A Multi-Radio Unification Protocol For IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
A Multi-Radio Unification Protocol For IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
A Multi-Radio Unification Protocol For IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
11 Wireless Networks
Atul Adya, Paramvir Bahl, Jitendra Padhye, Alec Wolman, Lidong Zhou Microsoft Research
We present a link layer protocol called the Multi-radio Unication Protocol or MUP. On a single node, MUP coordinates the operation of multiple wireless network cards tuned to non-overlapping frequency channels. The goal of MUP is to optimize local spectrum usage via intelligent channel selection in a multihop wireless network. MUP works with standard-compliant IEEE 802.11 hardware, does not require changes to applications or higher-level protocols, and can be deployed incrementally. The primary usage scenario for MUP is a multihop community wireless mesh network, where cost of the radios and battery consumption are not limiting factors. We describe the design and implementation of MUP, and analyze its performance using both simulations and measurements based on our implementation. Our results show that under dynamic trafc patterns with realistic topologies, MUP signicantly improves both TCP throughput and user perceived latency for realistic workloads.
1. Introduction
The widespread success of 802.11 wireless LANs in corporate and home environments has lead to signicant interest in leveraging this low-cost wireless technology to build community mesh networks. A wireless community mesh network provides connectivity to homes and businesses in rural, suburban, or metropolitan areas at broadband speeds in a selfconguring ad-hoc network. Nodes in the mesh participate not only as sources and sinks of their own trafc, but also as intermediate forwarding nodes on behalf of others trafc. Wireless community mesh technology currently suffers from signicant problems in terms of scale and performance. Previous studies have shown that overall network capacity and the end-to-end throughput of individual ows decrease rapidly as node density and the number of hops increases [8, 16, 34]. A fundamental reason for the low network capacity of existing approaches is that wireless LAN (WLAN) radios cannot transmit and receive at the same time, and nodes are typically congured with only a single radio. Consequently, the forwarding capacity of relay nodes is halved. Another limiting factor on network capacity is the interaction between network congestion and the sub-optimal backoff algorithms in both the lower-layer MAC protocols [34] and the higher-
layer transport protocols [7]. Network congestion increases as node density increases, and this leads to rapid degradation in throughput. Another fundamental limitation of standard-compliant IEEE 802.11 radios [12] is that they operate over only a small portion of the available spectrum (a channel). Although multiple non-interfering channels are available, the IEEE 802.11 physical layer is designed to use only a single frequency channel at any given time. This works well for infrastructurebased WLANs because additional capacity is obtained by dividing the physical space into cells and operating neighboring cells on non-overlapping (orthogonal) channels. Unfortunately, this design is not appropriate for multihop wireless networks. The problem is that, if a wireless node chooses a channel that is orthogonal to the channel chosen by its neighbors, then these neighboring nodes are not able to communicate with each other. If nodes are allowed to switch channels dynamically, then coordination is necessary for them to agree on a common channel; such coordination is non-trivial. Further, the delay in switching channels tends to be on the order of a hundred milliseconds, which causes a signicant decrease in performance. Also, it is possible that the node misses an RTS/CTS exchange on one channel when listening on another, causing the hidden terminal problem to re-surface. For all these reasons, to the best of our knowledge, systems built over the IEEE 802.11 standard operate using only one radio and one channel. To not use all the available channels is equivalent to not using the entire available spectrum, which places articial limits on the achievable bandwidth. To use the entire spectrum without incurring the cost of switching delays, one would have to use multiple radios tuned to specic channels. We propose and evaluate a new link layer protocol, called the Multi-radio Unication Protocol (MUP), that coordinates multiple IEEE 802.11 radios operating over multiple channels. The objective is to exploit the available spectrum as efciently as possible and extract the highest bandwidth possible from existing technology. In order to design a high-capacity multihop wireless network that can be deployed today, we have designed MUP with the following four goals. First, MUP must not require hardware modications. MUP works over standardcompliant IEEE 802.11 hardware. MUP requires a priority mechanism such as that provided by the 802.11e stan-
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
dard [13] for which hardware will soon be available. Second, MUP must not require any changes to existing application, transport, or routing protocols. Third, MUP must interoperate with legacy hardware. Fourth, MUP must not require global knowledge of network topology. MUP is not about assigning channels optimally in a multi-hop network, instead it is about using pre-assigned channels efciently. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the rst paper that proposes a multiple NIC architecture that increases capacity in a mesh network by optimizing the use of the available spectrum locally with standard-compliant IEEE 802.11 hardware. We assume that the network is composed of wireless NICs that have approximately similar properties in terms of range, bandwidth, etc. For example, all the wireless NICs could be IEEE 802.11a cards. By preserving the IEEE 802.11 protocol; by requiring no changes to existing applications and protocols, and by ensuring interoperability with legacy nodes (nodes with a single IEEE 802.11 card) MUP can be deployed incrementally. The wireless community mesh networking scenario described earlier has two key properties that affect our design. First, the routers are not mobile and second, power is not an issue. Power is unlimited because mesh routers can be plugged into an electric outlet. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of MUP and analyze its performance using implementation and simulations. We evaluate MUP using a realistic setting that includes the network topology of a major city in the United States, and simulated web trafc. The focus of our work is multi-hop ad-hoc networks; however, the MUP concept is equally applicable to infrastructure wireless networks.
