Lawsuit 2023
Lawsuit 2023
Lawsuit 2023
The purpose of the Agency, as defined by statute, is to be of service to the Senate Appropriations Committee and other members of the Senate. In
accordance with this charge, the Agency strives to achieve the following objectives:
1. To provide technical, analytical, and preparatory support for all appropriations bills.
2. To provide written analyses of all Senate bills, House bills, and Administrative Rules considered by the Senate.
3. To review and evaluate proposed and existing State programs and services.
5. To review and evaluate the impact of Federal budget decisions on the State.
7. To review and evaluate the State's compliance with constitutional and statutory fiscal requirements.
8. To prepare special reports on fiscal issues as they arise and at the request of members of the Senate.
The Agency is located on the 8th floor of the Victor Office Center. The Agency is an equal opportunity employer.
This report was prepared by Michael Siracuse and Megan Williams of the Senate Fiscal Agency. The Senate Fiscal Agency would like to thank all
participating State departments and agencies for their cooperation.
Any questions regarding this report, or requests for additional copies, should be directed to:
Michael Siracuse
Senate Fiscal Agency
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Table 1 Total Court Judgments and Settlements Paid by the State - FY 2012-13 through FY 2021-22 .......................... 2
Table 2 Court Judgments Paid by the State - FY 2012-13 through FY 2021-22 .............................................................. 3
Table 3 Settlements Paid by the State - FY 2012-13 through FY 2021-22 ...................................................................... 4
Table 4 Departments with Payments over $1.0 Million.................................................................................................... 5
Table 5 Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Fund Payments .................................................................................... 7
Table 6 Risk Management Fund - Automotive Liability Payments ................................................................................... 8
Table 7 FY 2021-22 Total Court Judgments and Settlements Paid to the State .............................................................. 9
The information in this document is based on reports filed by State departments and agencies under Section 396(3) of the
Management and Budget Act (Public Act (PA) 431 of 1984), which is included in Appendix A. Based on the amounts reported,
the State of Michigan paid $74.3 million for judgments and settlements in fiscal year (FY) 2021-22. Of the 164 cases that resulted
in payments, 14 were judgments totaling $10.5 million, and 150 were settlements totaling $63.8 million.1
Total payments in FY 2021-22 were $32.1 million (76.2%) higher than the $42.2 million reported in FY 2020-21. The department
with the largest increase in payments from FY 2020-21 to FY 2021-22 was the Department of State Police (MSP) with an increase
of $14.4 million above the previous year's total of $4.3 million (an increase of 338.2%). The department with the largest decrease
in payments from FY 2020-21 to FY 2021-22 was the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) with a decrease of
$775,000 below the previous year's total of $775,000(a decrease of 100%).
The tables on pages 2, 3, and 4 provide a 10-year history (FY 2012-13 through FY 2021-22) of payments made by the State of
Michigan. Table 1 provides information on total payments (judgments and settlements), Table 2 lists payments resulting from
judgments only, and Table 3 lists settlements. Judgments are court orders acknowledging a plaintiff has prevailed over a defendant,
most commonly after a trial. Settlements are agreements between the parties in dispute to resolve the litigation prior to tri al. Table
4 and the following narrative provide a summary of departments with payments totaling over $1.0 million. Table 5 on page 7 provides
a history of Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Fund payments, which began in FY 2016-17. Table 6 on page 8 includes a history
of payments from the State's Risk Management Fund for automotive liability. Payments from the Fund historically have not been
included in amounts reported by departments. Also, small claims approved by the State Administrative Board are not included i n
this report. Table 7 and the information on pages 9 and 10 provide an overview of cases that resulted in payments to the State.
The FY 2021-22 reports submitted by State departments and agencies on payments made by the State follow in Appendix B, beginning
on page 12. For each payment, the name of the case is listed along with information regarding the funding source, the county where
the cause of action arose, and a brief description of the cause of action (summary of case). This report does not include payments
resulting from workers' compensation or unemployment claims.
1The number of cases does not reflect total cases from Treasury. The Department of Treasury does not provide detail on various tax-related
cases and various home protection unit victim reimbursement cases because of confidentiality requirements under Michigan Compiled Laws
(MCL) 205.28(1)(f). Cases identified as "various" under Treasury in Appendix A are counted as a single case for the purposes of this report.
