Budget at A Galnce (Public Finance GE) Pratham Singh
Budget at A Galnce (Public Finance GE) Pratham Singh
Budget at A Galnce (Public Finance GE) Pratham Singh
Contingency Fund : It is the fund for urgent unforeseen expenditures. Govt. can spend
money from the Contingency fund without prior authorisation from Parliament, but it
must be get approved by parliament later.
Public Account : Govt. act as a banker in case of some other transactions. For example,
Provident Fund, Small Savings Collections, other deposits etc. The Money received from
such transactions is kept in Public Account and the related disbursements are also made
from these. Funds kept in public account do not belong to the Government, and the govt.
needs to pay back this money to the person and authorities who deposited them.
Meaning of Govt. Budget
Government budget is a statement showing the estimated receipts and estimated
expenditure of the government during an financial year or Fiscal year. i.e., 1st April to 31st
Receipts Expenditure
Capital Expenditure
• Capital expenditure refers to those expenditure which either creates an asset or
reduce any liabilities of the government.
• It is non recurring or non regular in nature.
• For example, Construction of metro, Repayment of borrowing, Loan and advances
given to state government etc.
It shows that the government’s current expenses are greater than current income. To
fulfill (finance) revenue deficit, government use capital receipts, i.e. Government will
either sell the assets (disinvestment) or will take borrowings. It means revenue deficit
either increases liability or reduce assets. Higher borrowing increase the future burden in
terms of loan amount and interest payments.
It shows how much budget expenditure will be invested in economic development and
how much on payment of interest.
A zero primary deficit indicates that government have to borrow only for the payment of
interest on previous borrowings .
Budget at a Glance presents broad
aggregates of the Budget for easy understanding.
This document shows receipts and expenditure as
well as the Fiscal Deficit (FD), Revenue Deficit
(RD, Effective Revenue Deficit (ERD) and the
Primary Deficit (PD) of the Government of India.
It gives an illustrative account of sources of receipts
and their expenditure through graphs and info-
graphics. In addition, the document contains details
with respect to the resources transferred to the States
and UTs with legislature. The document also
encompasses extracts of allocations for programme
and schemes and giving insights on sources of
deficit financing and composition of important
budgetary variables.
` Budget at a Glance
(ii) - (ii) Individual items in this document may not sum up to the
totals due to rounding off.
15 [ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]
5 [ p.]
[ p.] 2
5 7 [ p.]
[ p.] 16 [ p.]
Corporation-tax 15 [ p.]
Income-tax 15 [ p.]
- Customs 4 [ p.]
Non-debt Capital
receipts 2 [ p.] -
- Non-tax Union Excise Duties
receipts 6 [ p.] 7 [ p.]
Goods & Service Tax
& Other taxes 17 [ p.]
Notes :- 1. Total receipts are inclusive of States' share of taxes and duties which have been netted in the table on page 1.
2. Figures have been rounded off.
Rupee Goes To
( Budget 2023-24)
Budget ( 2-23)
[ p.] 15 [ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]
8 [ p.]
[ p.]
[ p.]
Pensions 4
[ p.]
Interest Payments
20 [ p.]
Defence 8 [ p.]
Finance Commission
& Other transfers 9 [ p.] Subsidies 7 [ p.]
Notes :- 1. Total expenditure is inclusive of States' share of taxes and duties which have been netted against receipts in the table on page 1.
2. Figures have been rounded off.