2. Related Work
A few companies are eld testing wireless mesh networks that provide broadband Internet access to communities that previously did not have such access [14, 22, 23, 21]. Our work is similar in spirit, but our approach differs in that we employ multiple radios in our router nodes to increase the capacity of the backbone mesh. None of the commercially available systems that we know of do this. Several researchers have studied the effect of node density on end-to-end throughput and overall network capacity [4, 16, 34]. Using evidence from deployed IEEE 802.11 wireless meshes, these researchers conclude that the observed capacity is far below the theoretical optimum. Further, they observe that throughput degrades quickly as the number of hops increases. A reason for this is that the IEEE 802.11 MAC is inherently unfair and it can stall the ow of packets over multiple hops. Another reason is that these networks use only a small portion of the spectrum and a single radio for transmitting and receiving packets. One way to improve the capacity of wireless meshes is to use a better MAC. Several proposals have been made in this regard [9, 19, 20, 29, 30, 32]. While the objective of
these proposals is similar to ours, i.e., to exploit multiple non-interfering frequency channels, these proposals require changes to the MAC and/or new hardware. In contrast, we do not require any changes to the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. Consequently, MUP can be deployed incrementally on standard-compliant hardware. An alternative way to improve capacity is to stripe the trafc over multiple network interfaces. Towards this end, there have been many proposals, including striping at the application layer [3, 10, 27]; at the transport layer [11, 17], and at the link layer [1, 31]. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Striping at the application layer yields poor aggregate bandwidth, sometimes even lower than that of the slowest connection, because a slow connection can stall faster ones [11]. Striping at the link layer (also referred to as inverse queueing) yields poor performance because the proposed mechanisms are highly sensitive to lossy links and to uctuations in transmission data rates [28], a phenomena that is common in wireless networks. Many of the striping strategies either require changes to the application and transport layer or they suffer from signicant timeout problems due to packet resequencing. MUP does not require any changes in applications, transport, and routing protocols, and it does not suffer from the resequencing problem. We provide an in-depth comparison between striping and MUP in Section 5.2.3. MUP selects channel using only locally-available load information. The other extreme is to make globally optimal decisions. However, it has been shown in [15] that nding the global optimal is NP-hard. A compromise between global and local optimization is to make path-optimal decisions. The MR-LQSR protocol [5] has taken such an approach; it combines routing with channel selection to nd a high-throughput path in multi-radio networks.
3. Protocol Description
The high-level architecture of MUP is shown in Figure 1. MUP conceals multiple NICs from layers above it by presenting a single virtual interface. MUP then periodically monitors the channel quality on each interface, to each of its neighbors. Then, when it comes time to send a packet to a neighbor, it selects the right interface to forward the packet on.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
IP and Above
Figure 1: MUP Architecture diagram part of the same logical ad-hoc network. Furthermore, it provides a mechanism by which these nodes can make sensible decisions about which channel to use when communicating with immediate neighbors in the network, in a way that attempts to reduce interference and thus improve the overall capacity of a multihop wireless network. MUP is implemented at the link layer, so that network trafc can make use of the multiple interfaces without any modication to applications or to the upper layers of the network protocol stack. To hide the complexity of multiple network interfaces from applications and from the upper layers of the protocol stack, MUP exposes a single virtual MAC address in place of the multiple physical MAC addresses used by the wireless Network Interface Cards (NICs). Thus, we describe MUP as a multi-radio unication protocol, because from the application perspective the system operates as if there is only a single wireless network interface. MUP works on any node that has two or more wireless network interfaces. At startup, the network interfaces a node are tuned to orthogonal channels. The channel assignment is hard-coded, and once the channel is assigned to the NIC it does not change. Therefore, when the underlying 802.11 standard supports N orthogonal channels, MUP can provide performance benets for nodes that have anywhere from 2 up to N wireless NICs. In the rest of the paper, wherever we talk about switching to a channel or selecting a channel, we mean choosing the wireless network interface that operates on that channel. In Section 4, we provide experimental analysis of the number of available orthogonal