Gabriela Alejandra Valadez López, Jimena García Macías, Paola Sarai Luévano
Table of contents
2.1. FEM: Finite Element Method 4
2.2. Node 4
2.3 Discretization 4
2.4. Degrees of freedom 5
2.5. System rigidity matrix 5
2.6. Value interpolation 5
2.7. Continuum Mechanics. 5
2.8. Lagrangian and serendipitous 6
2.9. One-to-one correspondence. 6
3.1. Application of the Method 6
3.2. Types of Shape Functions 6
3.3. Delimitations of the Method 7
3.4. Computational mechanics 7
3.5. Static vs. Dynamic Considerations 8
3.6. Lineal vs. No lineal 8
3.7. Methods of Discretization 9
with their corresponding initial and boundary conditions. In most engineering problems it is not
possible to obtain an exact solution to the system of equations. Therefore, it is necessary to use
methods that allow us to obtain approximate numerical solutions to the numerical solutions
The finite element method is one of the most widely used methods in engineering and
physics for approximating solutions of differential equations. Although it can be used in hand
calculations, it is when computers are used that it allows the resolution of problems on
used in the design and improvement of products and industrial applications, as well as in the
Although the finite element method as a mathematical formulation is relatively new, its
basic structure has been known for quite some time. In recent years it has undergone a great
development due to advances in computing. The widespread use of computers and the
phenomenal increase in computing power has allowed the FEM to develop incredible accuracy.
At the same time, a large amount of software has been appearing, more and more specialized
by subject, which allows to perform finite element calculations in a simple way. But make no
mistake, the correct use of this type of software requires a deep knowledge not only of the
program you are working with, but also of FEM principles. Only then will we be in a position to
guarantee that the results obtained in the analysis are in line with reality. [2]
The finite element method is one of the most widely used methods in engineering and
physics for approximating solutions of differential equations. Although it can be used in hand
calculations, it is when computers are used that it allows the resolution of problems on
The finite element method (hereinafter FEM) makes it possible to obtain an approximate
numerical solution for a body, structure or domain (when it is a continuous medium) - on which
certain differential equations are defined in weak or integral form that characterize the physical
2.2. Node
In more general terms, a node is simply a connection point in any type of system or
structure, not just limited to computer networks. For example, in the context of data structures, a
2.3 Discretization
models, variables and equations to discrete counterparts. This process is usually carried out as
a first step to make them suitable for numerical evaluation and implementation on digital
computers. [6]
The degrees of freedom (GL) is the amount of information provided by the data that you
can "spend" to estimate the unknown population parameter values and calculate the variability of
those estimates. This value is determined by the number of observations in the sample and the
If you increase the sample size, you will get more information about the population and,
consequently, the degrees of freedom of the data will increase. If you add parameters to the
model (e.g., by increasing the number of terms in a regression equation), you will "waste"
information from the data and reduce the degrees of freedom available to estimate the variability
structures that behave elastically and linearly. It is referred to as the direct stiffness method
Interpolation is the process of estimating and inserting missing values in time series data.
If the time series intervals are regular but some values are simply not present, missing values
It is the branch of physics (specifically mechanics) that deals with continuous matter,
The serendipity family of finite element spaces is among the most popular finite element
spaces for parallelepiped meshes in two, and, to a lesser extent, three dimensions. For each
such mesh and each degree r ≥ 1 they provide a finite element subspace with C0 continuity
which has a significantly smaller dimension than the Lagrangian family. [11]
Given two sets A and B, where some elements of A are associated with some elements
correspondence. [12]
The most intuitive way to understand the method, while also the most widespread, is its
application to a plate subjected to plane stress. The Finite Element Method (FEM) can be seen
Within each element, three types of nodes can be distinguished: Primary, Secondary, and
Intermediate. Shape functions fall into two main families based on node type:
Additionally, geometric interpolation allows for better fitting of elements to the body's
geometry, enabling curved-sided elements from a reference element. Distortion is not limited to
The field of mechanics, as shown in Figure 2, can be subdivided into three areas:
physical scales. Nanomechanics deals with molecular and atomic phenomena and is closely
linked to physics and chemistry. Micromechanics operates at the crystalline and granular level
and is applied in materials and microdevice design and fabrication. Continuum mechanics
applications include solid and fluid mechanics, including structural mechanics and computational
Figure 4 shows branches of continuum mechanics. Problems within the continuum can
be subdivided based on whether inertial effects are considered. Static problems disregard or
neglect inertial forces, while dynamic problems explicitly account for the current time's
Static problems can be classified into linear and nonlinear categories, as shown in Figure
5. Linear static analysis involves problems where the response is proportional to the cause,
Converting the mathematical model of the continuum into a discrete model with a finite number
of degrees of freedom. The Finite Element Method (FEM) dominates spatial discretization for
linear problems, while finite difference methods remain important in fluid mechanics. Spectral
methods simplify problems by transforming spatial and/or temporal dimensions into spaces (e.g.,
frequency domain), while automatic meshing methods combine finite element techniques with
described previously, Figure 7 shows finite element variants. Within the realm of structural
the Direct Stiffness Method, especially relevant for computational analysis of linear static
problems. [1]
Jimena García Macías: The Finite Element Method (FEM) stands as a comprehensive
domain into finite elements and nodes, the FEM allows the discretization of complex systems,
facilitating their analysis using numerical techniques. This versatility is reflected in its ability to
model from flat stressed plates to three-dimensional systems, adapting to different geometries
Paola Sarai Luévano Gómez: FEM is applied to a wide range of engineering and
physics problems, from the analysis of simple structures to the simulation of complex
phenomena in nature. Its generality lies in its ability to model systems in two or three
dimensions, as well as its ability to handle heterogeneous materials and complicated boundary
conditions. This makes it an essential tool for the design and analysis of structures, the
Marya Andrea Martínez Carreón: In FEM, shape functions play a fundamental role in
approximating solutions within each finite element. These functions are classified into two main
families: serendipitous, which only include boundary nodes, and Lagrangian, which can also
include intermediate nodes. The choice of appropriate shape functions depends on the geometry
and boundary conditions of the problem at hand. In addition to shape functions, discretization of
Ángel Gabriel Serrano Villalpando: Despite its versatility and ability to model a wide
variety of physical systems, FEM has some limitations and delimitations. For example, FEM is
most suitable for problems where deformations are small and constitutive relations are linear.
For highly nonlinear problems or those involving large deformations, more advanced numerical
approaches may be necessary, such as nonlinear finite element methods or dynamic finite
element methods. In terms of areas of application, FEM is used in a wide variety of engineering
to distinguish between static and dynamic problems, as well as between linear and nonlinear
problems. Static problems involve equilibrium conditions, where external forces are balanced by
internal forces, while dynamic problems involve the consideration of acceleration and inertial
forces. Additionally, problems can be linear or nonlinear depending on the relationship between
input and output variables. FEM can be applied to both types of problems, but the formulation
Politécnica de Puebla.
[3] colaboradores de Wikipedia. (March 2nd, 2024). Método de los elementos finitos.
[4] Ingeoexpert. (November 14th 2020). Fundamento y origen del Método de los
[7] ¿Qué son los grados de libertad? - Minitab. (n. d.). (C) Minitab, LLC. All Rights
Reserved. 2023.
[11] Arnold, D., & Awanou, G. (March 11th 2011). The Serendipity Family of Finite