Unit-I Notes
Unit-I Notes
Unit-I Notes
The term soft computing was coined by Zadah as a multidisciplinary system that combines
the fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms etc.
Soft Computing is the fusion of methodologies designed to model and enable solutions to real
world problems, which are not modelled or too difficult to model mathematically. The aim of Soft
Computing is to exploit the tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, approximate reasoning, and
partial truth in order to achieve close resemblance with human like decision making.
It basically manipulates symbols on the assumption that such behaviour can be stored in
symbolically structured knowledge base. This is so-called physical symbol system hypothesis. The
most successful conventional AI product is the knowledge-bases system or expert system (ES)
represented in Fig 1.1
AI field is steadily expanding; the boundary between AI and soft computing is becoming
indistinct and obviously, successive generations of AI methodologies will be growing more
sophisticated. The long-term goal of AI research is the creation and understanding of machine
intelligence. An intelligence system represented in Fig 1.2 can sense its environment (perceive)
and act on its perception (react).
A fuzzy logic system accepting imprecise data and providing a decision. Fuzzy sets that
represent fuzzy logic provide means to model the uncertainty associated with vagueness,
imprecision and lack of information regarding a problem or a plant or a system, etc.
A fuzzy set is universal fuzzy set if and only if the value of the membership function is 1
for all the members under consideration.
Fuzzy Logic recognizes more than true and false values. The propositions in fuzzy
logic can be represented with degrees of truthfulness and falsehood rather than
just as true or false.
Example 1: The rule based and other predictive approaches to the question “Will it rain to-
morrow?” will give the answer either as yes or no. The fuzzy logic wi ll give the answer in more
detailed way as the degree or chance that it will rain is 60% or the probability that it would rain
tomorrow is 0.6.
• It associates a weight to each input that are processed, define functional dependency
between inputs, and finally determines an output response.
• In other words, a membership function (MF) is a curve that defines how each point in the
input space is mapped to a membership value (or degree of membership) between 0 and
Example 2: The following figure gives the representation of the color tones black and white in
Boolean and fuzzy logic.
In Boolean logic, the color is represented either as black or white, whereas in Fuzzy logic
the transition of white to black tones (with increasing grey tones) can be represented. As the
white changes to grey then to black the belongingness also changes gradually from set white to
set black.
The crisp logic function cannot distinguish between members of the same set.
Input membership functions can be triangles, trapezoids, bell curves or any other shape.
The shapes represent the distribution of information within the system.
𝜇𝐴(𝑋) is a membership function that represents the categorization of an element X to
The discrete fuzzy set A is given as A={ (X )/X , (X )/X (X )/X }.
A 1 1 A 2 2, …, A n n
d). Sigmoidal MF
This function is specified by two parameters a and c, where a controls the slope of the curve
and c is the center of the function.
Probability Fuzziness
Probability is an aggregated property. Fuzziness is a property of single event.
It is expressed as density function. It is expressed as membership function.
Probability is concerned with the undecid- Fuzzy logic is concerned with the
ability in the outcome of clearly defined ambiguity or undecidability inherent in the
and randomly occurring events. description of the event itself.
Features of membership functions
The membership function is defined by the following three properties:
1. Core:
The area for which elements have maximum degree of membership to the fuzzy set A (i.e.)
µA(x) = 1
2. Support:
The area where the membership function is greater than zero.
µA(x) >0
3. Boundary:
If the region of universe has a nonzero membership but not full membership, this defines
the boundary of a membership.