Table 1
(Actual Dollars)
Fiscal Year
DEPARTMENT 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
TOTAL $85,639,526 $70,596,696 $41,761,052 $76,964,963 $91,203,661 $56,047,204 $82,295,637 $59,553,089 $42,160,907 $74,286,548
Table 2
(Actual Dollars)
Fiscal Year
DEPARTMENT 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Corrections $458,248 $3,369 $6,082 $1,300 $379,886 $33,933 $89,715 $11,271 $3,419 $0
Education 0 1,348,678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Health & Human Services 0 0 0 0 166,396 0 0 0 0 0
Labor & Economic
Opportunity 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 418,176 0 0
Secretary of State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192,800 306,000 0
State Police 33,000 0 0 6,021,839 0 556,717 0 0 40,521 7,045
Treasury 0 2,776,677 408,033 27,532,436 16,573,281 2,307,400 5,872,102 13,757,244 11,861,900 10,444,076.68
Other Departments 196,952 2,189,420 1,888,914 6,000 0 150,000 0 0 0 0
TOTAL $688,200 $6,318,144 $2,303,042 $33,561,575 $17,119,563 $3,048,050 $5,986,817 $14,379,491 $12,211,880 $10,451,121.68
Table 3
(Actual Dollars)
Fiscal Year
DEPARTMENT 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
TOTAL $84,951,326 $64,278,552 $39,458,009 $43,403,388 $74,084,098 $52,999,155 $76,308,820 $45,173,597 $29,949,026 $63,835,426
In FY 2021-22, five State departments made payments totaling more than $1.0 million. Table 4 and the following narratives summarize these
Table 4
FY 2021-22
Corrections $33,908,831.64 45.6%
Health & Human Services 1,965,000.00 2.6
State Police 18,678,412.64 25.1
Transportation 3,425,120.33 4.6
Treasury 16,058,276.54 21.6
Other Departments 250,906.77 0.3
TOTAL ......................................... $74,286,547.92 100.0%
The Department of Corrections made payments in 115 cases totaling $33.9 million in FY 2021-22, an increase of 15 cases and $12.8 million in
total payments from the previous fiscal year. The smallest payment was a settlement of $25, of which there were three: an inmate alleged he
did not receive his stimulus payment; an inmate alleged his medical accommodations were not followed, and an inmate alleged retaliation for
not obeying orders. The largest payment totaled $25.0 million for the settlement of a class action suit alleging that youthful inmates were housed
with adults, endured sexual assaults by inmates and staff, were trafficked among other inmates, and were placed in solitary confinement after
reporting incidents of abuse. The $25.0 million settlement payment in October 2021 was the third of four payments; the remaining payment was
$15.0 million on October 15, 2022 and will be included in the Lawsuit Report for FY 2022-23.
The Department also made a $2.2 million payment and a $1.5 million payment to settle allegations related to two separate prisoner deaths for
a failure to protect. The Department made a $1.2 million payment to an employee for harassment and retaliation. Excepting the four large
payments described above, the average amount of the remaining 111 payments was $36,566.05. The median payout amount for all 115 cases
was $500. All cases that involved payments made by the department were settlements. The Department made no payments on judgments.
The Department of Health and Human Services settled seven cases in FY 2021-22 for a total of $2.0 million, an increase of two cases and
$0.6 million from the previous year. The payments included a settlement payment of $1.0 million after multiple plaintiffs alleged a state
hospital unlawfully committed them to involuntary confinement in violation of their civil rights under the American’s with Disabilities Act. A
separate claim settled for $550,000 when multiple plaintiffs alleged the Department violated their religious freedom by requiring them not to
discriminate against same-sex couples. All payments made by the Department were settlements.
State Police
The Department of State Police made fifteen settlement payments in FY 2021-22 totaling $18.7 million and two judgment payments totaling
$7,045. Five settlements exceeded $1.0 million in FY 2021-22. Two of those settlements, at $1.2 million and $7.4 million, were related to
hiring practices that resulted in an alleged disparate impact in violation of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA). A third settlement under
ELCRA for $2.0 million was finalized after a class filed suit challenging the Department’s policies for high-speed chases in urban
neighborhoods, which the class alleged made certain city streets more dangerous. One settlement, at $1.5 million, concerned the fees and
costs associated with a class action in regard to the Department’s enforcement of Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry Act with knowledge that
certain provisions of the act were unconstitutional. Lastly, a former state trooper settled his claim under Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities
Civil Rights Act for $6.0 million when he was forced to retire after sustaining a head injury and permanently losing his sense of smell.
The Department of Transportation (MDOT) settled two cases in excess of $1.0 million and four cases overall for a total of $3.4 million. One
case settled for $1.8 million after an MDOT truck struck and killed a pedestrian. Another matter settled for $1.2 million after a piece of concrete
smashed through a driver’s windshield on westbound I-696 causing severe injuries.
The Department of Treasury made payments totaling $16.1 million in FY 2021-22, up from $13.6 million from the previous fiscal year.
Judgments and settlements designated as "Various for Tax Related Cases" accounted for $5.3 million of FY 2021-22 payments made by the
Department. Details on these cases are not provided because of MCL 205.28(1)(f). That section of the law provides, in part:
Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, in subsection (6) or (7), or in section 23a, an employee, authorized representative,
or former employee or authorized representative of the department or anyone connected with the department shall not divulge any
facts or information obtained in connection with the administration of a tax or information or parameters that would enable a person
to ascertain the audit selection or processing criteria of the department for a tax administered by the department.
