the full length of the
SCRRA Right-of-Way or a minimum of 25 feet beyond the centerline of the outermost track,
identified future track or access road; whichever is greater. Ornamental fencing with a maximum
gap of four inches may be considered and will require approval by SCRRA through a Request for
Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
Parallel structures, which are up to two feet apart, shall not require safety fence at their interface,
but the gap shall be covered with a 3/16 of an inch minimum thickness galvanized steel plate.
Overhead Structures, which are more than two feet apart, shall be treated as individual structures
and the required safety protective fence shall be provided.
Abutment Slopes
To prevent embankment material from sloughing and drainage waters from undermining track
subgrade, end slopes of abutments adjacent to tracks shall be protected with paved slopes.
Paved slopes should extend two feet past the outside face of abutment wall and terminate with
either a curb or gutter to divert runoff. Paving shall consist of a prepared sub-base and filter fabric
with a minimum of four inches thick reinforced concrete or grouted rip-rap placed on prepared
sub-base and filter fabric. Toe of slopes should terminate at the bottom of drainage ditches and
shall have a cut-off wall as required to protect slope from drainage erosion. The toe of slope shall
be below the finished track or roadway subgrade and provide a ditch for positive drainage.
If the layout of the abutment interferes with the existing drainage ditches, suitable means of
handling the longitudinal drainage shall be provided with drainage modification plans and
supporting calculations to SCRRA.
Piers and abutments shall be located outside of the SCRRA Right-of-Way. All piers or columns
shall be located so that they do not interfere with the drainage ditches or the natural drainage
features of the area. If the layout of piers or columns interferes with the drainage ditches, suitable
means of handling the longitudinal drainage shall be provided along with drainage modification
plans and supporting calculations to SCRRA.
Tops of pier footings within 25 feet of track centerlines shall be a minimum of six feet below the
base of rail. Pier footings shall not restrict SCRRA from modifying the longitudinal drainage
system in the future or from providing unobstructed area for placing signal, fiber optic lines, or
other buried utilities.
Pier Protection
All new, replacement, or modified Overhead Structures will comply with the AREMA manual
recommended practices for pier protection.
To limit damage by the redirection and deflection of railroad equipment, piers supporting
Overhead Structures over SCRRA track(s) and with a clear distance of less than 25 feet from
track centerlines shall be of heavy construction or shall be protected with a reinforced concrete
crash wall. Crash walls for piers from 12 to 25 feet clear from the centerline of track shall have a
minimum height of six feet above the top of rail. Piers less than 12 feet clear from the centerline
of track shall have a minimum crash wall height of 12 feet above the top of rail. Piers shall be
considered of heavy construction if they have a cross-sectional area equal to or greater than that
required for the crash wall and the larger of its dimensions is parallel to the track.
The necessity of a pier protection wall for piers greater than 25 feet from the track centerline shall
be discussed with SCRRA prior to design and construction. Factors such as horizontal and
vertical alignment of the track, embankment height, and an assessment of the consequences of
serious damage in the case of collision will be considered.
Design of pier protection shall comply with the recommended practices outlined in AREMA
Chapter 8, Part 2, and Section Examples of protection walls are shown in the AREMA
Manual Figure C-8-2-1. In locations where pier columns and protection walls interfere with
drainage, openings must be provided in the wall for drainage to ditches, or drainage facilities must
be provided to collect and dispose water to the drainage system. Opening in the pier protection
wall must be lower than the track subgrade elevation and must drain away from the track(s).
A pier protected with a crash wall shall either be (1) anchored to the overhead bridge footing and
columns, with the overhead bridge designed accordingly with the added mass or (2) installed
separate from the overhead structure and accommodated for seismic displacements by providing
an adequate gap between the two structures.
The crash wall shall be at least two foot six inch thick and at least 12 feet long. When two or more
columns compose a pier, the crash wall shall connect the columns and extend at least one foot
beyond the outermost columns parallel to the track. The crash wall shall extend to at least four
feet below the lowest surrounding grade.
The crash wall shall be designed to accommodate future track(s). For example, if there is one
existing track, the location, height, width, and other design features of the crash wall shall be
designed to accommodate future track.
Drilled piles and piers/shafts within the influence line shown on the SCRRA Excavation Support
Criteria, Chapter 15.0, shall be designed with temporary casing to protect track against cave-in,
subsidence, and/or displacement of surrounding ground. Casing shall be designed for live load
due to the railroad surcharge in addition to all other loads. Drilled shafts or piling shall be designed
to allow the drilling or pile driving to proceed without impacting the SCRRA Operating System.
Drilling of piles, piers/shafts, or shoring construction for footings within influence of railroad
surcharge shall not proceed without acceptance from SCRRA. For limits of the Railroad Zone of
Influence, refer to the SCRRA Excavation Support Criteria, Chapter 15.0.
Drainage plans and hydrology report prepared as per local city, county, and SCRRA criteria
(Design Criteria Manual, Chapter 8), shall be submitted for SCRRA review and acceptance.
Drainage from the structure shall be diverted away from the SCRRA Right-of-Way at all times.
Scuppers from structure deck shall not be permitted to discharge water onto the track or roadway
areas at any time. If drainage of deck uses downspouts in the columns, then they shall be
connected to the storm drain system or allowed to drain into drainage ditches away from SCRRA
Right-of-Way. Concrete splash block or aggregate ditch lining shall be provided at the discharge
area of downspouts. Downspouts shall be behind the face of the piers.
Lateral clearances shall provide sufficient space for construction of the required standard ditches
parallel to the standard roadbed section. When the proposed construction shall change the
quantity and/or characteristic of flow in the existing ditches, the ditches shall be modified as
required to handle the increased runoff. The size of the ditches should vary depending upon the
flow and terrain and should be designed accordingly.
All Overhead Structures exceeding 80 feet of Superstructure width shall be provided with a
lighting system. Lighting shall also be provided for structures of less than 80 feet width in areas
where switching is performed, where high vandalism or trespassing has been experienced, or as
directed by SCRRA.
An average of one (1) foot-candle of power shall be provided under the structure. Fixtures shall
be installed on column walls or caps of the Overhead Structure without reducing the minimum
clearances. The maintenance of lights shall be the responsibility of the Project Sponsor.
For Overhead Structures, those carrying traffic over SCRRA track, the falsework design and
construction shall meet the rules and requirements of Caltrans Falsework Manual and Caltrans
Standard Specifications Section 51-1.06. Falsework installation and removal methods and
procedures shall be submitted for SCRRA review and acceptance. Temporary collision posts set
in six (6) feet of concrete and extending not less than 16 feet above the top of the rail shall be
installed on both sides of the falsework bents and located 10 feet clear of the centerline of the
nearest track and approximately 100 feet in advance of the falsework. Collision posts shall
preferably be steel I-girders with web parallel to the track. Falsework shall be sheathed solid on
the side adjacent to track between three and 17 feet above the top of the rail. Sheathing shall
consist of plywood not less than 5/8 inch thick or lumber not less than one inch thick. Collision
posts and sheathing shall not be required if horizontal clearances to falsework are 25 feet or
Falsework design and construction shall not obstruct the clear view of SCRRA’s wayside train
signals that may be located on either side of the falsework. If it is necessary to temporarily or
permanently relocate the wayside signals, the cost of the relocation shall be the responsibility of
the Project Sponsor requesting the falsework installation.
Where falsework is within 2,000 feet of an existing railroad signal, the falsework shall be placed
in a manner that provides the locomotive engineer an unrestricted view of the railroad signals.
The lowest point of the falsework shall provide a minimum clearance of two feet from the
locomotive engineer’s line of sight. The two feet distance shall be calculated based on the actual
height of the highest lens of the railroad signal(s) from the top of the rail, at a distance of 2,000 feet
from the railroad signal(s), and with the locomotive engineer’s eye-line at 11 feet 6 inches from
the top of the rail. See Figure 12-2, Falsework Signal Clearance.
The Project Sponsor is responsible to maintain, repair, and renew the entire Overhead Structure,
including piers and abutments, retaining walls, lighting, drainage system, roadway pavement,
roadway facilities, curb and gutter, striping, signage, and appurtenances. The Project Sponsor is
responsible for removal of graffiti from the Superstructure, piers, abutments, and retaining walls
on a regular basis or as requested by SCRRA.
12.4.3 Underpass
The Project Sponsor responsible for funding and designing the Underpass Structure, structure
carrying SCRRA track and other facilities over the road or feature being crossed shall comply with
SCRRA Design Criteria, including Chapter 11.0 (Structures), Standard Specifications, and other
reference standards listed in these Criteria.
For other project elements that are not integral components of the Underpass Structure or other
SCRRA facilities, and not specifically referenced in these Criteria, their design shall comply with
the applicable codes approved by the Project Sponsor.
The primary design criteria to be used in the design of SCRRA Underpass Structures shall be the
American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) – Manual of
Railway Engineering (latest edition) and SCRRA Design Criteria Manual. Final determination of
the appropriate use and application of the AREMA Manual, SCRRA Design Criteria Manual, or
other applicable codes and standards shall be discussed with and accepted by SCRRA.
For multiple track structures, live load, as described by the AREMA Manual, shall be calculated
based on the assumption that the track(s) can be located anywhere on the bridge and at a
minimum spacing of 13 feet.
Live load distribution for concrete span elements shall be in accordance with Chapter 8, Part
2, Reinforced Concrete Design, and Article 2.2.3.c of AREMA. Live load distribution for steel span
elements shall be in accordance with Chapter 15, Part 1, (Steel) Design and Article 1.3.4 of
AREMA. This means that it shall not be assumed that the live load is necessarily equally
distributed to the concrete or steel span elements supporting the track(s).
Underpass Structures shall be designed for all applicable loads and loading conditions specified
in Chapters 8, 9, or 15 of the AREMA Manual and shall comply with the requirements of Chapter
11.0, Structures, of this Design Criteria Manual.
Materials used in the construction of Underpass Structures shall comply with AREMA, SCRRA
Reference Standards, Standard Specifications, and Chapter 11.0 of this Design Criteria Manual.
Concrete Requirements
Minimum Compressive Strength – 4000 psi at 28 days (suggested for substructure).
Concrete shall be proportioned such that the water-cementitious material ratio (by weight) does
not exceed the values in AREMA Table 8-1-9. Precast concrete shall contain a minimum of
610 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard of concrete. Cast-in-place concrete shall
contain a minimum of 565 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard. If fly ash is used with
cement it shall be limited to 15 percent of the cementitious material.
Cement shall be Type I, II, or III Portland Cement per ASTM C150.
All concrete shall have an air entrainment additive and contain 5 percent to 7 percent entrained
air by volume.
Course Aggregate shall be size No. 67.
Fine Aggregate shall be fine sand.
Admixtures shall not be used without SCRRA acceptance.
Membrane curing compound shall conform to ASTM C309 Type 2.
Apply an approved epoxy adhesive before placing new concrete against hardened concrete
For precast elements, the fabricator shall stencil the fabricator’s name, date of fabrication, the
bridge number, lifting weight, and piece mark on each component.
The production facility shall be pre-certified. Production procedures for the manufacture of precast
members shall be in accordance with AREMA and the current edition of the Precast Concrete
Institute’s Manual MNL 116 for Quality Control.
Dimensional tolerances governing the manufacture of precast members shall conform to Division
VI, Section 6.4.6 of the Precast Concrete Institute’s Manual MNL 116 for Quality Control.
Tolerance for location of lifting devices shall be plus or minus half an inch.
All concrete components shall be made available, at SCRRA’s discretion, for inspection by the
Engineer in Responsible Charge and SCRRA at the fabricator’s plant prior to shipment.
Track Geometry
In the design of Underpass Structures, the top of rail elevation and alignment are generally
preferred to remain at the existing location. An existing top of rail survey covering a distance that
includes an additional 1,000 feet at 100 foot stations from each end of the proposed Underpass
shall be provided to the SCRRA for review and direction for establishing final track grade. All
existing Overheads and Highway-Rail Grade Crossings within ½ mile of the proposed Underpass
structure shall be shown on the survey, with Overhead’s low chord and Highway-Rail Grade
Crossing top of roadway elevations clearly noted.
Where it is proposed for other reasons that the track grade or alignment be changed due to the
circumstances of design, SCRRA shall be consulted and the following considerations be given:
• The change in track grade for both temporary and permanent alignment shall minimize
the impact on train operations, adjacent station platforms, parking lots, and SCRRA
maintenance access.
• The change in track grade shall minimize any undulating effect on the track profile relative
to existing Underpass Structures, future Underpass Structures, or nearby Grade
• The effects of a track grade change that will require any adjustments or relocations to the
fiber optic line along the corridor shall be identified and solutions investigated.
The Underpass Engineer in Responsible Charge shall address construction sequencing during
the early phases of the design and structure selection process. The Engineer in Responsible
Charge shall incorporate sequencing of construction in their design that will minimize SCRRA
signal changes for the existing track(s) and Shoofly. The preferred sequence is to close the
highway, or relocate traffic to another location rather than providing a temporary highway crossing
at the site.
The SCRRA preferred construction method for Underpass Structures incorporates “top-down”
construction. This method minimizes the amount of excavation and shoring, and allows for the
majority of excavation for the highway after the structure is constructed and the track back in
The track on an Underpass Structure may require the addition of inner guard rail ties and inner
guard rails to extend across the bridge and to include 50 feet from each end of the bridge. If
existing rail and ties are used for this work, all welds shall be tested ultrasonically. Refer to SCRRA
Engineering Standards for inner guard rail details and to determine if the proposed bridge will
require inner guard ties and inner guard rails.
Table 12-4 is a list in order of preference of bridge structure types acceptable to SCRRA:
Min. No. of
Beams/Girders Range of Span Lengths
Bridge Structure Type per Track (feet)
Standard Precast (pre-stressed) Concrete 2 20 - 35
Double Cell Box Beam
SCRRA acceptance shall be obtained prior to final selection of the type of Superstructure for the
Future Expansion
The Underpass Structure(s) shall account for future track expansion of at least one additional
track. For example, if there are currently two existing tracks at the project location, the bridge and
other facilities shall be provided for three (3) tracks. When allowing for future track, consideration
shall be given to limitations due to track alignment and location on the existing Right-of-Way,
Right-of-Way availability, adjacent Overhead Structures, and drainage provisions.
Future expansion can be accommodated by providing a single bridge wide enough for all tracks
or multiple bridges with one or more tracks per bridge as long as provision is provided for one
additional track and additional facilities.
The Designer shall take into consideration the manner in which the bridge could be widened when
adding future additional track(s). The substructure shall accommodate future superstructure
widening without requiring significant modifications to the seats, backwalls, and wing walls. The
superstructure shall accommodate future expansion taking into account minimizing modifications
to the superstructure and disruption of SCRRA operations. The locations of the abutments for
underpass structure shall be designed to accommodate future tracks without substantial redesign
and without track realignment.
Coordinate with the SCRRA to determine which side of existing track to provide provision for
expansion and for required track spacing. SCRRA may require the Project Sponsor to prepare a
short report showing the feasibility of a future expansion on both sides of the Grade Separation.
Skew of Bridge
The preferred angle of roadway crossing and bridge structure relative to the centerline of track is
90°. Prior acceptance from SCRRA is required in cases where a 90° crossing cannot be obtained.
In cases where a 90° crossing cannot be obtained, the maximum skew of bridge structure from
90° degrees shall not exceed the following for various types of structures:
Type of Structure Skew in Degrees
Steel span 30° Max.
Pre-stressed concrete beams 15° Max.
Roadway, bridge piers, and abutments shall be aligned as required to comply with the above
maximum skew limitations.
Where conditions preclude any other solution, the skew proposal shall require special
consideration and proof of adequacy.
Square-end abutment shall be provided at the end of the skewed bridge. If this is not possible
and if SCRRA prior approval is obtained, at the end of skewed bridge, approach slabs, skewed
end supported on the abutment and square end extending under the track, shall be provided for
each track. The length of approach slab shall be of sufficient length to square off the track(s)
approach to a minimum 12-foot width symmetrical to centerline of track.
The bridge maintenance structure may be part of the track supporting structure or a completely
separate structure. If bridge maintenance structure is part of the main track structure, the structure
shall be designed for railroad E-80 loading to accommodate any future track needs and
modifications. If the bridge maintenance structure is a totally separate structure, it shall be
designed for HL-93 live load. The separate bridge maintenance structure width shall
accommodate one (1) 12-foot paved lane with curbs and railing. The deck of bridge structure shall
be Portland cement concrete deck pavement or steel plate deck with six inch thick HMA
pavement. Bridge deck shall include curbs, railing, and drainage and joint seals as required. HMA
pavement shall extend 12 feet past the end of the structure and be placed over a 12 inch thick
minimum base. The access roadway with a bridge maintenance structure shall meet the same
criteria as an access roadway with turnarounds.
The Underpass clearances shall comply with the applicable requirements shown on Drawing
GSG-08 - Underpass Structure Clearances, found in Appendix C-5.
A minimum vertical clearance of 16 foot 6 inches shall be provided for all Underpass Structures,
measured from the lowest point of the Superstructure to the highest point of the roadway
pavement. A minimum vertical clearance less than 16 foot 6 inches may be provided if prior
approvals were obtained on Special Design Consideration form from SCRRA and if sacrificial
beams not carrying any track loads are provided over the traveled roadway. The vertical clearance
must not be violated due to the deflection of the superstructure. Higher vertical clearances may
be required by CALTRANS standards based on the roadway classification of the proposed road
crossing under SCRRA.
Exceptions for minimum vertical clearance shall only be granted if it is uneconomical to provide
the stated minimum vertical clearance over the roadway or geometry won’t allow minimum vertical
clearance to be achieved. A thorough and complete analysis must be provided with the exception
request that documents why the minimum vertical clearance cannot be provided. The exception
request along with any supporting documentation shall be submitted on the SCRRA Request for
Special Design Consideration form. Special design consideration and waiver requests shall be
submitted at the Concept and Design Criteria (5 percent Design) or Preliminary Design
(30 percent Design) review levels for consideration by SCRRA. Concept and Design Criteria
(5 percent Design) exception and waiver requests are preferred. Design should not be advanced
to the Interim Design (60 percent Design) level prior to receiving a decision on an exception or
waiver request.
The Project Sponsor shall assume the repair costs and costs of operational impacts to SCRRA
trains for damage to the bridge by highway traffic. In the event of damage to the bridge or the
girders by highway traffic, the extent and method of repair shall be agreed upon by the Project
Sponsor and SCRRA. If the Project Sponsor fails, refuses or neglects to perform the repair to the
structure, SCRRA shall perform any work necessary to place the highway and appurtenances in
such condition as shall not endanger or interfere with SCRRA facilities or operations, or jeopardize
SCRRA employees. The Project Sponsor shall reimburse SCRRA for all the expenses including
expenses incurred for delaying SCRRA trains and passengers.
If resurfacing or any other activity is to be performed below the Underpass structure, the Project
Sponsor of the roadway shall submit a written request five (5) working days in advance of the
activity for acceptance from SCRRA. This request must provide the existing measured and posted
clearances of the structure and the proposed configuration after work is completed. The Project
Sponsor shall be responsible for posting and maintaining signed structure clearances and any
advance street notifications in accordance with CALTRANS and the AASHTO MUTCD, as
The minimum depth of ballast for the design of the structure under the ties at the lowest rail shall
be eight (8) inches. In addition, a four (4) inch layer of Hot Mixed Asphalt (HMA) underlayment
shall be provided for all structure types and eight (8) inch on the approaches for 50 feet past the
bridge abutments. A steel cover plate and membrane waterproofing shall be provided at the
underpass deck joints and membrane waterproofing applied over the entire bridge deck. All
structures shall be designed for an additional seven (7) inches of ballast to accommodate a future
track raise. Direct fixation of rail to Superstructure is not acceptable.
Minimum longitudinal structure grade of 0.2 percent shall be provided for drainage purposes.
Drainage towards one end of the structure may be provided. When the structure is excessively
long, adequate deck grades to drain the structure to both ends of bridge, or to pier locations, shall
be provided. If the top of rail grade remains constant over the length of structure, the depth of
ballast may be increased from the minimum depth but should be taken into account in the design.
Parallel structures shall have a minimum separation of five (5) feet to provide room for
maintenance work and inspection. Raised walkways may be closer than five (5) feet if there is
adequate room under the walkway to inspect the superstructure elements.
Bird screens may be provided below the Superstructure; however, the screens shall be designed
to allow periodic inspections and maintenance by SCRRA. If attached to the Superstructure, the
attachments need to provide stability when exposed to frequent vibratory loads and span
deflection under live load.
Deck Width
For a single-track bridge structure, the width of the deck shall be as shown on the SCRRA
standard drawings GSG-02 to GSG-06, ES 6001, and ES 6002, and shall not be less than 13 feet
inside face to inside face of curb at top of the hot mix asphalt overlay.
Curb Height
The top of ballast curb shall be 24 inches above the bridge deck to allow for future track raises.
The clear distance from centerline of track to inside face of the ballast retainer for bridges with
walkway shall be 6 foot 6 inch minimum. To prevent cracking under live loads, provide ¼ inch
wide joints at 10 feet maximum spacing on concrete curbs, walkways, and ballast retainers.
Walkways and handrails shall be provided on both sides of the deck. Walkways shall not be less
than 2 foot wide with the top of walkway 24 inches above the bridge deck. That portion of the
bridge walkway that spans over the highway and/or pedestrian walkway shall be constructed of
solid material and a curb or toe board shall be provided.
When walkway structures are used, provide a detail showing the walkway transition from bridge
to roadbed at bridge ends. Where there is a vertical distance from the roadbed walking surface to
the bridge walkway, adjust the roadbed walkway profile to eliminate the vertical separation or
provide other means to provide a safe transition.
Handrails or chain link railing (fencing) shall be provided on both sides of the structure and shall
meet FRA, AREMA, and OSHA requirements. The design of handrail or the chain link railing shall
be project specific design and will provide architecturally pleasant appearance since it will be
visible from the roadway. The design will be approved by SCRRA and by the local jurisdiction.
Consideration shall be made to prevent ballast from falling onto traffic below via toe-board and/or
chain link railing.
Deck Drainage
The HMA overlay on top of the deck for steel beam/girders and concrete box or slab beams shall
be sloped transversely not less than 1 percent to the longitudinal drainage collection system.
A longitudinal drainage collection system shall be provided to dispose of drainage without
permitting it to enter the ballast section and backfill beyond the limits of the bridge structure.
Longitudinal drains shall be connected to the storm drain system or properly discharged at the
toe of embankment slopes or at the bottom of piers into new or existing drainage ditches.
If an approach grade descends toward the bridge, drainage from the approach shall be
intercepted by appropriate means so that it shall not drain onto the bridge.
between two tracks and slope away from tracks at a 1percent slope toward the field side of each
Fire Protection
SCRRA structures and facilities shall be designed to provide a minimum fire rating as specified in
the applicable local code, in accordance with the “UL List”.
The Substructure elements shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 8 of the current AREMA
Manual and SCRRA Design Criteria Manual.
Gamma-gamma logging (GGL) testing shall be required by SCRRA to evaluate the integrity of
drilled shafts/caissons if used for foundation support. The Plans and Specifications shall include
provisions for this testing.
Drilled shafts within the influence of track live load surcharge shall be designed with temporary
casing for protection against cave-in, subsidence, and/or displacement of surrounding ground.
Casing shall be designed for live load due to the track surcharge in addition to all other loads.
Design of casing as shoring shall be in accordance with SCRRA’s Excavation Support Criteria,
Chapter 15.0. Drilled shafts and piling shall be designed to allow the drilling or pile driving
operation to proceed without stopping trains.
The abutments shall be designed in accordance with the recommendations of Chapter 8, Part
5 of the AREMA Manual and SCRRA Design Criteria Manual (non spill-through type abutments
shall be at least 0.2H in thickness at the base). The abutments shall be wide enough to satisfy
SCRRA standard roadbed shown on Engineering Standards ES 2001 and ES 2002.
For multiple track bridges, the abutments shall be sufficient to provide standard shoulders, plus
20 feet for each existing or future track. Wing walls shall be designed to support 2:1 embankment
slopes. Handrails shall be returned on the backwall and/or wing walls.
Abutment seats shall be sloped to drain away from bearing locations. When weathering steel is
used for the Superstructure, details on top of abutment seat shall indicate method of collecting
and disposing of water without staining the vertical concrete surfaces.
At certain locations, where the face of an abutment or retaining wall stem is exposed to public
view, it may be desirable to treat the face architecturally. Such treatment may include the use of
textured form liner, sandblasting, or bush-hammering. Such architectural treatment will not reduce
the minimum clearances for reinforcing steel shown in Chapter 8 of the AREMA Manual nor shall
it be allowed to reduce the effective wall section.
Sloping embankments in front of abutments shall be landscaped and/or paved as per SCRRA
input and acceptance. Landscaping shall be as per SCRRA Landscaping Criteria and/or SCRRA
Specifications Section 32 90 00 - Landscaping.
Single column piers will not be accepted for Underpass Structures. For single-track structures,
solid wall piers or two columns shall be provided. For multiple-track structures, solid wall piers or
a minimum of two columns shall be provided per track, with each intermediate column allowed to
share the load between tracks (i.e. a two-track bridge will require a minimum of three columns).
Bridge piers adjacent to roadways shall be protected from vehicular traffic by use of concrete
barrier. The type, design, and detailing of the concrete barrier that is used shall comply with
AASHTO and Caltrans standards.
Refer to the SCRRA Design Criteria Manual for guidance on selection and design of acceptable
end bearing provisions for steel and concrete spans for Underpass Structures.
Provide a minimum of six (6) inches from edge of masonry plate or bearing to edge of concrete.
All steel bridge Underpass Structures shall be fabricated with weathering steel for exposed
members unless located within one (1) mile from the ocean in which case the structure shall be
painted. Painting shall conform to the requirements of current AASHTO specifications and
recommendations of Steel Structures painting Council Manual (SSPC). Paint shall be applied in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and in compliance with SSPC
recommendations. Paint shall be submitted by the painting agency for review and acceptance by
SCRRA prior to application of any of the coatings.
All accessible concrete, masonry, and porous surfaces from finish grade or floor to 10 feet above
finish grade or floor shall be painted with clear graffiti-resistant coating. Refer to SCRRA
specifications 34 80 61 – Painting and Protective Coating for Bridges for material and construction
Drainage plans and hydrology report shall be prepared per the SCRRA Design Criteria Manual,
Chapter 8, and shall be submitted for SCRRA review and acceptance.
The C&M Agreement assigns SCRRA responsibility for the inspection and maintenance of the
Superstructure of the Underpass Structure above the bridge seats, including bearing assemblies,
spans, roadbed, tracks, railroad drainage, and all other related SCRRA facilities.
The C&M Agreement assigns the Project Sponsor responsibility to maintain the structure and
appurtenances below the bridge seats, including: piers and abutments; retaining walls; roadway
illumination and electrical appurtenances; drainage system; roadway pavement; roadway
facilities; curb and gutter; striping; signage; and aesthetic or cosmetic design elements or painting
added to the Superstructure soffits or facades and appurtenances. The Project Sponsor is
responsible for removal of graffiti from the entire project, including retaining walls, Substructure
and Superstructure (above and below the bridge seats) of the Grade Separation structure.
The Project Sponsor shall be responsible for maintaining facades and fascia girders including
removing fascia girders or facades prior to SCRRA scheduled maintenance or repair to the
structure. SCRRA can remove the fascia girders or facades during emergencies and then be
reimbursed by the Agency.
The Project Sponsor shall be responsible for all roadway work and closures that occur during
structure inspection, maintenance, or repair. The Project Sponsor shall also be responsible to
obtain written acceptance in advance of performing any work that could affect the structural
integrity of the structure or interfere with SCRRA operations.
The design of Pedestrian grade separations shall consider and balance initial project capital costs
and life-cycle costs including maintenance. Underpass structure usually requires higher initial
capital cost while overhead structure requires higher life-cycle costs. Most of the overhead
structures at the stations are maintained by the local agency where the station is located and they
are responsible for the maintenance cost. Maintenance of the elevators for overhead structures
is the most reported problem at the station. Based on this, selection of an overhead for pedestrian
grade separation is the SCRRA preferred alternative.
Pedestrian Overhead
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure, as a minimum, shall meet the specifications and design
standards of AASHTO and Caltrans. The structure shall also meet all general requirements for
Overhead Structures outlined in Section 12.4.2 of these Criteria.
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure shall be designed to span the entire width of SCRRA
Right-of-Way and if practical at 90 degrees to the track(s).
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure shall be of sufficient length to allow for future track(s) and
access road(s) as directed by SCRRA. Refer to Section 12.4.3 of these Criteria for future
expansion requirements.
Minimum Width
The minimum traveled width for Pedestrian Overhead Structures shall be 10 feet.
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure final minimum clearances shall comply with the applicable
requirements shown on Drawing GSG-07, Overhead Structure Clearances, refer to Appendix C-
5. The vertical clearance from the top of the high rail to the lowest point of the structure shall be
24 feet 6 inches. Standard and minimum clearances shall be as per ES 2101 and ES 2102.
A temporary minimum horizontal clearance of 12 feet from the centerline of track(s) (including
temporary falsework) shall be provided during erection of the Pedestrian Overhead Structure.
A temporary minimum vertical clearance of 22 feet 6 inches above top of the rail shall be provided
during erection of the Pedestrian Overhead Structure.
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure shall be designed and constructed with stairways, approach
ramps, and elevators as necessary to comply with sponsoring Project Sponsor codes and
requirements and the ADA.
SCRRA Right-of-Way shall be protected against unauthorized access by pedestrians by providing
railings or fences. The height of the railings or fences shall be as shown in ES 5103, ES 5104,
and ES 5105 depending on the material and constructed to discourage climbing over the railing
or fence to gain access to the SCRRA Right-of-Way.
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure design shall include consideration of construction and
erection methods in order to minimize disruption to SCRRA operations. Construction track
windows where train traffic can be stopped to allow uninterrupted construction are generally
limited to 8 to 12 hours during the week with maximum weekend windows of 48 hours.
A design and construction criteria compliance checklist shall be provided with each Pedestrian
Overhead Structure review submittal for design and construction, see Appendix E-2 and E-3 for
the standard checklist.
The Pedestrian Overhead Structure shall be maintained by and at the expense of the sponsoring
Project Sponsor.
Pedestrian Underpass
The Design of precast and cast-in-place concrete box sections used for Pedestrian Underpass
Structures shall comply with the current edition of the AREMA Manual, Chapter 8, Part
16 – Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts, and the SCRRA Design
Criteria Manual. When other structure types are proposed the design shall comply with
appropriate Chapters and Parts of AREMA and SCRRA Design Criteria Manual. The structure
shall be designed to cross the Right-of-Way at 90 degrees to the track(s) if practical.
Concrete box structures are preferred for Pedestrian Underpass Structures. Where concrete box
structures are used, precast box sections shall be utilized to minimize construction track windows.
The length of precast box sections shall be at least of sufficient overall length that any
cast-in-place section(s) can be installed after the track(s) is put back in service and shoring
installed per Excavation Support Criteria, Chapter 15.0.
Precast box sections shall be positively connected to provide closure of the joints, engage the
gasket seals, and prevent possibility of future separation of the box sections. The connections
shall be provided on the top (two minimum), and on each side (one minimum) of the box sections.
The connections may be bolted, welded, or a combination of both. Any open holes left after
erection shall be grouted closed.
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall be of sufficient length to allow for future track(s) as
directed by SCRRA.
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall be waterproofed such that it remains watertight.
A waterproofing system shall be provided to protect the Pedestrian Underpass Structure in
addition to the HMA overlay. The waterproofing system used shall be of a quality that will prevent
any leakage into the structure over its useful lifespan. A warranty shall be provided to SCRRA by
the Contractor that will cover repairs for material and labor for 20 years after construction is
complete if the structure develops leaks. The waterproofing system shall be protected from
damage during installation of the HMA overlay.
Precast box section joints shall be of watertight construction incorporating a rubberized gasket
installed between the tongue and groove sections of the sections.
Cast-in-place box sections shall incorporate water stops at all construction joints.
Other type structures used for Pedestrian Underpass Structures shall be suitably designed to
provide watertight construction.
The waterproofing system details for the structural type of Pedestrian Underpass Structure to be
used shall be submitted to SCRRA for acceptance prior to fabrication and construction.
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall include an inside drainage collection system to allow
for water removal due to maintenance cleaning and any storm runoff from adjacent approach
ramps and stairways. It is preferred that a drainage collection system be installed on each side of
the floor along the full length of the structure and then routed to an existing storm drainage system.
A sump with pump and lift station should only be considered if connecting to an existing storm
drain by gravity flow is not practical. The inside structure’s floor shall be sloped as required to
facilitate draining to the drainage collection system.
Pedestrian Underpass Structures shall also have a sub-drainage system installed along the
external walls below floor level in conjunction with pervious backfill material and/or geo-composite
drainage board to collect water from groundwater fluctuations and surface infiltration. When the
structure is also located in an area with a high ground water table a permanent dewatering system
should be considered in addition to the sub-drainage system.
The drainage system details shall be submitted to SCRRA for acceptance prior to construction.
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall provide access that includes stairways and approach
ramps that provide adequate site distances to the pedestrian. The structure shall provide access
that is ADA compliant.
SCRRA Right–of-Way shall be adequately protected against unauthorized access by providing
railings or fences. Railings or fences shall be a minimum 6 feet in height and of a construction
type that will discourage climbing over the railing or fence to gain access to the SCRRA
Right-of-Way. Right-of-Way fencing shall be provided on both sides of the right-of-way and shall
extend a minimum of 250-ft. from the Pedestrian Underpass Structure perpendicular to the
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure, stairways, and approach ramps shall be lighted for security
of the pedestrian. Lighting in underpasses requires addressing pedestrians’ personal safety.
Lighting on the approaches and within the underpass should appear bright while avoiding glare
and shadows. This can be accomplished by carefully selecting surface textures and colors.
When the ratio of the Pedestrian Underpass Structure length to height exceeds 10:1, lighting
should operate continuously.
During the day, the Pedestrian Underpass lighting should be bright enough to allow pedestrians
to see into the underpass. At night, pedestrians in the underpass should be able to see the areas
surrounding the exits. This can be accomplished by reducing the lighting intensity at each
entrance to the underpass.
Avoid using recessed lamps that could create pools of light. Since Pedestrian Underpass lamps
are generally located at a relatively low level, they should be made of polycarbonate or of some
other type that is resistant to vandalism.
An emergency lighting system shall be installed to provide illumination if the main power supply
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure design shall include consideration of construction and
erection methods previously successfully used on SCRRA projects of similar type in order to
minimize disruption to SCRRA operations. Construction track windows where train traffic can be
stopped to allow uninterrupted construction are generally limited to 8 to 12 hours during the week
with maximum weekend windows of 48 hours. Include one and one half hour to remove each
track and the same timeframe to replace each track in the allowable track window timeframes.
A design and construction criteria compliance checklist shall be provided with each Pedestrian
Underpass Structure review submittal for design and construction, see Appendix E-2 and E-3 for
the standard checklist.
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall be designed considering ease of maintenance. Lighting
fixtures, signage, aesthetic treatments, and other materials proposed for use in the structure shall
be included in the design considerations to reduce maintenance frequency and requirements.
For example, lighting fixtures should be recessed with unbreakable lenses or provided with lens
protection. Signage should be adequately fastened to supports and out of reach to the extent
possible. Aesthetic treatments should be inlaid or anchored and protected by other means from
vandalism damage. Concrete should have graffiti protection if warranted, and handrails and
exposed metals should be protected from corrosion (galvanized steel is preferred).
The Pedestrian Underpass Structure shall be maintained by and at the expense of the sponsoring
Project Sponsor.
Shoofly Track
The most effective method of maintaining traffic is to temporarily reroute railroad traffic around
the construction site using Shoofly Tracks. The Shoofly shall be designed to comply with current
rail operations and existing conditions. The Shoofly design shall be submitted for review in the
early stages of project design. The Shoofly for construction of the permanent structure shall be
designed for construction staging to minimize the traffic interference with the Operating System.
SCRRA requires that the track remain fully operational at all times, except for “track outage
window”, during which a track is shut down to train traffic for certain periods of time. It shall be the
Project Sponsor’s or the Contractor’s responsibility to secure permission for any such track outage
window from SCRRA. The Project Sponsor or the Contractor shall make a request for such track
outage window to SCRRA at least sixty (60) working days in advance. The Project Sponsor’s or
the Contractor’s request shall be subject to SCRRA approval for each outage. The Project
Sponsor or the Contractor shall not regard track outage window as routine events.
If the Shoofly track centerline will be located within 15 feet of the face of a shored excavation,
then the Shoofly track must be constructed with a hot mix asphalt (HMA) sub-ballast, 8 inches
thick, 12 feet wide (centered about the track centerline), and extending 20 feet in both directions
past the shored excavation.
The Shoofly Track design shall conform to all applicable Federal, State, Local, and SCRRA
Design Criteria Manual standards and regulations. The Shoofly shall be designed for maximum
authorized speed for passenger and freight trains shown in SCRRA Timetable and Track Charts.
SCRRA approval shall be obtained if the Shoofly is to be designed for lower speeds to meet
existing site conditions. The track curve speed, super-elevation and spiral length shall meet the
requirements shown in SCRRA Engineering Standards ES 2202 and ES 2203.
If existing track is removed temporarily during Shoofly construction, the existing rail shall be put
up on blocks and not on the ground, ties shall be stacked with space dunnage boards so that the
ties are not resting on the shoulders of the lower ties, and clips are put in containers protected
from weather.
The Shoofly Track crossings shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8.
When Shoofly construction is performed by the Agency Contractor, SCRRA shall perform a field
review and accept the track(s) prior to cut-over. Contractor shall coordinate cut-over with SCRRA
forces. Signal, communications, and PTC changes and required as a result of the shoofly track
will be included as a part of the design and construction.
12.4.5 Construction
The construction shall meet requirements stated in SCRRA’s Standard Specifications, SCRRA
Reference Standards and Criteria, Form 37: Rules and Requirements for Construction on Railway
Property, and shall also comply with the AREMA Manual unless the SCRRA requirements are
more restrictive.
During construction of Underpass Structures, the Project Sponsor shall provide an independent
qualified Resident Engineer to be onsite during all construction activities. The Resident Engineer
will be the coordinator of project correspondence and construction questions between the Agency
and SCRRA.
SCRRA or designated Engineering Consultant shall have the option to conduct site observations
of the work anytime during construction of the project. Site observations will be required for those
activities outlined in the Agreements for SCRRA to provide acceptance or approvals of the work
All work on, over, or adjacent to the tracks must be coordinated with SCRRA, and the work is
subject to SCRRA operating rules for work on all tracks. Project Specific Work Windows shall be
obtained from SCRRA. The Project Specific Work Window hours and days will be included in the
specifications by the Project Sponsor. If work windows are not included in the project
specifications, they will be provided based on SCRRA safety requirements and SCRRA operating
Any damage to rails, ties, structures, embankment, third party property, signal and
communications equipment, or any other facilities shall be repaired, at Project Sponsor or
Contractor expense, to a condition equal or better to the condition prior to entry and as accepted
by SCRRA. The Project Sponsor or the Contractor agrees to reimburse SCRRA and/or any
operating railroads for any and all cost and expense incurred as a result of Contractor’s work
which may result in: (i) unscheduled delay to the trains or interference in any manner with the
operation of trains; (ii) unscheduled disruption to normal train operation; (iii) unreasonable
inconvenience to the public or private user of the system; (iv) loss of revenue; and (v) alternative
method of transportation for passengers.
The Site Specific Work Plan (SSWP) submittal and electronic “.PDF” drawings showing details of
construction affecting tracks and property, specifications, and plans and procedures for
excavation, demolition, falsework, sheeting and shoring, drainage, and any other proposed work
that may infringe on SCRRA Right-of Way or affect operations shall be submitted to SCRRA for
review and acceptance prior to procurement, manufacture, fabrication, and construction.
During operations adjacent to live track, all work within 25 feet of the live track or within 50 feet of
any main track(s) switch shall be stopped when trains are approaching, and equipment and
employees moved to a safe distance from the tracks.
The Project Sponsor and its Contractors shall comply with the rules and regulations contained in
the current editions of the following SCRRA documents during the construction of the project:
• Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement (SCRRA Form No. 6)
• Rules and Requirements for Construction on Railroad Property (SCRRA Form No. 37)
• General Safety Regulations for Third Party Construction and Utility Workers on SCRRA
• Applicable SCRRA Engineering Standards.
The Project Sponsor shall notify SCRRA thirty (30) working days prior to beginning work on the
Right-of-Way and secure any protection SCRRA deems necessary.
Erosion Control
The general plans for the Grade Separation shall indicate the proposed methods of erosion
control and must specifically address means to prevent silt accumulation in the ditches and
culverts and to prevent fouling the track ballast, sub-ballast, and existing drainage system.
Existing track ditches shall be maintained at all times throughout the construction period. All
erosion control shall meet current California and County requirements for SWPPP and shall have
Agency approval prior to construction. After the construction has been completed, all erosion
control devices shall be removed, all deposits of silt removed, and the ditches restored.
Acceptance of the erosion control plan does not relieve the submitting agency, consultant, and/or
Contractor of the ultimate responsibility and liability for a satisfactory erosion control plan.
Utility Adjustments
The existing utilities shall be located prior to commencing any excavations in conformance with
criteria set forth in Chapter 10.
SCRRA’s load rating guidelines serve to provide clarification of AREMA load rating requirements
and give direction where the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering is silent. These guidelines
shall supersede AREMA requirements where conflicts exist.
• Operating speed of the track, in order to accurately determine the impact factor applied to
the bridge.
• Uneven settlement of piers.
• Span bearing types and simple vs. continuous span supports.
• Structural condition of all members of the bridge, noting any deficiencies, defects, or
deterioration that may exist that affect the load rating of the member or cause the rating
of other members to be required. At a minimum, the following structural conditions should
be noted:
o Timber member rot or decay
o Concrete condition (spalls, cracking, lost concrete, rust-colored efflorescence)
o Reduction in steel reinforcement area
o Steel member corrosion or section loss
o Loose rivets, bolts, or connections in any type of member
o Crooked or damaged members
o Cracked welds or live load carrying steel members
The intent of the inspection is to verify that the load rating engineer has accurate information of
the condition of the structure and that all factors are appropriately considered during the load
rating process. The load rating engineer needs to exercise engineering judgment to determine
what defects, if any, found during the inspection are necessary to include in the rating.
The current SCRRA Bridge, Tunnel and Culvert Safety Management Policy and the AREMA
Bridge Inspection Handbook, latest edition, provides further direction on how to conduct a
thorough bridge inspection of a railroad structure. Each inspection should be coordinated with the
SCRRA Director of Structures and shall conform to all SCRRA safety and procedural
• The Maximum Rating of a structure (or component) is the maximum load level that the
structure can support at infrequent intervals. It is based on the full loading (Dead, Live,
Impact, etc.) characteristics of the structure compared to maximum overload-level
member stresses or capacities.
The AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering includes the Fatigue Rating as part of the Normal
Rating process, the results of which can sometimes mask the Strength capacity of a member.
The Strength Rating of the bridge is a measure of its structural load capacity and indicates if the
bridge is structurally deficient, whereas the Fatigue Rating is based on a reduced allowable live
load stress range that varies based on the type of member and fabrication details. The risk
associated with fatigue-sensitive bridge details can be mitigated through enhanced inspection
intervals and techniques and are less severe on inherently redundant structures. For this reason,
the Fatigue Rating of a bridge or component shall be listed separately from the Strength Rating
and both shall be included under the Normal Rating heading. The Normal Rating of a structure is
based on the strength rating
The fatigue rating results and requirements may be waived if so decided by the Bridge Engineer.
The decision should be made and documented in the bridge record on the basis of the individual
railroad’s current and historic traffic loading patterns, bridge management criteria, fatigue details,
existing structure condition and defects, inspection procedures, and failure history.
A detailed calculation of a structure’s remaining life based on its load history and predicted Live
Load shall only be done at the direction of the SCRRA Director of Structures.
13.4.3 Impact
For timber structures, increases in the live load effect due to impact have not been well
established, but are expected to be less than the increase in allowable stresses that result from
load duration multipliers that are used to determine allowable stress levels. As a result, impact
does not need to be applied to timber structures or components.