channels for IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b network cards. The basic functionality provided by the MUP layer is a means of deciding which NIC to use, and therefore which channel to use, when communicating with a neighboring node. A naive approach would be simply to choose a channel at random; we refer to this approach as MUP-Random. By making use of multiple channels, this simple approach has the potential to reduce contention and thereby increase the overall network capacity. However, with MUP-random, a node might choose a channel currently used by a nearby node over an available idle channel. Thus, a key design goal for MUP is to nd the best available channel for communication, based on current conditions of each channel. MUP uses an abstraction that we call the channel quality metric to characterize the recent conditions of each chan-
Field Neighbor Status MAC list Quality list Channel Selection time Packet time Probe time list
Description (for each neighbor N) IP address of the neighbor host Indicates whether N is known to be MUP-capable MAC addresses associated with N Channel quality values for each MAC address of N Current preferred channel to communicate with N Last time a channel selection decision was made Last time a packet was sent or received from N List of times for unacknowledged probe messages
nel. Our current technique for estimating channel quality is to send probe messages across each channel on a periodic basis, and then to measure the round-trip latency of these messages. For each neighboring node, a node computes its channel quality metric independent of its neighbors decision. Independent channel selection simplies the protocol design because no agreement is required between the sender and the receiver on which channel to use. MUP makes a decision about which channel to use for communication between a pair of nodes based on local information about channel quality. It is easy to see that such local optimization may not lead to a globally optimal allocation of channels. However, even with perfect knowledge of the trafc pattern, network topology, and interference pattern, the global optimization problem is believed to be NPcomplete. More importantly, it is also believed that solving the corresponding approximation problem is also hard. In other words, for this problem, it is expensive to nd a solution that is within a given factor of the optimal solution [15]. Finally, we view it as the job of the routing protocol to adapt to long-term global changes whereas the goal of MUP is to rapidly adjust to changes in local conditions. In the remainder of this section, we describe in detail the two major components of MUP: neighbor discovery and classication, and the communication protocol between MUPcapable nodes.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
messages pass through the MUP layer, and MUP records any MAC address information in these messages. When the destination node receives ARP requests, it sends out ARP responses, ensuring that the MAC address contained in the ARP response corresponds to the network interface that it received the ARP request on. Once the originating host receives any of the ARP responses, it can begin communicating using the interface on which the response was received. If any additional ARP responses are received, MUP also records those additional MAC addresses. In summary, ARP is used as the rst step of communication between nodes, which ensures that MUP-enabled nodes behave properly when communicating with legacy nodes that do not support MUP. After the initial ARP, a MUP-enabled node also initiates the MUP discovery process to determine if the neighbor is MUP-enabled. Note that ARP responses for more than one network interface may have already been received, but the existence of multiple interfaces on a node does not mean that the node supports MUP. To determine whether or not the remote node supports MUP, a MUP CS (aka Channel Select) message is sent across all resolved interfaces. A MUPenabled node will respond with a CS-ACK message (aka Channel Select Acknowledgment), whereas a legacy node will not. Timeouts are used to retransmit CS messages if necessary. After a certain number of failed retransmissions, the neighboring node is classied as a legacy node. Entries in the MUP neighbor table are deleted if no trafc is exchanged with that neighbor for a long period of time. The discovery and classication process described above is used when the next communication is initiated with that neighbor. When a machine has determined that a neighboring machine B is MUP-enabled but has yet not discovered all the MAC addresses of B, the machines MUP layer explicitly attempts to resolve the MAC addresses on the remaining channels. It does this by sending ARP requests on the radios where Bs MAC addresses are not yet known. As before, a timeout mechanism is used for retransmitting ARP requests. After a xed number of retransmissions, the particular radio where the timeout occurred is considered disabled when communicating with that neighbor. This situation is most likely to arise when the radios have different ranges, but it could also occur due to external interference on certain channels.
