Socialthinking Vocabulary

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SOCIAL THINKING- The idea that we are social thinkers everyday whether it
is at home or in the classroom. We should be aware that people around us
have thoughts and feelings. It includes sharing a space with others effectively
and understanding the perspective and intentions of others. Although it is
abstract, the vocabulary and lessons are concrete and talk about how the
social world works.
WHOLE BODY LISTENING-Idea that the whole body (eyes, ears, mouth,
hands, feet, bottom, and brain) needs to be focused on the group in order to
listen and show you are listening.
EXPECTED BEHAVIORS -Understanding that a range of hidden rules exist in
every situation and people are responsible for figuring out what those rules
are and then following them. By doing so, we keep other people thinking
good thoughts about us. Doing what is expected is different based on where
we are and who we are with.
UNEXPECTED BEHAVIORS-Failing to follow the set of rules, hidden or
stated, in the environment. People who don’t follow the rules are doing what
is ‘unexpected’ and people may have “uncomfortable” or ‘weird’ thoughts
about them.
THINKING WITH YOUR EYES - Your eyes are ‘tools’ that help you figure
out your environment and what other people might be thinking about. It puts
the emphasis on the students becoming good observers and to use the clues
to make smart guesses about what other people might be thinking about.
They are encouraged to use this information to adapt their thinking, words,
and behavior. Also, if you use your eyes to look at a person, it makes them
feel that you are thinking about what they are saying or doing.
When someones body is turned into the group and they look like they are
working as part of the group. We notice when somebody’s body is not part of
the group.
GROUP- We notice when somebody’s is in the group and their brain is
paying attention. We think that person is doing a really good job
participating in the group. We also notice when somebody’s body is in the
group, but is does not appear like their brain is part. It does not appear that
their brain is thinking about the same thing as the group. We say “your brain
is not a part of the group”.
These terms are used to define the difference between cooperating in a group
versus just focusing on one’s own needs.
THE THREE PARTS OF PLAY- Play involves 3 steps: set up, play, and clean
up. Many students take way to long to set up because they insist that things
be a certain way. We want them to learning that it takes away from play time
which is what they really want. Also, helps with cooperation.
SOCIAL DETECTIVE - Everyone is a social detective. We are good social
detectives when we use our eyes, ears, and brains to figure out what others
are planning to do next, or what they are presently doing and what they mean
by what they say. We use our eyes, ears, brains to figure out people and
SMART GUESSES- This is when we use all of our tools to figure things out and
then make guesses based on what we know about the world.
WACKY GUESSES- If we forget and don’t think about what we know and see,
then we just make a random guess without having any information. As we
learn in school, our teachers do not expect us to make wacky guesses.
BIG PROBLEM / LITTLE PROBLEM- Not all problems should get the same
emotional reaction. Students use a rating scale (1-5) to help understand the
range of their behavior. Big problems call for stronger emotions and help.
Little problems are called ‘glitches’ and can be worked out if you stay
SUPERFLEX- A comic superhero who helps kids overcome the challenges in
different social situations that arrive across the school and home day.
FLEXIBLE THINKING - Needed to interpret verbal and nonverbal information
based on different points of view or different contexts. This is the opposite of
having a rigid brain, where one follows a rule all the time or cannot interpret
subtle different meanings in language or expression.

THE UNTHINKABLES - Comic characters who try to make people inflexible

and have other challenge such as distractions, getting off topic, and stuck on
topics. The students learn how each of them has Super-flexible capacities in
their brains that can overcome a Team of Unthinkables, such as Rock Brain,
Topic Twister Meister and Mean Jean.

Michelle Garcia Winner Resources:
Social  Thinking  –  Think  Social  Publishing  -­‐  Michelle  Garcia  Winner,  MA,  CCC-­‐SLP    3550  Stevens  Creek  Blvd  Ste  308  San  Jose  CA  95117    408.557.8579  x.  303  

Sign  up  for  our  newsletter  on  our  website,!  Purchase  orders  accepted.    
Also  on  Facebook:

The  Social  Thinking  Curriculum  -­‐  How  It  All  Works  Together!  