μA𝖴B(x) = max(μA(x),μB(x))
Let's suppose A is a set which contains following elements:
A = {( X1, 0.6 ), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 1), (X4, 0.4)}
And, B is a set which contains following elements:
B = {( X1, 0.1), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 0), (X4, 0.9)}
AUB = {( X1, 0.6), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 1), (X4, 0.9)}
Because, according to this operation
For X1
μA𝖴B(X1) = max (μA(X1), μB(X1))
μA𝖴B(X1) = max (0.6, 0.1)
μA𝖴B(X1) = 0.6
For X2
μA𝖴B(X2) = max (μA(X2), μB(X2))
μA𝖴B(X2) = max (0.2, 0.8) μA𝖴B(X2) = 0.8
For X3
A𝖴B(X3) = max (μA(X3), μB(X3))
μA𝖴B(X3) = max (1, 0)
μA𝖴B(X3) = 1
For X4
A𝖴B(X4) = max (μA(X4), μB(X4))
μA𝖴B(X4) = max (0.4,0.9)
μA𝖴B(X4) = 0.9
Intersection Operation:
The intersection operation of fuzzy set is defined by:
μA∩B(x) = min (μA(x), μB(x))
Let's suppose A and B are a set which contains following elements:
A = {( X1, 0.3 ), (X2, 0.7), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.1)} And,
B = {( X1, 0.8), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.4), (X4, 0.9)} then
A∩B = {( X1, 0.3), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.4), (X4, 0.1)}
Because, according to this operation
For X1
μA∩B(X1) = min (μA(X1), μB(X1))
μA∩B(X1) = min (0.3, 0.8)
μA∩B(X1) = 0.3
For X2
μA∩B(X2) = min (μA(X2), μB(X2))
μA∩B(X2) = min (0.7, 0.2)
μA∩B(X2) = 0.2
For X3
μA∩B(X3) = min (μA(X3), μB(X3))
μA∩B(X3) = min (0.5, 0.4)
μA∩B(X3) = 0.4
For X4
μA∩B(X4) = min (μA(X4), μB(X4))
μA∩B(X4) = min (0.1, 0.9)
μA∩B(X4) = 0.1
3. Complement Operation:
The complement operation of fuzzy set is defined by:
μĀ(x) = 1-μA(x),
Let's suppose A and B are two sets which contains following elements:
A = {( X1, 0.3 ), (X2, 0.8), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.1)}
Ā= {( X1, 0.7 ), (X2, 0.2), (X3, 0.5), (X4, 0.9)}
Because, according to this operation
For X1
μĀ(X1) = 1-μA(X1)
μĀ(X1) = 1 - 0.3
μĀ(X1) = 0.7
For X2
μĀ(X2) = 1-μA(X2)
μĀ(X2) = 1 - 0.8
μĀ(X2) = 0.2
For X3
μĀ(X3) = 1-μA(X3)
μĀ(X3) = 1 - 0.5
μĀ(X3) = 0.5
For X4
μĀ(X4) = 1-μA(X4)
μĀ(X4) = 1 - 0.1
μĀ(X4) = 0.9
Algebric product or Vector product ( ∙ 𝑩):
𝜇𝐴∙𝐵 𝑥 = 𝜇𝐴 𝑥 ∙ 𝜇𝐵 𝑥
Scalar product ( × 𝑨):
𝜇𝛼𝐴 𝑥 = 𝛼 × 𝜇𝐴
Cartesian product
Cartesian product (𝐴 × 𝐵): 𝜇𝐴×𝐵 𝑥, 𝑦 = min (𝜇𝐴 𝑥, 𝜇𝐵 𝑦)
Example: (𝑥) = {(𝑥1, 0.2), (𝑥2, 0.3), (𝑥3, 0.5), (𝑥4, 0.6)}
(𝑦) = {(𝑦1, 0.8), (𝑦2, 0.6), (𝑦3, 0.3)}
𝑦1 𝑦2 𝑦3
𝑥1 0.2 0.2 0.2
A × 𝐵 = min (𝑥) , 𝜇𝐵(𝑦) =𝑥2 0.3 0.3 0.3
𝑥3 0.5 0.5 0.3
𝑥4 0.6 0.6 0.3
Here the Cartesian product forms an ordered pair of every xεX with every y εY. Every
element in X is completely related to every element in Y. The characteristic function, denoted by
x, gives the strength of the relationship between ordered pair of elements in each universe. If it
takes unity as its value, then complete relationship is found, if the value is zero, then there is no
relationship i.e.
When the universes or sets are finite, then the relation is represented by a matrix called relation
matrix. An r-dimensional relation matrix represents an r-ary relation. Thus, binary relations are
represented by two-dimensional matrices.
Consider the elements defined in the universes X and Y as follows:
The Cartesian product of these two sets leads to
The relation between sets X and Y may also be expressed by mapping representations as
shown in Figure 1.13.
A binary relation in which each element from first set X is not mapped to more than one element
in second set Y is called a function and is expressed as
Function-theoretic operations for the two crisp relations (R, 5) are defined as follows:
1. Union
2. Intersection
3. Complement
4. Containment
5. Identity
A fuzzy relation between two sets of X and Y is called binary fuzzy relation and is denoted
by R(X, Y).
A binary relation R(X, Y) is referred to as bipartite graph when X ≠ Y. The binary relation on
a single set X is called directed graph or digraph. This relation occurs when X =Y and is
denoted as R(X,X) or R(X2). Let
2. Intersection
3. Complement
4. Containment
Properties of Fuzzy Relations
Like classical relations, the properties of commutativity, associativity, distributivity,
idempotency and identity also hold good for fuzzy relations.
DeMorgan's laws hold good for fuzzy relations as they do for classical relations.