and measure the round-trip time of the probes. The motivation for using round-trip latency is that probe messages sent on a heavily-utilized channel are likely to take longer to gain access to the medium than probes sent on a lightly-used channel. Further, since external conditions such as interference from microwaves and portable phones reduce the likelihood of the probe messages and probe ACKs getting through, the round-trip times increase (or a timeout occurs in MUP) when these conditions exist. As we discovered through experience with our implementation, queuing delay for the probe packets can be a significant issue when the node that is sending the probe is also sending large quantities of data. To resolve this issue, we require that the network interfaces used by MUP allow probes packets to be sent at a higher priority or to be placed at the head of the NIC transmit queue. Such support is available as part of the 802.11e draft standard [13], and 802.11e hardware is expected to be available within a few months. The 802.11e standard allows 8 separate priority queues per station. The station chooses the priorities for each trafc category. Each station runs an independent 802.11 MAC protocol for each priority-level, and this protocol includes a priorityspecic backoff component. By scheduling the probes over a high priority queue, we can reduce or eliminate the queueing delay problems discussed above. Once a channel is selected, MUP sticks with it for a significant time period (on the order of seconds). This is to balance the overhead of measurement trafc with the agility of the protocol to adjust to changing network conditions. To calculate the channel quality of a given channel, a node sends CS messages on a xed periodic basis. A typical value for this time period would be every half a second. When a node receives a CS message, it immediately responds with a CS-ACK message. When the sending node receives the CS-ACK message, it incorporates the round-trip time (RTT) measurement into a weighted average called smoothed RTT (SRTT) as follows: (1) SRT T = RT Tnew + (1 ) SRT T This weighted average is used as the channel quality estimate. MUP does not use SRTT to make any ne-grained calculations about channel loads, so a rough estimate indicating that one channel is carrying signicantly more trafc than the other is sufcient. In some cases, either the CS or the CS-ACK message may be lost entirely. MUP detects lost messages in one of two ways. The CS and CS-ACK messages contain matching sequence numbers, so the end nodes can detect when a CSACK arrives in the wrong order. In this case, MUP assumes that all out-of-order CS messages were lost. Further, in the case where no CS-ACK messages arrive at the sender, after a time period of 3 times the current SRTT estimate, the protocol decides that the CS is lost. For each lost probe, the protocol assigns a packet loss penalty of 3 times the current SRTT estimate.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
3.3.2. Switching Interfaces/Channels MUP uses a randomized time interval to decide when to change the selected channel for each neighbor. Typical values for this interval are in the range of 10 to 20 seconds. The interval is randomized to avoid synchronized switching across a set of nodes. The decision of whether or not to switch channels is based on the SRTT estimate described above. The channel quality values are compared across all available channels, and the channel with the best quality is selected if it provides a certain percentage improvement over the currently selected channel. A typical value for this threshold is 10%. If the improvement is less than the threshold, then the current channel remains selected. Table 2 provides a summary of the tunable parameters that affect MUPs performance. Once the decision to switch to a different channel has been made, the node immediately begins sending outgoing packets over the newly selected interface. Thus, there is a possibility that immediately after a channel switch, some packets being sent over the newly selected interface will depart the host before some of older packets that were queued to go via the old interface. Such re-ordering of packets can be detrimental to TCP performance, as a burst of three or more packets arriving out of order causes TCP to halve its congestion window. We considered an alternative design where, once the decision to switch channels has been made, a node stops sending data via the old interface and queues up new data until the old interface queue drains. This solution has the benet that it reduces packet re-ordering. However, we discard this solution for two reasons. First, it introduces what may potentially be a signicant delay. Presumably, the channel switch decision was made because conditions on the old channel became poor; thus, it may take a long time for queue on the old interface to drain. The second reason is that, there is a reasonable chance that the packet re-ordering will not cause TCP to halve the congestion window: a likely form of reordering is that packets going via the old and new interfaces will be interleaved. Thus, as long as the interleaving of packets does not cause three duplicate acknowledgments at the TCP level, TCP performance will not be signicantly harmed.
scribed in Section 3.2 for each neighbor that it needs to communicate with. Because each MUP-enabled sender makes its decision independently about which channel to use, there is no possibility that a node crashing and losing its neighbor table will lead to any sort of inconsistent behavior.