For  the  latest  information  on  new  products  and  workshops,  sign  up  for  the  newsletter  at  
New!  Superflex  Takes  on  Glassman  and  the  Team  of  Unthinkables!  (2009  Madrigal  and  Winner)  
In  this  new  teaching  comic  book  in  the  Superflex  series,  the  superhero,  Superflex,  swoops  down  to  help  Aiden  overcome  the  Unthinkable,  
Glassman  (who  causes  our  over-­‐reactions  to  small  things),  at  just  the  right  time:  the  first  day  of  school!    Superflex  shows  elementary  school  
students  how  they  can  use  strategies  to  conquer  their  own  “Team  of  Unthinkables,”  like  Glassman.  In  the  process,  students  learn  to  calm  
Glassman  and  strategies  to  assess  the  size  of  problems  and  other  issues.  As  students  face  Glassman  and  other  Unthinkables,  they  build  up  
and  learn  to  flex  nimble,  new  mind  muscles  and  problem-­‐solving  skills.  
 NEW!  Socially  Curious  and  Curiously  Social:  A  Social  Thinking  Guidebook  for  Teens  &  Young  Adults  with  Asperger’s,  
ADHD,  PDD-­NOS,  NVLD  or  Other  Murky  Undiagnosed  Social  Learning  Issues  (2009  Winner  and  Crooke)  
This  anime-­‐illustrated  book  is  for  teens  and  young  adults  to  read  themselves  to  learn  how  the  social  mind  needs  to  work  in  order  to  
effectively  relate  to  others,  at  school,  at  work,  in  the  community  and  even  at  home.    As  there  is  little  information  on  how  to  talk  about  
social  information,  this  book  redefines  what  it  means  to  “be  social”  and  it  is  likely  NOT  what  you  were  thinking!  This  book  is  a  “get  real”  
discussion  about  what  really  goes  on  inside  the  mind  of  folks  as  we  share  space  together.    
You  Are  A  Social  Detective  (2008  Winner  and  Crooke)  –  Now  Available  in  Spanish  
An  engaging  comic  book  that  introduces  children  and  adults  to  the  core  concepts  of  teaching  social  thinking  and  the  related  Social  
Thinking  Vocabulary.    Paraprofessionals,  teachers  and  caregivers  have  found  this  book  to  be  a  great  way  to  encourage  kids  to  be  their  
own  social  detectives  to  better  understand  the  social  world  of  both  school  and  home.  Different  concepts  can  be  reviewed  repeatedly  with  
students  to  teach  them  how  to  develop  their  own  social  detective  skills.  Elementary  school-­‐aged  (K-­‐5)  students,  and  immature  older  middle  and  high  school  
students  who  enjoy  visual  books,  have  benefited  from  this  book.  
A  Politically  Incorrect  Look  at  Evidence-­Based  Practices  and  Teaching  Social  Skills  (2008)    
We  are  all  pushed  by  a  political  mandate  to  teach  social  skills  using  an  “evidence-­‐based  approach.”  However,  most  administrators,  educators  and  parents  have  
not  stopped  to  ask  what  it  means  to  really  teach  this  abstract  set  of  concepts  and  skills.    In  this  research-­‐based  essay,  the  basic  questions  of  “what  are  social  
skills?”  and  “how  do  we  teach  them?”  are  asked  (and  answered)  along  with  8  other  critical  questions.  Anybody  involved  in  teaching  social  skills  will  find  this  
paper  a  “must  read.”  To  assume  we  can  simply  teach  a  social  skill  as  an  isolated  unit  is  to  fail  to  respect  the  core  issues  of  our  students.    
SUPERFLEX:  Comic  book,  Curriculum  and  CD  (2008  Madrigal  and  Winner)  
Paired  with  the  core  Social  Thinking  curriculum,  Superflex  teaches  K-­‐5th  grade  students  to  think  about  how  their  brains  work  so  that  they  can  better  monitor  
their  own  behavior.  Each  one  of  us  has  a  Superflex  superhero  in  our  brains  that  is  challenged  daily  by  a  “Team  of  Unthinkables.”  Superflex  is  an  effective  and  
engaging  tool  for  helping  students  to  think  about  their  own  thinking  and  then  to  learn  to  use  strategies  that  challenge  their  own  motley  team  of  thoughts  that  
may  be  causing  them  problems  (Unthinkables).  The  110-­‐page  curriculum  gives  clear  lessons  and  worksheets  to  help  professionals  and  parents  build  in  
students  a  full-­‐fledged  Superflex  Superhero  Academy  to  work  on  those  Unthinkables  across  different  contexts.  A  CD  lets  users  download  related  worksheets.    