For concrete or steel bridges, the impact factor applied to the live load on the bridge or member
shall be as follows:
• Concrete – per the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 8, Section 2.2.3d,
reduced for operating speed per Chapter 8, Section 19.3.4b
• Steel members – per AREMA Manual Chapter 15, Section 1.3.5, reduced for operating
speed per Chapter 15, Section
Considerations shall be made for length of bridge, ballast deck spans, rocking effect of cars, and
type of locomotive, as appropriate.
The impact load for the Fatigue Rating for steel members shall be reduced per the AREMA
Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section 1.3.13.
13.5.2 Timber
The species of the timber of an existing bridge shall be determined from as-built plans or from the
standard plans used by the railroad that originally constructed the bridge. If as-built or standard
plans are not available, the species of the wood shall be assumed based on what was
predominantly used in the area at the time.
Allowable stresses to be used to determine the Normal Rating of the structure or component shall
be per the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 7, Section 3.1.14.
13.5.3 Concrete
The compressive strength of the concrete, yield strength of the mild reinforcement, or ultimate
strength of the prestressing strands shall be assumed to match the design requirements listed on
the as-built plans, unless field observations or construction documentation suggests that reduced
values should be used. If as-built plans are unavailable and the material strengths are unknown,
the load rating engineer shall use the age of the structure along with historical data of typical
material strengths that were predominant in the area of the bridge to determine the material
properties of the structure. If information specific to the area cannot be found, the AREMA Manual
for Railway Engineering, Chapter 8, Sections and, provide suggested values
to use for concrete and reinforcement capacity.
13.5.4 Steel
The yield and/or ultimate strength of the steel used in a steel bridge or component shall be
determined from as-built plans or from the standard plans used by the railroad that originally
constructed the bridge. If as-built plans are unavailable and the material strength is unknown, the
load rating engineer shall use the age of the structure along with historical data of typical material
strengths that were predominant in the area of the bridge to determine the material properties of
the structure. The AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15. Section,
provides suggested values to use for various types of steel.
Allowable stresses to be used for the Normal Rating shall be per Chapter 15, Table 15-1-11.
Allowable stresses to be used for the Fatigue Rating, when considered, shall be per Chapter 15,
Allowable stresses to be used for the Maximum Rating shall be per Chapter 15, Table 15-7-1, as
described in Chapter 15, Section
Open-deck ties shall be analyzed as continuous beams, as appropriate, and modeled with one of
the following possible support conditions provided by the supporting beams:
1. Point supports at each beam centerline
2. Point supports at each edge of the top flange (two supports per beam)
3. Uniform bearing pressure across the whole top flange
Longitudinal distribution of an axle load shall be per the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering,
Chapter 15, Section
Stringers that span between floorbeams may be made up of either rolled beams or built-up
members. In accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section
1.2.7, stringers shall be assumed to be a simple span from centerline to centerline of the
Stringers shall be rated in accordance with Section 13.7.13, Steel Rolled Beam Spans, or Section
13.7.14, Steel Deck Plate Girders, depending on if they are rolled shapes or built-up members,
Floorbeams that span between TPGs may be made up of either rolled beams or built-up
members. In accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section
1.2.7, floorbeams shall be assumed to be a simple span from centerline to centerline of TPGs.
Floorbeams shall be rated in accordance with Section 13.7.13, Steel Rolled Beam Spans, or
Section 13.7.14, Steel Deck Plate Girders, depending on if they are rolled shapes or built-up
members, respectively.
TPGs are usually steel riveted, bolted, or welded built-up members that are designed as a simple
span member between bent or pier supports. Track loads shall be appropriately distributed to
each TPG line considering track superelevation and position.
TPGs shall be rated in accordance with Section 13.7.14, Steel Deck Plate Girders, including the
splice requirements discussed in Section 13.7.19, Splices in Steel Members.
Stringers that span between floorbeams may be made up of either rolled beams or built-up
members. In accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section
1.2.7, stringers shall be assumed to be a simple span from centerline to centerline of floorbeams.
Stringers shall be rated in accordance with Section 13.7.13, Steel Rolled Beam Spans, or
Section 13.7.14, Steel Deck Plate Girders, depending on if they are rolled shapes or built-up
members, respectively.
Floorbeams that span between truss lines may be made up of either rolled beams or built-up
members. In accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 15, Section
1.2.7, floorbeams shall be assumed to be a simple span from centerline to centerline of trusses.
Floorbeams shall be rated in accordance with Section 13.7.13, Steel Rolled Beam Spans, or
Section 13.7.14, Steel Deck Plate Girders, depending on if they are rolled shapes or built-up
members, respectively.
Each individual member in a truss line shall be rated for axial tension or compression (or both),
as applicable, using the maximum forces that develop in the truss configuration based on the
track configuration and location. The following ratings shall be made per truss member type:
• Tension Members – Rate for yield on the gross section (with special consideration for
eyebars) and fracture on the net section.
• Compression Members – Rate for gross axial compression.
• Dual Members – Rate for all tension member and compression member limit states.
Pins used to connect individual truss members together (except at bearings) shall be rated for
flexure and shear. The actual position of the members attached to the pin shall be determined
during the inspection to ensure that forces are accurately applied to the pin during the rating.
13.7.17 Bearings
Bearings shall generally not be required to be rated unless the SCRRA Director of Structures or
the inspection results indicate a need for a bearing to be analyzed. If necessary, pins shall be
rated as described above, and all other bearings shall be rated for compression (or bearing) on
the materials (typically concrete, steel, or elastomer) that are in contact. Load transfer may
generally be assumed to follow a 1:1 slope from the top contact plane through a material to the
bottom contact plane, unless limited by the dimensions of the layer.
13.7.18 Connections
The capacity of connections between primary members (stringer to floorbeam, floorbeam to TPG,
etc.) shall be rated for a minimum of bolt/rivet shear and bearing or weld/base metal shear
Connections between secondary and primary members need not be rated unless otherwise
directed by the SCRRA Director of Structures; however, the bracing capacity of secondary
members shall be accurately accommodated during the rating of the primary member.
for bridges with steel components for reference. Available methods and testing technology for
bridges with concrete components are also presented in greater detail due to the inability to
visually determine the properties necessary for rating these structures.
Only the 286-kip unit train, Amtrak passenger train, and SCRRA passenger train A demands are
shown in Table 13-2, as the example assumes that 315-kip unit trains, SCRRA passenger train
B and intermodal unit trains do not run across this bridge.
Deviation from the preferred design criteria will require the approval of the SCRRA Project
Manager via written acknowledgement. Deviation from the minimum criteria will require approval
by SCRRA through a Request for Special Design Consideration (see Section 3.2.2).
stiffness and/or stability of the foundations due to liquefiable soils. Liquefaction may occur at any
level of seismic event, and recommendations shall be provided specifically for each design level
under consideration.
The seismic design guidelines included in the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter
9, are based on a three-level ground motion and performance criteria approach that is consistent
with the railroad post-seismic-event response procedures.
Caltrans SDC and AASHTO provisions are applied with AREMA Level 2 and Level 3 events to
provide design methodology and ductility requirements on which AREMA is silent. In general,
railroad-bridge-specific research and testing regarding seismic detailing and performance is
limited. Therefore, recommendations for highway bridge design have been substituted through
the use of Caltrans SDC and AASHTO. In some cases, meeting those provisions for AREMA
events can result in more conservative designs than would be otherwise necessary.
Design process for all seismic measures/retrofits shall include a climate vulnerability review to
identify opportunities to simultaneously address climate hazard vulnerability based on projected
future conditions within the anticipated lifetime of the asset. If undertaking climate adaption
measures/retrofits, combine with seismic retrofits where needed to ensure assets are resilient to
earthquakes and climate vulnerability to minimize service disruptions.
• Critical non-redundant members respond elastically, with the balance of the structure
deforming inelastically to the rare seismic event (Level 2, Ultimate Limit State).
• Critical members that are designed and detailed for ductile behavior under seismically
induced movements respond inelastically with full plastic deformation during the very rare
seismic event (Level 3, Survivability Limit State).
These seismic performance criteria define limit states of serviceability, ultimate, and survivability,
as shown in Table 14-2.
o Survivability limit state analysis and design should be performed in accordance with
Caltrans SDC, with the AREMA Level 3 response spectrum and the applicable return
period of the earthquake event. The design approach references the Caltrans SDC
because AREMA does not specify a defined approach for designing to meet the
survivability limit state.
14.8.2 Superstructure
Simply supported spans of standard configuration are accepted by SCRRA because they have
performed well during past earthquakes and can be repaired or replaced more readily than
continuous spans.
14.8.3 Substructure
Wide seat widths at the abutments and piers allow for large displacements without unseating the
bridge spans. Seat widths shall be provided in accordance with the AREMA Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapter 9, Section
14.8.4 Foundations
When selecting the foundation type, the designer should consider the seismic hazard and the soil
conditions at the site. To the extent possible, bridge foundations in regions of high seismicity
should be founded on stiff and stable soil layers, preferably rock. Deep foundations are required
in order to reach below liquefiable soil layers. Piles should have sufficient buckling capacity to
resist vertical loads in case of liquefaction of surrounding soil layers.
Deep shaft foundations shall be upsized to meet the weak column provisions of
Section 14.11.3 and remain elastic under seismic loading. This is commonly defined as a Type II
shaft, where the below-ground shaft is larger in diameter than the above-ground column.
A substitution request for a Type I shaft may be considered, where a constant diameter shaft and
column are constructed, if the magnitude of scour at a river crossing results in an unreasonable
design with Type II shafts. However, if a Type I shaft is approved by SCRRA, steel casing and/or
added reinforcing steel shall be used to strengthen the below-ground shaft to meet the weak
column provisions.
14.9.1 Simplicity
Simplicity is an important characteristic for good seismic behavior. Bridges with a direct and clear
seismic load path, a predictable response, and simple connection details are preferred over
complex structures. Bridges that are simple will be easier to inspect and repair. In simple
structures, the most important members in the seismic load transfer system can be readily
identified, designed, and detailed for adequate behavior. Bridges with sufficient seat widths and
simply supported spans have performed well in the past and should continue to be used whenever
14.9.3 Integrity
Different parts of a bridge may respond differently during an earthquake and may result in large
relative displacements. Displacement compatibility may be achieved by either designing
connections to resist deformations or by allowing displacements or deformations to occur in a
controlled manner.
The design of expansion joints and bearings is critical to the seismic performance of the structure.
Large earthquake-induced seismic forces and displacements can result at these locations and at
other discontinuities within the superstructure, and they must be accounted for during design.
Increased integrity is achieved by keeping the number of connections that are vulnerable to
seismic loading to a minimum.
Measures for preventing excessive relative displacements of superstructure components include
placing foundations on firm and stable ground and driving piles to stable soil as well as providing
shear keys and other restraining devices at the seats. Track structures continuous through the
bridge can increase integrity, especially in the longitudinal direction. Catcher and back-up systems
may be added to prevent collapse during a severe earthquake, even if significant damage has
14.9.4 Ductility
During large earthquakes, stresses and strains in bridge members and connections exceed the
elastic range, and structures could experience large inelastic deformations. Ductility is the ability
of a member, component, or structure to sustain large deflections beyond the elastic range without
failure or collapse. It is usually defined in terms of the ratio between maximum deformation without
failure and yield deformation.
The ductility of a structure depends on the individual member ductility and its loading condition,
the ductility of the connection details, and the structure configuration. For example, nonductile
and poorly braced members loaded in compression may experience sudden failure even prior to
reaching yield stresses.
14.10.1 General
Ductility is the main criteria for satisfying the ultimate and the survivability limit state requirements.
It is generally quantified as a ratio of ultimate deformation to yield deformation, and it could refer
to member, component, or structure ductility.
14.10.5 Connections
Connections can have a significant effect on seismic resistance. They attract some of the largest
seismic demands, and they often are the weakest links in the seismic load-resisting system.
Bolted connections are preferable over welded connections. Bolted connections are more ductile
and reliable and also provide for more damping. Field welds should be avoided, especially in
regions of expected inelastic deformations. Intermittent welds and partial penetration groove
welds (transverse to direction of primary stress) are prohibited, as well as those listed in AREMA
Chapter 15, Section 1.10.2. Gusset plates should be designed to carry the compressive design
strength of the members without local buckling. In order to prevent premature buckling of gusset
plate edges, the ratios of the length of free edge of gusset plate to thickness should be limited
based on b/t ratio criteria for plates with an unsupported edge.
The superstructure shall be designed to carry the lateral loads to the bearings or shear transfer
The lateral loads from the span may be carried to the end supports by the following load paths:
• Lateral bracing system
• Lateral bending of the girders, including torsional effects as applicable
• Diaphragm action of concrete decks or steel ballast pans provided that the deck is
adequately connected to the girders
End cross frames or diaphragms shall be designed to carry the lateral loads to the bearings or
shear transfer connectors.
The bearings shall be designed to transfer the lateral loads to the substructure.
Bearing may be supplemented by shear connectors to help transfer the lateral loads without
failure of the bearing devices.
Elastomeric bearing pads may exceed the allowable shear deformation by 50 percent for Level 1
and may exceed the ultimate shear deformation capacity of the pad for Levels 2 and 3.
Seismic ductility and detailing provisions shall conform to the AREMA Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapter 9, Section 1.4.7, and Caltrans SDC Section 8 “Seismic Detailing.”
Splices in Reinforcing
Lap splices are not allowed in a main load-carrying member within a distance “d” (effective depth)
of any area designed to respond in the inelastic range, including a plastic hinge zone.
Concrete Joints
Concrete joints shall be configured and reinforced to reduce the possibility of damage to the
superstructure, bent cap, and foundation:
• Provide adequate longitudinal column reinforcement embedment and confinement.
• Provide joint shear reinforcement.
Steel Joints
Joints in main lateral load-carrying steel members shall be designed to be stronger than the
adjoining members. This requirement may be met by designing the connections for the lesser of
1.3 times the connecting member expected yield strength or the Level 3 ground motion load.
Bearing Seats
Bearing seats should be proportioned to accommodate the maximum relative movements caused
by seismic actions.
Shear Connectors
Shear connectors may be provided to resist the maximum seismic loads. The shear connectors
should be positioned so that they engage prior to failure of the bearing device.
The minimum factors of safety specified above apply to common retaining wall and earth-retaining
structure types with soil and subsurface conditions that have been investigated at the site and
generally conform to normal conditions in the local area. For special conditions involving unknown
or poorly understood subsurface conditions or uncommon types of earth-retaining structures,
more conservative factors of safety should be considered.
In addition, structural components shall be designed to provide ultimate strength in excess of the
expected demands of the AREMA Level 2 event and, if possible, to remain within the elastic stress
range. Ductile detailing shall be provided for critical structure members and connections.
surfaces, a limit equilibrium method satisfying both force and moment equilibrium is required, with
Spencer’s method preferred. For circular slip surfaces, Modified Bishop’s or Spencer’s method
may be used. The infinite slope method may be used for shallow slip surfaces in cohesionless
soils with slope lengths of 30 feet or more. Soil shear strength used in slope stability analyses
shall be determined for both short-term (undrained) and long-term (drained) conditions, as
applicable. The FS as a ratio of available shear strength to mobilized shear strength shall be
greater than 1.1 for the specified seismic event.
If the earthen embankment is subject to soil liquefaction under a Level 2 event, the performance
level of the earthen embankment shall be addressed in the project-specific design criteria.
The minimum factor of safety specified above applies to soil and subsurface conditions that have
been investigated at the site and generally conform to normal conditions in the local area. For
special conditions involving unknown or poorly understood subsurface conditions, more
conservative factors of safety should be considered.
The design shall meet all applicable parts of the State of California general laws, California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) requirements, FRA and SCRRA safety requirements, the
requirements listed in this section and the specific project requirements. Where any conflict in
criteria exists, the stricter criteria shall govern.
See the standards and codes listed in Appendix A.
Criteria: For the purpose of this chapter, Criteria shall be considered this document (SCRRA
Excavation Support Criteria) in part or in its entirety. Other documents may be referred to as
criteria and shall not mean this document.
Deadman: A buried or partially buried structure that is utilized as an anchorage for tension rods
that restrain a shoring wall. Deadman anchorage may be provided by soldier piles, sheet piling,
or concrete blocks or walls.
Deep Soil Mix Wall: An augered, cement grout soil improvement technique, incorporating soldier
pile reinforcement, whereby in-situ soils are mixed in place with cement grout to form a row of
overlapped soil-cement columns. These overlapped soil-cement columns are used for both
groundwater cutoff and, with soldier piles, as a reinforced-soil diaphragm-type shoring wall.
Diaphragm Wall: A continuous shoring wall comprised of concrete or a mixture of cement and
soil (usually with embedded vertical steel members) that is drilled or excavated in place prior to
excavation in order to support lateral loads from retained soil and water. Examples of diaphragm
walls include deep soil mix walls, secant walls, tangent walls, and slurry walls.
Exclusive Track Window: An approved Work Window in which no train movements (except
Contractor, SCRRA work trains or equipment under control of the Employee-in-Charge/Flagman,
per the SSWP) will operate on Segment of Track with Definite Boundaries (Working Limits). The
Contractor may dismantle, remove, reconstruct, or otherwise obstruct tracks within the limits of
such a window. Tracks removed, reconstructed, or otherwise obstructed within the limits of such
a window must be returned to at least the same condition as they were before the work started,
or as required by the project, at the end of the time limits granted. This Work shall be completed
such that it is safe to operate trains in accordance with SCRRA and FRA track safety requirements
as determined by a qualified Track Inspector.
Grouting: Injection of fluid materials into the ground to improve the strength of ground, decrease
permeability and prevent water inflows, and/or compensate for ground settlements and
movements. Types of grouting include permeation grouting (cement, micro-cement, chemical,
etc.), jet grouting, and compaction grouting.
Lagging: Timber boards, planking or sheathing, reinforced concrete planks, or steel plate
secured between adjacent soldier piles.
Packing: Steel, wood, concrete or non-shrink grout used to fill gaps and transfer load between
the shoring wall and bracing elements.
Preloading: Placement of initial loads in bracing members by jacking and shimming or wedging
to assure adequate bearing of connected shoring elements and to reduce ground movements.
Railroad Zone of Influence: The zone within which shored excavation is required and the
shoring system is required to be designed for railroad live load surcharge. See Figure 15-1.
Secant Wall: A continuous shoring wall formed by a series of overlapped, concrete-filled drilled
piers (otherwise commonly referred to as drilled shafts or cast-in-drilled-hole [CIDH] piles). A
minimum of every other pier is reinforced to span vertically.
Sheet Piling: Vertical steel shapes that are driven/vibrated into the ground and interlocked with
each other to form a continuous wall in order to support lateral loads from retained soil and water.
Slurry Wall: Continuous, reinforced concrete wall constructed by filling a series of discrete
trenches with tremie concrete. Tremie concrete displaces bentonite or polymer slurry that is in the
trench. The slurry is used to prevent collapse of the trench during excavation for slurry wall
placement or CIDH excavation. The resulting concrete barrier wall retains soil and groundwater
on the exterior side of the slurry wall and permits the excavation and removal of soil on the interior
side of the wall. Walls may be reinforced or non-reinforced.
Soil Nailing: A system in which soil nails are typically grouted, un-tensioned rebars that are
installed in drilled holes in order to form a reinforced soil mass. Reinforced shotcrete is applied to
the face of the excavation. Shotcreting and nail installation proceed in a top down manner as
excavation proceeds.
Soldier Piles: Vertical steel shapes (typically wide flange “W” or “H” pile) installed to support
lateral loads from retained soil (and water, if part of a sealed shoring system).
Strut: A brace (compression member) that resists thrust in the direction of its own length.
Tangent Wall: A shoring wall formed by a series of concrete-filled drilled piers (otherwise
commonly referred to as drilled shafts or cast-in-drilled-hole [CIDH] piles) that are installed
tangent to each other and do not overlap. A minimum of every other pier is reinforced to span
Tieback (Soil Anchor): A tension element utilized to restrain a shoring wall. A tieback consists
of a steel tendon (bar or strands) installed in a drilled hole. The tendon is bonded to the soil over
its anchorage length with cement grout or epoxy grout. The tendon is tensioned to provide positive
restraint to the shoring wall and to reduce wall deflections.
Tremie Concrete: Tremie concrete refers to placement by gravity feed from a hopper through a
vertical pipe extending from above the surface to the underwater floor. The concrete displaces
the water or slurry as the concrete is deposited.
Trench Shield or Trench Box: Pre-fabricated structure that is commonly installed to support
lateral earth loads for utility installation, and whose walls commonly have no embedment into the
soils below excavation subgrade. Trench shields are typically installed within pre-excavated slots
and/or pushed into the ground as the excavation proceeds.
Wale: Horizontal beam used to brace vertical excavation shoring elements.
A. Excavation is prohibited.
B. Alternates to shored excavations shall be utilized. Potential alternates include
temporary relocation of the tracks away from the area of excavation or completion of
excavation and backfilling work during an Exclusive Track Window that has been
planned and approved in advance by SCRRA. Requirements for requesting an
Exclusive Track Window are provided in Section 15.4.2. Minimum requirements for
excavation and backfill work within Zone 1 are provided in Section 15.4.2. Prior to
beginning any shoring SCRRA will typically require that the track be removed and hot
mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) sub-ballast layer be placed, 8 inches thick, 12 feet wide
(centered on the track centerline) and extending 20 feet in each direction past the
length of the shored excavation. SCRRA shoofly requirements are provided in the
SCRRA Design Criteria Manual.
A. No excavation or temporary shoring installation will be allowed without the
special written permission of SCRRA. Additional requirements for excavation and
shoring within Zone 2 are provided in Section 15.4.2.
B. Alternates to shored excavations shall be utilized when practical.
C. If SCRRA grants a variance to allow excavation, vertical excavation with continuous
shoring walls is required. Shoring installation shall be complete prior to any excavation.
Design of the shoring system shall include lateral surcharge due to railroad live load
and account for loading from multiple tracks if present.
D. Prior to beginning any shoring SCRRA will typically require that the track be removed
and hot mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) sub-ballast layer be placed, 8 inches thick,
12 feet wide (centered on the track centerline) and extending 20 feet in each direction
past the length of the shored excavation.
E. Examples of continuous shoring wall types include interlocked sheet piling or
diaphragm walls. Diaphragm wall types include deep soil mix walls, secant pile walls,
tangent pile walls, and slurry walls. Soldier piles and lagging are not allowed if
excavation is necessary to install lagging.
A. Excavation requires temporary shoring. Excavations shall be vertical. Continuous
shoring walls installed prior to any excavation are preferred. Maximum excavation lifts
shall be limited to five feet for each stage of excavation for soldier pile and lagging
walls or any other type of shoring that requires excavation of an open soil face prior to
installing continuous support elements.
B. If the shored excavation is 15 feet or less from the centerline of the track, prior to
beginning any shoring SCRRA may require that the track be removed and hot mix
asphalt concrete (HMAC) sub-ballast layer be placed, 8 inches thick, 12 feet wide
(centered on the track centerline) and extending 20 feet in each direction past the
length of the shored excavation.
C. Design of the shoring system shall include lateral surcharge due to railroad live
load and account for the loading from multiple tracks if present.
A. Excavation requires temporary shoring.
B. Lateral surcharge due to railroad live load need not be considered in the shoring
C. The excavation shall be provided with a shoring system that actively supports the sides
of the excavation and prevents the excavation faces from unraveling or moving.
Sloped excavations are not permitted.
D. Hydraulic and mechanical trench shores with sheeting, trench shields, and timber
shoring may be utilized. However, installation of the shoring system must be
completed before movement of trains is allowed on the adjacent track. Work Windows,
within which the shoring system installation must be completed, shall be coordinated
with SCRRA.
A. Lateral surcharge due to railroad live load need not be considered in the shoring
B. Shored vertical excavations are preferred. Sloped excavations are discouraged.
SCRRA may require slope stability analysis for sloped excavations.
C. Excavation and temporary shoring shall comply with Cal/OSHA and other applicable
Jacking and receiving pits for installation of culverts or utility casings shall be a minimum of 25 feet
from centerline of the nearest active track. Construction activities on SCRRA Right-of-Way and
excavations for jacking and/or boring operations shall comply with all other provisions of these
Criteria as applicable.
15.4.2 Variances
SCRRA prohibits excavation in Zone 1 and does not allow excavation in Zone 2 without special
written permission. Variances for allowing excavation within these prohibited areas may be
granted on a case-by-case basis by SCRRA at its sole discretion. Planning, design and bidding
shall not be based on the assumption that a variance will be granted to allow shored excavation
or that an Exclusive Track Window will be approved.
The following minimum requirements shall be met for excavation and backfilling in Zone 1 under
an Exclusive Track Window.
A. Excavation and backfilling must be completed during a single, uninterrupted period of time
during which no train movements will occur on the track(s).
B. Typically, these activities will be restricted to nights and weekends and limited to 4-6 hours
or less. Exclusive Track Window requests with durations of more than 12 hours will not be
C. Backfilling materials, procedures, placement and performance criteria shall meet the
requirements of SCRRA Standard Specifications for Earthwork Section 31 20 00.
D. The SCRRA will typically require that a hot mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) sub-ballast layer,
8 inches thick, 12 feet wide centered on the track center line, and extending 20 feet in both
directions past the length of the shored excavation be installed. The nominal thickness of
the ballast above the HMAC layer and below the bottom of the tie shall be 6 inches.
E. SCRRA shall be compensated for the full cost of removing and replacing track and ballast
and any other work deemed necessary by SCRRA to provide safe and fully operational
track. The Contractor will be required to install the HMAC sub-ballast layer.
F. SCRRA shall be compensated for the full cost of having a qualified inspector on site
throughout the duration of the work.
The following additional minimum requirements for shored excavations in Zone 2 above and
beyond the other requirements of these Criteria shall be met for Special Design Consideration
requested in accordance with Section 3.2.2:
A. Excavation shall have a length parallel to the track no greater than 100 feet.
B. Vertical excavations with continuous shoring walls are required.
C. A hot mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) sub-ballast with dimensions described above will
typically be required.
D. Shoring installation shall be complete prior to any excavation.
E. Depth of excavation shall be limited to 12 feet below top of tie.
F. Time that excavation remains open shall be limited to 30 days.
G. Supplemental monitoring of the track will be required.
Unshored excavation adjacent to a track will only be allowed in soil conditions that will permit the
work to be performed without disturbing the adjacent track and/or the materials supporting the
Localized shallow trenching for utility installation and excavations for the installation of precast
concrete foundations (such as signal foundations) are examples of cases where exceptions may
be granted. Exceptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis by SCRRA at its sole discretion.
Factors SCRRA will consider when assessing whether or not to grant an exception include: the
length of time required to complete the excavation and backfilling, the available time between
train movements on the adjacent track, and local soil conditions.
15.4.5 Right-of-Way
Railroad Right-of-Way, in many cases, is maintained by SCRRA and owned in fee by the Member
Agencies. Public Agency or Third-Party projects that affect the Right-of-Way must be coordinated
with SCRRA Rail Corridor Crossings and Encroachment (C&E) Division. The procedures for
applying for Right-of-Way encroachment, and the appropriate forms are found in
Form 36 – Right-of-Way Encroachment Approval Procedures, available on the SCRRA web site:
Excavation work will often have an effect on the existing Right-of-Way. The Public Agency shall
determine the status of the Right-of-Way within the limits of the project at the earliest stages of
the project in order to properly identify the encumbrances and issues related to any proposed
excavation. The application of these SCRRA Criteria to proposed excavations may result in the
need for additional Right-of-Way. In cases where additional Right-of-Way is required, the
Engineer in Responsible Charge shall develop the appropriate mapping and Right-of-Way
definition in accordance with SCRRA standards for the proper definition of the Right-of-Way. The
Public Agency shall take the lead for land acquisition. The Engineer in Responsible Charge shall
properly define the necessary Right-of-Way, provide legal descriptions, and work with SCRRA’s
Right-of-Way administrator, and the Member Agency’s real estate department, as needed, to
advance the process of property acquisition, easement or preparing a license agreement.
In some cases, SCRRA also shares Right-of-Way with BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) and
Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR). In order to perform work on their Right-of-Way, approval shall
also be obtained from BNSF and/or UPRR depending on the Right-of-Way ownership.
15.4.6 Utilities
Existing utilities shall be located prior to commencing any excavation. Acceptance of the project
by SCRRA does not constitute a representation as to the accuracy or completeness of location
or the existence or non-existence of any utilities or structures within the limits of the project. The
appropriate regional notification center [Underground Service Alert of California (DIGALERT) at
(800) 227-2600 or 811], railway companies and utility companies shall be notified prior to
performing any excavation close to any underground pipeline, conduit, duct, wire, cable or other
structure. Refer to the SCRRA web site: to ensure proper contacts and
phone numbers.
SCRRA is not a member of DIGALERT; it is, therefore, necessary to call the SCRRA signal
department phone number to mark, at Public Agency or Contractor expense, signal and
communication cables and conduits. In case of signal emergencies, the Contractor shall call the
SCRRA 24-hour signal emergency number. If utilities cannot be located, potholing shall be
performed to locate the utilities. SCRRA and appropriate utility owners shall be notified
immediately when utility lines that were not known or indicated on the drawings are encountered.
No service shall be disrupted until the utility owner and SCRRA have determined the required
action on such lines.
15.4.8 Construction
Construction of excavations or temporary shoring systems within the Basic Safety Envelope (i.e.,
within 25 feet of the centerline of the nearest active track), or with the potential of entering the
Basic Safety Envelope requires a Site Specific Work Plan (SSWP). Once the applicable
right-of-entry requirements, safety training requirements, and an accepted SSWP are in-place,
the Contractor may proceed with construction according to the design plans, specifications and
accepted SSWP. The Contractor or Public Agency shall notify SCRRA 30 working days prior to
beginning work on the Right-of-Way.
Any damage to rails, ties, structures, embankments, Third Party property, signal and
communications equipment, or any other facilities during construction shall be repaired, at the
expense of the Public Agency or Contractor, to a condition equal to or better than the condition
prior to entry and to a level accepted by SCRRA. The Public Agency or Contractor agrees to
reimburse SCRRA and any affected operating railroads for any and all costs and expenses
incurred as a result of their work, which may result in the following:
A. Unscheduled delay to trains or interference in any manner with the operation of trains.
B. Unscheduled disruption to normal railroad operations.
C. Unreasonable inconvenience to the public or private users of the system.
D. Loss of revenue.
E. Alternative method of transportation for passengers.
The Public Agency and Contractor shall comply with the rules and regulations contained in the
current editions of the SCRRA documents listed below during construction. The following
documents are available on the SCRRA web site:
A. Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement (Form 6)
B. Rules and Requirements for Construction on Railroad Property (Form 37)
C. General Safety Regulations for Third Party Construction and Maintenance Activity on
SCRRA Member Agency Property
D. Applicable SCRRA Engineering Standards
SCRRA may operate work trains along the corridor for the Contractor on various construction
projects. The work trains transport a variety of equipment and materials for these projects. The
time and number of work train traffic will vary.
The Contractor’s activities that have the potential to foul the tracks (mainline or otherwise) will be
suspended during all train movements within the construction limits.
The Contractor will generally be directed by SCRRA flagperson as to the need to suspend
operations. The number of flagmen required will be determined by SCRRA per its review of the
Contractor’s SSWP.
All shoring work within the Basic Safety Envelope shall be performed in accordance with an
accepted SSWP.
15.4.12 Clearances
All elements of the shoring system shall be placed such that they satisfy the clearance
requirements specified in CPUC General Order 26-D.
The preferred clearance from centerline of track to fixed objects such as posts, poles, signs, and
elements of shoring systems that extend above the top of rail is 10 feet.
15.6.1 General
Lateral loading from the following sources shall be considered in the design of the temporary
shoring system:
A. Retained Soil
B. Retained Groundwater (hydrostatic pressure)
C. Surcharge from all applicable sources, including, but not limited to, railroad live load,
equipment and vehicles, material stockpiles, structures and improvements, etc.
Additionally, under certain conditions, earthquake (seismic) loading shall be considered. See
Section 15.6.5.
Other sources of load, including centrifugal force from a train, impact loads, thermal loads, and
wind loads are typically not required to be considered in the design of shoring. Such loads need
only be considered in cases where they are significant. For example, centrifugal forces may need
to be considered in the design of a shoring system constructed at a curve over which trains travel
at high speeds.
flexible shoring system shall be assumed to take the form of an equivalent fluid pressure (EFP);
i.e., a triangularly shaped pressure distribution.
EFP values used for shoring design shall be ascertained by a Registered Geotechnical Engineer,
or, alternatively, by a Registered Civil Engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering. In no
case shall the design active EFP for soil above the groundwater table be less than 30 psf/ft for
level retained earth when this approach is used (i.e., the active pressure at any depth shall not be
less than 30(Y) psf where Y is a depth below the ground surface in feet). This minimum EFP value
must be increased appropriately when the shoring system is retaining a sloped cut.
Alternatively, the retained soils may be classified as either Type 2, 3, 4, or 5 in accordance with
the soil descriptions in Table 8-5-1 in Chapter 8 of the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering.
Representative soil properties for each classification are given in Table 8-5-2 in Chapter 8 of the
AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering. The soil properties for the Type 1 classification given in
AREMA Table 8-5-2 shall not be used. In no case shall the design EFP for soil above the
groundwater table be less than 37 psf/ft for level retained earth when this approach is used (i.e.,
the active pressure at any depth shall not be less than 37(Y) psf where Y is a depth below the
ground surface in feet). This EFP corresponds to Type 2 soil classification. This minimum value
must be increased appropriately for the case of shoring that is retaining a sloped cut.
Passive Resistance
Cohesionless Soil
The passive resistance in cohesionless (c = 0) soils shall be determined based upon log-spiral
theory (refer to Figure 8 in the Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual). Determination of the
coefficient of passive pressure (Kp) is a function of Φ and the angle of wall friction (δ).
Previous railroad design criteria have required that δ be assumed to be 0° due to dynamic train
loading. However, this assumption can produce overly conservative results. In lieu of requiring
δ = 0°, at the shoring designer’s option, δdesign may be assumed to be a maximum of δtyp/2, where
δtyp is the wall friction value that would be utilized in the design of typical shoring away from
railroad tracks. In no case shall δ exceed Φ/4.
Cohesive Soil
In cohesive (Φ = 0°) soil, Kp = 1.0, and the passive resistance is γez+2c, where γe is the effective
unit weight of the soil (i.e., the moist unit weight above the water level and the buoyant unit weight
below the water level) and z is a depth below excavation grade.
Negative active pressures shall not be utilized to increase the available passive resistance under
any circumstances. (Negative active pressures can be computed when 2c exceeds γeH, where H
is the depth of excavation.)
c, Φ Soil
Passive pressure diagrams can be developed for c, Φ soils using more complex theoretical
expressions. However, it is common to consider a soil stratum as either a purely cohesionless or
cohesive soil depending on the soil’s predominant physical properties and expected behavior.
Lateral pressure resulting from vertical surcharge loads should be computed in accordance with
the equations presented in Section 20.3.2 in Chapter 8 of the AREMA Manual for Railway
15.7.1 General
All temporary shoring systems supporting excavations within Zones 1, 2 and 3 of the Railroad
Zone of Influence (see Section 15.4.1) shall be designed for lateral pressure due to railroad live
load surcharge. Railroad live load surcharge shall be based on Cooper’s E-80 live load and the
presence of multiple tracks shall be included. Lateral pressure resulting from railroad live load
surcharge shall be computed using the Boussinesq equation (see Figure 15-3). No reduction in
lateral surcharge pressure shall be allowed for “flexible” or “semi-rigid” wall behavior, typically
50 percent and 75 percent in non-railroad applications, respectively (i.e. 100 percent Boussinesq
live load surcharge for “rigid” wall behavior is required for design of all shoring wall types).
Lateral surcharge pressure values for various depths below bottom of tie and distances to
centerline of track computed using the Boussinesq equation are provided in Table 15-1.
The values in Table 15-1 were developed for the standard wood tie length (TL) of 8 feet 6-inches.
The values developed for the standard concrete tie length (8.25 feet) are not meaningfully
different from those presented in Table 15-1. Note that the tabulated values apply only for
situations where the top of shoring is at or above the elevation of the bottom of railroad ties.
The following examples are located in Appendix G of this DCM:
• Example G-09-5 Railroad Live Load Surcharge from Two Tracks
• Example G-09-6 Railroad Live Load Surcharge from Three Tracks
Only surcharge from those tracks for which the shored excavation is within the Railroad Zone of
Influence need be considered.
g p
d distance from centerline of track to face of shoring (feet)
(feet) 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
1 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 8
2 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 19 18 17 16
3 42 40 38 36 35 33 32 30 29 28 27 25 24
4 56 53 51 48 46 44 42 40 38 37 35 34 32
5 69 66 62 60 57 54 52 50 47 45 44 42 40
6 82 78 74 70 67 64 61 59 56 54 52 50 48
7 93 89 85 81 77 74 71 68 65 62 60 57 55
8 105 100 95 91 87 83 80 76 73 70 67 65 62
9 115 110 105 100 96 92 88 84 81 78 75 72 69
10 125 119 114 109 104 100 96 92 88 85 82 79 76
11 133 128 122 117 112 108 103 99 95 92 88 85 82
12 141 135 130 124 119 115 110 106 102 98 95 91 88
13 148 142 136 131 126 121 117 112 108 104 100 97 93
14 154 148 142 137 132 127 122 118 114 110 106 102 99
15 159 153 148 142 137 132 127 123 119 115 111 107 103
16 164 158 152 147 142 137 132 128 123 119 115 111 108
17 167 162 156 151 146 141 136 132 127 123 119 115 112
18 170 165 159 154 149 144 140 135 131 127 123 119 115
19 172 167 162 157 152 147 143 138 134 130 126 122 119
20 173 168 163 159 154 149 145 141 137 133 129 125 122
21 174 169 165 160 156 151 147 143 139 135 131 128 124
22 174 170 165 161 157 153 149 145 141 137 133 130 126
23 174 170 166 161 157 153 150 146 142 138 135 131 128
24 173 169 165 161 158 154 150 147 143 140 136 133 129
25 172 168 165 161 158 154 150 147 144 140 137 134 131
26 170 167 164 160 157 154 150 147 144 141 138 135 131
27 168 165 162 159 156 153 150 147 144 141 138 135 132
28 166 163 160 158 155 152 149 146 144 141 138 135 132
29 163 161 158 156 153 151 148 146 143 140 138 135 132
30 160 158 156 154 152 149 147 145 142 140 137 135 132
31 157 155 154 152 150 148 146 143 141 139 136 134 132
32 154 153 151 149 148 146 144 142 140 138 136 133 131
33 151 150 148 147 145 144 142 140 138 136 134 132 130
34 147 146 145 144 143 142 140 138 137 135 133 131 129
35 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 136 135 133 132 130 128
36 140 140 139 139 138 137 136 134 133 132 130 129 127
37 137 137 136 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 127 126
38 133 133 133 133 132 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 124
39 130 130 130 130 129 129 128 128 127 126 125 124 123
40 126 127 127 127 127 126 126 125 125 124 123 122 121
41 123 123 124 124 124 124 123 123 122 122 121 120 119
42 119 120 120 121 121 121 121 120 120 119 119 118 117
43 116 117 117 118 118 118 118 118 118 117 117 116 116
44 113 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 114 114
45 109 110 111 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 112 112 112
46 106 107 108 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
47 103 104 105 106 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108
48 100 101 102 103 104 104 105 105 106 106 106 106 106
49 97 98 99 100 101 102 102 103 103 103 104 104 104
50 94 95 97 98 98 99 100 100 101 101 101 102 102
Based on the Boussinesq equation (see Figure 15-3)
d = depth below bottom of tie
surcharge values in psf
Soldier piles are designed as vertical beams to resist the bending moments and shears resulting
from the lateral loads acting on the piles. Vertical loading (if any) shall be considered in the soldier
pile design.
until the sum of the moments about the bracing level is zero. Moments and shears in the shoring
wall and the bracing reaction may be computed after the embedment depth is determined.
Embedment Depth
The required depth of penetration for a shoring wall supported by two or more levels of bracing
shall be determined by one of the following methods (see Section 15.8.8 for minimum embedment
A. The theoretical embedment may be calculated by balancing moments due to all soil,
hydrostatic, lateral surcharge, and “unreduced” passive pressures (factor of safety equal
to 1.0) acting below the lowest bracing level about the lowest bracing level. The moment
capacity of the shoring wall shall be conservatively neglected in this analysis. The depth
of penetration is adjusted until the sum of the moments equals zero. The computed
theoretical embedment depth shall be increased by a minimum of 40 percent to determine
the design embedment depth. (This method should be used with caution when stiff to hard
clays provide passive resistance, because the computed embedment depth may be
unrealistically short.)
B. The embedment depth may be computed by summing moments as noted above, using
passive resistance values that have been reduced by dividing them by a factor of safety
of 2.0. No increase in embedment is required when this method is used. This method will
be acceptable provided that the resulting embedment depth is not significantly less than
that computed using the nominal 40 percent increase in embedment depth discussed
Secondary Bracing
Primary elements of the shoring system shall be provided with secondary bracing as required for
stability. The secondary bracing elements shall be designed for an axial load equal to 3 percent
of the axial load in the braced member.
Connections between the various elements of the shoring system shall be designed for tension
and shear loads equal to at least 10 percent of the design compression load transferred through
the connection. If the actual shear or tension at a connection is larger than this 10 percent value,
then the actual shear or tension load shall be utilized for design.
Stiffeners shall be provided at shoring member connections when required by the provisions of
Chapter K of the AISC, ASD.
15.9.1 Steel
Steel may be second-hand material, provided that is free from any strength impairing defects.
Structural Steel
Allowable stresses for steel shall conform to the AISC, Steel Construction Manual - Allowable
Stress Design (ASD), thirteenth edition, 2005, with the following additional constraints for struts:
A. Slenderness ratio (L/r) shall not exceed 120.
B. Axial stress shall not exceed 12 ksi.
Structural steel for which mill certificates are not available (unidentified steel) shall be designed
for allowable stresses no greater than those allowed for ASTM A36 steel.
Bolted and welded connections shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of the AISC,
15.9.2 Concrete
Reinforced and plain (unreinforced) concrete shall be designed using the Strength Design Method
in accordance with ACI 318. No stress increases or load factor reductions shall be allowed.
15.9.3 Wood
All wood shoring elements shall be Douglas Fir, No. 2 or better.
All wood that will remain in place permanently shall be pressure treated for ground contact use.
15.10.2 Dewatering
Dewatering can be an effective means of reducing shoring loading and improving shoring stability
and constructability. In some cases, it may also be required to allow construction of proposed
project elements.
In cases where dewatering is not precluded by other factors (see DPM), SCRRA will consider
allowing dewatering, provided that it won’t cause problematic track settlement. The potential for
problematic track settlement to occur will be a function of the site soil profile and the depth to
which the site needs to be dewatered. Track settlement in excess of that specified in
Section 15.11.2 may be acceptable if it can be shown that differential track settlements resulting
from dewatering will be minimal (i.e., settlements will occur over a broad area). Engineering
calculations demonstrating that excessive differential settlement will not occur will be required.
In cases where the performance of the temporary shoring system depends upon the functionality
of the dewatering system, the dewatering system shall be fail-safe. Elements such as an
uninterrupted power supply, back-up pumps, and failure alarm signals will be required to
guarantee that the dewatering system will never shut down for a period of time that could
compromise the stability of the shored excavation.
Dewatering system design shall be performed by a Civil Engineer registered in the State of
California with previous experience in the design of the specific type of dewatering system being
proposed. Removed water shall not be drained along the tracks, but shall be drained off the
Right-of-Way in accordance with environmental restrictions.
For excavations in pervious materials, the possibility of piping must be evaluated. Piping occurs
when an unbalanced hydrostatic head causes large upward seepage pressures in the soil at and
below the bottom of the excavation. The upward seepage pressure reduces the effective weight
of the soil below the bottom of the excavation. As a result, the ability of the soil to laterally support
the embedded portion of the shoring wall (i.e., passive resistance) is reduced. In the extreme, a
quick condition can develop at the bottom of the excavation and large quantities of soil can be
transported rapidly from outside to inside the excavation, thereby causing large ground
settlements, and possibly even shoring system collapse.
Piping can be controlled by dewatering outside the shoring walls (where allowed) or by making
the shoring walls deeper in order to reduce the upward hydraulic gradient. Alternatively, a tremie
or grouted slab can be used as a bottom seal.
The potential for piping may be evaluated using published procedures (see the Caltrans
Trenching and Shoring Manual). The minimum acceptable factor of safety against piping shall be
1.5. Additionally, a reduction in the available passive resistance due to upward seepage pressures
shall be taken as appropriate.