4. Interference Experiments
In order to deploy MUP and to determine the number of radios to use at each node, one needs to understand the number of available orthogonal channels. Table 3 shows the spectrum and channelization structure of the 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g standards, along with the number of channels that are theoretically orthogonal. From this table, it appears that 802.11b and 802.11g have 3 orthogonal channels, while 802.11a has 13 orthogonal channels. In theory, radios that operate on orthogonal channels should not interfere with each other. In practice, due to signal power leakage, radios that are physically close to each other may interfere even while operating on non-overlapping channels. When building a multihop network with forwarding nodes that have multiple radios, the radios attached to a node will be physically close to each other. The following experiments investigate the impact of interference caused by signal power leakage, to determine the number of available orthogonal channels for both 802.11a and 802.11b, when the radios are in close proximity. We begin with an overview of our experimental setup, and then we summarize our results. We used three different congurations for the experiments reported here: Netgear WAB501 cards in 802.11a mode; Netgear WAB501 cards in 802.11b mode; and Cisco Aironet 340 802.11b cards. The surrounding environment was pristine for 802.11a, whereas for 802.11b the nodes were within range of a number of corporate access points. We monitored the load generated by the infrastructure network using Airopeek [33], and performed our experiments when the infrastructure network was basically idle. We performed three independent trials and we report the mean values. We were prevented from using the Netgear cards in true multi-hop conguration due to device driver problems. Therefore, we emulated a multi-hop conguration using four nodes (labeled A, B, C, and D), where all nodes are within communication range of each other, and nodes B and C in close proximity to each other. For the Netgear cards, a separation of 6 inches between the cards on nodes B and C created signicant interference. The Cisco cards appeared to generate interference in the vertical plane; so we placed the laptops on top of each other the resulting separation was 3 inches. During the experiment we tuned each hop (A-B, and C-D) Table 3: Spectrum and channels over which the IEEE 802.11 standards operate in the United States
Standard IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b,g Frequency Range (GHz) 5.15-5.35, 5.725-5.850 2.400-2.4835 Orthogonal Channels 13 3 Channel Width (MHz) 20 22
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
Throughput (Mb/sec)
8 6 4 2 0
Throughput (Mb/sec)
Throughput (Mb/sec)
8 6 4 2 0 1,1
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
to a specic channel. Then node A initiated a bulk TCP transfer to node B, and simultaneously C initiated another transfer to D. We repeated the experiment for various channel assignments, and observed the impact on the throughput of the two TCP connections. Figures 2, 3, and 4 show the results of these experiments. In Figures 2 and 3, we see that the interference behavior of the Cisco cards is very different from that of the Netgear cards. For the Netgear cards, channels 1 and 6, 6 and 11, and 1 and 11 all interfere with each other. Therefore, for a multi-hop conguration there is only one orthogonal 802.11b channel. For the Cisco cards, we observe interference between channels 1 and 6 and between 6 and 11, but not between 1 and 11. Therefore, the Cisco cards provide two orthogonal 802.11b channels in a multi-hop conguration. In Figure 4, we see that adjacent 802.11a channels interfere (e.g. 60 and 64), but non-adjacent channels (e.g. 56 and 64, 52 and 64) do not interfere. Therefore, the Netgear cards provide seven orthogonal channels in a multi-hop conguration: 36, 44, 52, and 60 in the low band; 149, 157, and 165 in the high band. We also performed the 802.11b experiments with a physical separation of over 1 foot between nodes B and C. In these experiments we see no interference for either brand of cards between channels 1 and 6, 6 and 11, and 1 and 11. The main conclusion of these experiments is: in a multihop conguration, interference between radios on forwarding nodes may signicantly degrade throughput. However, the extent of the interference appears to be dependent on the specic hardware chosen, so the number of truly orthogonal channels must be determined experimentally. Finally, building custom hardware for a multi-hop forwarding node may allow the designer to place the radios far enough apart that interference is not a serious problem.
driver [18] that sits under the networking layer but above the link layer. The driver performs multiplexing across multiple physical interfaces for packet sends and demultiplexing across the interfaces for packet reception to give the appearance of single network interface and MAC address to the upper layer protocols and applications. In the Windows operating system, this approach requires the driver to act both as a miniport driver and as a protocol driver. We begin by a simple experiment that shows the channel selection behavior of our implementation. We follow this with an investigation of queuing delay on our prototype that demonstrates the need for IEEE 802.11e hardware support. 5.1.1. Illustration of channel switching To illustrate the channel switching behavior of MUP, we ran a simple experiment with 4 machines named A, B, C and D. Each machine is equipped with two IEEE 802.11b NICs (Cisco 340). On each node, one NIC is tuned to Channel 1 and the other to channel 11. All machines are within a few feet of each other. Machines A and B are MUP-enabled, whereas C and D are legacy machines. Since C and D are not MUP capable, we manually assign separate IP addresses to their NICs. This is illustrated in Figure 5. The results of the experiment are shown in Figure 6. The top graph shows the SRTT measured by node A to B, on channels 1 and 11. The bottom graph shows the channel being used by A to send data to B. Throughout this experiment, A sends CBR trafc to B at the rate of 50Kbps. Just before time 50, A is using channel 11 to send data to B. At time 50, C starts a large TCP transfer to D using NICs tuned to channel 11. This results in increased contention on channel 11, as evinced by the increased SRTT on that channel. As a result, after a short delay imposed by the hysteresis mechanism, A switches to channel 1 to send data
Channel 1
5. Protocol Evaluation
We study the performance of MUP using a combination of our kernel implementation and simulations. Because we dont yet have IEEE 802.11e hardware, the bulk of our evaluation is performed with simulations.