Thinking  About  You  Thinking  About  Me,  2nd  Edition  (2007)  The  book  to  start  with  to  learn  about  social  interaction  and  awareness  
This  core  book  of  Social  Thinking  explores  ways  to  understand  and  treat  K-­‐adult  individuals  with  social  cognitive  weaknesses.  The  book  introduces  the  
concepts  of  the  3  levels  of  perspective  taking  deficits  and  how  we  provide  treatment  through  the  4  steps  of  communication,  4  steps  of  perspective  taking  and  
the  ILAUGH  model.  This  book  provides  philosophy,  related  lessons  for  elementary  school,  lessons  for  older  kids  (middle  and  high  school)  and  goal  suggestions  
for  each  section.  This  book  also  presents  concrete  concepts,  such  as  the  Me  Binder  and  Social  Behavior  Mapping.  Chapters  related  to  informal  and  formal  
assessments  have  doubled  in  this  edition  and  include  the  Social  Thinking  Dynamic  Assessment  Protocol®.  A  prerequisite  to  get  the  most  from  many  books  here!  
Sticker  Strategies:  Practical  Strategies  to  Encourage  Social  Thinking  and  Organization  (2007)  
Sticker  Strategies  includes  over  80  fundamental  teaching  concepts/student  strategies  printed  onto  color-­‐coded  4x6  inch  stickers  to  apply  to  a  spiral-­‐bound  set  
of  index  cards  for  a  student  to  use  at  school  or  home.  The  text  on  the  stickers  is  also  provided  on  a  page  to  copy  for  future  use  with  different  students.  The  
strategies  encourage  teachers  to  work  with  students  to  determine  which  strategies  or  social  thinking  reminders  fit  best  for  each  student;  a  small  book  of  key  
strategies  can  then  be  developed  based  on  the  student's  needs  that  the  student  can  take  around  campus.  Strategies  are  organized  in  categories,  including:  
asking  for  help;  emotions  and  problem  solving,  organization,  writing  and  homework;  group  work;  family  time/home  strategies.  A  very  practical  tool,  the  
strategies  are  relevant  for  a  large  range  of  students  who  have  learning  disabilities  and  works  best  for  3rd  grade  to  12th  grade  students.  
Think  Social!:  A  Social  Thinking  Curriculum  for  School-­Age  Students  with  CD  of  Goals  (2005)  
This  curriculum  builds  on  the  philosophy  in  Thinking  About  You...  ,  sequencing  lessons  across  8  chapters  that  help  direct  students  to  the  basics  of  working  and  
thinking  in  a  group.  The  chapters  then  examine  how  to  use  and  interpret  language  (verbal  and  nonverbal)  to  further  understand  the  communicative  context.  
The  lessons  encourage  students  and  their  caregivers  to  learn  the  Social  Thinking  Vocabulary  and  to  develop  self-­‐awareness  through  analysis  of  their  groups'    

For  questions  and  to  purchase  go  to  or  call  408.557.8579  x.  303  ©Think  Social  Publishing,  Inc.  
Social  Thinking  –  Think  Social  Publishing  -­‐  Michelle  Garcia  Winner,  MA,  CCC-­‐SLP    3550  Stevens  Creek  Blvd  Ste  308  San  Jose  CA  95117    408.557.8579  x.  303  
therapy  videos  clips.  At  the  end  of  each  chapter,  the  relevant  Social  Thinking  Vocabulary  provides  content  for  "teachable  moments"  across  the  day  and  goal  
suggestions.  Each  chapter  also  provides  a  list  of  educational  standards  that  require  the  student  to  know  the  social  knowledge  taught,  linking  social  thinking  
back  to  the  academics  of  the  classroom.  The  curriculum  provides  a  comprehensive  introduction  to  guide  people  through  its  use  and  applying  it  to  developing  
social  thinking  groups  and  the  core  social  thinking  philosophy.  Users  are  encouraged  to  modify  some  activities  to  better  fit  the  age  of  the  students,  but  the  
most  basic  activities  are  necessary  for  our  brightest  and  oldest  students.  The  lessons  have  helped  those  from  kindergarten  through  adulthood.  