Bottom Heave
In cases where excavations are made in soft (and sometimes medium) clays the potential for
bottom heave must be evaluated. Bottom heave occurs when the depth of excavation is sufficient
to cause upward movement of material in the bottom of the excavation and corresponding
downward displacement of material surrounding the excavation. Heave can result in excessive
settlement of the ground retained by the shoring system, and distress or failure of the shoring.
The possibility for heave should be evaluated further in cases when the Stability Number (No)
exceeds 4, where:
No = (γH+q)/c, and
γ = unit weight of soil
H = depth of excavation
q = vertical surcharge pressure
c = cohesive strength of soil
When No exceeds 4, the factor of safety against bottom heave should be computed using
procedures outlined in the Caltrans Trenching and Shoring Manual. The minimum acceptable
factor of safety against bottom heave shall be 1.5.
Global Stability
Typical shoring applications may not require global slope stability analyses. The Engineer in
Responsible Charge shall determine if global stability calculations are warranted. However,
SCRRA reserves the right to require global stability calculations at their sole discretion.
If applicable and/or required by SCRRA, temporary shoring systems and sloped excavations shall
be demonstrated to be safe using limit equilibrium analyses with appropriate potential failure
surfaces. Slope stability analyses shall consider the presence of Cooper’s E-80 live loading on
active tracks.
The minimum factor of safety against failure of the whole, or any portion of, shored or sloped cuts
shall be 1.5.
15.10.4 Tiebacks
Tiebacks will be allowed only where necessary and where Right-of-Way limits are sufficient. If
tiebacks are permitted they must be installed using a method in which the drilled holes for the
tiebacks will be stable and open at all times. In some soil types, this will necessitate fully cased
holes beneath active tracks. Tiebacks shall be located a minimum of 5 feet below top of rail.
Tiebacks shall be designed in accordance with the procedures and criteria outlined in the
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI), Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors, with
the exception that the allowable stresses for the tieback tendons shall be limited to those values
specified in Section 15.11 of these Criteria. A minimum factor of safety of 2.0 shall be used.
All tiebacks shall be load tested. Procedures and acceptance criteria for performance and proof
testing shall conform to those given in the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI), Recommendations for
Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors. The first 3 tiebacks installed and a minimum of 10 percent
of the remaining tiebacks shall be performance tested. All remaining anchors shall be proof tested.
When tiebacks are bonded in fine-grained soils, creep testing shall be done in lieu of performance
testing. Creep testing procedures and acceptance criteria shall conform to those given for
temporary anchors in the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI), Recommendations for Prestressed
Rock and Soil Anchors.
In addition to the PTI Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors, the designer
may also reference FHWA Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 4, Ground Anchors and
Anchored Systems, FHWA-IF-99-015.
Tiebacks shall be locked-off at a minimum of 75 percent and a maximum of 100 percent of their
design load.
15.10.5 Deadmen
Under the appropriate conditions SCRRA may allow temporary shoring walls to be supported
using deadmen located on the opposite side of the tracks from the shored excavation. The
proposed location(s) for deadman anchorage will require review and acceptance by SCRRA and
any Third-Party property owners as appropriate. Tie rods to deadmen shall be a minimum of 5 feet
below top of rail.
Deadman anchorage may be provided by soldier piles, sheet piling, or concrete blocks or walls.
Deadman anchors shall be designed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Caltrans
Trenching and Shoring Manual.
Deadman anchors shall be designed to provide a minimum factor of safety of 2.0 against failure.
In order to minimize the deflection of the shoring, deadman anchors shall be prestressed to
remove the slack in the system and to mobilize the passive resistance. A portion of the final design
load shall be locked off.
Tie rods that pass under the tracks must be electrically isolated from the track. Details of proposed
system of electrical isolation shall be submitted for review.
15.11.1 Purpose
SCRRA requires monitoring of the excavation, temporary shoring system and adjacent track(s)
throughout the duration of shoring installation, excavation, construction, removal and backfill. The
monitoring procedures specified below are intended to confirm that shoring systems are
performing in a satisfactory manner and to identify locations of excessive ground movement so
that they can be controlled and corrected in a timely manner.
The monitoring requirements outlined above may be relaxed or waived on a project-specific basis
at the sole discretion of SCRRA.
Figure 15-5 depicts a method of measuring rail movements under load. Loaded rail movement
measurements may be performed as follows:
A. At each survey point, place a 20d nail vertically into the ballast crib between ties with the
head end directly under the base of each rail, taking care to place the nail head in direct
contact with the rail.
B. Allow a typical commuter or freight train to pass through the location at normal speed.
C. Return to each survey point and measure and record the distance from the base of each
rail down to the top of the nail head using a tape or gauge to the nearest 1/8 inch.
Survey readings and reduced survey data shall be provided to SCRRA immediately following
each survey. Survey data and comparison to previous and baseline data should be provided on
a form similar to that shown in Figure 15-6. SCRRA shall be specifically notified of any change in
elevation of ¼ inch or greater. It is likely that SCRRA will require supplemental monitoring in the
case of vertical movements in excess of ¼ inch.
Provide SCRRA with survey readings, reduced survey data, loaded measurements, and reduced
loaded measurement data immediately following the survey. Loaded measurement data and
comparison to previous and baseline data should be provided on a form similar to that shown in
Figure 15-7.
Point No. Station Surveyed Static T/Rail Elevations Static T/Rail Change from Previous Static T/Rail Change from Baseline
1 100+00
2 100+50
3 101+00
. .
. .
. .
Measured Loaded Movements Loaded Change from Previous Loaded Change from Baseline
Point No. Station Total Cross-Slope Total Cross-Slope Total Cross-Slope
δL δR δavg δCS = |δL - δR| ΔδL ΔδR Δδavg ΔδCS = |ΔδL - ΔδR| ΔδLi ΔδRi Δδavgi ΔδCSi = |ΔδLi - ΔδRi|
1 100+00
2 100+50
3 101+00
. .
. .
. .
15.12.1 General
All drawings and calculations for temporary shoring shall be prepared, sealed and signed by a
Professional Engineer (civil or structural) currently licensed in the State of California who has
previous experience in the design of temporary shoring systems of the type being submitted
(preferably 10 years). Preferably, temporary shoring systems will be designed by a team
composed of a railroad civil engineer who is experienced, knowledgeable and competent in
design, construction, operations and maintenance parameters for commuter/passenger and
freight railroad systems, and a licensed civil or structural engineer who is experienced,
knowledgeable and competent in the design and construction of shored excavations adjacent to
railroad tracks.
The designer will be responsible for the accuracy of all controlling dimensions as well as the
selection of soil design values that accurately reflect the actual field conditions. No shoring
installation or excavation within the Railroad Zone of Influence will be allowed until the drawings
and calculations are reviewed and accepted by SCRRA.
All submittals, design calculations, specifications and drawings shall be prepared in accordance
with a QA/QC process. The QA/QC process may follow the established program of SCRRA,
Public Agency, Engineer in Responsible Charge firm, or Contractor. At a minimum, the QA/QC
process must consist of an independent check of design calculations and an independent QC
review of the drawings and specifications prior to submittal to SCRRA by qualified individuals.
Documentation of the QA/QC process, including names and contact information of independent
reviewers, shall be made available to SCRRA at their request.
A minimum of 30 calendar days should be allowed for SCRRA’s review, provided that all required
submittal materials are included and properly identified.
15.12.2 Drawings
The shoring drawings must be complete and shall accurately describe the nature of the work.
Drawings shall be to-scale.
At a minimum the shoring drawings shall include the following:
A. Plan view that includes the following information and meets the following criteria:
1. Railroad stationing and milepost (SCRRA will assist in providing this information)
2. North arrow
3. All pertinent topographic information
D. SCRRA may request explanations and changes to the SSWP to conform the SSWP to the
requirements of the Contract Documents. If the SSWP is not acceptable, the Contractor
shall revise the SSWP to make it acceptable. The Contractor is responsible for submitting
a revised SSWP that can be reviewed and approved by SCRRA at least seven days in
advance of any work that affects the Operating System.
E. The Contractor will be informed if the SSWP is acceptable not less than seven calendar
days prior to the scheduled start of work within the Operating Envelope. Once the plan is
accepted, the Contractor shall assemble the resources necessary to perform the work
represented by the SSWP, so that necessary resources are available one calendar day
before the work is to be accomplished, thereby demonstrating to SCRRA the readiness of
the Contractor to perform the work. At this time, SCRRA will make a final decision as to
whether or not the Work is to proceed as planned or be canceled.
16.3.1 Director
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding small meetings. Locate adjacent to
Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0”
vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.3.2 Manager
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Director and Administrative Assistant, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural
16.3.4 Supervisor
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Assistant Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to
Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.3.6 Kitchenette
Provide a dedicated alcove or room used for staff to eat, prepare, and store food. Locate centrally
within SCRRA Oversight area with access to all office and support areas for SCRRA Oversight.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural
daylighting and address applicable Health Department requirements. Major
equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Counter space
• Upper and lower cabinets
• Sink with water filter
• Microwave
• Refrigerator
• Coffee maker
• Vending (optional)
• Trash/recycling/compost bins
16.3.7 Copy/Workroom/Supplies
Provide a dedicated alcove or room for copier/printer/scanner/fax machine, storage for office
supplies, and work surface. Location shall have access to SCRRA Oversight Office Area. Provide
9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting. Major
equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Copier/printer/scanner/fax machine
• Work surface with cabinets below and above
• Office supply storage
• Filing cabinets
16.4.1 Manager
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Assistant Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to
Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.4.3 Supervisor
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Assistant Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to
Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.4.8 TV Room
Provide an enclosed room for Conductors and Train Engineers to watch television between,
before, and after shifts. Locate adjacent to Drivers’ Room. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance
(minimum). Typical design features shall include darker painted walls and no exterior windows.
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Television
• Chairs
• End tables
16.4.11 Dispatch
Provide open office workstation to complete work tasks located in secured part of the facility with
limited access. Locate adjacent to Drivers’ Room, Restrooms, and Data/Comm. Room. Provide
9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
Owner furniture standards include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Sit/stand Workstation
• File Cabinets
• Task chair
16.4.14 Lobby
Provide central entry area with open space to accommodate visitors (internal or external).
Location shall be accessible from Train Engineer Areas. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance
(minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting. Major equipment/furnishings
include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Chairs
• Side tables
16.4.15 Copy/Workroom/Supplies
Provide dedicated alcove or room for copier/printer/scanner/fax machine, storage for office
supplies, and work surface. Location shall have access to Train Engineer Office Area. Provide
9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to)
the following:
• Copier/printer/scanner/fax machine
• Work surface with cabinets below and above
• Filing cabinets
• Coffee makers
• Ice maker
• Water filter
• Vending machines
• Water coolers
• Tables, Hard-surface chairs (with USB and electrical outlet ports. Evaluate based on
current technology)
• Trash/recycling/compost bins
16.5.1 Director
Provide private office for completing work tasks and holding small meetings. Locate adjacent to
Manager and Administrative Assistant with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0”
vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.5.2 Manager
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Director and Administrative Assistant, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural
16.5.4 Supervisor
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Shop Areas and Positions with views of the equipment maintenance floor, with access
to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.5.6 Copy/Workroom/Supplies
Provide a dedicated alcove or room for copier/printer/scanner/fax machine, storage for office
supplies, and work surface. Location shall have access to Equipment Maintenance Office Areas.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not
limited to) the following:
• Copier/printer/scanner/fax machine
• Work surface with cabinets below and above
• Filing cabinets
design features shall include natural daylighting. Owner furniture standards include (but are not
limited to) the following:
• Workstations
• Bookshelves
• Chairs
• Midlevel Platform: 85’-0” long (length of vehicle) x 10’-0” wide on both sides of vehicle
(minimum). Final height placement per car specifications
• ULWP: 85’-0” long (length of vehicle) x 10’-0” wide on both sides of vehicle (minimum).
Final height placement per car specifications
• All level dimensions to be designed per latest car information during final design
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Portable Car Jacks
• Shore Power
• Overhead Bridge Crane
• Overhead fall protection lines
• Turntables
• Truck Hoists
• Platforms for upper level and midlevel access
• New and Used Fluid systems as required
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o Provide in Pit and ULWP
o As required by equipment. NOX monitor/alarm
• Overhead doors to be sectional, galvanized steel, insulated, 16’-0” wide by 20’-0” tall with
view panels, automatic operator, interior and exterior push button controls
• Personnel door with view panel to meet applicable code exit requirements
A drop table is the preferred means of removing and transferring truck set to side of train for
maintenance/replacement. Locate adjacent and open to Traction/Machine/Rebuild Shop with
access to Common Work Area, Material Handling Storage, Portable Equipment Storage, and
Equipment Maintenance Office Area and accessibility from Supervisor Office with view. Critical
clearances and dimensions are as follows:
• 24’-0” vertical clearance to structure and fixtures (minimum)
• 28’-0” wide x 70’-0” long
• Gauge Pit: 70’-0” long (length of vehicle) x between track x 5’-6” deep (minimum)
• LLWA: 70’-0” long (length of vehicle) x 10’-0” wide on both sides of vehicle x 6’-0” deep
(minimum). Final depth per car specifications
• Midlevel Platform: 70’-0” long (length of vehicle) x 10’-0” wide on both sides of vehicle
(minimum). Final height placement per car specifications
• ULWP: 70’-0” long (length of vehicle) x 10’-0” wide on both sides of vehicle (minimum).
Final height placement per car specifications
• All level dimensions to be designed per latest car information during final design
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Shore Power
• 20 ton and 30-ton overhead Bridge Cranes (minimum) to also cover Traction/Machine/
Rebuild Shop
• Drop tables
• New and Used Fluid systems as required: Two new oil, 1 antifreeze, 1 used oil and 1 used
antifreeze; piped with pumps between user area(s) and appropriate bulk storage tanks
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o Provide on all four levels
o As required by equipment
o Provide an integrated air monitoring with automotive exhaust and fresh air supply
• Walls: soil and grease resistant, light colored finished concrete or masonry
• Ceiling: painted exposed structure, ductwork, conduit and utilities with light color finishes
• Overhead doors to be sectional, galvanized steel, insulated, 16’-0” wide by 20’-0” tall with
view panels, automatic operator, interior and exterior push button controls
• Personnel door with view panel to meet applicable code exit requirements
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• New and Used Fluid systems as required
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o Provide in gauge pit and LLWA
o As required by equipment
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Wheel Truing Lathe
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2” impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o As required by equipment
• Buffer/Grinder
• Blast Cabinet with Dust Collection
• Parts Washer
• Parts Cleaning Tank
• Shelving
• Cabinets
• Flammable Materials Cabinets
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o As required by equipment
• Lift Table
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o As required by equipment
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge, filter,
and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o As required by equipment
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o As required by equipment
• Embedded rail extended into shop from Locomotive Position for easy movement of
• Floor: soil, grease, water, slip resistant concrete with integral non-metallic light reflective
hardener, and chemical bonded concrete sealer
• Walls: soil and grease resistant, light colored finished concrete or masonry
• Ceiling: painted exposed structure, ductwork, conduit and utilities with light color finishes
• Opening in Wall for crane access to move components (if fully enclosed)
• Personnel door with view panel to meet applicable code exit requirements (if fully
• Ceiling: painted exposed structure, ductwork, conduit and utilities with light color finishes
move to and from CCO (C-frame lift area), Heavy Repair, and wheelset storage areas. In
addition, trucks must be allowed to be pushed directly to the Truck Wash for steam cleaning
from this area. The steam cleaning should be placed on an exterior wall to allow for convenient
venting Provide 24’-0” vertical clearance to structure and fixtures (minimum).
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Separation Curtain from Truck Wash, Wash Equipment Room, and surrounding areas
• Wand, reel, scabbard, and controls in Truck Wash
• High Pressure Washer with soap drum in Wash Equipment Alcove
• Floor: soil, grease, water, slip resistant concrete with integral non-metallic light reflective
hardener, and chemical bonded concrete sealer
• Walls: soil and grease resistant, light colored finished concrete or masonry
• Ceiling: painted exposed structure, ductwork, conduit and utilities with light color finishes
• Personnel door with view panel to meet applicable code exit requirements
• Pumps
• Tank mount all piston lubricant pump(s)
• Wall mount all diaphragm pump(s)
• Plumb tanks to corresponding lube reel banks located in repair positions
• Emergency Shower and Eyewash
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum) started in Lube/Compressor Room
o Compressed air line with 3/8” and 1/2” shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with
gauge, lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Connect to lubricant pumps
o As required by equipment
16.6.1 Manager
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Supervisor with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance
(minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.6.2 Supervisor
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Manager and Storage Area with views of the Storage Areas, with access to
Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.6.3 Analyst
Provide shared office for completing work tasks. Locate adjacent to Manager with access to all
Material Handling Office Area. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.6.4 Clerk
Provide shared office for completing work tasks. Locate within Parts Storage Areas, adjacent to
Manager with access to all Material Handling Office Areas. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance
(minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.6.5 Copy/Workroom/Supplies
Provide dedicated alcove or room for copier/printer/scanner/fax machine, storage for office
supplies, and work surface. Locate with access to Material Handling Office Area. Provide 9’-0”
vertical clearance (minimum).
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Racking
• Shelving
• Cabinets
• Stack System
• Flammable Material Cabinets
• Hose Racks
Men’s and Women’s Restrooms. Location shall be accessible by Shop Areas and Positions.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not
limited to) the following:
• 6-foot high gear, well-ventilated lockers with built-in bench
• Lockers must be ADA compliant and have mirrors
• Lockers must have slanted tops
• Lockers must be a minimum of 18” x 18” with 72” of clearance
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Shower and Eyewash
• New and Used Fluid systems as required
• Compressed air:
o 2” compressed air piping loop (minimum)
o Compressed air drops with shut-off valve, union, separator, regulator with gauge,
lubricator, filter, and quick disconnects, 4’-0” AFF
o Provide disconnect for 3/8” and 1/2 “ impact tools at locations to be determined during
final design
o Provide in gauge pit
o As required by equipment
Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Vehicle Wash
o Able to wash an 8-train car set
o Brushes shall be spaced to adequately wash
o Provide undercarriage spray
o Provide reclaim system
o Wash must work with existing and future vehicles
o Program wash with vehicle car mode
o Wash shall perform “forehead” cleaning operation
o During a reverse move, the wash equipment sensors shall not be activated
o Provide adequate drainage features which return rinse cycle water draining from the
roof back to the wash filtered drainage system as the train is leaving the area
16.8.1 Director
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding small meetings. Locate adjacent to
Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0”
vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.8.2 Manager
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Director and Administrative Assistant, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum).
16.8.4 Supervisor
Provide a private office for completing work tasks and holding one-on-one meetings. Locate
adjacent to Assistant Manager and Administrative Assistant, with access to
Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Typical design features
shall include natural daylighting.
16.8.8 Mechanic/Technician
Provide an open office workstation for completing work tasks. Locate adjacent to Assistant
Supervisor, with access to Copy/Workroom/Supplies. Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum).
Typical design features shall include natural daylighting.
16.8.9 Copy/Workroom/Supplies
Provide dedicated alcove or room for copier/printer/scanner/fax machine, storage for office
supplies, and work surface. Location shall have access to Facility Maintenance Office Areas.
Provide 9’-0” vertical clearance (minimum). Major equipment/furnishings include (but are not
limited to) the following:
• Copier/printer/scanner/fax machine
• Work surface with cabinets below and above
• Filing cabinets
Reference the Space Needs Program for the required square footages for the following spaces:
• Covered Areas
o Loading Dock
o Material Handling Storage
• Exterior Areas
o Material Handling Storage
o Guard Shack
o Fuel Delivery and Yard
o DEF Tank
o Trash/Recycling
o Cardboard Recycling
o Bike Storage Rack
• Covered Vehicle Parking
o Small Vehicle Space (10x10)
• Uncovered Vehicle Parking
o Medium Vehicle Space (10x20)
o Large Vehicle Space (12x30)
o Medium Vehicle Space (12x40)
Shop areas will be provided with fire sprinkler coverage. Shop areas will be designed per
Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 requirements, as defined by NFPA.
Administration areas will be provided with fire sprinkler coverage. Offices, corridors, restrooms
and similar spaces will be designed per Light Hazard occupancy requirements as defined by
Sprinkler shall be concealed head type in finished spaces, centered in ceiling tiles and brass
pendent, upright or sidewall in unfinished spaces.
Provide layover and servicing areas with fire hydrants spaced per the local AHJ. Fire hydrants
and water supply mains shall be per NFPA 1 and 24, CFC and the local AHJ.
Water Supply
The adequacy of the water supply shall be supplied from records of the agency owning the
water supply system.
Street mains (i.e., the mains of the local government supplying water service for fire protection)
shall be sized to carry the design flow, but in no case shall have a diameter less than 6 inches.
The capacity of the connected water supply (of the local government) must be adequate for the
supply of only the sprinkler portion of the fire protection systems. It may be assumed that
standpipe systems will be charged by local fire departments after their arrival on the scene,
even though the standpipe systems are connected to the supply main.
Where both sprinkler and standpipe systems are served, the building fire main shall not be less
than 6 inches in diameter; where only standpipe systems are served, the building fire main shall
not be less than 4 inches in diameter. No pressure-regulating valves shall be used in fire
water-supply mains, except by special permission of the local authority with jurisdiction.
Where connections are made to a public water system, it may be necessary to guard against
possible contamination of the public water supply. The requirements of the local authority shall
be determined and met. As a minimum, a reduced-pressure backflow with a detector check
shall be provided on the fire protection water mains on the discharge (or load side) of the main
shutoff valve or immediately inside the building wall.
Hose connections shall be at the access road side of buildings and be located and arranged so
that hose lines can be readily and conveniently attached to the inlets without interference with
any nearby objects, including buildings, fences, posts, or other fire department connections.
Fire department connections shall be designated by a sign with raised letters, at least one inch
in size, cast on a plate or fitting reading: “Autospkr,” “Open Spkr,” or “Standpipe,” whichever is
appropriate. The sign shall also indicate the buildings or structures, or parts thereof, served by
the connection.
These criteria describe the functional and design requirements for the facilities plumbing and
drainage systems. They are intended to promote uniformity of design and to standardize the
type of plumbing and drainage equipment and its location throughout the system.
These criteria cover the facilities plumbing and drainage systems for yards and maintenance
shops, train control center(s) and miscellaneous wayside ancillary spaces. In addition, they
prescribe the requirements for sewage systems for human waste and other waste fluids to the
public sewers.
All plumbing and drainage systems shall be designed for the following functional requirements:
Water Distribution – Convey water from public utility distribution and / or storage points to
stations, buildings and other consumption and service points.
Waste Return – Collect and convey storm drainage to the public storm sewer system and
sanitary sewage to the public sanitary sewer system from yards and buildings.
water for return to the reclaim unit. All sanitary waste associated with the wash system shall first
pass through filtration and dilution built into the wash loop prior to being routed through an
oil/water separator and entering the city sewer to comply with local discharge standards and
Provide plumbing connections to the reclaim system pumps, detergent tanks, and overflow drain
connections for equipment operation. Duplex air compressor, compressed air dryer and water
heater shall be mounted on housekeeping pads.
All gas fired water heaters shall be of storage type, sized for the demand of plumbing fixtures to
be served by each heater. Heaters shall be provided with electronic ignition. Heaters shall be
glass-lined and equipped with temperature and safety controls, and thermal insulation. Where
natural gas is not conveniently available, electric water heater as described in the following
paragraph shall be provided.
Electric water heaters with a capacity of 10 gallons or less shall be the instantaneous type. All
electric water heaters with a capacity above 10 gallons shall be the storage type, capacity and
sized for plumbing fixture demand served by the heater. Storage type heaters shall be
glass-lined and equipped with fast acting dual element immersion heating, temperature and
safety controls, and thermal insulation. Units with heating elements of 2,900 watts or less shall
be suitable for a 120 volt / 1-phase power supply. Units with heating elements of 5,500 watts or
less shall be suitable for a 208 volt / 1-phase power supply. Units with heating elements above
5,500 watts shall be suitable for a 480 volt / 3-phase power supply.
• Utility/Service sinks shall be of stainless steel equipped with the stainless steel rim
• Water coolers shall be wall mounted, and shall have a bubbler of vandal-proof design
and a bottle filler.
• The service sink in the battery room shall be acid-resistant and equipped with a wall
hanger, rim guard, and standard trap.
• Showers shall have private compartments complete with partitions, receptors, curtain
rails and curtains. Shower heads shall have a maximum flow rate of 2.0 gallons per
minute and be WaterSense labeled.
• The wash fountain shall be of stainless steel, circular or semi-circular and foot operated
with supplies from below and shall have a vent-off drain, soap dispenser, with chrome
finish hardware.
In facilities having more than one toilet (for each sex), plumbing fixtures in one toilet for each
sex shall be installed to accommodate persons with disabilities in wheelchairs where required.
In facilities having only one toilet, plumbing fixtures shall be installed to accommodate persons
with disabilities in wheelchairs in accordance with ANSI codes and the applicable provisions of
the California Building Code and city amendments.
Water hammer arrestors shall be installed for protection to individual or group of plumbing
fixtures per Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) standards. Provide access panels as needed
for maintenance
A 85’ Car B
Note: The “B” end is always closest to the locomotive.
Provide a tight-fitting drain cover to prevent the escape of odors. The dump system is intended
to be used to discharge waste from train cars by means of gravity dumping into a catch basin
tied to a sanitary sewer line.
Traps will be provided with all fixtures without integral traps. All traps will be of plain pattern
having a seal of not less than 2-1/2 inches and not greater than four inches. All traps will be of
the same material as the piping system to which they are connected. All exposed traps in toilet
rooms will have chrome finish. Provide trap primer and HDPE trap seal for all floor drains and
sinks. Trap primer assembly shall include a vacuum breaker.
The compressed air systems piping to be ASME B31.1 aluminum tubing with nickel plated brass
compression marine-grade aluminum fittings or copper tubing shall be type k, hard drawn, class
1 and conform to ASTM B 88 All branches and drops shall be from the top of the compressed
air loop to control condensate.
All compressed air drops shall include a drip leg with manual valve drain and cap, filter/regulator
combination and lubricator. All convenience drops and hose connections shall also include a
3/8-inch and 1/2-inch quick connector. All compressed air drops shall be provided with isolation
valves within reach of operator Service Bays.
Spring-powered general service compressed air hose reels are required at all general
compressed air drops providing 90 psi to 145 psi. In addition, provide hose only connections for
all pneumatic powered pump and tool locations.
Train Wash
Provide hose only connections.
All equipment that produces vibrations shall be isolated from the structure by vibration isolators.
All piping attached to rotating equipment shall be isolated from such equipment by flexible
connections. Inertia blocks shall be provided as required.
Fit water fixtures that enable spraying at high pressure with lower volume to reduce water
HVAC systems for equipment fans shall be designed to prolong the life of equipment through
control of temperature and pressure.
Seismic-restraint systems shall comply with California Building Code requirements. Refer to
structural for wind- and seismic-restraint loading requirements.
Conference room 68 78 50
Crew room 68 78 50
Electrical equipment room 55 105 —
Toilets 68 — —
Training room 68 78 50
Trash rooms 55 — —
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) room 55 78 —
Yard control room 68 78 50
1 Winter temperatures are based on the following parameters:
a. Rooms requiring the temperature to be maintained well above freezing to avoid maintenance problems:
b. Rooms requiring no heating: no value provided. These rooms may be ventilated by transfer air.
2 Summer temperatures are based on the following parameters:
Maintenance Shops
Roof-curb, mezzanine- or platform- mounted commercial packaged makeup air units and
heating and ventilating units shall be provided with insulated cabinet casing of galvanized steel
construction, steel frame construction, centrifugal supply fan with motor and direct-drive
assembly, motor starter and fusible disconnect switch in the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) 3R rated enclosure, direct-fired gas heating furnace with modulating gas
burner controls with 30% minimum turndown, replaceable MERV 8 prefilters section, modulating
outdoor air intake and return air dampers and mixing section, insulated and seismic-rated
prefabricated stationary curb. Heating and ventilating systems serving the shop facilities shall be
designed to maintain a positive pressure in the shops with respect to the outdoors during the
heating season, by means of allowing the minimum outdoor air supply to exfiltrate through
doorways and wall construction.
Cooling shall be provided through the use of evaporative cooling, integrated with the heating
and ventilating units. Evaporative cooling may be direct or indirect, depending upon the local
wet bulb design temperature. Provide water circulation pump, overflow drain and
thermostatically controlled drain to prevent freezing.
Heating and ventilation unit shall be provided with air to air heat exchanger or heat pipe to
reclaim the energy from exhaust air stream.
Equipment motors shall be of premium efficiency type to meet or exceed the minimum efficiency
requirements for electric motors as specified under the International Energy Conservation Code.
High Volume/Low Velocity (HVLV) fans or High-Level-Circulators (HLC) serving high-bay shop
areas. HLCs shall be factory fabricated, packaged, roof curb mounted units equipped with axial
fan with reversible motor and drive assembly, mixing box with motorized dampers capable of
being automatically indexed to operate in either the outdoor air supply, the recirculation
(de-stratification), or the exhaust air mode of operation, a downward angular discharge nozzle
designed to project air downward to the floor level at 45 degrees from the horizontal in either the
supply mode or the recirculation (de-stratification) mode of operation. HVLVs shall be factory
fabricated, structure mounted units with reversible motor and drive assembly, with a remote
control panel for fan direction and speed control.
Exhaust fans serving the battery room and parts cleaning solvent degreasing tank fume hoods
shall be of spark resistant, explosion proof design, and the sheet metal exhaust ductwork shall
be of G90 galvanized steel construction.
Façade mounted outdoor air intake louvers with motorized isolation dampers for provision of
additional outdoor air makeup during the summer season.
For exhaust air ductwork serving maintenance pits/lower level work areas in shop floors,
under-floor supply air ductwork shall be constructed of schedule 40, fiberglass reinforced
thermosetting resin epoxy (FRTRE) piping or high density polyethylene (HDPE) ductwork.
FRTRE shall include #10-gauge, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A167,
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) type 316 stainless steel welded sheet metal transitions
to pit sidewall exhaust air grilles, and with flanged, neoprene-sheet-gasketed, silicone-sealed
and bolted junctions to sheet metal ductwork connections, both above grade and underground,
to provide airtight and watertight connections.
Gas-fired unit heaters shall be suspended locally within the shop, where supplemental heating
is required, and shall be provided with local space thermostatic temperature control, integrated
with the BAS.
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) gas monitoring and alarm control system shall
be provided in maintenance shops, to automatically energize exhaust fans upon detection of a
leakage of products of combustion, and signal to actuate a local audio/visual alarm and a
remote central alarm at the “head end” of the BAS temperature control system.
A remote, central, programmable electrical/electronic ASHRAE Building Automation and Control
Network (BACnet) protocol type DDC BAS (Direct Digital Control Building Automation System),
automatic temperature controls system shall be fully integrated to automatically monitor and
regulate the operations of the heating and ventilating systems as necessary to continuously
maintain the heating and ventilation systems within specified tolerances, year-round, complete
with local manual override controls, where appropriate.
Paint Booth
Air replacement units shall be designed to provide ambient or tempered air to replace the air the
booth withdraws from the facility. Replacement air shall be drawn directly from outside. An air
replacement unit shall be installed to supply tempered and filtered air to the booth, minimizing
temperature variations and removing particulates that compromise finish quality. Heating shall
be provided as recommended by the spray paint equipment supplier. To maintain negative
pressure in paint spray booths, the ventilation system for the paint spray area shall be sized so
that the supply air volume is 5 percent less than then air volume exhausted by the paint spray
booth exhaust. The system shall be complete with heater, filters, motor and blower, controls,
mounting hardware and auxiliary equipment.
The number of air changes per hour (the ventilation rate) shall be as recommended by the spray
paint equipment supplier, but the number of changes shall not be less than the rate required by
the applicable codes. The filtration of supply and exhaust air shall be provided as recommended
by the spray paint equipment supplier and as required by the applicable codes.
Design and construct exhaust stack to ventilate the booth to the outside. The stack shall
discharge vertically for adequate exhaust air flow and shall extend a minimum of 15 feet above
the roofline or as required by local codes and according to the requirements of authorities
having jurisdiction. Ensure that all separation and emission requirements of local codes and
according to the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction separation are met.
Provide a complete set of single-stage filtration media made for paint spray booth, tested to at
least 99.00% particulates removal efficiency and field to meet the performance and reliability
requirements. The filter shall be approved by National Emission Standard, based on 40 CFR
Part 63 Subpart H consistent with ASHRAE 52.1.
Exhaust fan motors and temperature control equipment shall be explosion-proof construction.
Spray finishing operations shall be in accordance with the CFC.
gravity intakes will include motorized dampers to provide makeup air to the room while the
exhaust fan is operating. All the exhaust fans, 3 hp and larger, serving the mechanical room,
electrical room and compressed air room are to be operated with variable frequency drive.
Gas fired boiler equipment in mechanical equipment rooms will be providing hot water to all the
terminal boxes serving administration areas and heating hot water unit heater throughout the
facilities. The boiler will be a condensing boiler with two booster pumps, one in use and one
standby. A carbon monoxide (CO) gas monitoring and alarm control system shall be provided in
each boiler room, to automatically shut-down the burners upon detection of a leakage of
products of combustion, and signal to actuate a local audio/visual alarm and a remote central
alarm at the “head end” of the BAS temperature control system. Prefabricated, double-wall,
sheet metal type breechings will be provided for gas-fired boiler, terminating outdoors in a code
compliant manner.
Exhaust fans serving the battery room and the gas meter room shall be of non-sparking fan
wheel construction, and any equipment mounted within the battery room and the gas meter
room shall be of explosion-proof design and construction. Supply and exhaust air ductwork
installed within the boundaries of the gas meter room and the battery room, including the battery
charging benches exhaust hoods, shall be of G90 galvanized steel construction. The battery
room and the gas meter room makeup air systems shall operate with 100% outdoor air and
shall each be dedicated and independent makeup air systems, designed for continuous
operation, and shall be provided with emergency power. The battery room exhaust air ductwork
main shall be provided with an air flow monitoring switch that, upon detection of a loss of
exhaust air flow, shall operate to automatically shut down the battery charging system, and
actuate an audio-visual alarm signal, both locally and remotely via the BAS.
Office Systems
All air handling equipment drive motors shall be of premium efficiency type to meet or exceed
the minimum efficiency requirements for electric motors as specified under the California Title
Equipment mounted outdoors that are equipped with factory provided, unit mounted motor
starters, shall be provided with NEMA-4X rated starter enclosures, and indoor mounted motor
starters shall be provided with NEMA-12 rated starter enclosures.
The remote, programmable electrical/electronic ASHRAE Building Automation and Control
Network (BACnet) protocol type DDC BAS (Direct Digital Control Building Automation System),
automatic temperature controls system shall be fully integrated to monitor and automatically
regulate the operations of the HVAC systems as necessary to continuously maintain the
heating, cooling and ventilation systems within specified tolerances, year-round, complete with
local manual override controls, where appropriate.
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning units serving administrative office areas, break rooms,
locker rooms, toilets, conference rooms, multipurpose rooms and corridors shall consist of the
• Factory fabricated, packaged, variable-air-volume (VAV) type roof mounted air handling
units or dedicated outside air system (DOAS).
• Units shall be equipped with double-wall insulated exterior galvanized steel casing with
steel frame construction, stationary seismic roof curb, supply fan, return/exhaust fan, fan
motors and variable-frequency-drive (VFD) assemblies.
• Chilled water or direct expansion (DX) cooling coil, pre-heat section, freeze protection
thermostat with hard-wired shut-down signal to unit motor starter.
• Discharge air temperature sensor, return air temperature sensor, mixed air temperature
sensor, MERV 8 prefilter and MERV 13 final filter section. Higher performance air filters
shall be considered in areas identified as exposed to poor air quality during wildfire
• Mixing box with fully-modulating outdoor air intake, return air and exhaust/relief air
motorized dampers, with an outdoor-air-intake air flow measuring station, with 100%
outdoor air economizer capability. Allow for demand control ventilation (based upon CO2
levels) and outside air shut-off should outdoor air quality be poor and internal conditions
• Air cooled chiller or refrigeration coils with compressors, condenser coils, condenser
fans, refrigeration piping.
• Integral electronic temperature controls system with BACnet protocol compatible
interface connection to remote central DDC BAS control system head-end computer.
• Variable frequency drive.
HVAC systems, except those serving restrooms and locker rooms, shall be designed to
maintain a positive pressurization of the conditioned space relative to adjacent corridors,
adjacent non-conditioned zones, entrances and the outdoors, to mitigate infiltration. HVAC units
serving multiple zones shall be provided with variable air volume (VAV) temperature controls
with variable frequency drives on supply and return/exhaust fans, with pressure-independent,
pressure independent type VAV duct terminal units provided in their associated ductwork
distribution systems, and with heating hot water type baseboard radiation heating, radiant
flooring, or VAV box integral heating hot water reheat coils.
A duct mounted smoke detector shall be installed in the return ductwork of each HVAC unit of
2,000 CFM or greater capacity, which shall operate to shut-down the unit through the remote
central fire alarm control panel, upon activation. HVAC units of 15,000 CFM capacity and
greater, where applicable, shall be additionally provided with smoke dampers and smoke
detectors installed in their ductwork systems, as required by code.
• For outdoor units, the condensers shall maintain adequate condensing temperature for
an ambient air temperature range of 0°F to 105°F. Air-cooled condensers shall have
direct-driven propeller fans.
To maintain step control for temperature conditions, a solid state control system shall be used.
The indoor temperature and humidity sensing elements shall be located in the return air stream.
Provide at least two states of cooling and up to three states of reheat as required to maintain
close room temperature tolerances. The humidity controller shall consist of one stage of
humidification and one stage of dehumidification. The outside air sensors shall be provided in
the fresh air intake duct. System operating mode configurations shall range from full cooling with
minimum outside air to maximum free cooling with 100 percent outside air.
Air conditioning equipment serving the OCC shall be wired to the standby power supply as
prescribed in the Facilities Electrical Systems requirements chapter of these criteria.
Communication Rooms
The air conditioning system, when required, shall be designed so that the minimum outside air
requirement is satisfied. Provide ventilation in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1. Maintain positive
pressure within the space. Supply air shall be filtered.
The cooling load shall be calculated based on a summation of the following heat gains:
• Internal equipment load
• Lighting load of 1W/ft2 (or actual lighting load if available)
• Outside air load
• Solar and transmission gains (where applicable)
Air handing unit equipment shall be of the DX split-system type, with an air handling unit in the
room adjacent to or within the communication and server room. Air handing units shall include
filters, DX cooling coils, and centrifugal fan, and a condensate drain pan. Installation shall
include automatic temperature controls and a remote, air-cooled condensing unit. Although not
essential, a system with dual compressors (each with 50 percent capacity), is preferred.
Condensing unit for aerial and at-grade communication and server rooms shall be located
outdoors. A condensing unit may be part of the air handling unit, or it may be remote from it.
Where chilled water is conveniently available, an air handling unit with chilled water coils shall
be provided.
The operation and control of the HVAC system shall be controlled by a room thermostat. The
ventilation system will be automatically shut down in the event of fire or smoke detection within
the communication and server rooms. The system shall have provisions so that high
temperature indicators can transmit a summary fault indication to the OCC.
The system shall consist of one or more supply fans, distribution ductwork and devices, air
filters, motorized damper, automatic temperature controls, and intake and exhaust louvers. Use
of exhaust fans shall be minimized.
Each system shall be controlled by an adjustable thermostat within the ancillary room having the
highest continuous heat load served by the supply fan being controlled. For example, the fans
shall start when the space temperature rises to 86°F or above and stop when the temperature
falls to 80°F or below. Local manual control via a time switch shall be provided for operation of
the ventilation system during human occupancy of the room. The ventilation system shall be
automatically shut down in the event of fire or smoke detection within the room. A positive
pressure within the room shall be maintained when the system is in operation.
supply to other demands and this system must include a shut-off to allow elimination of water
use during water shortage events.
Isolation valves shall be provided on both sides of such apparatus as chillers, pumps, heating
coils, control valves, multiple installations and piping branches. The installation of all valves
shall be designed to give a neat appearance and provide easy grouping with all parts accessible
for operation and maintenance. Valve stems shall be in the upright position wherever possible.
Piping Accessories
To ensure the trouble-free operation of all piping systems, all required piping accessories shall
be provided. These accessories shall include strainers, vent cocks, dirt-and-drip legs with
drain-and-flush connections, expansion tanks, liquid flow indicators, balancing cocks, relief
valves, pressure and temperature gauges, etc. All piping accessories requiring maintenance or
replacement of parts shall be installed in accessible places. All dials of gauges and indicators
shall be of sufficient size and arranged to be easily seen and read.
Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant Piping shall be air conditioning and refrigerant (ACR) copper. Use only brazed
vibration. Pipe expansion joints may be used only where pipe expansion loops are impractical.
All such expansion joints shall be stainless steel or monel metal. They shall be the
double-compensating type, with an anchor in the middle. These shall be guided on both sides in
strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. All expansion joints shall be flanged
to facilitate easy and quick replacement.
Mineral fiber insulation with a Kraft facing vapor barrier shall be used on indoor piping as
appropriate. The adhesive used to adhere the jacket of facing to the insulation shall meet the
fire and smoke hazard ratings as tested by procedures ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. In
addition, this adhesive shall not exceed a flame spread of 25, a fuel contribution of 50, and a
smoke development of 50. Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, cements, tapes, and cloths
for fittings shall have similar component ratings. Insulation for chilled water supply and return
piping, and cooling tower condenser return (to water chiller) piping shall be two-piece, heavy
density, sectional insulation jacketed with an embossed vapor barrier laminate. Insulation for
refrigeration suction piping shall be a one half-inch thick (minimum) slip-on type pre-molded
cellular glass or one-inch flexible elastomeric closed-cell or expanded rubber insulation.
Wrap refrigerant piping in flexible elastomeric insulation, thickness as required by ASHRAE
90.1. Insulate suction and gas piping separately. Provide PVC jacket in mechanical rooms and
other areas subject to damage. Provide stainless steel jacket outdoors above grade.
17.5.7 Pumps
As conditions dictate, pumps shall be either single- or double-suction. Pumps shall be arranged
so that they can be serviced without any removal of the piping system. This shall include any
disconnection of piping from the pumps. Pumps shall have the following characteristics as listed
in Table 17-4.
18.4.1 Switchboards
Incoming electric service for each facility shall be terminated at the AC switchboard. The
switchboard shall include secondary metering for owners use. Switchboards shall be circuit
breaker type, copper bus, 100% rated neutral. Series rated breakers shall be prohibited.
Utility metering shall be located in an accessible area of the station to allow meter reading by the
utility company meter reader without requiring special access or assistance from SCRRA. Where
required, essential and non-essential buses shall be established for distribution to the loads.
18.4.2 Panelboards
Panelboards shall be copper bus with fully rated neutral. All 208/120 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire and
480/277 Volt panelboards, with 3 wire or 4 wire as required, shall have a main breaker. The main
circuit breaker may be omitted when the panelboard is located in the same room as the device
feeding that panelboard. Series rated breakers are prohibited. All panelboards loads shall be
balanced and provided with accurate typed panel directory. All panelboards shall be of the same
manufacturer and keyed alike.
• Conduits concealed within walls/ceilings and above 8-foot AFF shall be EMT conduit.
18.4.5 Metering
Custom-owned metering shall be provided. Each main distribution panel and switchboard shall
include digital metering. Digital metering shall contain/monitor Current, (each phase and neutral),
voltage (l-l, l-n l-n each phase and three phase average), Active power (kW),Reactive power
(kVAR), apparent power (kVA), power factor, active energy (kWh), Demand Current active,
reactive, apparent (present and maximum), THD. Meter shall provide digital outputs for KY
pulsing. Provide software to allow full monitoring of the digital electrical meters. Coordinate with
HVAC controls contractor for electrical meter information send to the BAS system. Utility metering
shall be provided as required by Utility Company in compliance with 18.4.1.
• Life Safety Systems – powering all life safety systems such as; the emergency and egress
lighting, fire alarm system, security systems, and their systems dealing with human life
• Critical Systems – powering all critical systems such as system rail control (signal)
systems, data server/Radio/Communications equipment rooms and systems, HVAC
systems serving such spaces, UPS systems, and other such loads.