MUP Channel 11
Channel 1 Channel 11
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
to B. The TCP transfer between C and D ends around time 125. The contention on channel 11 subsides, as evinced by the drop in SRTT. At time 130, we start a new TCP transfer between C and D on channel 1. The contention, and hence the SRTT on channel 1 increases. After hysteresis delay, A switches back to channel 11 to send data to B. 5.1.2. Impact of queuing In the previous section, we showed an illustrative example of MUPs channel switching behavior. However, there was very little trafc between A and B - only 50Kbps. This trafc is not sufcient to cause queuing at the network interfaces. To investigate the impact of queuing, we conducted the following experiment. The experimental setup was the same as in the previous section. However, we modied the implementation slightly, so that A and B always used channel 1 to send data to each other, regardless of SRTT values. At time 150, A starts a large TCP transfer to B. At the same time, C starts a large data transfer to D on channel 11. In Figure 7, we show the SRTT measured by A to B on both the channels. As we can see, the SRTT on channel 1 is signicantly higher than the SRTT on channel 11. This is despite the fact that the trafc volume on both channels is approximately equal. The reason for large SRTT value on channel 1 is that the CS packets get queued behind the TCP data packets on node A. The impact of queuing on SRTT is signicantly higher than the impact of contention. To overcome this, we need to insert the CS and CS-ACK packets at the head of the queue. It is possible to do this with the new IEEE 802.11e hardware, by assigning higher priority to CS and CS-ACK packets.
5.2.1. RTT is a reasonable measure of load MUP relies on one-hop RTT measurements between a pair of hosts to determine the quality of channel between those hosts. MUP uses a smoothed RTT (SRTT) as described in Section 3, to distinguish between the quality of available channels. In this section, we only consider the impact of load on the quality of the channel. We simulate 12 wireless nodes, all of which are located within communication distance of one another. None of the nodes are MUP-capable. There is only one wireless channel available, and all nodes are tuned to it. Two of the 12 nodes are monitoring nodes. One of the monitoring node pings the other every 0.5 seconds, and computes the SRTT using these time samples. The other 10 nodes are grouped in 5 pairs, each consisting of a CBR sender and a receiver. The sender sends data to the receiver at 200Kbps. We turn these pairs on and off to achieve various trafc levels, as shown in Figure 8. The gure also shows the SRTT value computed by the monitoring node, using = 0.1. The results for this scenario show that SRTT is a good indication of channel load. Figure 9 shows the same result for different values of . As one might expect, SRTT is smoother as the value of decreases. However, even with = 0.5, SRTT is a reasonable indicator of load on the channel. In the previous experiment, we used long-lived CBR ows to generate channel load. However, most of todays Internet trafc is made of short web transfers, generating bursty trafc. We now examine how SRTT performs as a in such a scenario. We use the same topology as before; but replace the CBR senders and receivers with web servers and clients. The clients download web pages from the web servers using the web trafc model prescribed in [26]. A new client-server pairs is switched on every 50 seconds. Figure 10 shows the number of client sessions active at any time, and the SRTT measured by the monitoring node using = 0.1. As expected, the SRTT value varies signicantly, compared to previous scenarios of long-lived CBR ows. However, we note that the value appears to be increasing with the number of active sessions, thus providing a coarse indicator of channel load. This is acceptable, since MUP uses SRTT only to check if one channel is signicantly more loaded than the other.
35 30
Channel 1 Channel 11
SRTT (msec)
4 2 0
25 20 15 10 5
1150 1 50
Time (sec)
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
SRTT Flows
SRTT (msecs)
SRTT( msec)
SRTT (msec)
20 15
20 15
5 4 3
Time (seconds)
Time (secs)
Time (secs)
5.2.2. Benets of intelligent channel selection In this section, we consider a scenario in which MUPenabled hosts operate together with legacy hosts. The results are based on the 16-node grid topology shown in Figure 11. The nodes are stationary, spaced 200 meters apart from each other, and use AODV [24] for packet routing. The trafc pattern in this network is as follows. An bulktransfer TCP session is established between nodes S and D, which are in the opposite corners of the grid. Since the nominal range of 802.11 PHY modeled in NS is approximately 250 meters, this session has to travel over multiple hops. The FTP connection runs over TCP, and it always has data to send. In addition to the TCP trafc, there are 4 UDP ows in the network, whose sources and destinations are selected at random at the start of the simulation. Each UDP ow independently oscillates between an ON period and an OFF period. During the ON period, the sender of the UDP ow sends data to the receiver at 50Kbps. Duration of successive ON periods are independently drawn from a Pareto distribution with a mean of 2 seconds, and shape of 1.2. During the OFF period, the UDP ow transmits no data. The duration of successive OFF periods are also independently drawn from a Pareto distribution with mean of off seconds, and shape of 1.2. We vary off to generate different levels of UDP trafc. We dene the intensity of UDP trafc to be the ratio between the mean ON period, and the mean OFF period. For example, if off = 1, then we say that the trafc intensity is 2. If off = 4, then the trafc intensity is 0.5. Compared to the steady trafc used for some of the previous scenarios, the trafc in this scenario is more dynamic. Such ON-OFF trafc has been used in other studies [6] as well. To establish the baseline case, we set all 16 nodes to be legacy nodes, operating on the same channel, C 0 . Then, we start the TCP and the UDP ows, and measure the throughput
