Level 3 Writing Book Fall 20121

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English Communications Program


FALL 2012

Writing Coordinator Charles McCarthy

Materials Writers Jules St. John

Leila A. Mouhanna
Kevin Graham
David Hooper
Patricia Naccarato
Michael Gatto
Kevin Kempe
Carlos Soares

Editing Charles McCarthy

Glenys Roberts
Leila A. Mouhanna

Cover design and photo Patricia Naccarato

Writers/Editors of Previous Editions Jules St. John & Leila A. Mouhanna (2010)
Patricia Naccarato & Jules St. John (2007)
Patricia Naccarato & Michael Gatto (2004)


 To the Student- How to use this Student Book

 Questions and Answers about L3 Writing
 How to Improve Your Writing
 Writing Project


 Sentences and Clauses

 Types of Sentences
 Sentence Structure and Errors
 Subject / Verb Agreement


 Vocabulary to Describe Trends

 Types of Sentences
 Sentence Structure Practice
 Identifying Line Graph Trends
 Writing About Graphs and Charts
 Practice Charts



 Writing About Pie Charts

 Pie Chart Report Structure
 Writing the Introduction
 Practice Charts

 Writing about Non-Temporal Bar Charts

 Bar chart report: A Model
 Practice Charts


 Writing about Tables

 Tables report: A Model
 Tables report Practice 66


 Report Structure
 Mixed Report: A Model
 Mixed Report Practice


 The Passive Voice

 Passive Voice Practice
 Report Structure: A Model
 Flowchart Reports Practice


 Basic Essay Structure

 The Essay Introduction
 Types of Introductions
 The Thesis Statement
 Practice Introductions
 Body Paragraphs
 The Conclusion Paragraphs
 Practice Conclusions
 Connecting Ideas
 Understanding the Essay Question
 Essay Question Vocabulary Activity


 Vocabulary of Opinion
 Order of Importance
 Agree/ Disagree Essay
 Advantages and Disadvantages Essay
 Problem Solution Essay
 Cause/Effect/Solution Essay


 Bar Chart Practices

 Line Graph Practices
 Mixed Graph Practices
 Flowchart Practices
 Essay Writing Practices


 Academic Writing: Register and Style

 Using the Dictionary
 Proofreading Your Work
 Punctuation
 Vocabulary of Similarity
 Vocabulary of Difference
 Modal Verbs


 Bar Charts
 Line Graphs
 Pie Chart Answers
 Mixed Graphs
 Flow Charts
 Essay Answers
 Flowchart Activity Answers
 Essay Question Answer Key
 Connecting Ideas Answers

Chapter 1


Welcome to Level 3 Writing. This class is very important in preparing you for the type
of writing you will do in your faculties. It is also very important in preparing you for
the writing you must do in both the Timed Writing Exams and IELTS. You may find it
difficult at first, but later you’ll discover that you’ve learned so much, and that will
make you very happy!

Using This Book

This workbook is a tool to help you with your Level 3 Writing class. There is a lot of
information to help you study and many exercises to help you practice what you’ve
studied. Please look at this short list of ways to best use this workbook:

During the first week of the semester, you should look at all the pages of the book.
This will give you a good idea of what you will do in your writing class this semester,
and this will help you to learn faster because you will have already seen it before
your teacher explains it to you.

Writer’s support pages

Don't forget to look in the back of the book to help you with things like grammar,
vocabulary, and spelling.

At the end of the semester you should use this book to go over what you've
learned. This will be very important when it comes time for the Timed Writing Exam
and IELTS!

Finally, don't throw this book away after you have passed Level 3. You will want to
keep it for when you are in ESP and your faculty

Questions and Answers about Level 3 Writing
How much of my English Grade is from the writing class?
A total of 30% of your English course grade is from the work you do in the writing
Writing Project Timed Writing Class Writing Timed Writing 2:
Opinion Essay Exam 1: Charts/ Alternative Charts Mixed charts/
Essay Essay
7% 10% 3% 10%

What is the Writing Project?

You have to do one writing project. In this project, you must write an essay that
explains your opinion about a subject. You will be given readings about the topic
that you will refer to in your essay. All work on the writing project must be done in

What is the Initial Sample?

The Initial Sample is a piece of writing your teacher may ask you to do at the
beginning of the semester. You will only have one class period to finish it. This is so
you and your teacher can see how good a writer you are before you start Level 3.

What are the charts?

You will write a report that describes information shown in an illustration, table, graph
or chart.

What should I know about the writing exams?

You will have two writing exams. In these exams, you will complete two writing tasks:
 Writing Task 1: Information Transfer (similar to IELTS Task 1)
 Writing Task 2: Essay question (similar to Writing Project and to IELTS Task 2)

What must I bring to my lessons?

You must bring your file (with plenty of lined, A4 paper), writing materials (pens,
pencils, and a rubber), dictionary and your textbook.

What do I need to do to pass level three Writing?

 Attend ALL classes and study hard
 Regularly visit the Writing Center and the ILC.
 Review Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Grammar & Vocabulary.
 Ask your teacher lots of questions to help you understand.
 Ask your friends and classmates- you can also learn a lot from them!
How To Improve Your Writing
In order for your writing skills to improve, you must work hard to develop fluency and
accuracy. As you read this section of the student book, pay attention and try to
reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a writer.


Fluency is a smoothness in using a language, which means that the word

choices you make are the same as those made by a native English speaker. To
improve your fluency, you must read more in English. The more you see the
types of word choices a native English writer makes, the greater your ability will
be in making your word choices.

Accuracy is being careful and exact, which really means not making mistakes in
areas like grammar and vocabulary.

FLUENCY and ACCURACY go together, and together they are skills that you can
work on to improve your writing. Keep reading the next section on WORD SKILLS to
see how you can do just that.


Dictionaries help you to improve your skills in the areas of:

Spelling- When you are writing a paper, check the spelling of all the words that you
are not sure about in the dictionary. The more you do this, the more your spelling
will improve.

Pronunciation- Each dictionary has a special way of showing you how words are

Definition (meaning)- Almost every word has more than one meaning. Different
meanings are often given, often with sentences to show you how the word is used.

Part of Speech- The dictionary will tell you if the word is a noun, adjective, etc and
show you how the word can be used in a sentence for that part of speech.

Synonyms and Antonyms- You will often find words of similar meanings
(synonyms) or words of opposite meanings (antonyms) in a dictionary entry.

Unlike a dictionary, the thesaurus does not give us the meaning of a

particular word. Instead, it lists synonyms (words with similar meanings)
and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) of that particular word. This
helps the writer to make more accurate and varied word choices.
An example of using the thesaurus is given below:

TEXT 1 My sister is very happy. My mother is also a happy

Repetitive and boring person. They are happy people. On the other hand, my
sentences brother is not a happy person.

Thesaurus Entry for ‘happy’

Word Synonyms Antonyms

Happy (adj.) glad, pleased, cheerful, sad, unhappy, morose

delighted, joyful, joyous

TEXT 2 My sister is very happy. My mother is also a cheerful

Varied, interesting person. They are joyful people. On the other hand, my
sentences brother is a morose person.


Editing writing is a very important step for improving your writing. This involves
checking your writing for errors in spelling, grammar, vocabulary, structure,
punctuation. Here are some tips for editing your writing.

 Read your assignment aloud. This way, you will be able to hear the errors.
 After writing the assignment, leave it for a while (an hour, a day, etc), then come
back and check it for errors. When you have a fresh look, it is easier to find any
errors you missed the first time.

Your assigned essays, especially for the writing project (an Opinion Essay) will be
written using the WRITING PROCESS; steps that take your ideas and work and
rework them into a fluent and accurate essay. The diagram below summarizes the
eight steps in the writing cycle.

8 1
Proofread Analyse the
final draft task

7 2
Write final Brainstorm
draft for ideas

ideas into

Revise for
Write first
content &
draft organization


1. ANALYZE the Task

Look at the question (or prompt) that you are being asked to write
about and to make sure that you understand what you are asked to
do. Discuss the question with classmates, your teacher, or even with
family and friends.

1. BRAINSTORM for Ideas

In this step, you will list all your ideas that you have already discussed
in Step 1, and any new ideas that you have about your topic. Perhaps
write a list of bulletpoints!

2. ORGANIZE Ideas (Writing an Outline)

Organize your ideas by outlining your essay. Concentrate on having a
strong introduction (this says what you are going to write about),
conclusion, and body paragraphs that each deal with one strong
reason or element of your topic. You could write your ideas in point
The outline is an important step because it works like a map to
guide you through the rest of the writing process and your essay

3. REVISE for Content and Organization

Look at what you have written in your outline and decide what is good
and what needs more work. For content, ask yourself these questions:

 Which ideas look good?

 What do you need to write more about?
 Where can you give better examples,
explanations, etc?

As for organization, ask yourself these questions:

 Does your introduction have a strong thesis statement (main

idea in essay) to guide your whole essay?
 Do you have strong topic sentences to guide your body
 Does each body paragraph deal with one main idea?
 Does your conclusion nicely sum up your essay (giving both a
restatement of thesis as well as a final thought)?
4. Write the First DRAFT
This is the first time you will be writing your essay in paragraph form. All
the changes that you decided on after going over your outline should be
seen in this first draft.

Do not just copy from your outline and brainstorming sections. At each
step of the writing process you should be making changes that will
make your essay better!

5. Edit first draft

You will be working with your teacher to find any mistakes in grammar,
spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, etc. Use dictionaries to fix spelling and
vocabulary errors, and use grammar books to fix grammar and sentence
structure errors.


At this point, you will be on the final stretch. Make sure that you are
making this Final Draft as perfect as you can. That includes fixing all
your old mistakes of grammar, spelling and punctuation (and making no
new mistakes of these sorts), as well as taking care with the way your
essay is presented.

7. PROOFREAD Final Draft

Before you hand in your final draft to the teacher, you should read it
through one more time. Make sure that you haven't made any sloppy
mistakes in your rush to finish. (This draft will be graded!)

The writing project is done at the beginning of the semester. You will write about
how much you agree or disagree with a certain topic. You will be given some
readings to help you think about the topic and also some website addresses to do
further research, so that you can use good information to explain your ideas.

For the writing project, you must work through the different stages of the writing
cycle. You will be given about 4 weeks to do the following things:

 Read the project readings and check the websites. You can also read
information about the topic from other sources.
 Think of ideas for your writing
 Make a Plan from the ideas you like
 Revise Your Plan, which means correcting any problems you are having with
organization or ideas. You can also add new ideas or details.
 Write Draft One
 Edit Draft One, which means correcting any grammar, spelling, capitalization, or
punctuation errors.
 Write Draft Two, which is the finished product.

Students are expected to write a minimum of 4 paragraphs depending on the type

of essay you are asked to write:

Opinion Essay

1. Introduction
2. Reason 1
3. Reason 2
4. Reason 3 (optional)
5. Conclusion
However, if you feel confident you can write more body paragraphs. Some
students have more than 2 reasons for their opinion on a topic and want to write
about these reasons. Students who write more fully about a topic can expect to get
a higher grade for ‘task’ (see grading below).

Advantage/Disadvantage Essay
1. Introduction
2. Advantages
3. Disadvantages
4. Own Opinion (depends if question asks you to write this)
5. Conclusion

You will be given a mark out of 20. The project is graded by looking at 4 areas of
your writing. Use the questions below as a checklist for your writing project.

1. Did you understand the question, and answer it?

 Did you think carefully about the question?
 Did you give good explanations?
 Did you use good examples?
 Did you use the information from the readings?
 Did you find useful information in the websites or from Total: 25%
other sources?
2. How good is your vocabulary?
 Did you make any spelling mistakes?
 Did you use vocabulary from the VTL list and other more
difficult language?
 Did you use a variety of words?
 Did you use idiomatic expressions (for fluency)? Total: 25%
3. Is your essay well organized?
 Did you have at least 4 paragraphs?
 Did you have a good introduction?
 Did you use connectors correctly?
 Did you use other forms of cohesion (e.g. pronouns,
references, etc)
 Is your essay easy to read? Does it flow well?
Total: 25%
3. How good is your grammar and punctuation?

 Is your essay free of grammatical errors?

 Have you used a range of simple, compound and complex

 Have you used capitalization correctly?

 Have you used correct punctuation?

Total: 25%

On page 18 we have included the rubric (marking sheet) similar to the one your
teachers use to grade your project. You can use this to judge your own work.

Below are three examples of past projects from students. All have been given a
grade out of 20. There is a sample of a low, medium and high score.

Essay Question
What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism? Discuss both points and
give your own opinion.

Script 1

Nowadays, tourism is the largest source of income in the world. It is the point of contact
between many countries. I will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

There are many benefits from tourism. Tourism is so important for an economic. It helps the
countries to increase their economic, That happeness when people come for tourism and pay
money for their entertainment like shopping and having fun. For example, my father went to
Thailand. He told us that he spend 20 thousand dirhams in two weeks. Wight says ‘tourism
makes money for government’. More over, tourism builds abridge between countries. It
helps for acommunittaion and built good relationships between different countries.
Consequensly, we can find that tourists know about the cultures and countries. For example,
when foreigns come to the UAE, the learn that men must not speak with women if they are
not the relative. That shows us that they are some an our culture. Wight says ‘many people
visit the countries because they want to learn about other countries’. Clearly the tourism
have useful benefits which is an important for us.

On the othe hand, tourism has disadvantages. It could effect the environment. That
happeness when tourists _________ about environment. If the tourists through the garbage
and left it with them a lot of rabish. Thus, our environment will be damage and disease. For
example my family went to the beach and the returned quickly because they found that it’s
full of rubbish. Many researcher emphasise that tourism effects the environment. ‘The most
significant disadvantage of tourism is the effect it can have on the environment.’ According to

In my opinion, I think tourism is disadvantage for culture. The culture is destroy when visitors
don’t respect the value and culture and the doit unbelievable behaviour. For example, if you
go to Dubai, you will find that many visitors wear unsuitable clothes.

To conclude, tourism is an important factors for growth the countries. And the tourism must
have time and money to travel between countries.
(338 words)
Task: 3.5 /5 Grammar: 3.5 /5 Vocabulary 3 /5
Organization & Cohesion: 3.5 /5 Total: 13.5 /20


Script 2
Tourism is one of the most important industries in the world. Many country’s economic
depend on this industry. According to (WTO), the United States was at the top of the world’s
top 15 tourism earners in 2000. Like many other activities tourism also has both advantages
and disadvantages and in this essay I will talk about these advantages and disadvantages and
give my personal view.

Tourism has many advantages to every country in the world. First of all its environmental
benefits. All countries that are interested in tourism will try to protect the environment and
every thing that is related to it so it can attract more tourists. Tourists like to visit clean and
unpolluted environment. Secondly, tourism is helpful to the culture of the country. It helps
people to learn many different cultures and traditions. When people vist other countries with
different cultures and traditions than their’s, then they would like to learn more about these
cultures and traditions. According to Wight, ‘Many people visit other countries because they
want to learn other cultures, traditions and discover new views on society.’

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages to tourism. The first disadvantage is that
it has a bad effect on the country’s culture and its social life. The people who don’t regard or
respect the values of the country will damage its culture. Some tourists have bad habits in
clothing, eating and also speaking and it is inadmissible from the local residents. Turing points
out that ‘some British tourists have made a bad name for themselves because of being drunk
and unsociable in public, and in some places they are no longer welcome.’ The second
disadvantage is the environmental disadvantage. Tourism can lead to many big problems on
the natural areas. For example, some visitors can create pollution by leaving garbage behind.
This will effect badly on the life of the animals which live in these natural areas.

In my opinion, tourism has many benefits especially on the economy. It helps the country to
make more money and this will make people’s life in these countries better by having a high
quality education and health. For example many countries that have an active tourism industry
have a good quality of life in it. In addition, tourism creates many new jobs for people. Kanjila
(2006) writes, ‘Tourism has made a big contribution to create jobs in remote areas where
industries are difficult to come and especially in rural areas places.’

In conclusion, tourism has both advantages and disadvantages. In advantages I wrote about
how it helps people to learn different cultures and traditions and it also helps to protect the
environment. In disadvantages I explained how it can lead to pollution and its bad effect on
cultures. However, we should increase the good effects of the tourism and also try to solve the
problems which it leads to.
(481 words)

Task: 4.5 /5 Grammar: 4.5 /5 Vocabulary 4 /5

Organization & Cohesion: 4.5 /5 Total: 17.5 /20

Script 3
The tourism means: the travel that going between country and another country, or maybe
between city and onother one in the same country and we know that our country is one from the
first countries in the world in tourism’s domain. In the last few years ago UAE had a big jumb in
the tourism’s business, what gived us new meens to get money without consumption just one
revolution. In my essay, I’ll mimus afew ideas of myne about tourism.