• Emergency Power Systems – all other equipment requested to be on emergency power
such as; HVAC systems, equipment loads, and other such loads
These essential loads shall be on dedicated circuits that can be independently controlled and
energized during a power outage. Emergency power systems shall be hardened and protected
from the effects of climate events. Installing block heaters on generators, adding CMU wall
structures to protect against wildfires and high winds, and elevating systems out of flood-prone
areas shall be considered.
Metallic conduit shall be grounded and bonded to assure electrical continuity and the capacity to
safely conduct any fault current likely to be imposed. Where bare ground wire is run in metallic
conduit, the ground wire shall be bonded to the conduit at both ends to avoid inductive choke
Management Control System (EMCS) for operational management and control of the lighting
18.9.2 Lighting
All lighting shall be LED sources. Utilize 3500 kelvin color temperature LED sources for all interior
luminaires. Utilize 4000 kelvin color temperature LED sources for all exterior luminaires. Add
motion sensors to exterior lighting to have the lights at half power absent of motion. Lights to
move to full power when motion detected and stay at full power 20 seconds minimum after motion
detected. All LED luminaires shall be provided with 0-10 volt dimmable drivers and capable of
interface with occupancy control, daylight harvesting, and other controls as required.
Recessed LED fixtures shall be flush hinged steel frame with direct/indirect distribution for all
office, corridor, training, conference rooms, and other such areas in the office areas. Provide
125 acrylic K12 prismatic lens in T-bar ceiling areas for all bathroom/shower areas, and other
non-office areas.
Support light fixtures independently of ceiling suspension systems. Support outlet and junction
boxes independently of conduits running to them.
Plaster frames and rings shall be provided for fixtures which are to be recessed in a plaster or
drywall type ceiling. Suitable trim rings shall be provided for fixtures recessed in ceilings, color to
match ceiling finish.
Lighting in lunchroom/training rooms shall have dimmable drivers with gradual illuminance control.
Shower fixtures to be approved for wet location. Provide separate switch control for each
bank/row of luminaires. Fixtures in unfinished equipment rooms, storage areas to be industrial
LED strip lights with slotted reflectors and wire guards.
Fixtures in maintenance areas shall be stem mount high-bay controlled by three-way switches on
either side of the maintenance access points. Locate fixtures between bays and clear of open
garage doors. Fixtures in wash bay shall be waterproof controlled by weatherproof three-way
switches on either entrance.
Required maintained average light levels shall be in full compliance with IESNA recommended
practice considering typical Dirt Depreciation for each area of occupancy factoring-in Light Loss
Depreciation Factor provided by each luminaire manufacturer. Lighting levels shall be in
compliance with Table 18-1. Required illumination levels below.
All emergency lighting to be in full compliance with local Building Code requirements as well as
IESNA recommended practice. The most stringent requirement shall apply if/where conflict
between two references exist.
18.10.1 Lighting
Lighting shall be designed by point-by-point method utilizing computer generated calculations.
The software used shall be industry recognized and the calculations shall follow IEDNA
procedures. Calculation results shall include maximum, minimum, and average illumination levels
along with the appropriate uniformity ratios and lighting power densities per ASHRAE 90.1.
Calculations shall also include luminaire locations, mounting heights, manufacturer catalog data
sheet with product selections and options indicated, lamp data sheet, wattage, lumens, color
rendering index, color temperature, room surface reflectance values, light loss factors, and
photometric file used.
18.10.5 Grounding
System and equipment grounding shall be in conformance with listed codes.
• Ground resistance to remote earth shall not exceed 5 ohms as measured by the
fall-of-potential method.
• Grounding scheme for electrically conductive or metallic materials running along the
alignment, such as handrails, walkways, or conduits, shall be developed to minimize the
flow of stray currents and limit touch potentials to safe levels.
• Means shall be provided, such as ground rods, to bleed off high fault current and minimize
safety hazard.
• EVSE installations shall comply with the 2020 Edition of the NEC – Article 625 – Electric
Vehicle Charging System. Provide the appropriate EVSE to accommodate the following
charging levels as defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers SAE J1772.
o Level 1: 120VAC delivered to the EV; full charge time is typically 11 to 16 hours
depending on the EV. Level 1 is anticipated for long-term or overnight parking.
o Level 2: 208-240 VAC delivered to the EV; full charge time is typically 4 t0 7 hours
depending on the EV. Level 2 is anticipated for shorter term parking likely during the
work day for commuters.
• EVSE shall be of the same model and manufacturer providing the same functionality, user
interface, communication protocol and supported by a single software package. Software
shall allow for adding future EVSE and shall provide the owner with a comprehensive
system to manage, track, and report on energy usage and revenue collection at individual
• In addition to power to each EVSE, provide communications to each EVSE. If wireless
communication is utilized on the EVSE, provide a ¾” inch empty communications conduit
for future use.
• Provide traffic-rated concrete bollards around EVSE to prevent accidental damage from
All design relating to implementation of the corrosion control requirements shall conform to or
exceed the requirements of the latest versions of codes and standards identified in this DCM and
shall be compatible with relevant safety requirements.
Protection of metal structures shall include, but may not necessarily be limited to, corrosion control
techniques such as coating, electrical isolation, electrical continuity, and cathodic protection.
Corrosion control measures provided by others, for facilities owned by others, shall be taken into
account in the design. Coordination with the owners of the facilities shall be required to avoid
conflicts, such as interference with cathodic protection systems, trackwork, electrification,
signaling, and communications designs.
The designer shall identify concrete structures that may be subject to attack and shall specify
cement types in accordance with ASTM C150-07, Standard Specification for Portland Cement.
For severe environments, supplemental concrete coating systems, increase of concrete cover,
addition of corrosion inhibitors in concrete mix may be required, as well as potential cathodic
protection of the reinforcing steel within the concrete.
Structures that may be affected by soil and water corrosion shall be identified. Typically these
include, but are not necessarily limited to:
• Buried and on-grade reinforced concrete structures
• Metallic piping systems (water, fire water, sewage, storm water, fuels, etc.)
• Underground storage tanks
• Electrical conduits and control systems
• Rails and rail fasteners
Ductile iron pipe should have a surface preparation pursuant to the National Association of Pipe
Fabricators (NAPF) 500-03-04 for pipe and NAPF 500-03-05 for fittings.
The corrosion control designs shall be coordinated with other project element designs, including
mechanical, Utilities, electrical, civil, structures, trackwork, traction power, vehicles,
environmental, geotechnical, architecture, grounding, signaling, communications, safety, and
security in order to produce a fully comprehensive and integrated design.
The project site must be assessed for climate vulnerability (see Section 3.3), to ensure any work
is designed to be resilient to future climate conditions.
• For pressure piping entering facilities below grade, pipe shall be electrically isolated
immediately inside of the wall penetration. For pressure piping entering facilities above
grade, pipe shall be electrically isolated immediately outside of the wall penetration. Pipe
penetrations through walls and floors shall be electrically isolated from building structural
elements, including rebar and building grounding system.
• Provide electrical continuity through the installation of copper wires across all mechanical
pipe joints per Section 19.3.2, Electrical Continuity of Underground Piping, with the
exception of insulating flanges.
• Provide permanent test/access facilities to allow for verification of electrical effectiveness
of insulators and coating and electrical continuity. Additional test/access facilities installed
at intermediate locations shall be at the discretion of SCRRA.
• A bituminous mastic coating on the external surfaces of pipe 6 inches on each side of a
concrete/soil interface
• The need for electrical continuity, electrical isolation, and cathodic protection on an
individual basis.
The need for additional measures as a result of localized special conditions shall be determined
on an individual basis. Additional measures may include application of protective coating to
concrete, reinforcing steel, or both and the increase of concrete cover.
Precast standardized facilities, such as vaults and manholes, must be reviewed on an individual
basis to determine alternative criteria when they cannot be practically modified to meet some or
all of the provisions specified herein. Precast segmented concrete ring construction shall meet
the requirements of this section or be reviewed on an individual basis to determine alternative
criteria when they cannot be practically modified to meet some or all of the provisions specified.
minimum requirements listed here shall be coordinated with the structural design discipline. The
minimum corrosion control specification may not be appropriate in all conditions.
Reinforced concrete pilings, including fabrications with prestressed members, shall be designed
to meet the following minimum criteria:
• The water/cement ratio and cement types shall be in accordance with Section 19.2.6.
• Chloride restrictions for concrete with prestressed members shall be in accordance with
Section 19.2.6, with exception that the concrete mix should be such that the water-soluble
and acid-soluble chloride concentrations at the concrete/prestressed steel interface do not
exceed 0.06 and 0.08 percent by weight of cement, respectively, over the life of the
structure. Additional information is provided in ACI 222R, “Corrosion of Metals in
• A minimum of 3 inches of concrete cover shall be placed over the outermost reinforcing
steel, including prestressing wires, if present.
Metallic supports shall have a barrier coating from the surface to a minimum of 10 feet below
expected low groundwater level. Sacrificial thicknesses shall be considered based on the
corrosivity of soil. The need for special measures, such as electrical isolation measures, electrical
continuity, monitoring devices, and cathodic protection, shall be determined on an individual
basis, based on type of structure, analysis of soil borings for corrosive characteristics, and degree
of anticipated structural deterioration caused by corrosion.
Concrete-filled steel cylinder columns, where the steel is an integral part of the load bearing
characteristics of the support structure, shall be designed considering the need for special
measures, such as increased cylinder wall thickness, external coating system, stray current
mitigation, and/or cathodic protection.
The design shall be determined on an individual basis based on type of structure, analysis of soil
borings for corrosive characteristics, and the degree of anticipated structural deterioration caused
by corrosion.
19.4.1 General
The corrosion control design shall specify surface preparation, application procedure, primer,
number of coats, and minimum dry film thickness for each coating system. Shop-applied coatings
shall be specified wherever possible, with the use of compatible coating systems for field touchup
and repairs. Coatings shall be able to demonstrate satisfactory gloss retention, color retention,
and resistance to chalking over their minimum life expectancies. Coatings shall have minimum
life expectancies, defined as the time prior to major maintenance or reapplication, of 15 to
20 years. Coatings specified for buried metallic or concrete facilities shall satisfy the following
• Minimum 5-year performance record
• Ability to withstand reasonable abuse during handling and earth pressure after installation
• Minimum volume resistivity per ASTM D257
• Minimum thickness as recommended for the specific system, but not less than 15 mils
• Minimum adhesion and bonding strength requirements specified by the manufacturer
Potentially acceptable generic coating systems include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Extruded polyethylene/butyl-based system
• Coal-tar epoxies (two-component systems)
• Polyethylene-backed butyl mastic tapes (cold applied)
• Bituminous mastics (airless spray)
Non-bonding corrosion protection systems (polyethylene wrap) may be used in special instances
after review and approval by SCRRA.
One of the following barrier coating systems, in accordance with SSPC Surface Preparation
Standards and Specifications, shall be used where both corrosion protection and good
appearance are needed:
• Near-white blast surface according to SSPC-SP 10. Follow with a three-coat inorganic
zinc, high build epoxy, polyester urethane system.
• Near-white blast surface according to SSPC-SP 10. Follow with a three-coat vinyl system.
• Commercial blast surface according to SSPC-SP 6. Follow with a three-coat inorganic
zinc, high build epoxy, polyester urethane system.
• Commercial blast surface according to SSPC-SP 6. Follow with a three-coat inorganic
zinc, high build epoxy, acrylic urethane system.
19.4.4 Sealants
Crevices shall be sealed with a polysulfide, polyurethane, or silicone sealant as appropriate for
the application and exposure conditions.
1. Soil environment
2. Presence of anaerobic bacteria;
3. Mutual structure protection or interference configuration
4. Limitation of protection potentials
5. Accessibility after construction is completed
6. Optimum location of anodes for ease of replacement and avoidance of interference with
other structures.
7. Test monitoring stations and facilities
8. Anode service life and ground bed resistance
9. Minimum anode service life of 25 years
The number, type, and spacing of the test facilities shall be sufficient to determine the adequacy
of cathodic protection, electrical continuity, and electrical isolation.
19.6.3 Coatings
The quality control measures required for the verification of proper application and handling vary
greatly depending on the coating type. Guidelines for establishing general procedures for quality
control testing are as follows:
• Coatings shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and in
accordance with NACE International recommended practices.
• A quality control test plan shall be required for the application and testing of all coated
surfaces. The test plan shall address the allowable coating thickness measurements,
adhesion requirements, hold points for test, test procedures to be used in the quality
control process, and reporting and acceptance requirements for each specific type of
coating system being used.
• All shop coated surfaces shall first be tested, witnessed, and accepted at the coating
• Additional field quality control hold points shall be required.
• Selection criteria for the entities to perform the quality control testing shall be incorporated
into the project documents. The criteria shall include the qualifications of the agency,
personnel requirements, and equipment requirements. A minimum of 5 years of
experience performing this work is required.
determine and document the corrosive characteristics of the atmosphere and to be used as the
basis of the atmospheric corrosion control system designs.
Glass fiber concrete reinforcement bar in areas of saltwater spray or potential inundation from salt
or brackish water shall be considered after prior written approval from SCRRA.
In addition, the design of the Communications System requires review and consideration of other
chapters within this manual:
• Chapter 7.0, Stations
• Chapter 8.0, Grade Crossings
• Chapter 11.0, Structures
The design consultant shall apply the following principles of systems design to achieve high
• Redundancy shall be added to the system to minimize single points of failure. Redundancy
prevents the failure of a single component leading to the failure of the entire system.
Components that cannot be eliminated as a single point of failure shall be evaluated for
acceptability in Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). MTBF shall exceed the intended
time between planned maintenance, upgrade events, or system lifetime.
• Design organization, consistent application of standards, and documentation shall support
maintenance personnel’s ability to ensure a timely response for correction and repair of
system failures. Visibility of component failures shall be provided through automated
monitoring and notification.
• Automatic transition (failover) to a redundant standby system shall be reliable when the
active system fails.
• Systems shall be protected against extreme heat events causing outages through
shading, adequate air conditioning (with solar or battery back-up) or other; systems will be
protected from future flooding through elevation or appropriate casements.
Availability is expressed as a percentage of the uptime in a given year. The term downtime is
used to refer to periods when a subsystem is unavailable. Periods of downtime can be scheduled
or unscheduled. Scheduled downtime is a result of maintenance that is disruptive to the system
operation and cannot be avoided within the active system. This downtime is the result of a pre-
planned, management approved action. Examples of unscheduled downtime events include
power outages, failed components, temperature related failure, physically severed network
connections, and operating system failures. The design consultant’s Communications Systems
design shall minimize the impacts of unscheduled downtime.
The EA will determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required or release a
Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and continue with the proposed action.
FCC regulated antenna towers are subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation
Act (NHPA) and the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement (NPA) for Review of Effects on Historic
Properties for certain Undertakings Approved by the FCC. The Electronic Section-106 system
enables parties constructing a new tower to file E-Form 620 with the FCC. The system then
forwards the filing to stakeholders choosing to participate electronically, including the State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), federally recognized Indian tribes, and other consulting
parties, allowing them to comment as the whether they have concerns about the proposed tower
construction. The FCC has also developed a proprietary Tower Construction Notification System
(TCNS) to facilitate identification of and contact with potentially affected tribes and State Historic
Preservation Officers (SHPOs). This system is a tool meant to facilitate Section 106 consultation
and is not a substitute for it. The TCNS system contains confidential maps that these stakeholders
can utilize for evaluation. Tribes can also request a government to government consultation, if
necessary, during the evaluation period.
FCC regulated antenna towers may be subject to the Antenna Structure Registration (ASR)
program. In general, this includes structures that are taller than 200 feet above ground level or
those that may interfere with the flight path (glide slope) of a nearby airport. Specific information
for the tower (latitude, longitude, height above ground level, and site elevation) must be submitted
for a TOWAIR determination for antenna registration.
Within the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), SCRRA received a Statutory Exemption
for construction and operation of commuter rail facilities within an existing railroad Right of Way
(ROW). Unless modified by the State, it is not anticipated that antenna towers constructed within
the ROW are subject to CEQA. Any antenna towers constructed outside of the ROW shall be
evaluated for CEQA.
All regulatory reviews shall be completed during the design phase and prior to any construction.
SCRRA’s Communications Licensing Coordinator (CLC) will facilitate the antenna regulatory
approval effort. The CLC shall be notified of proposed antenna tower locations at the 30% design
concept level. The design consultant shall provide all drawings, exhibits, and calculations required
for the CLC to complete regulatory applications at the 90% design phase.
• Topographic Category
• Seismic rating
• Climbing and Working Facilities
• Tower Security and Fencing
The design consultant shall complete a structural analysis for new and existing antenna tower
loads with ANSI/TIA-222-H or latest revision. This analysis shall be sealed by a qualified
Professional Engineer in the State of California and requires information such as: antenna tower
dimensions, local climate conditions, location and type of antennas, mounts, transmission lines,
and other appurtenances. Wind loading governs many tower designs, and as additional antennas
are placed on an existing tower, it shall be reevaluated for any necessary structural modification
requirements. When designing a new antenna tower, consult with SCRRA to determine location
specific additional tower load criteria for possible future expansion.
Antenna towers shall utilize an engineered foundation plan sealed by a qualified Professional
Engineer in the State of California using the latest edition of the California Building Code (CBC).
Microwave antenna tower designs shall include a soil survey geotechnical report for the proposed
tower location. The antenna tower foundation design shall factor wind, ice, and seismic loads.
The foundation design shall use a minimum wind speed of 100mph and ½ inch of solid radial ice.
The tower manufacturer shall provide the axial, shear, and moment base reactions.
Tilt down antenna towers shall be oriented to tilt down parallel to the tracks. The design consultant
shall confirm that the antenna tower will not conflict with overhead power lines when upright or
wayside infrastructure when in the tilt down position. As the antenna load increases, appropriate
counterweights shall be provided to counterbalance the antenna when in the tilt down position.
20.5.1 Scope
Point to point microwave radio is utilized by SCRRA for backhaul as a primary network in railroad
Right of Way where no fiber exists or where fiber networks are segmented (having no direct path)
from the Dispatch Operations Center (DOC). SCRRA’s microwave system utilizes route diversity,
in which secondary or alternate microwave paths serve as failover links to protect the system if
the primary link is lost.
Each SCRRA microwave link shall have 99.999% availability as demonstrated by the path loss
and fade margin calculations. The minimum allowable fade margin shall be 20dB. Radio receiver
sensitivity shall be evaluated at a maximum Bit Error Rate (BER) of 1x10-6. Each end of the
microwave link shall use the same manufacturer’s equipment. The microwave equipment shall be
capable of hitless failover and have compatibility with SCRRA’s network management system.
20.5.5 Coverage
The designer shall coordinate with the microwave radio manufacturer to provide link calculations
that estimate availability. The link calculations will detail microwave radio equipment, output
power, frequency, antenna, waveguide, location coordinates, and mounting height.
In remote areas where maintenance access is difficult, a standby generator shall be considered
to support network availability. Microwave radio hardware shall contain a chassis with multiple
card configurations and redundancy to provide module protection. At locations where no fiber is
present at the microwave link site providing an alternate path, a telco circuit is required to be
installed as the alternate path.
20.5.6 Licensing
Microwave radio spectrum is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The
Universal Licensing System (ULS) is the consolidated database and application filing system for
most wireless radio services. SCRRA’s Communications Licensing Coordinator (CLC) will
facilitate the regulatory approval effort. The designer shall provide all information to complete the
FCC Form 601 (initial application).
Microwave site construction shall not commence without an approved FCC license. Per 47 CFR
1.946, licensees are required to construct their authorized system or meet specific coverage
requirements within a given time period and notify the FCC that the requirement was met. If the
licensee fails to construct a frequency, location, or coverage requirement, the frequency, location,
or license terminates automatically as of the applicable construction/coverage deadline.
Licensees may request a waiver of 47 CFR 1.946 to extend a construction or coverage period.
The design consultant shall communicate with the CLC to update for changes that impact a
microwave site during construction.
Microwave radio deployment specifications shall require the following tests and verification:
• Grounding
• Antenna/waveguide return loss
• Hardware performance under power failure
• Pressurization
• Frequency accuracy
• Transmitter power
• Back office testing of alarm verification and network management system (NMS)
• Orderwire
20.6.1 Scope
The SCRRA preferred backhaul network type is an Optical Wide Area Network (WAN) utilizing
fiber optic cable. The design consultant shall consider feasibility of fiber installation in project Right
of Way or conduit for future fiber installation in locations that do not have fiber. If fiber or fiber
accommodations are excluded from a project, a detailed justification of the tradeoffs considered
shall be submitted to the SCRRA Director, PTC, C&S Systems, or Designate.
selection. For example, although a fiber cable may terminate at a control point as the last
geographic location, the design consultant may want to terminate all fibers at the closest non-vital
communications shelter for communications personnel access and ease of testing rather than
within the vital control point. Refer to ES9610 for more information.
Fiber network deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• OTDR and power meter measurements taken bidirectionally at 1310nm and 1550nm
• Ethernet switch port verification (all ports)
• Optical link data
• Ring failover
When a location requires access to the 72-strand fiber optic cable, it shall be made via an
underground splice enclosure of a 24-strand fiber lateral cable within innerduct for each buffer
tube that requires access. Lateral conduit shall be 4-inch schedule 40 PVC, with a minimum of 3
innerducts installed for future use. Within the lateral fiber cable, the blue buffer tube shall be used
for railroad west link connections and the orange buffer tube shall be used for railroad east link
Fiber optic cable markers facilitate access and identification during the long-term maintenance of
the cable. These markers provide important visual landmarks to determine fiber placement for
emergency repairs and future improvements. All new fiber cable installed shall include the
placement of fiber optic cable markers in accordance with ES9655.
20.7.1 Scope
The VHF band utilized by railroad operations for voice radio communications covers the frequency
range of 160.215MHz – 161.565 MHz. SCRRA channel assignments utilize the narrowband with
12.5 kHz equipment bandwidth. SCRRA uses two types of carrier squelch simplex channels: a
road channel and a yard channel. These channel types can be used by railroad dispatchers,
locomotive engineers, conductors, maintainers, yard personnel, and wayside work groups
(Employees in Charge (EICs)). Road channels are segmented by each train dispatcher’s
subdivision or territory and the dispatcher selects the preferred transmitting base station
communication. Specific VHF radio channel assignments can be found in the latest version of the
The wireless VHF network is the primary voice network, covered by redundant base stations. VHF
base radio locations are connected to fiber or microwave backhaul networks when possible. For
remote base radio locations, a telco circuit shall be provided. The design consultant shall consider
VHF coverage when the SCRRA system expands to determine if additional base stations are
20.7.2 Coverage
In order for a new Right of Way to be added to the VHF radio network, it shall receive full radio
coverage, with an availability of at least 99 percent, from a minimum of two Base Station sites. At
time of design this shall be simulated for radio frequency (RF) predicted area of coverage to the
locomotive antenna and to the roadway worker / maintainer portable radio. For simulation
purposes, the portable radio antenna gain shall be -11.3dB at a height of five (5) feet. Terrain data
will have a minimum of 30m resolution. Within tunnels, the design consultant shall use a
distributed antenna system comprised of radiating cable and low-profile antennas.
20.7.3 Licensing
The VHF band utilized by SCRRA railroad operations is regulated by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). The Association of American Railroads (AAR) issues sub-licenses to the
individual railroads that use voice radio. In applying for a license, certain information shall be
provided by the designer to SCRRA’s Communications Licensing Coordinator (CLC). The Height
Above Average Terrain (HAAT) shall be calculated, as it helps in determining the range in
broadcasts and can be subject to power restrictions. Using HAAT, Effective Radiated Power
(ERP), and antenna gain, the designer shall determine the maximum power for the license
Voice radio deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Grounding
• Hardware performance under power failure
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) test measuring impedance match of transmission
line to antenna (reflected power)
• Back office testing of controls and indications
• RSSI Measurements via drive tests representing coverage to each base station
20.8.1 Scope
Advanced Train Control System (ATCS) radio is a data radio network that operates in subdivisions
where Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) is active. The primary user of the ATCS radio system is
the train dispatcher via the Train Management Dispatch System (TMDS). ATCS radio is a
secondary system to improve network availability for train movements, which are a mission critical
function of SCRRA. Data transport is based on ATCS Spec 200, which supports train control
system messages (control, indication, recheck, and switch status) between Control Points and
Base Stations. The data radio system uses a pair of Multiple-Address-System frequencies in the
900MHz band for full duplex operation. Although the ATCS network is non-vital (not required for
the safe movement of trains), ATCS reliability directly impacts on-time performance. Therefore, a
primary (backhaul) network and secondary (RF) network shall simultaneously remain active.
The system redundancy of ATCS radio is arranged to become the primary operating network
when fiber, ethernet radio, or microwave (backhaul) networks are impacted as scheduled
downtime. This is an approach that can be utilized during construction phasing, upon review and
approval of SCRRA. The ATCS radio network may also become the primary operating network
for a Control Point when it becomes physically isolated due to theft, vandalism, or equipment
failure (unscheduled downtime).
The design consultant shall evaluate ATCS coverage for new Control Point (CP) locations. In
areas of SCRRA system expansion, the design consultant shall simulate coverage to determine
if additional ATCS base stations are required.
20.8.2 Coverage
In order for a CP to be added to the ATCS data radio network, it shall receive full radio coverage,
with an availability of at least 99 percent, from a minimum of two Base Station sites. At time of
design, this shall be simulated for radio frequency (RF) predicted area of coverage, using 20dB
fade margin to wayside CPs. Terrain data shall have a minimum resolution of 30 meters in the
simulation. If a CP cannot be covered by two Base Station sites, a leased telephone circuit shall
be used as an active standby system to the data radio link, requiring the use of an ATCS
communications controller.
In areas of SCRRA system expansion, Base Station locations shall be selected by balancing CP
coverage objectives with the impact of RF network collisions. ATCS radio utilizes a contention-
based protocol which allows many users (Control Points) to use the same radio channel without
pre-coordination. Although higher elevation (mountain top) Base Station sites can increase
coverage and require fewer overall sites within the system, the increasing number of RF network
collisions will decrease efficiency. This effect on the ATCS radio system has been referred to as
experiencing “slow codes”. A higher number of lower elevation (wayside) Base Stations with
overlapping coverage is preferred by SCRRA.
20.8.3 Licensing
ATCS radio utilizes licensed spectrum that is regulated by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). The Association of American Railroads (AAR) holds a single geographic area
license with six (6) 900MHz channel pairs, as a seventy (70) mile zone or “ribbon” on either side
of rights of way of all operating rail lines in the United States. The AAR issues sub-licenses to the
individual railroads that use ATCS.
Metrolink uses Channel Number 3. In applying for a license, certain information shall be provided
by the designer to SCRRA’s Communications Licensing Coordinator (CLC). The Height Above
Average Terrain (HAAT) shall be calculated, as it helps in determining the range in broadcasts
and can be subject to power restrictions. Using HAAT, Effective Radiated Power (ERP), and
antenna gain, the designer shall determine the maximum power for the license application.
ATCS radio deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Grounding
• Poll ID assignment
• Hardware performance under power failure
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) test measuring impedance match of transmission
line to antenna (reflected power)
20.9.1 Scope
In areas of SCRRA operation where fiber is not available, wireless Ethernet radio access points
can be placed at the edge of a fiber network or within a microwave network where a
communications shelter is available. At isolated Control Points, Ethernet radio subscriber nodes
can form point to point connections to the access points, providing the last mile connection for
ATCS radio communications. In these scenarios, Ethernet radio is the primary network that serves
the Control Point backhaul. The secondary network would be the ATCS RF network.
20.9.2 Coverage
The wireless Ethernet radio shall utilize direct sequence spread spectrum modulation operating
in the Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) 900MHz band from 902MHz to 928MHz. The radio
shall be capable of synchronized RF transmissions for co-located radios. The radio shall also be
configurable for different transmit and receive frequency assignments.
At time of design this shall be simulated for radio frequency (RF) predicted area of coverage,
using 20dB fade margin to wayside Control Points. Terrain data shall have a minimum resolution
of 30 meters in the simulation.
20.9.4 Licensing
Ethernet radio uses unlicensed spectrum. The design shall follow the manufacturer’s guidelines
for power. The design consultant shall complete an RF interference study to recommend optimal
channel assignments.
• Site Overview: The site overview shall detail tower type, placement, grounding, GPS
coordinates, and supporting telco circuit (when applicable). Control Points shall utilize tilt
down towers of 40 feet or 60 feet. Antenna information shall detail type, height, azimuth
(if antenna is directional), and standoff bracket. To keep the Fresnel Zone clear, do not
mount other antenna or protrusion closer than 5 feet vertically. Antenna cable
configurations shall be described to capture the necessary cable types, diameters,
grounding, and connection points. Ethernet radio cables shall be outdoor ultraviolet (UV)
rated. When a tilt down tower is used, a cable disconnect shall be installed within the tilt
down access port. Tilt down tower when lowered shall not foul the track.
• Shelter Layout: The communications shelter layout shall identify the rack or wall detail that
houses the Ethernet radio equipment.
• Circuit Schematic: The circuit schematic shall detail connections, cable types, power
sources and breaker sizes. Ethernet radio access points shall be supported by DC power
with battery backup of 24 hours standby time. Ethernet radio subscribers shall have
redundant system and PoE power supplies when 48V DC battery plants are not available.
• Equipment Rack Layout: Ethernet radio equipment rack detail shall be provided to show
equipment spacing, cable management, power, shelving and total rack unit (RU) space
Ethernet radio deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Surge protection
• Hardware performance under power failure
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) test measuring impedance match of transmission
line to antenna (reflected power)
• Back office testing of controls and indications
• RSSI Measurements representing coverage to each base stations and total number of
base stations providing coverage
• Failover from Ethernet radio transport to RF transport
20.10.1 Scope
Grade crossing locations contain an event recorder as an independent monitor of events for use
in cases of incident and accident investigation. This information is locally recorded and can be
retrieved locally. The grade crossing systems data collection network (Crossing Controller
Network) is an overlay system that can transmit this event recorder information to surrounding
communications shelters to be relayed to the Dispatch Operations Center via the backhaul
20.10.2 Coverage
At time of design this shall be simulated for radio frequency (RF) predicted area of coverage,
using 20dB fade margin to wayside control points. Terrain data shall have a minimum resolution
of 30 meters in the simulation.
20.10.3 Licensing
The VHF band utilized by railroad operations are regulated by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). The AAR issues sub-licenses to the individual railroads that use voice radio.
In applying for a license, certain information shall be provided by the designer to SCRRA’s
Communications Licensing Coordinator (CLC). The Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT) shall
be calculated, as it helps in determining the range in broadcasts and can be subject to power
restrictions. Using HAAT, Effective Radiated Power (ERP), and antenna gain, the designer shall
determine the maximum power for the license application.
Crossing collector radio deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Grounding
• Hardware performance under power failure
• Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) test measuring impedance match of transmission
line to antenna (reflected power)
• Back office testing of event recorder information for crossing location
20.11.1 Scope
SCRRA prefers to utilize agency owned network infrastructure as much as possible in order to
reduce its recurring operating costs. At select strategic network locations where approved by
SCRRA, leased MPLS is added to increase the availability of the overall network. MPLS is
typically a tertiary level of standby network for SCRRA.
A network router is installed at each communications shelter to provide an Open System
Interconnection (OSI) Layer 3 element to segment (via subnet) the following networks:
• Train Control
• Customer Information Systems
• Ticket Vending Devices
20.11.2 Planning
The designer shall coordinate the MPLS circuit with the SCRRA Communications MPLS
Coordinator. This is a long lead item that shall be defined and coordinated with the provider prior
to release of issue for construction documents.
Router and MPLS deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Router hardware performance under power failure
• Back office testing of all subnets and ability to see all devices on the network
• Failover testing to MPLS network
20.12.1 Scope
Power reliability is fundamental to SCRRA’s ability to maintain a highly available network. Primary
power and standby power are required within each communications shelter. Minimum standby
power times are determined relative to the accessibility to each location. Standby power systems
shall be sized based on operating load calculations for the communications location. For wayside
locations that are easily accessible, standby power shall operate the location for a minimum of 24
hours in the event of primary power loss. For remote locations, standby power shall operate the
location for a minimum of 72 hours in the event of primary power loss.
SCRRA communications shelters use a single phase 100A 240V/120V electrical meter service
as primary power. SCRRA Standby power utilizes DC voltage battery plants of 48V, 24V and 12V.
All standby power systems shall be monitored and have the ability to send alarm notifications to
the Dispatch Operations Center (DOC). In strategic and/or remote network locations, such as
mountain top base station locations, a standby generator may be required in addition to DC
battery plants.
20.13.1 Scope
Communications system conduit and pull boxes support and protect the backhaul
communications infrastructure in essential ways. Selection and placement of conduit and pull
boxes can have significant impact on existing and future system requirements and ease of
20.13.2 Planning
SCRRA does not allow direct burial installation of any communications cable. All cable shall be
installed in PVC or HDPE conduit. All conduit shall be installed at a minimum depth of 36 inches.
PVC conduit shall be schedule 40 when placed adjacent to track and schedule 80 when placed
under track. All conduit shall remain clear of Zone 1 with exception to conduit crossing underneath
the tracks when necessary.
SCRRA prefers separate 4’x4’x4’ pull boxes for communications cable isolated from signal cable
when feasible. This decision shall be made in context of the project scope, funding and available
room for pull box placement and installation. When conduit crosses tracks or roadways, a pull box
shall be placed on either side. All pull boxes shall have H20 traffic rated lids to allow Right of Way
(ROW) maintenance vehicles to drive over them without causing damage.
Analysis of the project scope may provide cost savings for the installation of duct bank conduit in
one shared trench for multiple systems. These systems can include non-vital fiber, vital fiber, and
grade crossing express cable.
In greenfield SCRRA expansion projects or more remote areas there may be a cost advantage to
plowing in HDPE conduit in conjunction with other construction activities.
20.14.1 Scope
Passenger stations require a communications infrastructure to properly support ticket vending,
passenger communications, fiber optic systems, and security. Passenger stations are an area
that require interdisciplinary coordination to achieve a well-designed layout for maintenance,
future expansion and public use.
At a minimum, the shelter shall utilize a 200A meter service with two (2) 100A load centers
(120V/240V). Final load calculations shall determine supplied service amperage. The design
consultant shall include panel schedule information.
The shelter foundation shall be a full concrete pad with voids for the underground conduit entry.
The full foundation pad shall be designed to support the weight of heavy standby battery plants.
Within the communications shelter, two (2) post 90-inch high equipment racks shall be used. Four
(4) post racks and racks with vertical cable management shall not be used in order to maximize
space for future growth. In addition, no electrical conduit and junction boxes shall be installed on
the vertical channels of the racks. These items may facilitate a short-term purpose but they fail to
use the available space efficiently, reducing walkways, working space and overall rack placement.
The station communications shelter requires a conduit connection for communications data
transport to the following equipment on the station platform:
• Ticket vending devices
• LED message signs
• LED monitors
• Video surveillance cameras
• Emergency management panel (EMP)
• Public address speakers
The station communications shelter requires a conduit connection for power for the following
• LED message signs
• Video security cameras
• Public address speakers
The following equipment shall be powered from the station electrical panel rather than the
communication shelter:
• Platform lighting and photosensors
• Platform irrigation when applicable
• Ticket vending devices
• LED monitors
• Equipment Rack Layout: CIS equipment rack detail shall be provided to show equipment
spacing, floor space and total rack unit (RU) space requirements.
• Light pole and canopy placement shall be coordinated on the civil plans with the civil
designer and special consideration shall be made for the loading of the CIS equipment on
these structures.
CIS deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Demonstration of test messages to LED signs, LED monitors, EMP, TVDs and Public
Address Speakers.
20.15.1 Scope
Video surveillance systems are required to improve security at SCRRA passenger stations and
other facilities. Although these systems are not mission critical infrastructure for operations, they
have importance in preventing theft and vandalism that impact mission critical systems.
20.15.2 Planning
Video Surveillance Systems consist of the following equipment:
• Cameras
• VSS Ethernet switch capable of power over Ethernet (PoE)
• Uninterruptible power supply
• Network Video Recorder
• Category 6 patch panels
• Fiber patch panels
At passenger stations, cameras shall be placed at TVDs and distributed along the platform to
provide remote security visibility. Mounting of equipment shall be on light poles and canopies,
based on conduit access and optimum visibility. Power over Ethernet (PoE) extender equipment
may be installed in small NEMA 4X boxes collocated on the light poles.
• Equipment Rack Layout: VSS equipment rack detail shall be provided to show equipment
spacing, floor space and total rack unit (RU) space requirements.
• Conduit and pull box placement shall be coordinated on the civil plans with the civil
• Light pole and canopy placement shall be coordinated on the civil plans with the civil
designer and special consideration shall be made for the loading of the VSS equipment
on these structures.
VSS deployment shall include the following tests and verification:
• Demonstration of video at Security Operations Center (SOC).
20.16.1 Scope
Ticket vending devices provide revenue recovery for SCRRA. These systems shall be designed
to have high availability as a part of SCRRA’s fiscal responsibility.
20.16.2 Planning
TVD Systems consist of the following equipment:
• Ticket vending cabinet
• Media converter
• Fiber patch panel
• TVD switch
The designer is advised that wayside signaling systems, crossing warning systems,
communication systems and positive train control (PTC) systems are present on the SCRRA
tracks and right-of-way. Any modifications to the wayside signaling system must consider and
mitigate impacts to these other systems. Please refer to the following Design Criteria Manual
Sections for related information;
• Section 20.0, Communications Systems
• Section 22.0, Positive Train Control (PTC)
Engineer must possess an additional five (5) years of experience performing and leading field-
testing efforts for signal system testing and commissioning.
The Signal Test Engineer must be able to demonstrate an ability to develop, coordinate and
execute field test plans. The Signal Test Engineer must possess a thorough understanding of
SCRRA train operations, signal and crossing system functionality, positive train control
functionality and demonstrate an ability to analyze and determine the level of testing needed to
safely commission signal and crossing system modifications in a commuter rail environment.
The Signal Test Engineer may be interviewed by SCRRA or designate. The interview may require
a demonstration of the candidate’s ability to organize and perform in-service testing activities. The
determination of qualification is at the sole discretion of SCRRA.
21.6.1 General
Signal computer aided drafting and design (CADD) files are living documents that must be
properly maintained to ensure the integrity of the signal system. Duplicate CADD files increase
the possibility of inaccurate drawings being distributed to construction or maintenance forces.
Files shall not be duplicated without the authorization of the SCRRA. Drawings shall be produced
utilizing Bentley MicroStation. CADD files shall be version 7 compatible in the two-dimensional
format. Designers shall adhere to the format requirements indicated within this section.
Prior to beginning a design project, CADD files shall be requested from SCRRA. The design firm
shall provide a general description of the project along with specific milepost limits. SCRRA shall
provide current CADD files, SCRRA border files, SCRRA official cell libraries, and any pertinent
typical files (example, pre-wired typical files) available. Files shall be provided to the designer
electronically via email or through delivery on a compact disc or USB drive.
Upon completion of the design, the contractor shall return the CADD files to SCRRA. The designer
shall also include an itemized list of the files returned. The list shall categorize files by new,
modified, and deleted files. Upon completion of construction, CADD files returned to SCRRA shall
be in SCRRA maintenance format, with SCRRA borders and job notes attached.
Any modifications made to SCRRA CADD files require that a job note be added to the drawing
affected. No changes, regardless of size or content, shall be made without attaching a job note.
Border files shall be reference attached to the drawing files. New cells shall not be added to the
SCRRA cell library without proper authorization from SCRRA. Any new cells developed with
approval shall be returned to SCRRA so that they may be included within the SCRRA cell library
for future distribution.
RD Redlands
RI River
RO Rialto
SG San Gabriel
SW Short Way
VN Ventura
VY Valley
After the subdivision, six characters of the file name shall display either a specific milepost location
or a specified area from one milepost to another. For example, 025_20 is milepost 25.20 and
043051 is milepost ranging from 43 through 51.
All CADD files shall be returned to SCRRA with the “.dgn” file extension. SCRRA uses a sub
extension naming convention for further information on the file. The sub extension shall be
preceded with a “_”.
o AA = 0 (Active Angle)
o CO = 0 (Color)
o View #1 = View of title block area
o View #5 = View of complete drawing (FIT ALL)
• The design file name shall be placed in the lower left-hand corner of the design file border
and shall match the external file name.
• Crossing Street Width (Standard) = 10 grid spaces minimum
• Track = WT=7, LV=1
• Distance between Tracks = 6 grid spaces
• Circuits = WT=2, LV=1
• Black Boxes and Shapes = WT=3, LV=2
• Project Revision Information = JBNOTE cell
• All circuits shall be placed ON GRID
• Identifiers shall be placed directly above the item:
o Street Names
o DOT Number
o CPUC Number
o Engineering Stationing
o Control Point Name
• Engineering Stationing shall be followed by an abbreviated descriptor as follows:
o SIG = Signal
o HB = Head Block (Powered or hand thrown)
o DERAIL = Derail (Powered or hand thrown)
o IJ = Insulated Joint
• The front cover sheet shall contain an index of the drawings included in the plan set. The
index shall indicate the sheet number and corresponding sheet title block name. The cover
sheet shall indicate the drawing set name.
• Do not DROP STATUS on cells.
• Track and Location sheets shall be drawn so that each sheet in the book could be placed
side by side with all corresponding tracks, cables, and circuits lining up.
Wayside signal plans utilize a color scheme for depiction of design changes within existing or new
plan sets. The use of non-colored depiction of design changes (black X’s and O’s) is not allowed.
Acceptable color codes are as follows:
o Switch Circuits
o Local Control Panel
o Local Control Panel Circuits
o Power, Battery & Alarm Circuits
o WAGO Detail
o Racks # Layout
o Comm. Equipment Rack # Layout
o Terminal Board Layout (Front)
o Terminal Board Layout (Back)
o Side A – House Layout
o Side C – House Layout
o Cable Sheet
o Conduit Plan
o Comm. Tower Details
• Intermediate Signal Location Plan – Contains specific location circuitry and details
o Cover Sheet (Index)
o Track and Location Plan
o Aspect Sheet
o Fiber Optic Circuit Plan
o Crossing Circuit Plan (If remote start crossing circuits within the location)
o Program Options Plan (If remote start crossing circuits within the location)
o Electrocode Circuits
o PTC Radio Sheet
o Signal Lighting Circuits
o Power & Battery Circuits
o Racks # Layout
o Side A – House Layout
o Side C – House Layout
o Cable Sheet
o Conduit Plan
• Electric Switch Lock/Leaving Signal – Contains specific location circuitry and details
o Cover Sheet (Index)
where right-of-way (ROW) constraints will not permit placement of ground signals. Where
visibility, spacing, and braking considerations allow, it is desirable to locate signals at grade
crossings to minimize additional insulated joints and economize commercial power requirements.
Where practical, signals shall be placed in full view of station platforms so that the aspect
displayed can be seen by the locomotive engineer when leaving the station. Doing so will
eliminate the need for operating crews to comply with TIMETABLE RULE 9.9 - TRAIN DELAYED
WITHIN A BLOCK as they depart the station.
Signals shall be placed and aligned to allow optimum viewing by the locomotive engineer. Where
possible, signals shall be placed adjacent to tangent track. Where practical, the locomotive
engineer shall be provided an unrestricted view of the signal for a minimum of 2,000 feet in
advance of the signal. 2,000 feet provides over 15 seconds of preview for a 79-mph train. In lower
speed territory where 2,000 feet preview is not practical, 15 seconds of preview at timetable speed
will be acceptable, subject to the approval of SCRRA.
Where signals are located on curves and adjacent tracks are present, signal height should
consider visibility obstructions from standing rail cars. The designer shall verify that upper and
lower signal units are visible. The use of bridge or cantilever signals may be required under these
The designer shall perform a thorough field review of proposed wayside signal locations to ensure
that signals are placed in accordance with SCRRA standards and will not be obstructed by
vegetation, buildings, highway overpasses, or other structures. Each location shall provide
adequate space for each signal, signal enclosure, and other related apparatuses. The selected
site shall provide ample walkways and access for railroad maintenance personnel.
inch variation should accommodate settling of the track, thus ensuring compliance with the
The use of dwarf signals is restricted to areas where trains operate at slow speeds or where high-
mast ground signals are not practical. Typically, dwarf signals are used only where trains enter
CTC territory from non-signalized tracks. Dwarf signals are not allowed for use on main or siding
tracks without the permission of SCRRA.
Special considerations for aspect strings include, but are not limited to:
• It is SCRRA’s policy to display an advance approach (Rule 9.1.7) aspect in approach to
any approach (Rule 9.1.9) aspect, approach restricting (Rule 9.1.8) aspect or any
approach diverging (Rule 9.1.6) aspect.