of the TCP connection over a period of 300 seconds. We repeat the experiment, but this time, we randomly select 8 of the 16 nodes, and make them MUP capable. MUPcapable hosts can communicate on channels C 0 and C1 , which are orthogonal, but identical in all other respects. The remaining hosts are legacy nodes that can comminuate only on channel C0 . MUPcapable nodes use parameters shown in Table 4. Finally, we repeat the experiment again, by using MUP-Random, instead of MUP on MUP-capable nodes. Table 4: MUP Parameter settings
Parameter Value 0.1 Tcs 0.5 seconds Tmin 10 seconds Tmax 20 seconds p 10%
Figure 12 shows the throughput improvement of the TCP connection, measured as a percentage of the baseline case (i.e., the case where all nodes are legacy nodes), for both MUP and MUP-random. The improvement is plotted against values of UDP trafc intensity. The numbers are averaged over 5 runs. The results show that both MUP-random and MUP provide signicant improvements in TCP throughput. The gains provided by MUP are signicantly higher than MUP-random, and tend to increase with trafc intensity. Since MUP-Random switches channels randomly, i.e., without any consideration to the quality of the available channels, we argue that most of the gains provided by MUPrandom come simply from the fact that two channels provide additional data-carrying capacity. On the other hand, MUP takes quality of the channels into account, while making the selection. Since half the nodes in this scenario operate only on one channel, intelligent channel selection provides better performance than switching channels at random. Thus, the results show that the gains provided by MUP are not only due to the increased capacity provided by additional channels, but also due to the intelligent channel selection. 5.2.3. Comparison of MUP with Striping The multi-radio design allows us to send and receive packets simultaneously. However, at any given time, MUP uses only one network interface to send packets to its neighbor. The reader might wonder why we do not use all the network interfaces to send packets, i.e. why we do not incorporate striping into our protocol. We now compare the performance of MUP with different striping protocols and show that the
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
MUP with 2 channels MUP-Random with 2 channels
MUP Simple Striping
Traffic Intensity
Traffic Intensity
Traffic Intensity
gains due to striping are very sensitive to the workload and environmental conditions. We consider the following simple striping algorithm. Whenever a node can talk to a neighbor over more than one interface, it uses the interfaces in a round-robin fashion to send packets to that neighbor. The round robin algorithm operates on a per-neighbor basis, a node may use the same interface to send successive packets if they are destined to different neighbors. To evaluate the performance of this simple striping algorithm in comparison with MUP, we once again consider the simulation setup discussed in the previous section. The baseline scenario remains the same: all nodes have only one radio. However, to evaluate MUP and striping, we assume that all 16 nodes have two radios. This is different from the previous section, where we assumed that only half the nodes had two radios. All other simulation settings are the same. We use the same performance metric as before - improvement in the throughput of the corner-to-corner TCP connection, in presence of on-off UDP trafc. We might expect the simple striping algorithm to perform poorly, since TCP packets may get reordered and affect the throughput of the FTP connection. However, it turns out that striping performs better than MUP in this scenario. This is because both the channels are equally loaded, and reordering of TCP packets is minimal. Since TCP does tolerate upto 3 out of order packets before reducing its contention window, the performance of the TCP connection does not suffer. This is illustrated in Figure 13. The graph shows that striping provides signicant performance gains not only over one-radio baseline, but also over MUP. However, when we go back to the original scenario, in which half the nodes have only one radio, we nd that the simple striping algorithm performs poorly compared to MUP. In this setting, the load on the two channels is unequal. Therefore, under the simple striping algorithm, reordering of TCP packets is more severe than previous case. This results in poor performance, as shown in Figure 14. We have designed a more sophisticated versions of the basic striping algorithm, which take into account the load on the two channels as measured by SRTT. The algorithm then stripes only when the two channels are deemed equivalent. Performance of one such scheme is also shown in Figure 14.