Every one around the world saw the big jump that happent in a UAE in business career, and I’m
really think and ________ that is one of the reasons that tourism gived us because the ‘meens’
that coming to us from outside the country.

The trade became bigger and bigger every year in UAE with the growth of tourism there because
tourists need many serveces to have fun and enjoy by their trip in out country like malls, parks,
nice places and also a clean environment, and all that giving us more chances to get jobs for the
people who carry the nationality of UAE and who are not because all of that business nead many
employers to be sucessful to the government, and here conton of essay written by Isla Wight
says: “Tourism makes money for governments. By charging taxes on accommodation,
restaurants, airports and shopping among other things, goernments can earn more money”

The must important thing about the tourism gives us the care about environment by our
governments, for example we have a realy nice parks clean deserts, and clean and safety streets
what giving us an comfort place to live in a happy , safety environment making us have a nice
pink dreams at night without a security systems like what happen in the other countries and here
is another conton written by salman Al Dosary about the tourism in the UAE says: “That if we
sayed that UAE is the first country in the Arabian gulf deserves to visit it, UAE is the must amazing
one here what given the tourists the fun plus the safe and comfort”.

Actually, I think that the touris is very important and usufull for us specially in business careers,
that true, we have petrol in our lands, but that sure it will excheguar in some day. so we must
evntuate our excheguar on the tourism, secand we also must think about populations problems
what happent with the tourism groweth. I suggest to take care by the environment will as the
tourism and trading.

At the end of my essay. I believe that the tourism is very important to us and our country either,
so we must take care about that and always try to development it, and enjoy by all of that we
have because we deserve it, and she deserve that from us.
(475 words)

Task: 2 /5 Grammar: 2 /5 Vocabulary 2.5 /5

Organization & Cohesion: 2.5 /5 Total: 9 /20

3 ‫ و‬2‫ و‬1 ‫معاييرإسناد الدرجات للمشاريع واإلمتحانات بالنسبة للمستوى‬
Information for students: Scoring Rubric for all Writing Projects and Exams (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
5 4 3 2 1
‫ المستوى العام‬You are at a much higher standard You are ready for the next level and You are just about ready for the You are not ready for the next level You have a lot of English language
than the rest of the level and should should do well. next level, though you still have a yet, but will benefit from doing study to do before you can move
do very well at the next level. lot of things to improve. another semester at this level. the next level.
‫أنت تتفوق على بقية الطلبة في الصف‬ ‫أنت جاهز للمستوى التالي و باستطاعتك‬ ‫ ولكنك بالتأكيد أنت تقريبا جاهز للمستوى التالي رغم‬،‫لست جاهزا للمستوى التالي‬ ‫عليك المزيد من الدراسة لتطوير مستواك‬
.‫وستكون من الناجحين في المستوى التالي‬ .‫النجاح فيه‬ ‫وجوب العمل على تدارك الكثير من‬ ‫ستستفيد من قضاء فصل آخرفي نفس‬ .‫اللغوي واإلرتقاء إلى المستوى األعلى‬
.‫النقائص‬ .‫المستوى‬

Ideas and You understand the question very Your ideas are relevant and quite well This is adequate. Your ideas are Many of your ideas are not clear. You Your ideas and information are
Information well. Your ideas are very relevant, explained, though there are a few reasonably clear but some of your don’t explain important points and you unclear and confusing. You don’t
‫ األفكار‬interesting, original and well explained. unclear sentences. points could be better explained. don’t provide enough information. seem to understand the question.
،‫ أفكارك مبتكرة‬.‫فهمت الموضوع فهما جيدا‬ ‫أفكارك تتطرق للموضوع وتم شرحها جيدا‬ ‫عملك مقبول وأفكارك على درجة من‬ ‫الكثير من أفكارك غير واضحة ولم تشرح‬ ،‫أفكارك و معلوماتك غامضة و مشوشة‬
‫مثيرة لالهتمام و تتطرق للموضوع كما أنها‬ .‫ لكن بعض النقاط تتطلب المزيد من رغم وجود بعض الجمل الغير واضحة‬،‫الوضوح‬ ‫ كما أنك لم تمد القارئ بما يكفي‬.‫النقاط الهامة‬ .‫والتبدي فهما للسؤال‬
.‫مشروحة جيدا‬ .‫الشرح‬ .‫من المعلومات‬

Organization Your answer is very easy to read Your answer is quite easy to read. You use paragraphs but some points Paragraphs are not used properly and Your ideas are not arranged in
of Paragraphs because the ideas are joined together You try to join your points clearly are not well linked together and some your ideas are not linked clearly. This paragraphs and are very difficult to
and Essays very well. Each paragraph is very well together, though some parts could be of your writing can be difficult to read. answer is often difficult to read. follow.
‫تنظيم المقال و‬ organized. explained better.
‫الفقرات‬ ‫إجابتك سهلة القراءة ألن أفكارك محكمة‬ ‫موضوعك سلس و ربطك لألفكار واضح‬ ‫إستخدمت الفقرات ولكن أدوات الربط لم‬ ‫الفقرات وأدوات الربط بين األفكار لم تستخدم‬ ‫عرضك لألفكار غير متسلسل وغير منظم‬
.‫ كما أن كل فقرة منظمة جيدا‬،‫الربط‬ .‫ولكن بعض النقاط تتطلب المزيد من الشرح‬ .‫تستخدم جيدا لربط األفكار بعضها البعض‬ ‫كما ينبغي كما أنه من الصعب فهم‬ .‫على شكل فقرات‬
‫هناك بعض األجزاء في موضوعك يصعب‬ .‫موضوعك‬
Vocabulary & You use a wide variety of VTL and You use and spell all VTL words VTL words are mostly used and There are lots of spelling errors and The wrong words are used and most
Spelling non-VTL words. All words are used correctly. You also use non-VTL spelled correctly. You also try to use little variety in your vocabulary. VTL words are spelled incorrectly.
‫المفردات‬ correctly and spelled correctly. words successfully, though there may some new words.
‫والتهجئة‬ be some errors.
‫العديد من الكلمات المطالب و غيرالمطالب‬ ‫كل الكلمات المطالب بحفظها استخدمت‬ ‫معظم الكلمات المطالب بحفظها قد استخدمت‬ ‫ وال‬،‫هناك الكثير من األخطاء في التهجئة‬ ‫معظم الكلمات المطالب بحفظها لم تستخدم و‬
‫ كما أنك استخدمت بحفظها استخدمت بفعالية وهجئت تهجئة‬،‫وهجئت تهجئة صحيحة‬ ‫و وهجئت تهجئة صحيحة كما أنك‬ ‫يوجد تنوع في اختيار المفردات المستعملة في‬ .‫حتى البعض الذي تم استخدامه هجئ خطأ‬
.‫صحيحة‬ ‫ كلمات جديدة لم تخل من األخطاء في بعض‬.‫استخدمت بعض العبارات الجديدة في مقالك‬ .‫المقال‬
Grammar & Your grammar and punctuation have There is a good variety of simple and You are good at writing simple There are many grammar errors, even There are no correct sentences in this
Punctuation hardly any errors. There is a wide complex sentences, though there may sentences. You try some complex in simple sentences. Punctuation is answer. You must learn how to write
‫النحو وعالمات‬ variety of simple and complex be some errors. sentences but there are often errors. very poor. a sentence.
‫الترقيم‬ sentences. It is very easy to read.
‫مقالك يكاد يخلو من األخطاء النحوية و‬ ‫يوجد تنوع في استخدام الجمل من المركب‬ ‫ هناك‬.‫أنت تجيد كتابة الجمل البسيطة‬ ‫توجد العديد من األخطاء حتى في الجمل‬ ‫ال توجد جمل صحيحة في هذا المقال عليك أن‬
‫ كما أنه يوجد تنوع في‬.‫عالمات الترقيم‬ .‫الى البسيط لكن هناك بعض األخطاء‬ ‫محاولة الستخدام جمل مركبة ولكن معظمها‬ .‫البسيطة كما أن عالمات الترقيم لم تراع‬ .‫تتعلم كيفية كتابة جملة صحيحة أوال‬
.‫استخدام الجمل‬ .‫يحتوي على أخطاء‬
Teachers do not give marks – students earn them! It is your responsibility to check your own writing!
!‫إن الدرجات ال تمنح مجانا بل أن الطالب يحصل عليها بجهده‬ 18and
- For each sentence, check that there is a full stop, correct subject and verb,
correct spelling.
The teacher’s rubric is like this one, but is more detailed. ‫ عليك التأكد من أن كل جملة تنتهي بنقطة و تحتوي على فاعل وفعل و كل كلمة تم استخدامها‬-
.‫إن المعايير التي يستند عليها األساتذة إلسناد الدرجات تشبه هذه لكنها أكثر تفصيال‬ .‫هجئت تهجئة صحيحة‬
Chapter 2

Writing Basics and Exercises


A sentence has at least one subject and one full verb and holds a
complete thought. It is made up of one or more clauses.

Here are some points to remember about sentences:

 First letter must be capitalized.
 Must have proper punctuation at its end (full stop, exclamation point,
question mark).
 Must contain a predicate (an action) and a subject (a doer of that action).
 Expresses a complete thought.

Clauses are the main building blocks of sentences. Every clause contains a subject
and verb. There are two types of clauses: independent clauses and dependent

Independent clauses
An independent clause is a complete thought, has a subject and a verb and can
also stand alone as a complete sentence.

e.g. Saeed visited his friends.

subject verb

Sometimes, the subject and verb may have more than one part.

e.g. Fatima and Zainab wrote and edited their essays.

subject verb

Dependent clauses
A dependent clause has a subject and verb but it does not contain a complete idea
and therefore cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. A dependent clause
often starts with a subordinate conjunction (e.g. because, while, which, since, etc)
e.g. because writing is creative.
which is in Spanish
while grammar is easy

There are three main kinds of sentences in English, depending on the types of
clauses that each sentence consists of. The three sentence types are:

Simple, Compound and complex sentences

1. Simple sentences
A simple sentence has one independent clause.

e.g. Writing is an important skill.

2. Compound sentences
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses joined
together by connecting words (coordinating conjunctions) or a semicolon
(;). These connecting words include:

and but because or yet so

e.g. Writing is an important skill so you must practice.

Writing is an important skill but it is not easy.

3. Complex sentences
A complex sentence has one independent clause and one (or more)
dependent clauses. These clauses are joined together by connecting
words (subordinating conjunctions), which include:

e.g. Although writing is difficult, it gets easier with practice.

Since writing is used in all university classes, it is a good idea to learn

how to write well.

Because grammar was easy, I learned it quickly.

She doesn’t agree that grammar is easy.

These connecting words include:

who that which where

although since because if unless until
when while after before


Read the two texts below and complete the questions on the next page.

Plagiarism is a serious issue in many universities. According to the Longman

Dictionary, plagiarism is, “When someone uses another person’s ideas or
work. They pretend it is their own” (p.556, 2004). Most universities around
the world are strict with plagiarism. Plagiarism has serious penalties.
Students can fail their assessment. They can also be expelled from the
university. However, there is one main issue. Students do not understand
plagiarism. They don’t know what it constitutes.

There are various types of plagiarism. Today, one main type of plagiarism
has become a very serious issue. This type of plagiarism is copying
information from sources like books or the internet. There is now a huge
amount of information on the internet. As a result, more than ever before, it
has become much easier to plagiarise. This information is easy to access.
Many students find information for their assignments on the internet. They
like the ideas. They also like the sophisticated language. They copy it. Many
students don’t think the teachers will find out. However, most times
plagiarized work is easily detected. We can borrow other writers’ ideas.
However, we must show the source of these ideas. In the academic context,
we do this through citation. Citation is quoting from a book. It can also be
writing the name of the author.
(Word count: 216 words)

Plagiarism is a serious issue in many universities. According to the

Longman Dictionary, plagiarism is, “When someone uses another person’s
ideas or work and pretends it is their own” (p.556, 2004). Most universities
around the world are strict with plagiarism and have serious penalties,
where students can fail their assessment or be expelled from the university.
However, there is one main issue, which is most students do not understand
plagiarism, or what it constitutes.

There are various types of plagiarism, but one main type that has become a
very serious issue is copying information from sources like books or the
internet. Because of the huge amount of information on the internet which is
easy to access, it has become much easier to plagiarize. Many students find
information for their assignments on the internet and if they like the ideas
and the sophisticated language, they copy it. Students who plagiarize don’t
think the teachers will find out but most times plagiarized work is easily
detected. We can borrow other writers’ ideas, only if we show the source. In
the academic context, we do this through citation, which is quoting from a
book or writing the author’s name.
(Word count 199 words)

1. What are the two texts about?

2. How are they similar/ different?

3. What kinds of sentences have been used in text one compared to text two?

4. In text two, what do the underlined words have in common. What is their role in the

5. Which text is a better piece of writing? Why?

Good writers use all three kinds of sentences. The use of complex and
compound sentences is considered a more mature, interesting, and effective
writing style.

For each sentence below, circle the different clause/s and underline the connecting
words. Next, tick the box to show if the sentence is simple, compound or complex.

Salim was overweight but he was strong (Compound)


1. Writing is an important language skill.

2. Students must know how to write essays for their university


3. This writing class will be interesting, but it will not be a holiday.

4. Students are responsible for their own learning because the

teacher cannot learn for the students.

5. If students attend classes and try to do the course work, they

will have a better chance of passing.

6. Compared to all of life, this writing course is short, so you

should use your time wisely to gain this rewarding skill.
7. Since writing is used in all university classes, it is a good idea to
learn how to write well.

8. Students must focus on the content of the essay, use the

correct grammar and employ advanced level vocabulary.

9. Students should read about unfamiliar issues because this will

help them to write better essays.

10. Students will learn many writing skills in Level Three, so their
writing will come a long way.

11. If students want to use sophisticated vocabulary in their writing,

they should use a dictionary and thesaurus.

Practice- Complete each sentence by adding one of the connecting words.

and but or yet because so

1. Saeed was tired, _______he went to bed.

2. Mariam tried to read a novel in French, __________it was too difficult.
3. To get from Dubai to Jordan, you can fly, _____________you can drive by car.
4. I bought a shawarma, _____________we ate it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice, _____________the food was delicious.
6. Hamda needed some money, ___________she asked her father for 500 Dhs.
7. I don’t feel well today. Maybe it's because I’m too tired, ________maybe I’m
getting sick.
8. Sheikha has a guitar ________________she plays it really well.
9. I am excited _________________my sister’s wedding is tomorrow.

Now, using a comma and a connecting word (coordinating conjunction), join each
pairs of sentences to make one compound sentence.

1. Nowadays, English has become a global language.

It is important to learn it.

2. 400 million people have the English as their mother tongue

700 million people speak English as a second language.

3. In the job market it is important to speak English.

This will give you better work opportunities.

4. English is good for communication.

Societies must also preserve their own languages.

Practice- Connect the independent and dependent clauses below by using one of the
connecting words (subordinate conjunctions) to make complex sentences.

who that which where although since because unless

until when while after before

Umm Kulthum

 Umm Kulthum was a famous Arab singer, _________ was born in El

Senbellawein Egypt in December 31, 1904.
 ___________ we learn about Umm Kulthum’s life and
successes, we will not understand why she is known as ‘the
voice and face of Egypt’ and ‘the Star of the East.’
 Umm Kulthum showed considerable singing talent
even _________ she was still quite young.
 __________ her father was an Imam, she was taught the Quran from an early
age and she is said to have memorized the book.
 At the age of eight, her father dressed her up as a boy to sing to the mayor,
_________ during that time it was seen as wrong for women to sing in public.
 At the age of 19, she moved to Cairo __________ she began her formal
singing career.
 Her concerts were often 3 to 6 hours long ________ they became shorter in
the 1960s because of her age.
 _____________ the 1960s and 70s, Umm Kalthum did not appear in public
very often.
 However, she played a more public role in Egypt and other Arab countries
____________ she became a spokeswoman to support Arab culture.
 _________ she became seriously ill in 1967, she continued to sing for another
five years.

 Umm Kulthum sang at the Qasr Al-Nil Cinema in 1972, __________ was her
last public performance.
 Her funeral in 1975 was an historic national event, ____________ was
attended by over three million people.
 ___________ more than 35 years since her death, she is still one of the most
popular singers in the Arab world selling around a million records yearly.

( Information Sources: Wikipedia,


Remember, a good sentence has at least one subject, one verb, and expresses a
complete thought. It clearly communicates what the writer wants to say to the reader.

To check that a sentence is complete, you can add “I believe that…” at the
beginning of the sentence. If it works, it’s a complete sentence. If it does not
work, then the sentence needs fixing.

PRACTICE: Apply the “I believe that” test to the following fragments and complete
sentences. Notice how the fragments do not make sense.