• All Restricting (Rule 9.1.13) and Restricted Proceed (Rule 9.1.14) aspects shall be
analyzed and considered as stop indications in braking calculations.
• Approach Sixty (Rule 9.1.4) and Approach Fifty (Rule 9.1.5) aspects are not currently used
on SCRRA property. Use of these aspects requires the approval of SCRRA.
• Advance Approach (Rule 9.1.7) aspects should not be used where the approach block is
less than 2,500 feet, or where the distance from the advance approach to the stop signal
provides stopping distance for less than timetable speed for all classes.
• Approach Diverging (Rule 9.1.6) aspects should only be used in advance of control points
that have the same turnout speeds. Where turnout sizes vary within a control point, the
Approach Restricting (Rule 9.1.8) aspect may be required approaching the lower speed
turnout, and a Restricting (Rule 9.1.13) aspect be provided for the diverging move through
the lower speed turnout.
Other methods or programs used for calculating braking distances may not be used without the
permission of SCRRA.
The SCRRA Engineering Standards contain braking and deceleration tables for both passenger
and freight. These are provided as examples only and should not be considered in lieu of results
obtained using the SCRRA Braking Distance Calculator.
An example for determining the average grade within in a signal block is:
Application software shall be standard SCRRA universal programs. Customized programs are not
allowed without the permission of SCRRA. Executive programs shall not be customized and may
only be manufacturer developed and supplied programs.
Both the interlocking and automatic signal systems shall have the capability to emulate standard
Electrocode© code rates and communicate through the rail with existing control equipment to
transmit and receive vital block information.
The use of vital or non-vital relays to provide interface between coded track and non-coded track
control systems is prohibited unless approved by SCRRA.
All signal control systems shall be equipped with data recorders that will record information useful
in maintenance and repair of the system. Data recorders shall provide a minimum of 72 hours of
recording without overwrite. Directly connecting external recording devices to signal lamp wires,
track wires, switch motor control, or indication circuits is prohibited without the permission of
Elevate electrical components of signal/communications system along track that are sensitive to
water damage by elevating concrete pads. In areas where contact with salt water (through wave
action or spray), use of water-resistant enclosures is preferable.
Wayside communications control equipment – Refer to Section 20.0 Communications Systems
for related information.
Positive Train Control (PTC) wayside control equipment – Refer to Section 22.0 Positive Train
Control for related information.
be used when the project materials are being purchased through SCRRA. For projects where
materials are contractor provided, the signal design consultant shall use the pre-assembled
instrument enclosures as a base for their design requirements, in conjunction with SCRRA’s
Standard Specification Section 34 42 46.
Each signal enclosure shall be equipped with standby battery and charging systems. These
systems shall comply with SCRRA Standard Specification Section 34 42 52 RECTIFIERS,
compliant, programmable, be affixed with a visual display for current and voltage readings and
have temperature sensing capabilities.
Batteries used for signal systems shall be low maintenance, lead-acid, single wet cell and conform
to the requirements of AREMA C&S manual parts 9.1.1 and 9.1.30.
Battery capacity for signal systems shall provide a minimum of 48 hours of standby time under
normal operating conditions. Normal operating condition is defined as the signal system operating
with all signals lit for 24 hours, four power switch machine throws per hour, and all track circuits
occupied for at least 12 hours. Battery capacity shall be determined using the SCRRA Battery
Sizing Calculator, which will be provided upon request.
is allowed if there are no interferences or conflicts with crossing warning systems or other audio
frequency type circuits.
It is the responsibility of the signal designer to ensure that the solid-state signal controller
controlling the leaving signal has application software capable of providing safe leaving signal
Leaving signals will display an approach (Rule 9.1.9) aspect when clear and require integration
into SCRRA’s PTC network. PTC map file variables will be controlled by a reverse indication true
+ appropriate WLR true + normal indication false = leaving signal clear indication. Light out
detection monitoring is not required for leaving signals.
Leaving signals will only be clear if;
• No outer opposing controlled signals are cleared or in time, and;
• No track occupancy exists between outer opposing controlled signals, and;
• All other hand operated switches existing between the same outer opposing controlled
signals are normal.
Track circuits will be installed on the approach to a leaving signal to provide approach lighting for
the leaving signal. Typically, an AC/DC type (Ring-10) track circuit will be used for this purpose
unless conflicts with crossing warning equipment exist. In these cases, a conventional DC track
circuit shall be used.
SCRRA requires the use of Alternating Code 5 for non-vital block occupancy indications. The
following Code Rates and Aspects in Table 21-4 shall be typically used depending on site specific
The following are typical locations where it is acceptable to have the same polarities on either
side of the insulated joints:
21.10.1 Software Management Control Plan for Processor-Based Signal and Track
Control Systems
The Software Management Control Plan (SMCP) applies to all existing processor-based signal
and train control systems subject to 49 CFR Part 236, Subparts A-G, deployed on the railroad. It
also applies to processor-based highway-rail grade crossing active warning systems which
provide safety-critical data to or receive safety-critical data from a signal or train control system,
processor-based or not. The SMCP defines standard practices for the management of the train
control system safety-critical software used on SCRRA’s Metrolink rail system. The plan is
applicable to all product lines that are governed by 49 CFR Part 234 section 275 and Part 236
section 18.
When modifying existing application software, it is the designer’s responsibility to obtain a current
copy of the SMCP database, a field microprocessor data download detailing all installed current
executive and application software checksums and CRCs, as well as the current existing
application software, and to check that all items match. Any differences shall be reported to
SCRRA for correction.
Upon completion of the project, a field data download detailing the final executive and application
software checksums and CRCs as well as the final application software shall be submitted to
SCRRA for an update to the SMCP database.
used. All such recommendations shall summarize the changes and list the required field test
procedures. These recommendations must be approved by SCRRA prior to implementation.
Route Locking shall be released utilizing the first two consecutive track circuits.
Two section ASR releasing shall be used. ASR releasing shall be accomplished using the first
two track circuits within a control point. Crossover track circuits may be used to accomplish this
for diverging routes if the crossover track circuit has an independent battery and relay and is input
into the signal controller individually. Where a single track circuit exists within a control point, the
exiting track circuit for the route will be used. Where the exiting track circuit is in non-signaled
territory, the exiting track circuit (if used for ASR release) must slot the signal for the route.
New installations may use Approach Locking only when directed by SCRRA. At a minimum,
approach locking shall be effective if any approaching control signal is clear, or any approach
track is occupied, to a point at least 1,500 feet in advance of the first restrictive aspect (not green)
approaching the control signal being analyzed.
SCRRA standard ASR times are six (6) minutes. Where any new work, or any significant
modifications are being made, the signal designer shall recommend ASR times in accordance
with AREMA C&S Manual part 2.4.20, using 30 seconds for the approach to the approach signal
rather than the 1,500 feet at 30 MPH. ASR times shall be rounded up to the nearest 30 seconds.
ASR times shall be set for sixty (60) seconds for signals governing movement from non-signaled
territory. Separate signal timers may be used on each signal or in pairs, where Microprocessor
systems are used and as determined by SCRRA.
Program nomenclature is to follow SCRRA naming conventions. Program Logic is to follow the
typical SCRRA program logic. A sample SCRRA application logic program with corresponding
location plan set shall be provided upon request. Any relay installations shall follow the same
principles of application logic as microprocessor-based systems.
Application logic shall follow the following sequence of activities in order shown for the clearing of
a signal:
• Request the switch(es) for the appropriate route.
• Request the signal.
• Check the Route – Switches in position, opposing signals at stop and not in time, vital
codes received, detector tracks up, and any other applicable conditions.
• Tumble down to the adjoining Control Point upon request of a route into that block.
• Apply the route locking, locking all switches in the route.
• Upon verification of route locking (Switch Motor Control Relay outputs de-energized), clear
the signal.
• Upon confirmation of signal aspect, transmit the applicable vital code, or information byte,
to the approach signal.
When signal is not cleared and is at stop, an approach code, or information byte, shall be
transmitted, allowing a train to proceed up to the stopped signal. Approach codes shall be
transmitted behind a train while it is traversing through a control point.
An occupied detector track will not tumble out codes from the control point. However, application
logic must be arranged so that a train flagging into a control point will cause vital codes to be
turned off for the track that the train is flagging into.
Application logic shall be arranged so that a pumping switch correspondence will not result in a
tumble down for adjacent track blocks. However, if the motor control lever check circuit (WJP)
becomes de-energized while the detector track is occupied, a tumble-down will occur.
ICS shall be determined in the following way on each side of the crossover:
• Measure 11 feet from the closest effective joint to the frog
• From that point, measure to the closest straight rail (Measurement C)
• If Measurement C meets or exceeds the required clearance from the following table’s
switch size, the crossover is ICS compliant.
The applicable code transmitted from signals displaying the lamp out condition indicated above
shall also downgrade if applicable.
each controlled by their respective railroad. This may not always be possible due to space, limited
signal preview, or in cases of parallel tracks where trains crossover between the two railroads.
The design must account for the operational and philosophical differences between the two
railroads. Failure modes must be identified and mitigated to the greatest extent that is safely
possible. In general, this means the preferred interfacing method is either discrete circuits
between the railroads or the introduction of a coded track circuit interface. Either of these
configurations reduce the need and dependency on a serial connection.
Where there is a crossover between the two railroads, it is important that a fault on one railroad
should not impact the ability of the adjoining railroad to operate on its parallel routes. The design
should also account for the need to perform routine maintenance without requiring permission or
coordination from the adjoining railroad.
Where the two railroads connect end-to-end, providing a restricting aspect up to the adjoining
railroad’s entering signal may be a desirable configuration. Where the two railroads are separated
by a crossover, an ICS arrangement with a discrete cable connection may be desirable.
designer will need to coordinate with track designer for the installation of a set-out spur track, or
detector may need relocation to meet this need.
In the even project requirements dictate the need to remove an existing detector, the signal
designer shall consult SCRRA as to whether the existing detector needs to be relocated.
All hazard detector locations are listed within the timetable. Any new or relocated detectors require
coordination with SCRRA Operations so that the information can be properly bulletined.
The 30 percent Submittal, or third-party equivalent, builds upon the 5 percent Submittal. This
document is suitable for review by all relevant stakeholders. Upon completion of the 30 percent
submittal and acceptance of it, the track configuration should be considered final. The submittal
generally consists of:
• Preliminary 500:1 scale layouts of the preferred alternative chosen at the conclusion of
the 5 percent submittal review including the existing and proposed new track configuration
as well as proposed new, modified, and removed signal equipment and locations.
• Preliminary aspect charts encompassing the entire project area as well as three existing
locations railroad east and west of the project area limits complete with safe braking
• A preliminary Order of Magnitude budget estimate.
• If working directly for SCRRA, a preliminary material list containing long lead time items
may be required in advance of design completion, particularly with a grade crossing
project where an agreement is required with the public agency.
• If required, a technical specification outline listing all signal specifications.
The 60 percent Submittal, or third-party equivalent, builds on the 30 percent submittal. The
submittal contents shall be developed to a point where the systems can be reviewed for
operational completeness, though it is understood that due to ongoing discussions certain
elements may not progress to an operational level. Detailed information such as terminal, rack,
and equipment locations may not be advanced to a level for review, however if a separate material
procurement is necessary, such detailed information may be required to be completed. The
submittal generally consists of:
• Draft 500:1 scale layouts.
• Draft aspect charts complete with safe braking calculations.
• Draft track and location plans detailing a general overview of each signal location and
circuits running between signal locations.
• Draft location specific circuit plans containing all required circuits for an operational review
for completeness as well as detailed information such as terminal, rack, and equipment
locations in progress.
• An updated Order of Magnitude budget estimate.
• If working directly for SCRRA, a draft material list containing a complete list of long lead
time items.
• Draft battery calculations for each signal location.
• Draft ASR calculations for each signal location.
• Draft crossing approach calculations for each signal location.
• If required, draft technical specifications.
• If working directly for SCRRA, an SCRRA approved updated design delivery schedule.
The 90 percent Submittal, or third-party equivalent, builds on the 60 percent submittal and
represents the systems in their final configuration. All submittal contents shall be considered final,
allowing for a review of operational functionality and system completeness. Major issues with
stakeholders are resolved and ongoing discussions will not impact the overall project. The
submittal generally consists of:
• Final 500:1 scale layouts.
The 100 percent Submittal, or third-party equivalent, incorporates and finalizes comments
received from the 90 percent submittal. Major issues with stakeholders are resolved and ongoing
discussions will not impact the overall project. The submittal generally consists of:
• Final 500:1 scale layouts.
• Final aspect charts complete with safe braking calculations if modifications were made
between the 90 percent and 100 percent submittals.
• Final track and location plans.
• Final location specific circuit plans.
• A final engineer’s estimate.
• If working directly for SCRRA, a final material list.
• Final battery calculations if modifications were made between the 90 percent and 100
percent submittals.
• Final ASR calculations if modifications were made between the 90 percent and 100
percent submittals.
• Final crossing approach calculations if modifications were made between the 90 percent
and 100 percent submittals.
• If required, final technical specifications.
• If working directly for SCRRA, an SCRRA approved updated design delivery schedule.
The “Issued for Construction” or “Issued for Bid” package closes out the design phase of the
project. The design is complete, and the construction package is ready for distribution. The
submittal generally consists of:
• Final design for distribution incorporating any final changes.
• The package including all plans, technical specifications, and an engineer’s estimate.
Design services during construction (DSDC) provides services for agency or third-party work.
These services generally consist of:
• Customized application software development for microprocessor-based systems.
• Intermediate signal application software shall utilize typical application software developed
and retained by SCRRA, unless the location is completely custom and typical software
cannot be used.
• New or modified PTC Wayside Interface Unit map files.
• If required, Request for Information (RFI) review and submittal review and response.
• Technical support during cutover for application software changes.
• Gathering and controlling project related as-built documentation from both the construction
contractor and location-based plan changes held within field enclosures.
• If working for a third-party, the development and submittal of a conformed project as-built
plan set.
• The development and submittal of SCRRA maintenance as-built plan sets on SCRRA
signal borders with CAD files.
• Distribution of SCRRA maintenance as-built plans to the field, with removal of invalidated
plans within the affected enclosure(s).
The design stages listed above are guidelines for the design cycle. SCRRA and/or third-party may
require additional submittals or services. SCRRA and/or the third-party may choose to combine
stages or introduce additional review cycles, however the spirit of review shall remain consistent.
For example, if there are significant changes during the 30 percent operational review, SCRRA
may require a 40 percent in progress submittal for review which reflects those changes. Also, due
to the scope of a project, SCRRA may elect to skip the 30 percent and 60 percent submittals,
going directly to a 90 percent design submittal.
• Wayside Segment: this segment monitors and reports switch position, signal indications,
and status of other monitored wayside devices to the Locomotive and Office segments via
the Communications Segment. The Wayside segment consists of microprocessor-based
signal equipment to which a Wayside Interface Unit (WIU) has been added.
• Locomotive Segment: this segment is a set of independent onboard hardware, software,
and devices that interface with the locomotive control equipment and includes a Train
Management Computer (TMC), a Computer Display Unit (CDU), a locomotive
identification (ID) module, a GPS receiver, and a brake cut-out switch. Each enabled
locomotive provides current position, manages restrictions, calculates braking distance
and enforces braking when the locomotive engineer fails to respond to directives. The
Locomotive segment accepts movement authorities, temporary speed restrictions, other
mandatory directives, train consist data, and other information from the Office segment.
• Communication Segment: this segment consists of an asynchronous messaging system
and multiple wired and wireless networks through which messages are exchanged
between the Locomotive, Wayside and Office Segments. The messaging system is known
as Interoperable Train Control Messaging (ITCM). Through the Communications segment,
the Locomotive segment can subscribe to receive WIU status messages from the Wayside
Status Relay Service (WSRS). The WSRS runs as an application located in the back office
that accepts status messages from WIU. Upon receipt of a status message, WSRS looks
up subscriptions and forwards the message to the subscribing Locomotive segment.
Based on the project scope, SCRRA will appoint a Technical Review Team (TRT) composed of
SCRRA stakeholders anticipated to be impacted by the project. This group shall receive
continuous updates with any and all proposed modifications throughout the duration of the project.
The design consultant shall note that once the CR is in the Jazz system, it is manually monitored.
Periodic communication with the SCRRA PM ensures the project’s seamless progression through
the PTC Change Management Process.
No later than the 100 percent design submittal, the proposed construction phasing shall be
provided to the TRT by the SCRRA Project Manager. The TRT will identify the PTC SUBDIV
changes at that time. Throughout procurement and construction, the design consultant shall
consider the PTC impacts of value engineering proposals. These need to be communicated to
the SCRRA Project Manager and the TRT. When applicable, project specifications shall include
provisions of potential schedule impacts due to value engineering proposals which are dependent
on the timeliness of submission to the TRT for review and approval.
All final data shall be provided to the TRT no later than 45 calendar days before a scheduled
cutover of any construction phase. No changes shall be permissible beyond that time, without a
review and approval of the TRT and an associated delay in schedule. Depending on the sequence
of SUBDIV changes introduced by multiple construction projects, there may be times where no
changes in schedule will be permissible.
The Change Control Board (CCB) membership consists of SCRRA director level staff. The CCB
approves changes that are systemic or emergency in nature. In addition, the CCB will review and
approve any projects that are escalated from the TRT.
• Composite Maps: Prepare markup of any changes in PDF format. Markup each existing
composite map sheet where the change will apply. Base CADD files shall be provided to
o Designated design submittals: 100 percent, Construction As-built
• Google Earth KML files: SCRRA maintains Google Earth KML files that are created using
the information from the data tables in the track charts. Markup changes to the data tables
in the PDF.
o Designated design submittals: 100 percent, Construction As-built
At either the 100 percent or Construction As-built level, SCRRA will modify these documents in-
house, using the markups provided. Once the changes are complete, a copy will be distributed to
the design consultant for final review and quality check of the documents.
Head-end videos are available on SCRRA’s Google Earth KML files. Head-end videos will be
updated at SCRRA’s discretion. The design consultant shall consider the last revision date when
reviewing head-end videos for wayside information.
The PTC system’s existing radio frequency (RF) design allows for the locomotive radio to have
multiple attempts to receive a WSM before it assumes a more restrictive condition within the PTC
operating zones. There are 3 zones of operational impact in advance of a locomotive:
• Zone 1: exposure to false enforcement when a brake application is invoked when actual
conditions allow the train to operate safely
• Zone 2: exposure to false warning when the PTC CDU displays an enforcement warning
when actual conditions permit safe operation without it
• Zone 3: exposure to false display when the PTC system displays a restriction when actual
conditions allow safe movement without a restriction
PTC radio performance requirements are driven by the system’s impact to locomotive operations.
The transmission of these messages and the underlying communications systems shall be highly
or facilities (particularly work within existing footprints or ROW) and work following emergency
construction to ensure that the damaged facility is repaired for the long term.
Maintenance activities undertaken during normal operations may or may not require specific
permits. These activities should not begin until the appropriate levels of environmental evaluation
have been completed to determine the potential for impacts on sensitive biological and cultural
resources, to identify means to avoid or minimize adverse impacts, and to determine which
agencies have jurisdiction over the activity or project location. When appropriate SCRRA may
enter into long-term maintenance agreements to minimize duplicative permitting.
Work Plan
After contacting the agencies, a SCRRA contact person should be identified and a work plan and
site map prepared. These three items should be prepared and submitted to the agencies as soon
as possible. If photographs of the emergency are available, they should be sent to the agencies.
Environmental Review
SCRRA’s environmental expert, whether an environmental consultant or SCRRA staff member,
should review the proposed project and the environmental issues associated with implementing
the work at approximately the 5 to 30 percent design phase depending on the project’s complexity
and geographic location. This initial review should identify which agencies should be contacted,
what permits or approvals are potentially required, and the environmental constraints to the
proposed work.
California gnatcatcher, a construction monitoring program will likely be required. The monitoring
program and reporting requirements will need to be established in coordination with and approved
by the applicable jurisdictional agency.
Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties.” These activities are exempt from the
regulations of CEQA under California Public Resources Code, Section 21080(b)(11) and 14
C.C.R., Chapter 13, Article 18, Section 15275. [Note: Subject to Revision]
A project that falls under a statutory exemption is not subject to CEQA even if it has the potential
to significantly affect the environment. A copy of the SCRRA Notice of Exemption/Statutory
Exemption is provided in Appendix J. [Note: Subject to Revision]
For projects conducted outside existing ROW or outside the counties specified in the Statutory
Exemption, SCRRA may be subject to CEQA compliance and evaluation. For these projects,
SCRRA should consult with a source knowledgeable of both the CEQA process and commuter
rail construction and operations.
Nationwide Permits
Nationwide Permits (NWPs) are preauthorized permits for certain types of activities that are
substantially similar in nature and cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental
impacts or would result in avoiding unnecessary duplication of regulatory control exercised by
another federal, state, or local agency provided that it has been determined that the environmental
consequences of the action are individually and cumulatively minimal. For NWPs, NEPA
evaluation has already been completed as part of the preauthorization process. Therefore, no
additional NEPA documentation is required. There are two types of NWPs, those that require a
preconstruction notification (PCN) and those that do not require notification (non-notifying).
NWPs requiring a PCN are generally not useful for emergency situations although they can be
useful for maintenance operations and program work because they take less time to process than
Individual Permits, discussed below.
Non-notifying NWPs are most useful for emergency situations because they can be applied
immediately. Before applying this permit, SCRRA must be sure that the terms and conditions of
the non-notifying NWP are met.
For SCRRA projects, NWP 3, Maintenance, would apply in emergency situations. NWP 14, Linear
Transportation Crossing, and NWP 33, Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering,
generally apply to maintenance operations and program work. USACE reissues the NWPs every
five years.
Individual Permits
The basic form of authorization is the Standard Individual Permit (IP). Activities that do not qualify
for authorization under the NWP program, discussed above, may qualify for authorization under
an IP. Authorization under an IP may be obtained only through application with USACE. These
permits are issued for activities that have more than minimal adverse impacts on waters of the
United States. The IP process can be lengthy and requires evaluation of alternatives to the
proposed discharge, including conducting the project in an upland area. Each permit application
involves a thorough NEPA evaluation and review of the potential environmental and
socioeconomic effects of the proposed activity, public review, and potential benefits of the
discharge. The length of time required to prepare and process an IP makes this permit impractical
for emergency construction and many maintenance operations and program work that SCRRA
is required. SCRRA projects that require the modification or alterations of flood control projects
and/or structures constructed by USACE are subject to a 408 Permission in accordance to 33
USC 408. When required, the issuance of the 408 Permission is required prior to the filing of a
PCN under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
23.4.6 Federal Clean Water Act, Section 402 – National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System
Any SCRRA facility that is currently discharging, or proposing to discharge, waste into any surface
water of the state must comply with waste discharge requirements. For discharges to surface
waters, the requirements are to obtain a federal NPDES permit from the RWQCB in the project
SCRRA facilities that discharge waste into a municipal sanitary sewer system do not need to
obtain an NPDES permit. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and the respective RWQCB or local wastewater
management agency may require some industries to treat industrial hazardous wastes before
such wastes are discharged to a municipal sanitary sewer system. These requirements are
available from the local wastewater management agency.
Storm Water
Industrial – SCRRA facilities whose discharges are composed entirely of industrial storm water
runoff may be eligible to be regulated under a General Industrial Storm Water Permit issued by
the SWRCB rather than an individual NPDES permit issued by the RWQCB. The General
Industrial Storm Water Permit regulates storm water runoff from eligible transportation facilities.
General Construction Activity – The SWRCB has adopted a General Construction Activity
Storm Water Permit for storm water discharges associated with any construction activity including
clearing, grading, excavation reconstruction, and dredge and fill activities that results in the
disturbance of at least 1 acre of total land area. For SCRRA construction projects that disturb
more than 1 acre of topsoil, SCRRA must complete the NPDES permit process, which includes
submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the SWRCB, preparing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP) to be kept on-site during construction, and submitting a Notice of Termination
(NOT) to the SWRCB when construction activities and requirements of the permit are complete.
23.4.7 Federal Clean Water Act, Section 401 – Regional Water Quality Control Board
Under the Clean Water Act, Section 401 water quality certification is required for any permit or
license issued by a federal agency (USCG Section 10 permits and USACE Section 404 permits)
for any activity that may result in a discharge into waters of the state to ensure that the proposed
project will not violate state water quality standards. For example, if someone proposes to
discharge dredged or fills material into navigable waters of the United States, including wetlands;
they must obtain a Section 404 permit from USACE and a Section 401 water quality certification
from U.S. EPA. In California, U.S. EPA has delegated this authority to the State Water Resources
Control Board (SWRCB) and RWQCB. The USACE Section 404 permit is by far the most common
federal permit issued in California that requires a Section 401 certification from the RWQCB. This
water quality certification is part of the 1974 Clean Water Act, which allows each state to have
input into projects that may affect its waters (rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands). RWQCBs are
responsible for issuing Section 401 certifications in California; unless the project extends across
two RWQCBs in which case the SWRCB will issue the certification.
The California EPA SWRCB has issued guidance on Section 401 certification waivers that apply
to all RWQCBs. The SWRCB lists the Section 404 NWPs that are exempt from Section 401
certification. An updated listing of NWPs with Section 401 certification waived in California is
available from the appropriate RWQCB office.
areas can use the MSCP or NCCP to authorize a project if the project proponent becomes a
signatory to the MSCP or NCCP and agrees to its terms and conditions.
To be covered under a local MSCP or NCCP, SCRRA will have to apply for coverage through the
applicable local jurisdictional (e.g. County or City) via a discretionary permit or similar approval,
and, if required, comply with CEQA. Without this level of agency involvement, SCRRA may not
be able to take advantage of the conditions of the local MSCP or NCCP.
Local Zoning
All SCRRA projects and facilities will be planned and designed to comply insofar as practicable
with applicable provisions of local zoning ordinances and regulations.
Environmental Justice
Pursuant to Executive Order 12898, Environmental Justice (Federal Register, Vol. 62, No. 72 pp.
18377-18381), procedures set forth in the DOT Final Environmental Justice Order of April 15,
1997, all SCRRA projects and facilities will be planned and designed insofar as feasible to avoid
causing disproportionately high and adverse impacts on minority and low-income populations with
respect to human health and the environment.
Section 4(f)
The DOT Act of 1966 included a special provision—Section 4(f)—which stipulated that FHWA
and other DOT agencies cannot approve the use of land from publicly owned parks, recreational
areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, or public and private historical sites unless the following
conditions apply:
• There is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of land.
• The action includes all possible planning to minimize harm to the property resulting from
When a project uses land protected by Section 4(f), a Section 4(f) evaluation must be prepared
(23 CFR 771 and 774; 49 CFR 662; FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper, March 2005).
To comply with permit conditions, SCRRA may be required to implement structural engineering
controls (discussed below), conduct construction monitoring, or pay in-lieu mitigation fees. In-lieu
mitigation fees are often required by agencies to restore, enhance, or create similar habitat
through purchase of credits in off-site mitigation banks or restoration programs.
There are also Executive Orders providing protection or directing special consideration to
preservation of wetlands, floodplains, environmental justice, children’s safety, and prevention of
invasion by toxic plant species.
Any subsurface testing program for SCRRA must include sufficient test borings to characterize
the soils and potential fill materials, including composition and extent. Of primary importance is
the identification of unsuitable material or waste in the soil (for example, hydrocarbons). If adverse
environmental impacts could result from disturbance of subsurface materials during construction,
the subsurface investigation must be adequately comprehensive and include a testing plan that
defines the interval, depth, and extent of testing to facilitate the acquisition of data required to
develop suitable mitigation measures.
During the investigation, if a test boring encounters an aquifer that could be contaminated by
materials falling into the boring; the boring will be backfilled with grout slurry upon completion of
boring operations, unless otherwise defined by local regulations.
Water Contamination
Temporary construction impacts on water quality, such as increased turbidity in adjacent streams,
can be controlled through implementation of proper erosion and sedimentation control practices.
During fish spawning season, discharges to waterways from construction activities may be
restricted. Conditions and time constraints affecting construction activities may be set forth in
mitigation measures required by USFWS, NMFS (Section 7, Endangered Species Act), the
Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permit or Section 1601 (California Fish and Wildlife Code)
Agreement (also see Section 20.5, Wetlands). All SCRRA projects shall adhere to the terms and
conditions specified in such mitigation commitments, permits, and agreements.
The placement of permanent facilities that increase impervious area and the introduction of fill
material into floodplains may affect storage areas for flood waters and alter flooding
characteristics along the corridor.
The placement of permanent SCRRA facilities that are within floodplains or that encourage future
development within floodplains are subject to Executive Order 11988, as amended by Executive
Order 12148 (DOT Order 5650.2, 23 CFR 650, Subpart A, and 23 CFR 771). These Executive
Orders apply to construction of all federal or federally-aided facilities that encroach upon or affect
the base floodplain, as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). An
assessment of floodplain hazards with discussion of impacts in the context of preservation of
natural and beneficial floodplain values is required during the preliminary
engineering/environmental review phase of the project, and a specific finding must be reported in
the final environmental document. Coordination may be with FEMA and state and local agencies,
such as the RWQCB, CCC, local coastal zone management agencies, and flood control districts,
as appropriate.
SCRRA facilities will be evaluated for protection from flooding hazards. All facilities to be located
within floodplains will be designed in compliance with the appropriate agency regulations, and
these agencies will be afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the design plans for
such facilities.
All new bridges and their associated abutments will be designed to maintain or enhance stream
flow capacity. During the preliminary engineering phase, hydrologic and hydraulic studies will be
undertaken to ensure that design of the improvements will not adversely impact floodways and
23.6.6 Energy
As part of final design, energy conservation features and operating procedures will be evaluated
for SCRRA systems. Such features and procedures will be evaluated and, if found practical and
cost effective, made part of the normal operations of the SCRRA system.
For the majority of SCRRA projects where existing in-service alignments are to be used, the
standards for changes in noise and vibration levels before and after the project apply. No
significant increase in noise levels is anticipated. The installation of new welded rail to replace the
existing jointed rail and other programmed improvements are expected to reduce operational
noise levels.
As with all public facilities, users of the SCRRA system could be subject to crimes against persons
and property in vehicles, stations, parking areas, and other public areas created by the system.
To minimize this potential, public areas associated with the SCRRA system shall be designed to
promote maximum safety and security for patrons. Specific design measures for security shall be
employed, including adequate lighting, good visibility, and good pedestrian and vehicle circulation.
SCRRA projects may involve replacement or refurbishment of existing facilities, such as station
platforms, waiting areas, ticketing areas, access walkways, or other facilities, or the construction
of new stations. As part of preliminary engineering and final design, all materials, surfaces,
fixtures, furnishings, and other elements will be selected in accordance with generally accepted
architectural principles to integrate SCRRA facilities with the surrounding environment.
As it pertains to a railroad, ROW refers to the real property and the improvements within the
railroads legally described property boundaries. ROW acquisitions are generally referred to as full
acquisitions or as some type of easement, these terms are used to describe the property being
acquired. In most cases, railroads will own their land in fee, which gives them the right to sell off
the entire interest or in the case of an easement, partial interests to other potential buyers
SCRRA ROW is made up of lengths of land of varying widths that typically increase in width at
stations and yards to accommodate the increased real estate footprint that these facilities require.
The uniformity of the ROW is sometimes interrupted by the acquisition of private or public parcels
of land that adjoin the original ROW.
The width of railroad ROW is dependent on many variables, and the determination of the ROW
width at particular locations along a rail corridor is based on the history and chain of title that
shaped that corridor. The SCRRA corridor is ROW that originally belonged to the Southern Pacific
Railroad (SP), Santa Fe Railroad (now BNSF Railway Company), and Union Pacific Railroad and
consisted of both single-tracked and double-tracked corridors. Between 1990 and 1993, SCRAA
member agencies acquired 200 route miles from Santa Fe Railroad, over 200 miles from SP, and
59 route miles from UP. Several line changes and curve revisions have occurred along the ROW
throughout its history, some of which have been documented and others that have not. And
routine maintenance over the years has worked to change the original geometry.
SCRRA may work on a partnership basis with local land use authorities in early corridor planning
phases to identify properties adjacent to the SCRRA corridor and to explore all appropriate means
for acquisition and preservation of those properties.
ROW engineers work in conjunction with the SCRRA member agency Real Estate Department
and the SCRRA Engineering and Construction Department to determine existing ROW conditions
and assess ROW needs. There is further discussion of this issue in sections below.
As of this writing, SCRRA has 7 routes and 61 stations in service, with 409 unduplicated
route-miles traveling through 6 of the 7 southern most counties in California, all but Imperial
SCRRA currently references its system wide control network named “SCRRA Geodetic Survey
Control Network.” It is recommended all control be referenced to this network to maintain
consistency throughout the corridor for all improvement projects.
Fee Simple
Fee simple or fee simple absolute is an estate where a right or rights to land exist without duration
or limitations. This method of acquisition shall be proposed for the purchase of ROW for the
construction of permanent surface facilities.
An easement is the right of use over the real property of another. The right is often described as
the right to use the land of another for a special purpose. Because the term ROW generally refers
to an easement (though railroads adopted this phrase to describe their property), those portions
of the railroad property that were acquired through an easement are quintessentially ROW.
An easement may be acquired as a permanent or temporary easement. Easements, in the form
of Leases, Licenses or Permits shall be proposed for utilities, maintenance accesses, and railroad
signal facilities. More permanent use of SCRRA’s ROW will take the form of granting an
Easement. Temporary construction easements (TCE) shall be proposed for access during
construction periods usually for a limited time from the effective date of the order of possession.
SCRRA may grant rights to use its property in two ways, but in both cases retains ownership of
the property. In addition to these Criteria, SCRRA Form No. 36, Right-of-Way Encroachment
Approval Procedures, should be followed.
1. Granting of a Lease, License or Permit – used for less permanent rights of use including
utility crossings, maintenance accesses or other similar encroachments as determined by
the SCRRA Real Estate Department.
a. No legal land description is required. The location of the encroachment needs to be
tied to railroad milepost and a fixed object on the railroad such as a bridge end, culvert,
or similar railroad feature. California Coordinate System coordinate of boundary
corners may be determined by use of GPS, per California Public Resources Codes
2. Granting of an Easement – used for more permanent rights of use such as crossing of
roadways or pedestrian paths either at-grade or grade separated and for construction of
such features.
a. A legal land description is required. In addition to ties with the railroad milepost and a
fixed object, a legal description based on field surveying per Section 24.2.4 is required.
SCRRA may also purchase or sell property. In this case a legal land description and plat is
required. In addition to ties with the railroad milepost and a fixed object, a legal description based
on field surveying per Section 24.2.4 is required.
Franchise Right
A franchise right is a non-transferable privilege to use the real property of another. The grantee
of the franchise right does not hold any interest or ownership in the real property. When the real
property is no longer in the use of the grantee, the original owner will presume sole right and
ownership of the property. The grantee may extend the right to the property with a fee. A franchise
right does not require a conveyance to be created. For example, a municipal agency may grant a
franchise to a railroad that will give them sole authority to cross a street.
When minor design adjustments are required, a meeting should occur between the Chief,
Program Delivery and the ROW Engineer.
A complete legal description shall consist of two parts, the legal description in writing and the plat
map showing the area being described. A legal description submitted without both parts will be
considered incomplete unless otherwise agreed upon by SCRRA.
Written Descriptions
There are many ways to describe land, but the type of legal description that is typically used for
the SCRRA corridor is of the combination of metes and bounds type. This is a description that
uses both written instructions for measurements and direction of travel along with a call for a map.
The other type of legal description used for the SCRRA corridor is a combination of bounds and
strip descriptions.
Plat Maps
A plat map as defined by SCRRA is a map or drawing of the land being described in the legal
description. The plat map is attached to, and made a part of, the legal description.
A plat map prepared for the SCRRA shall be drawn to scale and shall include, at a minimum, the
following information:
• North arrow
• Basis of Bearing
• Legend
• Point of beginning
• Point of commencement, if applicable
• Thicker line indicating the land being described
• Adjoiner record deed or map information
• Relevant record deed or map data on the subject parcel of land
• Adjacent street names, ROW lines, and ROW widths
• Distances and bearings of all lines along the land being described
• Relevant bearings or distances to adjoiners
• Area of described land
• Stamp and signature of the licensed California land surveyor responsible for the map
• Title block
• Date
• Scale
• Title or name of the land being described
• Assigned SCRRA Real Estate Department Parcel Number
• Plat Map prepared on an 8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14 format sheet of paper
Access to the SCRRA tracks should be controlled by fencing or other barriers, typically a welded
wire mesh fence that is 6’-4” feet high as per ES 5105. Fencing shall be parallel to the track,
forming an open-ended envelope and allowing unrestricted movement by SCRRA crews. Fence
height shall be reduced to 4 feet within 150 feet of either side of road crossings.
Vehicle service, maintenance, and storage areas shall be secured by perimeter fencing. The size
and type of fencing or barrier shall be as determined by site-specific requirements. All construction
sites and work areas shall be secured by temporary fences or barricades.
Strategic Planning
The designer should be familiar with the overall strategic plan for the ROW, including potential
SCRRA facilities such as additional tracks, stations, and grade separations. There are often
additional planned uses such as light rail transit, high speed rail, or expanded freight operation.
The current design should consider future plans.
For these limited activates and for temporary or short-term uses of ROW, such as surveying
activities and shallow geotechnical investigations, the highway agency, or contractor, is required
to submit “Indemnification and Assumption of Liability Agreement, SCRRA Form No. 5.” Form No.
5 upon approval is the Right-of-Entry for the actions described in the form. For investigation
beyond those listed above, or with longer term usage of the ROW see the following paragraph
and the use of Form No. 6
To perform work on ROW operated and maintained by SCRRA, Right-of-Entry Agreements are
required. For projects involving construction on SCRRA ROW, the public agency or contractor is
required to enter into “Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement, SCRRA Form No. 6.” This
agreement defines the nature of the work, the flagging requirements, including RWIC, and the
appropriate safety measures that must be in place during the work. This includes all work within
the ROW, from initial design through the completion of construction. These agreements are
available on the SCRRA website: http//
Railroad ROW, in many cases, is maintained by SCRRA and owned in fee by the member
agencies. In most cases, the local public agency takes the lead for land acquisition. The lead
Engineer shall properly define the necessary ROW, provide legal descriptions, and work with
SCRRA’s ROW administrator and the member agency’s real estate department, as needed, to
forward the process of property acquisition, easement, or preparing a license agreement. In some
cases, SCRRA also shares ROW ownership with BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) and Union
Pacific (UP). In such cases, in order to perform work on their ROW, approval shall be obtained
from BNSF and UP.
The procedures for applying for ROW encroachment and the appropriate forms are found in
“Right-of-Way Encroachment Approval Procedures, SCRRA Form No. 36,” available on the
SCRRA website.
Most SCRRA improvements involve rehabilitation and improvement of existing facilities.
Supplemental surveys shall be provided for planning and engineering when detail topographic
features are not available through aerial maps. Conventional (on the ground) surveying methods
shall be used to gather data for supplemental surveys. The products resulting from supplemental
surveys are generally topographic maps and digital terrain models (DTMs).
In addition to concerns with the geometry of the network, further planning shall be conducted to
accommodate various levels of surveying expertise and instrumentation that may be employed
along a corridor. This control network shall be designed to accommodate the 2-D Plane Surveyor
and the Geodetic Surveyor as well as the myriad of different surveying instrumentation that a
surveyor might employ. This network can accommodate theodolite, total stations, static global
positioning system (GPS), radio-transmission-based real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS, long-range
RTK GPS, laser scanner systems, and traditional and digital differential levels.
It is important to understand the following elements that comprise this geodetic survey in order to
understand a control network. SCRRA currently references it’s a system wide control network
named “SCRRA Geodetic Survey2010 Control Network.” It is recommended all control be
referenced to this network to maintain consistency throughout the corridor for all improvement
24.3.3 Epochs
California survey control points, because of crustal motion between the Pacific and North
American Plates, are subject to “shifting” positions on a constant basis. Depending on the type of
seismic activity, great horizontal and vertical deformation can occur in monument positions. The
published positions of points must be continually updated to account for these shifts or
deformations. Depending on the kind of survey being performed and the time frame within which
it is performed, thought should be given to the epoch to use for the survey.
SCRRA shall specify which epoch was used as the basis for all geodetic survey performed on its
ROW when required by a project or survey.
A full report of the vertical control used to vertically constrain a control network, such as a printout
from a least squares adjustment report is to be included in the deliverables of any control project
performed for SCRRA.
All vertical project control shall be accurate to within +/- 1/8 inch (0.01 foot) or within third-order
accuracy specifications per the Caltrans Surveys Manual (CSM), Chapter 8, Differential Leveling
Survey Specifications. The CSM contains valuable policies, standards, and procedures and are
the basis for this section only. CSM Table 8-2, Third Order Differential Leveling Specifications, is
reproduced in Table 24-1. If +/- 1/16 inch (0.005 foot) is required, Caltrans second-order leveling
specifications should be used. These are more stringent measures and require substantially more
effort to achieve the +/- 1/16-inch (0.005-foot) acceptable tolerances. CSM Table 8-1, Second
Order Differential Leveling Specifications, is reproduced in Table 24-2.
Additional information on Caltrans’ second- and third-order survey accuracy
standards is provided in CSM Chapter 5, Accuracy Classifications and Standards. The CSM is
available online at
1 Leveling staff in backlit condition may decrease maximum sight distance.
2 D = Shortest one-way length of section in miles (section is defined as a series of setups between two permanent
control points).
3 E = Length of loop in miles (loop is defined as a series of setups closing on the starting point).
5 If the standard error of the mean exceeds 0.0003 feet, continue repeat measurements until the standard error of
Difference between top and bottom interval not .20 of rod unit N/A
to exceed:
Collimation (Two-Peg) Test Daily (not to exceed Daily
0.003 feet) (See Note 4)
2 D = Shortest one-way length of section in miles (section is defined as a series of setups between two permanent
control points).
3 E = Length of loop in miles (loop is defined as a series of setups closing on the starting point).
5 If the standard error of the mean exceeds 0.0003 feet, continue repeat measurements until the standard error of
Pertinent sections of the CSM were adopted below. This guideline will state and list third-order
procedures only.
24.3.7 Monumentation
Monuments shall be located along rail transportation corridors in secure locations. The monument
site shall be selected with the highest safety considerations as a priority for the surveyor and given
the highest priority.
Whenever possible, monument locations that can be easily described should be selected.
Identifying stamping shall be noted. When several locations are equally satisfactory, the one that
is near features that will aid in future monument recovery should be selected and the distance
ties noted in the field book.
Benchmarks shall be of a stable and permanent nature. Monument types for benchmarks shall
be chosen to suit the local conditions. Acceptable benchmarks are as follows:
• Concrete monument with metal disk
• Galvanized steel pipe with brass disk or plastic plug
• Steel rod or rebar with cap
• Metal disk epoxied in rock mass or bridge abutment
• Existing stable monuments
Control point monuments, in accordance with SCRRA Engineering Standards, shall be set at
locations where the base will be very stable such as concrete bridge abutments, concrete wing
walls, tops of concrete channel walls, concrete platforms, etc. and outside the rail corridor so as
to avoid disturbance or obliteration due to construction projects taking place along the corridor.
Each control point and the corresponding monument will be established in an area where
obstructions, electromagnetic fields, radio transmissions, and multipath environments are
minimized and shall be occupied twice for two independent collection sessions. The second
occupation of the new control point will have a minimum of 3 different satellites in the satellite
constellation. This is achieved by observing 4 hours before or 4 hours after the time of day from
the first occupation. Satellite geometry affects both the horizontal coordinates and the heights of
points. The factors to be considered for the Control Network are Positional Dilution of Precision
(PDOP), Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP); Vertical Dilution of Precision (VDOP); using a
fixed height survey rod with locking pins and bipod/tripod; and standard methods of data transfer
24.3.8 Mileposts
Surveys and mapping will include the milepost location in addition to stationing. Project drawings
and ROW mapping will be used to update track charts, which are accurate to 0.01 mile.
Stationing should be in the same direction as the mileposts. The mile posts and stationing for any
project shall be based on the information used by SCRRA as shown in the Track Charts. Milepost
sign markers are frequently moved or relocated, so they are not to be used as precise reference
grid factor may be appropriate. The State Plane Coordinate System was developed to provide a
common reference system for surveyors and mappers. This conformal mapping system had a
maximum scale distortion of one part in 10,000. To maintain an accuracy of one part in 10,000, it
was necessary to divide many states into zones. Each zone has its own central meridian or
standard parallels to maintain the desired level of accuracy. Zone boundaries follow county
The State of California is comprised of six zones, all utilizing the Lambert Conformal Conic
Projection. The SCRRA corridor lies within two zones. Zone V covers six counties, which include
Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Kern, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara and Zone VI
covers four counties, which include Orange, Riverside, Imperial and San Diego.