All judgments against the Department of Treasury, of which there were 12 totaling $10.4 million, concerned wrongful imprisonment
2Nota bene: Sec. 5 of the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act requires judgments be issued for successful claims under the act; judgments
against the Department of Treasury under the Act do not infer wrongdoing or liability on behalf of the Department.
Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Fund Payments
The Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act (PA 343 of 2016) was enacted in 2016. The Act established a procedure by which an
exonerated individual may file a claim for wrongful imprisonment, created the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Fund, and standardized
payments for those wrongfully convicted at $50,000 for each year of incarceration. When the Act was enacted, 66 individuals had been
exonerated in Michigan since 1989. Over the last six fiscal years, judgments have been paid from the Fund for 63 separate claims.
Twelve judgments under the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act totaled $10.4 million in FY 2021-22, up $0.1 million from the previous
fiscal year, which had 16 judgments for a total of $10.3 million in payments.
Table 5 provides a history of wrongful imprisonment payments by fiscal year since the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act was passed.
Table 5
2016-17 2 $2,101,235.47
2017-18 3 2,177,139.49
2018-19 9 5,913,335.04
2019-20 21 13,096,204.52
2020-21 16 10,297,740.23
2021-22 12 10,444,076.68
TOTAL 63 $44,029,731.43
The Risk Management Fund was established administratively to account for specific centralized risk management functions performed for
all State agencies by the Department of Management and Budget (now the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget).
Effective July 1, 1992, the State became self-insured for automotive liability claims. Motor transport charges to State departments and
agencies include a cost associated with projected automotive liability. This amount is deposited in the State's Risk Man agement Fund.
Automotive liability payments that do not exceed $1.0 million are paid from the Fund. Table 6 provides a history of payments from the
Fund for the past 30 years. Amounts are reported based on the fiscal year in which the payment was made and, therefore, do not
necessarily reflect the year in which the liability occurred.
Table 6
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
1992-93 $138,194 2007-08 $1,316,613
1993-94 $435,862 2008-09 $1,432,166
1994-95 $1,135,659 2009-10 $863,269
1995-96 $1,977,178 2010-11 $798,449
1996-97 $1,743,580 2011-12 $1,840,225
1997-98 $1,223,622 2012-13 $188,624
1998-99 $3,985,189 2013-14 $464,963
1999-2000 $775,972 2014-15 $1,903,191
2000-01 $2,590,458 2015-16 $1,307,957
2001-02 $1,780,009 2016-17 $654,843
2002-03 $2,487,429 2017-18 $2,303,638
2003-04 $2,718,182 2018-19 $806,382
2004-05 $2,941,684 2019-20 $1,986,095
2005-06 $1,457,041 2020-21 $767,593
2006-07 $2,506,962 2021-22 $2,063,713
Table 7 and the following information provide a summary of FY 2021-22 lawsuit payments to the State as reported by departments under
Section 396(3) of the Management and Budget Act.
Table 7
(Actual Dollars)
Corrections $2,600,117.12
Education 1,175,362.00
Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy 33,957,317.82
Natural Resources 3,041,670.84
Transportation 2,272,894.92
Treasury 323,253,466.51
TOTAL ............................................ $366,300,829.21
All of the payments listed by the Department of Corrections resulted from judgments filed under the State Correctional Facility Reimbursement
Act. The Department reported 209 cases with net payments to the State totaling $2.6 million. Payments to the State ranged from $100 to
$461,762.61. All but two cases resulted in a payment to the State of less than $100,000, with an average payment of $12,440.75.
The Department of Education had a single settlement payment for FY 2021-22 to return grant money amounting to $1.2 million after the
grantee dissolved.
The $34.0 million recovered by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) in FY 2021-22 mainly involved
reimbursement for environmental contamination and other violations of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.
Recoveries in those cases were deposited into various funds (e.g., Environmental Response Fund, Environmental Pollution Protection
Fund, and General Settlement Fund). Settlement revenue is restricted by legal agreements or court orders for specific environmental
cleanup activities at specific sites of environmental contamination or restricted to other environmental programs as appropriated. Of the
231 cases reported by EGLE, 44 were judgments totaling $1.5 million, and 187 were settlements totaling $32.4 million.
The largest payment reported was $29.2 million from Premcor Refining Group Inc. for violations of the Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection Act. In total, 79 sites throughout the State were found to have leaks from underground storage tanks. The full settlement amount
for these violations was $35.2 million. As per the settlement, the first $6.0 million was paid in FY 2020-21. The balance of $29.2 million was
paid on or before October 15, 2021.
Natural Resources
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported two judgments and four settlements with payments to the State totaling $3.0 million.
Payments to the DNR ranged from a $350 judgment for a case involving trespass and timber theft on State property to a settlement of $1.6
million with NCR Corporation related to soil contamination near Kalamazoo River and Portage Creek with polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs.