Incomplete Sentence Complete sentences

When the holidays end (missing subject, I will begin university studies when the
verb) holidays end.
On Tuesday (missing subject, verb) On Tuesday I will travel to Tanzania.
Very hot in summer (missing subject, verb) It is very hot in summer.

Practice: Below are incomplete sentences. Re-write them as complete sentences.

1. Saif Muhammad famous Emirati football player.

2. Plays for the Al Ain club.

3. Club’s best player.

4. Saif Muhammad talented footballer played previously for Al Shaab Club.

(Photo Source: Gulf News: June 2008)

There are three types of sentence errors that often interfere with the communication
process. These errors are:

Run- on sentence, Comma-splice and Sentence fragment

Run-on sentence (RO)
A run-on sentence is when two (or more) sentences are written with no full stop
separating them. The easiest way to correct this is by either separating the
sentences with a period (full stop), or by joining the ideas with conjunctions
(and, but, because, etc.)

The sunset was especially beautiful last night there

Incorrect, no full stop
were many different shades of red, orange, and blue.
Corrected as 2 sentences The sunset was especially beautiful last night. There
were many different shades of red, orange, and blue.
Corrected as 1 sentence
The sunset last night was especially beautiful because
there were many different shades of red, orange, and
Comma-splice (CS)
This happens when two or more sentences are joined together with only a comma
and no and or but. A comma splice can be corrected by either replacing the comma
with a period (full stop) followed by a connecting word and a comma, or by using
and or but after the comma.

Incorrect I have an Arabic exam tomorrow at 3:00, I have a

doctor's appointment at 2:45.

Corrected as 2 I have an Arabic exam tomorrow at 3:00. However, I

sentences have a doctor's appointment at 2:45.

Corrected as 1 sentence I have an Arabic exam tomorrow at 3:00, but I have a

doctor's appointment at 2:45.

Sentence fragment (SF)

This is when a sentence is missing a subject or a verb, or is a dependent clause.
Incorrect, no verb I in class yesterday. I was in class yesterday.

Incorrect, no subject Must study hard. We must study hard.

Incorrect, subordinate Because my home is in Dibba Because my

conjunction home is in Dibba, I miss my family very much.

Look at the following sentences and decide if they are correct (C) as written, or if they are
examples of Sentence Fragments (SF), Comma Splices (CS), or Run-On Sentences
(RO). Correct the sentence without changing the meaning. Look at the first example.

CS All over the world, people sell things over the Internet, some of these
people are making a lot of money.
All over the world, people sell things over the Internet, and some of
these people are making a lot of money.

Abdullah went to a movie at Al Ain Mall today he said it was very boring.

After the first half of the football match between the UAE and Brazil, I had to
go home, my friends stayed.

Even though the semester is almost over, the teacher does not know my
name, and she confuses me with other students.

I didn't have time to eat breakfast. Because I got up late this morning.

The team controlled the ball all the way down the field, but they could not
score a goal.

The cat jumped from chair to chair before finally finding a place to sleep.

The flying fox is not really a fox at all it is a kind of bat whose head looks like a

The teacher wants us to write personal-experience-based papers, he says

these papers usually have the most detailed explanations.

Jasmin leads a charmed life she never seems to have any problems.

Proper lighting is needed for good eyesight, but staring at the sun can
damage your eyes.

Because they are high in Vitamin A. Both apricots and broccoli important

The movie begins at 7:30 make sure you're there before 7:15.

Canoeing one of America's favorite dangerous sports.

Jassim went sightseeing on his own and caught up with his friends later.


A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. To be as

effective as possible, a paragraph should contain each of the following: Unity,
Coherence, A Topic Sentence, and Adequate Development. As you will see, all of
these traits overlap. Using and adapting them to your individual purposes will help you
construct effective paragraphs.

Remember, a paragraph must have:

1. Unity

The entire paragraph should have one focus or one major point of discussion. It
should not contain another main idea.

2. Coherence

Coherence is the trait that makes the paragraph easy to understand for the
reader. You can help create coherence in your paragraphs by using connector
words (for help with these words see chapter 9).

3. A topic sentence

A topic sentence is a sentence that tells the reader generally what the paragraph
will be about.
For example:
Body Paragraph 1 (Topic sentence)
The first solution is to make the driving test more
Body Paragraph 2 (Topic sentence)
A second solution would be to make the driving test and
Solutions for driving lessons more expensive.

Body Paragraph 3 (Topic sentence)

Finally, I think that raising the age of people being
allowed to learn how to drive will make driving safer.

4. Good development
 Put only one main idea per paragraph.
 Write about 3 to 5 or more sentences in each paragraph.
 If you have a few very short paragraphs, you can put them together, or you
can add details to support each point to make a more fully developed


Check the subject-verb agreements of each sentence & correct any

problems with subject-verb agreement.

1. India and China has the two biggest populations in the world.
2. There is a lot of good movies at the cinema this week.
3. Fatima and Alia is writing their essays now.
4. Do Ahmed go to Zayed University?
5. Studying for exams are not fun.
6. My parents have given me a lot for my life.
7. The English Department offer good classes.
8. When students has too much stress, they don't study well.
9. Having computer skills is useful in the workplace today.
10. There is many times when I feel happy to write in English.

Some of the sentences in the text below have subject verb agreement
errors. Find and correct ten mistakes.

It is very important to understand the writing process. First, students

need to think of themselves as writers, and practice good writing habits.
After observing many of my friends, I has found that there is interesting
characteristics many of them share. Most students in high school and
university is good writers when they want to be, but they usually puts
things off until the last minute. Then they doesn't have enough time to do
a good job. Some students makes no changes from the first to the final
draft. Good writers use the first draft to explore ideas. They looks over
the teachers comments on how to make improvements. Then they
becomes the editor and work at revising the ideas. A good essay go
through many revisions. One of the revision techniques that I find helpful
are asking another student to read the essay. All students should follow
good writing habits to be the best writers they can be. Good writing and
revising only come after time and practice.

Chapter 3

Writing About Graphs and Charts

Graphs and charts summarize or show how two or more pieces of information are
related. They have many features in common and both can be looked at in the same
way. Look at the bar and line graphs below to see how to use the basic vocabulary of
graphs and charts.

Label each part of the graph below.

Vertical (Y) Axis Horizontal (X) Axis Key Line

____________ GRAPH

Trends are changes or movements over time. These changes are normally
expressed in numeric items, for example, percentage, weight, or number. There are
three basic trends:
Rising Falling Remaining the same

For each trend there are a number of verbs and nouns to express the movement. We
can use a verb of change, for example:
Population levels fell.

or we can use a related noun, for example:

There was a fall in population.

Direction Verbs of Change Related Nouns

Past Tense Future Tense (IELTS)
 rose to  will rise to  a rise
 increased to  will increase to  an increase
 went up to  will go up to  an upward trend
 climbed to  will climb to  A climb

 fell to  will fall to  a fall

 declined to  will decline to  a decline
 decreased to  will decrease to  a decrease
 dropped  will drop to  a drop
 went down to  will go down to  a reduction

 leveled out at  will level out at  a leveling out

 did not change  will not change  no change
 remained steady at  will remain steady at
 stayed constant at  will stay constant at

 fluctuated  will fluctuate  a fluctuation

 peaked at  will peak at  reached a peak

 plateaued at  will plateau at  reached a plateau

 stood at  will stand at

(began at…)

We use ADVERBS (following the verb) to describe to what extent (how
much) the verb of change happened.

1. Complete the sentences below by filling in the correct adverb or adjective - look
at the arrows to guide you.

rapidly steadily slightly

dramatically gradually
sharply moderately

Al Ain’s population rose _______________ to 400,000 people by 2008.

The number of people living in rural areas of China decreased __________.

By 2008, the population of Dubai climbed ___________ to 1.4 million


2. We use ADJECTIVES (before the noun) to describe to what extent (how

much) the related nouns happened.

a rapid a steady a slight

a dramatic a gradual
a sharp a moderate

There was a __________ rise in Al Ain’s population to 400,000 people by


There was a __________ decrease in the number of people living in rural

areas of China.

By 2008, there was a __________ climb in the population of Dubai to 1.4

million people.

You have the choice of two basic sentence structures to write about information in a
chart or graph.

1. Sentences using verbs of change

Sales increased slightly, to eight thousand dirhams in September.

subject + verb + adverb + other important details

1. Sentences using nouns of change (noun verbs)

There was a slight increase in sales, to 8,000 dirhams in September.

be + art.+ adj. +noun + subject + other important details

Practice changing these verbs of change and adverbs into adjectives and related

Verbs of change/ Adjectives/ Related nouns

 rose dramatically to  __________________________
 increased steadily to  __________________________

 climbed gradually to  __________________________

 _______________________  there was a sharp fall to

 _______________________  there was a dramatic decline
 _______________________  there was a minimal
 _______________________ decrease
 _______________________  there was a sudden drop
 _______________________
 there was a steady reduction
 fluctuated (upwards)  __________________________
 fluctuated (downwards)  __________________________

 _______________________  there was a leveling out at

 _______________________  no change
 _______________________  there was a peak


Change the following sentences as shown in the examples below:

The production of wheat fell steadily
(verb + adverb)

There was a steady fall in the production of wheat.

(there was a + adjective + noun)

There was a dramatic rise in the production of Indian films.

(there was + adjective + noun)

The production of Indian films rose dramatically.

(verb + adverb)

Change the following from (verb + adverb) to (there was a + adjective + noun)

a) Exports from Africa fluctuated heavily throughout the period.

b) The development of new products fell gradually during the two year period.

c) The price of petrol dropped significantly in Sydney between 2007 and 2008.

d) The price of goods in the UAE increased slowly over the last ten months.

e) The average temperature in Abu Dhabi rose steeply between June and August.

Change the following from (there was a + adjective + noun) to (verb + adverb)

f) There was a rapid rise in the price of food in third world countries.

g) There was a steady increase in the number of tourists visiting Dubai.

h) There was a gradual decline in the export of fruit from Jordan over the period.

i) There was a sudden drop in Syria’s water supplies in 2007.

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Use the vocabulary for describing
trends from the previous pages.

Between 1995 and 2004, the cost of wheat in
Australia ____________ ____________ from
$50 to $ $200 a bag.

From 1980 to 1991, the number of visitors to the
fun park ____________ _______________ from
100, 000 to 20, 000 visitors per year.

From 2001 to 2002, the number of visitors to the
music website ___________ _____________
from 100 to 1300.

Between April and August, the number of
students attending the ILC ______________
_____________ at around 500 students per day.

Between 1962 and 1989, the price of petrol
___________ ____________ and reached
$1.80 by the end of the period.

From 1979 to 1989, the rate of unemployment in
Uganda ______________ ______________
throughout the period, to reach 2% by the end of
the period.
From 1950 to 1955, the number of tourists to
Europe _______________ at around
1, 000, 000.

In 1995, the population of Stanford ________
____ 150, 000 people.

In 1990, the profits of the car manufacturing
sector _____________ ______ $50 000 000
per year.

Look at the two charts on p. 43. They actually show the same information but people
often find that bar charts are easier to understand. This is because the lines of the
Line Graph cross over each other and it may be difficult to see which line is which.

Some tips for describing Line Graphs

 Colour each line with a coloured marker (so you can see the line clearly).

 Once you have found the line you want to talk about you need to find the
parts of the line graph you want to describe. Look for the main trends. The
chart below shows you 7 major changes (trends) you can talk about (A – H).

Exercise 1: Look at the chart below and describe each part of the line.

Populat ion of Rabbit s in Queensland


Number of Rabbits (x10000)

2.5 F
1.5 B















Y ear

1) From 1993 to _________ the rabbit population __________ ___________

from 1.5m to about 1.8m.

2) Then from 1995 to _____________ the rabbit population

_________________ ___________________ to nearly ______________

3) In 2000, the rabbit population reached a _____________ of just over 3


4. Between 2000 and 2006 the rabbit population ________________

_________________ to just ___________ 2 million.

Structure of a Report

** A report should have a minimum of 150 words. **

INTRODUCTION: Two standard opening sentences.

Sentence 1: Define what graph is about i.e. what is

Notes:  Although the information
is about the past, we use the
being described. You can include the information
present simple to say what the from the title, the vertical and horizontal axis, and
graph shows because we can see it the key.
now.  Do not simply copy
words from graph … if you do, you EX: The bar chart shows the average monthly cost
in AED of the utilities of electricity, water and cable
TV from 1980 to 2000.

Sentence 2 (and possibly 3): Describe the Overall

Trend. i.e.; Give a general statement of the trend(s)
Note: Charts and graphs can be in
past or future tense … look at the in the chart.
horizontal axis to be sure what tense
you should write your report in. EX: As an overall trend, it is clear that while the
cost of electricity and cable TV rose, the cost of
water fell over the 20 year period.

BODY: A description of the graph in detail.

 You must write your description going from left to right along the horizontal axis.
 The first sentence of each body paragraph should tell the reader the starting
point (“stood at”) of each line or bar in the key.
 A successful report includes comparisons between the different trends
throughout the body paragraphs.
 To make your report well organized it is a very good idea to have one body
paragraph for each line or bar of the graph. Therefore, this means that three
lines or three bars on a chart will produce a four paragraph report – DON’T
FORGET, the introduction is a separate paragraph.

CONCLUSION: Is not necessary in a graph / chart report.

 Do not give your opinion about why the details in a graph happened.

We use words that specify APPROXIMATE NUMBERS.

E.g. The level of population in The UAE rose slightly to just over three million.

just over slightly over more than over just under slightly under
less than under about / approximately nearly


Directions: Using the words in the box, complete the paragraphs to write a
report that describes the data in the bar chart below.

ice cream increase approximately remained steadily fell period trend

costs overtook stood at decline

The bar chart shows the costs Jen & Berries Ice Cream
and sales of __________ at the Company
Jen & Berries Ice Cream
Company from 1975 to 2005, in Costs Sales

thousands of US dollars. As an 15000

overall __________, we can
see that while the costs of ice
thousands US$

cream fell, sales rose during 5000

the 30 year period.
1975 1985 1995 2005
In 1975, the sales of ice cream
__________ ____ $4000.
There was a steady __________ in sales from 1975 to 1985, from just over
$4000 to __________ $7000. From 1985 to 1990, sales __________ constant
at approximately $7000. Finally, from 1995 to 2005, the sales of Jen & Berries
ice cream rose __________ from just over $8000 to just over $10,000.

In contrast to sales, the chart shows that __________ at Jen & Berries Ice
Cream Company steadily __________ over the same thirty year __________.
In 1975, costs stood at $10,000. There was a steady __________ in costs over
the next thirty years, finally reaching $6000 in costs in 2005.

Word Count –165

The line graph and bar chart below both show the same data; for costs of three
utilities over a 20 year period. Look at them carefully and then look at the report on
the next page.

Average Monthly Cost of Utilities in Al Ain




80 Water
60 Cable Television



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Average Monthly Cost of Utilities in Al Ain





80 Electricity
60 Cable TV



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000


The bar chart shows the average monthly cost in UAE Dhs of electricity,
water and cable television in Al Ain from 1980 to 2000. As an overall trend,
the cost of both electricity and cable television rose, while the cost of water
fluctuated over the 20 year period.

In 1980, the average monthly cost of electricity stood at about 70 Dhs.

Then, from 1980 to 1985 it increased slightly from 70 Dhs to 80 Dhs. From
1985 to 1990 the cost of electricity fell moderately to about 50 Dhs. After
that, it rose dramatically from 50 Dhs in 1990 to just under 140 Dhs in 2000.

In contrast, in 1980 the cost of cable television stood at just over 40 Dhs,
then it rose slightly to about 50 Dhs in 1985 and then increased steadily to
approximately 75 Dhs in 1990. From 1990 to 1995 the average monthly
cost of cable television remained constant. Finally, between 1995 and
2000 costs went up moderately from 75 Dhs to over 100 Dhs.

On the other hand, the average monthly cost of water started at 20 Dhs in
1980 and then rose steadily to just over 40 Dhs in 1985. From 1985 to
1995 the monthly cost of water fluctuated up to a peak of just over 50 Dhs
in 1995. Finally, water decreased moderately to under 20 Dhs in 2000.

Word Count - 228

Below, a bar chart shows the price of oil per barrel, in dirhams, in the UAE
between 2002 and 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and making comparisons where relevant.

Price of oil per barrel in the UAE








2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013



Below are two bar charts to practice writing reports. Look back at this chapter to
help you with vocabulary and organization. Remember to write at least 150 words.

US Population to write a 2
You need 2
140 body
120 paragraphs
Population in millions

for this
100 report!!