Survey work performed for SCRRA shall be based on either of these zones. Where the survey
overlaps into two zones, the zone where the majority of the survey occurs is the zone that should
be used. CCS83 coordinates for one zone can be easily converted to coordinates of a second
zone by first converting to geodetic coordinates and then converting to CCS83 for the second
Horizontal Accuracy
For maps on publication scales larger than 1:20,000, not more than 10 percent of the points tested
shall be in error by more than 1/30 inch, as measured on the publication scale. As an example, a
map with a published scale of 1”=100’ or (1:1,200), 90 percent of the measured checkpoints or
mapped features should have a residual of no more than 100.0/30 feet or 3.33 feet.
For maps on publication scales of 1:20,000 or smaller, not more than 10 percent of the points
tested shall be in error by more than 1/50 inch, as measured on the publication scale. As an
example, a map such as the USGS quarter quads published with a scale of 1:24,000 or
(1”=2,000’), 90 percent of the measured checkpoints or mapped features should have a residual
of no more than 2,000.0/50 ft or 40.0 ft.
These limits of accuracy shall apply in all cases to positions of well-defined points only.
Well-defined points are those that are easily visible or recoverable on the ground, such as the
following: monuments or markers, such as benchmarks and property boundary monuments;
intersections of roads, railroads, etc.; and the corners of large buildings or structures (or center
points of small buildings).
In general, a point that is well defined is plottable on the scale of the map within 1/100 inch. Thus,
while the intersection of two roads or property lines meeting at right angles would come within a
sensible interpretation, identification of the intersection of such lines meeting at an acute angle
would not be practicable within 1/100 inch.
Similarly, features not identifiable on the ground within close limits are not to be considered as
test points within the limits quoted, even though their positions may be scaled closely on the map.
This would include timber lines and soil boundaries.
Table 24-3 shows the standard for some common map scales. The conversion of paper maps
into digital data usually creates additional error.
Vertical Accuracy
Vertical accuracy as applied to contour maps on all publication scales shall be such that not more
than 10 percent of the elevations tested shall be in error more than one-half the contour interval.
In checking elevations taken from the map, the apparent vertical error may be decreased by
assuming a horizontal displacement within the permissible horizontal error for a map of that scale.
The accuracy of any map may be tested by comparing the positions of points whose locations or
elevations are shown on it with corresponding positions as determined by surveys of a higher
accuracy. Tests shall be conducted by the producing consultant or by SCRRA. SCRRA shall also
determine which of the maps are to be tested and the extent of the testing.
Published maps meeting these accuracy requirements shall note this fact in their legends, as
follows: "This map complies with National Map Accuracy Standards."
Published maps whose errors exceed those as previously stated shall not make any mention of
standard accuracy in their legends.
When a published map is a considerable enlargement of a map drawing (manuscript) or of a
published map, that fact shall be stated in the legend. For example, "This map is an enlargement
of a 1:20,000-scale map drawing," or "This map is an enlargement of a 1:24,000-scale published
often the interpretations of these standards are misunderstood and that the Chief, Program
Delivery should examine each potential consultant photogrammetrist’s interpretation of NMAS so
that the expectations of the final mapping product are met. In addition, accuracy standards vary
in complexity and usability, and it is best that a discussion with the photogrammetrist take place
regarding accuracy specification that would best suit the needs and budget of the project.
The concept of map standards and the statistics behind them can cause much confusion for
contracting agencies. It should be understood that while some of these standards complement
each other, mixing them within the same statement is counterproductive. Here is a typical
example found within Requests For Proposals: “Data to be compiled to meet or exceed a
horizontal accuracy of +/- 2 feet RMSE (root mean squares error) at a 95-percent confidence level
(1”=200’ map accuracy).” A statement written like this does not correctly describe the intended
accuracy requirement. A vendor could interpret the 2-foot RMSE reference to mean that 67.6
percent of the data must meet the 2-foot accuracy figure, while the remaining 32.3 percent of the
data can have errors as large as two to three times the RMSE, or 4 to 6 feet. If the statement was
meant to indicate a 2-foot accuracy with a 95-percent confidence level, the agency will be asking
the vendor to provide a dataset whereby 95-percent of the data is accurate to 2 feet, while ONLY
5 percent may have an error in the excess of 4 to 6 feet. The difference between the two stated
requirements is too large to not be clarified and confirmed.
It is important to understand that the above reasoning and the given figures do not mean that the
accuracy requirements at 95-percent confidence is better than the RMSE, it is just a different way
to represent the rejection criteria and the threshold. If the agency were correct in expressing their
requirement, their statement would be as follows: “Data to be compiled to meet or exceed a
horizontal accuracy of +/- 2 feet RMSE or 3.46 feet at a 95-percent confidence level according to
the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) standard necessary for 1”=200’ maps.”
In this case, the agency will be in a better position regarding the delivered products as 67.7
percent of the data will have maximum errors of 2 feet while 95-percent of the data will have
maximum errors of 3.46 feet. The two terms in the new accuracy statement do not contradict each
other; they just provide two different measures of confidence levels and error threshold.
The most commonly used data accuracy standards for county and municipal mapping
applications are the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Class
I and II. In addition, an increasing number of counties and municipalities, such as the Peninsula
Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB), are requesting that their mapping projects be compliant
with NMAS for large-scale mapping.
ASPRS developed new accuracy standards for large-scale maps (generally 1"=1000' and larger
[for example, 1"=200', 1"=100', etc.]), which look at continuous datasets (not map-sheet based)
from a statistical perspective (the root mean square error [RMSE]) and therefore are considered
more stringent. In terms of RMSE (like the ASPRS standards), NMAS generally equates to
ASPRS Class 1.5.
In digital orthophotography, pixel resolution correlates with map scale. Table 24-5 gives a general
guidance of the pixel resolution as it correlates with various map scales. These correlations are
typical, and the needs of the project may dictate a higher or lower level of output pixel resolution.
Planning begins with a meeting between the Project Surveyor and the Chief, Program Delivery to
discuss the proposed survey request. From a planning perspective, an important part of this
meeting is obtaining information about anticipated future related survey requests for the project.
Consideration of future ROW surveys and construction surveys should be part of the planning
process so that the most efficient survey work plan for the overall project can be formulated.
A work plan for supplemental engineering surveys shall be prepared by the Project Surveyor. This
work plan shall contain the following:
• A survey request approved by the Chief, Program Delivery
• A list of the required deliverables
• A schedule for the requested project surveys, including critical milestones
Topographic Surveys
Topographic surveys are used to determine the configuration of the surface of the project site and
the locations of all natural and manmade objects and features. The deliverables of topographic
surveys, including topographic maps and DTMs, are the basis for planning studies and
engineering designs.
A DTM is a representation of the surface of the project site using a triangulated irregular network
(TIN). The TIN models the surface with a series of triangular planes. Each of the vertices of an
individual triangle is a coordinated (x,y,z) topographic data point. The triangles are formed from
the data points by a computer program, which creates a seamless, triangulated surface without
gaps or overlaps between triangles. The standard program for generating the DTM shall be
AutoCAD Land Development Desktop Civil Design.
The topographic surveys shall include the following items along the railroad corridor:
• Track centerline and profile, which shall include at least 200 feet beyond project limits
• Roadway surveys, which shall include at least 200 feet on each side of the proposed
roadway ROW lines
• Items such as switch points, point of frogs, joints at project limits, joints at control points,
signal facilities, and communication line locations
Most of SCRRA’s projects involve rehabilitation and major improvements of existing facilities. For
these projects, elevations of existing topographic features including top of rail, top of pavement,
and utilities are often required to develop accurate plans, specifications, and estimates. As a
result, surveyors need to carefully select methods and procedures for conducting the survey work
to obtain accurate data.
Utility Surveys
Utility surveys are used to locate existing utilities for the following purposes:
• Basis for planning and design
• Relocations of impacted utilities
• Acquisition for utility easements and/or ROW
• Information for coordination and negotiation with utility companies
Survey limits and types of utilities to be located should be shown on the survey request and/or its
attachments. The field survey file should include all utility maps and drawings and descriptions of
It is important to locate all significant utility facilities. The following are typical facilities and critical
points to be located for various utilities; potholing shall be considered to verify locations of critical
• Oil and Gas Pipelines
o Intersection point with centerlines and/or ROW lines
o For lines parallel to ROW, location ties necessary to show relationship to the ROW
o Vents
o Angle points
o Meter vaults, valve pits, etc.
• Water and Sewer Lines
o Intersection point with centerlines and/or ROW lines
o For lines parallel to ROW, location ties necessary to show relationship to the ROW
o Manholes, valve boxes, meter pits, crosses, tees, bends, etc.
o Elevation on waterlines, sewer inverts, and manhole rings
o Fire hydrants
o Curb stops
• Overhead Lines
o Supporting structures on each side of roadway with elevation of neutral or lowest
conductor at each centerline crossing point
o On lines parallel to roadway, supporting structures that may require relocation,
including overhead guys, stubs, and anchors
• Underground Lines
o Cables/lines (denote direct burial or conduit, if known), etc.
o Manholes, pull boxes, and transformer pads
o Crossing at centerline or ROW lines
o For lines parallel to ROW, location ties as necessary to show relationship to the ROW
adjusting the Crossing Corridor Risk Index to account for the decreased risk that would result if
locomotive horns were routinely sounded at each public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing.
25.3.2 SCRRA
SCRRA will facilitate the Quiet Zone application process by assisting the Public Authority and
coordinating with the necessary parties throughout the application process.
SCRRA shall review Preliminary and Final Designs submitted by Public Authority at the expense
of the Public Authority. SCRRA shall participate in Diagnostic Team evaluation meetings arranged
by Public Authority as per §222.25(b), §222.27(b).
SCRRA shall prepare, submit and execute a Design Services Agreement (DSA) and/or C&M
Agreement between SCRRA and Public Authority for alterations to the Highway-Rail Grade
Crossings located in the proposed Quiet Zone. This agreement will include:
• detailed work description
• method of payment
• responsibility
o design
o construction
o funding
o maintenance
• cost estimates of railroad design
• construction
• maintenance costs
• inspection costs
• flagging costs
• form, duration, and amount of insurance
• liability at the public, private, and pedestrian crossings
• Agency cost for support to Public Authority during design and construction
• Agency cost for PTC updates
SCRRA shall submit invoices to the Public Authority for the incremental cost of maintenance of
enhancement to the active Highway-Rail Grade Crossing warning system installed for the purpose
of creating a Quiet Zone as identified in the executed C&M Agreement.
After filing Notice of Establishment by the Public Authority, pursuant to §222.43(e), SCRRA shall
cease routine use of the locomotive horn at all public and private crossings identified by the Public
Authority upon the date set by the Public Authority or within 21 days of notification, whichever is
25.3.3 FRA
FRA will approve the Quiet Zone if the Public Authority is in compliance with the Quiet Zone rules
and requirements. If the Quiet Zone is established under Public Authority application, and not
under Public Authority designation, FRA will approve the Quiet Zone if the Public Authority has
satisfactorily demonstrated that the SSMs and ASMs proposed result in a Quiet Zone risk index
meet FRA requirements. FRA may include such conditions as may be necessary to ensure that
the proposed safety measures are effective.
The FRA must be included in the Diagnostic Team, helping identify safety concerns associated
with each at-grade crossing within the proposed Quiet Zone. Additionally, the FRA will review any
applications and all supporting documentation and is the agency which renders approval for any
25.3.4 CPUC
CPUC is required to receive and evaluate all notices of intent, establishment or continuation of
Quiet Zones, and provide written comments. The evaluation requires research and verification of
data submitted under the rule, as well as a field diagnostic review of the crossings.
Under the Final Rule, CPUC is required to participate in diagnostic reviews of crossings in the
proposed Quiet Zone and makes recommendations for safety enhancements in lieu of the train’s
sounding of their horn. Some crossings will require improvements be implemented before the
crossing will qualify for inclusion in a Quiet Zone. Some may qualify as currently configured,
however, CPUC or the other parties involved in the Quiet Zone review (railroads, FRA, roadway
authority) may recommend further improvements be implemented before establishing the Quiet
Where modifications to a crossing are proposed by a Public Authority, CPUC will process the
application to the Commission for authority to alter the crossing. Authority to alter existing
crossings must be obtained from the Commission, typically through the Commission’s General
Order (GO) 88-B process. Public Authority will submit GO 88-B application to CPUC for crossing
modifications. CPUC information on General Orders, crossing rules and regulations, Quiet Zones,
Form G reports of changes, crossing inventory, and contact information is available at
25.3.5 Railroads
Crossings that include railroad users other than SCRRA, such as Amtrak, UP, and BNSF, must
be invited to attend the Diagnostic Team evaluation meetings, helping to identify safety concerns
associated with each Highway-Rail Grade Crossing within the proposed Quiet Zone. The
railroad’s representation will depend on their service on a particular segment of the territory.
25.4.1 General
Groups or individuals interested in Quiet Zones should first contact the Public Authority
responsible for the roadway(s) where the Quiet Zone would be located. The Public Authority shall
initiate coordination with SCRRA. Public Authorities are encouraged to contact SCRRA early in
the process to maximize communications.
Public Authority will identify the public, private, and pedestrian Highway-Rail Grade Crossings
within the proposed Quiet Zone. Public Authority will conduct a safety review of all crossings within
the proposed Quiet Zone. Public Authority will complete U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S.
DOT) Grade Crossing Inventory form to indicate current conditions and identify safety measures.
25.4.2 Submittals
Public Authority shall conduct new traffic and queuing studies as may be required to reflect current
conditions as of the date of initiation of the project. If recommended by the Diagnostic Team, a
separate pedestrian study may be required to evaluate the potential impacts of the proposed
Quiet Zone on pedestrian safety. This study shall include each crossing that is located within the
proposed Quiet Zone and any observed unsecured pedestrian access points within the proposed
Quiet Zone. The purpose of these studies is to complete an accurate and current Grade Crossing
Inventory form for each crossing, and to enable the Diagnostic Team to assess current and future
conditions at each crossing. All such studies and reports shall be promptly provided to SCRRA
and CPUC for review and comments.
Public Authority shall prepare Preliminary Design (30% Design) plans for the selected
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, pedestrian crossings, and unsecured pedestrian access points
and submit them to SCRRA for review, comments, and approval. This Preliminary Design will
form a basis for Diagnostic Team evaluation meetings. Public Authority shall submit the following
information and forms to SCRRA with the Preliminary Design:
• An accurate, complete and current U.S. DOT National Highway-Rail Grade Crossing
Inventory Form, OMB Form No. 2130-00170017. SCRRA will assist the Public Authority
by providing updated railroad information required by the Form. Link:
• Detailed information as to which Supplementary Safety Measures (SSMs) as per
Appendix A, Part §222 and Alternative Safety Measures (ASMs) as per Appendix B, Part
§222 (ASMs are Modified SSMs, Non-Engineering ASMs and Engineering ASM’s) are
proposed to be implemented at each public or private Highway-Rail Grade Crossing within
the proposed Quiet Zone.
Public Authority shall revise the Preliminary Design based on the input of the Diagnostic Team
and resubmit Final Design (100% Design) plans and obtain a letter of approval from all affected
• if the Quiet Zone Risk Index (QZRI) is at or below the Nationwide Significant Risk
Threshold (NSRT) either in the existing condition or due to the implementation of SSMs
at one or more of the crossings to reduce the QZRI
• or by reducing the QZRI to a level at or below the Risk Index with Horns (RIWH) by
implementing SSMs at one or more of the crossings within the Quiet Zone
Public Authority application allows the Public Authority (i.e. the Project Sponsor) to apply to the
FRA for approval of a Quiet Zone that does not meet the above standards, but in which it is
proposed that one or more safety measures be implemented. Safety Measures typically include
a combination of SSMs and Alternative Safety Measures (ASMs) at one or more of the crossings.
If a Public Authority uses ASMs, they will need to submit an application to FRA for review and
approval. Stakeholders have 60 days to comment after FRA application submittal.
Typical SSMs include permanent closure of crossing, upgrade to a four-quadrant gate system,
the installation of medians or channelization devices, and conversion of a two-way street to a
one-way street. Common ASMs include Modified Supplemental Safety Measures (MSSMs) such
as three-quadrant gate systems and modified or shortened median or channelization devices.
Quiet Zones require a minimum length of ½ mile, with ¼ mile between each of the end crossings
within the Quiet Zone and the next nearest crossing outside the Quiet Zone, and that all public
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings are equipped with flashing lights and gates.
Pedestrian-only and private crossings may be included within a Quiet Zone if they are either
between two public crossings within the Quiet Zone or less than ¼ mile of the end crossing within
the Quiet Zone. The improvements or modifications required for pedestrian-only and private
crossings will be determined by the diagnostic team, as outlined in the Final Rule.
the proposed Quiet Zones continue to conform to the requirements of Appendix A, Part §222 and
provide an up-to-date, accurate and complete Grade Crossing Inventory Form for each public,
private and pedestrian crossing within the proposed Quiet Zone, between 4½ and 5 years after
the date of the Quiet Zone establishment notice, and between 4½ and 5 years after the last
affirmation. Public Authority shall affirm, pursuant to §222.47(b), in writing to FRA and SCRRA
that the proposed Quiet Zones which do not have SSMs at each crossing continue to conform to
the requirements of Appendix A and B, Part §222 and provide an up-to-date, accurate and
complete Grade Crossing Inventory Form for each public, private and pedestrian crossing within
the proposed Quiet Zone, between 2½ and 3 years after the date of the proposed Quiet Zone
establishment notice, and between 2½ and 3 years after the last affirmation.
Should the Public Authority neglect to conduct said periodic reviews, the FRA, at its discretion
may rescind the Quiet Zone designation.
25.4.10 Maintenance
Public Authority shall pay SCRRA the cost of maintenance of any additions, improvements and/or
modifications to any active Highway-Rail Grade Crossing warning system necessary for the
implementation of the proposed Quiet Zone as per terms and conditions included in the C&M
agreement. As an example, if a crossing within a proposed Quiet Zone requires an upgrade from
entrance gates to both entrance and exit gates, SCRRA will continue to pay the cost of
maintenance of the entrance gates, and the Public Authority will reimburse SCRRA for annual
maintenance on the exit gates. The maintenance costs shall include inspections, testing, repairs,
replacements, damage, third party utilities, and upgrades. The annual cost of maintenance of the
active Highway-Rail Grade Crossing warning system shall be as determined by SCRRA, based
on its annual survey of the maintenance cost of the system.
The Public Authority is solely responsible for maintaining the crossing(s) to a standard acceptable
to SCRRA, CPUC, and the FRA. The FRA, at is sole discretion, may rescind Quiet Zone status if
the Public Authority fails to maintain the crossings to the standards required for Quiet Zone
establishment. Rescinding the Quiet Zone would result in all trains sounding their horns as if the
Quiet Zone had never been established until such time the needed maintenance was completed
to the FRA’s and RR’s satisfaction.
25.5.2 Reimbursements
Public Authority shall pay for all the costs of environmental or permitting documentation,
preliminary and final engineering, construction, maintenance and replacement services of any
new equipment or facilities at all Highway-Rail Grade Crossings to meet Quiet Zone requirements.
Public Authority shall pay in advance an estimated amount of all costs related to review,
coordination and flagging to SCRRA for in-house personnel and/or consultants retained by
SCRRA. The original estimated costs would not be the upper limit of the costs but provide a
guideline for budgeting purposes. Regardless, all costs incurred by SCRRA during design plan
review process shall be fully recoverable from the Public Authority.
Public Authority shall reimburse SCRRA the actual costs and expenses incurred by SCRRA (less
funds previously deposited), including any provisional overhead rates representing SCRRA’s
costs for administration and management, and its contractors and consultants for all services and
work performed in connection with the proposed Quiet Zones.
Public Authority also requires a Construction and Maintenance (C&M) agreement from SCRRA.
C&M agreement includes requirements on reimbursement for construction and maintenance,
indemnification and insurance requirements. The entire SCRRA process and requirements for
grade crossings is included in Chapter 8. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to educate the Public
Authority on the guidelines, practices, procedures, and policies that reflect current regulations,
proven and accepted technological developments, and best available highway and rail industry
design practices. The Public Authority can apply these standards and recommended design
practices to SCRRA Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.
25.5.4 Indemnifications
The Public Authority shall Indemnify, defend and hold harmless SCRRA, LOSSAN, and SCRRA
member agencies, which include:
The Public Authority shall also indemnify the Operating Railroads, including but not limited to:
• UP
Said indemnification shall extend to each entity’s respective board members, member agencies,
officers, agents, volunteers, contractors, and employees (“SCRRA Indemnitees”). The scope of
indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, any and all liability, loss, expense (including
reasonable attorneys’ fees and other defense costs), demands, suits, liens, damages, costs,
claims, including but not limited to, claims for bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property
damage, that are incurred by or asserted against the SCRRA Indemnitees arising out of or
connected with any negligent acts or omissions on the part of Public Authority, its council, officers,
agents, contractors, or employees under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction
delegated to Public Authority related to establishment and operation of a Quiet Zones at
Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.
25.5.5 Insurance
Public Authority shall obtain and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, in full force and effect
during the construction of the improvements for the proposed Quiet Zone, general and railroad
protective insurance as required by SCRRA in the amounts, coverage, and terms and conditions
26.1.1 Purpose
The following criteria provide minimum standards and general requirements for the design,
construction, and maintenance of landscape materials in a manner compatible with the safe
operation of railroad corridors and accommodation of anticipated rail capacity expansions.
Landscape materials within the railroad Right-of-Way can be an important aesthetic enhancement
blending the railroad corridor with its environmental context. However, the installation of
landscape materials in the Right-of-Ways must always be subordinate to the important primary
role SCRRA has in providing a safe and maintainable rail transportation corridor. Landscape
materials must not affect SCRRA’s ability to provide commuter and freight rail transportation and
meet its obligations to the freight railroads under the Purchase & Sale, and Shared Use
agreements. These criteria balance opportunities for the aesthetic enhancement of the
Right-of-Way with SCRRA’s and Member Agencies’ mandate to provide safe and efficient rail
transportation to the public and the ability to meet interstate freight obligations.
SCRRA is the designated track owner of the Metrolink railroad system under the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), Title 49 “Transportation”, Subtitle B “Other Regulations Relating To
Transportation”, Chapter II “Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation”, part
213 “Track Safety Standards”, Section 5 “Responsibility of Compliance” (49 CFR 213.5). As per
part 213, SCRRA is required to provide minimum safety requirements for operation and
maintenance of railroad tracks that are part of the general railroad system of transportation. The
minimum requirements include roadbed, track geometry, track structure, track-related devices,
and inspection. The requirements listed in the Landscape Design Criteria are subordinate to these
minimum requirements.
Landscape plans and installations are required to consider the effect of the SCRRA IPM program
for vegetation control (see Section 26.8, Vegetation Management Program).
The site must be assessed for climate vulnerability (see Section 3.3) to ensure it is designed to
be resilient to future climate conditions.
26.1.3 Scope
These criteria apply to the SCRRA and its Member Agencies operated and maintained
Right-of-Ways that are owned wholly or in part by the county transportation Member Agencies.
These criteria direct the development of plans proposing to place landscape materials within
rights-of-way operated or maintained by SCRRA and its Member Agencies regardless of who is
proposing or sponsoring the installation of landscape materials. (See Definitions in Appendix A).
These criteria do not apply to Right-of-Ways fully owned by the BNSF Railway Company or the
Union Pacific Railroad, where SCRRA has entered into joint use agreements to operate Metrolink
commuter rail service.
Where the requirements stipulated in this document or any referenced sources are in conflict, the
stricter requirements apply.
See additional standards and codes listed in Appendix A.
26.2.3 Permits
The Sponsoring Party of the proposed landscape project shall be responsible for obtaining and
complying with any and all approvals, permits, licenses and other authorizations required by
applicable laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances for its landscaping project within the
needs, schematic design planting plan, identify and evaluate alternatives and concept level cost
estimates. The schematic design planting plan shall be minimum 20 scale and show existing site
conditions with proposed site and landscape design overlay. A proposed plant legend with initial
sizes, spacing, water requirements and plant images shall also be included next to the plan or on
a separate sheet. The proposed landscape design shall be color coded for clarity purposes.
SCRRA and the Member Agency will review the report and inform the Sponsoring Party if the
project is viable and acceptable for further consideration and if it conforms to the Member
Agency’s Preservation Guidelines.
The Landscape Architect shall coordinate the proposed landscape design and production of
construction drawings with all other design team members, SCRRA, and Member Agency to
ensure that landscaping is aesthetically and functionally compatible with facility architecture,
utilities, lighting, safety, path of travel, accessibility, and site furniture.
26.4.1 Submittal
After review and approval of the conceptual design by SCRRA and associated Member Agency,
the Sponsoring Party shall prepare landscape contract drawings and submit two sets of each to
SCRRA and the Member Agency for review and approval. Contract drawings include proposed
planting plans, irrigation plans, water use calculations, details, and specifications. Any and all
changes or modification during the design and construction that affect the rail Right-of-Way shall
also be submitted to SCRRA and Member Agency for review and approval.
26.4.4 Utilities
The Sponsoring Party shall locate and show on their landscape plans the existing SCRRA signal
and track facilities during the design phase at the expense of the Sponsoring Party. The project
must be designed to avoid any relocation of the existing SCRRA facilities.
After the acceptance of landscape plans by SCRRA and Member Agency, the Sponsoring Party
shall submit and obtain written approval of design drawings from telecommunications, fiber optic,
gas, oil, or other companies that have prior use of the Right-of-Way under easement or license
agreements. The design and installation of the landscape materials affecting the existing utilities
shall be avoided. Any conflicts shall be coordinated with SCRRA, the Member Agency and the
affected utility owner. Agreements allowing the relocation of utilities are required to be approved
by SCRRA, the Member Agency and the affected utility owner. Approval may require
modifications to the proposed landscape plans.
The existing utilities shall be located and staked and/or marked by the Contractor prior to
commencing any excavation. Approval of the project by SCRRA, and the Member Agency does
not constitute a representation as to the accuracy or completeness of location or the existence or
non-existence of any utilities or structures within the limits of this project. The appropriate regional
notification center [Underground Service Alert of California (DigAlert) at (800) 227-2600 or 811],
railway companies, and utility companies shall be notified prior to performing any excavation close
to any underground pipeline, conduit, wire, or other structure. The Sponsoring Party shall refer to
SCRRA’s website to ensure proper contracts and phone numbers.
SCRRA is not a member of DigAlert and the Sponsoring Party shall request locations of SCRRA
utilities from SCRRA. It is therefore necessary to call SCRRA’s signal department phone number
(refer to SCRRA’s website) to mark, at the Project Sponsor’s or Contractor’s expense, signal and
communication cables and conduits; in case of signal emergencies or Highway-Rail Grade
Crossing problems, the Contractor shall call SCRRA’s 24-hour signal emergency number. If
utilities cannot be located, potholing shall be done to locate the utilities. SCRRA and appropriate
utility owners shall be notified immediately when utility lines not known or indicated on the
drawings are encountered. No service shall be disrupted until the utility owner and SCRRA have
determined and approved the required action on such lines.
26.4.5 Fencing
If there is no existing fence, the Sponsoring Party, at its sole cost and expense, shall install tubular
steel fencing or welded wire mesh fencing as per SCRRA Engineering Standard ES 5104 or ES
5105 respectively. Exceptions may be granted by SCRRA, if the landscaping project design
includes mitigation measures that include best practices to ensure safe rail operations, as per
Section 26.10, Exceptions. The Sponsoring Party shall install gates having SCRRA locks to
access the Right-of-Way for maintenance purposes at locations provided and approved by
SCRRA. The Sponsoring Party shall install “No Trespassing” warning signs as per SCRRA
Engineering Standard ES 5214.
A three-rail split-rail fence in combination with landscaping serving as a visual and physical barrier
between the track and the landscaping may be used in rural or environmentally sensitive areas if
approved by SCRRA and the Member Agency. Since newly planted landscaping may take a few
years before becoming an effective barrier, suitable temporary measures may be required until
the landscaping has reached mature size.
The height of the fence within 150 feet of any at-grade crossings shall be 4 feet. Beyond 150 feet
of any at-grade crossing, the height of the fence along the Right-of-Way shall be at least 6 feet.
26.4.6 Drainage
The Sponsoring Party, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide and maintain suitable facilities
for draining the proposed landscape project and shall not permit storm and/or irrigation water to
flow or collect within the Right-of-Way. All proposed stormwater drainage facilities shall meet state
and local code requirements and be sized to accommodate larger flows as anticipated by the
CVA. Although the Sponsoring Party will not have the sole responsibility to correct any existing
drainage deficiencies on the Right-of-Way, it will, allow the Member Agency the opportunity to
correct any existing drainage conditions to meet SCCRA, state and/or local code requirements.
At a minimum, the Sponsoring Party shall not worsen existing conditions.
Finished grading shall be sloped sufficiently to afford adequate drainage yet minimize drainage.
When the railroad track is at a lower elevation than the surrounding ground and the street, a flat
bottom swale (ditch) properly sized and flowing towards an existing or proposed stormwater
facility, such as inlet, underground pipe, swale, creek, wash or channel shall be constructed to
meet state and local code.
Mounding of earth within the Right-of-Way may be permitted only if it does not adversely affect
access, railroad maintenance activities, visibility, and drainage within the Right-of-Way. The
Sponsoring Party shall submit proposed grading plans showing the existing and proposed contour
elevations to SCRRA and Member Agency for review and approval. The final grading elevations
shall be approved solely by SCRRA and the Member Agency. If allowed, imported soil shall meet
the Member Agency’s specifications for clean backfill material.
26.4.7 Access
SCRRA and Member Agency must be able to readily access, inspect, repair and maintain
drainage systems, bridges, tie and track replacement, tunnel and trestle, signal and
communications equipment and grade crossing equipment from existing roadways. Utility
companies must be able to readily access their facilities for maintenance and operation purposes.
The landscape shall be subject and subordinate to the rights of all current and future tenants and
licensees of the Member Agency, including the rights of reasonable access over the landscaped
consider motorist, bicyclist, pedestrian, and maintenance safety. A crossing user and a
train operator shall not have obstructed visibility of all traffic movements at intersections,
crossovers, and turn lanes due to landscaping. Planting designs shall complement station
architecture, site features, and surrounding community context.
• Within station areas, planting design is encouraged for separating vehicles and
pedestrians. Planting designs are encouraged to enhance walkway patterns and
pedestrian path of travel.
• Soil testing and soils report shall be prepared prior to installation to determine soil
agricultural suitability and ensure proper plant selection. For the soils report shall provide
recommendations for soil amendments to accommodate the health, growth and vigor of
proposed plants.
• Due to the frequent use of arsenic along railroad Right-of-Way, it is strongly suggested
testing be performed early in the design process to allow for proper soil remediation and/or
replacement prior to a project being advertised for bidding purposes.
Ground Covers
Turf grass species commonly used as lawn are prohibited. The use of spreading ground cover to
discourage weed growth and provide soil erosion control is acceptable.
Herbaceous Flowers
Flowering species are permitted provided the plan submitted by the Sponsoring Party commits to
their continuous maintenance. Perennial flowers are preferred although annual flowers are
allowed if the plan provided by the Sponsoring Party also commits to their yearly installation.
Shrubs are woody plants that can be deciduous or evergreen, although evergreen materials are
preferred. Shrubs have a variety of applications and can also be used as ground cover, to
discourage weed growth and stabilize soil.
A hedge is a row of shrubs, preferably evergreen, planted in a continuous line, spaced to form a
vegetative wall. Proposed hedges shall not interfere with visibility, pedestrian movement, or hiding
Ornamental Trees
Ornamental trees are smaller trees (or shrubs trained into tree form), which typically do not
develop 4-inch diameter trunks as measured 4 feet above the ground within 10 years. Ornamental
tree branching shall not interfere with visibility or pedestrian movement. Root barriers are required
for all track within 50 feet of trees.
Shade Trees
Shade trees are large trees which within 10 years, have trunks 4 inches or greater in diameter as
measured 4 feet above the ground. Shade trees must be approved by SCRRA and Member
Agency individually for use on the Right-of-Way. Shade tree branching shall not interfere with
visibility or pedestrian movement. Root barriers are required for all trees within 50 feet of the
nearest track.
In parking areas, trees shall be planted between stalls and at end of row islands. Trees shall also
be located, as appropriate, to provide additional shade within parking areas, waiting areas, and
circulation paths.
At stations, trees shall be located, as appropriate, around the perimeter for screening.
Shade trees with the following criteria are prohibited for within the Right-of-Way: (a) trees which
are granted protective status by the State or Federal Government, (b) trees that produce
aggressive root systems that can radiate laterally through the soil and potentially under track
ballast to ultimately damage the railroad track or structures and (c) fruit bearing trees.
support the weight of one wheel of a service vehicle, and to allow unimpeded pedestrian
Tree guards are to be considered at locations such as subway plazas and station platforms to
prevent damage to trees from vehicles or pedestrians.
All trees shall be double staked. Any tree larger than 48” box shall be guyed.
Make sure trees have adequate space around the roots and select trees carefully. A small tree
well in a sidewalk or parking lot island will not accommodate a large shade tree. The street,
sidewalk, paved surface, wall, or curb will eventually crack and buckle.
26.5.6 Irrigation
The Sponsoring Party shall determine the need for the permanent irrigation of the landscaping. If
the Sponsoring Party chooses not to irrigate, a temporary system should be installed to water the
landscaping materials for the first two years or as necessary. A permanent automatic irrigation
system shall be installed at all station areas. The proposed irrigation system shall be designed to
meet all state and local codes. Water use calculations based on state and local code are required
to be submitted with the irrigation plans for review and approval.
All costs of the irrigation system shall be the responsibility of the Sponsoring Party including, but
not limited to installation materials and labor, water supply and maintenance.
Where irrigation is used, the water spray and drainage shall be designed to maximize coverage
and reduce overspray. All irrigation water shall be directed away from tracks, platforms, and
walkways. The Irrigation system shall not impede access to adjacent properties in any way for
tenants of the Member Agencies.
Irrigation systems shall be designed to avoid runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar
conditions. Water shall be prohibited from flowing onto railroad tracks, ballast, adjacent property,
non-irrigated areas, walks, roadways, or structures. Proper irrigation equipment and schedules
shall be used to closely match application rates to infiltration rates, thereby minimizing runoff.
Anti-drain (check) valves shall be installed in strategic points to minimize or prevent low head
If installed, irrigation systems shall be high-efficiency and required to use automatic controllers
and smart water management technology which meet or exceed state and local code. The
irrigation system shall be designed so that no part of the water supply system is permanently
above-ground in order to prevent vandalism or unauthorized use. Low-flow/drip irrigation systems
are the preferred method of irrigation delivery but high-efficiency pop-up spray heads may be
used, where more appropriate than drip. Platforms shall be provided with quick connect couplers
in recessed boxes at the back of the platform. The couplers shall be at approximately 85 feet on
center to allow full coverage with a 50-foot hose. Irrigation equipment components shall be located
to minimize vandalism but ensure easy access by maintenance personnel.
Where readily available, reclaimed water shall be used for the irrigation system. If there is potential
for future connection to reclaimed water, landscape irrigation system lines and equipment shall
be “purple pipe”.
Soil, infiltration rate, local climate, and planting water requirements shall be considered when
designing irrigation systems. Plant materials of similar water requirements shall be grouped
together into hydro-zones.
Landscape irrigation shall be scheduled to operate between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m.
The Sponsoring Party or its contractors installing the approved landscape plans shall comply with
the rules and regulations contained in the current editions of the following SCRRA documents
during the construction of the landscaping project:
i. Temporary Right-of-Entry agreement (SCRRA Form No. 6)
ii. Rules and Requirements for Construction on SCRRA Right-of-Way (SCRRA Form No.
iii. General Safety Regulations for Third Party Construction and Maintenance Activity on
SCRRA Member Agency Property
iv. Applicable SCRRA Engineering Standards
SCRRA and Member Agencies do not allow any parties to cause or permit any hazardous
materials to be brought upon, stored, used, generated, or treated on or about the Right-of-Way.
The Sponsoring Party and its landscape contractor shall not bring in or use any imported soils
unless it has been tested and the results reviewed and approved by Member Agency for
The Sponsoring Party shall maintain the landscape materials, including vegetation and other
improvements that are part of the installed landscape, in good order and healthy and vigorous
condition to the satisfaction of SCRRA and the Member Agency, at its own cost and expense.
The Sponsoring Party shall notify SCRRA five working days in advance of any maintenance
activity that shall occur within the Right-of-Way. The Sponsoring Party shall be responsible to
reimburse SCRRA or the Member Agency the actual cost and expense incurred by SCRRA for
all services and work performed in connection with the installation and maintenance of the
landscape including a computed surcharge representing SCRRA’s and the Member Agency’s
costs for administration and management.
Pruning of the plant material shall be performed by a licensed professional arborist to preserve
the health and structure of trees and shrubs, for the prevention of damage to adjacent property,
and to provide safety for train, vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Tree pruning practices shall follow
the current ANSI A-300 standards.
Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering, fertilizing, pruning, weed prevention,
control and prevention of insects and diseases, removal of debris and other practices necessary
to maintain the planting in acceptable healthy and vigorous condition. Maintenance shall also
include control or removal of weeds or vegetation within and on the crossing easement area to
avoid creating a fire hazard, obstructing visibility, or otherwise adversely affecting safety.
Vegetation shall not interfere with the function of railroad signs or signals along the Right-of-Way
and at highway-rail crossings; prevent proper functioning of signal and communication lines; or
prevent railroad employees from visually inspecting moving equipment from their normal duty
stations. If the Sponsoring Party does not perform the control or removal work, SCRRA will serve
notice upon the Sponsoring Party to provide proper maintenance. If the Sponsoring Party fails to
do so, SCRRA will remove the offending material at the sole expense of the Sponsoring Party.
Weeds and grasses must be removed in a manner that their removal does not damage any plant
materials or present a fire hazard.
Any dead or damaged plant materials installed or maintained by the Sponsoring Party shall be
promptly removed by the Sponsoring Party with or without identification or notification by SCRRA
or Member Agency. If the Sponsoring Party has received notification from SCRRA or a Member
Agency of the need to remove dead or damaged plant material, the Sponsoring Party shall
acknowledge in writing that it has removed and replaced the offending material in coordination
with SCRRA and the Member Agency within two weeks of receiving the removal notice.
26.8.2 Application
When applying herbicides within the Right-of-Way, SCRRA will prevent damage to landscaping
located within the Right-of-Ways as much as possible. However, there is a possibility of wind
causing drift of the spray mix materials, which could cause damage to plants adjacent to the
Right-of-Way. The Sponsoring Party should take into consideration the effect of SCRRA IPM
vegetation control program and the effect of wind and rain when designing a landscape project.
The Sponsoring Party shall be responsible for the in-kind restoration of any damaged area at its
own cost and expense.
A zero-growth-herbicide treated buffer zone, 10 feet in width, shall be provided between the
Right-of-Way and any landscaped areas. Bark or wood chip mulching ground cover, pavement or
decorative rock or gravel is required within the buffer zone.
SCRRA does not provide funding for landscaping projects on the Right-of-Way.
Topography, environment, Right-of-Way widths, obstructions, utilities etc., may make it difficult to
follow the requirements of these criteria. In order to provide a balance between SCRRA and
Member Agency mandates to provide safe and efficient transportation to the public and the ability
to meet interstate freight obligations and aesthetic benefits offered by the landscape installations,
SCRRA may grant deviations or variances from these criteria provided that the project as a whole
is consistent with the overall intent of the criteria.
The Sponsoring Party shall prepare an engineering report showing in precise detail the deviations
from these criteria and provide a rationale supporting the proposed deviations.
27.1 SCOPE
The following criteria represent preferred and in some cases minimum standards for the design,
construction and maintenance of Rail-with-Trail in a manner compatible with safe operation of
railroad corridors and with the rail capacity expansions envisioned for most corridors.
When a Rail-with-Trail is considered for joint use in railroad Right-of-Way or adjacent/under/over
it, it should be considered in the context of safety for all uses of the corridor. Rail-with-Trail may
affect SCRRA’s ability to provide commuter rail transportation. However, Rail-with-Trail can be a
community asset and when designed properly it can benefit SCRRA and the communities where
they are located.
The following criteria seek to balance SCRRA’s and Member Agencies’ mandate to provide safe
and efficient transportation to the public and the ability to meet interstate freight obligations, while
remaining consistent with FRA regulations.
These criteria apply to SCRRA and its Member Agencies operated and maintained Right-of-Ways
that are owned wholly or in part by the county transportation Member Agencies. These criteria do
not apply to Right-of-Ways fully owned by BNSF or UP, where SCRRA has entered into joint use
agreements to operate Metrolink commuter rail service.
27.3.1 General
The Project Sponsor shall consider the existing Right-of-Way needs in accordance with Section
24.2.3, Right-of-Way Requirements, of the DCM. Project Sponsor shall obtain written concurrence
from SCRRA and the Member Agency of the affected real property as part of the feasibility
assessment of the proposed Rail-with-Trail Project.
responsible for all coordination with the affected Member Agency to obtain all information related
to the real estate agreement and its implementation. The Member Agency will be the sole authority
on the fees and compensations due from the Project Sponsor for the rights granted.
License or easement agreement may also include requirements that provide for the removal and
modification of the Rail-with-Trail to meet SCRRA’s and Member Agency’s mission to provide
passenger rail transportation and their obligations to the freight railroads to provide rail freight
service. At the request of SCRRA or Member Agency, the Project Sponsor shall remove, relocate,
or modify, at its own expense, the Rail-with-Trail to accommodate additional track or tracks or
other railroad related facilities in the Right-of-Way.
Project Sponsor shall obtain and comply with any and all permits, licenses and other
authorizations required by applicable laws, regulations, rules, and ordinances for Rail-with-Trail
project within the Right-of-Way.
Coordinated and responsive patrol service designating and enforcing rules and regulations while
employing crime prevention strategies such as:
• Territorial reinforcement,
• Education,
• Signage
• Incident management
• System map - detailing access points for fire and police use
Safety Plan shall be in conformance with the requirements of SCRRA and the Member Agency
jurisdiction the project will impact.
27.6.2 Clearances
Rail-with-Trail shall be designed along the outer edges of the railroad Right-of-Way adjacent to
the property line, and to maximize the Setback between the centerline of the nearest track
(existing or future) and the closest edge of the Rail-with-Trail to the extent feasible. The Setback
clearance shall take into consideration the type, speed, and frequency of trains; separation
technique, and existing and proposed topography; sight distances; future tracks/improvements;
and SCRRA’s maintenance requirements.
The recommended minimum setbacks are 45 feet of any main line track where the corridor design
speeds exceed 90 mph; 40 feet where main line speed is between 90 mph and 79 mph; 35 feet
where main line speed is between 78 mph and 60 mph; 30 feet where main line speed is between
59 mph and 40 mph; and 25 feet where mainline speed is below 40 mph.
It may not be possible to provide recommended minimum Setbacks at certain points. While a
railroad Right-of-Way may be sufficiently wide, the tracks may be within a narrow cut or fill section
or adjacent to bluffs making placement of Rail-with-Trail very difficult. Safety shall not be
compromised at such points. Additional barriers, vertical separation or other methods shall be
employed. In such cases, Project Sponsor shall review impacts to minimum setbacks and
proposed mitigation measures with SCRRA and Member Agency during the initial project
submission. Approval of proposed mitigation measures and setback, shall be at the sole discretion
of SCRRA and the Member Agency.
27.6.5 Utilities
Utility design shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 10, Utilities, of the DCM. Project
Sponsor shall locate the existing SCRRA signal and track facilities on their plans during the design
phase and should be designed to avoid any relocation of the existing SCRRA facilities.
Project Sponsor shall obtain written approval of design drawings from telecommunications, fiber
optic, gas, oil, signal lines, or other companies that have prior use of the railroad Right-of-Way
under easement or license agreements. The Project Sponsor shall cover all costs associated with
utility entities design review/participation, construction inspection, agreements, relocations if
needed, etc.