The null relation and complete relation are analogous to the null set and the whole set
respectively, in set theoretic form. The excluded middle laws are not satisfied in fuzzy
relations as for fuzzy set.
This is because a fuzzy relation is also a fuzzy set, and there exist an overlap, between a
relation and its complement. Hence
1. Reflexivity
If this is not the case for few x ε X, then R(X,X) is said to be irreflexive.
2. Symmetry
If this is not satisfied for few xi,XjεX, then R(X,X) is called asymmetric.
3. Transitivity
Fuzzy inference or fuzzy rule based system adapts the process of mapping from
a given input to an output using fuzzy logic.
The process of mapping can be based on membership functions, fuzzy logic operators or if-
then rules. A database which defines the membership functions of the fuzzy sets are used in the
fuzzy rules.
Fuzzy propositions use fuzzy predicates, modifies, quantifiers and qualifiers to express
fuzzy logic. The following are the fuzzy propositions:
• Fuzzy Predicates: Predicates are generally expressed in natural language rather than as
crisp values.
Example: Radha is good.
• Fuzzy predicate modifiers: The modifiers act as hedges. They are used in linguistic
variables. Generally adjectives act as modifiers.
Example: The question paper is very tough. Here ‘very’ is the modifier.
• Fuzzy quantifiers: The quantifiers are used as a measure or cardinality. The commonly
used modifiers are many, most, several, few etc.
Example: Only very few people eat healthy food. Here very few is the modifier.
• Fuzzy qualifiers: There are four qualifiers:
i) Fuzzy truth qualification: This asserts the degree of truth. The general form is “a is
in x”. The proposition ‘a’ has the truth value of ‘x’.
Example: “Iniyan is bad” is not true. Here the statement “Iniyan is bad” is the
proposition and “not true” is the truth value.
ii) Fuzzy probability qualification: The probability can be expressed either as numerical
value or as intervals. The words that qualify the probability are likely, unlikely, very
likely etc. The general form is “ X is Y” where X is the proposition and Y is the fuzzy
iii) Fuzzy usuality qualification: The general form is: “usually (X)=usually (X is F) ”.
propositions with high probability value will fall under this category.
iv) Fuzzy possibility qualification: The words used to express the possibility are
impossible, possible, quite impossible etc. The general form is “X is Y” where the
propositions X takes the value the fuzzy value Y.
Qualitative Reasoning
This type of reasoning that combines the advantages of fuzzy reasoning and qualitative
Syllogistic Reasoning
A fuzzy syllogism is defined that is an inference schema that contains major premise, mi-
nor premise and conclusion as propositions containing fuzzy quantifiers. A basic fuzzy syllo-
gism in fuzzy logic is the intersection/product syllogism. The general form of syllogism is:
in which the first premise p(Q1) is a fuzzy proposition containing a fuzzy quantifier Q1, the
second premise q(Q2) is a fuzzy proposition containing a fuzzy quantifier Q2 and the conclusion
r(Q) is a fuzzy proposition containing a fuzzy quantifier Q. The following are the forms of
• Intersection / product syllogism: C=A ^ B, E=A, F=C ^ D.
• Chaining syllogism: C=B, E=A, F=D.
• Consequent conjunction syllogism: A=C=E, F=B ^D
• Consequent disjunction syllogism: A=C=E, F=B V D
• Antecedent conjunction syllogism: B=D=F, E=A ^D
• Antecedent disjunction syllogism: B=D=F, E=A VD
Dispositional Reasoning
The antecedents contain the quantifier ‘usually’. The following are the rules of inference.
A fuzzy inference system (FIS) is a system that uses fuzzy set theory to map
inputs to outputs.
The system uses IF…THEN…ELSE rules along with fuzzy connectors “OR”, “AND” etc.
The input given to FIS may be crisp but the output will be a fuzzy set.
A fuzzy inference system finds its application in automatic control, data classification,
decision analysis, expert systems, and computer vision. There are two types of fuzzy inference
• Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System
• SugenoFuzzy Inference System
Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System
• Mamdani fuzzy inference is the most commonly used inference method.
• This method was introduced by Mamdani and Assilian.
• This system was designed to control a steam engine and boiler combination by
formulating control rules obtained from experts.
• The Mamdani FIS obtains the output after the following six steps:
1. Determinine a set of fuzzy rules.
2. Fuzzify the inputs using the input membership functions.
3. Combine the fuzzified inputs according to the fuzzy rules to establish a rule strength.
4. Find the consequence of the rule by combining the rule strength and the output
membership function.
5. Combine the resulting consequences to get an output distribution.
6. Defuzzify the output distribution.