80 Countryside


20 answer
on page
0 146
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980

Remember no Modes of Transportation

details like
adverbs and
numbers go in 40
the 35
% of Total Travellers

You need 3
body bus
paragraphs for 20
this report!! car
15 foot
Check 5
answer on 0
page 146
1960 1970 1980 1990

Below are two line graphs for practice.
Look back at this chapter to help you with vocabulary and organization. Remember
to write at least 150 words.

This chart needs Car Imports in the UAE

you to use
vocabulary like 18
‘peak’, Car Imports in 1000's
‘fluctuated’ and 14
‘plateaued’. 12
Check 2
model 0
answer on









page 147

Volvo Toyota Mercedes

Sales of Drinks in the UAE

In millions
Orange Juice
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Check
answer on
page 147

Pass rate of UGRU Students at UAEU

In 1000’s


Level 1
Level 2
Level 3


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Popularity of Football at UAEU

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Chapter 4

Writing About Pie Charts, Tables &

non- Temporal Bar Charts

Pie Charts are one of the easiest Information Transfer activities. Often we see pie
charts together with other types of charts such as bar charts or tables.

Tips for writing about pie charts

 Name the largest section first

 Compare other sections to the largest section or to each other.
 Look for ways to compare the different sections of the chart
 Use comparative adjectives (adjective + er)
 Use superlative adjectives (adjective + est)
 Use “more than” or “less than”

Describing One Part of a Pie Chart

1. Starting with the amount:

The highest
The greatest percentage of women attended university.
The largest proportion of books read were Arabic.
A significant number of tourists came from Russia
The smallest
The lowest

2. Starting with the subject:

Pizza was the second largest percentage of the total.
Pizza was the most food.
Law was the second/third most popular major.
Fords were the least common cars.

Describing Two Parts of a Pie Chart

1. Starting with the amount

As many
Twice as many Landcruisers were sold
Three times as many students came from Oman
Not as many shopping malls were in Dubai
More/ far more
Much/Many more
were sold
A lot/A few more Landcruisers came from Oman
Considerably more students than…
were in Dubai
Significantly more shopping malls
Slightly more
Fractionally more

2. Starting with the subject

just as
nearly as
almost as
not as
Drinking coffee was much more common
Nokia phones were far more
considerably more than…
Swiss watches were popular
slightly more
slightly less
fractionally less
far less

Vocabulary to describe Common Fractions

Percent Another way to say it

20% A fifth (1/5)

25% A quarter (1/4)

33% A third (1/3)

50% A half (1/2)

66% Two thirds (2/3)

75% Three quarters (3/4)

Use the information in the pie chart and the sheet called Tips for writing about a pie
chart (pg 49) to complete the sentences.

The Home Cities of UAE University Students in 2011

1. The _________________ percentage of _____________________ come

from Al Ain.

2. ________________ is the second most ______________________

home city.

3. RAK is the second _______________________ percentage of the total.

4. _____________________ times _____ many students come from RAK as


5. ______________ students come from Abu Dhabi than from other cities.

6. Students from RAK are considerably ____________ common

________________ students from Fujairah.

7. Students from Abu Dhabi are ________________ ____________ common

than students from Fujairah.

8. Students from Al Ain make up just under ______________[use a fraction] of the


9. Students from RAK account for exactly __________________[use a fraction]

of the total.

Revisiting Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

 Comparatives are used to show the differences between two things.

 Superlatives are used to show how one thing is different from two or more things.
 For short adjectives, we usually add -er to the word and use than to compare two
 If the word ends in y, change y to i and add -er or -est.
 For the superlative, add -est. Don’t forget the!

Base Comparative Superlative


high higher the highest

The percentage of tourists for Al Ain Beirut had the highest percentage
was higher than for Doha. of tourists.

low lower the lowest

Level Three classes had a lower Level One classes had the lowest
number of students than Level Two number of students.

For longer adjectives, we cannot use –er and –est.

More and less are used to make the comparative and
the most/the least are used for the superlative.

Base Word Comparative Superlative

popular more/less popular than the most/the least popular

Pepsi was a more popular drink The least popular drink was Red
than Sprite. Bull.

common more/ less common than the most/ the least common
Cancer was less common than The most common disease was
heart disease. diabetes.

Fill in the blanks with the comparative OR the superlative form of the adjective

1. Most students thought a graph report was the _______________ (easy) kind of

2. Playing computer games was _______________ (popular) than reading books.

3. Chatting online was ________________ (popular) activity amongst teenagers in Al


4. The production of oil was ______________ (high) in the UAE than in Kuwait.

5. The USA was the ___________ (high) producer of Carbon Dioxide.

6. Students from Al Ain were _______________ (great) in number than those from

7. The ______________ (low) percentage of international students at Cambridge

university came from the Middle East.

8. Mobile phone calls were _______________ (expensive) than landline phones.

Write a sentence to compare the two things given.

Example: gold/silver Gold was more expensive than silver.

1. people/ working in jobs /studying at university


2. women/ work part-time/ men


3. English/ difficult / Arabic


4. swimming pools/clean/ the sea


5. Writing Class/ easy/ Integrated Class



Report Structure

Pie charts are one of the easiest reports to write if you can remember the rules and
steps you have already learned for writing about bar charts and line graphs. For
Level 3 Writing you will write about a Pie Chart with another type of chart – for
example a Table. In an IELTS writing exam a pie chart is rarely on its own.

** A report should have a minimum of 150 words. **

INTRODUCTION: Two to three standard opening sentences.

 Sentence 1: Describe what the pie chart is about. Use information from the
title of the pie chart and the key or the chart itself.

 Sentence 2: Give an overall sentence describing 2 pieces of important

information – this is usually the highest number and lowest number in the

BODY: A description of the most important information.

 Always describe the highest and lowest figures
 Vocabulary
 Try to use fractions, comparatives and superlatives,
Percentages: % and percentages
Fractions: 1/3 or ½
 To make your report well organized you must have
Comparatives: bigger
than, higher than a separate paragraph for the introduction and end
your body paragraph with a concluding sentence that
Superlatives: the neatly finalises the process.
highest, the most…

CONCLUSION: Is not necessary in a report

 You should NOT give your opinion of what you think these figures mean!


Introduction Contents

The introduction for pie charts is very similar to other introductions. You can
use information from the chart title, key and from the chart itself. There are 2
sentences; the first describes the chart and the second describes the most
important information.

Sentence 1- Describe what the pie chart is about.

Sentence 2- Name the largest part of the chart, and the smallest part.

The pie chart shows some different uses of apples in 1999 in the USA
(fresh fruit, juice, canned, other, dried and frozen) as percentages.
Overall, the largest percentage of apples were used for fresh fruit,
while the smallest percentage of apples were frozen.

Note: In the introduction: Uses of Apples in the USA in 1999

 There are NO specific details Dried Frozen
(numbers) 3% 2%
 There is no overall trend Other
Fresh Fruit
Fresh Fruit Other
60% Dried

 Write an introduction for the pie chart about home cities of UAEU students.
The Home
Home Cities of UAE
Cities ofUniversity Students in 2011
UAEU Students
_______________________________ Other
Abu Dhabi
3% 2%
_______________________________ Fujairah
_______________________________ 25% Al Ain

Arabian Gulf Oil Exports- 2010

Qatar Iraq
5% 5%

Saudi Arabia
UAE 49%


Fill in the blanks to complete the report.

The pie graph _____________ oil exports in _____________ for 6 Arabian Gulf
countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Iraq) in 2010. Overall, Saudi
Arabia had the ___________ percentage of exports while Iraq and Qatar had the
___________ percentages of oil exports.

The highest exporter of oil was Saudi Arabia which made almost
_____________ of the oil exports at 49%. Iran and the UAE together made just over
one __________ of the exports at 15% and 14% respectively. Over ___________ as
much oil was exported by Kuwait (12%) as was exported by Qatar or Iraq, which were
the ___________ at 5% each.

The chart below compares the faculty preferences of students at a British university in
2011. Look at the different sections in the chart and write sentences to describe the
different parts. Use comparative and superlative adjectives in your sentences.

Student Faculty Choices 2011

Education Medicine
11% 7%




The chart below compares the production of CO2 gases, which lead to global warming in
different parts of the world. Write your own report about the pie chart below. Summarise
the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

World's Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Producers in 2011

11% Developing World
24% Developing World
15% United States
Eastern Europe
6% Eastern Europe
Russia United States Europe
7% 25%
China Asia

The chart below compares the drink preferences of UAEU students in 2010. Write your
own report about the pie chart below. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

UAEU Student Drink Preferences 2010

Mountain Dew
9% orange juice
orange juice
Coke Coke
water 17%
24% Pepsi
Mountain Dew
tea Pepsi
11% 28%


Report Structure

Non-temporal bar charts look similar to the bar charts you studied for your first
writing exam. The BIG difference is that they do NOT have any dates along the X
axis. Instead, they have categories on the bottom. In fact, they are much easier to
write about because there are no changes over time, so you don’t have to use
vocabulary of change, (e.g. fluctuated, increased, decreased etc). Instead, you have
to use comparative and superlative language.

** A report should have a minimum of 150 words. **

INTRODUCTION: Two to three standard opening sentences.

 Sentence 1: Describe what the Bar Chart is about. This includes the title of
the bar chart and the information on the Y and X axis.

 Sentence 2: Give an overall sentence describing 2 pieces of important

information – this is usually the highest number and lowest number on the bar

BODY: A description of the most important information.

 Always describe the highest and lowest figures
 Vocabulary
 You must use comparatives and superlatives,
Fractions: 1/3 or ½

 To make your report well organized you must have

Comparatives: bigger
than, higher than a separate paragraph for the introduction and end
your body paragraph with a concluding sentence that
neatly finalises the process.
Superlatives: the
highest, the most…

CONCLUSION: Is not necessary in a report

 You should NOT give your opinion of what you think these figures mean!


Introduction Contents
The introduction for bar charts is very similar to other introductions. There are
2 sentences; the first describes the chart and the second describes the most
important information.

Sentence 1- Describe what the bar chart is about using the information from
the title, vertical axis, horizontal axis and the key.
Sentence 2- Name the largest part of the chart for both items on the key.

The bar chart shows how many hours teachers and students spend each month
on different leisure activities (reading, shopping, socializing and watching TV)
in 2011. Overall, teachers spent most of their free time on socializing, whereas
students spent most of their free time shopping.

Note In the introduction: 60

 There are NO details 50
(numbers) 40
 There is no overall 20
Teachers Leisure
trend 10
0 Students Leisure

 Write an introduction for the bar chart

UAEU Student’s Monthly Spending in Dirhams in 2011.

300 Boys
200 Girls
Fast Music Clothes Personal
Food Items


The bar chart below shows the popularity of different types of cars for two countries in
percentages in 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Popular Cars



30 USA


luxury cars 4 X 4 wheel drive family cars sports cars

The bar chart below shows web searches for different search engines in two countries in
percentages in 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Use of Web Search Engines

Name of Search Engine




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Report Structure

Tables are one of the easiest reports to write if you can remember the rules and steps
you have already learned for writing about Bar Charts, Line Graphs and Pie Charts.
For Level 3 Writing you will write about a table with another type of chart together, for
example a table and a pie chart. In an IELTS writing exam, however the table can
often be on its own.

** A report should have a minimum of 150 words. **

INTRODUCTION: Two to three standard opening sentences.

 Sentence 1: Describe what the table is about. This includes the title of the
table and the information in the left hand column.

 Sentence 2: Give an overall sentence describing around 2 pieces of important

information – this is usually the highest number and lowest number on the

BODY: A description of the most important information.

 Always describe the highest and lowest figures.
 Vocabulary
 Try to use all the vocabulary you have learned for pie
charts, i.e. fractions, comparatives and superlatives.
Fractions: 1/3 or ½

Comparatives: bigger  Always include totals!

than, higher than

Superlatives: the  To make your report well organized you must have a
highest, the most…
separate paragraph for the introduction and end your body
paragraph with a concluding sentence that neatly finalizes the

CONCLUSION: Is not necessary in a report.

 You should NOT give your opinion of what you think these figures mean!

The table below shows the electricity output for 5 European countries in billions of
kilowatts per hour in 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and making comparisons where relevant.

thermal hydro nuclear geothermal Total

France 83 35 400 1 519

Germany 336 55 162 10 563

Norway 20 109 0 0.5 129

Spain 228 25 12 5 270

UK 112 4 75 6 179

The table shows 4 types of electricity (thermal, hydro, nuclear and geothermal)
generated in billions of kilowatts per hour, in 5 European countries – France,
Germany, Norway, Spain and the UK in 2011. Overall, Germany generates the most
electricity, whereas Norway generates the least.

Clearly, of all the 5 countries Germany generates the most electricity with 563 b kw
ph, and Norway the least with 129 b kw ph. Germany is also the biggest user of
thermal electricity with 336 b kw ph, and geothermal electricity with 10 b kw ph.
Norway, on the other hand generates the most hydro electricity with 109 b kw ph,
whereas the UK uses the least with 4 b kw ph. Norway also uses the least geothermal
electricity of the 5 countries (0.5 b kw ph) and generates no nuclear electricity
whatsoever. In contrast with Norway, France uses by far the most nuclear electricity
with 400 b kw ph, with Germany the second biggest user with 162 b kw ph.

Word Count 163

The table below shows the sales at an Indian restaurant in the city centre district.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant. You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

Restaurant Sales: week of March 9th – 15th

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

Lunch $2,400 $2,450 $2,595 $2,375 $2,500 $1,950 $1,550

Dinner $3,623 $3,850 $3,445 $3,800 $4,350 $2,900 $2,450

The table below shows the popularity of several tourist destinations in Spain and the UK in
summer 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant. You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

Popular Tourist Destinations

Country Capital city Mountains Beach Historical Friends/Family


Spain 20% 2% 70% 5% 3%

UK 60% 8% 2% 25% 5%


Report Structure

Writing about mixed charts looks difficult but it is quite easy if you remember the
steps you learned for the other types of graphs. The main difference is that the
organization of a report changes when you have two charts or graphs to write
 Introduction paragraphs. You still must have an introduction paragraph.
This tells the reader what both graphs show and gives an overall statement
about both graphs/charts.

 Body paragraphs. You should write one paragraph for each chart/graph
shown. Within these body paragraphs, you must make comparisons and

 No conclusion needed. No opinion. There could be predictions in


World Spending on Defence


25% Navy
10% Other

Country Army Navy Air force Other

USA 23% 32% 30% 15%

Greece 53% 15% 10% 22%


The pie chart shows the world spending on defense for the Army, the Navy,
the Airforce and other things in percentages, whereas the table shows the
spending on the same types of defense for the USA add Greece. Overall,
the majority of world spending and Greece’s spending was on the Army,
while the USA spent most of its budget on the Navy.

From the pie chart we can see that most of the world defense spending was
on the Army at exactly a half. The second most money was spent on the
Airforce at a quarter. Fifteen percent of the budget was spent on other
things, whereas the least amount of money was spent on the Navy, at 10%.

In contrast to the world defense spending the USA spent most of its budget
on the Navy at just under a third (32%). However, the least money was
spent on other things (15%).

Interestingly, Greece’s defense spending was more similar to the world

spending than USA spending. Like the world, Greece spent most of its
budget on the Army at just over a half (53%). Yet, it spent least on the
Airforce at only 10%.
Word count: 194

Read the model report below, and fill in the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary.

Average Government Spending Worldwide in

Old Age Benefits 2006


Education Defense
20% 60%

Government Spending of Two Asian Countries in 2006

Country Defense Education Health Old Age Benefits

Japan 10% 40% 30% 20%
China 50% 30% 10% 10%

The pie chart __________the average government spending worldwide for defense, education, health
and old age benefits, in ________ in percentages, ___________the table shows spending in the same
areas for Japan and China. ___________, China and the world spent the most money on
___________, whereas Japan spent the least on this.

The pie chart shows that _________worldwide spending went on ___________ at 60%. A __________
of spending was on Education, which was a _________ of defense spending. Just under a
____________ (15%) was spent on Health and Old Age Benefits had the __________ percentage

In ____________ to the pie chart, the table shows different spending habits of Japan and China. Japan
spent the ____________ on defense (10%), whereas China spent __________ its budget on defense,
which is ____________ to the world. Most money in Japan was spent on education (40%), which was
t_______ the worldwide spending. However, similar to worldwide spending, China spent the
___________ on Health and Old Age benefits at 10% ____________.

W/C 167
Read the model report below, and fill in the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary.

Sales of Televisions Around the World in 2005

6% 11%
12% Panasonic 11%
Hitachi 12%
Sony 40%
Samsung 31%
Other 6%

Sales of Televisions in Spain and Russia in 2005

25% 25% 27%
15% 15% 16%
12% 11% Spain
Panasonic Hitachi Sony Samsung Other

The pie chart shows the _______________ (1) of televisions sold around the world in 2005,
whereas, the bar chart shows the number of televisions which were sold in Spain and Russia in the
same year. In general, Sony was the most popular television brand worldwide and in Russia,
___________ (2) Panasonic was the most popular brand in Spain.