The Department's share of $1.6 million for FY 2021-22 is part of larger consent decree in which NCR Corporation will spend $135.7 million
cleaning up contaminated soil, another $76.5 million to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, and $27.0 million to Kalamazoo River
Payments to MDOT totaled $2.3 million from 29 settlements in FY 2021-22. All payments received were for damages to the Department's
property or clean-up costs as a result of motorist accidents/incidents. The payments received ranged from $2,099.68 for damage to the
Department’s attenuator on M-8 in Wayne County to $506,658.72 for damage to the Department’s guardrail and bridge piers at I-96 and
Williamston Rd. in Ingham County.
The Department of Treasury reported an annual payment of $320.2 million related to the Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement, other tax-
related settlements totaling $2.4 million, and $636,946.03 in tax-related judgments. The details of tax-related judgments and settlements are
not disclosed by the Department based on its understanding of MCL 205.28(1)(f).
This report provides a summary and analysis of information supplied by State departments under Section 396 of the Management and Budget
Act (PA 431 of 1984), which is included as Appendix A. Reports submitted by State departments and agencies on payments made by the
State are included in Appendix B. For each payment, the name of the case is listed along with information regarding the funding source, the
county where the cause of action arose, and a brief description of the cause of action (summary of case). Further information on specific
cases is the province of the defendant department and the Department of Attorney General.
18.1396 Paying or recording certain expenditures from appropriations; notice of certain settlements or consent judgments; report.
Sec. 396. (1) From the appropriations contained in a budget act, a state agency shall pay or record expenditures for the following:
(a) Court judgments, including court approved consent judgments; all settlements, awards, and claims.
(b) Writeoffs of accounts receivable recorded in a prior year.
(2) The attorney general shall notify the senate and house appropriations committees, the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader,
and the fiscal agencies within 14 days after entering into a settlement or consent judgment which would result in a state obligation that
exceeds $200,000.00. The notice shall include a summary of the facts of the case and the reason or reasons that the settlement or consent
judgment would be in the best interests of the state.
(3) Before December 1 of each year, each principal department shall transmit to the appropriations committees and fiscal agencies a written
report which includes all of the following:
(a) The total dollar amount of final judgments and settlements against the principal department for the most recent completed fiscal year.
(b) Each source of funding and item appropriating money in a budget act, which source and item is used to pay the judgments and settlements
pursuant to subdivision (a).
(c) The total dollar amount of final judgments and settlements received in the most recent completed fiscal year pursuant to legal actions by
the principal department.
(d) Each revenue account in which money was credited pursuant to subdivision (c).
(e) An estimate of the total dollar amount and a description of the facts involved in each court action currently pending against the department
for the most recently completed fiscal year.
Midwest Institute of Health PLLC, $66,666.66 $0 General Fund Midland Challenge of pandemic-related restrictions;
dba Grand Health Partners plaintiffs obtained equitable relief, settlement
represents attorney fees.
MSEA (Lauren Schipani) 38,173.70 0 General Funds Ingham Employment dispute related to special agent
hired by Department. Settlement represents
attorney fees.
Abcumby, Keshuna v MDOC $300.00 $0 State General Fund Washtenaw Religion - Plaintiff alleges denial of religious
Ayotte, Paul v Brett Stemen et al. 3,000.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for making complaints.
Bailey, Terrance v C/O Cheick Diop, et 500.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
al. alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Beach, Benjamin v MDOC, et al. 201.00 0 State General Fund Muskegon Mediation-Medical -Plaintiff alleges denial of
adequate medical treatment.
Beal, Latavious v Nicole Doolittle, et al. 50.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Blau, James E. v Angela Fortescue, 5,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of medical
et al. treatment.
Boussum, Mark v Sherman 663.64 0 State General Fund Lenawee Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff alleges he
Campbell, et al. was harassed by being issued false
misconducts and transferred out of
Brown, Jason v Matthew Maccauley, 2,500.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
et al. failed to protect him.
Burks, Dequita as PR of the Estate 1,500,000.00 0 State General Fund Alger Failure to Protect - Prisoner death.
of R. Burks v Donald Peer, et al.
Burton, Lamar v MDOC, et al. 450.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing grievances.
Burton, Lamar v MDOC, et al. 450.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation-Mail- Plaintiff alleges staff
tampered with is legal mail.
Cadena, Bridget v MDOC 490,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Employment - Plaintiff alleges discrimination.
Cain, Brandon v Patti Hubble, et al. 400.00 0 State General Fund Alger Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff alleges
harassment and retaliation in the form of
Cain, Brandon v Dale Kurth 293.98 0 State General Fund Alger Mediation - Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff
alleges retaliation for making complaints.
Campbell, Steven v C/O Miller, et al. 500.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
alleges staff failed to protect him.
Canada, Kiwane v Thumb 445.00 0 State General Fund Lapeer Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges denial
Correctional Facility, et al. of medical care.
Cannon, Samuel v Victoria 400.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Mail - Plaintiff alleges staff read
Olmstead his legal mail.