Orange  Book:  Worksheets!  for  Teaching  Social  Thinking  and  Related  Skills  (2004)    
This  book  is  a  large  set  of  worksheets  that  explains  social  thinking  concepts  and  encourages  students  to  process  more  deeply  what  these  concepts  mean  to  
them.  The  worksheets  also  serve  as  lesson  plans  to  introduce  the  concepts;  the  educator  is  then  expected  to  take  the  concepts  and  play  with  them  through  
different  activities  the  educator  deems  appropriate.  The  worksheets  are  supplemental  information,  dovetailing  off  lessons  discussed  in  Thinking  About  You…  
and  Think  Social!.  They  can  be  copied  and  sent  to  parents  and  other  professionals  to  share  the  concepts  the  student  is  learning.  The  curriculum  works  best  for  
grades  5-­‐12,  although  some  worksheets  are  for  young  students  (K-­‐4.).    The  worksheets  are  coded  to  suggest  which  ones  are  better  for  different  aged  students.  
Social  Behavior  Mapping  (2007)  –  Now  Available  in  Spanish  
One  of  the  most  successful  strategies  used  at  the  Social  Thinking  clinic,  the  Social  Behavior  Map  (SBM)  is  a  cognitive  behavior  strategy  to  teach  individuals  
about  the  specific  relationships  between  behaviors,  others’  perspectives,  others’  actions  (consequences)  and  the  student's  own  emotions  about  those  around  
him  or  her.  The  SBM  is  a  visual  tool  that  displays  these  abstract  concepts  through  a  flow  chart.  Covering  a  range  of  topics  for  home,  community  and  the  
classroom,  professionals  and  parents  use  SBMs  to  teach  how  all  behaviors  done  in  the  presence  of  others  involve  social  interpretation  and  responses.  
Intended  for  3rd-­‐12th  grade  students,  this  strategy  is  most  effective  for  students  with  solid  language  skills.  
Blue  Book:  Inside  Out:  What  Makes  the  Person  With  Social  Cognitive  Deficits  Tick?  (2000)  Start  here  for  the  connection  to  academics  
The  book  introduces  the  ILAUGH  model  to  explain  the  connection  between  social  and  academic  skills.  The  model  provides  a  way  to  target  challenges  that  a  
student  may  face  and  how  these  affect  schoolwork  and  social  interaction.  Handouts  and  IEP  goals  are  provided  at  the  end  of  each  ILAUGH  chapter.  Also  
included  are  chapters  on  starting  social  groups  and  the  connection  between  social  thinking  and  reading  comprehension.  For  teaching  K-­‐adulthood.  
New!  The  Story  of  Michelle’s  Father  -­  Auschwitz  Survivor,  Max  (Priscilla  Alden  Thwaits  Garcia)  
Auschwitz,  Auschwitz  I  Cannot  Forget  You  As  Long  As  I  Remain  Alive  (2009)  
As  Michelle  puts  it,  “My  mother  was  a  writer  who  not  only  was  a  wife  but  also  my  dad’s  `therapist.’”  This  book  captures  Max’s  triumph  over  the  Nazis  and  his  
remarkable  life  to  the  present  day.  Max  not  only  survives  the  Holocaust,  but  he  served  as  an  interpreter  for  his  U.  S.  liberators  and  for  the  U.  S.  Counter  
Intelligence  Corps.  Max  moved  to  America  and  realized  the  dreams  that  the  Holocaust  could  not  extinguish:  having  a  family  and  becoming  a  successful  
architect  in  San  Francisco.  Today,  Max’s  influence  is  felt  by  generations  young  and  old,  even  in  the  lands  where  he  had  been  tormented.  