27.6.6 Landscaping
Landscaping, shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 26, Landscaping Design, of the DCM,
and criteria published by Member Agencies. Any existing landscaping and irrigation impacted by
Rail-with-Trail project shall be restored in like condition within temporary impacted areas. The
Project Sponsor shall be responsible for all costs associated with landscaping for construction
and long-term maintenance.
27.6.7 Fencing
In the absence of existing fence, the Project Sponsor, at its sole cost and expense, shall install
fencing as per ES 5103 through ES 5105, fencing choice to be coordinated with SCRRA. The
fence shall be located at the shoulder edge of the Rail-with-Trail. Fencing shall be designed in
such a way to prevent entrance onto the railroad and tamper resistant.
Project Sponsor shall install gates with SCRRA locks to access the Right-of-Way for maintenance
purposes at locations provided by SCRRA. Project Sponsor should install “No Trespassing”
warning signs as per SCRRA Engineering Standard ES 5214.
27.6.8 Lighting
Project Sponsor shall provide lighting for the Rail-with-Trail if required by the local, state, or federal
guidelines, rules, and regulations. For Rail-with-Trail projects where night time use is permitted
minimum lighting levels shall be in conformance with the Caltrans Highway Design Manual.
Project Sponsor shall also consider areas of security concern when developing proposed lighting
27.6.10 Access
SCRRA and Member Agency must be able to readily access, inspect, repair and maintain
drainage systems, bridges, tie and track replacement, tunnel and trestle, signal and
communications equipment and grade crossing equipment from existing roadways. Utility
companies must be able to readily access their facilities for maintenance and operation purposes.
The use of automobiles is prohibited on the Rail-with-Trail, except for authorized emergency and
maintenance vehicles including SCRRA and Member Agency maintenance vehicles. Horses and
other animals are not permitted on the Rail-with-Trail, except for guide or service dogs.
Appropriate signage shall be placed at all entrances to the trail designating restricted use.
The Rail-with-Trail shall be subject to and subordinate to the rights of all current and future tenants
and licensees of Member Agencies, including the rights of reasonable access over the
Rail-with-Trail project.
Each asset class will include a TERM rating of one of the following.
• Excellent
• Good
• Adequate
• Marginal
• Poor
• Coordinate with the CM to identify the final as-built quantities relative to the bid list as well
as any items added during construction that may have not been included on the initial bid
list but are pertinent to Table 28-1. Transfer this information to the TAM Manager.
28.1.3 Exclusion
Since SCRRA does few vehicle procurements as compared to infrastructure improvements, this
chapter focuses on the latter. However, if the procurement involves locomotives and rolling stock
then the Design Consultant will work with TAM Manger to identify what bid items need to be
included with the procurement bid.
For definitions see Appendix A Terms and Definitions.
assure no degradation of the safe operation of grade crossings and to provide safe and efficient
movements of all roadway users.
The traffic control plan shall at a minimum consider and include the following information:
• Narrative explaining traffic control scope, duration, work hours, working days
• Existing conditions and facilities such as roadway and lane dimensions, sidewalks, curbs,
driveways, medians, parking conditions, existing striping and pavement markings, traffic
signals, posted speed limits, and existing signs, as well as track location, right-of-way
limits and property lines
• Location, dimensions, and limits of the work area in the public or railroad ROW
• Any necessary traffic control devices, such as signs, barricades, cones/delineators,
surface mounted channelizers, flashing arrow signs (arrow boards), changeable message
signs (CMS), temporary striping, crash cushions, and k-rail
• Appropriate traffic control design elements such as advanced warning area, transition
area, activity area, termination area, road closures, lane closures, speed zoning, tapers,
buffers and clearances, parking controls, signal controls, and the proposed improvements
necessitating traffic control
• Appropriate detour plans for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists as necessary
• Stage construction as necessary for completion of proposed work.
• Any necessary temporary lighting to assure all grade crossing users have adequate
visibility throughout construction
• Locations of roadway flaggers
• Location of existing RR warning devices. The plan should specify that visibility to RR
warning devices shall be maintained at all times. If the existing crossing has RR gates,
gate coverage shall be maintained the duration of construction or a roadway flagger shall
be required.
Every effort shall be made to have, in place, emergency traffic escape routes on the downstream
side of the highway-rail grade crossing. As many lanes as possible should be provided for traffic
movement in each direction. Traffic control plans shall minimize the inconvenience, delay, and
accident potential to affect traffic. If traffic control has the potential to cause queuing over the
highway-rail grade crossing (such as reduced number of lanes downstream of a crossing) a
roadway flagger shall be placed at the crossing to stop vehicles from blocking the crossing. The
roadway flagger must remain at the crossing until the traffic control devices have been removed.
Traffic control plans shall be submitted to SCRRA for all activities located within or in the vicinity
of any SCRRA highway-rail grade crossings. A written approval of the traffic control plan from
SCRRA and the Public Agency having jurisdiction over the roadway is required prior to initiating
any construction activity. It is also necessary to obtain SCRRA’s written approval for any changes
to the traffic control plan. Signature approval from the Public Agency must be provided to SCRRA,
before SCRRA will approve and issue any Right-of-Entry Permits to perform work on or adjacent
to railroad ROW.
It is recommended that the Public Agency schedule a meeting with the SCRRA and the Public
Agency’s design engineer prior to the first submittal of plans to discuss initial concepts of the
traffic control plans.
ES 4301shall be consulted prior to preparing and finalizing traffic control plans. This standard
shows a typical application and it shall be modified to meet the needs of changing conditions in
the temporary traffic control zone. Additionally, special attention shall be paid to CA MUTCD Parts
6 and 8 during development and revision of traffic control plans.
Temporary traffic control planning and design shall be coordinated with SCRRA since Public
Agencies and SCRRA are obligated to coordinate all installation, operation, maintenance, use
and protection of grade crossings activities under the California Public Utilities Commission.
The Public Agency shall reimburse SCRRA for all cost and expenses related to plan reviews and
RWIC services.
If the Public Agency itself does the construction within or in the vicinity of the highway-rail grade
crossings, the Public Agency will be responsible for all the requirements mentioned in
Section 29.8.2, Contractor.
29.8.2 Contractor
The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits, provide timely notifications and coordinate the
work with all affected Public Agencies. The Contractor shall submit and obtain written approval of
the temporary traffic control plans from the Public Agency and SCRRA for all activities located
within or in the vicinity of highway-rail grade crossing.
The Contractor will submit SCRRA Form No. 5 or Form No. 6 prior to any activities at or near
highway-rail grade crossings as per requirements shown in Section 29.7. SCRRA shall be notified
in writing at least five working days in advance of any work on the temporary traffic control at the
highway-rail grade crossings.
The Contractor shall train all Roadway Flaggers in the fundamentals of flagging traffic before
being assigned as Roadway Flaggers.
The temporary traffic control will be performed as per California State License Board rules and
Temporary Traffic Control Zones will be inspected regularly to check that applicable traffic control
signs, signals, markings, lighting devices, barricades are effective, visible, clean, and in
compliance with the approved traffic control plan. All temporary traffic control devices will be
removed as soon as possible when they are no longer needed.
The Contractor shall cancel the temporary traffic control at the highway-rail grade crossing if
requested by SCRRA for the conditions mentioned in Section 29.8.3 below.
29.8.3 SCRRA
SCRRA will review, comment, and approve the temporary traffic control plans and SCRRA Form
No. 5 or Form No. 6 submitted by the Public Agency or the Contractor.
SCRRA will provide the services of an RWIC, at the Public Agency’s or Contractor’s cost.
SCRRA will ask the Public Agency or the Contractor to cancel the temporary traffic control under
any one of the following conditions:
• The Public Agency or Contractor activity does not meet CA MUTCD Part 6 and Part 8
• In the opinion of SCRRA the work interferes with or endangers the movement of Road
Users and train traffic
• Law Enforcement Officer(s)/Roadway Flagger(s) are not present at the highway-rail grade
• The Flagger qualifications, clothing, hand-signaling devices, Flagger procedures and
Flagger stations does not meet the CA MUTCD, WATCH, or Caltrans requirements
If any of the above unsafe conditions exist, the traffic control will be terminated immediately or as
soon as practical and work may be resumed at a later date after approval has been granted by
3. Shared Corridor - Transit and conventional rail operators share the corridor, but tracks are
separated by at least 25 feet and no more than 200 feet. The FRA believes that intrusion
by derailed freight or transit cars onto a parallel railroad track is unlikely beyond 200 feet.
**The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) also defines “shared minor facilities” as:
1. Highway/rail grade crossing where transit lines and general railroad system share crossing
2. Railroad
3. Level crossings (diamonds) between transit tracks and general railroad system tracks.
4. Shared movable bridges.
* General Railroad System of Transportation - FRA refers to the network of standard gage track
over which goods may be transported throughout the Nation and passengers may travel between
cities and within metropolitan and suburban areas. See 49 CFR Part 209, Railroad Safety
Enforcement Procedures.
**USDOT, Catalog of Common Use Rail Corridors, FRA, April 2003
30.2.2 Standards
SCRRA Standards - See Chapter 3 Section 3.2.1 SCRRA standards for a listing of applicable
standards and documents.
Miscellaneous Requirements
• All projects must follow SCRRA standards and while Project Sponsors are subject
SCRRA’s final decisions, there are times when deviations from these standards are
acceptable after review and approval by SCRRA. It shall also be the sole responsibility of
the Project Sponsor to identify all project requirements of not only the project specifics but
those of any regulatory entity such as the FRA and CPUC. This also applies the following
requirements, including but not limited to: requirements by cities, other public agencies,
public and private utilities, and private companies as well as those having superior or prior
rights over railroads such as grade crossings where the road existed before the railroad.
• Property rights by encumbrance mechanism such as easements and licenses.
• Rights granted by project delivery agreements and property acquisition settlements. This
includes Right-of-Way purchase agreements and temporary construction easements.
• RTC – Rail Traffic Controller modeling results
• Utility provider requirements
• Operating Railroad Requirements – BNSF, UP, and Amtrak
During all phases of a project, the Project Sponsor shall identify all requirements inclusive of
third-parties and stakeholders, include these into a risk registry, and present both to SCRRA for
resolution and approval.
30.2.3 Jurisdiction
The Rail Safety Improvement Act of 1988, Pub. L. 100-342, ("RSIA") amended the Federal
Railroad Safety Act of 1970, 45 U.S.C. §§ 421, 431 et seq., to provide the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) broader regulatory authority over the Nation’s railroads. The term "Railroad"
as used in the Act means all forms of non-highway ground transportation that run on rails or
electro-magnetic guideways, including (1) commuter or other short-haul rail passenger service in
a metropolitan or suburban area, as well as any commuter rail service that was operated by the
Consolidated Rail Corporation as of January 1, 1979, and (2) high-speed ground transportation
systems that connect metropolitan areas, without regard to whether they use new technologies
not associated with traditional railroads. Such term does not include rapid transit operations within
an urban area that are not connected to the general railroad system of transportation. For policy
reasons, FRA does not exercise jurisdiction under all its regulations, 49 CFR Parts 200 – 299, to
the full extent permitted by statute. See 49 CFR Part 209, Appendix A.
• Known future costs of additional required improvements, operations, and maintenance not
only for the railroad infrastructure but those improvements that may be an ongoing cost to
• Administration that would charge to project for specific project related tasks such as
contract compliance, grants and funding reporting requirements, and accounts payable
and receivable invoicing processing.
• Operations – dispatching, train crews, maintenance of equipment, and bus bridges.
• Maintenance of Way – Trackwork (49 CFR Part 213), structures, stations, drainage, and
grade crossings.
• Maintenance of C&S - Communications and signals (49 CFR Part 234 and 49 CFR Part
236), Customer Information System, ticket vending machines, positive train control (PTC),
warning devices.
• Roadway Worker Protection (49 CFR Part 214), e.g. – Flagging, Form Bs, absolute work
windows, track and time.
Due to the sensitivity of the SCRRA communications and signal system, and the requisite
experience needed to design, test, and commission the system, the Project Sponsor shall contract
directly with one of the SCRRA on-call PTC Communications & Signal Systems Design and
Engineering Services firms to perform all designs including PTC, testing, programming, and
commissioning of the Project for any work that effects the SCRRA signal system.
30.2.7 Planning
Planning and delivering a shared use project adjacent to an existing railroad can take
considerable coordination and planning with public agencies and private companies but also with
state and Federal regulators. Two key drivers of a project’s viability are construction costs and
impacts to future expansion of the existing railroad system. It is important that all factors
contributing to the costs and impacts, to the best of the Project Sponsor’s knowledge, on
operations, risks, impacts, safety, maintenance, costs, liability, regulatory responsibilities, and
future growth be identified during the planning or preliminary design stages of a proposed project
so that SCRRA can easily review the proposed project. Therefore, at a minimum, the following
items shall be presented to SCRRA for review, comment, and approval before moving to final
Operational Modeling
The Project Sponsor, using Rail Traffic Controller (RTC®) to build their model (Chapter 32), will
demonstrate that the proposed project will not diminish SCRRA’s existing service and that of
future goals for expanded service. The modeling shall also show operational impacts to SCRRA
service during each phase of construction, ridership effects, and considerations for multi-modal
transit connections. SCRRA must grant approval of the concept design for both the proposed
project and any changes to the SCRRA infrastructure prior to advancing to preliminary design.
Cost Estimates
Identify to the best possible level all 5% and 30% project costs for any and all impacts to the
SCRRA ROW and the SCRRA infrastructure, including but not limited to:
• Oversight of operational analyses, design, constructability, construction, construction
management, and construction phasing;
• Testing, inspections, commissioning, training, and cutovers;
• Track outages, absolute work windows, bus bridges, and related notification costs; and
• Long-term maintenance increases.
Projects exclusively for the SCRRA system improvements sponsored by one of the five SCRRA
Member Agencies (MA), the MA shall be solely responsible for identifying funding sources
including local, state, and Federal funds, grants and formula funds, programming of said funds,
maintaining all reporting requirements, and of closing Project Closeout. However, for some
projects, the MA may work jointly with SCRRA to acquire the project funding. In this case, the
agency providing the majority of the funding, SCRRA or a MA, shall be the lead agency from
PAED to delivery.
Should the Project Sponsor be a third-party with the goal of delivering a system using the SCRRA
ROW, such as an LRT project, the Project Sponsor shall be solely responsible to acquire all
funding and shall disclose said funding to SCRRA.
Regardless of the Project Sponsor, it is imperative that all funding sources along with the funding
requirements be disclosed to SCRRA.
track and signals and dispatches all trains), the light rail operator will still be responsible to comply
with the related regulations.
For all projects that may require a waiver and approval by SCRRA, SCRRA will request the waiver
for the Project Sponsor. SCRRA will also notify the CPUC of the waiver.
the return current to leak into the ground, commonly known as stray current. This stray current
creates or accelerates the electrolytic corrosion of the metal structures in proximity of the transit
system causing metal pipes, cables, and earthing grids laid in or on to ground near the electrified
tracks to have a much shorter life span. The original and new railroad infrastructure operated by
SCRRA never considered stray current. Therefore, the Project Sponsor of an electric mode
project proposed in the SCRRA Right-of-Way shall retrofit all SCRRA infrastructure including but
not limited to stations, fencing, trackwork, grade crossings, bridges and other structures, signal
and communication systems, warning devices, and all other infrastructure items subject to
corrosion as needed to eliminate any and all stray current affects to the SCRRA system.
Furthermore, no third-rail systems will be allowed within the SCRRA Right-of-Way.
The Project Sponsor shall identify all third-party infrastructure that may be influenced by stray
current. This will be followed by a cathodic corrosion prevention plan with estimated costs to not
only retrofit SCRRA systems and infrastructure but those of third-parties that have infrastructure
within the SCRRA right-of-way.
30.3.8 Electrification
For Shared Track, the traction power supply system shall be designed so that the system is
compatible with commuter and freight railroad operations. A study of the power supply system on
the other modes of transportation shall be made and presented to SCRRA in conjunction with a
plan to mitigating any adverse effect to the SCRRA system.
30.3.10 Right-of-Way
The SCRRA operating railroad Right-of-Way is owned by the five SCRRA Member Agencies as
discussed in Section 30.2.4 above. These rights-of-ways were secured from the three major Class
I railroads, i.e. - Southern Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, and the Atchison Topeka and
Santa Fe Railway. Dating back as early as 1855, these railroads over the years had granted
thousands of license agreements for various crossings and linear uses such as overhead and
underground utilities, private and public roads, freeways and highways, drainage systems and
flood control channels, fuel and communication lines, pedestrian bridges, and private uses by
adjacent land owners. By Federal law, the Member Agencies have the same rights in all aspects
as do the original owners including the ownership and management of these licenses.
Working with each of SCRRA Member Agencies, the Project Sponsor shall be responsible for
identifying all licenses, agreements, and in rare cases, easements on the railroad. This
information shall be plotted on the project drawings and field verified where possible.
Usually the railroads have prior rights since they were there first in the 1800s. By reviewing the
license agreements, the licensee may be required to move or modify their infrastructure at no cost
to the railroad owner. However, there are some locations that others have the prior rights, mostly
some roadways but also a few miscellaneous users for example, the City of Riverside water
delivery channel in San Bernardino that dates back before the Santa Fe. In these cases, the
Project Sponsor will need to comply with the user’s requirements. Refer to Chapter 5 for additional
Right-of-Way criteria.
Right-of-Way Acquisitions
Since SCRRA was created as a Joint Powers Authority and not by a legislative action, SCRRA
cannot acquire ROW through eminent domain, commonly known as condemnation. Instead, any
eminent domain action needed to acquire Right-of-Way will require the respective SCRRA
Member Agency to take the lead. The Project Sponsor shall work with the respective SCRRA
Member Agency to handle all Right-of-Way acquisitions, either by negotiation or eminent domain.
While the SCRRA track charts show ROW, the Project Sponsor shall have a preliminary title
report prepared of all of the proposed areas of the SCRRA system that require improvement. The
Project Sponsor shall also survey the railroad Right-of-Way to the limits of the project, set Right-
of-Way monuments at all ROW deflection points, beginning and end of ROW curves, centerline
of roads, and prepare and record a Record of Survey with the respective county.
• Platform signage
• Passenger information systems,
• Ticket vending
• Platform furnishings
• Level boarding
• Track and signal alignment
• Platform access
• At-grade pedestrian crossings
• Grade separated pedestrian access
All of which will require SCRRA approval during planning and final design as well as the FRA and
Shared station size, access, parking, and passenger facilities will be designed to accommodate
train and passenger volumes and frequency required to serve the future demands. The station
designs will consider the need for waiting areas, concourses, ticketing, restrooms, safety and
security, and other support services. Shared platforms may be allowed if the new mode is on the
opposite side of an existing platform and if the platform is wide enough to allow for level boarding
of the new mode. Shared platforms will be prohibited where Metrolink trains load and alight trains.
See Chapter 7 for detailed information about SCRRA stations.
30.3.13 Utilities
See Chapter 10 for detailed information about utilities.
However, unlikely as it is, separation distances of 200 feet and greater will not require an intrusion
The type and height of railroad intrusion detection system or wall or device is subject to SCRRA
approval. The intrusion system shall run continuously between the two modes. Furthermore, the
detection system shall be independent and not a tied to the signal system. The system shall be
designed and built by the Project Sponsor to SCRRA requirements. The ongoing maintenance
costs shall be paid by the Project Sponsor.
30.3.17 Construction
As stated above, the Project Sponsor shall solely be responsible for all Project construction and
oversight costs incurred by SCRRA staff, consultants, vendors, contractors, and legal counsel as
well as all stakeholder costs such as the freight railroads, public agencies, and utility companies.
Refer to SCRRA specifications Section 01 14 00, Work Restrictions, for requirements, provisions,
and rules and hours of operation regarding construction activities that affect SCRRA’s operating
31.1 SCOPE
The design of an SCRRA signage layout is site-specific and shall reflect the surrounding
community. However, the functionality of SCRRA signage must be practical and consistent in
order to effectively serve SCRRA train crews and passengers. The preferred criteria set forth in
this chapter are intended to ensure that all signs are designed and placed to meet the minimum
requirements for a SCRRA commuter train station, highway-rail crossing, pedestrian rail crossing,
or railroad corridor. All signage and graphics shall fully conform to the most current version of the
SCRRA Engineering Standards ES 3301 thru ES 3340. It is the DESIGN CONSULTANTS
responsibility to be aware of changes to the Engineering Standard drawings.
In addition to highway signs to be installed at the highway-rail grade crossing, there may be
additional signs required to inform the public of warnings and regulations at a highway-rail grade
crossing. Following is a partial list, other signs may be required:
• “No Dumping/No Trespassing” per ES 5214
• “Emergency Notification Sign (ENS) (I-13)” as per ES 8270-02 and as per CA MUTCD
Section 8B.18
• Number of Tracks Supplemental Warning Panel W48 per CA MUTCD Section 8B.06
• “DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS” Sign (R8-8) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.09
• “STOP HERE ON RED” (R10-6) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.12
• “STOP HERE ON FLASHING” (R10-8) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.12
• Short Storage Space Signs (W10-11, W10-11a, W10-11b) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.24
• Skewed Crossing Sign (W10-12)
• TRAINS MAY EXCEED 80 MPH Sign (W10-8) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.20
• “LOOK” (R15-8) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.17 and ES 3319 & ES 4006
• “Warning! Do Not Cross Tracks When Gates Are Down” per ES 3317
Installation of such signs on SCRRA’s member-owned ROW shall be installed per the latest
SCRRA Engineering Standards.
For temporary construction crossing signage refer to ES 4302.
The requirements within this section of the CA MUTCD for the proper application of pedestrian
crossing signs at the crossing and SCRRA ES 4005 and ES 4006 shall be adhered to. All at-grade
pedestrian crossings shall include horizontal warning signage on the pathway at each side of the
• “LOOK” (R15-8) per CA MUTCD Section 8B.17 and ES 3319 & ES 4006
Right-of-Way Signs
At the station owner’s cost, SCRRA will design, fabricate, and install various signs on the platform
and in the ROW. Alternatively, upon coordination and after approval from SCRRA, the station
owner may design, fabricate and install most platform signage as reviewed and approved by
SCRRA. These signs are necessary for passenger information and train operations or are
required by Accessible Design.
Station signage will include train car position signs to indicate to train crews where to position
trains at boarding locations, these signs must be allowed for in the design of other station features.
See ES 3303.
Additional signs shall be configured to control passenger and trespasser access to the tracks and
the ROW.
Platform Signage
At the station owner’s cost, SCRRA will design, fabricate, and install various signs on the platform.
Maintenance of all platform signage is the responsibility of the station owner.
Persons are subject to California Penal Code section 640 which regulates actions on or in facilities
or vehicles owned or leased of a public transportation system. Signage limiting access to the
transit station or vehicle shall be posted prior to the entrance to the platform or station 640.c(1)§ionNum
Wayfinding Signage
Accessibility requirements for Signage shall meet the provision of CBC 11B-216.1 Signs and CBC
Chapter 11B Division 7: Communication Elements and Features.
Wayfinding is defined as “directional signage” for the purpose of accessibility requirements.
Refer to CBC 11B-703.5 for Accessibility requirements for directional signage. Accessibility
requirements for directional signage include:
• Non-glare finish.
• Contrast: characters shall contrast with their background with either light characters on a
dark background or dark characters on a light background.
• Case: Characters shall be uppercase or lowercase or a combination of both.
• Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative or other unusual forms.
• Characters shall be selected from fonts where the width of the uppercase letter “O” is
60 percent minimum and 110 percent maximum of the height of the uppercase letter “I”.
• Minimum character height shall conform to CBC Table 11B-703.5.5.
• Visual characters shall be 40 inches minimum above the finish floor or ground.
• Stroke thickness, character spacing, line spacing, and format shall comply with CBC
Refer to CBC 11B-703.3 for Accessibility requirements for braille signage. Braille signage is
required for:
• Restrooms
• Permanent rooms
• Elevators
• Exit Routes
• As determined by CBC 11B-216.
• Doors leading into hazardous areas that might prove dangerous to a blind person shall be
made quickly identifiable by tactile/Braille signage, mounted on the wall at the latch side
of the door.
Where braille is determined to be included for accessibility, braille construction shall comply with
CBC 11B-703.3. Additional braille that is not required but included shall also comply with CBC
Dual-Language Signage
A maximum of two languages on a single sign or sign assembly shall be allowed. Dual-language
signage shall be limited to wayfinding signage from the platform area to the exit or entry of the
station. The allowance and the determination of the second language shall be approved by
SCRRA prior to fabrication of the signage.
See ES 3301 through ES 3340 for examples of required and optional station signage.
Placement of Accessible signage requirements shall comply with CBC Chapter 11B Division 5:
General Site and Building Elements. Identification shall comply with CBC Chapter 11B-502.6.
Station signage placement will occasionally overlap with the placement of railroad operating
signs. Refer to Section 31.2, Sign Placement, as all signs must be accommodated in locations
with visibility for all users without blocking view of other signs or warning devices.
The station owner is responsible to maintain parking lot signage.
forces on local streets, at the local agency’s expense. Such signs will be maintained by city forces.
If signs are posted in areas of poor lighting project owner may choose to light signs.
The rail operations modeling process compares current network train performance metrics
against future metrics with new services and/or infrastructure improvements to estimate potential
effects of the proposed improvement or service change.
The following is an example of how the process works:
A model of existing rail network infrastructure and operations is created, attempting to replicate,
as accurately as possible, current network train performance metrics. This serves as the “base”
model. Future models, or “test cases”, are then developed from the base model. All incorporate
the hypothetical service scenario the improvement is designed to support, as well as estimated
freight and passenger growth for rail operators using the same corridor for the improvement
implementation year. One future model will incorporate the infrastructure or service plan
improvements and one will not. Performance metrics from all three models will be compared to
test and help determine whether a proposed improvement might achieve its intended purpose
and need.
Modeling can be performed for small (micro) scenarios that focus on improvements of a single
area or large (macro) scenarios that encompass single or multiple projects along a section of a
corridor or the entire corridor. In cases where more than one corridor is impacted (e.g. Los
Angeles Union Station) the model must be run for the entire network.
Not every project under these categories will require modeling. SCRRA will determine the need
for modeling for each individual project.
Each scenario – including current operational model testing – should provide the following raw
• Train performance calculations
• Network congestion points
• Idealized run times (or pure run times)
• Time/ distance – stringline – diagrams
• Overall and specific train operating metrics
• Grade crossing occupancy times
• Fuel consumption
• Emissions produced
Once the base model has been established and tested to replicate current operating schedules
with a high level of precision, test cases should be identified for future optimization of the network
in context of proposed infrastructure enhancements. These include new schedule options,
planned, programed, or budgeted capacity improvements, and/or improvements to be tested and
compared with based on available funding.
If, during the development and validation of the model, alternative improvements are identified
which meet or exceed the objectives of the planned improvements with potentially lower costs,
reduced construction obstacles and/or improved operational capacity or reliability, these
alternatives will be presented to SCRRA staff in the technical memorandum.
If a model is used over an extended period of time (6 months or longer), it should be checked
regularly to ensure it incorporates the latest infrastructure improvements, operational changes
and train schedules for the segment(s) modeled.
SCRRA planning, engineering, and operations teams should all review the data to ensure the raw
data and the analysis of the data is in line with project assumptions, or if further test cases are
required to validate other project options.
warning times and identify and mitigate frequency conflicts between crossings. In addition to this,
the Signal Designer must have an ability to demonstrate their understanding of how grade
crossing warning systems interact with wayside signal and PTC systems.
The Signal Designer may be interviewed by SCRRA or designate. The interview may require a
demonstration of circuit and grade crossing warning system engineering analysis. The
determination of qualification is at the sole discretion of SCRRA.
These requirements apply to both signal circuit and application program development, either
developing new systems or modifying existing systems.
33.6.1 General
Refer to Section 21.6.1 for grade crossing warning system General Design requirements.
time is to be a base time of thirty (30) seconds. This is derived from the FRA’s required twenty
(20) seconds minimum warning time plus ten (10) seconds buffer time. The buffer time is intended
to account for variations in train handling. Reducing the ten (10) second standard buffer time is
prohibited without permission from SCRRA.
The most current AREMA guidelines are to be followed in determining warning times. The only
exception to the requirement for a 20 seconds minimum warning time occurs when a train stops
and subsequently restarts in the approach to a grade crossing. Under these scenarios, operating
rules govern the actions of the engineer and provide for the safe passage of the train move.
When calculating the warning time, the designer shall consider additional time for wide, or angled,
track crossing applications, intended gate delay due to slow moving vehicles and traffic signal
During the design process, consideration should be given to pedestrian usage of the crossing.
Additional warning time may need to be assigned, depending on specific site conditions.
33.8.1 Background
Where field conditions require, the railroad train detection system shall be interconnected with the
traffic signal controller so that the traffic signal phasing can be pre-empted, and vehicular traffic
cleared off the track prior to the train arriving at the crossing. The decision to install an
interconnected traffic pre-emption system shall be decided through an engineering diagnostic
evaluation and driven by current regulatory requirements. The process to determine the need,
type and application of traffic signal pre-emption interconnection systems is described in
SCRRA’s Design Criteria Manual, Section 8.0 GRADE CROSSINGS.
Additional time for traffic signal preemption (APT), or advanced pedestrian pre-emption time
(APPT) shall be included in the railroad warning time calculation. The APT and/or APPT time
shall be obtained from the roadway agency having maintenance responsibility for the traffic
signals or the design team’s designated Traffic Engineer. The signal designer shall not perform
the traffic signal preemption time calculations.
Constant Warning Device systems have approach distance limitations, and when applied to tracks
where trains operate at 79 MPH or greater, may not be able to support the requested preemption
time. Upon obtaining the roadway agency’s time request, the designer shall calculate the total
warning time required and determine if the time request is feasible with respect to railroad
equipment limitations. If the roadway agency’s preemption time request is not technically feasible,
the designer will inform the roadway agency and provide the time setting that is feasible with
respect to the technical limitations of the railroad equipment. The roadway agency is responsible
for any modifications to the traffic signal system that may be required to support this reduced time
Prior to design of a traffic signal preemption circuit, both the traffic and railroad systems designer
should review the latest guidelines regarding traffic signal preemption as prepared by the Institute
of Traffic Engineers, AREMA, MUTCD, CAMUTCD, CPUC, and other knowledgeable parties.
Circuits described below are based upon fail-safe, supervised, closed loop methodologies. A vital
serial data circuit in accordance with IEEE Standard 1570-2002 may be used in lieu of the
referenced circuits, with permission from SCRRA.
Design and testing of traffic signal preemption interconnection circuits must be coordinated with
the railroad and the agency having jurisdiction upon installation and at least annually thereafter.
It is the policy of SCRRA that any additions, modifications or upgrades to existing traffic pre-
emption interconnection systems utilizing legacy unsupervised interconnection circuits be
upgraded to current standards that utilize supervised architectures.
traffic signal cabinet and railroad instrument shelter, as well as indicated on the signal plans, shall
be present at a location where the railroad provides traffic signal preemption.
Focusing on the most complex interconnection circuit, the advanced preemption (non-queue
cutter), the interconnection circuit is as follows:
When a train is detected and the call for preemption is generated, the TCR is de-energized. Both
circuits shall provide the same information to the traffic controller, energized or de-energized. This
indicates the integrity of the interconnection circuitry to the traffic signal controller. The traffic
signal controller will then initialize track clearance green, allow vehicles to clear the crossing. As
the train reaches a point where the crossing will activate, the XR is de-energized, letting the traffic
controller know the state of the crossing. When the closest gate, entrance and/or exit, for the flow
of traffic towards the pre-signal has descended and is fully horizontal, the GDR shall energize,
allowing the traffic controller to cancel the track clearance green call and move to a limited service
call. If the GDR does not energize due to a malfunction in a gate, track clearance green shall
continue to be called until the ISLR is de-energized, notifying the traffic controller that the train is
within the island, and allowing the cancelling of the track clearance green call.
The health of the traffic signal controller is communicated to the railroad via the HEALTHR relay.
If the traffic signal controller is not functioning or in All – Flash, the health relay will be de-
energized. As shown in Figure 33-2, the de-energization of the HEALTHR relay will cause a
preemption call to also call the crossing to activate, effectively making the crossing react as if a
simultaneous preemption call was made. Under this condition, the railroad grade crossing warning
system will cause the gates to be down longer for an approaching train since the traffic signals
will not be able to clear out traffic as designed.
When utilizing an advanced preemption call, an associated Timer Enable Relay, or TER, shall be
used. The TER can be a timer relay or can be an output from a microprocessor that is handling
the timing internally. As Figure 33-2 shows, the TER is de-energized after 36 seconds, which is
the amount of time determined for the advanced preemption call. The TER de-energization shall
then cause the XR to be de-energized, activating the crossing. This ensures that even if a train
slows in the approach, the advanced preemption time is still observed and is consistent. If a train
speeds up while approaching the crossing and the train detection system calls for the crossing
activation, the Motion Detect Relay, or MDR shall de-energize and activate the crossing, even if
the TER is still counting down. Figure 33-2 circuits may be designed internally to a microprocessor
if still meeting the functional requirements.
supervised circuit. The energy source originates at the traffic signal controller, and two wires
provide a return path verifying the railroad preemption control relay is energized and there is no
call for preemption. The two additional wires verify circuit integrity when the railroad issues a call
for preemption. The traffic controller system shall have the capability to detect an interconnection
fault per the guidelines set forth in Section 8.4.1 INTERCONNECTION DESIGN.
an internal transfer function) without utilization of “wrap” circuits. The train detection system shall
have an integrated island circuit capable of operating through a rail-grade crossing. This island
circuit shall be used to detect an occupancy within the road section of the rail grade crossing. The
island circuit shall be available for each track configured within the unit and be frequency isolated
to allow multiple frequencies to operate simultaneously when used in multiple track configurations.
The use of external equipment to provide island circuit protection requires approval of SCRRA.
The use of motion detectors or static audio frequency equipment in lieu of constant warning
devices for the purpose of train detection is prohibited without the permission of SCRRA.
These train detection systems shall be combined with solid-state crossing controllers to ensure
compliance with lamp voltage and standby lamp voltage regulations.
The train detection system shall be capable of providing multiple track detections within the same
unit. When GCP 4000 or XP4 units are used in new design, it shall be the responsibility of the
design firm to furnish the configuration file for field configuration of the location. After the location
has been placed in service, the in-service configuration files shall be furnished to the SCRRA.
An application program options sheet shall be included in any design plan set where constant
warning train detection systems are installed. The program options sheet shall be composed of
the overall train approach layout with display of shunts and remote start locations if utilized and
existing settings used at the crossing. Settings shall reflect menu information depicted on the train
detection system.
Low impedance termination shunts shall be used on SCRRA property. By-pass couplers shall be
used when possible to avoid remote DAX connections. However, by-pass couplers can only be
used in strict accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. By-pass couplers and the constant
warning device they are configured with should be of the same manufacturer whenever possible.
In addition, event recording equipment shall be configured to control two (2) DTMF radio
frequency controlled outputs, which in turn will provide for remote activation of the crossing’s lights
and gates.
All event recorder inputs, excepting battery and lamp monitoring inputs, shall not be directly
connected to any relay controls or vital system outputs, such as an XR output on a CWD device.
The preferred method for control monitoring is for the circuit to be checked through the contact of
a relay.
Where it is necessary to deviate from these event recording requirements, approval must be
obtained from SCRRA.
An independent battery set and charging equipment shall be furnished for the train detection
equipment, separate battery sets and charging equipment shall be furnished for the crossing
warning devices, and a separate battery set and charging equipment shall be furnished for event
recorders. Chargers shall be equipped with temperature compensation devices and dry contacts
for use with power out indication.
Surge protection shall meet manufacturer requirements and shall be incorporated into all grade
crossing design. Surge protection shall be installed on the AC supply source, battery supply, track
leads, and for cable to crossing warning devices.
DC power input terminals on battery surge suppressors should be connected directly to battery
terminals. This will permit the battery to filter out small power surges from the battery charger
before they enter the surge suppressor.
Grounding of crossing enclosures shall be through the installation of ground rods. Ground rods
shall be installed at each corner of houses and on each end of cases. Ground rods shall be 10
feet in length and connections to the rod shall be as direct as possible, with no short radius bends
(less than 18”) in ground leads. Resistance to ground shall be no more than 15 Ohms.
Lead acid batteries shall be used for all batteries.
Wire and Cable
Grade crossing design shall include proper sizing of all electrical wiring to ensure proper operation
of the equipment based upon the equipment loads and the operating parameters determined by
the equipment manufacturers. Minimum conductor sizes to be used are as follows:
• Internal House / Case Wire
o Battery chargers and feeds #6 flex
o Flasher lighting circuits #10 flex
o Track circuits #10 flex
o Loads in excess of 1 ampere #10 flex
o Loads less than 1 ampere #16 flex
• Flashing Light Signals / Gates
o Lamp wires #10 flex
o All other circuits #10 flex
• Cable
o Lamp circuits & gate battery feeds #6 solid
o All other circuits #14 solid
critical logic equipment to receive inputs from the Vehicle Intrusion Detection System and control
the operation of the exit gate(s).
Exit gates are installed in order to:
• Provide warning at crossings.
• Increase deterrence of vehicles driving on the opposite direction of the flow of traffic and
around lowered entrance gate arms.
• Create a “Sealed Corridor” for train travel.
The safety and operations through the vehicular crossings are the responsibility of both SCRRA
and the Local Agency having jurisdiction of the roadway. Installation of exit gates must be
approved by the CPUC. In general, the installation of exit gates will be recommended by a
diagnostic team composed of the CPUC, SCRRA, local agency representatives, operating
railroads sharing tracks, and the design group. The diagnostic team shall perform a site-specific
review which considers crossing attributes, highway environment, and risk mitigation criteria.
Currently SCRRA utilizes Inductive Loops for vehicle detection, however an SCRRA approved
equal may be designed. The Inductive Loops for vehicle detection shall be able to detect motor
vehicles with a wheel base equal to or greater than 96 inches, whether moving or stationary,
within the roadway driving surface and within 20° of the roadway axis, between the Entrance
Gates and the Exit Gates. The Vehicle Intrusion Detection System shall be a microprocessor-
based system of a Safety Critical design with necessary self-checking. Vehicle detection loops
shall be pre-formed and water repellent with an integral check loop such as that manufactured by
Reno A & E.
Vehicle detection loops will be placed in accordance with SCRRA ES 8405. The vehicle detection
loop system shall hold up the Exit Gate based upon the vehicle’s direction of travel. Separate
detection loops shall be provided for each direction of roadway travel such that detection of a
roadway vehicle that is wholly within a single lane of travel for a given direction will not hold up
both Exit Gates due to a vehicle in the crossing.
The Vehicle Intrusion Detection Devices shall be able to handle the following functions:
• Detect all motor vehicles, including all passenger motor vehicles, school buses, and
trucks, but not including motorcycles or bicycles.
• Provide “occupied/not occupied” indications to railroad control circuits within two seconds
of any state change.
• Verify, not less often than one time each time that the crossing gates are called down, that
the Vehicle Intrusion Detection Devices are functioning and able to detect motor vehicle
• Verify each time that the crossing gates are called down and the occupied indication is
• Not to generate false highway vehicle occupied indications, more often than minimum
threshold values to be determined by the Engineering Study.
• Operate under battery back-up power or to default immediately to an occupied condition
when external power is lost, based on the result of the Engineering Study.
• Meet the current applicable national and local standards.
• Provide individually isolated outputs for each loop that are energized to indicate “not
occupied,” in such a manner that a failed output circuit or wiring fault will result in a de-
energized state and “occupied indication.”
• Provide separate, individually isolated outputs for each loop that are energized to indicate
“loop health,” in such a manner that a failed output circuit or wiring fault will result in a de-
energized state and a “loop health failure” indication.
• Not generate or induce levels of energy into the rails or other railway communication
medium of such magnitude that will cause false occupancy or false vacancy of trains under
any normal or abnormal mode of operation.
• Detection loops shall not be vulnerable to EMI that is generated within the environment of
an electrified railway under normal or fault conditions.
• When highway vehicular occupancy is not detected, the Exit Gate must be controlled to
begin its descent within one second after the minimum highway vehicle clearance time
expires and the detection loops indicate that the crossing is unoccupied. Exit Gates shall
remain lowered until the train has completed its movement through the grade crossing.
Detection of occupancy will cause a descending Exit Gate to reverse direction and raise.
• The loop detection system shall not interpret a train movement through the crossing as
vehicle occupancy, therefore train detection system reaction time shall be considered with
maximum authorized speed for trains at the crossing to determine if train detection system
track wires should be placed further than 50 feet from the edge of travelled way to take
into account this reaction time.
Systems having Exit Gate systems should have remote health monitoring systems capable of
automatically notifying maintenance personnel when anomalies have occurred within the system
(CaMUTCD Section 8C).
Back lights directed toward the motorist shall not be installed on Exit Gates due to the possibility
of confusing a motorist crossing the tracks (Preemption of Traffic Signals Near Railroad
Crossings, A Recommended Practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2006).
Where Pedestrian Gates are used, a separate gate mechanism shall be used in the quadrant
containing the Exit Gate. Either the Exit Gate or the Pedestrian Gate shall have a bell.
Upon detection of an approaching train, the lights will begin to flash, and the bells will begin to
ring. A minimum of three seconds after the activation of the lights and bells, the Entrance Gates
will begin their descent. If no vehicles are present in the crossing, the Exit Gates will begin their
descent after the Entrance Gates. After the train has passed the crossing, the Entrance and Exit
Gates will begin their ascent. The time differential between Exit Gate Operation and Entrance
Operation should be determined by the Engineering Study.
The need for Exit Gate Clearance time shall be evaluated based upon the criteria in the AREMA
Communications and Signals Manual of Recommended Practices. When warning time is
calculated at crossings with Exit Gates, the additional time necessary for “wide track” is calculated
to the Exit Gate rather than to the point clear of the furthest rail.
absolute signal A wayside signal without a number plate that conveys authority for
the movement of trains.
accessible Refers to designed, constructed and operated elements, facilities and
programs that adhere to the most current federal ADA Standards for
Accessible Design or the accessibility standards requirements of the
applicable California Building Code or the applicable local ordinance
and amendments for accessibility whichever is most stringent
advance The period of time that is the difference between the required
preemption time maximum highway traffic signal preemption time and the activation of
the railroad warning devices.
advanced A pedestrian timing input into the traffic signal controller that if
pedestrian inputted, the controller will time a shortened “Walk” and “Don’t Walk
Preemption Time.” After the Pedestrian interval has timed out, no further
Pedestrian calls will be served until the input has returned to its
normal state
aerial structure A bridge or elevated structure with a track deck designed to
accommodate direct fixation or ballasted track.
alignment The horizontal and vertical location of the track, street, or highway as
described by curves and tangents.
alternative safety A safety system or procedure, other than an SSM, which is provided
measure (ASM) by the appropriate traffic control authority or law enforcement
authority and which, after individual review and analysis by the
Associate Administrator, is determined to be an effective substitute
for the locomotive horn in the prevention of highway-rail casualties at
specific Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.
ampere A unit of electric current.
Amtrak The national rail passenger service.
annealing A metal softening process, based on heating and slow cooling.
anticlimber A horizontally ribbed steel fabrication mounted at floor level at each
end of a rail car, which, during collision, will interlock with the other
vehicle’s anticlimber and reduce the tendency of the vehicles to
approach slab A reinforced concrete slab located at the interface of ballasted track
with direct fixation track, embedded track, or an open deck bridge to
provide a transition between ballasted track and the types of track
with significantly higher track modulus.
basic safety The area within 25 feet horizontally of the centerline of the nearest
envelope active track. The pair of imaginary lines, which define the outside
boundaries of the Basic Safety Envelope, extend vertically up and
down infinitely. For the purpose of these Criteria, all construction
activities within these boundaries will be considered to have the
potential to foul the track and will be constrained as necessary by the
SCRRA Roadway Worker -in-Charge/Flagman.
betterment Betterment is defined as a replacement facility or any component
thereof, or an enhancement to an existing facility, requested by an
entity and agreed to by SCRRA (whether constructed by SCRRA or
the entity), that increases the service capacity, capability,
appearance, efficiency, or function, except that the following shall not
be considered as Betterments:
(a) An upgrade which the parties mutually agree will be of direct and
principal benefit to the construction or operation of a project.
(b) An upgrade resulting from compliance with the entity’s applicable
standards, provided, however, that any upgrade which exceeds such
applicable entity standards shall be considered a “Betterment.”
(c) Measures to mitigate environmental impacts identified in the
Project's final Environmental Impact Report or Statement and which
are mutually agreed to be a project responsibility; provided, however,
that any upgrade beyond minimally applicable requirements shall be
considered a “Betterment.”