Carswell, Romaro v Sgt. Jeremy 250.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges staff
Rykse, et al. denied him medical treatment.
Cary, Bryan v Inspector Herbert, et 50.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Cary, Bryan v Melissa Shell 25.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff
alleges retaliation for refusing to follow
Catlett, Julia, et al. v Heidi 50,000.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw Religion - Plaintiffs allege violations of their
Washington, et al. religious rights.
Cole, Otis Lee v Tom Prisk, et al. 1,500.00 0 State General Fund Marquette Religion - Plaintiff alleges he was not able to
participate in religious activities.
Cox, Mark v Richard Martin 500.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Mediation - Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges
excessive use of force.
Deshone, Paul 350.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges
staff tasered him multiple times.
Dicken, Shawn v Jeremy Bush, et al. 50,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
failed to protect her.
Does, Jon 11-18 & Jane Doe 1, et 25,000,000.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw Failure to Protect - Plaintiffs Class alleges
al. v MDOC, et al. abuse and excessive time in segregation.
Doss, Michael v MDOC, et al. 75,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Employee-Discrimination - Plaintiff alleges
discrimination based on race.
Durecki, Sheryl v Heidi Washington, 47,000.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Employment - Plaintiff alleges harassment
et al. and retaliation for making complaints.
Dyer, Joey v Michael Ford, et al. 500.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges harassment and retaliation.
Farley, Jennifer v MDOC, et al. 1,200,000.00 0 State General Fund Luce Employment - Plaintiff alleges harassment
and hostile work environment.
Ferrell, Debra v MDOC and 18,471.64 0 State General Fund Ingham FOIA - Plaintiff's allege wrongful denial of
Bradley, James v MDOC their FOIA requests.
Fuller, George v George 100.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
Stephenson, et al. alleges staff failed to protect him from
Garza, Barbara, as PR for Estate of 157,500.00 0 State General Fund Marquette Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges
Jeremy Alan Garza, Deceased v deliberate indifference to serious medical
Jason Kutchie needs resulting in death.
George, Michael v William Winters 150.00 0 State General Fund Manistee Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges harassment by staff.
Gibbs, Stanley v Mark Skytta, et al. 500.00 0 State General Fund Baraga Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing grievances.
Gonser, Craig Hamilton v Brian 15,000.00 0 State General Fund Ingham Miscellaneous - Plaintiff alleges his Parole
Shipman, et al. Conditions are unconstitutional.
Green, Virgil v Gerald Covert, et al. 500.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of
special accommodations.
Greene, Semeria v MDOC 300.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw Religion - Plaintiff alleges denial of religious
Grinnell, Thomas v Todd 50.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges
Tuzinowski, et al. staff assaulted him.
Hailey, Jerome v Psychologist 500.00 0 State General Fund Lenawee Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
Davis, et al. alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Hampton, James v T. Snow, et al. 500.00 0 State General Fund Baraga Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
failed to protect him.
Hargrove, Monique, PR of the 2,150,000.00 0 State General Fund Wayne Failure to Protect - Prisoner death.
Estate of Gerald Hargrove v Don
Pray, et al.
Harris, Mary, PR of Estate Ashley 50,000.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of adequate
Harris v Corizon, Inc., et al. medical treatment.
Haskins, Stephen v Bryan Morrison, 1,500.00 0 State General Fund Branch Mediation - Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff
et al. alleges retaliation for making complaints.
Hedlund, Keith v Jonathan Steiner, 500.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
et al. failed to protect him.
Henderson, Dyrekus v George 100.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation-Medical-Plaintiff alleges he was
Stephenson, et al. purposely exposed to COVID-19.
Herman, DeWayne v David Getter, 400.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
et al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Herndon, Clarence v MDOC 25.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges his
medical accommodations were not being
Hicks, James v Brad Haynie, et al. 300,000.00 0 State General Fund Muskegon Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
failed to protect him.
Hill, Sidney v Kevin Larson 1,200.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing grievances.
House, Cora v MDOC, et al. 225,000.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw Discrimination - Plaintiff alleges denial of
programming due to a medical condition.
Howard, Akmal v Matthew 150.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
Macauley, et al. alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Hubbard, Idolthus v Sgt. Mann, et al. 435.00 0 State General Fund Alger Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges harassment and retaliation.
Human Rights Defense Center v 190,000.00 0 State General Fund Ingham Mail-Legal-Plaintiff alleges deficiencies in
Heidi Washingon the MDOC mail policy.
Hunt, Kenneth v Lindsay Mason, et 400.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Mediation - Mail - Plaintiff alleges he did not
al. receive his legal mail timely.
Johnson, Jerry Don v Leslie M. 500.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff alleges
Bryant, et al. retaliation for making complaint.s
Miles, Kushawn v Connie 100.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
Thompson, et al. alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Miller, Tony v Paul Klee, et al. 23,363.35 0 State General Fund Lenawee Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
harassment by staff.