DVDs  and  POSTERS  
DVD:  Social  Thinking  Across  The  Home  and  School  Day  (2004)  
A  4-­‐hour  training:  2  hours  summarizing  the  ILAUGH  model  explored  in  the  book,  Inside  Out,  plus  2  hours  of  social  thinking  therapy  with  elementary  and  high  
school  students.  For  preschool-­‐  12th  grade.  
DVD:  Strategies  for  Organization:  Preparing  for  Homework  and  the  Real  World  (2005)    
This  3.5-­‐hour  DVD  presents  Michelle's  workshop  by  the  same  name.    The  accompanying  booklet  contains  handouts  discussed  on  the  DVD  that  can  then  be  
used  with  students.  The  DVD  offers  10  critical  steps  towards  helping  students  with  the  nitty-­‐gritty  of  organizational  skills  towards  completing  homework  
assignments.  The  strategies  can  help  all  students,  not  just  those  with  social  cognitive  challenges—working  best  for  those  in  4th  through  12th  grade.  
DVD:  Growing  Up  Social  (2007)  
This  2-­‐hour  DVD  explores  the  developmental  structure  of  normal  social  behavior  as  a  way  to  understand  social  thinking  and  related  social  skills.  Infant  and  
preschool  social  developmental  milestones  are  related  to  increasingly  complex  skills,  such  as  reading  comprehension  and  conversation.  The  4  steps  of  
communication  and  4  steps  of  perspective  taking  are  discussed  as  major  elements  that  support  the  development  of  social  thinking.  For  preschool  –  12th  grade.  
DVD:  Social  Behavior  Mapping  (2007)  
This  1  hour  DVD  explains  the  cognitive  behavioral  concept  of  social  behavior  mapping  (SBM)  described  in  Michelle’s  book,  Thinking  About  You  Thinking  About  
Me,  2nd  Edition  (2007)  and  demonstrated  in  2  of  her  posters.  For  more  information  about  SBM  see  the  book  on  the  topic  above.  
Four  Posters  for  the  Classroom  and  Treatment  Room  (2004)  –  Reinforcement  for  Above  Curriculum  Materials  
✽ The  yellow  poster  is  a  completed  social  behavior  map  for  generic  use  in  the  classroom.  
✽ The  red  is  a  blank  social  behavior  map  with  a  dry  erase  surface  to  be  used  and  reused  in  the  treatment  room.    
✽ The  popular  social  thinking  concepts  of  the  Boring  Moment  and  Being  Part  of  a  Group  are  for  all  classrooms,  to  help  teachers  engage  in  a  more  
explicit  discussion  about  classroom  expectations.      
✽ These  are  sold  as  a  4-­‐pack  at  conferences,  but  can  be  bought  individually  from  our  website.    

For  questions  and  to  purchase  go  to  or  call  408.557.8579  x.  303  ©Think  Social  Publishing,  Inc.  
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Superflex, Curriculum Package (S. Madrigal, 1/08) $49.00 The Hidden Curriculum $19.95
Superflex Takes on Glassman, Comic Book (NEW) $22.00 I Read It, But I Don't Get It $20.00
Auschwitz, Auschwitz I Cannot Forget You $22.00 Meet Thotso, Your Thought Maker $29.50
Posters: Social Thinking 4-Pack Boring Moments, Being Part, Dry Erase, Filled Poster $25.00 Pathways 1: Visual Organizers $39.95
Poster: The Boring Moments $7.00 Pathways 2: Visual Organizers $39.95
Poster: Being Part of the Classroom $7.00 Social Success Workbook For Teens $14.95
Poster: Social Behavior Maps for Exploring Behaviors for Learning in the Classroom $7.00 Talkability- Pre School $51.00
Poster: "Blank" Social Behavior Map Template on a Dry Erase Surface $9.00 Talkabout- A Social Skills Package $54.00
DVD: Growing Up Social $39.95 Visual Thinking Strategies for ASD $24.95
DVD: Social Behavior Mapping $19.25 8" TimeTimer with Optional Audio $35.00
DVD : Social Thinking Across Home/School Day $59.95 3" Time-Timer with Optional Audio $30.00
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