The term “Betterment” shall include any upgrade to a conflicting
facility requested by the entity and agreed by SCRRA, in order to
conform to revisions or additions to the entity’s standards that
SCRRA is not required to accept or which is not otherwise excluded
from the definition of Betterment as set forth above. The term
“Betterment” shall also include any new or upgraded facilities or
portion thereof added to a replacement facility at the entity’s request
for the purpose of the improvement of facilities or services. A
Betterment shall not be an entity’s project. Betterments shall be
entirely the financial obligation of the entity.
block A length of track with defined limits set by the train control system
bond An electrical or circuit connection made between rail ends.
braking requirement A braking requirement reflects the maximum safe speed at any given
point in the system based on the conditions of the systems.
cab signal The automatic train protection speed limit as transmitted to the
vehicle by the wayside equipment.
Caltrans California Department of Transportation.
contact A conducting part which co-acts with another conducting part to open
or close an electric circuit.
contact wire Portion of the overhead power distribution system which comes into
contact with the sliding current-collector strips on the pantograph,
thus transferring electrical power to the train, usually a solid grooved
continuous cab A cab system that provides speed commands and other data to the
system vehicles throughout the system.
continuous welded A number of shorter length rails welded together into a single length
rail (CWR) of generally 400 feet or greater.
contract documents Engineering design documents, such as design drawings and
specifications, incorporated into a composite package for the purpose
of soliciting construction bids.
contractor A person or entity who agrees to furnish materials or perform
services at a specified price, especially for construction.
More Broadly: An individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or
combination thereof, private, municipal or public, including joint
ventures, who are referred to throughout this document by singular
number and masculine gender. Contractor includes any
sub-contractor, supplier, agent, or individual entering on or in the
vicinity of the highway-rail grade crossings.
control operator An employee assigned to operate CTC or interlocking control
machine or authorized to grant track permits.
control point A location of Absolute Signals controlled by a Control Operator.
control signal A wayside train signal used to control the movement of trains at a
control point; an Absolute Signal.
coupler An appliance on a railroad car for coupling two vehicles.
creep The tendency of materials to flow plastically due to increase in strain
under sustained load.
crest curve A convex vertical curve.
cross level The difference in elevation between the tops of both rails measured
along a line perpendicular to the track centerline.
cross-bond An electrical connection from one track to another track to distribute
traction power return currents.
crossing diamond Special trackwork installed to allow two tracks to cross at grade.
crossover (double) Two single crossovers which intersect each other between the two
adjacent and generally parallel tracks forming a connection between
them. Sometimes referred to as a “scissors” crossover or “diamond”
crossover (single) Two turnouts, with track located between the frogs and arranged to
form a continuous passage between two adjacent and generally
parallel tracks.
crossover Two single crossovers not intersecting each other but adjacent,
(universal allowing passage from one track to another in either direction.
crosstie The portion of the track structure that supports the rails and
maintains gage. Ties are constructed of wood, concrete or steel and
are usually spaced 18-24 inches at right angles to the rails.
culvert A drainage structure or pipe crossing under a track or roadway.
curb return The portion of a curb at which vehicles make sharp turns.
cut-out (train A circuit at the exiting point of an automatic train control system or
control) cab signal territory by means of which a vehicle ATP system is
actuated so as to be in the street running or yard control condition.
Data Capture and A function of central control that records all change-of-state
Reporting System information and system transactions for analysis and reporting
purposes. The data capture and reporting system will produce an
audit trail listing all controls and indications, as well as how and when
they were initiated.
derail Mechanical device used to derail or otherwise direct rail vehicles
away from adjoining or connecting tracks.
design criteria A document whose purpose is to describe the engineering design
criteria to be used during preliminary and final design.
design load Load which includes stresses due to effective prestress after losses,
dead loads, maximum specified live loads, and impact loads.
detector locking Electric locking, effective while a vehicle occupies a given section of
a route, which prevents operation of switch-and-lock movements
within that section.
diagnostic team A joint design team that develops the configuration for a new or
upgraded public road crossing. Knowledgeable representatives of
parties of interest in a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing, organized by
the Public Authority responsible for that crossing, who, using crossing
safety management principles, evaluate conditions at a grade
crossing to make determinations or recommendations for the Public
Authority concerning safety needs at that crossing in accordance with
Part 8 of the CA MUTCD. The team includes representatives of the
CPUC, the using railroads, the roadway owner, and other involved
agencies such as fire, school, etc. SCRRA representatives are
typically from the Public Projects and Signal Departments.
direct fixation Type of track construction in which the rails are fastened to a
concrete slab using fasteners which provide lateral and longitudinal
restraint, electrical and vibration isolation, and allow for adjustment of
the rail position as the rail wears.
direct reverse Sequential and opposite track curves with no intermediate section of
curves straight track (S-shaped curve).
dispatcher Person stationed in the Operations Control Center who monitors and
controls train operations on the main line of the rail system.
division A portion of the SCRRA system, which is itself made up of
draft gear The component integrating the coupler to the vehicle underframe
anchorage. The draft gear is designed to absorb the shocks
incidental to multi-vehicle movements and coupling of vehicles and
thereby cushion the force of impact to minimize stresses imposed on
the vehicle structure.
dual control switch A power-operated switch machine that can also be thrown by hand.
dwarf signal A low wayside signal.
dynamic braking A system of electric braking in which the traction motors, when used
as controlled generators, retard the vehicle.
dynamic vehicle The lateral limits of a train in motion considering factors such as
outline vehicle roll, side sway, and fishtailing.
easement The right legally afforded a person or entity to make limited use of
another person’s real property as the right-of-way.
effectiveness rate A number between zero and one which represents the reduction of
the likelihood of a collision at a public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing
as a result of the installation of an SSM or ASM when compared to
the same crossing equipped with conventional active warning
systems of flashing lights and gates. Zero effectiveness means that
the SSM or ASM provides no reduction in the probability of a
collision, while an effectiveness rating of one means that the SSM or
ASM is totally effective in eliminating collision risk. Measurements
between zero and one reflect the percentage by which the SSM or
ASM reduces the probability of a collision.
electric lock A device to prevent the movement of a track switch unless the
locking member is withdrawn by an electrical device such as an
electromagnet, solenoid, or motor.
electromagnetic Electrical interference of communication signals caused by undesired
interference (EMI) electromagnetic energy within the atmosphere.
freight or other All tracks that are constructed and/or maintained by SCRRA for use
track by freight railroads to serve their industrial clients, not generally used
by SCRRA passenger equipment.
friction braking Vehicle braking method that uses brake pads to exert friction forces
on a rotating wheel to stop that wheel from rotating.
frog A track structure or device used at the intersection of two running
rails to provide support for wheel treads and passageways for their
flanges, thus permitting wheels traversing either rail to cross the
frog number The number used to designate the size of a frog, and being equal to
ratio length to divergence.
galvanic corrosion The electrochemical process of corrosion caused by a difference in
electrical potential between dissimilar metals, dissimilar soils, or
metals and soils.
girder rail Any one of several types of rail sections most commonly used in
electric or street railway construction. Girder groove rails are
asymmetrical rails which provide a wheel flangeway adjacent to the
gauge side of the railhead. Girder guardrails use a similar flangeway,
but with a raised lip, to provide a guarding action similar to that
provided by a separate restraining rail.
graceful An equipment failure in which the system will function with little ill
degradation effect. When the failure is resolved, recovery has little effect on other
(recovery) parts of the system.
ground return Bonding to prevent ground return current.
ground return Current that returns to the source through the ground, such as in a
current damp road crossing.
guard rail An assembly in a turnout placed opposite the frog point to prevent
wheel flanges from contacting the frog point. Also used on crossing
guarded track Track with an additional component located inside one or both
running rails to bear against the back of the wheels to guide them in
traversing small radius curves.
headblock The tie arrangement under the point of the switch to hold the switch
machine and the connecting rods. There are usually two headblock
headway The time-separation between two trains, both traveling in the same
direction on the same track. It is measured from the time the
head-end of the leading train passes a given reference point to the
time the head-end of the immediately following train passes the same
reference point.
heel of frog The end of the frog in the turnout farthest from the point.
hertz A unit of measurement that measures alternating electricity by the
number of cycles in one second.
high frequency Self-contained power supplies for fluorescent lamp fixtures that use a
inverter/ballast unit high frequency switching rate to produce ac from dc input.
highway-rail grade A location where a highway, road, or street and the railroad ROW
crossing cross at the same level, within which are included the railroad tracks,
highway, and traffc control devices for highway traffc traveling over
the railroad tracks.
highway-rail grade A device that provides a visual and/or audible warning and restricts
crossing warning access to the intersection of a highway grade crossing.
horizontal curve A track curve connecting two horizontal tangents of different bearing.
impedance bond A metallic device of low resistance and relatively high reactance,
used to provide continuous path for the return propulsion current
around insulated joints and to confine the audio frequency signaling
energy to its own track circuit.
insulated joint A joint between adjoining rails in which electrical insulation is
interlocking An arrangement of signals and signal appliances interconnected so
that their movements must succeed each other in proper sequence
and for which interlocking rules are in effect. It may be operated
automatically or by sections.
interlocking limits The boundaries of an area of track controlled by an interlocking, as
defined by the extreme opposing home signals of that interlocking.
Intermediate-term Work that occupies a location for more than one daylight period up to
Stationary three (3) days, or nighttime work lasting more than one (1) hour.
intermittent block A cab system that provides speed commands to the vehicle at
cab system predetermined points.
inverter system System dedicated to accepting primary dc power, changing it to ac
voltages, single or multiple phases, as required.
jerk limit Maximum rate of change of acceleration for a train. The normal units
are feet per second cubed.
jointed rail Running rail that is connected end to end by means of joint bars and
jumper cables Electrical cables that provide electrical continuity in the overhead
power distribution system at special trackwork and other locations
where it is necessary to have mechanical separations between
junction box Any enclosure in which electrical wires and cables are intersected or
kiss-and-ride An access mode to a transit station that does not provide for
long-term parking; the patron is brought to the station by private
automobile, which departs after dropping off the patron.
last long tie The last switch tie in a turnout farthest from the point of switch.
Law Enforcement A person who provides temporary traffic control for the Road User.
leaky coaxial Slotted coaxial cable installed within the length of a tunnel that
antenna receives and distributes the rail operations and control radio signals;
the cable allows operation of the radio channels while a train is in a
level crossing Where LRT crosses general railroad tracks (SCRRA)
light unit An assembly of one or more lenses, roundels or reflectors, arranged
in a suitable frame or case with fixture and electrical lamp or lamps
from which a light beam or beams can be projected and controlled.
local control panel A panel provided in each train control room for monitoring and control
of their movement in a designated area. The control panel displays
the track diagram of the designated area and provides associated
control devices and indicators.
local section Section control equipment located at the site of the mechanical or
electrical process that is being controlled.
lock rod Part of a track switch or derail that locks the switch points or derail
into normal or reverse position; consists of a rod, attached to the front
rod or log, through which a locking plunger may extend when points
or derail are in the normal or reverse position.
locomotive horn A locomotive air horn, steam whistle, or similar audible warning
device (see 49 CFR 229.129) mounted on a locomotive or control
cab car. The terms “locomotive horn”, “train whistle”, “locomotive
whistle”, and “train horn” are used interchangeably in the railroad
long-term parking Parking facilities designed for vehicles parking for extended periods
facilities (i.e., greater than 15 minutes). Park-and-ride lots are designed as
long-term parking facilities.
Long-term Work that occupies a location more than three (3) days.
loop detector Vehicle detection coil imbedded in the roadway or trackway that
detects vehicles requiring entry into the system. Part of the traffic
control system.
low chord/soffit The lowest horizontal surface of any span, including truss, beam,
concrete, and/or deck plate girder.
main track A track extending through yards and between stations that must not
be occupied without authority or protection.
mainline A section of track on which trains move at design operating speed,
primarily for the purpose of transporting patrons during revenue
master clock A single clock provided for the purpose of synchronizing all computer
subsystems with the time received from a common master time
Master Utility An agreement between SCRRA and local utility companies that
Relocation spells out the procedure, responsibility, and financial liability for any
Agreement required utility relocations, replacements, or other utility work.
member agency The county transportation agency whose property is directly affected
by the project. The SCRRA Member Agencies include: the Los
Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO), the Orange
County Transportation Authority (OCTA), the Riverside County
Transportation Commission (RCTC), the San Bernardino County
Transportation Authority (SBCTA), and the Ventura County
Transportation Commission (VCTC).
messenger wire A suspended wire attached to primary structural supports, from which
is suspended a cable or conductor. In a catenary system, the
conductive messenger wire supports the contact wire through
Metrolink The operations control center for SCRRA, located in Pomona.
Operations Center
nationwide A number reflecting a measure of risk, calculated on a nationwide
significant risk basis, which reflects the average level of risk to the motoring public at
threshold (NRST) public Highway-Rail Grade Crossings equipped with flashing lights
and gates and at which locomotive horns are sounded. The NSRT
represents a statistical benchmark used during the quiet zone
establishment process as a comparative measure to evaluate a Quiet
Zone Risk Index. The NSRT is periodically revised by the FRA.
non-essential load An electrical load of such a nature that interruption of power to it for a
short period will not affect safety and system operation.
Non-essential loads do not require a backup power source.
non-revenue track See secondary track.
non-signaled Sections of the track system in which no signals exist. The
territory centralized traffic control system identifies all trains as they enter and
exit non-signaled territory.
non-traversable A highway curb designed to discourage a motor vehicle from running
curb around lowered gate arms. Non-traversable curbs are used at
locations where highway speeds do not exceed 40 miles per hour
and are at least six inches high.
non-vital relays Any relay that does not affect the safety of train operations.
ohm An electrical unit that measures the resistance to the flow of current
in a conductor.
omnibus backbone Electronic network that accommodates the data, voice, and closed
network circuit television transmission needs of the communications system
and the voice and remote control connections to rail radio base
operating railroad Any passenger or freight-related railroad company operating on
SCRRA tracks
operating rod The rod through which motion is transmitted.
operating system Includes, but is not limited to, the tracks on which trains and
“on-track” equipment operate or may potentially operate, and in
addition any facilities closely related to the operation of the railroad
system including signal and communications masts, bridges, poles,
cables and houses, tunnels, culverts, bridges, access roads,
highway-rail grade crossings and station platforms.
overhead contact An electrical power distribution system designed to conduct and
system (OCS) transfer power from substations to the trains. The system comprises
the bare wire overhead contact system, supporting structures and
their foundations, supporting attachments to overhead bridge
structures, parallel insulated traction power supply cable hardware
and connections to the overhead contact system, and cable cross
arm supports and hardware for locations where aerial support is
selected for the signal control and communications cables.
A collapsible and adjustable frame that is mounted on top of a vehicle
and to which a sliding current-collector shoe is fitted at the upper end.
park-and-ride A transit access mode in which a patron drives a private automobile
to a station, parks in the areas provided for that purpose, and enters
the transit system.
patron A person who paid fare to use the transportation service provided by
pocket track A track located between two primary tracks, which is used to store
out-of-service, layover, or turning back trains.
point detector rod A rod through which position is transmitted to the circuit controller to
indicate position of the switch points.
point of vertical Point of connection of a tangent track line to a vertical curve.
curvature (PVC)
point of vertical Point of connection of a vertical curve to a tangent track line.
tangency (PVT)
primary track Track constructed for vehicles in revenue service (carrying revenue
passengers), including mainline, siding, and station tracks.
profile The vertical alignment of the track, usually shown as the top of rail
profile grade The datum line which defines the vertical alignment of the track,
(grade line) applied at the top of the low rail.
project owner The lead agency or a third-party project sharing the SCRRA ROW
project sponsor The lead agency or third-party that is the lead entity for a proposed
public agency The federal government and any agencies, departments or
subdivisions thereof; the State of California; and any county, city, city
and county district, public authority, joint powers agency, municipal
corporation, or any other political subdivision or public corporation
therein, requesting and sponsoring the temporary traffic control. This
includes SCRRA Member Agencies.
public highway-rail A location where a public highway, road, or street, including
grade crossing associated sidewalks or pathways, crosses one or more railroad
tracks at grade. If a Public Authority maintains the roadway on both
sides of the crossing, the crossing is considered a public crossing for
purposes of this part.
quiet zone A segment of a rail line, within which is situated one or a number of
consecutive public highway-rail crossings at which locomotive horns
are not routinely sounded.
quiet zone risk A measure of risk to the motoring public which reflects the Crossing
index (QZRI) Corridor Risk Index for a Quiet Zone, after adjustment to account for
increased risk due to lack of locomotive horn use at the crossings
within the Quiet Zone (if horns are presently sounded at the
crossings) and reduced risk due to implementation, if any, of SSMs
and ASMs with the Quiet Zone.
replacement-in-kind The process of replacing a facility with a facility of the same type,
construction, and capacity. Similar to equal construction.
resilient fastening Rail Fastening assembly that incorporates, rolled, forged or
system fabricated steel tie plates with shoulder that accept an elastic (spring)
rail fastening and are drilled, punched or machined to accept
hold-down screw spikes; screw spikes; spring clips which applies a
hold-down force (toe load) to the rail base; and insulating pads (when
necessary), to control rail lift, lateral movement and longitudinal
movement, dampening vibrations that originate at the rail/wheel
interface, and incorporate electrical isolation measures either at the
base of rail or between the plate and the cross tie.
resistance-to-earth The design desirable in-service electrical resistance per mile of
criteria mainline running rails, special trackwork, and ancillary system
revenue track See mainline and primary track.
reverse running The operation of a vehicle against the normal direction of operation
on a particular track.
rheostatic brake Braking in which the power generated by the traction motors, when
driven as generators, is dissipated through a resistor bank. Also
called dynamic braking.
right-of-way (ROW) Land or rights to land used or held for railroad operations or for public
way. A strip of land, real estate or property of interest, under the
ownership or operating jurisdiction of SCRRA or Member Agency on
which railroad tracks, other structures and facilities are constructed.
risk index with A measure of risk to the motoring public when locomotive horns are
horns (RIWH) routinely sounded at every public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing
within a Quiet Zone. The Risk Index With Horns is determined by
adjusting the Crossing Corridor Risk Index to account for the
decreased risk that would result if locomotive horns were routinely
sounded at each public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing.
road user A vehicle operator, bicyclist, or pedestrian within the highway,
persons with disabilities, including workers in Temporary Traffic
Control Zones.
roadway flagger A person trained in the fundamentals of flagging automotive traffic.
running rail That rail upon which the tread of rolling stock wheels bear.
sacrificial anodes An item, such as a zinc plate, that limits the electrochemical process
of corrosion by diverting corrosion from the item to be protected (the
cathode) to itself (the anode), which eventually corrodes and must be
safe braking The distance allowed for the safe stopping of a train from a given
distance (SBD) speed, or for reducing velocity from one speed to another speed. The
SBD will include the distance traveled at the initial speed during
operator and equipment reaction time, stopping distance, or distance
required to reduce to the new speed desired, and an appropriate
sag curve A vertical curve that is concave.
sand box Timber box structure filled with sand and located at the ends of
stub-end tracks to stop rail cars and minimize damage to them.
SCRRA Roadway A Southern California Regional Rail Authority employee (SCRRA
Worker in Charge General Code of Operating Rules and territory qualified) providing
(RWIC) warning to Public Agency or Contractor personnel of approaching
trains or on-track equipment and who has the authority to halt work
and to remove personnel from the railroad right-of-way to assure safe
secondary track All track that is not primary track; or, track constructed for the
purpose of switching, storing, or maintaining vehicles that do not
carry revenue passengers.
self-service fare A proof-of-payment fare collection system.
set back The distance between the centerline of the nearest railroad track
(existing or planned) and the closest edge of a trail.
shoofly A temporary detour track to bypass an obstruction or construction
shop track Track which consists of all yard and secondary track constructed
within the limits of the maintenance buildings.
short duration Work that occupies a location for up to one (1) hour.
short-term parking Parking facilities designed for vehicles parking for a limited time (i.e.,
facilities less than 15 minutes). Kiss-and-ride lots are designed as short-term
parking facilities.
short-term Work that occupies a location for more than one (1) hour, but less
stationary than 12 hours.
signals (automatic) A signal at the beginning of a signal block that automatically changes
its aspect to indicate whether the block is clear or occupied.
signals (controlled) A signal that requires a request for its operation, i.e., a signal that is
not automatic.
signals (wayside) A signal of fixed location along the track right-of-way.
support equipment Equipment used together to provide the basis of subsistence for a
complete system.
switch control An electrical circuit that directs the movement of a track switch.
switch machine A device used to operate a track switch; a switch and lock is one type
of switch machine.
switch point The movable tapered rail of a split switch.
switch stand A device next to the point of the switch that includes the switch lever
switch tie Special crossties of varying length used under a turnout.
switch, point of The end of a switch point farthest from the frog.
switch, split A track switch consisting of two movable switch points.
switch-and-lock A device which performs the three functions of unlocking, operating,
and locking a track switch or derail.
system-wide Facilities that are continuous across the entire SCRRA system such
elements as signal and communication systems.
tce Temporary Construction Easement
tcns Tower Construction Notification System
temporary traffic An area of a highway where Road User conditions are changed
control zone because of a work zone or an incident by the use of temporary traffic
control devices, Flaggers, police, or other authorized personnel.
third party A type of sponsoring party that is not SCRRA or a Member Agency,
specifically an individual, firm, partnership or corporation, or
combination thereof, private or public requesting and sponsoring a
landscaping project. Third Party also includes the federal government
and any agencies, departments or subdivisions thereof; the State of
California; and any county, city, city and county district, public
authority, joint powers agency, municipal corporation, or any other
political subdivision or public corporation therein requesting and
sponsoring a landscaping project.
Telecommunications Industry Association
ticket-issuing A device to issue single ride documents showing that the passenger
device has paid the fare.
tie A long timber or concrete member on which ballasted track is
constructed; also referred to as a crosstie.
tie plate A steel plate installed between the rail and the crosstie to distribute
the load and restraint lateral movement.
time of The travel time required for overland flow plus the travel time
concentration required for channel flow of stormwater from the most remote point of
the drainage area to the point under consideration.
timing device A device that provides a contact or closure data indicating that a
preset time has elapsed from a predetermined condition.
toe of frog The end of the frog closest to the switch points.
total approach time The Total Approach Time (TAT) is not necessary for calculation of
the required preemption time, but it is very useful for the rail operator
when determining where to place the detection equipment. The total
approach time includes the total warning time, the advance
preemption time, and the equipment response time. The total
warning time includes the minimum warning time plus the buffer time.
track circuit An arrangement of electrical circuits and/or electronic equipment,
including a length of the running rails, which permits detection of
track circuit (ac) A track circuit that uses ac voltage to the rails to detect vehicles in a
track circuit (AF) A track circuit that uses audio frequency to detect vehicles in a block.
track circuit (digital) A processor track circuit that provides a means to transmit data to a
train from the rails.
track circuit (double An AC track circuit that uses both rails for vehicle detection and uses
rail) impedance bonds for propulsion return.
track circuit (PF) An A track circuit that uses the supplied ac for detection of vehicles.
(PF power frequency).
track circuit (single A PF track circuit that uses one rail solely for detection.
rail PF) vehicle
track circuit An area defined from the end point on the track circuit to the other
boundaries end of the track circuit. (See block.)
track crossing The point at which two running rails cross.
track detection A device detecting the presence of a vehicle that is used by the
signal system for controlling train operation.
track gauge The distance between the inside faces of running rails of a track
measured at a point ⅝ in. below the top of rail. Standard gauge is 56
½ inches.
track, direct fixation Track constructed of rail and rail fasteners attached by means of
anchor bolts to a concrete trackbed.
track, embedded Track constructed of rails and steel ties on a reinforced concrete slab
and, except for the flangeways, embedded in asphalt or concrete to
the top of rail to facilitate pedestrian or vehicle traffic over the tracks.
For track located in streets, grade crossing, or vehicle maintenance
traction current The path followed by traction power electrical current from the train
return back to the substation.
traction power Power used by the train for propulsion.
traffic control A sign, signal, marking, and other device used to regulate, warn, or
device guide traffic, placed on, over, or adjacent to a street, highway,
pedestrian facility, or shared-use path by authority of a Public Agency
having jurisdiction.
train Locomotive and one or more vehicles coupled together (a consist)
and acting as a single unit.
train stop A device used by the signal system to command a train to stop.
train stop An automatic train stop which uses electric coils as a means to
(inductive) command a train to stop.
train to wayside A system that routes trains to their scheduled destinations and
(TTW) system provides central control with vehicle identification.
Transit Standards developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Communications Engineers and subsequently maintained by the American Public
Interface Protocols Transit Association, defining communications protocols to be used in
the transit industry.
transition length The portion of a tangent track in which superelevation is developed
immediately preceding a circular curve and removed immediately
following a circular curve, when spiral curves are not used.
transmitter A device that generates electrical energy to be used by a receiver.
transponder A device located on the track side that transmits data and/or receives
ttci Transportation Technology Center, Inc.
tunnel An underground guideway constructed by methods such as soft
ground tunneling, mixed face tunneling, or other means of boring into
soil strata.
turnout An arrangement of a switch and a frog with stock rails and closure
rails that enables rail vehicles to be diverted from one track to
ultimate load The load that causes failure of a structure with a single static
unbalanced Occurs when trains operate at speeds higher than equilibrium or
superelevation balanced speeds. The speed greater than equilibrium is expressed
as an additional, imaginary, portion of the total superelevation. It is
not actually built into the track.
uninterruptible A battery power backup for the operation of critical signal and
power supply (UPS) communications systems.
vending equipment A specification for communication between elements of a fare
interface vending system.
vertical curve A parabolic curve connecting two vertical tangents in a track profile.
vital processor unit A device in which a central processing unit provides a logical
evaluation of predefined commands to determine an output. This
device is designed to insure any failure conditions will provide no
voltage, or zero data, to an output used for controlling circuits. (See
processor-based equipment.)
vital relays Relays that contain circuits that affect the safety of train operations.
volt The unit of electromotive force, or that difference of potential that,
when steadily applied against a resistance of one ohm, will produce a
current of one ampere.
wayside A term generally used to refer to the area alongside the path of a rail
vehicle, but clear of its dynamic outline.
wayside horn A stationary horn located at a highway rail grade crossing, designed
to provide, upon the approach of a locomotive or train, audible
warning to oncoming motorists of the approach of a train.
work window A period of time with a specific beginning and ending time and
duration for which the track, signals, bridges and other Operating
System elements within the Basic Safety Envelope are temporarily
removed from service or modified in some other manner and train
and other operations suspended or modified to allow construction or
maintenance to occur. Written authority from SCRRA and an
accepted Site Specific Work Plan (SSWP) are required before a
Contractor is granted a Work Window. The Contractor’s Work
Window shall have specific geographic limits, which are defined in
the accepted SSWP. Modifications or suspension of train and
on-track equipment movements resulting from a Work Window
involves written changes to SCRRA’s Rules of Train and On-Track
Equipment Operations, which are known as Track Bulletins.
yard track Secondary track constructed and operated for the purpose of storing,
maintaining, or switching locomotive equipment or rail cars.
yardmaster Person stationed at central control who coordinates all moves into or
out of the yard.
o CBC 11B-216.1 Signs and CBC Chapter 11B Division 7: Communication Elements
and Features
o CBC 11B-703.3 Signs
o CBC Accessibility requirements
o CBC Chapter 11B Division 7: Communication Elements and Features.
o CBC Chapter 11B-502.6 Parking Spaces
o ADA requirements and California Building Code accessibility provisions
• California Coastal Act of 1976 (Public Resources Code, Division 20)
• California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Section 1600
• California Electrical Code
• California Endangered Species Act
• California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
o California Public Resources Code Division 13, Sections 21000-21178) and CEQA
Guidelines (California Public Resources Code Division 13, Sections 15000-15387)
• California Fire Code (CFC)
• California Fish and Wildlife Code
o Sections 2081 and 1601
• “California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (CA MUTCD) issued by the
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
o CA MUTCD Section 8B.17 and ES 3319 & ES 4006
• California Mechanical Code (CMC)
• California Phase II Low Impact Development (LID) Sizing Tool
• California Plumbing Code (CPC)
• California Public Resources Codes 8801 -08819
• California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
o California Public Utilities Code (PU Codes)
o Commission General Orders (CPUC GO) Effective versions, a partial list follows:
o GO No. 26; Regulations Governing Clearances on Railroads and Street Railroads with
reference to Side and Overhead Structures, Parallel Tracks, Crossings of Public
Roads, Highways, and Streets.
o GO No. 33; Construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of interlocking
plants of railroads
o GO No. 72; Standard types of pavement construction at railroad grade crossings
o GO No. 75; Regulations Governing Standards for Warning Devices for At-Grade
Highway-Rail Crossings
o GO No. 88; Rules for Altering Public Highway-Rail Crossings
o GO No. 95; Rules for Overhead Electric Line Construction
o GO No. 112; Design, construction, testing, maintenance and operation of utility gas
gathering, transmission and distribution piping systems
o GO No. 118; Construction, reconstruction and maintenance of walkways and
control, of vegetation adjacent to railroad tracks.
o GO No. 128; Rules For Construction Of Underground Electric Supply And
Communication Systems
o GO No. 135; The occupancy of public grade crossings by railroads
o GO No. 143; Design, construction and operation of light rail transit systems
o GO No. 175; Rules And Regulations Governing Roadway Worker Protection Provided
By Rail Transit Agencies and Rail Fixed Guideway Systems
• California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA)
o Industrial & Commercial Best Management Practice (BMP) Online Handbook
o Municipal BMP Online Handbook
o New Development & Redevelopment BMP Online Handbook
• California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
o Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM)
“Highway Design Manual”, Chapter 1000, “ Bikeway Planning and Design”
o Caltrans Standard Interconnection for Traffic Signal Preemption at Railroad Crossings
o Chapters 800 to 890, Highway Drainage Design
o “California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD)”
o Caltrans Standard Plans
o “Seismic Design Criteria,” Version 1.7 (April 2013)
o “Seismic Design Criteria” (SDC), Version 1.7, Section 3 “Capacities of Structural
Components,” Section 7 “Design,” and Section 8 “Seismic Detailing.”
• California Title 24 Energy Regulations
• Clean Water Act of 1977 and 1987
o Sections 401, 402, and 404 (33 USC 1251-1376)
• Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 USC 1451-1464)
• Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)
• Current standards of utility owners
o NFPA 91 Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists and
Noncombustible Particulate Solids
o NFPA 92A Smoke Control System
o NFPA 92B Smoke Control Systems in Atria, Covered Mall and Large Areas
o NFPA 130 Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
o NFPA 204M Smoke and Heat Venting
o NFPA 255 Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
o NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
• National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA)
o Section 106, as amended (36 CFR 800)
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
• Post-Construction Water Balance Performance Standard
• Public Agency standards having jurisdiction over the local roadway
• Right-of-Way Preservation Guidelines adopted by the specific Member Agencies.
• Rivers and Harbors Act
o General Bridge Act of 1946, Section 9
o Sections 9 and 10 (33 USC 401 et seq.)
• SCRRA Maintenance of Way Operating Rules (MOWOR)
• SCRRA Maintenance of Way Safety Rules (MOWSR)
• SCRRA On-Track Safety Manual (OTSM)
• SCRRA Roadway Worker Protection Safety Manual
• SCRRA Track Maintenance Manual (TMM)
• Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association, Inc. (SMACNA)
o SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual
o SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards – Metal and Flexible;
o SMACNA HVAC Systems Duct Design
o SMACNA Rectangular Industrial Duct Construction Standards
• State of California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)
• State of California MWELO (Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance)
• Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
• Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS)
• Transportation for Individuals with Disabilities at Intercity, Commuter, and High Speed
Passenger Railroad Station Platforms
• Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI)
• WATCH-Work Area Traffic Control Handbook
• Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
o UL 555 Standard for Fire Dampers
o UL 555S Standard for Smoke Dampers
o UL 723 (ASTM E84), Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
• Uniform Building Code, including seismic requirements (UBC)
o Including seismic requirements
• U.S. Access Board Proposed Guidelines for Accessible Rights-of-Way (PROWAG)
• U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, HDS Manuals
• U.S. Department of Transportation
o Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 49 CFR 195, Pipeline Safety:
Hazardous Liquid Pipelines Transporting Ethanol, Ethanol Blends, and Other Biofuels
(49 CFR 195)
o “Rails-with-Trails: Lessons Learned”, prepared by U.S. Department of Transportation.
( )
o Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 USC 303 or 23 USC 138; 23
CFR 77l.135; 23 CFR 771 and 774; FHWA Section 4(f) Policy Paper, March 2005)
• Zolan Prucz and Abbas Pourbohloul, “Bridge Configurations and Details that Improve
Seismic Performance” (1999)
A ampere
AF audio frequency
C Celsius
CA California
CC center of curve
CP Control Point
CS curve to spiral
dB decibels
dc direct current
Et total superelevation
F Fahrenheit
FS Factor of Safety
ft foot, feet
GO General Order
HP horsepower
I/O input/output
IJ insulated joint
IP Individual Permit
kg kilogram
km kilometer
kN kilonewton
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
L liter
LF longitudinal force
Ls length of spiral
m meter
M magnitude of earthquake
mA milliampere
max. maximum
min. minimum
mm millimeter
MP milepost
MPa megapascal
o.c. on center
Pa Pascal
PA public address
PC point of curvature
PF power frequency
PT point of tangency
PTT push-to-talk
RF radio frequency
RMS root-mean-squared
ROW right-of-way
RX receive
SC spiral to curve
ST spiral to tangent
TS tangent to spiral
TX transmit
W watt
Appendix C. Figures
The following manufacturer’s drawings are included in this appendix:
• Model F59PH
• Model F59PHI
• Model MP36PH-3C
• Bombardier Cars
• Rotem Cars
• F-125 – Tier 4
1.3.1 General
• A Layover and Maintenance Facility needs to be in close proximity to the mainline track
for ease of train movement.
• There will be no general public access or visitors at the facility.
Progressive Track
• Pits to perform brake and minor maintenance on a train set are desired.
Locomotive Position
• Fixed four-level work area allows for complete locomotive service in a single position.
• A drop table is the preferred means of removing and transferring truck sets to the side of
the train for maintenance/replacement.
Stack Systems
• Using Stack Systems can save significant square footage and give larger storage capacity
• Overhead piped sanding from sand silo to each S&I Position is desired.
Staff/Position Prototypical
Total 1064
In addition to the above circulation factors, individual factors are included in the Space Needs
Program for each department for Electrical Room, Data/Comm. Room, Mechanical Room, and
Fire/Sprinkler Room.
The following standard forms and checklists are included in this appendix:
The following SCRRA Request for Special Design Consideration form (DPM-13) is an example
of the form that shall be used to submit requests for variances to SCRRA criteria, as discussed
in Section 3.2.2. This form is subject to frequent updates, therefore the designer shall request
the latest version of the form from SCRRA to be used when a variances is needed for the
Project Name/Location:
Submittal Date:
Design Firm:
The following SCRRA Replacement Structure Recommendation Form will be used to present
relevant data regarding the hydrology, existing structure hydraulics, and proposed structure
hydraulics, as discussed in Chapter 9, Drainage and Grading, of this DCM.
The following LADOT Railroad Preemption Form is an example of the form that shall be used to
submit requests for railroad preemption timing, as discussed in Chapter 8 of this DCM. This
form must be filled out electronically, therefore the designer shall request an electronic copy of
the form from SCRRA to be used for the project.
Design Checklist
The shoring designer shall complete, seal, sign, and submit the enclosed Shoring Submittal
Design Checklist with the shoring design submittal.
Review Checklist
The enclosed Shoring Submittal Review Checklist shall be utilized by SCRRA staff or
consultants to aid the review of shoring design submittals.
Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
Shoring Designer Signature
___________________________________ __________________________
Print Name Place Engineering Seal Above
Page 3 of 3
Project Name/Location:
Name of Reviewer:
Page 1 of 3
Page 2 of 3
___________________________________ Finding:
Reviewer’s Signature No Exceptions Taken
Make Corrections Noted
___________________________________ Amend and Resubmit
Print Name
Page 3 of 3
AREMA specifies a longitudinal force to be applied to the bridge that simulates tractive effort or
braking forces from a train passing over the bridge. The following equations are provided in
• Braking Force: LF = 45 + 1.2 ⋅ L applied 8 ft above t/rail
• Traction Force: LF = 25 L applied 3 ft above t/rail
The shear force applied to each substructure is determined by assuming that the bridge acts as
a unit and each substructure will attract a portion of the total force based on its relative stiffness
within the bridge (i.e., the substructures are considered springs acting in parallel, and each will
deflect the same distance due to the force each attracts). Stiffness of each substructure is a
function of material elasticity, shape properties, soil properties, clear height, pile batter, and
abutment soil resistance. 1
An example bridge is shown below: LF
lf =
In the sketch above, the total longitudinal force is shown as a uniformly distributed lateral load.
(The assumption on how the longitudinal force is distributed to the rail is not critical to determining
the shear distribution, but is an essential step to calculating the moment effect on the
substructures.) The shear force per substructure is then calculated by the following process:
1. Calculate the stiffness, ki, of each substructure. Account for all variables as mentioned
2. Determine the total stiffness of the structure, assuming the substructures act in parallel.
3. Determine the portion of the total longitudinal shear force resisted by each substructure,
ηi, as: k
ηi = i
1 Expansion bearings utilizing rockers or sliding surfaces are assumed not to transfer any longitudinal
Bending moment due to the vertical reactions induced into the substructures by the longitudinal
force is a result of the longitudinal load acting at a distance above the elevation of the
superstructure bearings (8 ft or 3 ft above the top of rail + depth of the superstructure). The
moment is passed into the caps by increasing or decreasing the vertical bearing reactions on the
cap; because the CL of most bearings do not align with the CL of the cap, a force couple occurs
at the bearing seat level (see Fig. 4) inducing a bending moment in the substructure. The following
details the assumptions and derivation of the bending moment induced into the substructures by
the longitudinal force.
1. The longitudinal load due to braking or traction is assumed to be applied to the bridge as
a uniformly distributed shear force, acting 8 ft or 3 ft above the top of the rail. This shear
force is passed from the train to the rail through friction between the wheels and the rail.
2. Due to the height of application (3 ft or 8 ft above the rail), a bending moment is assumed
to be induced into the superstructure by a vertical force couple acting through train car
wheel reactions. The free body diagram below shows the applied longitudinal force and
the solved reactions on a car with the assumed dimensions.
lf ∗ Ls
V = V
Ls Ls Ls
4 2 4
lf * Ls * H
R R= = 2 * lf * H
1. At this point, due to the variability of the train’s positioning on the bridge, it is logical to
separate the bending moment effects due to the longitudinal force into two parts:
bending moment due to the longitudinal force acting at a distance, H, above the top of
the rail, and the bending moment due to the longitudinal force acting at the top of the
rail through the superstructure.
Bending Moment Due to the Longitudinal Force Acting at the Top of the Rail Through the
1. The free body diagram of the longitudinal shear force acting at the top of the rail is shown
below. Equating forces and summing moments yields the bearing reactions, R, at each
end of the span. The depth of the span, ds, is the height between the top of the rail and
the top of the cap/bottom of the bearing.
lf * Ls
lf ∗ Ls V
lf ∗ Ls ∗ d s R
R= = lf ∗ d s Ls
R R = lf ∗ d s
2. The next free body diagram depicts the pier cap
below the right bearing of the span above. The lf ∗ Ls V
adjacent span to the right of the span in the prior 2
figure is assumed to be the same length as the dc
span span (Ls), thus having the same fbd as seen 2
above. db db
M = 2 ∗ R ∗ d b = 2 ∗ lf ∗ d s ∗ d b
At this point, the longitudinal force has been applied a distance above the top of the rail (8 ft or 3
ft) and the shear force has been carried down to the substructure units. In addition, the bending
moment caused by the longitudinal force moving from the top of the rail to the top of the cap has
been estimated. What remains is to determine the bending effect on the cap from the application
of the longitudinal force being applied at a distance above the top of the rail.
Bending Moment Due to the Longitudinal Force Acting at a Distance Above the Top of the Rail:
1. Starting with the free body diagram in Figure 2, a related free body diagram can be drawn
for the span directly beneath it, as seen in Figure 5. The shear forces have been neglected,
as they have already been accounted for in the prior moment derivation.
T/Rail 2
P = 2 ∗ lf ∗ H P
Ls L R
P∗ 2 ∗ lf ∗ H ∗ s
R= 2 = 2 = lf ∗ H
Ls Ls
1. Focusing on the pier cap below the right bearing of the span in Figure 5, a free body
diagram similar to Figure 4 can be drawn. In this case however, the bearing reactions, R,
are as shown in Figure 5. This results in the following bending moment induced on the
M = 2 ∗ R ∗ d b = 2 ∗ lf ∗ H ∗ d b
1. The direction of this bending moment now depends on the placement of the train car. If
the train cars are centered in the span, the bending moment will act to counteract the
shear force (i.e., same direction as the bending moment induced by the shear force
moving through the superstructure. However, if the train cars are centered over the pier,
the bending moment direction will reverse and act to produce deflection in the same
direction as the shear force.
Because of this moment direction reversal, it has been decided to conservatively assume all
bending moments act to produce deflection in the same direction as the shear force. Therefore,
the total load applied to the c.g. of the cap would be as follows:
Vi = η i ∗ LF
LF d
Mi = 2∗ ∗ (H + d s ) ∗ d b + Vi ∗ c
Lb 2
A1 = (372)(10)/2+(400+1400)(10)/2+(594+1015)(12)/2
= 20,514 lbs/ft
1.4A1 1.4(20,514)
Pd = 0.9H = 0.9(32) = 997 psf
δTYP/ = 8.5° (≤0.25ø = 8.5°)
USE δDESIGN = 8.5°
KP,δ/ø=-1.0 = 9.5 (FOR ø=34° & β/ø=0)
δ/ø = -8.5/34 = -0.25
KP = RKP,δ/ø=-1.0 = 0.52(9.5) = 4.9
PP = KP(γ)(15’) = 4.9(125)(15) = 9188 psf
PP1 = 2c = 2(800) = 1600 psf
PP2 = PP1+γ(15’) = 1600+120(15) = 3400 psf
Centerline of Track #1 is 12 feet from face of shoring
Centerline of Track #2 is 27 feet from face of shoring
Cent erline of Track #1 is 1 0 feet from face of shoring
Cent erline of Track #2 is 2 5 feet from face of shoring
Cent erline of Track #3 is 4 0 feet from face of shoring
γCLAYH-2c = 110(7)-2(600) = -430 psf < 0.
KA = tan2(45°-ø/2) = tan2(45°-34°/2) = 0.28
ACTIVE GRADIENT = KAγSAND = 0.28(125) = 35 psf/ft
REFER TO EXAMPLE 5.3: PS = 355 psf
R1 = 13.4 kips/ft
R2 = 18.3 kips/ft
R3 = 35.3 kips/ft
VMAX = 24.1 kips/ft
VMAX = 24.1(4) = 96.4 kips/pile
MMAX = 104 kip-ft/ft
MMAX = 104(4) = 416 kip-ft/pile
11.8(28)2 11.8(6)2
MMAX = 8 - 2 = 944 kip-ft
VMAX = 2 = 165.2 kips
STRUT LOADS = R1 = R2 = 2 = 236 kips
→ Mn = Mp = (FY)(Z) (EQ. F2-1) AND Mall = Mn/Ωb
→ Vn = 0.6(FY)(Aw)(Cv) (EQ. G2-1), Cv = 1.0 (EQ. G2-2) AND Vall = Vn/Ωv
(UNBRACED) IS 38 feet.
AREQD = 12 = 12 = 19.7 in2
TRY 18” DIA. X 3/8” WALL THICKNESS PIPE, ASTM A252, GRADE 2 (FY=35 ksi) -
A = 19.4 in2
I = 754 in4
r = 6.24 in
S = 83.8 in3
Z = 109 in3
D/t = 51.6 < 0.45(E) / (FY) = 372.9
WEIGHT (W) = 71 lbs/ft
WL2 71(38)2
MSELF WEIGHT = 8 = 8 = 12,816 LB-FT = 12.82 kip-ft
12MDESIGN 12(84)
SREQD = Fb = 25 = 40.3 in3/ft
PLAGGING = 0.6P = 0.6(1200) = 720 psf
3VMAX 3(2880)
fv = 2A = 2(66) = 65 psi < 140 psi OK
Board Resolutions:
I. Resolution 91-3
II. Resolution 98-21