Mitchell, Camillia v MDOC, et al. 50,000.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Employment - Plaintiff alleges harassment
and discrimination.
Moore, John II v Heidi Washington, 25,000.00 0 State General Fund Lenawee Religion - Plaintiff alleges he was not
et al. allowed to practice his religion.
Muzamhindo, Tanashe #602288 v 200,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
Cary M. Johnson, et al. failed to protect him.
Orum, Johnny v MDOC, et al. 1,375.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation regarding his religious diet.
Parker, Bruce v Mitchell Gainer, et 162,000.00 0 State General Fund Oaks Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
al. Harassment by staff.
Parker, Bruce v William 350.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
Grygorcewicz, et al. retaliation for filing grievances.
Parker, Robert v Derek Miller 402.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation-Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges Harassment by staff.
Paschal, Arthur v Kristin Maxson, et 400.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of
al. medical treatment.
Perez, Peter v Dustin Amsler, et al. 50.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges Harassment by staff.
Perkins, Charles v Brad Budzynski, 500.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of
et al. treatment for a toe injury.
Peterson, Paul v MDOC, et al. 50.00 0 State General Fund Muskegon Parole Revocation Process - Plaintiff alleges
his parole was revoked in violation of his
due process.
Peterson, Toran V. v Jeffrey Clouse, 2,000.00 0 State General Fund Manistee Mediation - Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
et al. alleges harassment and retaliation for
making complaints.
Peterson, Toran v Reid Desrochers, 500.00 State General Fund Ionia Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges excessive
et al. use of force.
Poindexter, Dennis v Connie Horton, 100.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
et al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Powell, Michael Leon v Heidi 1,000.00 0 State General Fund Manistee Conditions of Confinement - Plaintiff alleges
Washington, et al. lack of adequate lighting in his cell while in
Proctor, Christopher v Don 100,000.00 0 State General Fund Lapeer Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of adequate
Uppleger, et al. medical treatment.
Rayos, Marcos v Patrick Leavitt 1,000.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing grievances.
Robinson, Albert v Candace 500.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
Newton, et al. harassment by staff.
Robinson, Rodrick v Ray Sholtz, et 6,000.00 0 State General Fund Gratiot Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
al. harassment by staff.
Roden, Jonathan v Michelle Floyd, 12,500.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff alleges
et a retaliation for filing grievances.
Rohrig, Brent, et al. v MDOC, et al. 3,441.50 0 State General Fund Jackson Employment - Plaintiffs allege Discrimination
and Retaliation.
Rouser, Khiry v C.Mason v L.Jacobs 1,200.00 0 State General Fund Manistee Mediation-Medical-Plaintiff alleges lack of
v A.Boerema, et al. medical treatment.
Failure to Protect - Plaintiff alleges staff
failed to protect him from injury.
Mediation-Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff
alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
Rowe, Cedric v Brian Tenniswood 400.00 0 State General Fund Lenawee Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff retaliation
for filing grievances.
Sanders, Dejhan v C/O Purdum, et 200.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Mediation - Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges
al. excessive use of force.
Sanders, Jason v Matthew 350.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges staff
Macauley, et al. failed to give him the proper medication.
Sedore, Scott v MDOC, et al. and v 1,000.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Mediation-Medical-Plaintiff alleges lack of
Brian Stricklin, et al. medical treatment.
Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of medical
Shivers, Devon v Courtney Jeske 300.00 0 State General Fund Marquette Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of
medical treatment.
Shumpert, Kevin v MDOC 67,500.00 0 State General Fund Lapeer Employee-Discrimination - Plaintiff alleges
discrimination and retaliation.
Sobleskey, John v Ranee Rewerts, 50.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
et al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Stewart, James v Josiah Bush, et al. 75.00 0 State General Fund Chippewa Mediation - Use of Force -Plaintiff alleges
v Nicholas Montie, et al. unnecessary use of force.
Mediation - Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of
medical treatment.
Stone, Rubin v Sarah Schroeder, et 25.00 0 State General Fund Alger Mediation - Miscellaneous - Plaintiff alleges
al. he did not receive his stimulus funds.
Stovall, Larry v Adam Foster, et al. 250.00 0 State General Fund Marquette Medical - Plaintiff alleges lack of medical
Tachar, Zackary v Russell Wahtola, 500.00 0 State General Fund Jackson Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
et al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Taylor, Davariol v Sabrina Davis, et 400.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Use of Force - Plaintiff alleges
al. staff shut his hand in the food slot of his
Taylor, Leon v David Kimmel 3,100.00 0 State General Fund Montcalm Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing grievances.
Taylor, Mark v Heidi Washington, et 380.00 0 State General Fund Saginaw Mediation - Failure to Protect - Plaintiff
al. alleges staff failed to protect him.
Thomas, Ronnie v Tim Antes 450.00 0 State General Fund Muskegon Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
retaliation for filing a PREA grievance.