The pie chart shows that the _______________(3) percentage of televisions sold around the world
was Sony at 40%. The second _________ (4) popular make of television was Samsung at 31%,
which produced just ____________ (5) a third. In contrast, Hitachi and Panasonic televisions were
less popular at 12% and 11% respectively, while other brands were the _________ (6) common at
only 6%.

Looking at the bar chart, we can see that like the world Sony was also the ________
_____________ (7) television brand in Russia with 27% of sales. The ____________ (10) popular
television brand was Hitachi with 12%, which was exactly the ___________ (11) as the World
percentage for televisions.

Unlike Russia and around the world, Panasonic televisions had the ______________ (12)
percentage of sales in Spain at just over a _____________ (13) of sales (34%). However, the least
popular television was other brands at 11%, which was also the least popular television in the

211 words

From the following pie chart and table, write a report that makes comparisons
between the data. You can also make comparisons between the table and the pie
chart. You should write no less than 150 words.

Most Popular Forms of Music in Europe in 2012

Rap Music
R&B Music 10%
15% Rock Music

Music Classical
25% Music

Country Classical Rock Country R&B Rap

France 23% 30% 22% 20% 5%

Italy 40% 11% 16% 14% 19%

answer on
page 149

From the following pie chart and bar chart, write a report that makes comparisons
between the data. You can also make comparisons between the bar chart and the
pie chart. You should write no less than 150 words.

Sales of 4 Wheel Drives in the World in 2012

8% 17% Mitsubishi Pajero 17%
20% Nissan Patrol 20%

Toyota Land Cruiser 32%

Jeep Cherokee 23%

Other 8%

Sales of 4 Wheel Drives in UAE and USA in 2012

35% 37%

25% UAE
20% 20% USA
15% 14%

Toyota Land Nissan Patrol Jeep Mitsubishi Other

Cruiser Cherokee Pajero

answer on
page 149


Male Students Daily Visits to Female Students Daily Visits

Health Center to Health Center
14% 10% 10%
Sept Sept
Nov 16% Nov
Jan Jan
24% Mar Mar
May 41% May

Weight Gain of first Year University Students


10 Female
0 Male







Chapter 5

Writing about Flow Charts


Flowcharts show the process of how something is made or done. They are usually
presented as a series of pictures with arrows indicating how the process is
accomplished, step by step. The information is given with a combination of pictures
and the key words necessary to describe the process. The reader must follow the
arrows to understand how the process goes. A flowchart report is written in the
passive voice. The following pages will refresh your knowledge of the passive and
give you practice in using it to write about flowcharts.

The construction of the Passive Voice

Grammar: How to use the active and passive verb forms.

Active Form

Subject Verb Object

Ali Kicks the ball

Who kicks? Ali kicks the ball. So, “Ali” is the subject.
What does Ali do? Ali kicks the ball. So, the verb is “kicks”.
What does Ali kick? Ali kicks the ball. So, “the ball” is the object.

Passive Form
The passive changes the order of words.
The object becomes the subject in the sentence.
Subject Verb Object
The ball is kicked by Ali

To change the verb form to the passive you must use

'be' + 'past participle'
Ahlan magazine is read by many people.
Al Ain Mall was built about 5 years ago.
UAE University was established in the early 1970s.

We use the passive form when the action or process is the focus rather than
who/ what has done this process.


Look at the sentences, underline the verb(s), and decide if they are active
or passive (the first one is done for you).

1. Reader's Digest was begun in 1922. PASSIVE

2. Millions of people read it. __________
3. A large-type edition is also printed. __________
4. They also record it onto CD and cassette. __________
5. Reader's Digest is published once a month. __________
6. It has been translated into many languages. __________
7. Many readers subscribe to the magazine. __________
8. It is sold at newsstands everywhere. __________
9. I read an interesting article in it about alternative medicine. _________
10. The article was written by a famous scientist. __________

Rewrite the sentence given below.

Change the sentences from active to passive.
e.g. Ali hit the ball. >> The ball was hit by Ali.
(If the object is a person, or a group of people then use 'by' ).

1. Muslims read The Holy Qur’an.

2. Many people learn another language.
3. A lot of people use the internet at home.
4. Millions of people speak Spanish all around the world.
5. Many people in the Middle East speak Arabic.

Rewrite these sentences from active to passive OR passive to active.

1. My mother cooks dinner every night.

2. My wallet was stolen!
3. Everyone watched the movie last night.
4. The UAE improves the economy.
5. The exam is written by all the writing teachers.
6. The police stop cars that are driving too fast.
7. The boy was saved by the swimming pool lifeguard.
8. The attendance paper is signed by all the students.
9. A child broke the window.
10. Picasso painted many pictures of famous people.

Rewrite the following paragraph into the passive.

Two men robbed the store at 12:34pm. They pointed a gun at the woman behind the
counter. The two men frightened the woman very much. The woman gave the
robbers all the money in the cash register. After the men left, the woman called the
police. The police did not find the men anywhere.

Some help with irregular verbs

give-gave-given find-found-found
steal-stole-stolen break-broke-broken


Underline the passive verbs in the following sentences. The first one has
been done for you.

1. The trees are felled or cut down.

2. The branches and leaves are removed.
3. The trees are transported to the sawmill.
4. The bark is stripped from the trunks.
5. The trunks are sawn into logs.
6. They are taken to the paper mill.
7. They are cut into small pieces.
8. They are mixed with water and acid.
9. They are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp.
10. The wood pulp is cleaned and chemically bleached to whiten it.
11. It is passed through rollers to flatten it and sheets of paper are produced.
12. The water is removed from the sheets and these sheets are pressed, dried
and refined until paper is produced.

Now, match the sentences above with these pictures.

answers on
page 153

Report Structure

** A report should have a minimum of 150 words. **

INTRODUCTION: Two to three standard opening sentences.

Sentence 1: Introduces the topic of the flowchart.

Sentence 2 (and possibly 3): Explain that you are going to describe the process and

BODY: A description of the process in detail.

 You must write in the passive voice.
Words that signal
 Your description must follow the arrows in the flowchart.
steps in the process
 Remember to use a variety of connectors signaling the
 First / Firstly steps of the process.
 Second /Secondly  To make your report well organized you must have a
 Third / Thirdly separate paragraph for the introduction and finish your body
 Next paragraph with a concluding sentence that neatly finalizes
 After that the process.
 Then EX: Now the meal is ready to serve.
 Finally
** Do NOT go past
“third/thirdly” (we do not
say fourth, fifth etc.
because it sounds like a

CONCLUSION: Is not necessary in a flowchart report.

 You should NOT give your opinion of what you think of the process.


Instructions: Look back at the flowchart on page 77 to help you

with the vocabulary you need to complete this report.

Paper is one the most important elements used in daily life. It is used in
offices, schools, for newspapers, even in restaurants for the menu. The
__________ of making paper is quite long and complex, and involves many
Firstly, trees are felled or cut down and the branches and leaves _____
removed. __________, the trees are transported to the sawmill where the
bark is stripped from the trunks. Then, the trunks _____ __________ into
logs. After that, the logs are cut into small pieces, and mixed with water and
acid. __________, the pieces of wood are heated and __________ into a
heavy pulp. This wood pulp is cleaned and chemically __________ to whiten
it. It is then passed through rollers to flatten it and sheets of paper are
produced. Finally, the water _____ __________ from the sheets and these
sheets are pressed, ___________ and refined until the paper is ready to be
packaged and sent to the consumer.
Word Count - 159


Write a report for each of the flowcharts below. Remember to write at least 150
words for each.

The Process of Making Pasta
When the large pot
Put a large pot of Empty a jar of sauce into of water boils, put in
water to boil on a small saucepan and a pinch of salt and
the stovetop. put it on a low flame on the dry pasta.
the stove.

Put the pasta back in the Drain the pasta in Boil the pasta
large pot and pour the a colander. for 12 minutes.
hot sauce over it.

Serve the pasta with a

green leafy salad and
Mix the pasta and
crispy Italian bread.
the sauce well.

answers on
page 150

The Process of Film Development

Remove the film

Use a camera to take capsule from the In a dark room, place
some pictures. camera. the film in a chemical
development bath.

Complete the developing

process by rinsing the film
in water. Move the film to a Place the film in a
final bath and wash it second bath to remove
with water to remove unexposed silver
excess chemicals. crystals.

Dry the film strip and

cut the negatives into
individual exposures.

Chapter 6

Writing An Essay


This is a general sentence that

grabs reader’s attention about
topic. It can be: general statement,
factual or statistical, or historical.

Hook 2-3 sentences that move from the

Introduction Background general topic to the specific thesis
sentences statement.
Thesis statement
Tells the reader what the essay will
be about. It is the most important
part of the introduction. It can be
a direct or indirect thesis statement.
Topic sentence
Body 1 First detail
Second detail
Third detail
 Minimum 3 sentences, Maximum
8 sentences per body paragraph
 Topic sentence: Introduces the
main idea of the paragraph
Topic sentence  l Details: Provide support for the
Body 2 First detail main idea, e.g. give examples, or
Second detail explain the main idea
Third detail

Topic sentence
Body 3 First detail
Second detail
Third detail Restatement of thesis: Write a
sentence about the main
argument of the essay
Re-statement of Summary of main points:
Conclusion thesis Summarize the main points in the
Summary of body body in one or two sentences.
points Final comment: Write a
Final comment prediction and/ or suggestion
related to the topic of the essay

 Body paragraphs are written in the order of importance of the points raised.
 For Level Three writing and for IELTS, the word length needs to be at least 250


Background Sentences
Thesis Statement
(Focus of Essay)

The introduction paragraph of an essay has three parts.

 The first part is called the hook. This is one sentence that gets the reader
interested in the general topic of the essay.
 The second part is the background. The background can have 2 – 3
sentences and it’s used to move the reader from the very general hook to
more specific information about the topic.
 The final sentence in the introduction is the thesis statement. This is the
most important part of the introduction paragraph. This sentence tells the
reader what the essay is going to be about.
 A good thesis statement will tell the reader (1) what the essay is about, (2)
what the opinion of the writer is (3) possibly the number of body paragraphs
the essay will have.

Read the introductions that follow. Notice the three parts and how the hooks draw
the readers’ interest.


Types of Introductions
General Statement
This type of hook is used to tell the reader something that they already know and
might be interested in reading more about. The following introduction uses this
type of hook.
We live in a time of high technology. Every day new technology appears. There are
mini-CDs that have whole movies on them and cameras on spaceships that can take
pictures of Mars. However, the most common piece of technology that most people
have in their homes is the personal computer. In my opinion, there are many
reasons why computers have become so popular.

Historical Fact
These tell the reader about what has happened in the past and then the rest of the
introduction shows what happens in the present. An example of this is:

Fifty years ago technology was very different. There were no colour TVs, no DVD players and no
computers. Today, we have technology in every part of the home. There are wonderful machines
like microwaves in the kitchen and tiny devices called iPods that we can listen to music with
anywhere we want. However, one of the most important pieces of technology is the personal
computer. I believe there are many reasons why computers have become so popular.

Facts or Statistic
In this type of hook, the writer uses important statistics or facts which will impress
the reader. This is a great hook for an assignment but is very difficult to use in an
exam since we do not carry facts and statistics around in our heads. An example of
this is included in the paragraph below.

Recently, The Times newspaper estimated that over 90% of homes in the UK had
personal computers. This is approximately a 50% increase since 1990. Naturally,
computer retailers such as Radio Shack and Computer World are delighted with the
huge increase in sales. According to The Times there are many reasons why
computers have become so popular.

Personal Example or Anecdote

The hook below is very common. In this type of hook, the writer thinks of an
example that they know of from their life which most readers will be familiar with.
This is an easy hook to write but is inappropriate for academic writing, since it is
too informal.
Last week was my birthday and I received lots of presents from my family. I got
clothes, books and money to spend. But the best present I got was a personal
computer. All my friends have one and I have wanted one ever since I started high
school. I think there are many reasons why computers have become so popular.

Look at the following introductions and identify the type of hook that has been
used. Write the type of hook on the line to the left of the paragraph.

It is difficult to learn a new language when

1. _________________ you are an adult. You must learn the vocabulary and
grammar and then you must practice speaking,
listening, reading and writing which is difficult when
you are working. So, there are several reasons why
only children should be taught a second language.

Only 36 percent of adults are successful at

learning a second language. Many adults find it too
difficult and give up. Children, however, are better at
2. __________________ learning a second language. So, only children should
be taught a second language.

My father tried to study French but he gave

up after two years. He found it difficult to go to the
3. __________________ classes and did not have time to study the
vocabulary and grammar. Many other adults have
problems learning a second language. So, all
children should be taught a second language.

Forty years ago in Canada, young and old

people studied French. Later, researchers found that
4. __________________ only young people were successful at learning the
language. They suggested that only children should
learn a second language.


The final part of the introduction is the most important. This last sentence is the
thesis statement. This is a sentence that tells the reader what the rest of the
essay will be about.

There are two main types of thesis statement.

1. Direct Thesis Statement

In this type of thesis statement, the writer tells the reader exactly what will follow
in the essay.

We live in a time of high technology. Every day new technology appears. There are
mini-CDs that have whole movies on them and cameras on spaceships that can take
pictures of Mars. However, the most common piece of technology that most
people have in their homes is the personal computer. In my opinion, computers
have become so popular due to the internet and the importance of computers in
the workplace.

In the above paragraph, the reader can see that the body of the essay will have
two paragraphs. The first paragraph will be about the internet and the second
about the importance of computers in the workplace. This type of thesis
statement works best when the topics are short (only one or two words) and can
be joined together easily in a sentence

2. Indirect Thesis Statement

The other type of thesis statement is ‘indirect’. In an indirect thesis statement, the
writer does not tell the reader what they will find in the essay. This is the best
type of thesis statement for an exam. An indirect thesis statement that can
replace the one above is:

We live in a time of high technology. Every day new technology appears. There
are mini-CDs that have whole movies on them and cameras on spaceships that can
take pictures of Mars. However, the most common piece of technology that most
people have in their homes is the personal computer. In my opinion, computers
have become popular for two main reasons.

Practice Introductions: Brainstorm supports for the essays and write full
introductions with direct thesis statements.



Thesis: All women with children should not work outside of the

Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3

Hook (General statement about large topic) ________________________________


Background (More details focusing on topic) ______________________________





Thesis Statement (See partial statement in box above) ______________________




(2) Advantages / Disadvantages


Thesis: There are advantages and disadvantages to living in a


Advantages Disadvantages
1. 1.

2. 2.

3.. 3.

Hook (General statement about large topic) ________________________________


Background (More details focusing on topic) _______________________________





Thesis Statement (See partial statement in box above) ______________________






(3) Problem / Solution


Thesis: Although traffic congestion in Dubai is increasing with

every passing month, there are possible solutions for this


Hook (State the Problem)_______________________________________________


Background (More details about problem … i.e.: causes, effects, etc) ___________





Thesis Statement (Thesis in box above gives MORE information than you actually

need in your thesis statement) ___________________________________________






In your essay, you must have 2 or 3 body paragraphs to support your thesis
statement (the last sentence of your introduction).
Well-written body paragraphs have:

1. A Topic Sentence - This sentence introduces the theme which

tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. In an
essay, the theme of the topic sentence always supports the thesis

The first and most important reason why I believe that mothers
should not work outside the home is because they must always be
available for their children’s needs.

2. Detail Sentences - These sentences give more information about

the theme. These sentences contain examples and/or
explanations about the theme in the topic sentence.

An example of this is when a child gets sick. They need their mother
immediately and if the mother is at work she cannot be at her child’s

Cohesion - This means the ideas in the sentences are easy to read.
The ideas are arranged in a logical order from sentence to sentence
and don't jump around. Many times we use transition words to help
make the cohesion between sentences clearer to the reader.

See chapter 10 for transition words

The last paragraph of your essay is the conclusion paragraph. This paragraph has a
very important job in your essay. The job is to leave your readers with a clear
understanding of the main idea(s) of your essay.

A conclusion for an academic essay has three parts.

1. Restatement of the thesis. This is one or two sentences that remind the
reader about the main idea of the essay.

2. Summary of the main points in your essay. Mention all the main ideas in
each body paragraph. In your summary, make sure that you include all the
topics in the body paragraphs.

3. Final Comment: This is a final thought that is either a suggestion or

prediction. This sentence (or sentences) tells the reader what you think
based on the information in the essay.