In this scheme, a node stripes data to a given neighbor over two radios, as long as the SRTT to that neighbor over both the radios is within 10% of each other. At all other times, the nodes run the MUP protocol. As we see, the performance of this hybrid intelligent striping scheme is much better than the simple striping algorithm, but very similar to that of MUP. We considered several other striping schemes but none of them provided signicant additional benets over MUP when the channels were unequally loaded. Moreover, we found that the performance of such striping schemes is very sensitive to the parameter values. With incorrect parameter values, the performance quickly degenerate to levels comparable to simple striping. In future, we plan to investigate adaptive mechanisms for hybrid striping schemes. However, for the rest of this paper, we focus only on MUP. 5.2.4. Web trafc in a real topology In the previous section, we have considered performance of MUP in simple topologies. We now consider a more complex and realistic topology. We gathered data about positions of houses in a suburb of Seattle. We consider a 1000m1000m area of that neighborhood. There are 252 houses in this area. We select 35 of these houses at random, and assume that these houses have decided to join a community wireless mesh network to share an Internet connection. The connectivity pattern formed by these houses, assuming a communication range of 250 meters is shown in Figure 15. The gure also shows that we have selected a house that is approximately at the center of the topology to serve as the Internet gateway. We assume that AODV is used for routing. We assume that the nominal throughput of each channel is 2Mbps.
1000 House with wireless connection Wireless links Internet access point Clients
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE
Cummulative prob
To explore the performance improvement provided by MUP in such a setting, we begin by assuming that 4 of the 35 houses are surng the web. These four houses are marked in Figure 15. There is no other trafc in the network. We assume that the web server is located at the Internet access point. This ignores the impact of wide area Internet. However, since the main objective of our simulations is to study the performance of the wireless part of the network, we believe that this does not weaken our results. The web trafc for the four web clients follows the model supplied in [26]. The model is parameterized as shown in Table 5. We use HTTP 1.0 for simplicity. We consider three deployment scenarios. First, in the baseline case (Scenario I), we assume that all nodes are legacy nodes, and they operate on a single channel. In Scenario II, we assume that half of the nodes are MUP-capable and can communicate on two channels. Finally, in Scenario III, we assume that all nodes are MUP-capable, and can communicate on two channels. For each MUP-capable nodes, the parameter values are set as shown in Table 4. We simulate an interval of 20 minutes in which all clients are active. We consider two metrics of performance. The rst metric is the throughput of individual HTTP transfers. The average TCP throughput in each scenario is shown in Table 6. The results show that MUP signicantly improves the average throughput of TCP connections. With full deployment, MUP provides 70% improvement in throughput. Even with partial deployment, the throughput improvement is almost 30%. The second metric of interest is the user-perceived page latency. We dene user-perceived page latency as the time between the rst object on a page is requested to the time the last object on that page nishes download. This excludes rendering delays, but these are not impacted by underlying network conditions. In Figure 16, we plot the CDF of the userperceived page latency. The results show that MUP signicantly reduces the median user-perceived latency. The reduction in response time is over 40% all nodes are MUP-capable. However, even when only half the nodes are MUP-capable, the reduction in response time is over 20%. These results show that MUP performs well in complex topologies, and with complex trafc patterns. Moreover, the results indicate that it is possible to deploy MUP in an incremental fashion, as its benets will start to accrue incrementally as well. Table 6: Average throughput
Scenario Average TCP throughput (Kbps) I 106 II 136 III 180
6. Discussion
In Section 5.2.3, we compared the performance of MUP with various striping schemes. Another way to take advantage of multiple radios is to assign a ow to a particular channel based on the load across all channels and to maintain this assignment for the duration of the ow. This approach addresses the packet reordering problem discussed in Section 5.2.3. This ow-level striping idea is very similar to MUP. However, there are the two main differences. First, this approach makes load-balancing decisions at the granularity of the ow arrival rate whereas MUP makes these decisions at a xed time granularity. Second, the ow-based approach requires maintenance of per-ow state on each node in the network whereas MUP does not require any per-ow state. We have stated earlier that MUP was designed to work in a setting when multiple radios on a node are roughly similar. Due to lack of space, we can not discuss in detail the scenario when nodes are equipped with heterogenous radios, e.g., an 802.11a radio and an 801.11b radio. However, we will briey describe the core concern. The MUP architecture virtualizes multiple network interfaces into a single interface for all the higher layers in the
0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
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networking stack, including the IP layer. If routing in the wireless network is handled at the IP layer, the routing protocol will see only a single link between each pair of neighbors. Thus, the MUP architecture is appropriate only when the routing protocol is not adversely affected by the loss of information resulting from this virtualization. For a more detailed discussion, see [2]. The issue is also discussed in [5], in the context of the design of the MR-LQSR routing protocol.
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Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS04) 0-7695-2221-1/04 $ 20.00 IEEE