Tims, Henry v Jodi DeAngelo, et al. 100.00 0 State General Fund Livingston Mediation - Conditions of Confinement -
Plaintiff alleges he was kept in segregation
for too long.
Tucker, L.T. v Mark Skytta, et al v 4,000.00 0 State General Fund Baraga & Marquette Retaliation/Harassment-Plaintiff alleges
Corizon, et al. retaliation for filing grievances.
Medical - Plaintiff alleges he was denied
pain medication.
Turner, Monique v MDOC, et al. 840,000.00 0 State General Fund Wayne Employment - Other - Plaintiff alleges hostile
work environment and retaliation.
Underwood, Rasheed v Scott 155.52 0 State General Fund Branch Mediation - Harassment/Retaliation - Plaintiff
Binkley, et al. alleges retaliation for filing grievances.
USA v State of Michigan, et al. 750,000.00 0 State General Fund Washtenaw The DOJ challenged the legality of the
BFOQ's at WHV that have hindered the
female corrections officers from transferring
and promoting.
Washington, Vincent v Heidi 40,000.00 0 State General Fund Wayne Retaliation/Harassment - Plaintiff alleges
Washington, et al. retaliation for making complaints.
Wright, Kenneth v Heidi 150.00 0 State General Fund Macomb Medication-Personal Injury-Plaintiff alleges
Washington, et al. injury to his back while helping another
Yarbrough, Andre v C/O Jones, et 125.00 0 State General Fund Ionia Mediation - Use of Force- Plaintiff alleges
al. unnecessary use of force while being
B.L. o/b/o M.T. v Michigan School of $2,883.40 $0 General Funds Genesee Special education due process hearing
the Deaf & Flint Community Schools brought by parent alleged failure to provide
free appropriate public education under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Pelichet v MDHHS $1,000,000.00 $0 State Hospital Statewide Plaintiffs allege they are stable and non-
Administration violent individuals suffering from mental
illness who have been subjected to repeated
unlawful involuntary civil commitment and
bring this action for relief against the
Department for deprivation of Plaintiff's civil
rights pursuant to Section 1983 and the
American's with Disabilities Act.
Ducket v Mary C. Solky 25,000.00 0 State Hospital Wayne Plaintiff alleges his civil rights were violated
Administration when he wasn't notified of his right to contest
involuntary return to Walter P. Reuther
Psychiatric Hospital.
Jennifer Lixey v MDHHS 25,000.00 0 General Fund Ingham Plaintiff was former who alleged employee
discrimination based on disability.
Marcus Williams v MDHHS 20,000.00 0 General Fund Wayne Plaintiff was former employee who alleged he
was discriminated against based on disability.
Tina Hausbeck v MDHHS 95,000.00 0 General Fund Bay Plaintiff was employee who alleged she was
discriminated against and denied promotion
based on age.
Catholic Charities West Michigan v 250,000.00 0 CSSM Kent Plaintiff alleged MDHHS violated its freedom
MDHHS of religion by requiring them not to
discriminate against same-sex couples.
They sought to stop MDHHS from enforcing
our nondiscrimination clause. The case was
settled, and the award was for attorney fees.
Melissa Buck; Chad Buck, Shamber 550,000.00 0 CSSM Ingham Plaintiff alleged MDHHS violated its freedom
Flore; St. Vincent Catholic Charities of religion by requiring them not to
v MDHHS discriminate against same-sex couples.
They sought to stop MDHHS from enforcing
our nondiscrimination clause. The case was
settled, and the award was for attorney fees.
Michigan Fish Producers Association, $75,000.00 $0 Game & Fish Ingham Settlement related to the issuance of
Ruleau Brothers v DNR Protection Fund commercial fishing licenses for the 2021
Washtenaw County Water Resources 20,657.26 0 General Fund Allegan, Livingston, Lake Level Assessments
Commissioner, et al. v DNR Oakland, &
Montmorency and Newaygo County 24,617.60 0 General Fund Montmorency & Lake Level Assessments
Drain Commissioners v DNR Newaygo
Washtenaw County Water Resources 22,908.15 0 General Fund Gladwin, Houghton, Lake Level Assessments
Commissioner, et al. v DNR Livingston, Oakland,
& Washtenaw
Brittany Butler v Michigan State $1,000.00 $0 General Fund Wayne Abandoned Motor Vehicle Impoundment
Police Metro South Post, et al.
John Doe and John Doe 2 v 6,045.00 0 General Fund Various Attorney Fees and Costs
Brendan P. Curran, et al.
Thelonious Jackson v Tpr. Daniel $25,000.00 $0 General Fund Genesee Gross Negligence Claim
Lubelan, et al.