In summary, there are many reasons why personal computers have become so
popular. They allow us to use the internet, which keeps us connected to our friends
and family, and they allow work to be done more efficiently. If computers continue
to grow in popularity, then one day they will run the world.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why personal computers have become so
popular. They allow us to use the internet, which keeps us connected to our friends
and family, and they allow work to be done more efficiently. I suggest that parents
give their children computers to use when they are very young, so they are expert
users by the time they go to school.


In the conclusions that follow, identify whether the writer has used a suggestion
or prediction to finish the essay. Underline all the words and phrases that signal
the conclusion and structures that are used for suggestions and predictions.

In summary, children should learn a second

language. This is easier because children are in the
1. _________________
habit of studying, are less shy and want to be able to
communicate with many people. If this is not done,
those children may find it very difficult to learn a
second language when they are adults.

Therefore, all children should be taught a

second language. They will learn faster because they
2. __________________ are in school every day, are less self-conscious and
are eager to talk to people. I believe that all parents
should have their children in a language school by the
age of four years.

In conclusion, all children should be taught a

3. __________________ second language. This will benefit their parents,
society and the children, themselves. Therefore, all
schools should have compulsory second language

To sum up, researchers have suggested that

4. __________________ all children should learn a second language for many
reasons. They do not worry about speaking and they
learn faster. I think in the next 50 years we will see
that people who learned a second language in
childhood are more successful in the global economy.

Ultimately, children learn languages better

5. __________________ than adults. This is because they like to speak and
are not shy. So, if schools want their students to be
the best, they should make sure that their language
programs are high quality.

In the final analysis, children should have

6. __________________
special language courses. This is because they learn
more easily and feel confident about speaking. It is
generally accepted that this will be beneficial for
children in the future.

Copy the supports from your introductions and write full conclusions with either a
prediction or a suggestion for the final sentence.

(1) Agree / Disagree

Copy Brainstorm from Page 55

Thesis: All women with children should not work outside of the

Reason 2 Reason 3
Reason 1

Repeat Thesis Statement_____________________________________________________________


Summary of Reasons________________________________________________________________




Final Thought_______________________________________________________________________





(2) Advantages / Disadvantages
Copy Brainstorm from Page 56

Thesis: There are advantages and disadvantages to living in a



Repeat Thesis Statement_____________________________________________________________


Summary of Advantages/Disadvantages_________________________________________________




Final Thought_______________________________________________________________________





(3) Problem / Solution(s)
Copy Brainstorm from Page 57

Thesis: Although traffic congestion in Dubai is increasing with

every passing month, there are possible solutions for this


Repeat Problem _____________________________________________________________________


Summary of Solutions _________________________________________________________________




Final Thought________________________________________________________________________





Don’t forget that an essay needs logical connectors (also known as transition words).
They help the cohesion and style of your essays. They are also useful when writing
information transfer essays.

Concluding – used at the beginning of the concluding paragraph.

 In conclusion, technology is essential to a country’s economic growth

Contrasting – showing differences between two things

 In contrast, Japan has a greater technological base than Kenya

Emphasis – stress words to indicate special meaning or particular importance.

 Indeed, John almost never eats fast food

Exemplifying & Explaining – we use these to introduce specific support for reasons
 An example of high technology are the robots that can look after our houses

Listing & Adding – to number points in order that you want to make
 The first and most important advantage to studying abroad, is to gain new
 I have a new iPod. Jane also has one

Results – to show the cause of something or to show how something is the result of
something else
 As a result of rapidly changing technology, many people are overspending

Stating your own feelings - introducing your views

 I feel that technology is growing too quickly

Linking similar things together – to show that something is similar or the same as
what has come before
 Al-Ain is not a big city. Similarly, Nome’s population is only 100,000

Put the words and expressions at the bottom of the page into the correct groups.
The first one is done for you.

Concluding Contrasting

Emphasis Exemplifying & Explaining

Listing & Adding Results

Stating Your Own Feelings Linking Similar Things Together


Personally, Consequently, Firstly, In conclusion, In addition, Thus, Alternatively

In my opinion, Likewise, However, Last, After that, To sum up, Finally, So
In comparison, On the other hand, Next, Furthermore, Also, Hence, For example
In summary, Accordingly, As a consequence, For instance, Secondly, As a result, All
in all, In fact, Besides, Additionally, In contrast, To illustrate, Similarly, Indeed, Namely
Therefore, Moreover, In other words

Check model
answer on
page 155 NOTE: These word and expressions are used in different
ways and often in different positions in a sentence, etc.


The first step in answering an essay question is understanding what it’s asking
you. You must be prepared to write about topics you don’t know very much about
or to write an essay even when you are not sure what is being asked of you.

To understand the essay question, do the following things:

1. As you read the essay topic, ask yourself the following questions

 What is the topic?

 What are the key words? (The key words will tell you what the topic is: they
are the content words and the most important words in the essay question and will
be used throughout your essay to answer the question.)

2. What are the instruction words? What is the essay asking you to do?

Are the instruction words asking for you to give your opinion? To agree or
disagree? To give solutions to a problem? To present advantages and

E.g. Many people feel that movies, TV and advertisements do not depict our
lives in a realistic way. What negative effects can this have on family
life and what are the best ways people and society can deal with
this problem?
3.Words you might not know:
depicting – “depict our lives”
portrayed – “families are portrayed”

Can you think of a synonym or word with similar meaning that

works in the sentence?
depicting = ways of showing our lives
are portrayed = the ways families are shown on television

4. The instruction words.

Recognize that the first sentence is introducing the topic. The last sentence
tells you what you have to do. Looking at the final sentence of our example
question above, this is really a two part question.
Part 1 – “What negative effects can this have on family life ….” This is asking
you to describe the negative effects (problems) of advertisements, movies and
television on family life. For example: a negative effect would be that children
might copy bad behavior that they see from other children on TV.
Part 2 – “… what are the best ways people and society can deal with this
problem?” This is asking you to give solutions to the problem of negative
effects of advertisements, movies and television on family life. For example: a
solution may be to limit children’s TV viewing to educational programs only.

Below is a list of words typically used in essay questions. Read the list of words
in the left hand column and match them up with a meaning from the right hand
column. The first one has been done for you.

1. Account for a) consider all sides of an issue

2. Analyze b) make a critical survey

3. Argue c) bring out the meaning

4. Compare d) explain the causes of

5. Criticize e) explain the meaning

6. Define f) show the faults

7. Discuss g) describe without details

8. Evaluate h) give the main features and organization

9. Examine i) describe the main differences between 2 or more things

10. Illustrate j) look at carefully

11. Interpret k) break into parts and look at the detail

12. Justify l) make clear with examples

13. Outline m) look for similarities and differences

14. Review n) decide on the value of something

15. Summarize o) present the case for or against

16. Contrast p) provide satisfactory reasons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

answers on
page 154
Chapter 7

Essay Types


An opinion is your idea, what you think about something, what you believe is
right or true. It is what you think and may not be what anyone else thinks.
Opinions are not facts. Facts are just information.

Write O if the sentence is an Opinion, write F if it is a Fact.

1. ___ There are more girls than boys at UAE University.

2. ___ There should be more girls than boys in UAE University.
3. ___ It is better to give gifts than to receive them.
4. ___ English class is interesting.
5. ___ Students must pass Level 3 English before going to ESP.
6. ___ English is the most important subject learned in school.

Circle the word that completes each sentence in your opinion.

There is no right or wrong answer, but you must have an opinion.

1. Friends are / aren’t more important than family.

2. Everyone in the UAE should / shouldn’t speak English.
3. Women should / shouldn’t go into the army.
4. It is / isn’t a good idea to use animals for experiments.
5. Governments should / shouldn’t spend more money on space
6. Education is / isn’t more important than marriage.


The following useful phrases can introduce opinions:

I believe (that) In my opinion I think (that) I feel (that)

For four of the opinion sentences on the previous page, write your opinion using one
of these phrases (use each phrase only once):

EXAMPLE: In my opinion, it is not a good idea to use animals for experiments.

Your opinion will be stronger with reasons, facts or examples to support them.
The following phrases are used to introduce reasons, facts and examples:

First Reason 2nd, 3rd, etc. Reasons Last Reason

First of all, In addition, Finally,
For one thing, Moreover,
One reason that Secondly,

Choose two of your opinions and give two reasons, examples or facts to
support them. Use the phrases above.


In my opinion, it is not a good idea to use animals for experiments.
Reason 1:
First of all, animals can be hurt by the experiments.
Reason 2:
Moreover, animals are not people and the results may be wrong.

When you write an essay, your paragraphs should be in order of importance. You
should organize your opinions and reasons so that the most important is first and the
least important is last.

Look at this (shortened … no details/examples given) essay and

answer/do the questions that follow.

I hate going to my friend’s house because she has six cats. Every time I visit
there are cats everywhere. They jump on me and bite me. I think that she
should not have cats in the house because cats are poor animals to keep as a
pet for three reasons.
First and most importantly, they are always thinking about killing. Cats that do
not live in homes spend all their time looking for mice and birds to kill and eat. In
fact ….
Second, their behavior is inappropriate. My friend’s cat plays, crawls and purrs
when it wants to and then ignores me when it gets what it wants. One statistic
from a top research laboratory ….
Finally, it is very expensive to keep a cat. If you look after a cat, you must buy
food, litter for the cat’s toilet and toys for the cat to play with. Also ….
In summary, no one should be allowed to keep a pet cat. They are dangerous,
selfish and lazy and it is expensive to look after them. Therefore, the
government should make a law that says people cannot keep cats in their

1. Circle the sentence that tells the writer’s opinion.

2. In one word, what is the topic of this essay? ______________________

3. Underline the supporting paragraphs’ topic sentences.

4. Which words are used that show the order of importance?


5. Which words are used to introduce an example of each opinion?


6. Underline the sentence in the concluding paragraph that repeats the writer's


7. Do you agree with the writer? __________________________________


Introduction  Hook
 Background Sentence(s)
 Thesis Statement (specific main
idea and organization of essay)

Body Topic Sentence
Paragraph First reason
Example or explanation

Body Topic Sentence
Paragraph Second reason
Example or explanation

Body Topic Sentence
Paragraph Third reason
(optional) Example or explanation

Concluding  Restatement of Thesis

 Summary of Body Paragraphs
 Final Thought (Prediction/Suggestion)

Think of the parts of the essay this way:

 The thesis statement tells your readers what you are going to tell them.

 The Body Paragraphs tell them.

 The Concluding paragraph tells them what you told them.

Question: Without doubt, English is one of the most important subjects studied at
university today, and writing is the most important skill. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?

Coming to the university directly out of high school can be very difficult. At UAEU,
students get the chance to improve their academic skills in the UGRU section of
the university before studying in their faculties. Of all UGRU classes, most
students find Level 3 Writing to be the most difficult. Even though it is the most
difficult class, it is my opinion that Level 3 Writing is the class that students should
take most seriously at UGRU.

First of all, Level 3 writing is the one class that teaches students skills that will
be very useful during their university career no matter what faculty they are in.
For example, many professors require students to write research essays. These
research essays are organized the same way as the opinion essay they learned
in Level 3 writing. As a result, without the Level 3 writing class, students would
not know how to write these essays and would probably fail many classes in their

Secondly, Level 3 writing helps students study for the writing part of the IELTS
exam. Everyone knows that the IELTS writing exam is impossible to pass without
proper preparation. Students who have passed Level 3 writing are almost always
ready for the IELTS writing exam because they have had a lot of practice over the
semester. In the end, students who don't pass the IELTS cannot exit UGRU,
which further proves that Level 3 writing is indeed the one class students should
be most serious in.

In conclusion, we can see from the arguments above that Level 3 writing is a
class that students should really work the hardest in. Not only does it get
students ready for the writing they will need to do in their faculties, but it also gets
them ready for the very difficult writing section on the IELTS exam. All students
must take Level 3 writing seriously. If they don't, they will certainly face a lot of
difficulties while attending university.

Word Count – 329


Look at the model essay and do the following activities.

1. What is the MAIN IDEA of the essay?

2. Write the THESIS STATEMENT from the essay here.

3. Is the student's opinion the same as the main idea? _________________________________

4. What are the TWO MAIN REASONS that he/she uses to support his/her opinion?

5. How many SUPPORTS for the FIRST MAIN REASON are there? What is it / are they?

6. How many SUPPORTS for the SECOND MAIN REASON are there? What is it / are they?

7. What kind of FINAL THOUGHT does the writer make in the conclusion?

8. Circle the MODAL words and phrases in the model essay.


Some people think that a university education should be free. Others

think that students should have to pay for their own education. Which
opinion do you agree with and why?

Essay Outline
 Hook
 Details
 Thesis

Reason 1

 Topic
 Support

Reason 2

 Topic
 Support

Reason 3

 Topic
 Support


 Restatement
of thesis
 Summary
 Final

Check model
answer on
page 146

Introduction  Hook
Paragraph  Background Sentence(s)
 Thesis Statement (specific main
idea and organization of essay)

Topic Sentence
Advantage First advantage (most
Paragraph important) + e.g /exp
Second advantage + e.g /exp
Third advantage + e.g /exp

Disadvantage Topic Sentence

Paragraph First disadvantage (most
important) + e.g /exp
Second disadvantage + e.g /exp
Third disadvantage + e.g /exp

Paragraph  Restatement of Thesis
 Summary of Body Paragraphs
 Final Thought (Prediction/Suggestion)

Question: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of living in cities.

Looking back over the past 50 years, it is clear that the trend towards living in a
city has increased. More and more people have left the countryside in order to
find work in the big cities and the result is that cities have become bigger. Even
small cities may have several million inhabitants. However, living in cities has
both advantages and disadvantages.

There are many advantages to living in a city. Firstly, the opportunity for work
and promotion is much better than in the countryside. All major companies are
based in big cities, and for many jobs, such as engineering, law and
advertising, the city is the only place where these jobs exist. A second
advantage is culture and entertainment. Cities are a centre for the arts, such
as, theatre, ballet, orchestras, art galleries and museums. They are the places
that visiting bands and singers go and are home to great restaurants that serve
cuisine from around the world. Clearly, cities offer people a lot of career
opportunities and can be exciting places to live.

However, there are definitely disadvantages to city life. The first and perhaps
most obvious disadvantage is the cost of living. Cities are usually much more
expensive than villages or small towns. Everything from food to housing costs
more. Secondly, crime is a big disadvantage of urban living. Statistics show
us that nearly all crimes, from vandalism to mugging, are higher in the city than
the countryside. Therefore, people need higher salaries to live in expensive,
dangerous places like big cities.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to living in a city.

On one hand cities are exciting, interesting places to live with lots of
opportunities for work, yet on the other hand they are expensive and
dangerous. Luckily, many people have the choice of where they live and work.
If not, there are always holidays to escape to the excitement of the city or to the
relaxing pollution-free countryside.

Word Count: 327


Look at the model essay and do the following activities.

1. What is the MAIN IDEA of the essay?

2. Write the THESIS STATEMENT from the essay here.

3. What are the MAIN ADVANTAGES that he/she uses to support his/her opinion?

4. What are the MAIN DISADVANTAGES that he/she uses to support his/her opinion?

5. What is the FINAL THOUGHT the writer presents in the conclusion?


The television has become one of the most important sources of media
worldwide. What are the advantages and disadvantages of viewing television?

Essay Outline
 Hook
 Details
 Thesis


 Topic
 Support


 Topic
 Support


 Restatement
of thesis
 Summary
 Final

Check model
answer on
page 151


 Hook Describe the problem

Introduction  Background Say who it is a
Paragraph problem for and why it is a problem
 Thesis Statement Tell the reader
that you are going to describe your

Topic Sentence
First detail
Second detail
Third detail

Topic Sentence
Solution First detail
Second detail
Third detail

Solution Topic Sentence
(optional) First detail
Second detail
Third detail

Paragraph  Restatement of Thesis
 Summary of Body Paragraphs
 Final Thought


Question: Speeding and the results of speeding, such as accidents and death is
one of the biggest problems the UAE faces today. Describe how this problem can
be resolved.

In the UAE today, speeding is one of the biggest problems. It is a problem

because when drivers drive too quickly they are more likely to have an accident,
and accidents that happen because of speeding not only damage the vehicle
but can cause injuries and death. There are, however, some possible
solutions to this problem.

The first solution is to make the driving test more difficult. If people had to
have more driving lessons and pass a difficult driving test and written test, then
hopefully this would result in better and more careful drivers. A difficult driving
test would make people realize how important it is to be a good driver.

A second solution would be to make the driving test and driving lessons more
expensive. When something costs a lot of money people often take it more
seriously. It would mean that only people who really wanted to or needed to
learn to drive would take lessons.