Kevin Amenson v Michigan State 6,020,000.00 0 General Fund Oakland Michigan’s Persons with Disabilities Civil
Police Rights Act
John Haynes v Tpr. Dylan Neill, et al. 160,000.00 0 General Fund Genesee Lawsuit Based on the Fourth and Fourteenth
Amendment, 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Jason Spicer v Tpr. Mark Carroll 77,500.00 0 General Fund Oakland Lawsuit Based on the Fourth and Fourteenth
Amendment, 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Anthony Hart v Michigan State Police; 8,000.00 0 General Fund Oakland Sex Offender Registry Claims
and Anthony Hart v. Hillsdale County,
et al.
Heather Cremeans 65,000.00 0 General Fund Eaton Employment Dispute
Quavon Trawick, personal 2,000,001.00 0 General Fund Genesee Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act
representative of Estate of Tiphanie
Mayfield, et al. v State of Michigan,
et al; and Mary Saunders, Next
Friend of M.A.A. a Minor child, et al.
v State of Michigan, et al.
Mickels v MDOT $267,620.33 $0 State Trunkline Wayne Plaintiff alleged that a highway defect on
Michigan Avenue in the City of Detroit
caused the driver of a SMART bus to lose
control of the bus, causing bodily injuries to
the passenger (Plaintiff).
Thomas, Theresa v MDOT and State 1,175,000.00 0 State Trunkline Macomb Plaintiff suffered severe injuries caused by a
of Michigan piece of concrete smashing through her
windshield, while driving on westbound I-696
near Hoover Road in Warren.
Diamond, Coring v MDOT 182,500.00 0 State Trunkline Berrien and Van Plaintiff contractor claimed breach of
Buren contract for work completed on I-94
construction project in Berrien and Van
Buren Counties.
Randy S. Wahlstrom, Personal Rep. of 1,800,000.00 0 Risk Management Charlevoix An MDOT employee driving an MDOT truck
Estate of Katherine E. Wahlstorm Fund (DTMB) and in Charlevoix struck and killed a pedestrian.
State Trunkline The ASU Group paid $1,000,000 and the
Michigan Department of Transportation paid
Home Protection Unit Victim $294,408.86 $0 Restricted General Various Various case details cannot be provided as it
Reimbursement Fund will violate MCL 205.28(1)(f)
Various for Tax Related Cases 5,319,791.00 0 Various Various Various case details cannot be provided as it
will violate MCL 205.28(1)(f)
Spring 2023 State Notes July 2022 Lawsuit Report September 2021 Issue Paper
“Locked In or Locked Out? An Overview of "FY 2020-21 Status of Lawsuits Involving the State "Paid Parental and Family Leave in the United
Noncompete Agreements and Their Regulation” of Michigan" States"
May 2023 Economic Outlook May 2022 Economic Outlook Summer 2021 State Notes
“Michigan’s Economic Outlook and Budget Review "Michigan's Economic Outlook and Budget Review "The Integration of Cash-Based Public Assistance
FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24, and FY 2024-25” FY 2021-212, FY 2022-23, and FY 2023-24" and Workforce Funding"
"And Then the Students Went Home: Federal
February 2023 Higher Education Report April 2022 Appropriations Report COVID-19 Aid to Michigan Universities and
“Fiscal Year 2022-23 Higher Education "FY 2020-21 Appropriations Report - Part III - Year- Community Colleges"
Appropriations Report” End Appropriations" "What's Down with the Unemployment Rate Since
Winter 2023 State Notes Spring 2022 State Notes
"The Earned Income Tax Credit" "Cybersecurity Through Collaboration" July 2021 Appropriations Report
March 2022 Appropriations Report "FY 2019-20 Appropriations Report Part III - Year-
December 2023 Boilerplate Report "FY 2022-23 Appropriations Report - Part I - End Appropriations"
"Reports required by Boilerplate in Appropriations Governor's Recommendations" May 2021 Economic Outlook
Acts" January 2022 Appropriations Report "Michigan's Economic Outlook and Budget Review
"FY 2021-22 Higher Education Appropriations FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, and FY 2022-23"
January 2023 Economic Outlook Report"
"Michigan's Economic Outlook and Budget Review March 2021 Appropriations Report
FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24, and FY January 2022 Economic Outlook "FY 2021-22 Appropriations Report - Part I -
2024-25" "Michigan's Economic Outlook and Budget Review Governor's Recommendations"
FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, and FY 2023-24"
October 2022 Appropriations Report March 2021 Issue Paper
"FY 2022-23 Appropriations Report - Part II - - Initial December 2021 Boilerplate Report "Autism: Sources of Funding and Historic
Appropriations" "Reports required by Boilerplate in Appropriations Appropriations"
Summer 2022 State Notes March 2021 Boilerplate Report
"The Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency November 2021 Lawsuit Report "Reports Required by Boilerplate in Appropriation
Declaration and Michigan’s Medicaid Program " "FY 2019-20 Status of Lawsuits Involving the State Acts"
"Charging Ahead: Sustainable Transportation of Michigan"
Revenue in the Age of Electric Vehicles"
"Learning to Read v. Reading to Learn: A Discussion
of Third-Grade Reading Supports"