Finally, I think that raising the age of people being allowed to learn how to drive
will make driving safer. At the moment many of the speeding accidents are
caused by young men between the age of 16 and 21. This means that young
men of this age are not very responsible. Therefore, the age of being able to
learn how to drive should be raised to 22, when people are a little more mature
and realize the dangers of driving in an irresponsible way.

In conclusion, it seems to me that there are several ways to solve the problem
of speeding in this country. It is clear that imposing fines for speeding does not
work, so make it more difficult for people to get driving license. If people
stopped speeding not only would there be fewer accidents and death on the
roads but people would feel safer and traveling would be less stressful.

Word count: 312


Look at the model essay and do the following activities.

1. What is the MAIN IDEA of the essay?

2. Write the THESIS STATEMENT from the essay here.

3. Rewrite the thesis statement as a DIRECT thesis statement.

4. Which thesis statement is better for this introduction? Why?

5. What are the SOLUTIONS that the writer uses to support the opinion?

6. What connecting words are used to begin each solution?


Unemployment is a serious social and economic issues for many

countries today. What are some possible solutions to this problem?

Essay Outline
 Hook
 Details
 Thesis

Solution 1

 Topic
 Support

Solution 2

 Topic
 Support

Solution 3

 Topic
 Support


 Restatement
of thesis
 Summary
 Final

Check model
answer on
page 152


Introduction  Hook
Paragraph  Background Sentence(s)
 Thesis Statement (specific main
idea and organization of essay)

Cause Topic Sentence

Paragraph First cause (most important)
Second cause
Third cause

Paragraph Topic Sentence
First effect (most important)
Second effect
Third effect

Paragraph Topic Sentence

Concluding Restatement of Thesis

Paragraph Summary of Body Paragraphs
Final Thought


Question: The percentage of overweight children in western society has

increased by almost 20% in the last 10 years. Discuss the possible causes and
effects of this disturbing trend and offer some solutions.

Every year, we see more and more overweight children in our schools. The
trend towards obesity is worrying and one that society must look at carefully. In
this essay I will discuss the causes and effects of obesity and offer a possible
solution to this problem.

The reasons for this trend are many. Firstly, western society today has an
unhealthy diet. We are eating more and more fast food, such as burgers and
pizzas, which we know is unhealthy because of its high level of sugar and fat.
Another reason for this trend is that children today are not as active as they
were 30 years ago. Nowadays, children prefer to play computer games and
watch TV rather than play football or other sports, which makes young people
lazy and unfit.

The effects of the trend towards being overweight are many. The first is
physical health. Obesity can lead to heart disease and diabetes in adulthood,
not to mention extra trips to the dentist because of eating too much sugar.
Also, being overweight is tiring and uncomfortable and it is difficult to run and
play sports. The second effect is on mental health. Children who are
overweight can suffer from depression as they are often bullied at school and
the object of cruel jokes.

The solution to this problem looks easy. Simply stop young people from eating
badly and make them exercise. It is a big problem in society and it is everyone’s
responsibility – the fast food giants like McDonalds, the schools for selling
unhealthy food and the parents for allowing their children to eat it. Both schools
and parents should take responsibility for providing healthy food and making
sure that children don’t spend all their time in front of the TV.

In conclusion, bad diet and lack of exercise are causing obesity in young
people. This leads to big physical and mental health problems. In my opinion if
the governments of the world passed laws restricting sales of unhealthy food,
then people would be much healthier and live longer.

(340 words)

Chapter 8

IELTS Writing Practice Exams

Practice Test 1
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the U.S population living in urban and rural areas
between 1900 and 1990 in millions, while the pie chart shows the percentages of the
main ethnic groups that make up the U.S. population.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

U.S Population
Populatioon in Millions



100 Rural

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Ethnic groups in the USA

12% Non- Hispanic whites
Hispanic (of any race)
68% Non-Hispanic blacks
Asian American

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Studying the English language in an English–speaking country is the best but

not the only way to learn the language. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 2
Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The pie charts below shows the number of visits made to the Auburn Public library by males
and females over a twelve week period, while the pie charts show the age groups of male and
female members of the library.

Auburn Public Library Use

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Females Males

Male membership by Female membership by

age age

65+ 65+
31 31 to 65
21 to 30 21 to 30
under 10 under 10

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

During the last few decades, we have seen a huge increase in the number of
people migrating to other countries for work. What are some possible causes
and effects of this increase in migration?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 3
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below provides information about the percentages of the population in
Arabian Gulf countries who are under 15 years of age while the chart gives
information about the age structure of the UAE population in particular.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Arabian Gulf Country Percentage of the

population under 15
Yemen 48.7
Iraq 41.4
Saudi Arabia 39.1
Oman 37.3
Bahrain 29.2
Qatar 26.6
Kuwait 26.1
UAE 25.8

Age Structure of the UAE Population

65 +
Age Groups

15 - 64
16 - 14 2003

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

It is important for travelers to understand the cultures of the people whose

countries they visit. What are the main advantages of this? What do you think
are the main disadvantages of not doing so?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 4
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below provides information about the unemployment rates in the USA
compared to New York and Michigan between December 2007 and December 2008.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Unemployment Rates in the USA compared to

New York and Michigan

Axis Title

New York

6 Michigan

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Most countries around the world heavily depend on fossil fuels like oil and coal for
their energy. However, governments should make more effort to encourage
alternative sources of energy like solar and wind power. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 5
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The flowchart illustrates the production of colored plastic paper clips in a small
factory. Write a report for a university tutor describing the production process.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

(Source: Rad Danesh, www.ielts-exam.net)

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained
from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 6
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below compares the percentages of deaths caused by Diabetes in ten
countries for males and females in 2007.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Percentage of Deaths from Diabetes (2007)

(Data Source http://da3.diabetesatlas.org/index9991.html)

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The percentage of overweight children in western societies have increased by as

much as 20% in the last 10 years. Discuss the possible causes and effects of this
disturbing trend and offer some solutions.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 7
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below compares Saudi Arabian airport traffic for three cities between
1996 and 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and making comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Yearly Number of Passengers at Saudi Arabian Airports

1995- 2006



Number of
(000 000s) 12
















Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Children today are spending a lot of time watching television. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of children watching television, and then give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 8
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The three charts below show the distribution of ethnic groups that make up the
population of three Arabian Gulf countries.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.
8% Bahrain Kuwait
Iranian other
other 4% 7%
4% South
South 9%
15% Bahraini 45%
Arab 63%
10% Arab


Other 30%

South Asian

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

When students from high school begin studying at university, it takes them some
time to adapt to the university environment. Compare and contrast studying at
university to studying at high school.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 9
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below compares the average number of hours spent on various leisure
activities by various age groups in the city of Sydney.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Average number of hours of leisure time per year in Sydney

teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s +
watching 1,200 700 400 500 600 700 1,100
socialising 150 150 399 250 250 200 200
Internet 350 350 50 50 25 25 25
individual 150 100 200 200 50 75 150
group 450 350 200 150 50 0 0
sport 100 75 50 25 25 50 75

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

To some people studying the past has little importance in the modern world. Why do
you think it is important to study history? What will be the effect if children are not
taught history?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Practice Test 10
Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the process of paper making and recycling.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

(Diagram Source: http://www.iqsdirectory.com/industry/recycling_equipment/index.htm)

Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many students study abroad. Some people agree with this decision and others believe
it is more harmful than beneficial. Discuss both points of view and give your own

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience. Write at least 250 words.

Chapter 9

Writer’s Support Pages


There are certain rules for academic writing. Your reader will expect these rules to be
followed, otherwise you will lose credit, however good your ideas are. The main
points are given here, with examples.

1. An impersonal style of writing must be used. This will be achieved


Not using personal pronouns, such as, I, we, you. Instead words, such as
the writer or the author are used.
e.g. The writer agrees with Porter (1995) that …
The Passive voice is also used to create an impersonal style.
e.g. The management team is expected to …
Also phrases beginning with it or there can be used.
e.g. It is possible that …

2. Be very careful about making absolute statements (ie: “no one can
deny …”) since opinions can always be denied. Use words that make it
sound that something is possibly true, not definitely true.

Verbs such as appears, seems to, tends to.

Modals such as may, might.
Adverbs such as possibly, perhaps, apparently, probably.
e.g.  No one can deny that dogs are better pets than cats.
 Some people might think that dogs are better pets than cats.
3. Use a higher register of vocabulary.
Phrasal verbs should be avoided, e.g. investigate not look into.
Slang or everyday words should not be used.
Vocabulary should be as accurate as possible. Do not use vague words like
thing, or a lot of.

4. Do not use contracted forms. For example:

Verbs:  doesn’t / it’s / they’ve -  does not / it is / they have

5. Do not write down the ‘hesitation fillers’ of conversation.

For example: you know, well, like.

7. Be careful with punctuation. Dashes ( - ), ellipses ( … ) and

exclamation marks (!) are informal and should be replaced by a comma,
colon or full stop as appropriate.


Instructions: Read the following review of the different ways to use the dictionary
to help you with editing your writing and then follow the instructions for the
exercises to practices your skills. You will need your dictionary to do these

Proof-reading is using your dictionary to check your writing for spelling mistakes as
well as grammar and usage mistakes.

There are 2 ways to use your dictionary to check your writing:

1. CHECK THE SPELLING – If you are not sure of the spelling of the word, or
if your teacher tells you a word is spelled incorrectly, you can look up the
correct spelling by going to the first possible letters of the word in the

Here is a quick spelling quiz. These are common words that people frequently get
wrong. See if you make the same mistakes, or if you know better. You can use your
dictionary to help you.

Circle the one correctly-spelled word in each row.

committee commttee comittee comitee

sincerelly sincerly sencerely sincerely
necessary nesesary necesary necesery
Recommend recomend recormend recormend
Scond sceond second seconde
unfortunately unfortunatly unforchuately unfortnately
similarly simillarly Similerry similary

Note: You can use British English or American English

spelling, but be consistent, don't use 'color' (American
English) and 'labour' (British English) in the same text, use
'color' and 'labor' (American English), or 'colour' and 'labour'
(British English).

Tip: Check the settings of your computer to see if it is using

British or American English.

1. TO CHECK THE GRAMMAR AND USAGE – It is important to understand the
grammar (tense, part of speech, etc.) of a word so that you are able to write
correct sentences containing that word. For example, if you write the sentence;

It is wrong to hurt animals because they have feel.

The word “feel” would be wrong in this sentence. When you look up the word
feel in your dictionary, you will see the following information;

feel /fi:l/ verb (pt, pp felt /felt/) … this tells you 1> pronunciation, 2> that it is a
verb, and 3> that the past tense and the past participle are felt (pronounced

You know that you need a noun for the word feel, so you read further and find
the word feeling and see that it is a noun.

It is wrong to hurt animals is because they have feelings.

Here is a quick grammar and usage quiz. Each underlined word has wrong grammar
or usage. Use your dictionary to help you find the correct form of the word.

1. In the past, animals were used for carried things.

2. The city is full of many height buildings.

3. There is never any confuse when I talk with my best friend.

4. Not every person can be a good parent because it takes patients.

5. A doctor has a big responsible.

6. A success person must work hard.

7. University graduates can help development the country.

8. Parents should learn their children to respect others.

9. When I was a child I always listen to my mother.

10. I think electricity is the most important invent.

It is always difficult to find errors in one's own work. The words and sentences
appear correct on rereading because if the writer had known better, he or she
would not have made the errors in the first place.
A checklist of common errors will serve as a guide for you.
Keep this list and a grammar book with you as you read your paper over,
checking every sentence for these items.

Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments

 Check each sentence to make sure it has a subject, a verb, and a
complete thought.
 Have you run two sentences together incorrectly without a period,
conjunction or semicolon separating them?

 Have you ended every sentence with a period or question mark?
 Are your thoughts within sentences broken up correctly by commas for
easier understanding?
 Have you broken up series with commas?
 Have you put a comma after connecting words?
 Have you used a period / full-stop after abbreviations?

Subject-Verb Agreements
 Check every subject and verb to make sure that if you have used a
singular subject, you have also used a singular verb.
 Similarly, a plural subject needs a plural verb.

Sentence Length
 Have you varied the length of sentences in each paragraph?
 If your sentences are too long, break them into shorter units.
 Sentences that are very short tend to produce a jerky style of writing.
 Does each sentence follow clearly and logically from the one before it?
 Have you used some type of transitional device between each sentence?

 Have you used them correctly to indicate plural or possession? Here’s a
reminder –
The girls=plural … The girl’s=belongs to one girl …
The girls’=belongs to more than one girl

 Have you incorrectly jumped about in different tenses?
 Have you used the correct form of the verb to express the tense you want?

 Have you capitalized names of persons, cities, countries, streets, and titles?
 Have you capitalized a quotation according to the original and according to
the needs of your sentence?

 Check any word you have doubts about.
 If you are unsure of the spelling of a certain word, look it up.
 Be especially careful of the words listed as spelling nightmares: "ei" and "ie"
words, words which add "-ing" and "ed," and words with one or more sets of
double letters.

 Does each paragraph have a topic sentence stating the main idea?
 Have you used examples and specific details to describe your topic?
 Have you used explanatory sentences to give your opinion or judgment on
the topic?
 Have you included sentences which pertain only to that idea?
 Are transitions used between sentences and paragraphs?
 Is there a concluding sentence?

 Have you left out any words in your sentences?

What your eye can’t see, your ear can hear. A

careful re-reading of a paper aloud before it is
turned in helps considerably. Read aloud and
don’t take a breath until you see a full-stop. If you
run out of breath, your sentence is too long.


INSTRUCTIONS: Write the name of the symbol next to the matching symbol on the
left. The correct words are at the bottom of the page. The first one has been done
for you.


-- dash

( )


Name of Symbols

apostrophe period / full stop semi-colon

comma brackets/parenthesis colon dash

quotation marks single quotes capital letter

exclamation mark hyphen question mark


Instructions: Read the following essay and, where necessary, add capital letters
and appropriate punctuation (full stops, commas, apostrophes and question

when I first went to univiersity i didnt know anything about how to study. My very first
CAPITAL LETTERS are used to teacher at university Ms Julia asked the class to learn some
begin a sentence, for proper nouns
and adjectives and for most
new vocabulary for homework the next class we had a test
Example: My friend, Mary, is
American. She lives on Main St. on the vocabulary and I failed it I was so Unhappy that I

wanted to quit university right then!

periods), are
used at the end of
a sentence.
I went to Ms. Julias desk and told her how unhappy I was She
Example: The cat
asked me “why do you want to quit the university” I was very honestate Ithe
told her that i

just couldnt do the work. She told me to Sit down and relax then she explained to me

APOSTROPHES take the place

the idea of study Skills
of a missing letter in a
contraction. They also are used
to form the possessive of singular
and plural nouns.

The way ms. Julia explained it to
QUESTION MARKS are used at the
Mouzah’s camel bit her brother.
end of questions in place of a full
We won’t go to the beach today. me was that there are some very stop.

Example: What time is the exam?

simple rules to follow to be
successful at university. She told me that I had to start with a students Schedule.
Thats when I began to keep track of all the work that I had to Accomplish each day.

having a schedule of work different techniques of reading and notetaking are just three
of the Very important pieces of study skills that Ms Julia taught me Now four years
later I am getting ready to graduate I didnt quit the
COMMAS signal a pause. They are used
at the end of an introductory phrase, university . And I have so much to thank ms. Julia for!
before and after non-dependant clauses
and to separate parts of a compound

Examples: commas (6) full stops (6) apostrophes (4)

At the end of the day, we went home
tired and happy. The exam, which is the
capital letters (13) question marks(1)
final one of the semester, will be on
Monday. Mariam knew she would not
pass the exam, however, she still had to
take it.

In your essay, there will be things that are similar. You must use some of the words
and phrasing below in your essay when writing about similarities.

similarly Al Ain is not a big city. Similarly, Nome, Alaska’s population is


likewise Outside Al Ain is Jabel Hafeet; likewise, there is one mountain near
Nome, Alaska.

too Al Ain is a garden city. There are a lot of trees in Nome, Alaska, too.
and…too Al Ain is a friendly city and Nome, Alaska is, too.
also There are many parks in Al Ain. Nome, Alaska also has a lot of parks.

as…as Al Ain is as big as Nome, Alaska.

just as Al Ain is just as big as Nome, Alaska.

just like Al Ain isn’t very big, just like Nome, Alaska.
the same In some ways, Al Ain and Nome, Alaska are the same.
alike Al Ain and Nome, Alaska are alike in many ways.
similar to Al Ain’s traffic is similar to Nome, Alaska’s traffic.
the same Al Ain’s population is about the same as Nome, Alaska’s population.
as Al Ain’s size is equal to Nome, Alaska’s. Their populations are equal,
equal too.

both…and Both Al Ain and Nome, Alaska have a mountain nearby.

The two cities have both a mountain and a large shopping mall.

Make sentences comparing two things (use the connectors given in the

1. Learning to speak English/learning to write English/important (both…and)


2. The UAE/Africa/hot (just like)


3. A new house/a new car/expensive (similarly)


4. Tokyo/New York/traffic problems (also)


5. Land Cruisers/Patrols/fast (just as)


6. French Fries/Falafel/fattening (too)


7. Goats/Sheep/smell bad (as…as)


8. Dubai/Abu Dhabi/big buildings (likewise)


9. McDonald's/Burger King/ prices (equal)


10. Riding horses/Riding camels/exciting (and…too)


Write some sentences describing the similarities between you and your best friend.
(Use different connecting words/phrases for each.)


When you want to contrast two things—say they are different—contrasting words and
phrases are used. Look at the box contrasting Al Ain and Nome, Alaska:

on the other hand, It is very hot in Al Ain; on the other hand, Nome is cold.
in contrast, Al Ain has hot summers. In contrast, Nome’s summers are
however, Al Ain has some parks; however, Nome has enormous
But Al Ain is hot all year, but Nome is always cold.
Yet Al Ain is hot all year, yet Nome is always cold.
Although Although there is little rain in Al Ain, there are many trees.
In Al Ain, we speak English, while in Nome, no one speaks
while Arabic.
Al Ain is in Asia, whereas Nome is in North America.
different from Al Ain’s climate is different from Nome’s.
unlike Nome has a lot of rain, unlike Al Ain.

Connect the two sentences using one of the contrasting words. (Use different
connecting words/phrases for each.)

1. Abdullah swims well. Maryam swims badly.


2. Fresh fruit tastes delicious. Canned fruit is tasteless.


3. English uses Roman letters. Chinese uses Chinese letters.


4. In England, hospitals are free. In the USA, people must pay to see a doctor.


5. Cat make excellent pets. Dogs are too much work.


6. British English/American English (different from)


7. Al Ain/Alaska/very hot (unlike)


8. High school is easy. University is very hard.


9. Male students are free to go anywhere. Female students must stay home.


10. Life in Al Ain is relaxing. Life in New York is stressful.


Write sentences describing the differences between you and your best friend.
(Use different connecting words/phrases for each.)

Modal Verbs are used with another verb to express possibility, permission,
obligation, necessity, etc. The Modals verbs can, could, may, might, shall, should,
will, would and must are followed by an infinitive verb (without to): e.g. I can
swim. These verbs do not change in form (NO –ing, -ed, or –s endings).


Expresses ability / inability

and possibility / impossibility cannot
can can't
 She can play the piano very well.
 If you finish the exam, you can leave early.

Expresses possibility or impossibility could not

could couldn't
 She could listen to the music all night.

may / might Expresses weak possibility may not

might not
 I might take an art class next semester.

Expresses advice
should should not
ought to  You should go to your teacher during office hours to shouldn't
get extra help.

Expresses necessity or lack of necessity must not

must mustn't
 You must be in class on time or you will be marked
have to absent. does / do not have to
doesn't / don't have to

Expresses future action

will will not
 If you do not pass the level three exam, you will take won't
level three again next semester.

Chapter 10

Model Answers


The bar chart shows the US population in millions, in the countryside and cities from 1900 to
1980. As an overall trend, the urban population rose and the rural population rose then fell
during the 80 year period.

In 1900 the US rural population stood at 40 million. Then between 1900 and 1940 it increased
steadily to reach a peak of 60 million. After 1940 the rural population started to decline. It
dropped sharply to 30 million in 1960 and then fell again slightly to about 25 million in 1980.

In contrast, the US urban population only rose over the period. In 1900 the urban population
started at 20 million then increased dramatically to just over 140 million in 1940. Between
1940 and 1960 the number of people living in cities went up slightly by 5m to 145m. In the
final 20 years the urban population increased slightly to 160 million.

Word Count – 151


The bar chart shows the percentages of three modes of transport (bus, car, foot) used by
people to travel to work in a European city from 1960 to 1990. As an overall trend, travel by
bus increased, travel by car decreased and travel by foot fluctuated.

In 1960, the percentage of people who traveled by bus stood at 20%. From 1960 to 1970, bus
use decreased to approximately 12%. In the next decade it rose sharply to about 27% and
continued to rise to 35% in 1990.

Unlike bus transportation, car use declined over the 30 year period. In 1960 car use stood at
about 27%. In 1970 this fell to 25%. In the next 10 years it decreased slightly to
approximately 23% and continued to drop in 1990 to slightly over 15%.

In contrast, travel by foot fluctuated over the 30 year period. In 1960 travel by foot stood at
about 17%. It then rose sharply to 37% in 1970. However, in the next decade this figure
declined dramatically to approximately 8% in 1980, but climbed slightly to 10% in 1990.

(182 words)

The line graph shows the imports of Volvo, Toyota and Mercedes cars in the UAE, in
thousands, from 1994 to 2003. As an overall trend, Volvo imports fell and Toyota and
Mercedes imports increased over the ten year period

In 1994 Volvo imports stood at 10,000. From 1994 to 1998 there was a gradual increase to a
peak of about 16,000. However, in the next year this number started to decline steadily to
about 12,000 imports in 2000. The imports of Volvos remained constant for the next 2 years
then dropped dramatically to 500 in 2003.

Unlike Volvo, Toyota imports rose over the ten years. In 1994, Toyota imports stood at 8000.
This number fluctuated between 8,000 and 6,000 until 2000. Toyota imports then rose
gradually to about 14,000 in 2003.

In contrast to Volvo and Toyota, Mercedes imports ended up at the same number by the end
of the period. In 1994 Mercedes imports stood at approximately 16,000. This fell rapidly to
500 in 1995 the following year. There was then a dramatic rise to a plateau of 10,000 in 1996
and 1997. From 1997 to 1999, Mercedes imports dropped moderately to 2000 in 1999.
There was then a fairly rapid increase back to 16,000 in 2003.
(208 words)


The line graph shows the sales of drinks (orange juice, water and Coke) in millions in the UAE
from 1970 to 2010. As an overall trend, the sales of orange juice and water fell, while the
sales of Coke rose over the 40 year period.

In 1970 the sales of orange juice stood at 1m. This number rose moderately then more
rapidly to a peak of 8m in 1985. After that sales fell gradually, to 6m in 1990 and remained
steady for 5 years. Then from 1995 to 2010 sales dropped steadily to 2m in 2010, resulting in
an overall 1m in sales over the period.

In contrast, the sales of water started at 5m in 1970 then climbed gradually to 7m in 1980.
Sales fluctuated for the next 20 years, after which they declined rapidly to 1m in 2010.

On the other hand, sales of Coke began at only 500,000 in 1970 and increased steadily to 3m
in 1985. In the next 5 years sales rose much more dramatically and reached a plateau of 9m in
1990. This number fell to 7 ½ m in 2000 then went up slightly to 8m in 2005 where it
remained until the end of the period.

(204 words)

Exercise 1
1. The largest/ greatest/ biggest percentage of students come from Al Ain.
2. RAK is the second most common/popular home city.
3. RAK is the second largest/biggest percentage of the total.
4. Five times as many students come from RAK as Fujairah.
5. (Slightly)more students come from Abu Dhabi than from other.
6. Students from RAK are considerably more common than students from
7. Students from Abu Dhabi are slightly less common than students from
8. Students from Al Ain make up approximately two thirds (use a fraction)
of the total.
9. Students from RAK account for exactly one quarter (use a fraction) of
the total.

Exercise 3 answer

The pie graph shows oil exports in percentages for 6 Arabian Gulf countries in
2003. Overall, Saudi Arabia had the largest percentage of exports while Iraq and
Qatar had the smallest percentages of oil exports.
Saudi Arabia made almost half of the oil exports at 49%. Iran and the UAE
together made approximately one quarter of the exports at 14% and 15% respectively.
Over twice as much oil was exported by Kuwait (12%) as was exported by Qatar at
5%. Finally, Iraq exported the same amount as Qatar at 5%.

The pie chart shows the most popular forms of music in Europe in 2012 (rock music, classical
music, rap music, R&B music and country music, whereas the table shows the same types of
music in France and Italy. Overall, rock music was the most popular music in Europe and
France, whereas it was the least popular music in Italy.

The pie chart shows that the most popular music in Europe was rock music with 38%. The
second most popular music was country music with exactly a quarter. R&B music and classical
music accounted for just over a quarter (27%) with 15% and 12% respectively. The least
popular music was rap music with only 10%.

From the table we can see that like Europe, rock music was the most popular music in France
too with just under a third (30%). Again similar to Europe, the least popular music was rap
music with just 5%. In contrast to Europe and France the most popular music was Classical
music with 40% and the least popular music was rock with 11%.
(177 words)


The pie chart shows the sales of 4x4 wheel drive cars in the world in percentages in 2005,
whereas the bar chart shows the same cars in two countries (the USA and the UAE) for the
same year. Overall, the most popular 4x4 wheel drive in the world and the UAE was the
Toyota Landcruiser, while the Jeep Cherokee was the most popular 4x4 wheel drive in the

We can see from the pie chart the most popular 4x4 wheel drive was the Toyota Landcruiser
at just under a third (32%). The Jeep Cherokee was just under a quarter at 23%, while the
Nissan Patrol and the Mitsubishi Pajero together made just over a third (37%) at 20% and 17%
respectively. The least popular 4x4 wheel drive were other cars at 8%.

In the bar chart we can see that like the world the most popular 4x4 wheel drive in the UAE
was the Toyota Landcruiser at just over a third (35%), whereas it was the Jeep Cherokee at
37% in the USA. However, the Jeep Cherokee was the least popular 4x4 wheel drive in the
UAE with 6%. The least popular 4x4 wheel drive in the USA were other cars at 12%, other cars
were also the least popular in the world at 8%.
(Words 216)


Pasta is possibly the most famous food from Italy. It is eaten by people all over the world
because it is delicious and nutritious. However, the process of making pasta is a simple one if
you follow these eight steps.

Firstly, water is put into a large pot and put on the stovetop to boil. Then, a jar of sauce is
emptied into a small saucepan and put on a low flame on the stovetop. When the water has
boiled, a pinch of salt and the pasta are put into the water and boiled for 12 minutes. When
the pasta is cooked, it is drained in a colander. It is then put back into the pot and the hot
sauce is poured over the pasta and mixed well. Finally the pasta is served with a green leafy
salad and crispy Italian bread. Now you have a meal that is both healthy and delicious to
enjoy with family and friends.

(159 words)


Photographs are an important part of our lives. They record important occasions such as,
weddings, birthdays or simply having a good time with family and friends. However, the
process of developing film is a long one and there are several steps to do this.

First of all, a camera is used to take pictures. When the pictures have been taken the film
capsule is removed from the camera. Then, in a dark room the film is placed in a chemical
development bath. After that, the film is placed in a second chemical bath to remove
unexposed silver crystals. Then, it is moved to a final bath where it is washed with water to
remove any excess chemicals. The process of film development is then completed by rinsing
the film in water. Finally, the film strip is dried and the negatives are cut into individual
exposures. Now the negatives are ready to be made into actual photographs.
(156 words)

Most people would agree that education is one of the most important things in life. People
need more than basic skills because nowadays higher education is becoming very necessary if
one wants a well paying job. Even though in most countries of the world students have to
pay for university education I think it should be free for several reasons.

Firstly and most importantly, university education should be free in order to create equal
opportunities for all people. A university education opens up many opportunities for a good
life. There are many disadvantaged people in the world who have worked hard at school and
have earned the right to go to university, but they cannot pay the fees or support themselves
for 3 or 4 years. People like this deserve the chance to further their education.

Secondly, all countries of the world need educated people to run the government and work in
such professions as, medicine, dentistry, and education. If only the very rich – the people
who do not need to work – go to university, then there will be a shortage of people able to do
important jobs. Clearly it makes sense for the government to financially support people to go
to university.

In conclusion, it is my opinion that university education be free for several reasons.

Governments should create equal opportunities for everyone and countries need qualified
professionals. Sadly, education is often a luxury that only the rich can enjoy. If education was
based on merit then countries would have the best people for the job without the problem of
shortages in the professions.

(253 words)
Nowadays, you cannot find a part of the world that is not touched by the media. Television is
the most important part of the media because it goes into everyone’s home. In my opinion,
television viewing has many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to communication
among friends and family.

Many people think of television as a bad thing, but I feel there are many advantages to
television viewing. The greatest advantage is that television can teach communication. There
are many TV programs that show television families talking to their children about important
issues. Some real families don’t know how to talk to their children and can learn these things
from the TV families. Television can also make communication between family and friends
stronger. For example, families often have special programs that they watch together, and
many families discuss the television programs that they watch afterwards. Another
advantage is that many TV shows bring up important issues that people want to discuss with
their friends or their family. When people watch the news, they learn a lot about social and
political issues and it’s natural for them to want to talk about these issues with their friends

and family. So we can see that television has many advantages when it comes to helping to
make communication among people stronger.

When we look at the other side of the matter, we can surely find many disadvantages of
television watching. The greatest disadvantage is the closing off of communication that TV
watching can bring. We can see this very clearly in families where every member of the
family has a TV in their own room and watches alone. These families spend very little time
together and often seem to be strangers to each other. Another disadvantage is that many
children get their sense of the real world from what they see on TV. When that happens, the
child is often unhappy with their real life because it is not as perfect or magical as what they
see on TV. These disadvantages are the kinds of things that people often talk about when
they say that TV is bad and dangerous to family and friends communication.

In conclusion, we can see that television viewing has advantages as well as disadvantages to
communication between family and friends. Although TV can make communication stronger
and can teach new ways of communicating, it can also close off communication and give
children an unreal perception of the world. Parents must be aware of the dangers of
television viewing on their children and upon the entire family. If they are not thoughtful
about how television is used in their homes, they run the risk of letting TV get in the way of
their family unity.
(457 words)


In almost all countries of the world today unemployment is one of the biggest problems
governments and people have to face. It is a problem for the people because without a salary
it is very difficult to provide enough of the essential things for life for the family. For the
government it affects the economy, because if people cannot buy then many businesses will
fail. However, there are several solutions for this problem.

The first solution is for the government to support new businesses. If the government offered
loans to people to set up their own business then this would provide employment for all the
people employed in the business. Also, the government would make money from the
business in taxes created by employment.

A second possible solution to the problem of unemployment is to provide work schemes for
people. Instead of unemployed people just claiming unemployment benefits, these people
should have to work for a company for this money. This would mean that they would get
trained for new jobs and be able to apply for new jobs with their new skills.

Finally, the government should make young people do a period of job training after they
finish their studies. Sometimes a university degree is not enough to get a job because
employers want their employees to have training or work experience too. This would help
many students to get a job more quickly when they finish their studies.

In conclusion, though the problem of unemployment affects every country, there are
solutions to this problem. The government should provide more training for unemployed
people and students and support new businesses. It seems to me that the only way to make
money is to spend money.
Word count: 286


1) The trees are felled or cut down.

2) The branches and leaves are removed.
3) The trees are transported to the sawmill.
4) The bark is stripped form the trunks.
5) The trunks are sawn into logs.
6) The are taken to the paper mill.
7) They are cut into small pieces.
8) They are mixed with water and acid.
9) They are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp.
10) The wood pulp is cleaned and chemically bleached to whiten it.
11) It is passed through rollers to flatten it and sheets of paper are produced.
12) The water is removed from the sheets and these sheets are pressed, dried
and refined until paper is produced.

1 8 3 5

6 11 4 10

7 9 12 2


1. Account for a) consider all sides of an issue

2. Analyze b) make a critical survey

3. Argue c) bring out the meaning

4. Compare d) explain the causes of

5. Criticize e) explain the meaning

6. Define f) show the faults

7. Discuss g) describe without details

8. Evaluate h) give the main features and organization

9. Examine i) describe the main differences between 2 or more things

10. Illustrate j) look at carefully

11. Interpret k) break into parts and look at the detail

12. Justify l) make clear with examples

13. Outline m) look for similarities and differences

14. Review n) decide on the value of something

15. Summarize o) present the case for or against

16. Contrast p) provide satisfactory reasons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

d k o m f e a n j l c p g b h i


Concluding Contrasting

In conclusion However
To sum up On the other hand
In summary In contrast
All in all Alternatively
In comparison

Emphasis Exemplifying & Explaining

In fact Actually For example Namely

As a matter of fact For instance In other words
Indeed To illustrate

Adding & Listing Results

Firstly Last Consequently Thus

Secondly After that Therefore As a result
Also Next So Hence
Finally Furthermore As a consequence
In addition Moreover Accordingly
Additionally Besides

Stating your own feelings Linking similar things together

Personally Likewise
In my opinion Similarly
In the same way


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